The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 29, 1896, Image 4

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    7 : ,
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. JIt } jrilttnnk ' ( fribu1tt. I
, , For Consressman-Fifth District ,
WILLIAM E.ANDREWS of Adams County.
For Representative-65th District ,
R. P. HIGH of Lebanon Precinct.
For County Attorney ,
HARI.OW W. KEYES of Indianola Precinct.
For Commissioner-First District ,
ALEX. D. JOHNSTON of Valley Grange : : Prcc.
The 30th day of May in each recurring : : year
has been sot apart and established by the
Grand Army of the Republic as a perpetual
Memorial day for its deceased comrades.
On that day it is the custom of the surviving
comrades to meet , in all places , and hold ap
propriate exercises , then proceed to the respective -
spective burial places and strew beautiful
flowers on the graves : : of their departed com-
, To the end that Memorial day may be duly
i observed in the city of McCook , I request that
all business places be closed at noon on the .
30th- day of May , 1896 , and remain closed un
til the Memorial exercises are concluded and
the citizens abstain from all but necessary
labor ( during that time and assist in the Me-
morial services of the day.
As a further mark of respect to the memory
t I of these fallen heroes flags will be placed at
half mast upon all public buildings of the
> citv.Tn testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand , at the city of McCook. this 18th day
of May , 1896. 11. II. TROTH , Mayor.
. . _ ,
ONE of the necessary qualifications of
1 of a successful politician is fidelity to
his. friends. Permanent success and
J I lasting ! : accomplishment must rest up-
on it.
, I .
\ TIlE St. Louis cyclone , Tuesday , was
I . one of the worst in the history of this
I country. There were a number of hun-
; i dred lives lost , and the property loss will
j I be in the millions. .
I ,
THE gubernatorial candidacy of Judge
/ ' M.Tv. Hayward seems to be at once tak-
ing on substantial form. The Judge is
a man of character and brains. Just
keep an eye on his gait. He may sur-
, prise you.
! So FAR , this year has been a rather
: poor year for the political bosses , and
! the slate makers at Lincoln would save
II themselves a good deal of trouble by
J. making note of that fact. The people
i : themselves are taking a little band in politics -
l I itics on their own account.-Red Cloud
THE insurance companies are after
I the valued policy law. And the people
J should see to it that the integrity the
law is maintained. The insurance fel-
I lows are able to and do too much shirk-
ing of loss paying : now. The law should
be made more binding rather than pli
, I , able.
THE honor and success of the Repub-
lican party and the integrity and safety
I of the state are paramount to the claims
r ? or demands of any favorite son or any :
+ ; portion of the state. They must be i
higher than the insolence of any com
bine or slate makers who may seek to
turn the state convention into a mere
ratification meeting.
THE extraordinary decisions of At .
torney General Churchill respecting the
investment of state funds is one of the
't most disquieting incidents of the pres-
' ent canvass for state nominations , and
. seem to us to emphasize the necessity
of naming a state treasurer in the July
convention who will insist upon received -
ii ceived something tangible and bus
iness like when he succeeds the pres-
I > . , ent incumbent.
, . . . .
- - - - - - -
, , THE news that Tesla has at last per-
fected his new system of lighting with
electricity will create a genuine sensa-
tion in business as well as scientific cir-
cles. It has long been hinted that this
gifted inventor would soon give the
world a small electric bulb , unencum-
bered with wires and the ordinary disadvantages -
advantages of the old incandescent light ,
that would be strong enough to flood a
d large room with sunlight. It he is now
ready to make his invention known it is
time for the government to pay him a
' reasonable price for it and give it to the
public at once. The people are weary
z of private ownership of water and light-
ing plants. Let us take advantage of
these new inventions and make them
free to all the citizens of the United
States.-Lincoln Journal.
And now , Oh Lord , let the servant depart -
part in peace.
