. i k ' : MADAM - ! , f Repairing YOU R . _ Neatly Done. FEET. . _ Would look the prettier . . and feel the more comfortable - ) able in an easy fitting and v7 fashionable pair of fine OXFORD TIES. Where 'o = "dy will you buy them ? I have for your seeing some of the Daintiest Styles your eyes ever looked upon : . I ; _ 1 3 and the prices are far below - low your expectations. 1 F. GANSCHOW J. . , THE OLD RELIABLE FEAT FITTER McCOOK , NEBRASKA. - t ; . N Goods . New Prices I We are now receiving a large stock of Ladies' Capes , Silks , Shirt Waists , Novelty Dress Goods and White Goods--in fact our stock of Dry Goods is complete. A large , new stock of Men's , Boys' and Youths' Pants. EC6 K6 Our Grocery Stock is complete. We sell For Cash Only , and have made a cut in prices in all departments. - U U N * C ; . - j. Aa Wilcox and Son . _ s MRS. E. E. UTTER-L MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. --Studio-CornerofDodgeand Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , ' - Real EstateCollections , Insurance d f MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ( -Notary Public. East Dennison street. J. E KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW AICCOGK , NEBRASKA. { Agent.of Lincoln Land Co. Office- xRear of First National bank. - ' : a _ _ - - - y AUSTIN J. RiTTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 'Office-Over the Famous clothing store. P. A. WELLS. FARINGTON POWER. WELLS & POWER , ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL General law practice in state and federal courts. Stenographer and Notary in office. Office over Citizens Bank-of McCook. W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GIOffice hours-9 to n a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. . Ja. - 4 RAILROAD 1' 1 . . i - - . s - . - . = - - - - : TIME TAI iE. GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . S:55 A. M. No. , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9100 P. M. No , 64 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3o A.at. No. 148 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 A. M. No. 8o , freight. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A : M No. 75 + freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M. GOING 1VEST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger..12:40 A. M. No. , local assenger..b. . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M. No , 63 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6oo I' . SI. No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 P. M. IMPERIAL LINE-CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 : A. M. No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6 4o v. Dt. .3 r NOTE-No , 63 carries passengers for Stratton , Benkelman and Hai ler. All trins run daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which run daily except Sunday. No. stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. u stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. , Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. When No. 8o is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8oo a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada - ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. Far information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address C. E. MAGNER , Agent. Mrs , T. B. Campbell has been ill and bedfast part of the week. Mrs. T M. Monday has been quite sick with an attack of bronchitis. S. S. Wilburn , late of Wilsonville , is 110W located at Roggen , Colorado. Miss Anna Haley is here from Holbrook - brook and is the guest of Mrs , Sarah Haley , Mrs. V. H. Solliday and sister , Millie Slaby , spent Saturday with Red Cloud relatives , Traveling Engineer Dixon and family arrived home , Sunday night , from their trip to Chicago , W. S. Morlan was in Holdrege , Monday - day , defending the company in the Oyster - ter damage suit. Mesdames Sarah Haley and John Carter - ter visited Holbrook relatives and friends , last week. C , W. Britt went down to Plattsmouth Saturday night , to minister unto his father , who is quite ill. Mrs , C. W. Bronson arrived home , first of the week , from a visit of a few weeks with her mother is Iowa. Miss Josie Mullin went in to Omaha , last Friday night , returning home on Tuesday night of this week. Mrs. Sarah Haley arrived home , Sunday - day night , from a visit to Holdrege friends , the family of Peter Smith. Frank Harris is having his house painted and other improvements made upon his premises on upper Main ave- nue. Mrs. William Lambert arrived from Sheridan , Wyoming , last Friday evening - ing , and is visiting old time McCook friends. C. T. Watson's mother arrived from Lafayette , Indiana , last Friday evening on No. 3 , and under her care he is getting - ting along nicely. The pay car made its usual monthy visitation here , Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. It is a great event in McCook's commercial life. Sam Gilcrest and family spent last week visiting his parents in Akron. Mrs. Gilcrest made final proof on her homestead - stead in that section while there. Mrs. Margaret Oyster and the little children attended the damage trial against the company at HoldregeMon- day , returning home , the same night. His many friends here will be pleased to know that Assistant Master Mechanic James Ritchie of Sheridan , who has been long very ill , resumed work on Monday of last week. Wednesday morning , a little son of Lewis Casten was struck on the head by a hoe by a young playmate sustaining an ugly gash about three inches long , which the surgeon had to repair. The recent supreme court decision touching the inter-state commerce commission - mission is said to seriously effect the pass question , confining the issuance of passes alone to railroad employes and to them only when on company business. The Massachusetts supreme court has decided that school teachers ( have no right to require scholars to "peach" on each other. The decision is in the interest - est of morality and will improve the esprit de corps of the average Yankee kidlet , no doubt. On the recent trip of the president of France two of the private cars were lighted by acetylene gas. The