The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1896, Image 1

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    Pi P i
_ ! r Mkooh ribunc. ,
The Grandest Down Pouring in a
Number of Years ,
The Rain Fell Slowly and the Soil
Absorbed It All--A Strong
Wind Prevailed.
The rain storm which prevailed all
over this section of Nebraska from Saturday -
urday evening until Monday morning ,
with varying force , was the finest that
has visited this section for a number of
years. Not that the precipitatiou was
the heaviest , but the slowness and stead-
mess of the fall made it possible for the
soil to absorb the entire fall readily , so
that all the priceless-moisture was conserved -
served in the ground and did not rush
away to the sea. The Burlington gauge
at this place registered three inches of
Reports from over Nebraska indicate
that the rain was general and heavy all
over the state , iii many localities the
precipitation being greater than it was
here. This widespread and general
character of the storm , too , made it the
more valuable to the state.
In Colorado the storm developed into
a heavy snow , which in places blockaded -
aded the railroads for a day or two.
The effect upon the farmer is magical
and inspiring , and everywhere the people -
ple are encouraged with the fond hope
that they will be blessed with a full old-
time crop , this season. The small grain
crop has received a decided boom.
The rain followed and was accompanied -
panied by a severe and steady wind , but
we learn of no damage having been
Zint & Fitzgerald's Well Appointed
Barber Shop.
THE TRIBUNE always takes pleasure
in paying a tribute of praise and commendation -
mendation to a "good thing" in any of
the various establishments , and so it is
with much pride and satisfaction that
we especially direct attention to the
barber shop of Messrs. Zint & Fitzger-
aid in the rear of the Citizens bank.
These gentlemen have one of the best
appointed establishments of the kind in
f , western Nebraska , and so are deserving
of the patronage they are enjoying , and
which should steadily increase with Mc-
Cook's prosperity.
Not only are the appointments of the
shop of the best , but both the proprietors -
tors are artists in their line , so that their
- patrons are always certain of receiving ,
the promptest and most artistic and satisfactory -
isfactory work in their shop.
a Give them a trial call.
Dislocation and Fracture.
Sunday night , a traveling man by the
' name of C. N. Crandall had the misfortune -
tune to fall down the steps leading up
to the Commercial house office and received -
ceived injuries which will lay him up
for some weeks. He sustained a fracture
of the small bone of the right leg and
dislocated the ankle of his right foot.
Dr. Gage looked after his immediate
professional demands , and the injured
man left for Lincoln on the day follow-
He Finally Knows.
At twenty a young man knows it all ;
he likes to wag his active tongue and exercise -
ercise his gall ; he struts around in noble
rags , the world is all his own ; he laughs
to scorn the world of age , and lists to
self alone ; he wears a window in his eye
: o see his whiskers grow ; lie thinks the
ladies pine and. die because they love
him so. At forty he's knuckled down to
biz ; 'tis not till sixty that he knows how
big a chump he is.
A Good Law.
In Pennsylvania they have a law which
provides that persons who shall own and
use draught wagons on the public highways -
ways with tires not less than four inches
inwidth forhauling2,0o0pounds' weight ,
shall for each year receive a rebate of
one-fourth their assessed highway tax.
3 Stock Sold in Bulk.
The remnant of the Lowman fire stock
was on Monday sold to George M. Shelley -
ley of Kansas City , Missouri , in bulk ,
for the sum of $400 , by Deputy U. S. ,
Marshal Power.
In the springtime , gentle Annie , the
' to turn
average McCookites' fancy seems
to thoughts of hideous scandal.
Cripple Creek was visited , yesterday ,
by 'a most disastrous blizzard to life and
. 'property.
Miss ROSA GILES is visiting in the
city , guest of F. D. Burgess.
P. A. WELLs went down to Beatrice ,
Tuesday night , on business.
JOHN CORDEAL went up to Denver ,
Monday night , on a short visit.
S. E. Cooic and S. J. Alexander were
up from Lincoln , Monday night.
RECEIVER GIBBONS arrived home ,
Monday night , from his trip to Chicago.
PERRY L. HOLE , the Arapahoe banker ,
was the guest of the city , Sunday night.
J. M. SEwErL the Hastings grain
man , was here on business , Wednesday.
REv. A. J. CLIPTON and daughter of
Culbertsou were Commercial guests ,
Sunday night.
DR. McKEcHNIE of Holdrege made
a flying professional visit to the city ,
Tuesday night.
