The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1896, Image 4
[ i - -c I . . r , Jfltirnk ; j'rthut , BY F M. KIMMELL. - $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. REPUBLICAN TICKET. . For Congressman-Fifth District , WILLIAM E.ANDREwsof Adams County. For Representative-65th District , R. P : HIGH of Lebanon Precinct. For County Attorney , HARLOW W. KRvzs of indianola Precinct. For Commissioner-First District , I ALEX. D. JohINsToN of Valley Grange Prec. , , NEBRASKA should promptly follow the example of New York state and repeal I , , : her law which makes it possible for one , i - to collect greater damages for a broken leg than his heirs can get for his broken neck There seems to be small equity or , justice in such an anomoly. Now comes Colonel Phillips of the Indianola Reporter who deposes and says il l i that Colonel Mitchell of the Indianola Courier is not a fall-fledged Populist , but a Prohibition-Woman Suffragist with a i 1 transparent enamel of Populism. Butt a t whither are we drifting , anyway ? C - i THERE is positively nootherinfluence so potent in deterring men from misbe havior of all grades , from petty vice to ' , infamous crime , as the popular consciousness - sciousness that the newspapers , with an aggressive moral sense , are inquisitive of wrong doing and "sensational" enough to publish the truth about matters that concern the public well-being , says the Seattle Telegraph Not even the fear I : ' of the law's penalties is an effective deterrent - terrent where there are no newspapers with moral sense to turn the light into every dark corner. : ATTORNEY GENERAL CHURCHILL s says that registered state warrants are not state securities in which the permanent - manent school fund can be constitutionally - ally invested because if that were the r r intention of the constitution they would have used the word "warrants" and not . "securities" . According to the same F logic , neither are state and county bonds t within the scope of tlfe constitutional t , provision because if they were the con- 9 I stitution makers would have used the word "bonds" instead of "securities" . t x l And the attorney general prides himself on his logic.-Bee. H. H. TROTH , mayor of McCook and candidate for state auditor , returned home , last evening , Mr. Troth has the honor of being elected mayor of Mc- , , Cook , this spring , with onlyt one vote polled againgt him. He has been a resident - ident of Nebraska since 1871 and was postmaster at McCook four years under President Harrison , Mr. Troth was allowed - lowed to select his own delegates from C Red Willow county to the state conven- I tion. He has assurances of support ' from all parts of the Fifth district and expects a solid delegation from the Republican - publican valley.-Lincoln Journal , Mont - t clay. It Will be Swamped. The ambitious attempt of the bosses 11 of the A. P. A. to advertise themselves Republican can party in the matter of a candidate for president will only make them ab- surd. The American people are weary of that sort of secret society horse play. The charge that McKinley , a member of , the Methodist Episcopal church and a ' Republican from away back in blood and . patriotism , favors the pope in politics and appoints Catholics rather than Protestants - testants to office , is so puerile and crazy . that if the A. P. A. organization goes into the campaign on it it is the association - tion and 'not Major McKinley that will be sivamped.-Lincoln Journal. I , Will It be Necessary ? Will it be necessary for Americans who aspire to the presidency to procure a bull I' ' froii the A. P. A. pope granting them permission to become presidential can- didates-Omaha Bee. - - - - - - - . INDiANOLA. I 11Irs. Alice Dye was a county seat visitor - itor on business , Saturday. ; J Fred Beardslee and Otto Grass assisted the P3 thian band in McCook at their recent - cent concerts. s - Mrs. C. B. Gray , who has been visiting i her mother , Mrs. C. B. Hoag , returned home , Sunday night. - - It is rumored that Rev. B. Sproll contemplates - templates making an effort to secure the 1 vacant county buildings here for use as - school houses. Mrs. Dennis Fitigerald visited Indian- - ola relatives over Sunday. Mrs. Frank McClung accompanied her to McCook , ; i . Sunday night. - Prof. L. W. Smith spent a few hours I in the new county seat on business , Weds - s nesday night. C. H. Boyle will have charge of