The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1896, Image 1

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T The Attendance Upon the Meetings of
the Star of Jupiter
The Usual Interesting and Enjoyable -
ble Programme Given on
Monday Evening.
McConnell hall was simply overcrowded -
' ed by the attendance upon the Monday
evening session of McCook lodge No. i ,
, Star of Jupiter , but the usual interest
I remained notwithstanding the crowd
} and heat. A few initiations and applications -
cations were disposed of , in addition to
some important business matters of
the lodge , after which was given quite
U an enjoyable literary and musical pro-
gramme. This entertainment feature of
f the sessions is always pleasing and felicitous -
itous , and very helpful in sustaining the
lively interest that has characterized all
the recent meetings of the lodge.
The recitations by Miss Gertrude Gar-
wood were heartily enjoyed by all.
The growth of the lodge here is still ,
rapid. There were 40 applications for
I jL menibershp received last week. The
month of April added to the lodge 59
i members , and it is hoped to make the
I month of May more prolific if possible.
_ No lodge has ever been instituted in
this section of Nebraska that has taken
stronger hold on the masses than has
the Star of Jupiter , in whose success the
people of McCook are so deeply interested -
ested that it must go on conquering and
to conquer.
_ An amateur theacrical entertainment
c will be among the attractions of next
i Monday evening.
EVerybody Was Delighted.
The concert given in the Menard hall ,
last Saturday night , by Snowden and
Miller's Original Tennesseean Jubilee
Vi Singers was greeted by a crowded and
1 appreciative ] ionise. In fact the audience
, .
.t was one of the largest and most enthusiastic -
astic that have occupied the opera hall
in a long while. Nearly every number of
the lengthy and varied programme was
warmly received and there were frequent
I- and prompt responses to the enchores.
The members of the Christian Endeavor -
deavor society are to be congratulated
upon the two-fold success of the entertainment -
tainment , as heartily upon the merit of
s-\ the concert as upon the gratifying financial -
cial returns to the society.
' ' A Lively Night for Them.
The wind and rain storm of Tuesday
p uight of last week was the worst the elect -
t ' tric light people have had to contend
with in a long while. They lost about
250 in the gale , one of their smoke
t A ! stacks being blown down , besides other
damage and expense. The line men
were kept busyy pretty much all night
looking after short currents and other
eccentricities caused by the high wind.
I A narrow escape was also had from
one of the immense belts slipping off its
pulleys. It was a lively night for the
power house force.
" 1 More Readable Than Ever
' McCook is at last a real countYseat , the
county records having been transferred
there from Indianola upon a judgment
, of the supreme court. F. M , Kimmell's
1 MCCooK TRIBUNE will now be more
i readable than ever. THE TRIBUNE has
( been all right for a good while. The
county seat and the rains will make Mc-
Cook all right , too.-Nebraska Signal ,
j into New Quarters.
\ Last Saturday night , M. E. Knipple
moved into the building formerly occur -
r ) pied b } ' Lowman & Son , which will
make commodious quarters for a grocery
store , giving plenty of room for the display -
play of queenstiare and providing other
accommodationslacking in the old quarters -
' ters on the corner.
: Little Rain--Much Wind.
This locality was visited - ay a little
rain , last night , accompanied by a high
wind , and some lightning. The rainfall
perhaps did not exceed what the weather
) department would style a trace-but the
I wind was full grown.
His Breath Is Foul.
There are quite unmistakable eviden I
'V res cropping out that Colonel Gimlet of
the Danbury Wiener Wurst is suffering
from an incipient attack of appendicitis
L or some other unfortunate stoppage off
the alimentary canal.
A Farewell Picnic.
The ladies of the several reading clubs
of gave Mrs. C. L. DeGroff a
farewell picnic , last Friday afternoon , of
a felicitous sort.
& 4kn
J. H R0ONEY is back from Cripple
R. 0 , PIIILLIPS was in the city , yesterday -
terday , on business.
SUPT. VALENTINE was a Hastings
visitor on Saturday last.
W. L , BAILLIE , the photographer , was
in Beatrice , Monday , on business.
C , W. KNIGHTS came down from Denver -
ver , close of last week , on business.
down from Palisade , Saturday evening.
J.J. LAMI3ORN Spent Friday night in
the city on his way to Indianola to spend
Sunday at home ,
Miss CLARA KLEVEN of Culbertson
was also down , Saturday evening , to
} tear the Tennesseeans ,
J. E. KELLEY was down from Mani.
tou , Sunday , departing for the west
again on the night train.