L. H. RooNEY came down from Cripple -
ple Creek , Saturday night , to look after
his interests here.
H. W. COLE went in to Omaha , Tuesday -
day night , to see the workings of the
state convention.
G. P. BEMIS , ex-nlayor of Omaha ,
was in the city , Sunday , guest of Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Wells.
S. L. GREEN took in the Omaha con-
veution , Wednesday , Miss Edith Meyers
clerking in his absence.
11Iaquoketa , Iowa , registered at the
Commercial house on Sunday. .
Mrs. P. A. WELLS is spending a few
weeks at the Beatrice sanitarium during
her husband's absence in Colorado.
R. 0. PHILLIPS was up from Lincoln ,
Wednesday , to see how gracefully Mc-
Cook carries her county seat honors.
J. W. HUPP was in Hastings , Monday ,
and while there closed the purchase of a
quarter section of land near Lebanon.
REV. J. A. BADCON arrived home , last
night , from the ministerial association
meeting held in Axtell , Aril i4 , 15 , r6.
DEACON MoRLAN went in to Omaha ,
Tuesday night , to attend the Republican
state delegation convention , Wednesday.
pects to be in school , Monday , after two
weeks suffering from an attack of bron-
G. W. COLVIN was up from Arapahoe ,
Wednesday , arranging to buy and move
onto his farm east of town a house for
his renter.
C. T. BEGGS , who has been living in
Kansas City , has returned to his farm
near Stockville , and will do some farming -
ing this season.
LEE SLOAN and family left overland ,
yesterday morning , for Manitou , Colorado -
do , driving J. E. Kelley's carriage team ,
besides his own.
J. E. KELLEY went went in to Omaha ,
Tuesday night , to take in the state con-
vention. He will also visit Edna on his
return at Beatrice.
Borneman , David Magner , V. H. Solli-
day and C. E. Pope made a flying visit
to Lincoln , Wednesday.
J. E. KELLEY has packed some of his
goods , preparatory to moving to Manitou -
tou , Colorado , and Engineer Harris has
moved into the house.
MRS. W. A. MITCHELL has been visiting -
ing relatives in Red Cloud , this week ,
returning home on Wednesday night ,
Mr. Mitchell meeting her at Oxford.
MR. AND MRS. B. M. FREES of Chicago -
cage , on their way home from spending
the winter in California , stopped off
here , Tuesday night , remaining on a
short visit , the guests of Cashier Lawson
of the First National.
C. F. BABCOCK and H. H. Berry started
on Wednesday for Stockville , Curtis and
other Frontier county points on Star of
Jupiter business. They expect to organize -
ize a lodge of that growing order in
Hayes Center on April 24th. Let the
good missionary work go on.
RUSSELL LooMls and family , who
have been living in Oregon recently , returned -
turned to Red Willow county , last Friday -
day night. They seemed to be delighted
to get back. They are old residents of
the Willow and have returned there to
live. The Shepherds returned with
For Sale or Exchange.
Denver lots worth $ r,5oo ; want improved -
proved land , groceries , hardware or other -
er merchandise. Also several McCook
residences , value $7oo , to $ r,5oo ; want
land or merchandise.
Address Box 284 , McCook , Neb.
McCook Lodge No. 1 Will Entertain
Neighboring Lodges ,
In the Workman Temple Hail--The
Meeting on last Monday
Most Engaging.
The special musical and literary program -
gram arranged for the Monday evening
meeting of McCook lodge No. r , Star of
Jupiter , crowded the lodge hall to its fullest -
est capacity , and it is claimed that the
session was in every respect one of the
most enjoyable ever held by the order.
The program was particularly pleasing ,
and the effect was enlarged by the beautiful -
tiful floral decorations arranged by the
There were ten initiations of new
members and five applications for membership -
bership were passed upon by the lodge.
It was decided to hold the next meeting -
ing of the lodge in tbe-ZVorkman hall ,
Monday evening. To this meeting the
lodges of the order in Bartley , Cambridge -
bridge , Zion and Culbertson , together
with all those whose applications have
been favorably reported upon , have been
invited. There is no reason to doubt
but that this meeting will be largely attended -
tended by visiting brethren from these
lodges , as well as from the local organi-
zation. The plans for entertainment
embrace a program and refreshments ;
and it is confidently expected that the
affair will be one of the most successful
in every particular ever held by a Mc-
Cook lodge ; No. r will leave nothing
undone to please and entertain.