his abstract books. R The three county commissioners . here , Monday , as per adjournment , and ; soon after assembling adjourned in a c body to McCook to select quarters .into which to move the county offices and records. They decided upon the Meeker , building and drove back here , Tuesday afternoon. They selected splendid tern- . PorarY quarters , safe , commodious and v convenient ; and at a very reasonable - rental. . . r.3' . . ' .w. R1'4 a t -T , -p : , r SILLY SAYINGS. Floyd Roberson is working for J. A. Goheen. Miss May Whittaker will enter our school , this week. The greater part of our news , this week , is too silly to mention , .3. A. Goheen , our assessor , made us all a pleasant call , the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers drove through our city , Monday afternoon. Misses Jennie Goheen , Geri Highy and Eunice Goheen passed through our city , Saturday afternoon , 1 It is to bad when a man has a ranch that he then wants to move the public road. Don't worry , sir , you may be appointed - pointed road overseer , next fall. The latest report ( from an experienced lawyer , if you please ) is that Ed. Benja- mfa carries his gall with him. Ed , says , bring forth the man that doesn't. The Christian Endeavor society meeting - ing was well attended on last Sunday evening. It seemed to be one of the most enthusiastic meetings in the history of the society. The big rain , Friday evening , was a loss as well as a gain to some our most enterprising farmers. Joe Schmidt had two calves drowned ; W. S. Fitch , two hogs ; \V. G. Dutton , one calf. A special business meeting of the Christian Endeavor society will be held at the residence of Charles Boatman , four miles southwest of the Fitch school house in Driftwood precinct. All members - bers are urgently requested to be present. TATTLING TILLIE. PROSPECT PARK. Everyone is feeling happy. Frank Fitch , attended Sunday school here , last Sunday , James Boatman and wife were up from Indianola , first of last week. Mr. Parsons , formerly of Rawlins co. , Kan has moved onto J. H. 1Ioore's farm on the Driftwood. Rev. J. E. Tirrill will preach at the school house , next Sunday , at mm o'clock. All are cordially invited. George Frederick and family departed overland for the northern part of the state , fore part of last week. The Republicans of this precinct are well pleased with the county ticket. We are also ready to give McKinley a lift. The types made us say that W. G. Dutton - ton took 70 head of cattle to the Stewart ranch to pasture , last week , when there were onlr6o head in the bunch. A large crowd gathered at the school house on Sunday , to hear Rev. J : M. Bell of McCook preach , but for some reason he failed to put in an appearance. The prayer meeting atV. . N. Cratty's , Thursday evening of last week , was not very well attended , on account of the threatening appearance of the weather. DANBURY. Otto Grass left for Denver from this place , Tuesday , where he contemplates spending the summer. Will Leisure , Harlow Woods , Marion Powell , Ed and Saul Stilgebouer are Omaha visitors , this week. W. A. Minniear , one of the Beaver's most substantial and solid men , went over to the new county seat , Saturday - day , on some business matters. Some damage was done Friday evening - ing by the wind. C. P. Underwood's large windmill which stands by the barn had the wheel blown off and J. Dolph's mill was somewhat injured ; also some of The window panes were blown in. Some hail accompanied the storm. Our little burg shipped ten carloads of stock Tuesday morning. S. W. Stilge- bouer shipped five cars of nice fat cattle , Marion Powell three of cattle and one of hogs , and Mr. Pew one of sheep. The B. & .1I. ran a special train for their benefit , and yet some people say there is no accommodation about railroad cor- porations. $2,500.00 Cash. For sale. The two-story and basement - ment steam-heated building' known as the Frees & Hocknell building , at the foot of Main street , for $2,5oo.oo , spot cash. Write to or inquire of M. BADDRIDGE , Pomona , Calif.or First National Bank of McCook. Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR CREAM - IIAKIN6 POWDER OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. . 7. ( I Pliotoaplis1 ! 