\ \ , . I \ . r I i . , 'i - - - . : : : - - - - = - = , . . . .f . . MADAM . - _ _ L . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - _ - - - . . - T' r T ' .T r- I " " I . Repairing YOU . 3 Neatly Done. J _ t\ Vw ' _ _ FEETSSS. Would look the prettier /V"XV > V WSWV V I ETT1 and feel the more comfort- t able in an easy fitting and fashionable pair of fine OXFORD TIES. Where 1 ' o o will you buy them ? I have . y ' U.Q for your seeing some of the Daintiest Styles your e s ' \ ever looked upon :1 : : : : h 0'2 ' and the prices are far below - J j | , SA VW , / > > V > W > ' low your expectations. i' ' - - - - - - - l 1 J. F. GANSCHOW . . 1 . , o , THE OLD RELIABLE , 1 t FEET : FITTER . _ " ; r . - \ \ MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. , 1 - - . . \ - - : \ ) ° _ _ a-zza - - - - - - - - - , l p , - - , . ) oItc CW/ % oIte1-ca/jzitle J \ , wri . .j .M'lfZ a/fly . . . . . j _ - " ' _ - 'r - s - - - - - = - - - - - , NI " . ( ; .S ' McCook , . Nebraska , May 22 , i8g6. * . To the Citizens and Farmers of McCook 9 1 and vicinity : Of& ? : ' Dear Friends and ( Patrons : THE Mc = & COOK MERCANTILE CO. has moved into 1 the two large store rooms belonging to Bab = Wf cock , FJZ . bank aud the postoffice. . .ro We feel very grateful for all the gener = ous patronage we have received from the far = mers and citizens of McCook and vicinity , and ' ' 1 will endeavor in every way in our power to WrJ \ nzerit their entire confidence and future patronage = -ro ronage. - U- \ " \ I Come and see us in our new quarters ! . They are large and commodious , and enable " . , , - W us to show our large stock to advantage ; , which i it has been impossible for us to do before. We \ f . .l will soon have large shipments of neon goods ro 1 in all lines , and in future we will always en = _ ' deavor . to give our patrons the opportunity . of patronizing their home store , and of helping w f their own town and us , and not compel them to go outside to make purchases of any kind , RfJro f ) & u because their wants could not be supplied in their own town. ' . If at any time we should not have what ' ' you want , ask for it , and we will get it. Our object will be to please our customers , sell our Ii goods at a living profit , and treat everyone alike , so that we will always . merit their con = fidence and patronage. . WrJ l Claiming everyone as our friend , and bidding you all welcome , we are always , Your obedient servants , 1 , MeCOOK MERCANTILE CO. tiff ; ! \ - - . J . - - - - - - - : I. . . . . , - = = - = - : = , ? : II I I I RAILROAD NEWS.i i h = = - = - = = = - , - 53 , . . 'fti5. . . . ' ? 1-E 5 q Jf":1v' Mza1 1t , oy p' , - - - . - _ ) Ef-- ; ' , k/.ri Ui . , . ; -ffffft ; I , . . . - > -1j.'i : . . : { li1. . , ; . . . > . - " \ . ( " : . : . : . : . . : _ ' . ! L1j.'i : ' # . . ' " , ; . ' - - ' - ' ' - ' tf H' S -A . < 5f ; : * { _ - = . . . ! . . - - - - - . - . -c.l : ' , . . . . . . - - . . - . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . . - - . . - . - - - - . . - TIME : TIi3L GOING KAST - CKXTKAI. : TIME - . . ' \ \"ES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M. No. 4 , local paisenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 p. M. : No. 64 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 A. M. : No : 148 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 A. M. : No. 80 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A. M. No. 75 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M. : GOING WEST - CKNTRAI. : TIME - LEAVES. No. 3 , through pail enger. . . . . . . . . . 12:40 A. M. : No. 5. local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 I' . M. : No. 63 , freIght. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : 1' . M. : [ No. 77 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:201'1. : . No. 149 , freIght. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:001' . M. IMPKKIAI. : LINE - CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 : A. M. : No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:40 p. M. : EE NOTE : - No. 63 carries ) passengers for Stratton , Dcnkelrnan and I IaiS ! er. All trains run daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which run daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at iJenkehnan and Wray. JNo. 2 stops at Indianola ! , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 50 148 , 149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. Wheno. . So ! Is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8:00 : a. uj. