The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1896, Image 2

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F. M. SuTrELL , PnbUsher.
Till : chief of police of Nebraska City
has been removed by time mayor.
Trii : Union Pacific shop men at Omaha -
ha have been cut to four days' work a
Ic1 : dealers in llcatrice have made a
price of ro cents per l00 pounds. The
- rate. goes into effect April 1st.
Ant : ARMSrnoNa , a switchman in the
yards at North Platte , had his right
hand crushed while making a coupling.
L'uy home made goods and build up
home industries , is a good policy. Farr
rcll's Fire Extinguisher , made by Farrell -
rell & ca , Omaha.
SAJruI z. SANIIItS , who owns a large
farm west of Plattsmouth , marketed
two porkers , time combined weight of
which was 1,305.72.
BAUS1Y McGINN , on trial at Omaha ,
was last week convicted of murder in
the second degree. lie will probably
t get life imprisonment.
E. S. MITCIIELT , of Shelby sent four
St Bernards to the Chicago bench show
and captured two first and two third
prizes. He received $400 for one dog.
A cnILD of Joseph Knott of Hershey ,
near North Platte , was badly scalded
by theoverturning of a coffee pot full
of boiling coffee. It will probauly not
Ji'fANK STninr.ING , Al West and 11.
Rood of Fremont last seek started on
a trip by boat to New Orleans. 't'hey
have a flat boat eighteen feel long and
a small rowboat.
ON the charge of selling spirituous
liquors without a license , Ada Hinkel
of Chadr n. was bound over to the
United States court. She acknowledged -
edged selling beer without a license.
LEWIS Fm DLET , charged with incest ,
has been released from jail at Tecum-
seh. His daughter , Emily Fridley.
with whom he was charged- with having -
ing been criminally intimate , would
not testify against her father :
TILE great Omaha Indian rainmaker ,
Wasaaa , is dead and buried. 't'his is
the man who "made it rain" on a farm-
er's cornfield north of Decatur last
summerfor the small sum of $3. lie
claimed to have the power to make a
cloud burst.
JOSEPhI HtTNTEn , JR. , the 1-year.old ( ;
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph hunter. one
of the earliest settlers in Webster
, county , was killed by the accidental
discharge of his gun , which he was
taking out of a wagon with the muzzle
toward him.
CLM1ESCE E. Ilo. IEs , one of the late
firm of C. Holmes e Co. , Hastings ,
was arrested and lodged in jail upon a
charge of procuring goods upon fraud-
silent representation. The firm failed
about six weeks ago and made family
relatives preferred creditors.
A srEcrnr , order has been issued by
the adjutant general announcing the
honorable discharge from the National -
tional guard of First Lieutenant
Albert L. Gooden , .conpany II , First
regiment , and Second Lieutenant Win-
hton'L. McKean , company C , First reg-
TnErm is a new adjustment at the
soldiers' and sailors' home at Grand
Island. Commandant Wilson was in
consultation with the governor for
several hours , and it was afterwards
announced from the latter's office that
Dan Althen of Gage county had been
appointed'by the commandant to the
place made vacant by the removal of
Mart Howe several weeks ago.
C. . E. Perkins , president of the C. , B.
& Q. , G. B. Harris , vice president , U. P.
Gardner , a large stockholderof Boston ,
Mass. , Gca W. Holdrege , general manager -
ager of the B. & M. and other railway
olicials , inspected the shops at have-
lock on Wednesday , March 11. Mr.
Barris pronounced them the best on
the C. ; B. & Q. system. In the near
tufure extensive additions will be
Ir is announced by President A. G.
Wolfenbarger of the State Irrigation
association that the Nebraska Irrigation -
tion Annual is now in preparation for
the press , 'and will be ready for free
distribution about April 1. The work
will contain a complete review of irrigation -
gation work done in Nebraska during
thepast year and will be distributed to
those interested in irrigation , free of
charge , except postage.
DANtar. SELLER , residing a few
miles northeast of Elmwood , on going
out theother , morning , found himself
minus about 1O chickens and a new
set of heavy harness. On the same
. morning Clark Schreve , another farmer -
er living there , missed a new set of
harness and found his other harness
lying by the barn , where the thieves
had evidently inspected it and found it
was' not 4tmite good enough for them.