I THE interest that is heinsj arot , : pl in ! ,
state p } litir ; by the press is ite-slined ,
we be..t-ve. to result in good to the Republican -
publican party and advantage to the
state. Attention has been directed to the
fact that combinations undoubtedly exist -
ist , and that slates have been made , and
that the work of the coming convention
has been anticipated and "fixed" . The
danger of such politics has been her.
aIded abroad over the state , and even
the politicians are thinking and that
right seriously. The very probable disaster -
aster which may result to the party
should we fail to nominate clean , able
and representative men at the coming
convention , and the combine or gang I
be allowed to carry out their personal .
schemes , is being appreciated and felt
by those who keep their ears close to the
ground , and there are healthful indica
tions that a determined , earnest effort
will be made at the coming convention
to in a measure wipe off old scores and
begin anew. Wise and patriotic lead-
ers are beginning to realize that the good
of the commonwealth and the honor
and success of the party are at stake in
a real measure in the outcome of the
convention of next July ; and it is safe
and judicious for the press , the people
and even the politicians to continue in
pressing the vital importance of this
Another Boycott On.
A rumor is abroad , says the Troy
Chieftain , that the A. P. A. are going to
boycott the Lord for permitting Charles
Carroll , a Catholic to survive all the
other signers of the Declaration of Inde-
Orleans Chautauqua Dates.
T. DeWitt Talmage. Sunday. June 7th.
William Hawley Smith , June i , 2 , 3.
David C. Cook , June 10 to 17. Joseph
T. Berry , June 18 to 25. 31. M. Park-
hurst , week of June loth. Write to J. L.
McBrien or H. R. Easterbrook , Orleans ,
Nebraska for catalogue.
- .
I" . - j . . . . f. . ' .
. - L . -
Edith Coleman visited on the Willow
a few days this week.
Bert Wales and Frank Coleman attended -
tended church in McCook , Sunday even-
Uncle Billy is hard at it again. He
keeps the hoe sharpened while Auntie
clips the weeds.
Dennis Smith and wife have been vis-
iting their daughter Mrs. 31. H. Cole fora
few weeks. They departed for their
home in Perry , Iowa.
Marlay Sharp was seven years old last
Friday , and a goodly number of 'the
young folks spent the day with him and .
had a nice time and lots of 'kake" .
William Coleman is trimming his ash 1
grove. Some sprouts have already made
a growth of three and a half feet this
spring , which it a remarkable growth to
be made before the first of June. .
If you would like information as to
the peculiar sensations experienced in
rolling off a horse backward over his
tail , with a keg of water in your arms , 1
interview Bert Wales. He tried it one .
day last week , and he don't like it a
little bit.
A horse's back is as slippery as a peeled
pawpaw pole. Such were the conclusions
of a young lady up here when , on last
Friday , she slickly slipped of backward ,
alighting on her head , with her No. 3'S
where the stirrup ought to be. No dam-
age done.
The interest in the Y. P. S. C. E. ,
which meets in the Coleman school
house every Sunday evening , still con-
tinues. The society numbers nearly
sixty members now. Miss Gusta Lepper
lead on last Sunday evening , and Miss
Coleman will lead on next Sunday even-
ing ; topic "Ready for Death" .
There will be preaching at the Cole-
man school house , next Sunday , at II
a. in. , sharp , fast time. We want to announce -
nounce to the world that these services
will continue right along , in spite of the
edict that no preaching would be allowed
at this point. No one man can run this
point , we care not if he is big as Go-
liah , and if he proposes to take the bull
by the horns here , we suggest that he
practice for an indefinite period on a
spring calf.
District Clerk Boatman is in town on
business , today.
B. B. Duckworth was a pilgrim to the
county capital , Thursday.
Father B. Sproll and M. Powell were
McCook visitors , midweek.
Sheriff and Mrs. J. R. Neel went up
to McCook , Wednesday. Also W. R.