\V. S. CoRNUTT and wife and Miss
Dot Davenport were Culbertson people
at Saturday night's concert.
0.V. . DEWALD of the Trenton Register -
ter visited Red Willow's capital and the
valley's metropolis , Saturday evening.
arelo0kinng after the welfareand comfort
of a ( laughter born to them on last Friday -
day morning.
C. F. BABCOCK and H. H. Berry drove
over to Curtis , Tuesday , on Star of
Jupiter business , and will not be home
until tomorrow.
E. L. DENNIS , manager for the Barnett -
nett Lumber Co. at Bartley , came up ,
Saturday evening , to hear the concert ,
and remained over
MRS. E. E. UTTER has moved into
the old TRIBUNE office in rear of the
Cash Bargain store , and will occupy the
same as a studio and residence.
P. 0. HEDLUND of Holdrege , who
would have no serious objection to being
Nebraska's next auditor , was at these
political headquarters , Saturday last.
Miss Ruth Davenport were among the
Culbertsonians at the concert , last Saturday -
day evening. Also Mr , and Mrs. William -
liam Vastine.
Benedict and Messrs. Charles King and
Oscar Wilde Cole were members of the
Culbertson delegation to the concert ,
Saturday evening. .
Miss ELLA ALLISON of the teacher
corps has the deep sympathy of all in
the death of a sister in Ohio , last Thursday -
day night , the sad news of which she
received on Friday morning.
Wilsonville recently visited relatives
here briefly. Mr. Chrysler is a brother
of Mrs. J. H. Bayston and Mrs. Chrysler
a sister of Miss Lotta Stover.
JOHN CARMICHAELofLexington , Virginia -
ginia , spent the early portion of the
week in the city inspecting the McCook
U. S. land office. From here he will go
to Oregon on some special agent work.
E. J. MooN , wife and son are here
from Blanchester , Ohio , for his health.
They are living in the Rider residence
in West McCook for the present , to ascertain -
certain whether this climate will benefit
his asthma.
C. F. BABCOCK and HV. . Cole of Mc-
Cook , with Rev. D. L. McBride of Frontier -
tier county , explained the benefits of
the Star of Jupiter to a select audience
at the church on Friday evening. Our
people were favorably impressed with
the plans of the order , and a lodge will
no doubt be organized here at an early
day. The lodge at McCook is said to
have a membership of nearly five hundred -
dred , including all the leading men and
women of that city-Hayes Center Re-
To the Ladles of McCook and
Vicinity :
Since the Retirement from Business of
the only Exclusive dry goods establishment -
ment in McCook , we have decided to enlarge -
large our stock and carry a full and complete -
plete line of dry goods.
In a day or so our new goods will be
consisting of the latest patterns in
all lines of summer , dress goods. Tile ,
ladies of McCook and vicinity are cordially -
dially invited to come and inspect our
stock ; we will take pleasure in showing
our goods whether you purchase or not.
Yours Respectfully ,
Little John , J. H. Bayston's son , has
been quite since his removal here from
Indianola , but is now better.
The McCook Lodge , I. 0.0. F. , Has a
Felicitous Banquet
With a Large Attendance of Members -
bers , Their Families
and. Friends.
The Oddfellows , their families and iii
vited friends to the number of over Sao
on last Frriday evening indulged in a
banquet in the Workman hall of a most
enjoyable sort. The occasion was the
77tH anniversary of Oddfellowsliip , and
right royally was it observed. Every
year , as the great benevolent order adds
another year of usefulness to its life ,
these commemorative occasions are taking -
ing on deeper interest and significance.
In addition to the banquet , which was
a thoroughly excellent and palatable
one , there were a number of speeches
delivered , the same being interspersed
with some very tuneful music. Addresses -
dresses were made by Revs. G , P. Fuson ,
J. A. Badcon , J. III. Bell and H. H.
Berry , these with the social intercourse
of the evening made the hours pass very
Lantern Class
Tonight-The River Thames from the
sea to The source. Talk by Mr. Valentine.
The illustrations are remarkably flue
photographs , many of them colored ,
showing the scenery of rural England
along the banks of the river where history -
tory has been made for two thousand
years. Aside from the associational
value of the pictures they are interesting
as views of a farming country which has
been under successful cultivation from
prehistoric times and a landscape in
sharp contrast to that which surrounds
residents of western Nebraska.