The Burlington Railway company is
fitting up' a building at Havelock. Nebraska -
braska , to be used by the employes of
the shops as a reading room. One
room is twenty by thirty feet with long
reading tables. Another room is pro-
yided for games. The building is to
be heated , lighted , and magazines and
news papers are to be furnished free of
charge by the railway company and
the Lancaster Land company , owners
of the town site of havelock.
HENRY 'r ONARD , president of the
Oxnard Beet Sugar company , said to a
reporter that ho was at a loss to know
how the rumor to the effect that the
beet sugar factories in this state would
not begoperatedduring the coming season -
son : originated , as it was utterly unfounded -
founded ' There is no truth in the
statement that we will not run our factories -
tories during the coming , season , " said
Mr. Oxnard , ' -but the fact of the matter -
ter is that it will probably be the best
season we have known since we have
been in the business. ' '
THE Qccidental Building and Loan
association of Omaha , capital stock
$ iO.Olpj)00 ) , filed articles of incorpora-
tioti'u ith the'secretary of state. This
or ranizatipn was formed in 1SS9 , and
the is for the puprpose of
enabling it to make similar filings in
other states.
A UivA ms dispatch says the cattle
men are still on the "war path" in regard -
gard to the land bill now pending before -
fore congress , by which the vacant
land in western Nebraska is to be
'ceded to the state. The stock men
claim that large companies will purchase -
chase the land and drive the small cat-
' tie dealers out of business.
. _ - - - -
Supreme Court CommIRSlon.
Lincoln dispatch : On the 16th inst.
the terms of Supreme Court Commis.
sioners Ryan , Pagan and Irvine ex
pircd by limitation. Today the justices
of the court reappointed them in the
following order : "Supreme Court of
Nebraska. In the Matterof the Supreme -
preme Commissioners : The supreme
court of Nebraska , reposing special
trust and confidence in the integrity ,
and ability of Robert llyan , 'John M.
Ragan and Frank Irvine , do hereby appoint -
point each of them a commissioner of
the supreme court to perform the duties -
ties required by the act entitled An
Act to Amend Section 3 of an Act Entitled -
tled an Act Authorizing the Appointment -
ment of Supreme Court Commissioners
and Defining Their Duties , Approved
March 0 , 1S93t and to Repeal Said Original -
nal Section. ' Approved March12,1S95.
And we do hereby authorize and empower -
power them to discharge the duties of
said office according to law. In testimony -
mony whereof we have hereunto subscribed -
scribed our names this 17th day of
March , A. D. 18D6. "
Settlers Ncod Not Fear.
Washington dispatch : Senator Allen ,
Representative Meiklejohn and General
Mariderson called this morning upon
the attorney general , secretary of the
interior and the commissioner of the
general land office in regard to the
pending suit of the United States
atrainst the settlers upon 200000 ; acres
of indemnity lands of the Burlington
By the terms of the act of March 2 ,
1S9r , the title of the railroad to these
lands is confirmed and the title of all
bona fide purchasers to the railroad
hands is also confirmed. The question
of the good faith of the purchasers
under theact named can bedetermined
without suit by the interior department
and no suit is needed for such determin-
ation. 1'liat the necessity ; in the ir-
terest of economy and equitable treatment -
ment , is that the suit which is now
pending in the United States court for
Nebraska should' be dismissed was
urged upon the officials. They quite
agreed as to the correctness of the
views expressed and after giving a few
days' consideration to the subject will
probably order a dismissal of the suit.
Grand Army Reunion ] late.
The reunion of the Grand Army of
the Republic will be held the week beginning -
ginning Monday , August 24 , 1390. This
date was decided upon at a meeting
held in Assistant Adjutant General
Gage's office , at the state capital. Department -
partment Commander Culver met the
location committee of Lincoln and the
matter of location and time was fully
discussed , although the question of the
rlace at which to hold the reunion was
left open , to be decided later. There
were present , of the local committee ,
John McConnell , R. W. Johnson. Captain -
tain Samuel MCOIay , Colonel L. C.
face , Captain .T. W. Woods , Dr. Hoover
and others. The date set will , it is
thought , accommodate those who desire -
sire to visit the state fair at Omaha and
wish to make but one trip from their j
homes , as well as those who intend to
go on the annual national encamn-
Fees in the 11111 Case.
