M w 1' { 1S A M1 0 TRIBUNES F. M. KIMMELL , PnbUsher. cCOOK , A K1313AKA , i STATE. i I the oratorical contest at Fremont Warren Sisson walked off with first honors. PLEASANT DALE is to have a cream- cry , a company with a capital stock of & 4,000 having been organized for that purpose. Buy home made goods and build up home industries , is a good policy. Far- rell's Fire Extinguisher , made by Far- cell S Co. , Omaha. HELEN , the 6-year-old daughter of John Friday of Norfolk , while playing about the house , fell from a table and broke her arm. TnE curfew lavv of Lincoln has already - ready reached a condition of innocuous desuetude , and boys run the streets at night as in days of yore. Fn. is BuuNs , a Nebraska farmer , living near Riverton , has been arrested for making spurious money : He will answer later on before the federal court. Cot. A. J. CnorsEv of Lancaster i" " i " county died last week. He was one of i the first residents of Lincoln , attends - s ing the lot sales preceding the actual settlementof the town. LAST Sunday morning a thief getaway away with a horse and buggy belong- i ' 1 ing to J. Bannister. lIe notified Sheriff ' , Phillips and through his efforts the thief was located at Tilden next day. AT Nebraska City a runaway team dashed into a school yard where a number of children were playing. All escaped excepting one boy , who was knocked down and quite seriously in- i ured. WHILE George Ganz of Nebraska City was standing outside of his place of business someone entered and relieved - lieved him of 890 in cash. A colored boy under arrest is thought to know where the swag is. JAMES AND JOHN CASEY , convicted of ' highway 'robbery at Falls City , were sentenced by Judge Stull to three years in the penitentiary. . They are residents - dents of Richardson county and have - highly respected parents. ' 'iu state banking board has called for a statement of the condition of each private and state bank at the close of business March 28. This is the regular , I quarterly call for statements , and is the first since December last TIIE 7-year old boy of Mrs. Malcomb of Bennett had three fingers cut off of A his right b and with an ax by his brother - er who was chopping wood. A doctor dressed the wound and the child is doing - ing as well as could be expected , A PORTION of a wareroom belonging to the Lexington mill gave way and precipitated the greater portion of 30- 000 bushels of wheat to the ground. ' Two employes of the mill were is the room at the time but escaped unhurt. GRN. MANDERSON of this state delivers - ers the memorial address at Grant's + tomb this year. The services at the , i tomb are the most imposing and ii- portant of any memorial services held in the country ana are usually attended by 15,000 people. „ JOHN IIAWLEY , aged fifty-seven years , a farmer living near Sutherland , was taken with hemmorrhawRe of the lungs while plowing , and had breathed his last when found by his wife. He cart - t vied insurance in fraternal orders to the amount of $7,000. r QUITE a sensation has arisen in Holstein - stein over the shooting of an imported English watchdog belonging to L. Schellenberger , a merchant of that town , valued at $200. A young man by the name of Joseph Hershey was arrested - rested and tried for the offense under the village ordinance , but was acquitted - ted through the efforts of one of the legal lights and a flaw in the ordinance under which he was arrested. TIIi : Nebraska Southeastern Educa- tiona'i association , in session in Lincoln - coln , chose for the ensuing year the following officers. President , S. P. Arnot , Sterling ; vice president , G. A Hopkins , Friend , secretary , Miss Anna lowland , Lincoln ; treasurer , E. II. Morgan , Nebraska City. J. W Dins- more of Humboldt and Superintendent Beeler of Beatrice were elected mem hers of the executive committee. A GERMAN farmer , John Nissen , residing - siding near Bristow , about four miles cast of Spencer , died suddenly from the effects of poison , administered , presumably - ably with suicidal intent For several davshis actionshavebeen rather queer , indicating melancholy and other nervous - ous troubles , superinduced by brooding over the disgrace incurred by reason of several petty acts of larceny , indulged in lately , by the deceased , who , it appears - pears , is a sort of kleptomaniac. JOHN WIGGI\S , a respected and wealthy farmer living a few miles west of St Helena. Cedar county , was found dead on the bank of the Missouri river , about a mile from his home , with a - bullet wound in his head and a revolver - er lying close by. Unknown to his family Wiggins , in a half-dressed condition - dition , wandered from his home to the river bank. There he shot himself. Insanity is thought to be the cause of the suicide. A. G. WOLPENEARGErw president of the Nebraska State Irrigation association - tion , has dearly ready for the printer thecopy forthe irrigation annual which leas been prepared under the direction of the association. Over twenty experts - perts , both in the state and outside , have contributed : o the