r---- : _ - . - : z : : r t I . , , _ LLLLLLLLL LLLLLY LLL 1f . I : . S. . ; ' , j n s ry y ' I \ eople : 1.s t .4 : r , at + u r t . . , " WY LIJ e H - . Might as well get some- d . = 1 , thing that's neat and stY1- i ish as to buy something R p that isn't. . r , i What's the use of buy- k1 log a poor article when . . You can get The Best for 1. the same money : ! . 1 i'N ! . , _ ' , . 4" _ _ _ _ _ r . ; ' The r - - - - Tribune i l 1 d , 1 e.oe ® l . ! ' 1 , . . . , i I 4 I . " 1 I i 1 , f . f'e - f , + _ 1 L i _ F CANSCHOW r Ss $ li , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. CU o0 ot'000 ° A - Opp . I ° o f 00 i oa 0 00 J 1 v o _ \0 0 o . ' : % . - - = o - # - o0 O.JJ , ' --0 _ _ k \ ° % " _ _ 0 ALL- LEAD RS'"AsHIoNP - ° DECLARE As ontE voice 0r ; g .1HWr % JEAR RESISTERS 0 r - - : _ , rot FOO1./Gq , C ) _ „ . . p I , IS ( HEIRFIRSTCHOICE 10- . . " . , - -o I .r. _ . _ " , ' , . .0 . 0 ti j D . i 1 r : / : LEJIs.Go 0 o. _ _ ; J-o BO5TON , o t ° > p ) a fa 0 I I 0 ' rr ' . I f o _ p0 ; 00 14 , 09 ° A 0 0 3 ; , oaooooo0000 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1' Shalt Not Steal 'C r ' Thou i f ? . . . . . . . .4 : . + . i iI I 1 But it is no harm to save from 5 V . i _ to 20 per cent b e buying Shoes from I ' me 0'211 ' and 1etme convince ou , \ The Best Assortment at , i r i CANSCHOW1 F. i r THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. tt ' : 1 r 3 t. i . . - , . s RAILROAD NEWS D PARTMENT. g'r' , 3 TIME TABLE. GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M. No. q , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9oo P. M. No , 64 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3o A. M. No. I4S , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 A. M. No. 8o , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A. M. No. 75 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. at. GOING WEST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger. . . . . . . . , . ,12:40 A. M. No. 5 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M. No. 63 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 P. M. No. 774reight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:001' . M. IMPERIAL LINE-CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 A. at. No. i6 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:401. M. C r NOTE-No. 63 carries passengers for Stratton , Benkclman and Ifai ler. All trins run'dail excepting 18 , 149 and 1r'6 , which run daily except Suday. No. 2 stops at Benkclman and Wray. No. stops at , Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. So will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahue. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. 1Vhen No , So is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8:00 : a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada - ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address .E.MAGNER . r1gent. Mrs. J. E , Robinson is nursing a painful - ful thumb. F. E , kidder's baby had an attack of croup , first of the week , R. L. Tinker went up to Denver , Wednesday - nesday mglit , on business. Trainmaster J , F. Kenyon was in Oinaha , Sunday , ou business. Tout Wilkinson departed on 1londay morning for San Antonio , Texas. Supt. Alex. Campbell was a business visitor to the capital city , Monday. Mrs , Hogan , mother of Mrs. W , G. Reddin , went to Chicago , Monday morning. Auditor W , P , Foreman was at this point , Tuesday , on business of that. department - partment : Manta Gossip has had lit r long tongue "oiled all around" lately and is working overtime now at a killing pace , We understand that James Ritchie of Sheridan , Wyoming , now in San Antonio - nio , Texas , for his health , and whose condition was serious , is now better. No garnishee circular has been posted at the McCook shops , such as the Lincoln Journal announced , last week , had been sent out by the Burlington to be posted. Red Cloud is retrograding in point of railway importance. By a recent order night telegraph service was discontinued and the operator transferred to Orleans. -Oxford Standard. SUNFLOWER SILHOUETTES. Mrs. Frank Quigley is visiting friends at Omaha. Claim Agent Hanson was on the line , e Wednesday. Engine 225 goes to McCook , Engineer - gineer Katzenmeyer gets the 32 instead , Seed Potatoes. Out of 32 varieties of potatoes tested , last year , by a leading potatoe grower of the west , the RURAL NEW YORKER No. 2 took the lead of late varieties. It is excellent in quality , smooth , white skin and flesh , an immense yielder , and