The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1896, Image 7

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    .lyis Own Funcrnl Sermon.
" George Inwood , of No. 709 Union
4 street has written the sermon wjlich
] dill be delivered at his own ( uncial ,
' Moreover , to make certain that this
. I sermon shall be fully understood that
.s h there may b e no faltering or hesitancy
over the blindly written words , he has
caused his funeral production to be
printed in large , bold type. One bunt -
t dyed copies were struck oil. These are
kept in a strong box away from the
. light , only to be produced on the day of
, the funeral. Having thus arranged for
the statements of fact and belief to be
' uttered , Mr. Inwood went a step fur-
tller , and provided in his will , which
will be opened before the funeral services -
' ices , for i reader. Any person who is
I a sectarian in belief is hopelessly dis-
t' qualified. The heirs will fail of fulfillment -
fillment of the conditions upon
which bequests are predicated is
that if any member of any sect
enunciates the words. This necessarily
bars out all clergymen. From this it
should not be inferred that Mr. Inwood
has no religious belief. Of himself he
says : "I am a full believer in the life
and doctrins of Jesus Christ , but I am
strictly non seetarian.-San Francisco
A Monkey Story.
Among the passengers arriving at
Southaupton on Saturday last , by
the steam ship Norman , who was a
monkey of large size which came from
South Africa in charge of a passenger -
ger , by whom he was found after the
late explosion at Johannesburg , seated
.in the only room remaining intact of
what had before been a considerable
ilsizcd cottage. In the room were also
discovered two baby children , one of
whom had been killed , but the other
was alive , and , it is said , in the arms
of the monkey , who was tenderly nuts-
lug it. The living child was adopted
by a resident in Johannesburg , but the
monkey , who was noted on board for
his extreme fondness for children , was
a popular passenger by the Union Com-
pany's Mail . -
Deafness Can Not Be Caron
By local applications , as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafness ,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
ditlon of the mucous lining of the Eustachian -
tachian Tube. When the tube is inflamed -
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing , and when it is entirely -
tirely closed Deafness is the result , and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to Its normal
condition , hearing will be destroyed forever -
ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed -
flamed condition of the mucous sur-
We will give Ore Hundred Dollars for
any case of Dearness ( caused by Catarrh -
tarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J. CHENEY CO : , Toledo , 0.
Sold by druggists ; 75c.
Hall's Family Pills , 25c.
Between Boston Infants.
Emerson ( aged 5)-"Have ) you not
been charmed by the accuracy of pro-
portion in Gulliver's Travels ? "
J } Winthrop ( aged 7 , with a superior
air-"Indeed ) , no. Those sharp sighted -
ed , diminutive individuals , the Lilipu-
tians , should have been the first to dis-
eover niicrobes.'i-Truth.
llegeman'R Camphor Ice with Glycerine.
The original and only genuine Cures ChapDedHauds
and Face , Cold Sores , gc. C.G.ClarkCo.h.haveuCt- ;
A Becoming Co1llure.
+ v As for doing the hair up , think over
all the styles of coiffures you ever saw ,
and then in front of mirrors , by the
aid of which you can see the front ,
bask and both sides of the head , try
first one and then the other style-low ,
high , wide , narrow , smooth bands ,
' crinkles , temple locks , middle part ,
penpadour , figure eights , flat braids ,
etc etc.-and when you have hit upon
the one that makes the head and face
. conform most nearly to a graceful
. idealadopt that for your distinctive
stile and cling to it , though empires
0 My doctor said I would die , but Piso's
f Cure for Consumption cured me.-Amos
] ielner , Cherry Valley , Ills. , Nov. 23 , ' 95.
The smaller the soul the bigger a dollar
The man who makes his own god always
bas a little one.