Editor Mitchell and ex-'Sheriff Banks
were business visitors to the capital ,
Tuesda } ' .
M. 31. Young , assessor for Beaver pre-
cinct was at the county seat , Monday ,
with his books.
Will Dolan and Austin Grass made a
flying visit to the county capital , Wed-
nesday morning.
County Clerk Green and Deputy Treas
urer Berge took in the commencement
exercises , last night.
Adam Grass , R. L. Beckwith , S. R.
Smith and C. B. Hoag were all McCook
visitors , Monday on different lines of
Treasurer and Mrs. J. B. Meserve came
down from McCook , Thursday evening ,
to take in the commencement exercises
and to see oldtime friends.
W. H. Smith , our precinct assessor ,
took his tax books to the county seat ,
Saturday , being the guest of his brother ,
the county judge , during his short stay.
The graduating exercises , last night ,
in the Masonic hall , attracted people
from all over the county. There were
eight graduale and the programme was
an excellent and meritorious one.
J. J. Lamborn was up from Wilcox ,
with the family over Sunday. He spent
Monday in 3IcCook seeing his friends
and left for home on the evening pass.
The farmers in the neighborhood of
Joseph Dudek's place insist that even the
horses in the field laughed when Colonel
Mitchell of the Courier was so unceremo-
niously ditched together with his papers
Tbursday afternoon , while coasting down
the Dudek hill on his way to 3IcCook
with this week's Courier. And that the
Colonel tried to swear the cows to eter-
nal secrecy.
C. E. Matthews came over from Sun-
ny Side and dined with friend nn Ash
cn , 'k , Sunday.
I Fine growing weather-we ; just need
a couple of weeks now of bright sun-
shine without wind.
On account of sickness in the family
the Rogers' orchestra did not appear at
North Star , last Sunday.
Nels Downs and family visited his
brother Joe , last Sunday and the two
families called on John Humes.
I. E. Neel and wife drove over to
Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , last Sunday , to
visit his cousin W. A. Neel , returning
The North Star Sunday school will
observe Children's Day on June 14th at
I two o'clock. All are cordially invited
to attend.
Mrs. Dan Wolfe of Frontier county ,
and Harry and May Blackson of Alli
ance precinct visited their aunt , Mrs.
W. Williams , last Saturday and Sun-
We have some very brave little boys
in our neighborhood. Alpha Warfield
found Ralph playing with a rattle snake ,
and he in turn held it up by the back of
the neck to see what kind of snake it
was. Mr. Warfield came upon them and
killed the snake.
A Grade Picnic.
The Sixth , Seventh and Eighth grades
of the public schools indulged in a delightful -
lightful picnic on Tuesday in Goheen's
grove on the South Side. There were
some 70 or So present.
Correspondence Wanted.
THE TRIBUNE wants correspondence
from every precinct and town in Red
Willow county. Terms readily given on
Hail Insurance in
first class company.
Written by C. J. RYAN.
. - -------rr " _ . - + - . - - " " " = . . . . .
' -
- -
Henry Wade finished listing corn , this
John Burtless and wife , visited at L. A.
Stephens , Sunday.
Don Thompson finished listing 100
acres of corn , the fore part of the week.
Don Thompson was quite sick for a
few days last week , but is all right now.
Robert Barr , who has been quite sick
for a couple of weeksis able to be around
Dennis St. German and son of Traer ,
Kansas , passed through this place , one
day last week.
Frank Cain was out from McCook ,
| last week , listing corn on his farm over
j in Grant precinct.
The recent showers have put crops in
good shape again , and everybody is very
busy and smiling.
. Uncle Thompson was riding around
.1 the Park , Friday evening with his
Fourth of July buggy.
Rev. John Coleman delivered one of
I his soul inspiring sermons at the Pros-
pect Park school house , Sunday fore-
noon. He preached at the Dodge school
house in the afternoon.