The Old Council Meets and the New
Takes Control.
The old council met in regular session ,
Monday evening , present Mayor Kelley ,
Councilmen Sutton , Pope , Perry and
Osborn , Clerk Wilcox.
A few bills were allowed , less the occupation -
cupation tax.
Report of Marshal Jordan was received
and accepted ; , and the council voted the
marshal their thanks for his efficient
conduct of his offices of marshal and
street commissioner during the past
The vote of the last election was officially -
cially canvassed and declared as printed
in last week's TRIBUNE.
The new council then took the reins of
government , Mayor Troth in the chair.
The official bonds of City Clerk Low-
man and Police Judge Rowell were ac-
cepted. The bond of City Treasurer
Ebert was referred back for additional
Councilman Perry was chosen president -
dent of the council.
The Mayor announced the appointments -
ments of Ed. Jordan , iliarshal , and
C. D. Coglizer as policeman and street
sprinkler. This , we understand , will
make the office of night policeman vacant -
cant after May 1st. It is the purpose of
the council for the present to economize
in the matter of police service , arranging -
ing to have the marshal and street commissioner -
missioner cover the field between them.
J. S. LeHew was nominated for city at-
torney. All were confirmed.
A Discreditable Affair.
Last Saturday night , the immediate
neighborhpod of Madam Ida's west railroad -
road street resort was thescene of a
bloody and thrilling fracas in which two
or three well known young men of the
city and two of the inmates were en-
gaged. One of the parties was quite
badly used up in the racket. Putting
it mildly , it was a decidedly discreditable
Another Fine Rain , This Week.
A fine rain prevailed in this vicinity ,
last night , and the prospects are bright
for its continuance all day. Prospects
are looking very bright for western Neb-
raska. The weather forecast is for rain
today and tomorrow.
Withhold Your Judgment.
As to the scandal now on every lip , it
will be well for this community to withhold -
hold judgment until the matter is duly
and officially investigated.
House Plants at Knipple's.
Knipple has just received a large ship-
mentof handsome , vigorous house plants
of many varieties. Call at once while
the assortment is complete.
Lantern Class.
There will be no lantern class this
Dent neglect to call and see Knipple's
fine stock of house plants now while the
assortment is unbroken and the varieties
complete and choice.
. . .
4 - - -
CATHorIc-Mass at 8 o'clock , a. m.
High mass and sermon at to:3o : , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. 1V. HICKEY , Pastor.
EPIscoPAL-Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at r1 a. m. and
S p. m. Sunday school at to a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 : ser-
BAPTIST-The pastor will preach at
II a. m. and 8 p.m. Morning subject ,
"Death Destroyed" . Evening , "Was
Christ Mad" ? Bible school 1o a. m.
B. V. P. U. meeting at 7 p , m. Services
all held in McConnell hall. All will be
cordially welcome.
G. P. FUsoN , Pastor.
CoNGREGATIoNAL-Preaching at 1I
a. m. and 8 p. m. Endeavor society at
7 o'clock ; subject , "What We Should
Be Doing to Save the Lost" ; leader ,
Carrie Frazier. Prayer meeting , Wed-
nesday' evening. All will be welcome.
METHODIST-Sunday school at ro.
Preaching at Ir. Junior league at 3.
Bible class at 3:45 Epworth league at
7. Preaching at 8. Subject for morning -
ingVill God Dwell With Men ? "
For the evening , "Man's Measure vs ,
God's Measure" . All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor
The Episcopal guild held a pleasant
social in the Babcock store room , Monday -
day evening.
Rev. G. P. Fuson is announced to
preach in the Baptist church in Benkel-
man on Saturday afternoon , April 25th ,
at 2 o'clock.
The literary committee of the Epworth
league have arranged for a debate in the
Methodist church , next Thursday evening -
ing , on the subject , "Resolved , That the
United States should not acquire any
more territory. " Messrs. A. P. Welles
and E. L. Rohlf , affirm ; Messrs. E. L.
Cann and H. H. Berry , negative. All
are welcome to this debate , which is
something new in this connection.
War on the Green.