, , - 1
T hi
/ l
) ,
Gladness Comes
ith a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many physical -
ical ills , which vanish before proper ef
forts-gentle efforts-pleasant
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge , that so many forms of
I . sickness are not due to any actual disease -
ease , but simply to a constipated condition -
tion of the system , which the pleasant
family laxative , Syrup of Figs. promptly -
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families , and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact , that itis the
one remedy which promotes. internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important , in order to get its beneficial -
ficial cffectc , to note when you purchase -
chase , that you have the genuine article -
cle , which is manufactured by the California -
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
" If in the enjoyment of good health ,
r' and the system is regular , laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
/ afflicted with any actual disease , one I
't I may be commended to the most skillful
physicians , bait if in need of a laxative ,
one should have the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
1696 Hlgh Grade ship el anywhere G O.D. at
lowest who'es.le price. $100 ,
Fire. St75t$75westmaster ( , i
S47f0 $ Gi wen miner $97.50 i
, .
$35 Favoritr$2,50. Lntestbiod
. , '
els , guaranteed i'nemnat-
ie7ires. w eigh t 18tolb.cndforcatalogue ,
E. S6iIDT' & CO. . 1919 Fstnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
* #
+ 1
t i
RCH Trevlyn had
had a good day.
Business had been
. brisk. The rain
had fallen steadily
since daybreak ,
i and the street
crossings in New
York were ankle
\ deep in mud.
The little street
sweeper's a r m s
ached fearfully , but his pocket was full
of pennies , Interspersed with an occasional -
sional half dime.
The clouds were breaking In the west ,
and a gleam of sunshine gilded the tall
tower of St , John's. Arch shouldered
his broom , and whistled a merry tune
as he took his way homeward. His
bright dark eyes sparkled as he thought
how the sight of his earnings would
cheer his feeble mother. She could
have tea now , with real milk and some
sugar in it , and an orange , too. Only
yesterday she was wishing she had an
Arch's way led past a horticulturist's
store , and his eyes wandered longingly
over the display of flowers in the win-
dow. He must have just one wee white
rose , because , only the Sabbath before ,
while he sat at his mother's feet , she
had wept in telling him nhnut the sweet
roses that used to grow under the window -
dow of the little country cottage where
her happy youth had been spent.
The white rose would be like bringing -
ing back to her ever so little a bit of
the happy past. It could not cost much ,
and Arch felt wealthy as a prince. He
stepped into the store and asked the
price of a white rose. The clerk answered -
swered him roughly :
"Get out of the store , you young ras-
cal. You want to steal something. "
"I am not a thief , sir , " said the boy ,
proudly , his sallow cheeks crimsoning
hotly. "I want a rose for my mother.
I guess I can pay for it ! "
"It's half a dollar , if you want It"
said the man sneeringly. "Show your
money , or take yourself off this minute -
ute ! "
Arch's countenance fell. He had not
half a dollar in all. He turned sadly
away , his head drooping , his lip quiv-
ering. Oh , Chow very hard it was to
be poor , he thought , looking enviously
at the costly carriage with a pair of
splendid grays , standing before the
"Stop , little boy' " said a sweet voice
from d mewhere among the roses and
heliotropes. "Is your mother sick ? "
Arch removed his cap-some inborn
spirit of courtesy prompting him to be
reverent toward the glorious vision
which burst upon him. For a moment
he thought he saw an angel , and almost -
most expected that she would unfold
her silvery wings , and vanish in a golden -
en cloud from his sight. But after the
first glance he saw that she was a little
girl about his own age-eight or nine
years old , perhaps-with yellow curls ,
deep hazel eyes , a mouth like a rosebud ,
and a blue silk frock. She repeated the
question :
"Is your mother sick , little boy ? "
"No , she is not sick , for she always
sits up , and sews. But she is not
strong , and her cheeks never have any
color in them , like yours. "
"And does she love flowers ? "
"Yes , she loves them dearly. She
kisses them always , when she has any.
And that's not often. "
"Does she ? That's nice. Just like I
do ! " said the little girl in a pleased
voice. "Mr. Burns"-to the gruff
clerk-"here is a dollar. Give me some
real nice roses , and two or three sweet
pinks. The lady shall have some flow-
ers. Tell her I sent them. "
"Wl.o shall I say sent them ? "
"Margie Harrison. Will she know
me , think ? "
"I guess not. But it's all the same.