J. H. Wade and wife drove down to
Danbury , Sunday , on a visit to E. E.
Hayes and family , and to see the brand
new boy , who put in an appearance at
Mr. : IIa3'es' , May 9th. They found all
I parties concerned doing well.
Fine growing weather.
W. G. Dutton and family drove up to
their ranch on the Driftwood , Monday
last. I
Several loads of hogs were hauled
from the Wells ranch to the city , this
G. C. Boatman of the city passed
through here , Sunday , en route for Pros
pect Park.
Charley Shears says the roads south ,
for horseback riding , are no better than
the road north.
Ed. Benjamim and W. G. Dutton and
their families attended Star of Jupiter -
ter lodge No. i , Monday evening , and
report a good time.
The Christian Endeavor society was
well attended , last Sunday evening , and
the new organ did excellent work with
Mrs. Gus Goheen as organist.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyers drove that
"dandy" team over here , Tuesday ( even-
May Popham , who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. Andrew Carson , at Sun-
nyside , returned home , last Saturday.
Wui. Byfield's new baby girl born May
I i6th , was one of last week's important
items. Babies are always important.
We failed to get our items to press ,
last week , therefore we got no mention
of the basket social which was a social
and financial success.
The V. P. S. C. E. will forego their
usual meeting , next Sunday , as it will be
children's day at the Christian church.
An interesting program has been pre-
I pared. It is also the occasion of union
meeting of the Box Elder and Red Wil-
low Methodist societies. It will be a I
grove meeting and the converts of last
winter will be taken into full member
ship. A number of persons desiring im
mersion will be baptized in that manner.
Dinner will be eaten in the woods and
interesting services conducted bthe
pastors of the various churches.
Corn is growing very fast ; so are the
A party was given ! at Mrs. : Ward's on
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. X. Johnson returned -
turned from Ogalalla , last week.
Box Elder will be well represented at
the grove meeting at Red Willow , next I
Fishing parties are very numerous ,
and if success attended all , the fish
would soon be a scarce article.
Mrs. Schoonover returned the first of
the week from Kansas , where she has
been staying with friends for some
I months.
I There has been considerable bad feel-
ing in the church at this place for some
time past hick has seemingly reached
I a climax. A little more forbearance and
a trifle less desire to "run thi"v : : " \\uul l ' '
remove the friction Its a near ase of
I too many oo - ' . - I
Engraving and Embossing.
If you take pleasure in good station-
ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona-
ble in price. We also do engraving of
cards and embossing of letter paper. See
samples and get prices.
JOB POINTING - The most artis-
tic work at the lowest figures.
THE TRIBUNE , : JlcCookV rite
for prices. A trial order will set-
tle the business.
1 A . P. T. L.
I The American Protective Tariff League
I is a national organization advocating
" Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
, . tion as follows :
" The object of this League shall be to protect
American labor by a tariff on imports which shall
adequately secure American industrial products
against the competition of foreign labor. "
There are no personal or private
profits in connection with the organization -
tion and it is sustained by memberships ,
contributions and the distribution of its
. . FIRST : Correspondence is solicited regarding
Membership " and Official Correspondents. "
SECON : We need and welcome contributions ,
whether small or large , to our cause.
THIRD : We publish a large line of documents
covering all phases of the Tariff question. Com
plete set will be mailed to any address for 50 cents.
. .
' FOURTH : Send postal . . card request for free
sample copy of the "American Economist.
Address Wilbur F. Wakeman. General Secretary ,
135 West 23d Street , New York.
- = i : ' 17
- - - - -
: . . . . . . . .
Whom Cain Married.
The following interesting item was
contributed to the New York Sun of
recent date :
In a recent issue of your Sunday
. edition a party asked : "Whom did
i Cain niairy" He married his sister.
Her name was Ripha. This St. Chrys-
ostom says , was the tradition of the
Jews of his time. This information may
be found in Duprion's "Concordance of
the Holy Bible" .
