l , 1 . . ' . 1 . L L . . . . . . . . . l S S S S - j , . . . -.z r , , r . , . ' . . ' _ , . ; L People . Vho ' . r Write - - - Might as well get something - - - thing that's neat and stylish - ish as to buy something ' } that isn'tt d What's the use of buying - ing a poor article when You can get The Best for " , ' , the same money AT The , . _ 4 _ Tribune : Office. . . . ; ; . 1 , . : x " r V e J F1 CANSCHO I i THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. bR ° ° ° ° X00 a . ° oa .i 0 ° O p , o t 0 v cO O , ' -0 _ 0 = ALL'LEADER5 FFi HtoNJ -.0 DECLARE AS ONE VDILE . . R 1HITJEAR-RESISTERS _ , . , O , , ' , . ' : " ' 0 ( FoIFooTJLAq ° w r0 .0 1 ' t'HEtRF , IR51. CHOICE . - , p.r. ° r : o' 0 o I ' : 0 ° JB.LEts Go o a E3 OsTO - - - - - , P ro : , : : 0 o H o ' ' o \ , ' s' 0 0 00 ' i 00 0 , 0 o _ o oo ° o oo 000000 ooo . . Thou Shalt Not Steal . . . . . t But it is no 'harm to save from 5 to 20 per cent by buying Shoes from , me. Call and let me convince you. l t The Best Assortment at I I Yft t H F. CANSOHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. 1 .1 , r i rein.- . L' RAILROAD NEWS DEPARTMENT. TIME TABU. TIME-LEAVES , GOING EAST-CENTRAL No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A I Noa , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 P. I No , 64 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3o A.i No. I4Sfreight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 A.I No. 8o , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A.I No. 75 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 5 A.I GOING WEST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through . . . . . . . . . . . : A. I No. , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P.1 No. 3 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6oor.I No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:201.1 rNo. . 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 P. I IMPERIAL LINE-CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 : A.I No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:401'.1 -NOTE-No. 63 carries passengers ft Stratton , Benkelman and Haigiier. All trins run daily Suda 8 , 149 an 176 , which run daisy except . No. 3 stops at Benkelman and 1b ray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge an Arapahoe. No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianol Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passenge for all stations. When No. 80 is annulled No. 14S will leaf at 8.00 a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to a principal points in the United States and Cai ada and baggage checked through to destin tion without extra charge of transfer. F information regarding rates , etc. , call on t address C. E. MAGNER , Agent. Mrs. Jack McNeff was a Holdrege vi itor , Tuesday. Engineer Travers laved offwith a s vere cold , this week. Mrs. 0. P Varger returned to ht home fn Akron , Sunday. Mrs. J P. Lee went east , Tuesday ei etting on a visit to friends. Fireman Goldtrap took engine 282 t Havelock , Tuesday morning , Conductor Davis and Engineer Fulk brought the special from Denver. The company has added three ne men to their bridge force at Red Clout Engine 210 is in the house for repai , and Engineer Sanborn is running er gine 164. Engine 153 bursted a flue , Tuesda morning , and Engineer Lee took engin 238 out. Engine 282 was sent to Havelock , the week , and Engineer Lee is running ei gine 155. Auditor E. 0. Brandt's familiar nan , was enrolled on the Commercial registei Monday evening. Conductor Foley and Brakeman Et Beyrer are each celebrating a io da3 respite from duty. Mrs. Frank Kendlen is visiting Has1 ings relatives , accompanying her motlte home on last Friday morning. Sam DuLaney is running engine 10 on the branch while Engineer Neeling indulges to a ten days lay-off. Brakeman \V m McCarl returned Monday , from his home in Perry , Iowa and reports his mother very much fm proved in health. C. Wr Britt of the store house ha been kept busy day and night , the pas week , invoicing and making reports t his superior officers. Robert McBride , who is working fo the B & lI railroad with headquarter at Sheridan , Wyoming , is in the city vis iting with his many friends and rela tives.-Red Cloud Belt. Railway companies , according to recent peremptory order from the liv stock sanitary commission of Indiana are required to disinfect all stock carte to guard against hog cholera. Prof , Tom Wilkinson returned , Sun day night , from his trip to San Antonia Texas. The Professor looked a little th worse for his southern trip , but expect to quickly regain his usual health in th invigorating northern atmosphere. Golden Gate special , consisting of cars passed through here , Tuesday morn ing at 4 o'clock , en route from San Fran cisco to New York. This , train carried tourists from eastern cities and made th trip out by the way of Fort Worth am Galveston , Texas , and is returning eve the Burlington. The Akron' Pioneer Press of the 27t1 announces the death on the 20th of Mrs Dosia Ensor Hunsinger , mother of Mrs W. D. Capps , formerly of our city. Mrs Hunsinger moved here from Illinois i , iSS7 with her daughter , going from hen to Akron about two years later , when she died at the age of 71 years , afte many years of suffering. No. 4 ran into an empty stock car Wednesday night about ten o'clock three miles east of Arapahoe. The fron of the engine and the stock car wen both pretty badly damaged , but no om was hurt. Engineer W. D. Burnett wa ! pulling the throttle. The stock car hac evidently been blown out onto the main line from the side track at Arapahoe b3 the high wind , early in the evening. A Good McCook Home To trade for good eastern property , W. 0. RUSSELL , McCook , Nebraska. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. T - - * , . ' AI)1)IT'IONAL ) ) R. R. NE\V . vwv.n Any items under this heading will be clad received from those in the service by the publish McConnell's Balsam cures cough Price 25 cents. A. CASIPBLL and George Hocknt arrived home , last night , from Lincoli Engineer J. R. Sircoloumb was doii from Sheridan , Wyoming , first of ti week , visiting McCook relatives. an friends. Engine 163 , Lewis and Francisco , at Washburn's train crew went down to S Francis after a stock train , Tuesday an returned Wednesday. Mrs. Yorker of Rockford , Illinoi who has been visiting her sister Mr Steve Dwyer , returned to her home c last Sunday morning. W. B. Capps has been named by ti Republicans of Akron as their candida for mayor. W. D. was formerly at ti head of the water service here. Engineer Burnett is a full hand finding wild cars on the main line night. He has had a couple such e periences within a few years. Division Superintendent C. H Ha ntan informs Agent Blakely that ti report that the Burlington Rou has purchased the Oregon She Line-Granger , Wyo. , to Portland , Ou -is correct , and also that the Cheyetn branch of the B. &M. will constitute part of the main line of the C. , B & E from Chicago to Portland. This is fr < ifying news to High Liners , as it meal a first class service and a large volnu of business. Just when the change w take place cannot be stated. Naturall it takes considerable time to do a deal of that nature , but we may expo to see fast trains , with elegant and cott fortable coaches and Pullmans , runnit over this line within a few weeks. Ar further , the man who expects the clian to bring higher freight rates will 1 agreeably disappointed.-Wallace Tu The general impression seems to pr nail in this part of the state that ti board of construction or the test artesir well rear Ilolyoke had cancelled ti contract with Dr. J. C. Swan of Greele yho was the lowest bidder , and had 1 the contract to the next lowest bidde but this is a false impression. The co tract was given to Dr. Swan Upon II bid , which was 250 feet better than tl next lowest bid , but owing to a misu derstanding between the board and D Swan us to the closing of the contrac the contract was not closed at the tin it was thought it would be , and it w. . reported that the contract had been 1' ' to the second bidder. This misunde standing has been removed and D Swan is making arrangements to beg' ' the work of contructing his well ( lerric about the middle of April , and expec to begin drilling about May ist.-Hc yoke Herald. Try McConnell's Balsam for tin cough. Price 25 cents. McConnel1's Balsam cures cough Price 25 cents. Knipplc has packa g. and bulk seeds of a kinds for sale. . . .s MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . . _ MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Ban' VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. 'Studio-Corner of Dodge and M adison st ELMER HOWELL , Real Estate , Collections , Insuranc MCCOOK NEBRASKA. TNotary Public. East Dennison stree AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LAS MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Office-Over the Famous clothing stor J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LA\V MCCooK , NEBRASKA. 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National hank. P. A. WELLS. FARINGTON POWE WELLS & POWER , , ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL General law practice in state and feller courts. Stenographer and Notary in oflic Office over Citizens Bank of McCook. - - - - - W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AN ! ) SURGEOi MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Office hours-9 to ti a. m. , 2 to an 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First Nation : yank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEni McCooK , NEBRASKA. C'OCtice-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry storE residence7oIMain street. Prompt atter ion given to all calls. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. 0 All dental work done at our office king at tnteed to be first-class. e do all c gown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smifl x Bellamy , assistants. , _ - - - - - - : ! 1 'percaii11eT . TT Francaise. The ewes t Thing in Wash Goods. Persian Designs. 1o o just in. Our line o rill an unlmer less .Goods larger and prettier than ever. . . . . . . 111 new line 0 lilt alSS now , open. Oll should make your .selection early o e the size and colors. Please call and examine the many beautiful lines 1 7 e are S o 7 1110. Laces , Embroideries and \'Vhite \ ' Goods. . . .000.- We excel in Patterns. Agents o1 uteri c kis Patterns. . 884jOa0a AT TlIE . . . sISli s . : J r 1xwaiii 1 w C. L. DEGRO1' F & CO. fz , N1TA hl r . ; ; uL. : I I C .Z'ciLES ' ° - - _ . n . i. A . 1 J fCi S LEGS T0 5tilp h5 P iS n fV 1J - 1 ? 'ODELS .r JEi TS'ISTo 25 P OUNDS. P PICb $5 T0100. 1 LVERYI1ACMUiE FULLY GUARANTEED CATAt9GUE ! SENT foR t Jo CEtIT7STAni tY . OflAPCH I ® . 1 , r , , f1AII1 OFFICE AI1D FACTOPY CAfSE I ALSTED 5T5 ° RETAIL SALEOROOi1 180 WAESASH aAVE ? = w EAST tfUl . WAREHOUSE _ _ 97R EAOE 5f' . , N E1J . . , ' Y OR _ , 7 DRTLAI ID J + fr : 4t1 r. _ ; RA ! iCi- : ; , ArrrRAnu " co _ ) , r SA Li"l AfSECIrY 'r isVr ; : "iJ LanE51Ci tNe tn Lie ! tlic Be Sprillg C1otllill ti _ Tailor iiade to Order Scuts10.00 , $17.50 , , .19.00 $21.00 $23.50 and $26.00. ] Perfect fit guaranteed or no sale or cost to buyer. Ready 1'Rle ' S suits--7.50 " , $ , 11.OQ 13.00 , 1.5.00. Good fit an(1 satisfaction - isfaction or no sale. Boys' Suits--$3,60 and upwards. Remember , all of these goods are war- ranted all wool anii of the best wear b 3 r Wanamaker & Brown the largest and most ' reliable clothing firm in the United States. Call and see samples. Satisfy your- selves. Get clothes to fit. They cost no more a'nd will wear longer. Block1 II i DENJAMINE 1 ( 1 4 _ - V4 ti