Governor Hoicomb has settled with
Judge L. 11'alteley and Attorney G. M.
Lambertson for their services in the
prosecution of the case against ex-
Treasurer Hill to recover $236,000 lost
in the Capital National Bank failure.
.Judge 1Vakeley drew $1,000 and Mr.
Lambertson $750. This completes all
payments for , fees due attorneys. Of
the SIS,000 legislative appropriation of
the legislature of 1893 , all but gS,709.19
has expended in the first trial , and in
preparation therefor. This latter sum
was turned over to Governor Holcomb
by Governor Crounse. Of this there
now remains in the hands of the governor -
ernor $4,205.30 , making the total expense -
pense , to date , of the trial , $10,794.70.
It is understood that there are some
other bills in the way of witness fees
and bailiff's expenses to be paid yet.
Complaint From a State Contractor.
Lincoln dispatch : Complaint was
made at the state house today by the
manager of the Lincoln Cooperage
company , one of the concerns which is
employing the convict labor at the penitentiary -
itentiary , that owing to the giving out
of one of the boilers there was not sufficient -
ficient power being furnished , and time
shops would be of necessity shut down.
Agent Whitehead , who went to his
home in Custer countyseveral days ago
to complete arrangements for moving
his family down to Lincoln , has been
detained by sickness , and has not yet
returned. The board will probably
wait until he can make a report as to
what the condition of the boiler is before -
fore taking any steps.
Cattle held in Quarantine.
Grand Island dispatch : The union
stock yards of this city have been made
a quarantine station , and the firstship-
ment to arrive is fifteen cars of California -
nia cattle. Four of these cars are fat
and ready for immediate slaughter.
These will leave for South Omaha toy
night , but the ten remaining cars are
stock cattle , and must be kept in separate -
rate yards for a term of ninety days.
J. R. Atter , the union yards manager ,
received his instructions today from
Manager Babcock of the South Omaha
yards. Separate pens will be kept for
them. ' 1'tze consignment belongs to
John Sparks , the great western cattle
man , and is shipped from Amedee , Cal.
Julius Julson , an old residence of
Newman Grove , while going home from
Petersburg fell from his buggy. His
body was caught between the box and
wheels and his limbs confined in the
buggy by the robes and he was dragged -
ged in that position over two miles.
As the horses reached home they ran
into a wire fence and threw him out.
When found his back was broken and
he had apparently been dead some ,
The supreme court'inet last week for
the regular sitting for time third Tuesday -
day in the month. Judge Wakely was
at time state house and when asked if
there was any other step which could
be taken in the case of the state
against ex-Treasurer Hill and his
bondsmen to recover the amount of
state money on deposit in the Capital
National bank at the time of its failure -
ure , said that he supposed that "the
dig is dead" The judge talked about
the decision of the supreme court , and
said that the whole of the case had
practically been gone over three times ,
and the court had spoken and that settled -
tled it.
A Strong Preponderance for the Re-
nemtl of the Reciprocity Agreements
as They Eslstrd Under the Mc-
Itialey law-Commercial
Oranizatlous Also Favor -
vor Icnewal.
WAsrnNGToN , March 23.-Response
is now being made by the commercial
and manufacturing interests of the
country to the circular letters nil-
dressed to them by the ways and
means subcommittee on reciprocity
and commercial 'treaties , inviting
expressions of opinion as to the advisability -
bility of endeavoring to renew the
reciprocity agreements with foreign
countries made under tile terms of the
McKinley tariff act. The replies so
far received number seventy-nine ,
iilelnding large manufacturing con -
terns east of time Mississippi river and
those heavily interested in the export
There is a strong preponderance of
desire for the renewal of the reciprocity -
rocity agreements and in many cases
the writers cite figures to show the
great diminution in their export
trade since the repeal of the provision
of the law under which these agreements -
ments existed. In few cases is there
any : ttteinpt made to conceal the self-
interest of the writers in the matter :
For instance among the few concerns
wliicl , oppose reciprocity , is a grain
commission house which feels that it
will be thus placed in competition
with the great South American
grain producing countries. Another
concern favoring reciprocity , in answer -
swer to the direct question writes :
' 'Decidedly yes. We are more and
more convinced that what we want is
not free trade but fair trade , and the
wrmter makes this admission after having -
ing been for fifteen years a free
trader. " Politics crops out in many
of the answers and not a few of the
writers do not hesitate to express
their preference in the matter of the
choice of time uest President.