May Repair the Church.
We understand that the Lutheran people -
ple contemplate a thorough overhauling
and repairing of their church building
here , either for use by themselves or to
rent to some other denomination. It is
to be hoped that the proposed improvements -
ments will be made. It is too handsome -
some a structure to be left vacant and in
need of repair.
What Joy She Missed.
Mother Eve's cup of felicity was at
best far from ruining over. For instance -
stance she never had the inexpressibly
entrancing happiness of coming into
church or the theatre late , arrayed in a
fetching , lore of a brand new bonnet.
What the dear , ancient dame missed , as
viewed from our 19tH century stand-
Just One Medic.
The distinction of being the only resident -
dent physician and surgeon in Hayes
county rests and abides with Dr. F. G.
Bostock. The doctor lives to or 12 miles
west of Hayes Center , the county seat ,
and is over 70 years of age. Hayes is
an undesirable county in which to become -
come suddenly seriously ill.
Art Exhibition and Social.
The art exhibition and social given by
the ladies guild of the Episcopal church ,
Wednesday evening , in the chapel , was
an enjoyable and successful affair , receiving -
ceiving a fair patronage. The special
programme arranged for the occasion
was pleasing and meritorious.
Expectto Move Next Week.
The McCook Mercantile Co , expect to
occupy the Babcock and Morlan store
rooms , some time next week. These
will make them superb quarters , allowing -
ing a complete separation of dry goods
and grocery departments.
One Year in the Pen. a
Bob Barrett , who was recently arrested
in Bartley by Sheriff Neel for hog stealing -
ing in Otoe county , was on Friday of
last week sentenced to a year in the penitentiary -
itentiary by Judge Hall of Nebraska City.
He pleaded guilty.
Almost Five Inches.
The rainfall for the month of April ,
according to the Burlington gauge at this
station , was 4.96 inches. Reports from
other sections of the county indicate a
considerably greater rainfall.
House Plants at Knipple's.
Knipple has just received a large ship-
mentof handsome , vigoroushouse plants
of many varieties. Call at once while
the assortment is complete.
Engraving and Embossing. i
If you take pleasure in good stationery -
ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable -
ble in price. We also do engraving of
cards and embossing ofletter paper. See s
samples and get prices. a
. .
- -
CATHOLIC-Mass at S o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon at io:3o : , a , m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J.V. . HICKEY , Pastor.
BAPTIST-Regular services in McConnell -
nell hall. Preaching at ti a. m , and 8
p. m. Bible school at to a. in. B. Y.
P. U. meeting at 7 p. nt. A cordial invitation -
vitation to all. G. P , FUSON , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL-Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at ii a. m. and
S p , in. Sunday school at io a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser-
METHODIST-Sunday school at I0.
Preaching at I'I. Junior league at 3.
Epworth league at 7. Preaching at 8 by
Rev.V. . J. Crago. Quarterly conference
on Monday. Bible study and prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8 ,
J. A. BADCON , Pastor
ton of Curtis , brother of the pastor , will
preach morning and evening. Sunday
school at Io o'clock. Endeavor society
at 7 o'clock ; Mrs. T. B. Campbell , leader.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
the services of the church.
League Literary Programme.
The Epworth League extends a cordial
invitation to you to attend the monthly
literary exercises in the Methodist church
on Tuesday evening , May 13th.
After the programme the regular business -
ness meeting of the society will be held.
All leaguers are especially requested to
be present.
Song-Look Up , Lift Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. J. A. Badcon
Flute solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Roy Smith
Chairman's address. . . . . . , . . . . Chairman
Oration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bert Beyrer
Paper on Generality , Miss H. Stangeland
Reading. . . . . , , , , . , .Mrs , H. L. Kennedy
Song. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss K Stangeland
Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. A. P. Welles
Sociability paper. . , , . . . . Charles McCarl
Oration-Citizenship. , . . , , . .E. L. Rolilf
A Source of Gratification.
Superintendent Valentine and his corps
of teachers doubtless feel an excusable
glow of satisfaction upon their prompt reelection -
election as superintendent and teachers
forthe coming school year at the present
salaries. It must be a source of gratification -
tion to them all , and may be taken as a
hearty and frank endorsement of their
work in the past and of the efficiency of
the system.
Next year will be Superintendent Val-
entine's eighth year at the head of the
McCook schools. Miss Berry has been
in the system ten years , and others a
number of years.
The "Temple of Fame" .