I shall tell her you are one of the angels ,
any way. She knows about them , for
she's told me ever so much about them. "
The little girl laughed , and gave him
the flowers.
"Don't soil them with your grimy
hands , " she said a little saucily ; "and
when you get home-let's see , what's
your name ? "
"Archer Trevlyn. "
"Why , what a nice name ! Just like
names in a story book. I know some
elegant people by the name of Trevlyn.
But they live in a big house and have
flowers enough of their own. So they ,
can't be your folks , can they ? "
"No , they're not my folks , " replied
the boywith a touch of bitterness in his
"Well , Archer , when you get home ,
you wash your face , do' ' It's so dirty. "
The boy flushed hotly. If one of his
companions had said that to him , he
would have knocked him down instant-
ly. But he forgave everything this little -
tle girl said , because she was so beautiful -
tiful and kind.
"I am a street sweeper , miss. "
"Oh , that accounts for it , then. It's
very it eddy today , and you must be
tiled. Haik ! there's Florine calling me.
Good-by , Archer. "
She vanished , and a moment later
the boy say her disappear within the
glittering carriage , which , loaded down
with fragrant blossoms , was driven
slowly away. He stood a little while
looking after it , then , pulling his cap
down over his eyes , and grasping the
stems of her flowers tightly in his
little purple hand , he started home.
Home ! It could hardly be called so ,
and yet it was home : to Archer. His
.pother was there-the dear mother a
s + +
who was all the world to him. It was
a poor part of the city-an old , tumble
down wooden house , swarming with
tenants , teeming with misery , filth and
Up a crazy flight of steps , and turning -
ing to the right , Arch saw that the door
of his mother's room was half open , and
the storm had beaten in on the floor.
It was all damp and dismal , and such
an indescribable air of desolation over :
everything ! Arch's heart beat a little
slower as he went in. His mother sat
in an arm chair by the window , an
uncovered box in her lap , and a miniature -
iature locket clasped in her hand.
"Oh , mother ! mother dearest ! " cried
Arch , holding up the flowers , "only look
what I have got ! An angel gave them
to me ! A very angel , with hair like the
sunshine , and a blue frock , all real silk !
And I have got my pocket full of pennies -
nies , and you shall have an orange ,
mother , and ever so many nice little
things beside. See , mother dear ! "
He displayed a handful of coin , but
she did not notice him. He looked at
her through the gloom of the twilight ,
'and a feeling of terrible awe stole over
him. He crept to her side and touched
her cheek with his finger. It was cold
as ice. A mortal pallor overspread his
face ; the pennies and the flowers rolled
unheeded to the floor.
"Dead ! dead ! My mother is dead ! "
he cried.
He did not display any of the passionate -
ate grief which is natural to childhood
-there were no tears in his feverish
eyes. He took her cold hands in his
.own , and stood there all night long ,
smoothing back the beautiful hair and
talking to her as one would talk to a
sick child.
It was thus that Mat Miller found him
the next morning. Mat was 'a little
older than himself street sweeper ,
also. She and Arch had always been
good friends ; they sympathized with
each other when bad luck was on them ,
anti they cheered lustily when fortune
"Hurrah , Arch ! " cried Mat , as she
burst into the room ; "it , rains again ,
and we shall get a harvest ! Good
gracious , Arch ! is-your-mother-
dead ? "
"Hush ! " said the boy , putting down
the cold hand ; "I have been trying to
warm her all night , but it's no use.
Only just feel how like ice my hands
are. I wish I was as cold all over , and
then they would let me stay with my
mother : "
"Oh , Arch ! " cried the girl , sinking
down beside him on the desolate hearth ,
"it's a hard world to live in. I .won-
der If , 'when folks be dead , they have
to sweep crossings , and be kicked and
be cuffed round by old grandmas when
they don't get no pennies ? If they
don't then I wish I was dead , too ,
Arch ! "
"I suppose it's wicked , Mat. She used
to say so. She told me never to get
tired of waiting for God's own time-
her very words , Mat. Well , now her
time has come , and I am all alone-all
alone ! Oh , mother-mother ! " He
threw himself down before the dead
woman , and his form shook with emotion -
tion , but not a tear came to his eyes.