annual , and the papers , tables and diagrams which go to make up the contents are the work of skilled hands. The first edition - tion of 2,500 is already spoken for , and its distribution is already provided for before the first sheets arc printed. THE mortgage record of Otoe county for glee mouth of March shows fifty-two , farm mortgages filed , amounting to $97r'286.49 and thirty-three released to y the amount of $30,9J3. On city prop erty ten were filed , amounting to $15- ' 180 , and eight satisfied , amounting . to , ,63.795. ' Ar a meeting of the state board of irrigation the resignation of state en- ' r geneer and Secretary of the board , R. B. ' Howell , was formally received and ac- cepted. Ex-Senator W. R. Akers , who ; has acted as one of the under secretaries - ) ries , was appointed to succeed Howell. r1 TuEY are excavating for the new ' Dlethodist church foundation at York. j i t A'v- MRS. A. J. LounERlliLcii , of Geneva died last week in Chicago , whither she had gone for treatment. ORA COCHRAN , the young Gering burglar - glar , who escaped from jail at Sidney , was captured at Freeport by Deputy Sheriff Daniel Davidson and brought back to his old haunts. SExiTon TnunsroN , who is in Omaha at this writing , wired General Grosven- or , who is chairman of the sub-corn- mittee to svhicli the Trans-Mississippi exposition was referred in the house of representatives , asking his earnest and prompt support of the measure. The senator received the following re- ply-"Hon. John M. Thuston , Omaha , Neb. : Your bill just came to my sub- committee. ' It shall have my earnest and peesistent support. SVill consider it tomorrow. " Senator Thurston has no doubt of the passage of the bill in the near future. Tin ; people of Nebraska are asked to write a letter something like the following - lowing to anyone you may know cast of the Mississippi river who would likely cotnply with your request , especially - cially to people of influence : "Dear Sir-A bill is now pending before congress - gress to make an appropriation to aid the trans-Mississippi exposition to be held in Omaha in 1888. I would regard - gard it as a personal favor if you would write your congressmen and senators requesting them to give their support to this bill and aid in its early pas- sage. " TRE contest started by the Nebraska club for articles showing up the resources - ces of the state and the advantages offered here for the homeseeker , was closed Wednesday , and the articles submitted - mitted have been turned over to the committee to pass upon. This committee - tee is composed of Ross L. Hammond of the Fremont Tribune , ex-Governor II. W. F urnas and C. H. Merrill of Lin- coin. There were not as many competitors - itors as the officers of the club had hoped for , and for that reason it will not take the committee long to reach a decision. THE secretary of war has ordered Major E. J. Fetclret , who is detailed as special military aid to the governor of Nebraska , to make a full report as to the condition of the military force of the state to the department at Wash- ington. This is to embrace not only the men and officers enlisted in the National - tional guard , but all subjectto military duty. As it relates to the guard the report asked for is to be a complete relation - lation of the discipline , equipment and training of the-force , with special reports - ports as to the capacity andattainment of the individual officers. UNITED STATES court will be open in Lincoln May 4 , and at the present time it looks as if there would be two judges there. , .fudge Rifler of Cheyenne wrote some time ago that he would open the term , and a few days ago a letter was received from Judge Shiras of Dubuque i saying brat he would be in Lincoln to open the term. The court calendar includes - cludes a term of court at Hastings , commencing April 20 , and one at Norfolk - folk , commencing April 27 , but owing to the absence from the state of the resident judge these terms will probably - bly be allowed to go by default JAMES LEEK , who works at F. B. Quimby's livery barn , Lexington , is in the hospital , a victim of a runaway team. lie tooka party across the river and after leaving them theaccident oc- curred. Leek was thrown from the vehicle , his clothes caught in one of the wheels and he was dragged for some distance. His nether garments were all torn from him with the'excep- tion of a portion of his underwear around one ankle. One shoulder was dislocated , there was a severe gash on the upper lip and one temple and on ' the back of his head the hair was worn away to the flesh. DICK RINGER of Friend committed suicide - icide the other day by cutting his throat with a razor. He had been bitten on the hand by a dog about four months ago. The animal was not known to be rabid. The wound healed quickly and no bad effects were felt until recently , when he was taken with what was supposed to be grip. Doctors being called at once pronounced the case one of hydrophobia. While lying on a cetin in the small kitchen , he sprang up , rushed to an adjoining bedroom , seized a razor