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Can- ada and baggage ! checked through to destina- tion without xtra i charge of transfer. For information regarding rates etc. , call on or address C. E. MAGNEK , Agent. - - - - - Two doors south in Lowman store room nipple is located. A. P. Ely wandered down to Lincoln , Sunday , on a visit. C. H. Weible , extra agent , is at Wood ruff for ten days. C. A. Ward arrived home , Friday night , from his visit to Ohio. Tom Wilkinson has gone east to join a theatrical company , it is stated. Mrs. C.V. . Bronson arrived home , Saturday night , from briefly visiting in Lincoln. . Auditor E. O. Brandt was out from headquarters , Wednesday , on business of that department. \Ve have overlooked the arrival of a charming little daughter at the home of Engineer and Mrs. J. H. Moore , rccen tly. Mrs. S. S. Frederick and Miss Myrtle Carey returned home to Holbrook ; last week , after visiting friends in this city. Frank Harris , wife and children arrived - rived home from Galva , Illinois , Satur- day night , from a week's visit to his parents. Mrs. Ed. Callen and children and Miss Cora Ruth of our city were the guests of Mrs.T. J. Floyd at Trenton , closing days of last week. J. R. Roxby of the blacksmith shop spent Sunday with the wife on the farm north of Arapahoe , going down Satur- day night and returning Sunday night. P. D. Galarneau came in from Alli ance , Saturday night , spending Sunday with McCook friends and relatives. He left for home on Monday morning , accompanied - companied by his wife who had been visiting Mrs. Anna Colfer for a few days. I To California a Tourist Sleeper. I The Burlington Route personally con- ducted once-a-week excursions to Colo- rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs- day and go through , without change to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the near- est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. All Good Republicans Should make a point of attending the national convention , to be held at St. Louis , Tuesday , June 16th. The expense is not great-if you take the Burlington. On the 13th , 14th and 15th of June you can purchase a round trip ticket to St. Louis ' . ' . . Think at THE ONE WAY RATE. Think-I isn't it worth a few dollars , a few days time to see the next president nomi- na ten. Full information on application to any agent of the B. & M. R. R. or by addressing - dressing J. Francis , General : Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. Denver , Colorado. One fare plus $2.00 for round trip , tickets on sale June 14th and 15th ; lim- ited for return , leaving Denver not earlier than June 20 and not later than June 25 , except by depostitug ticket with joint agent before June 20 extension of return limit may be obtained up to and includ- ing July 15. Chautauqua Assembly At Orleans , Neb. , June 1-27. One fare for the round trip from points with in 150 miles of Orleans ; tickets on sale June 1st , 2d , 6th , 7th 9th , 13th , 16th , iSth , 19th , 20th , 23d and 27. Good for return until and including June 28th , 1896. Sweet Potato Plants. Knipple has plenty of them for sale. Call early. Remember , Klai.11 ) le is in the Lowell all store room now. 1 - - . - - - - - . r - . . I . Awarded I Highest Honors - World's Fair , r DR ; $ ICEj CREAM BAItING PODLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. HIS SKULL CRUSHED IN. Terrible Death of Alexander Weaver - er , Formerly of McCook. The following is copied from a Los An- geles , California , daily : At the machine shops of the Southern Pacific railroad on San Fernando street , yesterday afternoon Alexander Weaver , a machinist , was almost instantly killed while at work on a locomotive. The engine had been jacked up over a pit to have some work done on the forward trucks. These had been taken out and were being rolled hack again under the locomotive. Weavervr.s down in the pit backing up to see when the trucks had reached the proper place. Somehow there had been too much force applied to the trucks and they rolled a hit too far. Weaver was caught by the head just above the eyes and his cranium crushed between the wheels arid a beam under the engine. ! : The injury from which he expired : was inflicted by the stationary beam which smashed in his skull like an eggshell just back of the right car. lie dropped back into the pit and was dead in a few moments. An ambulance was called and conveyed the body to Krejjelo & 15ressce's , where an inquest will be held this morning at o'clock. Weaver was an old resident of the city , mai- ried,34 years old , and resided on Chestnut street , Last Los Angeles. His wife is pros- trated by the terrible shock , and could not be seen last evening. Weaver was formerly employed by the Southern California rail ray. The funeral will be held , Monday : morning at 10 o clock , from the residence , corner of Chestnut and lawkins I streets , under the aus pices of the Independent Order of Foresters. - - - - - - - - - - - A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. . .r F.1. Poss and wife of Crete were city visit- ors , Tuesday of this week. TreasurerIeservc and family will occupy the Murphy residence over on north Melvin street , first of next week. A. A. Maley and clerks are taking an inven tory , this week , and he expects to han some thing to say to the public , next week. Will Brown came up from Republican City