Only that hard , stony look of hopeless
despair. Mat crept up to him and took
his head in her lap , smoothing softly
the matted chestnut hair.
"Don't take on so , Arch , don't ! " she
cried , the tears running down over her
sunburnt face. "I'111 be a mother to ye ,
Arch ! I will , indeed ! I know I'm a little -
tle brat , but I love you , Arch , and some
time , when we get bigger , I'll marry
you , Arch , and we'll live in the country ,
where there's birds and flowers , and it's
just like the park all round. Don't
feel so , don't ! "
Arch pressed the dirty little hands
that fluttered about him-for , next to
his mother , he loved Mat.
"I will go out now and call somebody -
body , " she said ; "there's Mrs. Hill and
Peggy Sullivan , if she ain't drunk.
Either of them will come ! " And a few
minutes later the room was filled 'with
the rude neighbors.
They did not think it necessary to
call a coroner. She had been ailing for
a long time. Heart complaint , the
physician said-and she had probably
died in one of those spasms to which
she was subject So they
robed her for the grave , and when all
was done , Arch stole in and laid the
pinks and roses on her breast.
"Oh , mother ! mother ! " he said , bending -
ing over her in agony , "she sent them
to you , and you shall have them ! I
thought they would make you so happy -
py ! Well , maybe they will now ! Who
can tell ? "
The funeral was a very poor one. A
kind city missionary prayed over the
remains , and the hearse was followed
to Potter's Field only by Mat and
Arch-ragged and tattered , but sincere
mourners ,
HEN they came
back Mat took
i „ Arch's hand and
.r . led him into the
wretched den she
called home.
V t
} "You shall stay
here , Arch , with
Grandma Rugg
_ and me. She said
y you might if you'd
be a goad boy , and
not plague , the cat. Grandma's a
rough one , but she ain't kicked me since
I tore her cap oft. I'm too big to be
cf , " H.,3aat. ,
kicked now. Sit down , Arch ; you
know you can't ptay at home now. "
Ices , to be sure he could not stay there
any longer. No one knew that any better -
ter than Arch. The landlord had
warned him out that very morning. A
half-quarter's rent was still due , and
the meager furniture would hardly suf-
flee to satisfy his claim. Hitherto , Mrs.
Trevlyn had managed to pay her own
expenses , but , now that she was gone ,
Arch knew that it was more than folly
to think of renting a room. But he.
could not suppress a cry of pain when
they came to take away the things , and
when they laid their rude hands on the
chair in which his mother died , poor
Arch could endure no more , but fled
out into the street and wandered about
till hunger and weariness forced him
back to the old haunt.
He accepted the hospitality of Grandma -
ma Rugg , and made his home with her
and Mat. The influences which surrounded -
rounded him were not calculated to develop -
velop good principles , and Arch grew
rude and boisterous , like the other
street boys. He heard the vilest lan-
guage-oaths were the rule rather than
the exception in Grigg Court , as the
place was called-and gambling , and
drunkenness , and licentiousness
abounded. Still , it was singular how
much evil Arch shunned.
But there was growing within him a
principle of bitter hatred , which one
day might embitter his whole exist-
ence. Perhaps he had cause for it ; he
thought he had , and cherished it with
jealous care , lest it should be annihilated -
ated as the years went on.
From his mother's private papers he
had learned much of her history that
he had before been ignorant of. She
had never spoken to him very freely of
the past. She knew how proud and
high his temper was , and acted with
wisdom in burying the story of her
wrongs in her own breast.
Her father , Hubert Trevlyn , had
come of a proud family. There was no
bluer blood in the land than that which
ran in the veins of the Trevlyns. Not
very far back they had an earl for their
ancestor , and , better than that , the
whole long lineage had never been tarnished -
nished by a breath of dishonor.