experiment - ment succeeded perfectly and the Paris- Lyons-Mediterranean railroad will probably - ably supply most of its coaches with the apparatus. The new gas is coming into use slowly but surely. After the speculative - lative period is over there will be a time of genuine development. Then we may look for substantial reductions in the cost of the illuminating fluid. SUNFLOWER SILHOUETTES. Stock extra to Oberlin , Monday , Conductor Wolff. Trainmaster Kenyon was a branch visitor , Monday , returning on Tuesday. Agent Bardon went to Riverton , Tuesday , to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. II. C. Brown and sister-in-laww are visitors - itors at Republican , Red Cloud and Hastings , this week. Switchman McBride and wife of Sheiidan , Wyoming , came down to Red C1oudWednes- day , to visit relatives. Section Foreman Ben llutchins with his family and H. IL G.'s moved front Franklin to Oberlin on Wednesday. DIED-"Skinny" , first , last and only water spaniel , belonging to L. W. Wright , on Saturday - day a. m. , of an ineffectual effort to sustain life on Kansas air. He made an heroic effort , but was finally obliged to succumb. Funeral obsequies were duly observed , Col. Stickley officiating. All prominent dogs are in mourn- ing. L. W."s grief is somewhat assuaged , however , by the fact that there was an increase - crease of six in the swine department. TYRONE. John Walton is now running a pedler's wagon , Ona Richmond commenced a three months terui iii the Tyrone school , last Monday. A fine hew monument has been erected - ed in Tyrone cemetery at the grave of Lida Borkman. Elder Hale is expected to be present at the quarterly meeting at the church , next Saturday and Sunday. Those who attended "Uncle Tom's Cabin" , at Wilsonville , on the evening of the Loth , pronounce it very good. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. WELLS , over Citizens bank. Good writing paper ten cents a. quire at this office , To California In a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel moitga a executed b azard Bailey and William Baile to the lie tsone Manufacturing - turing Company , dated November 30th , 1891 , whicwas ul led in the office of he ount clerk of Red 1V'illow county , Nebraska to secure - cure the payment of a zo.ond interest , and on which there is now due the sum of $ 01.8 . Default having been made in the payment . of said sum.and no suit nor other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt nor any portion thereof , the undersigned will sell the property in said mortgage described - cribed , viz : I gelding , chestnut roan , 6 ears old , wight t oo0 Pounds , named Dud ; i gelding - ding , dun , nine years old , weight icoo pounds , named Dun ; i red cow , 6 years old , branded T ; I roan cow , 5 years old , branded ; I roan cow , 3 years old ; I spotted 2-year-old heifer ; I roan cow , 7 } ears old , red neck ; I light red , 2-year-old heifer ; last six branded M-R on left side , the property of Hazard Bailey ; also I geldin , black , star in forehead , 7 ears old , named Lucky Bill ; i brown and whitespot- ted cow , thee ears old branded on left hip , the property yearsWilliam Bailey , also Keystone - stone Sheller No. i,5i8 and Power No. 776 , at public auction at the residence of A. B. Kinzie on section i8 in Box Elder precinct , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 9th day of May , 1896 , at 10 o'clock , a. m. Dated April 15th , 1896. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , 4-17-its. Mortgagee. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became Mimi she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. Chamberlain's Eye and Shin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eve Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HORSE OWNEi'.S. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cad's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 'Office-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence-7o1 Main street. Prompt attention - tion given to all calls. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. Q All dental work done at our office is gu guaranteed anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. . [ TISTliEtIMPH t at r - TO BUY YOUR ss - : : Spriu & Summer Dress goods Our line of Wash Goods is complete. We have 1e newest things in Percales , Dimities. re ons1 a 1neS1 Piques , Ducks , Lawns and Organdies. . .o. . 'Ye ' have a aloe line o White Goods , Embroideries an aces. Prices low. on a1 t 0 See Olll llle 0 illy Waists. Can J ) lease you. orfo - Grocery s ocl , les 1 anc rlces are ewer than ever . aaOSwo . AT TId ' . . . 0 ' ; , i 1c41rcti11 . : . ® . 0 . e . C. L. DEGitOFF & GO. . t1 \ & 'itm r Tttm1.1W1 , , - w4it1 "kilt- for Infants and Children. "CastorlaissoweliadaptedtochiIdrenthat Castoria cures Colic , Constipation , I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation , iinown to me. " IL A. Aucnsa , bt. D , Kills Worms , gives steep , and promotes dl 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y , gestion , Without Injurious medication. "The use of ' CastoHa' Is so universal and "For several years F have recommended It ; merits so well known that it seems a work 'Castoria , ' and shall always continuo to do of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the so , as kt has invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who do not keep Castoria results. " within easy reach. " Enwra F. PABDEu , M. D. , CARLOS 3lSaTYx , D D „ i sth street and T th Ave. , New York City. New York City. Tat : Csxv ra Couru v , ? Moaa&Y Svu zv , Nsw Yonr CITr tiet ilic COtll1ll ! ! . Tailor 1\1ade to Order Suits--$1O.OO 9 $17.50 , $19.00$21.O0 $2.50 : an $26.00. Perfect fit guaranteed ox' no sale or cost to buyer. Bead Made Suits-$7.5U $5.50 $9.50 , 11.00. 13.00 1.5.00. Good fit anti satisfaction - isfaction or no sale. Boys' Suits--$3,00 and upwards. Remember , all of these goods are warranted - ranted all wool and of the best wear b T Wanamaker & Brown , the largest and most reliable clothing firm in the United States. Call and see samples. Satisfy your- selves. Get clothes to fit.r 1Ie r cost no more anti will wear longer. Block1 1 I BENJAMINI r i