last night , for commencement. IK ; will go to Logger , Colorado , from here to take the IIIghi operator's trick. Engineer and \lis. : Walter llolliday came in from Lyons , Colorado , this morning , to see and here the commencement exercises , and expect to go back tonight. . . - - - - - - - - - - Photographs $1.50 per Dozen. Baillie & Rodstroin , McCook , Nebras ka. For Twenty Days we will make the best Cabinet Photographs for One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Dozen. This is about one - third the usual cost. This work will not be inferior in qual- ity because low in price , but in all respects - spects equal to samples on exhibition at our studio. We also make the new sepia picture for enlargements , the finest thing ever produced. Come and see us. BAILLIE & RODSTROM , Two doors north ol depot on west side Main avenue , studio all on the main floor , you do not have to walk up stairs. Cabinet Photographs $ 1.50 1 per Dozen. Baillie & Rodstrom's studio , two doors north of depot , west side Main avenue , McCook. Come quick. Be sure you are at the right place. All on the ground floor with no stairs to climb. - - - - - - - - Notice to Teachers. I will excuse all teachers of Red Wil low county from attending the institute who will attend the entire term of sum mer school at Orleans , Nebraska. L. A. CAR AHAN , County Supt. Fifteen (15) ( ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , con- taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. Knipple is located in the Lowman store. - - - -LMRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . , . - . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. -Studio - Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Collections , Insurance McCooK. NEBRASKA. 7 Notary Public. East Dennison street. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. S ? Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY . AT . LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. a-Office-Over the Famous clothing store. I I P. A. WELLS. FARINGTON I'OWER.I WELLS & POWER , ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL General law practice in state and federal courts. Stenographer and Notary in office. Office over Citizens Bank of McCook. I W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCooK , NEBRASKA. : -Office hours - g to II a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night : calls answered at the office. x - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . ' - , _ SEE - z - - - - - - i Our Assortment of Summer Goods before you purchase. Largest Stock and Latest Styles. . . .0. * . Remember the New \ Line of ( G--I ) Corsets and Chicago Waists. \ ' Have the B Values \ ' on Earth for soc. . and $ i .oo. Every Corset , v Tan red. Satisfaction is . guaranteed or money refunded. . . . . ' .0)0. r . We \ \ ; have a Conl ) lett. ; and Elegant o Line of Laces and Embroideries. : . i . .ego. . Bargains in Groceries. ( Our ( ) prices are the ' Lowest. Come and See. . v&'l > 2'OS * oAT . ' ' ' . . . AT THE . - - - . . ' j : : : . , " I. ) ' : A _ " :1 s " ! : 11" " ' ! "d0l , , , . I 7 ! ,1 ; ' 1'1 A P , ! I jurutg < Lr Cp _ 5t08 e ' - . . O o 7 I C. L. DEGUOFF & ro. ; . . j - -r. " " . . . . " " ' " . . . . . -r. . _ = u.'U7 . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . : > - 'M < A ; a \ :1i/iIIiM .L I I : . I i I ( I 1i 1 i I 1 for Infants and Children , I " Castor is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " II. A. ARCHER , 31. : D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , K. Y. I I liTho UBO of 'Castoria' is so universal and . its merits so well known that it seems a work i of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the * intelligent families who do not keep Castoria I within easy reach. " ' C.mLOSLutTYi , D. D. , I' _ New York City. Castoria cures Colic , Constipation , [ Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Knictutiou : , I Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dj } gestion , I Without injurious medication. "For several yearn I have recommended 'Castoria , ' and shall always continuo to dose so , as it has invariably produced beneficial results. " EDWI F. PAKDEE , 31. D. , 123th Street and 7th Ave. , New York City. THE CENTAUR COMPANY , 77 ? ! CRRAY STREET NEW YORE CITY. - - - _ _ _ _ c _ . . _ _ _ . _ . - , - c Iirisl : U , . , OF ALL ICYGLES Jcit _ , . 01) fUUB'1l , w.71'S I w < ) ! IY t/-lf lll i ! ' ° l LS/ . > MATERIAL JHEnflE5T / , „ . I 1 'FIVE l l r\ODEl5 \ WEIOHTo 13TO 25 pOUMD5r , PRlCE5Jfi5.TO MOA .c3i ! VERY AACHIME ! FULLY GUARANTEED CATA OOCE. sztvr fen Wo curt STAngly S # /1oiArth ! ( tL . (3OJ ! CAUOL ! , d f1Alt1 OmcE APID \CTQR i Y LAfttr HALSTED 3T 5 _ ' a ; RETAIL ALtoRoor . -B0 . \ \JAb.ASH"A\/E-- l , i 1 EAbTLPj > ! , , V/AREHoubE - 97-99 REAOE 5T- MEvYCg , PORTLAND - SALT LArtE CtTf - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - Ta llels l t , iDielies , P Fells ll ann Illk AT THE TRIBUNE . OFFICE.