Washington , D. C. , April ioth.-Not
long ago the mails of members of congress -
gress were laden with petitions from the
A. P. A. organizations urging that congress -
gress nullify the order of the navy department -
partment that our torpedo boats be
painted green. Since then many congressmen -
gressmen have received the following
petition :
"The undersigned , citizens of the
United States , who are of foreign birth ,
but we are the only true defenders of
this glorious country , recognizing the
the fact that this country knows no religion -
ligion , and fearing that the Jesuits will
obtain full control of this free land of
ours , point with alarm our warning fingers -
gers to the fact that , owing to some hidden -
den and evil influence , the free and
heretofore unconquered grass of our beloved -
loved country appears to be getting
greener than is usual this spring ; and
recognizing in this the sinister hand of
Popery and the scarlet lady , we petition
congress to pass a law and an appropriation -
ation to prevent in some manner this in-
siduons plan from being carried out , as
it means in the end the subversion of
the sacred rights for which our forefathers -
fathers fought and bled" .
Phonograph Concert.
F. Bert Risley will hold one of his
phonograph concerts in the Methodist
church , nextTuesday evening , April 21st.
We quote one or two press notices of his
entertainments :
"GUNNISON , Colo. , March 14,1896.-
The phonograph entertainment at the
Presbyterian church tonight was enjoyed -
joyed by all. The selections were loud ,
clear and distinct. Mr. Risley pleases ,
entertains and instructs.
B. F. PotvELsox , Pastor. "
"The phonograph concert given by
F. Bert Risley at the M. E. church , last
night , wass excellent , well worth the
money and enjoyed by all present.-
Trenton Sentinel.
Tickets 15 and 25 cents , on sale at
J , A. Wicox & Son's store.
Is Not That Kind.
THE TRIBUNE i not a newspaper of
the Police News stripe , hence the brevity -
ity of references made to certain affairs
which have been the talk of the city during -
ing the past few days , and which must
bring'the flush of shatne to the cheeks
of every self respecting citizen of this
Notice to the Public.
On and after April.9th we will adopt
the CASH SYSTEM and believe we can
demonstrate to all our customers that it
will be to their , as well as to our interest.
J. A. Wilcox & SoN. -
McCook Wins the Game and County
Seat of Red Willow.
indlanola's Petition for a Rehearing
Denied--Change will be
Made very Soon.
The last card in the famous Red Willow
county seat removal contest case has
been played and the game is finished.
Naught now remains to be done but to
secure suitable temporary quarters in
McCook for the accommodation of the
several county officers and their respective -
ive records and the removal of the same
to the 'present county seat. Such quarters -
ters can be readily secured at a reasonable -
able figure and the formal removal of
the records and the several officials of
the county is but the question of a brief
while , as the statute lays a severe penalty -
ty upon the failure of officers to move in
a specified time.
On last Friday the supreme court refused -
fused Indianola 's petition for a rehearing
in the mandamus case before them and
this closed the case finally in McCook's
The board of county commissioners
will be in regular session at Indianola
on Monday , when they will doubtless
at once take action in the matter of securing -
curing temporary quarters , thus facilitating -
tating the prompt removal and compliance -
ance with the decision of the supreme
court , a matter of due importance to the
legal transaction of county business.
It may be safely stated that the people -
ple of Red Willow county will now draw
a long , deep breath of relief over the
conclusion of this long-drawn-out and
bitter contest ; and it is to be ardently
hoped that both sections of the county
will now unite in the permanent upbuild-
ing of this common county , and that the
past may be allowed soon to relapse into -
to innocuous desuetude.
Jury Awards Mrs. Margaret Oyster
That Amount.
The damage suit instituted by Mrs.
Margaret Oyster against the Burlington
company , came up , Monday , in the district -
trict court of Phelps county in Holdrege ,
and the jury after being out but fifteen
minutes brought in a verdict in Fier favor
for the sum of $5,000.
It will be remembered that her .hus-
band , Engineer Granville R. Oyster ,
was fatally injured in a wreck near Hol-
drege , in July of 1894 , and this suit is
the result of that sad affair , his death ,
it is alleged , being due to carelessness
on the part of the company.
We understand that the company put
no witnesses on the stand during the
trial , which was finished in one day , the
jury bringing in a verdict the same
night. The case will doubtless be carried -
ried up to the supreme court by the com-
To the Ladies of McCook and
Vicinity :
Since the Retirement from Business of
the only Exclusive dry goods establishment -
ment in McCook , we have decided to enlarge -
large our stock and carry a full and complete -
plete line of dry goods.