On next Wednesday evening , the
"Temple of Fame" , a spectacular , inusi-
cal and dramatic entertainment . will be
given in the opera hall , under auspices
of the Star of Jupiter. The cast of characters -
acters embraces a large list of mythical
and historical characters in costume
with appropriate speech. Besides the
programme will be musical and mirth-
ful. Doors will open at 7:30. Performance -
mance at 8:15. Reserved seats JSc.
General admission 25c. Tickets on sale
at McConnell's tomorrow. It will be
one of the successes of the season. You
must secure your seats early to get desirable -
able seats.
Organized at Wauneta.
Frank Harris , Hugh W. Cole , Mrs.
C. F. Babcock and Mrs. Nellie Johnson
went up to Wauneta , Tuesday , and on
Tuesday evening organized an d instituted
Wauneta lodge No. 9 , Star of Jupiter , with
goodly charter membership , and with
encouraging prospects for a substantial
There are good prospects for the early
nstitution of a lodge of the order in
More Encouraging.
C. 0. Hale , who has been seriously ill
for some time with appendicitis , is now
said to be improving and his condition
s regarded as more encouraging. He
ivies a few miles north of the city. Au
operation was performed , Sunday , by
) r W. V. Gage.
Painfully Injured ,
THE TRIBUNE is grieved to learn that
dirs. Patton , formerly of our city , but
now of Bethany , Missouri , was recently
quite severely hurt by accidentally fall-
ng , and has since been quite disabled.
. McCook Has It.
Wilber claims the finest band in the
tate of Nebraska. Pawnee City makes
like claim.-Lincoln Journal.
Superintendent Valentine is Reelected
for His Eighth Year.
Of Teachers Were Also Reelected
for the Ensuing Year. A
Touching Incident.
The board of education held an ad.
journed meeting , Wednesday evening ,
and disposed of a : lumber of matters of
importance connected with school business -
ness and affairs.
W , F , Lawson was chosen to fill the
unexpired term of H. H. Troth , re-
A number of minor claims were allowed -
lowed and warrants issued.
In the matter of teachers for next year ,
the board elected Supt. Valentine , Miss
Rachel Berry , Miss Ella Allison , Miss
Edna Meserve , Mrs. Sylvester Cordeal ,
Mrs. Mary Duffey , Miss Nora Stroud ,
Miss Clara Purvis , E. E. Magee and
C. \Vliittaker. .
Mrs , W. H. Bohnstedt of the local
W. A. P. A , appeared before the board
and deplored the fact-the sad fact we
might say-that since her four months
residence in the city she had not seen
the stars and stripes proudly waving
overourpublic school buildings. Though
the lady is said to have delivered one of
the characteristic " "
"patriotic" speeches
of the order , the board was not fired with
irresistible enthusiasm on that account ,
receiving the gratuitous advice in silence ,
doubtless thinking that they were competent -
petent to discharge the duties , great and
small , of their office , efficiently and satisfactorily -
isfactorily to all liberal and intelligent
patrons of the systeni.
The salaries were not changed from
the scale of the present year.
The Transmississippi Exposition.
Neverhas , there been anything sulg-
gested that will bring as many people
into Nebraska as the proposed Trans-
mississippi exposition to beheld at Omaha -
ha in 1$98. Since the government has
recognized the undertaking and has voted -
ed $200,000 for its building and exhibit
it has become an assured fact.
In order to make the exposition a snc-
cess in every particular it will be necessary -
sary to keep the people all over the
country thoroughly posted on the possibilities -
bilities , its development and progress.
Every citizen of Nebraska should make
it his business to let his friends in all
parts of the country understand that this
enterprise is to be second only to the
great Chicago Columbian exposition of
The Omaha Bee proposes to devote
considerable space from now on to this
great enterprise , knowing that a great
deal of publicity will be necessary to
bring the people here at the right time.
It has been suggested that a rate be
made for subscriptions to The Bee that
will give everybody an opportunity to
send one or more papers to friends in
other states. Acting on this suggestion
the publishers of The Weekly Bee have
decided to make a price of 25 cents for
that paper , mailed to any address in
the country from the present time up to
January I , 1897. This price hardly covers -
ers the cost of the white paper used in
printing a twelve-page paper for this
length of time , but the publishers feel
that the great exposition must be properly -
ly advertised and are willing to do their
share toward helping along an enterprise
that is bound to be a great benefit to
this state , as well as to the entire western -
ern country. Orders should be addressed -
dressed to the Weekly Bee , Omaha , Neb.