from a stand and cut his throat almost before his parents and three young men who were watching were able to realize what was being done. THE real estate exchange of Omaha passed the following : Whereas , The Nebraska club has been organized ' among the business and professional men of the state for the purpose of counteracting the evil reportsthat have been spread broadcast of our state , and for the promotion of immigration into our state by setting before the people of the east its abundant advantages and opportunities as an agricultural , stock and business state ; we , the Real Estate association of Omaha , Neb. , do hereby extend to the Nebraska club our hearty support That as individual members we pledge it our material assistance - sistance , and we will do all we can with our clients holding realty in our state to induce them to join the association - ciation and promote its interests. THE clerical force of the Burlington shops have finished compiling the 'cost of the four new class K engines , the construction of which was commenced at Havelock , Nebraska , last September and finished the first of the year. The average cost of each engine was 57- 318.94 , the cost for material 84,171.22 and for labor 3,147.72. A like number of engines were built at Aurora , Ill. , and Burlington , Ia. , at the same time. The results place Havelock at the bottom - tom as to the matter of cost of construction - struction and at the top as to efficiency in management The Havelock shops are among the largest in the west and in all their appointments there is nothing - ing finer or more complete in the coun- try. It is perhaps needless to state that .Havelock people are quite elated over the showing which the local shops have made. THE grain dealers of Omaha passed the following : Whereas , the Nebraska , club has been organized by representative - tive citizens for the purpose of promoting - i ing the interests of our state by spreading - ing reliable information as to itsresour- ces and opportunities for the new settler and furthering immigration to the state Resolved , That we , the grain + dealersof Douglascountyandthestate , most cordially approve of the objects I of the club and pledge it our hearty , support That as individual members we will contribute to its stock and aid it in every possible way ; that we will impress upon our customers and clients the objects of the club and urge their co-operation in its promotion. i S I MORE TALES ABOUT CUBA . REPRESEIITAS S T B ER I VIEWS ON THE RES0IUTI0S WILL VOTE ON MONDAY. Immediately After the Iteading of the Journal tlio Cuban Resolutions V111 Be Disposed of-Mr. Adams of Pennsylvania , Charges the Senate With Filibuster- lug Against Cuba. WASHiI'GTON , April ( . -In the House to-day Mr. Adams of Pennsylvania , of tho' committee on foreign affairs , was the first speaker on Cuban resolu- tions. He said that lie should have refrained from addressing the House further on this question but for the "extraordinary performance of the gentleman from Maine ( Mr. Boutelle ) yesterday. " Referring to the charge that the people were not behind the effort of Congress to grant proper recognition - ognition to Cnb i , he asserted that Congress had seldom before received so many petitions on any subject as this. lie contended that a handful of Senators had taken advantage of the rules of the Senate to prevent the adoption of the conference report by filibustering. The Cubans had an organized - ganized form of government and were in every way entitled to recognition. Mr. Knox of Massachusetts was recognized - ognized to read a letter from his colleague , Mr. Draper , a member of the foreign affairs committee , opposing - ing the adoption of the conference report. He said thathe differed from llr. Draper and made a plea for affirmative action. He thought measures - ures should be taken to put an end to the barbarous warfare and that for this oountry to fail to do this would be to incur the loss of self-respect as well as to deserve the contempt of all foreign nations. The IIoue then decided to hold a night session for debate on the Cuban resolutions and to vote Monday after the reading of thejournal. The Rivers and Harbor , Bill Reported WAsnixorox , April 5. - Chairman Hooker of the River and Harbor committee - mittee to-day submitted to the House a report on the river and harbor bill made public yesterday. It shows that the aggregate amount recommended is $1U,330L60 , and is based on estimates - mates , by the chief of engineers , amounting to $12,686,880 , and by the engineers in charge to $48837,027 ; besides - sides the estimates of the Nississippi and Missouri River commissions. Of the total amount recommended , about 36 per cent , or $3,642,800 , is for harbors - bors , $6,587,760 for rivers and $100,000 for surveys , etc. The continuous contract - tract system is especially recommended - mended , and the bill gives authority to the secretary of warto enter into contracts for the completion of thirty- two different projects , amounting to 851,721,210. BURGLARS AT THE CAPITOL A Bold Attempt to Break Into Senator Quay's Desk. WAsnIxoTor , April 6.