Three great commercial organizations -
tions are on the committee's list of
correspondents and all of them are recorded -
corded as most emphatically favoring
reciprocity. They are the Millers'
National association of Milwaukee , C.
A. Pillsbury , president ; the Cincinnati -
nati chamber of commerce and Mer-
chants' exchange and the Cleveland
chanmbc. of commi.erce.
Of the sevent.nine replies , sixty-
eight arc strongly in advocacy of a
renewal of the reciprocity agreements
as they were under the McKinley act ;
three are absolutely opposed to any-
thin ; in the nature of reciprocity or
that contemplates discrimination in
trade with the world ; four are inclined -
clined to favor a qualified kind of reciprocity -
ciprocity agreement and four are not
responsive to the direct questions of
the committee and merely take advantage -
vantage of time opportunity to vcnti-
'ate some private grievances.
hank L'obbers Male Quite a Haul.
DECATliu , ill. , March 23.-The Ni-
antic bank was entered by burglars
last night and robbed of $3,100.
Strangers who came to town Friday
evening are supposed to have committed -
mitted the crime. 1) . 11. Claypool's
horses were stolen. The horse theft
is supposed to be part of the bank
robbers' method of making their es- l
Young ) tillikon Set Free.
WAsrtlxciox , March 23.-Time jury
in time case of Benjamin 11 , Milliken ,
former private secretary of Senator
llarris of Tennessee , whose trial on
charges of housebreaking with intent
to criminally assault Miss Gertrude
Phillips , daughter of ex-Solicitor General - )
eral Phillips , closed yesterday , re-
oortetl an acquittal at noon to-day.
The Booth-Tuckers Start.
LoNDoN , March 2.3. - There was a
large gathering of members of the
Salvation army at Waterloo railway
station to-day to bid farewell to Mr.
and Mrs. Booth-Tucker , who sail for
New fork from Southampton by the
American line steamer St. Louis in
3rder to assume command of the force :
Formal a Home and llashaud.
Llmirvr , Mo. , March 23.-The Rev.
Ezra Roach of Worth county and Mrs.
Mary McConnell were married here
yesterday. She is an aged woman
and was without a home. She adver-
Used for a husband and Mr. Roach ,
who is in good circumstances , an-
swered. Each is about 60years of age.
Troop , for the Territory.
WASmNGTON , Mam ch 23.-Time Senate
committee on Indian affairs has united
in a letter totime President recommend-
lug that a regiment of united States
troops be stationed permanently in
the Indian territory for the purpose of
preserving order there.
In Stripes Three Hours After the Crime
JEFFEItSONyILTE. Ind. , March 23.-
11'ithin tea minutes after Joe Davis
had stolen a bottle of wine yesterday
morning he was arrested and had
pleaded guilty. Within three hours
lie had donned a suit of stripes , which
he is to wear two years under sentence -
tence of the court.
Oklahoma 1Vill lie for JIcKiriley.
GarRR1E.Okla..March 23.-Reports
from a majority of the counties of the
territory indicate that the McKinley
people captured the primaries in over
half of them yesterday and that the
territorial convention will declare for-
Justice Brewer's Daughter Critically Ill.
WASIIINGTOc , March 23. - Justice
Brewev s daughter is critically ill at
San Antonio from consumption. The _
president of time Venezuelacommission
left a few days ago for her bedside.
Vigorous Campaign to 'fro Inaugurated
by Friends of the Speaker.
WAsmnxarox , March 23.-The Reed
men have decided to inaugurate an
aggressive campaign for the Speaker.
Senator Lodge and Republican men-
hers of Congress froth Massachusetts ,
have received a cumber of telegrams
from their State announcing that the
McKinleyites were invading Massachusetts -
setts , decided that something must
be done to stem the tide of sentiment
for time Ohioan. They accordingly
held a conference with Speaker Reed ,
in which some of the speaker's leading -
ing supporters from other states also
participated. The result of the conference -
ference was a decision to at once open
a Rced bureau and begin an attack on
the l1cliinley forces all along time
line. It is reported that the Meliin-
Iey missionaries have already done
enough work in Massachusetts to
make it probable that the Bay state
will not send a solid delegation to St.