Genesis , v. 4 , says of Adam : "And
he begot sons and daughters" . Josephus
says that Ackiin and Eve had thirty-three
sons and thirty-two daughters. The sons
of our first parents married their sisters.
The Old Testament was written as a
I preparation for the coming of Christ ,
and the history of personages who did
mot typify Him or relate to Him are not
given. The holy and innocent Abel was
a figure of Christ who was killed by his
brethren , and Cain and Abel and their
histories are related , while nothing is
said of the other children.
It may be of interest to your many read
ers to know the exact meanings of the
names of the patriarchs who lived from
Adam to Noe , as follows : Adam , "Man
in the image of God" or "the Reasoning
being" ; Seth , "Substituted by" ; Enos ,
"Frail man" ; Caanan , "Lamenting fell" ;
Malaleel , "The Blessed God" ; Jared ,
" " "The
"Shall come down" ; Henoch ,
Teacher" ; Methusalah , "His death shall
send" ; Lamech "To the humble" ; Noe ,
"Rest" or "Consolation" . Now putting
these English meanings of the Hebrew
names together we have the following :
"Man in the image of God , substituted
by Frail man , Lamenting fell , The
Blessed God , Shall come down , The
Teacher His death shall send , To the
humble , Rest or Consolation" .
Here in the very names of the great
, fathers of our race before the flood , we
find a revelation of the fall of mankind ,
. the sorrows of sin , the incarnation of
Christ ' how He will come as a Teacher ,
His death , His redemption , given to the
humble ones who will receive His Teach-
ings , and the rest and consolation of
peace from wars and the blessings of
These are but a few of the wonderful
things the student finds in the Holy
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of THE TRIBUNE will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub-
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail-
ures and hard times , and as a conse-
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. are now com
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this request -
1i i i
An Eastbound Cyclone. i
Superintendent Campbell of the Bur-
lington was in town last Wednesday.
He isn't in politics to a noisy degree ,
but it seems to him that the silver senti-
ment in the west is developing a cyclone
that is blowing eastward and threatens
everything in its path. - Hastings Dem-
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
* Bargain Counter
, .
- = / ) Q F g-
i S. M. Cochran & Go
. .
' / : ' $ -
Emigrate Seeders at $7.50.
Breaking Plows at $7.00.
Walking Disc Cultivators
at $18.00.
Wood Section Harrows at
$2.50 a section.
Four Horse Eveners for i
Binders at $5.00.
Riding Attachments for
Harrows at $ G.OO.
Wood Beam 14-inch Stir-
ring Plows at $7.00.
Seeder Attachment for a
Bell center-cut Disc , $12.00.
' - ' . . . , . . . , - ' "
i Seasonable Goods.
Lot of baled hay for sale.
Lawn mowers , Lawn hose
and repairs.
We have the Buckeye and I
Piano binders. !
Hog woven wire fence at
18 cents a rod.
The Quick Meal : Gasoline
stove-best on earth.
2,000 bushels of corn for
sale at a reasonable price.
S. M. Cochran & Co.
\ .r------ : : . . - . . I : . . ! w {
- - rr
I ,
- _ - _ - - -
Th Famous Clothin [ COIDD3ny irS
. . . . . . . . . .
JI I J '
I '
HATS & CAPS , t.
. . . . . . . . . )
. . . .11. . . . I ,
j .
/ '
. JONAS ENGEL 1 , 1 Manager. / r )
L I iyi tl
_ _ _ ' - - ' '
" 'J
- " "
. . " . . . . . . . .co : - i
- - > . . . . . . . . , ,
In need of anything in the hat line , and
; !
YouV .
desire the newest and neatest the market affords , '
the fact that yon can always obtain such
where the largest stock MILLINERY is kept ,
and then you will
MISSES : STOVER fa STANFLELD , who are always
glad to show you the latest novelties in the Millinery line.