-The Senate committee room on public buildings and grounds was broken into last evening , and an unsuccessful attempt made to break into Mr. Quay's desk. The iron bolts fastening the doors at the top and bottom were pried out of the sockets , showing that strong tools had been employed. It is believed by the senator that an attempt was made to get possession of his political papers , but , even if the desk had been opened , the political papers would not have been obtained , as they had all been removed to Mr. Quay's house a week ago. Nothing else in the room was disturbed. About a year after the election of 1888 Mr. Quay's desk was robbed of all his political papers , and they have never been recovered. They were not important , as they were what the senator termed "trash left over which might well have been destroyed. " The W9 C. T. U. With Hughes. CHIcAGo , April 6.-The officers of the W. C. T. U. have sent a telegram to Senator Frye to be presented to the Secretary of the Interior protesting against the removal of Governor Hughes of Arizona and urging a thorough - ough investigation. The reason for this is "Governor Hughes' well known championship of temperance in all questions of reform. " The state presidents of the W. C. T. U. are being urged to wire similar requests to their senators. Pralso the American Missionaries. LONDON , April 6.-The Duke of Argyle - gyle in a circular appealing for relief 1 funds for Armeniapays tribute to the work of American missicnarieswhom , he sayswith bravery have undertaken the work in the face of many difficulties - ties and much discouragement and are distributing relief from nineteen depots - pots which Sir Philip Currie , the British - ish ambassador , and Mr. Terrell , the United States minister , have been the means of establishing. A Legislator io a Mexican Jail. EL PAso , Tex. , April 6.-Israel M. King of Silver City , a member of the ' New Mexico Legislature , was arrested in Juarez to-day , some personal enemy having accused him of stealing Mexican - can calves in driving cattle over the line at Palomas , though lee says lee had bills of sale for all the stock. He well be kept in jail for five days nu- iess an effective appeal can be made to the authorities at Washington. Healer Schrader In Jail in Kentucky. CINCINNATI , 0. , April G.-"Healer' Schrader , who was ordered from Cincinnati - cinnati by the health officers , went over to Newport , Ky. , and began to , "heal" and sell photographs there to- day. The mayor ordered hum to cease , ' but Schrader refused , whereupon he was arrested on the charge of being a generat nuisance. I ' . t EDISON'S LATEST , Reproductions of Kinetoscopo Plctures Cast Life-Like on a Screen. NEW YORK , April 6.-Thomas Edison was in a very happy mood when seen in his laboratory in West Orange last night. He had about completed another - other machine , which he calls the "vitascope. " It is an improvement of the kinetoseope , and Mr. Edison says he has no doubt that it will prove to be a success. ' The vitascope tlrr ovs on a screen by means of bright lights and powerful - ful lenses the moving life size figures of human beings and animals. Last night in the big foundry building adjacent - jacent to the laboratory the machine was rigged up and a very satisfactory exhibition was made. The first picture shown on the screen was a colored panorama of a serpentine dance by Anabelle , who posed before the kinetoscope last sum- mer. The film roll on which the photographs - tographs were attached was arranged over a half dozen spools and pulleys , and when the machine was set iii mo tion the dancer's image appeared upon the screen , as if in life. The original photographs , as taken by the kineto- graph and developed on the roll , are about the size of a special delivery postage stamp , and to produce a pie. ture life size are magnified about 600 times' Mr. Edison expects shortly to be able to so improve the phouot raph that he will be able to take records much longer than now and the vita- scope and phonograph will be so combined - bined that it will be possible for an audience to watch a photographic reproduction of an opera and hear the music at the same time. BARKER FAVORS A BOLT. The Philadelphia Silverite Calls for a Union of Wlilto Metal Advoates. DENVER , Colo. , April 6.-The Rocky Mountain News has received the following - lowing message from Mr. Wharton Barker of Philadelphia : "PIIILADELPRIA , Pa. , April 3.-This action of the Manufacturers' Clubthic weak straddle , taken with the declaration - ation of Mr. John Converse , candidate - date for president of the club : 'I am for the single gold standard , ' convinces all those brmetallists who have hoped to see the Republican - publican party adopt a straightout plank for the restoration of silver to its old place-16 to 1-by independent action - tion of the United States , that the friends of silver remonetization must abandon that hope. As the Democratic - cratic party is not likely to do better than the Republican party , it is the duty of those of all parties who do not hold principle subservient to political - litical expediency and who put patriotism - ism before partisanship , to come to a common understanding with each other , unite on a common policy , join in the promulgation of a definite policy and unite and at once organize for political action. The several conventions - ventions called to meet au St. Louis will , of course , ratify any action the plain people agree in demanding.