Louis for the Maine man.
The Cramp Company anti Other Concerns -
cerns Form a Big Trust.
PIIILADELP1rlA , March 23. - Henry
1Y. Cramp , of William Cramp & Sons ,
ship builders , announces officially
that all arrangements for time amalgamation -
gamation of time ordnance department
of the works with other extensive organizations -
ganizations have bcen completed , and
that hereafter time various gun-making
concerns interested will be known as
the American Ord annee Coin panv.
The new company will manufacture
the Iotchkiss and 1)riggs ordnance
and Fletcher raiid-lire guns. The
cannons and machine guns to be man =
ufactureti will be the Hotchkiss revolving -
volving cannon , Hotchkiss automatic
gun , Aceles machine gun and Howell
So Cause for Interveatiou.
WASHINGTON , March ' _ ' 3.-The State
department has caused a careful examination -
amination to be made into time case of
Oiiverio Agramoute , who was arrested
by the Spanish forces in Cuba
on the Jarague estate , of tvliieh he
ryas the manager , on suspicion of
being an insurgent sympathizer : It
was said that Agraumonite was a naturalized
uralized Amerizan citizen , but time
United States consul , who , by direction -
tion of the State department , visited
the man in jail , now reports to the department -
partment that he is not a naturalized
citizen of the United States but a
Spanish subject , and consequently our
government has no ground for inter-
Meuclik Remands Lulenmity.
Ro IE , Marchi 23.-King Menelik demands -
mands an indemnity of 40,000,000 lire
from Italy. This condition is , of
course , unacceptableand further complicates -
plicates the situation. Time Negus'
forces now threaten to surround As-
mara , while continuing the advance
upon Massowah.
Big Lowell Mills to hest.
Loml lr.t , ( lass , ( larch , ; 3.-On account -
count of the general depression in time
cloth market , the Merrimac mills ,
which employ 2,000 people , will on
Monday close for one week. Time
Lowell Manufacturing Company will
close its Brussels department during
time Same time.
His Lunch Cost hint Dear.
ST. JosErrr , Mo. , Mardi 23.-Frank
Perry , a young man who stole two
loaves of bread , two pies and a can of
honey from a farm ( mouse , near the
state fish hatchery , was found guilty
in the criminal court and his punishment -
ment fixed at five years in the peni-
Leaves for farts Unknown.
OLATHE , Ivan. , March 23.-Ed L.
Charlton has resigned his position as
steward of time Kansas Deaf and Dumb
institution , located at this place , and
gone to parts unknown. He is said to
have left time books and accounts of
the institution in a badly mixed condi-
Reed the Favorite in Maryland.
ANNAPOLIS , lid. , ilarcm ( 23.-A poll
of the Legislature shows Reed has
thirty-seven supporters for the presidential -
dential nomination , McKinley 26 , Allison -
lison 9 , Morton 5 , Theodore Roosevelt
2 , Robert Lincoln 1 , Harrison 1.
Cannon for the Confederate Home.
WASHINGTON. March 23.-Senator
Vest's bill donating two condemned
cannon to the Confederate home at
Higginsville has passed.
The Dominion parliament passed the
Manitoba school bill on its second
The three Democratic candidates for
Governor of Arkansas spoke at Arka-
Secretary Chamberlain said that
England will hold what territory she
conquers in Soudan.
Tom Reed says that he shall not
attempt to interfere in States that
have presidential candidates.
Sidney Slocum , fraudulently extradited -
dited , was allowed by Judge Grosscup
of Chicago to return to Canada.
A. K. Ward of Memphis , alleged
swindler , is dying and has been removed -
moved from the jail to a hospital.
The Presbyterian Mission near
Shanghai was raided by Chinese rob-
bers. Rev. Rufus Bent was wounded.
A gang of young toughs of Burlington -
ton , Iowa , tied a boy in a cellar and
set fire. to the house. The boy was
Secretary Morton thinks that the
failure of crops in South Africa presents -
sents an excellent opening for American -
can grain exports.
Rev. George K. hoover was arrestel
in Little Rock , charged with slander
by Rev. F. II. George. Time court
dismissed time case.
Rev. J. I. Armstrong , former pastor
of the Independence avenue church ,
Kansas City , was expelled from time
ministry for alleged immorality.