M VI i
- - -
Knipple is now in
the old Lowman store
room , two doors . south.
United States Land office , McCook , Ne-
braska , May 2(1. 1806. Notice is hereby given
that FREDERICK HUMBERT : has filed no
tice of intention to make final proof before
Register or Receiver at his office in McCook.
Nebraska : , on Wednesday , the 241)1 ) day of
June , 1806 , on timber culture application No.
5,632 , for the northeast quarter of section num-
her thirty-live , in township number six north ,
range number thirty west. He names as wit-
nesses : William M. ; Nickerson of Quick , Ne .
braska , Henry C. Ruppert Mayweed : , Ne
braska , Abraham J. Drake. William Whit-
taker , of tlIick,1\'cbraska.
5 - S-6ts. A. S. CAMniKLL , Register.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District Court of Red Willow county , Neb
raska , under a decree , in an action wherein
Oliver M. : Hyde is plaintilf and James A.
Piper et al. are defendants , to me directed and
delivered , I shall expose to public sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the south
door of the court house in Indianola , Neb
rask , on June 8th , 1896 , at the hour of one
o'clock , p. in. , the following described real
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of section - .
tion three , in township four north , in range :
twenty-nine , west of the sixth p. m. , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. :
Dated May 7,1896. J. R. NEEL : ,
Sheriff of Red Willow county.
\ \ ' . Morlau : , Attorney. 5-S-tc. ; :
. .
I M * * ! II.IIM ! I I I
g& cjsOt Jf ca1 ! JVJ ut ; z3u5- : ! ! ;
fd When you have any painting do , re -
member we carry the most com
: plete stock of paints ,
i1 embracing : < f
r -
ti tf FLOOR PAINTS , |
' rf
u ' "
. , ; ; &
t \ ; STAINS. ; - |
u . . . . . . . . . . . . "
' 2 At from 4C. to 20c. per roll. k
. li.W [ \ . , McDonnell \ go "
P t"
gjrsgir : J.1iFW'---sF : ; JL ILjy. . . . j . . . j je. . : .
McCook Transfer Line
Only furniture van in the
city. Also have a first class house
moving outfit. Leave orders for
bus calls at Commercial hotel or
at office opposite the depot.
- - - . . . . . . - - - -
I - > h T
Kiiipple is located
Lii the Lowmaii store , i .
( li
room , 2 leers south. V
Carpet Laying , - : . - - . ,
Carpet 1 Cleaning. - , , ;
= & - ! am still doing ! carpet laying , carpet .
cleaning , lawn culling and ! similar work. See
or write me before giving such work. My :
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
. .
I : Notary Public , .
: : . f Reliable , Insurance , { ,
'i ' : Collection Agent. t .
_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; 4 #
, I ,
. I
:1 : I
of Proprietor the . . . . --1 . ! I I
. . ' . . .
- - "
or . > > - : ; <
J ,
'i.t ) *
We respectfully solicit your business , . i
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , . * .
and prompt , courteous service. / . v
. 1 1 , i. .
it- '
, F A I I a { I k'v v
( . , ' - ii Z '
c ( . !
I I rJj
f f"l ;
L- ' c 5 ]
- . J . (
" 41
> l
These shoes fit to perfection and wear J ' \
as only the best of leather can. They're
shapely pliant-the
air and keep They always manage to Iet in m ,
out water.
Sold by J. F. GANSCHOW. W . ' ( l. 'r * ,
> J
Wanted-An Idea can thins
a or some s = I
. . , _ . .
Protect your dca i-.ij thlDg to patent ?
Wrote they mv -
Write JOHN ' may bring YOU wealtb
nays and list Washington. _ * . - . D. . C. . for their 8 : - CO. Stl . , WYl Patent v\wfA Attar . .
ot two bundled inTentions wanted. Pr1e offer
. - . ' . : >
: ) < > (
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J Ifl '
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