- Wharton Barker. " CUBA INDUSTRIES RUINED' ' The Business or the Island Paralyzed by the Icebeilloa. HAVANA , April 0.-Tire total amount i of sugar made in Cuba this year will not exceed 130,000 tons. This enormous - mous shrinkage means , it is estimated , a money loss of $56,000,000. The tobacco - bacco crop wilt be greatly diminished. The other products of the island , Irides , mahogany and cedar are practically not to be had. Nothing- being ( lone on the stock exchange , and the produce - duce exchange is lifeless. Flour , potatoes anti the commonest necessaries of life- cannot be sold on business principles. There is no money. Havana is like a tomb. Even the cabs ceased to inn in the streets in recognition of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Business , what there is , has been suspended. No newspapers - papers are printed. "Where Am I At ? ' Must Go. WASHINGTON , April G.-House committee - mittee on elections No. 1 has voted to unseat James E. Cobb , the Democratic incumbent , and seat Goodwin , who ran against him as a Populist. The decision was reached by a party vote. There was no Republican candidate in the district , but the Republican vote was largely cast for Goodwin. According - cording to the returns the vote was : Cobb , 10,151 ; Goodwin , 9,903. Allegations - tions of ballot box stuffing and intimidation - dation were made. Cobb is now serving - ing his fourth term in Congress. He was the author of the famous " Where am I at ? " May Not See Their Father Married. NEw YoltK , April 6It is reported that neither Russell Hari ison nor Mrs. McKee will attend their father's marriage - riage to Mrs. Dimmick next Monday , but the ex-President is going ahead with his plans with as much enthusiasm - asm as might be expected from a young lover. General Tracy , who was Secretary of the Navy in the Harrison administration will be his former chiefs best man. All the members of the old Harrison cabinet dre expected to attend except Mr. Wanamaker , vvho is out of the country. The Next Royal Wedding. LoNDON. April 6.-It has been definitely - itely arranged that the marriage of Princess Maud of Wales to Prince Charles of Denmark , second of the three sons of the crown prince and crown princess of Denmark , will take place in the Chapel Royal at St. James palace on July 7. Acquitted of Poisoning Stevens. PLATTSBURG , Mo. , April 6. - OUr Jackson was acquitted yesterday. The charge against Jackson was ad minis- teringpoison in a drink of whisky to - Arthur Stevens , Hannibal & St-Jos- eph agent at Lathrop , December S , from which Stevens died. A Big Cotton Mill Closed. LowELI. . Mass. , April 6.-No. 5 mill of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company - pany has seen shut dcwn , throwing 2,00U men out of work. The action is the result of the decision of the direc- tors. to discontinue making cotton goods. ; i WILL SAVE THEM ATTORNEYS. How Purchasers of Iltirlingtou Lands Are to Act. OMAHA , April 1.-General Solicitor Manderson of the B. & N. railroad has issued the following circular to the several thousand purchasers of properties - ties along the Burlington's line in this state : As one claiming an interest in lands heretofore purchased from the Burlington - ton railroad , you are required to enter appearance in said court by April 6 , 1606 , and file an answer setting forth your interest in said lands before Nay 4 next. By the terms of an act of congress , approved March 2,1S96 , it is provided as to land grant landssold by railroads that "no patent to any lands , held by a bona fide purchaser , shall be vacated or annulled , but the right and title of such purchaser are hereby confirmed. " In the said act it is also provided : "That no suit bebrought or maintained - ed , nor shall recovery be had for lands , or the value thereof , that were certified or patented in lieu of other lands , covered by grant , which were lost or relinquished by the grantee in consequence - quence of the failure of the government - ment , or its officers , to withdraw the same from sale or entry. " A full copy of said act of congress is hereto at- tached. By its terms you will see that the title of all lands bought of the Burlington - ton railroad will be confirmed upon the bona fides or good faith of the purchase being established , either in the department - ment of the interior or in the courts. ' 'lie Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad company has already taken steps to establish the rood faith of all sales of land made by it in the department - ment of the interier and hopes to procure - cure a discontinuance by the government - ment of this very unnecessary suit. In the event that this dismissal' should not be had the railroad company - ny stands ready to make appearance and file answer for all defendants who have purchased lands from it. This will be done without expense of attor- ney's fees to you. It is , of course , optional - tional whether you will employ your own attorney or take advantage yourself - t self of this offer. If you conclude so to do , you should act at once , and send with all speed to the undersigned : 1. The copy of the subpoena served upon you by the United States marshal. 