To Subscribers of The Tributie.
Readers of THE TRIBUNE will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The publisher -
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop failures -
ures and hard times , and as a consequence -
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now compelled -
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re-
Commendable Promptness.
We feel like commending the action
of the board of education , Wednesday
evening , heartily : First , in the selections -
tions made for teachers. Second , in
electing them early and during the life
of the old board as per law.
Last year the selections were not formt
Lily made until late in July , we believe ,
after the new board came into existence ,
which action was both late and irregular ,
Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of i
nice writing paper at this office , con.
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes -
opes ,
The city council will be in regular ses-
siotl on Monday evening next.
Some good work is vein6 done in grad-
big certain streets of the city.
Wall paper-All prices from 4C. to 20C.
per roll at McMilleu's drug store.
They are talking of sowing the park to
alfalfa , this spring. Good idea ,
Among the court house callers , Moii-
day , was Jacob Learch of Indianola.
In wet or in dry weather the Burnett
Lumber Co , can furnish you DRY STOVE
The bicycle is developing more soft
places in the public cranium than the t
1 rays are.
The Barnett Lumber Co , are expecting
another car of the Page Woven Wire '
Fence , very soon.
Wiilll and dust in abundance , the past
few days , but the oft promised rain has
not materialized ,
Das giebt kein "trockenes yahr" hewer
in Nebraska , and-don't you forget it.-
Staats Anzeiger.
Observe the changes in the advertise-
inents of W. C. LaTourette and C. L.
DeGroff S Co. , this week.
This week , the company has had the
alfalfa curt in their yard east of the sta-
tion. It was knee high and luxuriant.
Try Dust Killer. Guaranteed to kill
the dust on your floor. It will give sat-
isfaction. Sold by A. MCMirLEx ,
Last Saturday , Rev , J. A. Badcon
united in marriage William II , Bentley
and Lillie M , Willianis , both of Bartley.
See the Barnett Lumber Co. before
buying Screen doors. We have on hand
a large of both Plain and Fancy Doors
at lowest prices.
The "Temple of Fame" entertainment
will contain So people in the'cast. Tliere ' '
will be good music and fmi a plenty ,
Next Wednesday evening.
Henry Winans from near Box Elder
has contracted with the Barnett Lumber
Co. to fence a tell-acre lot with the Page
Woven Wire Fencing.
Rev. Hart L. Preston rode over to
Curtis , a distance ofabout 35 miles , eprly
in the week , on a visit to his brother ,
who will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational -
gregational pulpit here , Sunday.
FRED KNEELAND visited friends here ,
last week , leaving for Denver On Mon-
day. He goes on to Cripple Creek ,
where his wife has been for a few weeks.
He is still organizing for the Maccabees.
An arch way is being made between
the Babcock and Morlan store rooms , in ,
preparation for the removal of the Mc-
Cook Mercantile Co. , next week. Other
preparations will also be completed in
the meantime.
William Fruin , a former McCook real
estate agent , late of Chicago , has recently -
ly acquired fame and a judgment for a
thousand dollars by securing a ten thousand -
sand dollar wife for another fellow. We
wonder of Billie is still single.
The "Queen of Fanie" to be given in
the opera hall , Wednesday evening of
next week , under auspices of the Star
of Jupiter and direction of Miss Gertrude -
trude Garwood , will be one of the finest
spectacular , musical and dramatic entertainments -
tainments ever given in the city . ,
Supt. Meeker is thinking of putting a
padlock on the standpipe , since some
enterprising citizen recently dropped
into the park and dug up and hauled
away some of the fine sod grown around
the standpipe to keep the ground from
washing in case the water ran out of the
The latest in a card of thanks runs
thusly and is of Ohio origin : "I desire
to thank the friends and neighbors most
heartily in this manner for their united
aid and cooperation during the illness
and death of my husband , who escaped
from me by the hand of death on last
Friday morning while we were eating
breakfast. To the friends and all who
contributed so willingly towards making
the last moments and funeral of , my
husband a howling success , I desire tote
to be remembered most kindly , hoping
heae few lines will find them enjoying
the same blessing. I also have a good
milch cow and a roan gelding horse
raising of eight years old which I will
sell cheap on the premises. God moves
n a mysterious way his wonders to per-
form. He plants his footsteps in the
sea and rides upon the storm. Also a
very black and white shoat very low" .