Hubert was the sole child of his father -
er , and in him were centered many
bright and precious hopes. His father
was a kind parent , though a stern one ,
who would never brook a shade of disobedience -
obedience in this boy upon whom his
fondest hopes and aspirations were
When Hubert was about twenty-four
he went into the country for his health ,
which was never very robust , and while
there he met Helen Crayton. It was
a case of love at first sight , but none
the less pure and steadfast on that ac-
count. Helen was an orphan-a poor
seamstress , but beautiful and intelligent -
gent beyond any woman he had ever
met. They loved , and they would not
be cheated out of their happiness by
any worldly opposition. Hubert wrote
to his father , informing him of his love
for Helen , and asking his consent to
their union. Such a letter as he received -
ceived in return ! It bade him give up
the girl at once and return home. If
he ever spok3 of her again he was disowned -
owned forever ! He might consider
himself houseless and homeless.
Hubert had some of the proud Trev-
lyn blood in his composition , and this
letter roused it thoroughly. A week
afterward he was the husband of Helen
Crayton. He took his young wife to
the city , and , having something of a
talent for painting , he opened a studio ,
hoping to receive sufficient patronage
from his friends to support his family
in comfort.
( To liii CONTINUED. )
In Which Three Men Can Live Under
Water Twelve Hours.
Yet another submarine boat has been
invented , or is it an old friend under
an assumed name ? Be this as it may ,
a submarine boat , ordered by the Brazilian -
zilian government , was to be tried this
week on the Seine , and the trials being
satisfactory other and larger vessels
are to be built , says the Court Journal.
The new boat , which is named the
Goubet , is some tewenty-six feet long ,
about 5 feet 6 inches in diameter in the
center , and has a displacement of about
ten tons. The motive power is supplied
by electricity , and the screw also serves
the purpose of a rudder , the shaft being
joined so as to enable it to be turned
either to the right or to the left. Three
men , the inventor claims , can live under -
der water in the Goubet for twelve
hours with the supply of compressed
air. This has , of course , to be proved ;
but in the event of anything going
wrong , a lead keel , weighing over a
ton will be dropped , and the boat will
at once come to the surface like a cork.
On account of electricty being used for
supplying the propelling power , the
sphere of action of the new boat must
of necessity be very limited , as compasses -
passes cannot be used , but it could do
all that is required of it , if taken on
board a' vessel and launched when the
enemy's ships were in sight. The Gou-
bet's mission is to throw torpedoes , and
if the arrangement far throwing these
projectiles can be relied upon , she will
prove a formidable antagonist. To
sink the Goubet water is let into compartments -
partments in the lower part of the boat ,
and when it is sunk to any required
depth in that position it remains exactly -
actly , the arrangement for sinking the
vessel being so beautifully and carefully -
fully arranged. One ounce of water-
more or less-will cause the boat to sink
lower or come nearer the surface.
Floods of the Nile.
The floods of the Nile are so regular
in their coming that for hundreds of
years they have not varied ten days
in the date of their arrival at a given
point. The Nile mud , which renders
Egypt a habitable country , is said to
bear a striking resemblance to that 1
which every season is brought down I
by Missouri.
Half Fare to Virginia and Carolina.
On May ; homeseelters' excursion
tickets will be sold from all points in
the West and Northwest over the "Big
Four Route" and Chesapeake + C Ohio
Ry. to Virginia and\orth Carolina at
one fare for the round-trip. Settlers
looking for a home in the South can done
no better than in Virginia. There
they have cheap farm lands , no blizzards -
zards , lee cyclones , mild winters , never
failing crops , cheap transportation and
the best markets. Send for free de-
criptive pamphlet , excursion rates and
time folders. U. L. 'Pruitt , N. W. Y.
A. , 239 Clark St. , Chicago , Ill.
Fair and Fruitful
As the 'West is , it Is often malarious. But It
is pleasant to lnote that a competent afc-
guard In the shape of llostettor's Stomach
Bitters exists , tthich absolutely nuliGes the
poison of miasma. Western bound cmi-
grants should boar this In mind. Nor should
It be forgotten , the Bitters Is asterling reln-
edy for dyspepsia , billiousness , constipation -
tion , kidney and nervous eomplaihts and
There is no aristocracy , so great as that
in a little town.