2. A statement giving your full name , postofflce address and place of residence. Also a description of the land heretofore purchased of the Burlington - ' ington railroad , and your interest therein. 3. Return the enclosed entry of appearance - pearance with your full name signed on the first blank line. Accompanying the circular is a copy of the act of congress of March 2 , 1806. I entitled "An act to provide for the extension - tension of the time in which suits may be brought to vacate and annuli land patents , and for other purposes. " Blanks for the entry of appearance. of the defendants will be sent to all those concerned. REED OR M'KNLEY. , The New ilampslllro Delegation Ie Unpledged. CoNcoRD , N. H. , April 3.-The Newlia mpsh ireRepablicans held their State convention here to-day to elect delegates to the National Republican convention at St. Louis. United States Senator 1Villiam E.Cirandler presided , and was greeted enthusiastically when he arose to speak. IIe bitterly assailed - sailed the Wilson tariff bill , and contrasted - trasted the financial showings of the administrations of I'residents Harrison - son ahid Cleveland. lie declared that there would be a great reaction in November - vember against the Democracy , and be hoped it would be under the leadership - ership of Thomas B. Reed. Only one ticket for delegates- at-large was named. Stephen S. Jewett of Laconia , General Frank S. Streeter of Concord , Charles T. Means of Manchester - 1 chester and Colonel James A. Wood of Acworth. These four were elected by t acclamation. George A. C. Clark of Manchester , Stephen A. Gale of Exeter - ter , Oscar Hatch of Littleton and Dexter Richards of Newport were chosen as alternates. l Colonel Frank Rollins of Concord offered a substitute financial plank , t identical with that adopted by the Massachusetts convention last week as an amendment to the resolutions , but Chairman Putney , Senator Gal- linger and others opposed the proposition - tion and the amendment was lost by are overwhelming viva voce vote and the adoption of the platform as presented - sented by the committee was made f unanimous. It opens with denunciation - tion of the Democracy and calls for tlea enactment of currency laws that t will provide a circulating medium in goal , silver and paper which will a ways be interchangeable at its face I value because each aid every dollar of a Si : ; i of the same purchasing power t us a gold dollar ; demands liberal appropriations for an adequate navy a id coast ar d harbor defenses. rn I internal irr provearents , a fair and - renerous treatment of Union vnteri sus , a foreign policy characterized by t s urdy Americanism. arid doses : "We recognize as most consp cuous amen the candidates , New England's noble , and illustrious son , the Hon. Thomas L. Reed of Maine , aril that pare and able statesman and champion of protection - tection , the lion. Wm. McKinley of I Ohio. We will give the electoral vote 1 of New Hampshire to any nominee who worthily represents the party. but we prefer one of these because either is in hims& ' platform. ' ' iI i I A MOTHER'S MA ! ) CRIME Mrs. Demua of San Francisco Kills IIer Three Children and Herself. i SAS Fr. . crsco , April 1.The i asphyxiated bodies of Mrs. Olga Deuss' ' and her three little children were' found this morning by her husband , a prosperous jeweler. Deuss said that hehad been to the lodge last night , ; returning about daylight to-day. Mrs. Deuss left a note to her hus band , indicating her intention to commit - , . mit suicide , and cleclariag that her E children must die with her. The martial - tial relations of the pair had lately been unhapnv. , I . , I r f INSOMNIA. WHAT IT MEANS TO LOSE THE POWER TO SLEEP. A Young Ilaltimoro Woman Whose \erves Prevented Her From Resting. From the Herald , Baltimore , Md. Mrs. Jessie Shea is a young married woman whose tidy home is at 855 'West Lexington Street , Baltimore. For many - months Mrs. Shea was a terrible sufferer - f ferer from a nervous affection which resulted in general debility and super- - Induced that ofttinies incurable malady - ady , insomnia. A Herald reporter called at her residence , recently and . was shown Into -lie neatly furnished ? 