Seventy-nine answers have been
received to the circulars asking manufacturers -
facturers and exporters' opinions on
reciprocity , and all save one placed
.opinions in favor of it on the ground
of self-interest.
Resolutions In the House that Censure
the .tmbassador.
WASIIINGTON , March 19. The Ambassador -
bassador Bayard censure resolutions
were called up in the House this afternoon -
noon by Mr. Mitt of Illinois , who
made a strong speech in support of
them , and was followed by Mr. Mc-
Creary of Kentucky , who opened for
the opposition. The latter said that
such resolutions were unprecedentet
and an invasion of the rights and
authority of the President. Mr. Bay-
ard was not time first diplomatic officer
representing the United States who
had been assailed by his politicall
opponents while representing his
country in England and a vote
of censure now , prompted by prejudice -
dice and partisanship , would not
hurt him. The purpose was too well
understood. It might prove a garland
of distinction and open the way to lmitn
for lmi rher oflices and greater honors.
't'he people of this country knew that
Thomas P. Bayard had proved himself -
self a patriota statesman and a faithful -
ful public servantand the people were
behind him in his opposition to protection -
tection and trusts in far greater numn-
bers than they were behind those who
sought to condemn and censure him.
To censure Mr. Bayard at this time
would be to detract from the prestige
of this country with Great Britamn
when he , as a diplomatic oflicer , represented -
resented this country in negotiations
concerning important questions now
pending. Mr. McCreary concluded as
follows : "When a citizen of our free
country beconfes an ambassador or a
minister , should he be required to sur-
renaet or suppress his true senti-
ments" Should he not have time right
to speak his sentiments politely and
respectfully , if they are in accord with
the policy of the government which
he represents ? 't'he people of the civilized -
ilized world are aware of the political
revolutions which occur in this repub-
lie , anti they are aware that we do not
have in this country a special diplomatic -
matic corps in office for life , but that
our ambassadors and ministers are appointed -
pointed by the political party in pow-
er. They ; arc men who supported the
Presidents whose commissions they
beau. , and they uphold the policies of
his administration. Then- views on
these policies should give no offense
at home if they give none abroad. I
am sure the Republican majority of
this house will have more praise for
abstaining from the adoption of time
pending resolutions than Huey will
have if they adopt them. "
lie. McCreary was followed by Mr.
Cousins of Iowa , who supported time
censure resehrt imc.
A 1"uu. a r& rotaouer.
ST. JOsEI'Ii. Mo. , March 19.-Scv-
eral days ago some one administered
poison to the fammmily of 1) . II. Taylor ,
who resides tmcar Craig , north of this
city. 'r'ime poison was administered in
coffee , and the fatlmer , D. 11. Taylor , '
died , while one son is now expected to
( lie , and the mother and two other
children are in a serkms condition.
The coroner's jury concluded its mu-
restigation last night , and held Miss
Gertrude Taylor , a 13-year-old daughter -
ter of the dead man. She is in jail.
The girl admitted buying poison of a
druggist. It is thought that she had
advice from older heads. Great ex-
citemnent prevails around Craig over
the matter.
What Mauderson iVauts.
VAsrmiNG1'oN , March 19.-Ex-Sena-
tor 'Manderson of Nebraska , referring
to time proposition of Senator 1'lmurs-
ton relative to the Nebraska delegation -
tion to St. Louis , says that it simply
places the cart before the horse. "If
I do not go into the convention with
my State behind me , " he continued ,
" 1 will have no status and will not be
entered in the race. As I have said
before , when my State delegation
sees an opportunity to make a nomination -
nation by supporting another candidate -
date , it will he welcome to do so. "
Quotations From New Fork , Chicago , St.
Loult , Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter-Creamery separator. . 17 ; IS
Butter-Fair to good country. 14 . ( i 16
Eggs-Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chickens-Dressed , per lb. . . . , . j 7s !