1f you are contem lata in some ictures made and desire someD thing of sufterior quality , tasty avid artistic-in finish wait or BAILLIE and' BOBSTRO.M , who will , often a studio APRIL .z3 , in the Ganschow building , west side o lower .Main avenue. L ' BARTLEY. Our delegate to Omaha and other pee pie got home safe. The G. A. R. will observe Memorial and Decoration services , this year as usual. The secret orders are all moving back to the G. A , R , hall , which they left , last spring , for other quarters. The Christian church here has been having a short series of meetings. Hope some good results may follow. Our school is progressing very favorably - bly under our efficient corps of teachers , and sonic are hoping they may be retained - tained another year. Our hotel and livery barn have been rented by our mail carrier , B F. Sibbitt , who will , we understand , put theniin order for the public soon. So a square meal or a drive to neighboring towns can he secured by the traveling man. Farmers are listing for corn , breaking stalks and getting ready for one of the largest crops we have ever raised in the state. Wheat looks well and a large amount has been sown. With a big crop , President McKinley and McCook the county seat everybody will be happy. The rain descended and the flood came and the wind blew and tore down four windmills and some telegraph poles and unroofed some buildings near Bartley : One mill for J.Stenner , an old one on the A. Utter farm , a new Dandy steel , and two for R S. Baker on each of his farms. It also did other damage which Baker says will cost him at least $300 to repair. ASH CREEK. Fine growing weather. A. L. Miller and wife were over on the Creek last Tuesday. A son was born to Jim Dodd and wife , of East Bondville , last week. Judd Gregg and wife left last Tuesday for their home iii McPherson county , but will stop in Stockville to visit his uncle. C. E. Matthews came over from the Sunny Side Dairy and spent Sunday at W. D. Williams' , bringing his sister , who had arrived last Wednesday evening from Barrett , Kansas , and will visit with Miss Orrie Williams. Prof. H. W Smart , the traveling magician - gician and illusionist , with his assistants , gave au entertainment at the Ash Creek school house , on Monday evening. He performed some very good tricks of magic - ic and also of spiritualism , but the audience - ence was but fair sized. It is too busy times among the farmers forsuch things. MARRIED.-At the residence of the bride's parents , just north of Coleman precinct , Tuesday evening , April 1st , Miss Edna Whitmer and Mr. Arthur Brown , The bride taught a six months' term of school at the Ash Creek school house , ending March 28 , and the groom is also a teacher. Her many friends here join in wishing them a long and happy married life. Mr. amid Mrs. Brown will farm her father's ( Mr. Whitener's ) place this year. BOX ELDER. Considerable real estate was transferred - red on Friday. Mrs. i r. E. Piper is hone from Lincoln. R. E. Moore writes front Knox county that he is tired of rain. Rev. Mills-colored-lectured at the church Monday evening. Ben King arrived from Iowa with his stock and farm implements on Saturday. He says that rent is too high there for him. him.A. A. W. Campbell says that if he can trade his -place on the creek for either a bicycle or a boat , he will leave this coun- try. The enterprise of the market gardeners - ers at this place was displayed on Friday when they bulked their produce and shipped it by water. Wm. Doyle shipped - ped twenty head of hogs , and Samuel Doyle , not to be outdone , forwarded by the same boat to the same market over 100 head. Mr. Belles , with characteristic generosity , restocked the Willow with fish. . . . COLEMAN. H. BVales is rolling the sod over with two teams. M , H. Cole is trying to estimate the value of this town. R. J. Traphagan is breaking up a portion - tion of H. H. Easterday's fine land. Bert Wales is breaking out fifty acres for M. H. Cole for the first two crops. It does look a little odd to have to select - lect the most elevated points to finish making garden on. Wm. T. Coleman and family of Mc- Cook drove out to M. H. Cole's , Sunday , and spent a few hours. R. J. Traphagan bad the misfortune to lose a horse a few days ago. It got cut on a wire fence and bled to death. Messrs , and Mesdames J. W. Corner , M. Ha Cole , H. B. Wales , and John Divine - vine attended the great feast of the Star of Jupiter , in McCook , Monday night. l I. H. Cole looked in on the state convention - vention at Omaha and then run over to Dallas county , Iowa , and made a few days' visit to friends , and returned Saturday - urday night. The Y. P. S. C. E. number fiftysix members now , Miss Alice Cole led last Sabbath evening. Henry Lepper leads next Sunday , and Miss Grace Cole Sabbath - bath aweek. The Rev. W. 0. Norval of McCook occupied the pulpit at the Coleman school house on last Sabbath while Bro- tlier Bell quietly occupied a seat back by the door. One of the curiosities up here is a horned toad , sent from San Bernardino , California , by Gertie Coleman. Its manner - ner of locomotion is very different from our native toads , as it walks and runs but never jumps. Its make-up is different - ent , also. It has eight horns on its head about a half an inch long , and it has a tail about three inches in length. Its body and legs are a counterpart of our native toads. Minus the tail and horns , it looks just like a common , every-day Nebraska toad. That rain , Friday , was a real old-timer. Three and a half inches of water fell in less than two hours. So much hail fell that it lay in patches on the prairie until - til Saturday night ; and on the north of buildings it lay until Sunday night. It stripped the apple , cherry and peach trees of bloom. Wen. Coleman had sev- ty-five apple , ten cherry and eighteen peach trees in bloom , and they are very near every onegone. Only a few blooms remain.- Hundreds of twigs , two to five inches long , are broken off. Fifty or sixty bushels of apples , cherries and peaches are "knocked into pie" . Kni11 ale sells seeds , ) aekage and bulk all kin(1S iii stock. Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. opes.Kni1'ple sells pack- ale and bulk seeds o all kinds. If you take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing ofletter paper. See samples and get prices. Kni p jle has seeds of all kinds foi sale , in package and blllh. We cannot describe I our line of n 1v1 0 is a a j To you , but have a fine 5 line of papers from 4c , to 20c. Per roll , so feel sure we can please everybody - body , but we have 4 4 some . . . . . . . 7c. and 8c. Papers that are s "Dandies" . ' E Come and see us. G " onnCII 0. : rr J. S. MoBRAYER PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. ' Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. 1 y - , di . . . a'-Jati.r-- ' . ' - - - -i i , l tt i ' I Tile Paous C1otilu ! CoMpany. i 4. . . . . . . - k - ' /C 'Latest StYles In@- In@i Mell's Boys' Ha $ - st .r i Ili = Latest Novelties in - . - ' r. 1 NECKW EAR I B JUST RECEIVED. Th l . . . .r. . . . I ! 1 1 ' 1 ana er. ' , ! . w H F N F. V IE R . I In . need of anything in the hat line , and t desire the Itewest . and neatest the market affords , Ft , ' , t' the fact that you can alw Lys obtain such . - ! . HATE . - 1 the largest stock of MILLINERY is kept , , and then you will THINK I MISSES STOVER & STANFIDLD , who are always r glad to show you the latest novelties in the Millinery line. i . I tC tI I C THE RIVERSIDE OAK n - ll' ' - - , - . yl I'j I li SIC I , I I - ) ) I ' , hl ! I III I dl I a ° - - - r 1 r - 't We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhib- ited. in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. I COCHR & Co. ANTI-RUST TINWARE This is absolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. / 1 Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies , Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part of the Republican valley. . Cocm AN & Co. _ _ t : . - QT.--- Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of Jol ; ' ' printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. ' r KniPple lzasPackage 1 and btzlk seeds of all , . kinds for sale. ' , l JU LITJS U11L RT , t Carpet Laying , : t Carpet eanlnE. . am still doing carpet laying , , ar et cleaning , lawn cutting and stmilanvork.See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at 1 TRIBUNE office. JULIUS hUNERT. ; ' HIHIIIHHHHI S. COIDEAL ' . . . i , Notary Public : Reliable ! Insurance Collection Agent. - r at I I I I I I I I - Y ANDREW ' CARSON , Proprietor of the. . . . { t We respectfully solicit your business f ' and guarantee pure milk , full measure , 1 and prompt , courteous service. } 11. . ! j- " l c , ! :1iiiu : t tvJr , : These shoes fit to perfection and wear { as only the best of leather can. They're i shapely , pliant-the most comfortable of footwear. They always manage to let in air and keep out water. 1 Sold by J. F. GANSCHOW. I I I 1 l y t { LI