4l I parlor and told that Mrs. Shea , would be down fn a few min- r ute-q . Soon n light step was heard ! tripping down the stairway and r lira. Shea , radiant with health and the vigor of young womanhood , entered the room. When asked If she had used j Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , with n smile which betokens the utmost satisfaction - tion , the young lady replied "Fes. I i have used them , and had I not heard of them I doubt If I would have been here I to answer yet r call. " - i Continuing , she said : About two months ago I had an attack of what the doctors termed nervous prostration. My appetite left me entirely and what little sleep I got , and It was very lit- tie , I assure you , was not by any j means refreshing. On the contrary , _ when I awoke from a nap I had such f a tired and exhausted feeling that I i gas loth to try to , ; et to sleep again. I r i continued to lose flesh day. after day It until I was almost a shadowy . compared t with my former self. t "As soon as I began to take the Pink i Pills I commenced to improve. I am no longer troubled with nervousliess. I have a good appetite , experience none of the feelings incident to indigestion , - and I sleep as sound as a healthy child. The pills are certainly all they are represented - resented to be , and , as I believe r owe my life to the fact of having used them. I shall always cheerfully recommend - , mend them to ms friends and other , ; persons whom I find to be suffering from similar maladies. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a condensed form , all the elements necessary - essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink Pills are sold in boxes at 60 cents a box , or six boxes for $2.50 , and may be had of all druggists , or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Hied. Co. , Schenectady , N. Y. HINTS OF ALL SORTS. A difiir of water placed in a hot oven where pies , cakes , or puddings are being - t ing baked will prevent them from scorching. Old leather can be made to look like ' new by applying a coat of French polish - ish with a camel's hair brush. l The skin of fruit should never be eaten - en , not because they are not palatable ' kl or digestible or are unhealthful iii ! i themselves , but on account of the danger - ger arising from microbes , which mad r j have pen etrited into the covering of the ' 1 fruit. People who are susceptible to the I cold should make a point of wearing loose clothing in cold weather. If you have butter that is not entire- v y ly sweet put it in a porcelain dish with lace over the fire and bring to a boil. Turn it into a stone jar and set it in a cool place. The butter will be found , perfectly sweet and not too salt for cooking. The impurities will settle to ' the bottom of the jar. p A cement for mending broken glass ' or china is made by dissolving half an ' ounce of gum arabic in a wineglassful , of boiling water ana adding enough ' plaster of Paris to make a thick paste. ; Apply it with a brush to the edges or . ( ' ° the broken parts. Hold the pieces careful(5 ( together until the cement has , . . hardened sufficiently for them to ad- 4 here. If the article to be mended is , b roken in several Pieces do not attempt - ' tempt to cement a second piece before the first has thoroughly hardened. A tested cough mixture recipe comes , frtm an English lady. It is palatable ' and very effectual. Boil three large emons in water seven minutes , drain off the water and slice the lemons as ! , 1 hin as possible. Put them in an earthen - en bowl with one pound of the best brown sugar and stand the bowl on the stove until the mixture is at boil- ng point. Then draw to the back of the stove and let the mixture simmer hree hours. Remove from the fire , and # w hen it has stood half an hour add small tablespoonful of oil of sweet al- monds. It is to be used warm , Stir and take in teaspoonful doses as long Ii I LS needed. To make a wax for polishing hard- ' Good floors cut one pound of beeswax nto small pieces , put them In a dish i ' and place it over the fire in a pan of hot water. Allow the wax to melt and hen stir in three pints of turpentine. i When the ingredients have thorough- , y blended , place some of the wax on ' S , woolen cloth and rub it on the floor , . reating one board at a time and rubbing - bing lengthwise. Then cover a heavy brush with flannel and with it rub the ' ; r' floor until it is perfectly smooth. It , ; r S usually the case that some parts of , , he floor are subject to more wear than ; others. When the polish has worn } i off in these spots warm the wax and I' , apply to the worn places and then poiish. ' Whenever God is loved , the man who eyes him is blessed , no matter whether he feels that way or not. The more zealous we are of good works , the more 'we are In danger of wrongly judging other people. xc SPEAKING OF PEOPLE. The queen of Roumania fairly revels n literature. r The duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha plays the fiddle with fervor and slill. , man ( but his only son and heir is slight ' ! , . ' and delicate. f Crown Prince Wlhliam of Germany , . no. ; 13 years old , is not half so bright ; ; .nd strong as his younger brother. Speaker Peed denies the report that he studied for the ministry when a { of ng man , but admits that his folks vraiaed him to do r o. - . , 1 a. _ 1 t ! ' f fif fi fiT .