Turkeys-Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ( 11
Lemons-Choice Messinas.JJ ( r 3 75
Oranges-1'i r box . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 G :175 :
Honey-Fancy white , per lb. . . . 13 r" , 14
Apples-l'er 1)1)1..1 50 _ r 4 50
Sweet uotatoes-Goodper b2 50 } : 5
Potatoes-l'er bit . . . : . . . . . . ' 71 ? i
Beans-Navy , hand-pirtedhu 1 40 ( J ; I : J )
( 'ranberries-t ape Cod , prbbl S ; ' ) e ; S 7. .
iiay-Uplanil. per ton. . . . . . . . . . 4.0 .r 5 09
Onions-Perbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Li G4 47
Broom Corn-Umeen , per lb. . . . . . . 2 d 2I
floes-Mixed u tcking. . . . . . . . . 3 & ,
- y11'eights. . . . . .m 85 fn ; b7b4
Beeves-Stockers and feeders. 3 00 n 8 70
beef-Steers. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d . s Q 4 CO
Bulls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Milkers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 :0 ( i7 ; :1 : OJ
Stags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ) 7. : : : s
Calves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 ( 5 50
Oxen. . . . . 150 + u:1 : is
Cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ( . . : ! )
. 2 5 5 ( it. :14o :
Westerns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1n tI :1 : 's
Shecp-Lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7e ( ? S 1' )
, 'f1ICAGO.
Wheat-No. 2. spring. . . . . . . . . . . . Cfi ! C :
Corn-Per bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g ; Grr 2.
Oats-Per ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
l'ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 7 Gr , 9 tU ;
Lard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 : .0 ( .S 32'-
Cattle-Export . . . . . . . . . . v4 4 23
hogs-Avcrages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0' ' ) r 4 7
Sheep-Lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 uo g 4 2. >
Sheep-Westerns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4(3 ( ' : m
- . . . , .2)
Wheat-No. ? , red winter. . . . . . . S0a(1I
era No..2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : * fir. : Se
Oats-No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ) 25 . '
'ark-.10ol0'0' .
Lard-.t ° ( v bJ
Wheat-No. 2 red , cash. . . . . . . . . G ; Cr 6' i
Corn-Per bun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ti ,
Oats-I'er bum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ? 19
hoes-llixeti packing. . . . . . . . . . . r0 6 : ! 0
Cattle-Nativetecves. . . . . . . . . . . . : ; 40 Gr 4 C.
SheeMuttcais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ; : m 50
Lambs- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' ; r , 4 d )
11'heat-No. 2 hard. . . . . . . . . . . . . C ! 61'7
Corti-No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gr.
Oats-Nag. . . . . . . . . 17
Cattb-Stockcrsand feeder ; . 2 . 70 r : 9J
Hogs-Mixed Packer' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 r ? , 3 )
Sheep-Lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. ( 4 40
Train Robbers Caught In Indiana.
NEVADA , Mo. , March 19.-Detective
P. Lally of St Louis has applied to
Prosecuting Attorney Gibson to secure
requisition papers from Governor
Stone for William Bruce Morris , liar-
rold Vaughn and William Rogers ,
under arrest at Evansville , Ind. , for
holding up a Missouri Pacific freight 1 ,
train at Nassau Junction several i
weeks ago and robbing the crew of
several hundred dollars , after nvouad-
ing Conductor Trickett. The latter l
has returned from Evansville and is'
confident that they are the guilty
parties. ,
'T' k
Doctor ! '
Be1levcs ! n Rrcouuuending Anyttediclnur
That ! le Inn's til'fll Cure ills Pati.'i a
--Thinks Dr. Williams' Fink Idly j' '
a Great IIscuvcry-IIo Cites
Sonic .llxrvelous Cures. rf
From the Examiner , Lancaster , Pa
Axnox , PA. , April 24th95. il' + +
Dn. WIt . ' MEnICINE Co. :
Gentlemen-While it isoutirely contrary i' , ;
to the custom of the medical profession to l "
endorse or recommend any of the so-called
proprietary preparations , I shall , nevertheless - '
theless , give you an account of some of my
wonderful experiences with your preara- t ,
tion. Dr. 11il1111mns' Pink Pills Per I'nle i
People. The fact is well known that mcd- I
ical practitioners do not as a rule , recoI - i I t
nine , much leas use , preparations of this
kind , consequently the body of them have t
no definite knowledge of their virtue or
lack of it , but soundly condemn th nil t
without atrial. Such acoursoismactfestly
absurd 1111(1 unjust , and I , for one , propoi o jl
to give my patients the best treatment if
known to me , for the particular disease
witli which they are suffering , no matter ' ' '
what it is , where or how obtained. I was '
first brought to prescribe Dr. Williams' j { ;
Pink Pills about two ears ago , after hay- I'
' '
lag seen sonic from
thir use. Reuben Hoover , now of Rend- I ' ,
ing , Pa. , was a prominout contractor and
builder. Whfio superintending thu work
of erecting a large building during cold
weather , he contracted what was tbcugbt
to be sclntica. He first noticed it one
morning in not being able to arise from
his bed. After the usual treatment for
this disease he failed to improve , but on
the contrary grew rapidly worse , the cai e i
developing into Hemiphlegia , or partial
paralysis of the entire right side of the
body. Ehc2ricity , tonics amid massage , etc. ,
were nil given a trial , butnothin gave any
benefit , and the paralysis continued. Imp
despair he was compelled to hoar his pby-
sician announce that his case was hopeless.