In a day or so our new goods will be
here , consisting of the latest patterns in
all lines of summer dress goods. The
ladies of McCook and vicinity are cordially -
dially invited to come and inspect our
stock ; we will take pleasure in showing
our goods whether you purchase or not.
Yours Respectfully ,
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of THE TRIBUNE will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The publisher -
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop failures -
ures and hard times , and as a consequence -
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. We are now compelled -
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re-
To RENT-2o acres cultivated , land
near town , for cash or share of crop.
Also good house and barn and i acre of
land 15 minutes from P. 0. WANTED-
40 or 80 acres of bottom land for cash.
The Times of last week announced a
meeting of the administration Democratic -
cratic county central committee to be
held in McCook , April 25th , to send delegates -
egates to the straight Democratic state
convention in Lincoln , April 29th.
Who frowd dat brick ? .
Alice Whittaker is a victim of fever.
Conductor Owen's wife has been quite
ill this week.
1Vali paper-All prices from 4c. to loc.
per roll at McMillen's drug store.
The farmers are all working since the
rain , improving the time while the
sun shines.
The are other newspapers in Red
Willow county ; but there is only one
Today'the Barnett Lumber Co. people
are putting up the Page Fence for G. B.
Hunter in Culbertson.
Quite a number of men have recently
gone from the Beaver country to Cripple
Creek , in search of work.
The Pythian band and orchestra concert -
cert in the opera house tonight promises
to be an enjoyable and artistic event.
One of the county newspapers refers to
Hugh W. Cole as a contingent commit-
teeman. What is the contingency ?
Try Dust Killer. Guaranteed to kill
the dust on your floor. It will give sat-
isfaction. Sold by A. McMzLLEN.
The assessor is around taking stock of
our diamonds , money in bank , silverware -
ware ahd similar and commonplace be-
THE TRIBUNE expects Mayor Troth
and his council and officers to give Mc-
Cook a creditable administration of our
municipal affairs.
J. R. Penny has contracted with the
Barnett Lumber Co. to put up 200 rods
of their Page Hog Fence two and one-
half miles east of town.
The case of A. H. Andrews & Co.
against the school district of the city of
McCook is on the supreme court calendar -
endar for next Tuesday.
The Barnett Lumber Co. people were
out and put up lee rods of the Page
Hog Fence for T. C. Beckwith in Hitchcock -
cock county , last week.
A Beaver Valley contemporary , whose
scissors and-paste artist thinks he bias
gray matter to throw to the hogs , spells
it acclimation every time.
L. W. Cox , manager of the Barnett
Lumber Co. at this place , was at Cambridge -
bridge , last Friday , putting up the Page
Fence for the Cambridge Milling Co.
Teachers are being annoyed by cigarette -
ette smoking. Parents should join in
making an effort to put an end to this
destructive habit among the young boys.
The 77th anniversary of Oddfellowsliip
will be celebrated by lodges of the order
all over the country on April 25th , and
McCook will commemorate as usual.
Speaking of receptions , soirees , hot
tamales and sich like , its an exacting ,
captious nature indeed that would demand -
mand anything more spontaneous , profuse -
fuse and overcoming than that of last
Saturday night.
_ - -
We have been complimented upon the
handsome appearance of last week's
TRIBUNE , upon which more work was
performed in an artistic manner than
was done on any two papers printed in
Red Willow county.
The Barnett Lumber Co. are agents
for the Page Coiled Spring Fence , a
woven wire fence made 2 and 2 % feet
high for hogs and 4 and 5 feet high for
horses and cattle , the best fence on the
market for fencing alfalfa pastures.
Squire Berry had a replevin suit before
him , Saturday , involving the "suni of
$8.oo , in which two lawyers were engaged
on both sides. The costs in the suit
amounted to I9.60 , not incluing law-
yers' fees. Rather unprofitable litigation -
tion at best.
THE TRIBUNE regrets that it is not in
position to second the motion recently
so gracefully made by the Times to the
effect that a public reception be given
our retiring municipal officers. Circumstances -
stances over which we had no control
positively prohibit us extending the
courtesy. No one can feel more keenly
than we the deprivation.
The late Republican county convention -
tion appealed most uproariously to the
humorous development of Colonel Gimlet -
let of the Danbury Wiener Wurst and the
Colonel fairly turned himself outside in
in the vociferousness of his exuberant
merriment and is now hanging on the
barb wire clothesline in the backyard in
a very limp condition. But the Colonel
came too high at $15.00.
- Yy
, -