The more one u e Purker'a Ginger Tnule
the more its good qualities ; + rerovcatcdiudls , oiling
colds , ludigestion , pants and every kind of wo.ikus , .
The most finished literary product has
uo charm for the proof reader ,
'ulking would often be a pleasure
were It not for thoco ns. These pests me easliy removed -
moved with 131ndercorns. druggists.
The poorest cyclist often has the finest
cycling suit.
FITS-All Fitsstopped free by Dr.ICline'sflrent
2 ervcltestorer. ) '
llarvdouscure. . Treatise an , 5tr.tbottl fre. tr
1fcases. .end tohr.KlineKnnrenbt.lhlla.i .
The knife of the guillotine is weighted
with 120 pounds of lead.
There is no temptation for a man to
wear skirts.
If the Baby Is Cutting Teetn.
Be sure andusethatoa ! and ueli tried remedy , 1 ns ,
iVlsstow's Soorniso Svnvr for Children Teething-
Billiard table , second-hand , for sale
cheap. Apply to or address , H. C. AKIN ,
511 S. 1th St. , Omaha , Nob.
oooooooooooo oo oooo
' A Crick"A Stitch"
Queer Names . "A Twist"-"A Jam"
"A naic"r n Spots"
"BWa Spots"-'Dead Aches"- .
aromawel known of „ esLbone , St.Jacobs OiAL
and muscle , and easily cured Ly
, q pyR
9 ' 41V7d
7W V0 'V 7 Y' _ l9lP\A b'
( , f .
G / . JII1I1iJli ) ? '
-s \
, - / / ,
4 ( t ; % 44 I 6
_ _ _
The coming Artist who knows enough
to paint a popular subject.
You get 5 % oz. of " Battle Ax's
for 10 cents. You only get 3 5 oz.
of other brands of no better quality
for 10 cents. In other words , if you
buy "battle Ate" you get 2 oz.
more of high grade tobacco for the
same money. Can you afford to
resist this fact ? tXTe say NO-
unless you have "Money to Burn. "
Would be dearer than ALABARTINB ,
whlch does not require to be taken otf to I
renew , does not harbor germs , but destroys
them , and any one can brush it on.
Sold by all paint dealers. Write for card
with samples.
ALABASTI11E CO. , Grand Rapids , Mich ,
F l ( id9 f.Ai DSforSaEe.
In thestatesotVirginiaNortitandSouth Carolina -
lina , Georgia , Alabama , Mis.lssippl. Tenuessce ,
Kentucky. Land Excursions frnm the Nort's-
WesttoSouthernWyPotntsApril21and llay
5. DetafeJ Information with maps and descrtp-
tis'epamphletswill be s nt free upon apoII r
Lion to M. V. Blrhards , Land Agent Southerit
P.ailscav , Washington , D. C. He will also.Pnd
tnxnvnddress freea 16pagejaut nal , "fill :
SQUTHERN FIELD. " tvliehshoutd be read
by every Northern family.
but sell direct to rho sort.
Sumer at wholeoale prices.
ship anywhere for examin
atlon before sale. Evcry-
thingwa rranted.100 styles
of Carrhey 90 styles of
Harneu , 41 styles Rtdi.s Bad-
dir. . Write for catalogue.
SESS 211'0. CO. , ELKHART ,
w. n. PRATT , Secy. ISD.
BUGGIES Aslow as $2510.
5nrrey , for $7&
t 101stvlvs. Good 'varietyct
aecorid hand.Carriages and
Wagon ! . Nobody .ebs on
( dos rmcrtzne.
18th and Harney Sta , Omaha
SCHOOL DESKS Save SOc freight on each by
haviuc them ehipp'don from the
Western School Supply Howe , Des Moines. In.
Write for wbatyouwant
Exchange , Denver , Cole ,
The Hit
of the
Season. . .
' is made by ,
t. Ay er's Sarsa-
' ' arilla. Just
s tr'iv ,
\ r ' - at this season
when Spring
\ - . and its dehili-
tilting days
j are with Liss
4 there is notll-
to put new
life into the
sluggish s's-
awaythe tlull-
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