About that time his tvifo noticed one of '
your ndvertfaenaents and concluded - to try ' 11
3ourPink Pills. ,
, ,
'k '
# 0
He had given up hope and it required n
great deal of begging on the part of his
wife to persuade hind to take them regu-
larly. -
He , however. did as she desired , and it .
appenrancesindicate health in this man , 1
ono would think he was better than heforc
his paralysis. t
' % V1iy , ' says he , 'I began to improve in f
two clays , and in four or five tvoeks I was
entirely well and at work. '
Having seen these results I concluded
that such a remedy is surely worth a trial j ,
at the bands of any physician , and consequently -
quently when a short time later I was
culled upon to treat a lady su ering with
palpitation of the heart and great uorcou9 Y
prostration , after the usual remedies failed '
to relieve , I ordered Dr. Williams' Pink :
Pills. The result was simply astonishing. t
Her attacks became less frequent and afsa ' 'r
less in severity. until by their use for a ,
period of emily two months she was the pie-
taro of health , rosy-cheokod and brigbt- ) ,
eyed , as well as ever , and she has continued
so until today , more than one year since
she took any medicine. I have found there
pills a specific for chorea. or as more corn- 1
monly known. St. Vitus' dance , as beneficial -
cial results have in all cases marked their
use. As a spring tonic any one who , from
overwork or nervous strain during a long i
winter has become pale and languid , the
Pink Pills will do 'wonders in brightening
the countenance and in buoying the spirita , f
bringing roses to the pallid lips and renew.
ing the fountain of youth. .
Yours Respectfully ,
.T. 1) . Ar.cnior r , M. D.
'rue total ordinary expenditures c
the government in 1895 were $ l5G.155 ;
i i
In time year 1904 , only eight years.
from now. $100,000,000 in bonds must be
In 1890 the receipts from imports
amounted to $77,000,000 more than last
The tax or imports into the Unite. ! ,
States amounts to ; 2 for each inhahi-
Thirty-seven cents g
per capita in 1S9t
was sufficient to pay the interest on the i
nation's hornwmobs.
France , Russia , Great Britain. Aims-
tria-Hungary , Italy , Spain and Prussia
are the only nations deeper in debt than- i m
Is the United States.
In 1867 3 cents per capita of silver.
and Gf ; cuts per capita of gold was
coined. In 1894 13 cents per capita or
silver and $1.17 of gold was minted.
The inde'btedne5s of the United Stafe . 1 S
less cash on hand on November 1. 1895. '
was $812,137,610.87. Without deductions'r , ' ,
and including certificates and Treasury
nctes it was $1.717,481,779. '
In France 1,560 miles of light railways - . '
ways have been already built , thous } : t
many of the lines last year were worked '
at a loss.
An American tourist recently sent lmis
bicycle from London to Paris by parcel
post. The cost was only a few pence , r
and he recd it in perfect order. )
Cardinal Melcher's death , following
closely on floss of Cardinals Persice
and Bonaparte , will beep alive the
superstition that cardinals always the ' h
in threes. (
- 1
The Swiss government made a profit
of about $1,000,000 last year on its men-
opoly in spirits.
Dr. Young records that at Gibraltar y
the human voice has been heard at a
distance of ten miles.
Bombay can now be reached by fast '
steamer from London in thirteen days )
and the Cape of Good Hope in fourteen. ,
A Quitman , 3Io. , man has just re-
cemved 5100 from the national government -
ment for a horse killed during the civil
war. ,
r ty