undoubtedly - doubtedly the greatest drouth resisting sort in existence. We raised 300 bushels from a single acre , the first year , without - out irrigation after the seed was planted , while other varieties only went from 40 to 100 bushels per acre. Have a number of bushels of this variety which I Will sell at 50C. per bushel , delivered at Mc- Cook if desired. Other varieties at 35c. All pure seed , S. E. SoLoaroN , Culbertson , Neb. Notice to Teachers. I will hold special examinations in McCook , Danbury and Bartley , at stated times , which will be published in the different papers of the county. No examinations will be given , during the institute , this year. Teachers , wishing to secure a certificate - cate , must take the examination as stated above. A fee of one dollar will be charged for the examination : Teachers , passing the required examination - ination , will be granted a certificate , without further charges , during the institute - stitute , which will be held in McCook , L. A. CARNAHAN , County Superintendent. Everybody buy Church Parlor matches of Wilcox S Son , Knipple , Rooney S McAdams , H. Thole and J , J. Garrard , thus helping to pay for a Mission church. A Good McCook Home To trade for good eastern property. W. 0. RUSSELL , McCook , Nebraska , Try Mcconnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. Advantages of Our Association. EDITOR TRIBUNE : Few people fully appreciate the advantages of a well regulated - ulated building and loan association in a community , and if you will allow the space I will name a few : First , an op- portuuity to acquire a home ; the honle is the foundation of the state ; the stability of a republic rests with thatof tier citizens - zens , which iii turn is determined by the home. All that builds and establishes the home is beneficent. This the Building and Loan does. Another advantage is , it affords an opportunity for the masses to save a part of their earnings , which would otherwise drift until it landed in the pocket of the wealthy. It thus becomes - comes alt equalizer of wealth. Any institution - stitution that has a tendency to distribute - tribute the wealth of a community among the many is without question a public benefactor. It is also an educator - tor ; one who regularly pays his dues tea a Building and Loan association acquires thereby a habit of promptness in meeting - ing his obligations ; and such habits are of .incalculable benefit to any commun- ity. It is a significant fact that considering - ering the amount invested there has beer ] less loss in such associations than any other business in Nebraska. The McCook Cooperative Building and Loan associlitioii stands among the first iu the state amid should be the pride of McCook citizens. We have many young men and older ones toowho draw a fair salary ettcll month , and no better opportunity can be offered to tliemii than this association to help them save a portion - tion of it , and have the advantage of compound interest monthly. It is a good amid safe investment for all classes. II. G. BORNEMAN. Have Allowed the Claims. The state board of irrigation have allowed - lowed the following claims : Saunders irrigation plant , Frontier county. ; Holland - land canal , Red Willow : Phelan ditch , Duntly ; Andres Amiderson ditch , Durdy. The claim of the Chase County Land and Live Stock company was disaliotved. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wand bring us in a load or two. If you take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing ofletter paper. See samples and get prices. Fifteen (15) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this ollice , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. To RENT : 13 room residence , central - tral , fine repair. $ to a month. Enquire of A. C. Ebert. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. McConnell's Balsas ] cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ciistoria. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. WELLS , over Citizens bank. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are dust the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. Time route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. R T. A , , Omaha , Neb. HEADQUARTERS FOR P = : Mixed Per pound , , , , 40C. i 1 ; Hali poun d . . . 25C. Varleties Quarter pound , , 15C. THE ONLY DOUBLE SWEET PEA , I ® BRIDE OF NIAGARA : o J1 ( True to Name. ) ® Price-Packet 25C. Half packet 15c. b A THE WONDERFUL > , CRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE , o . Only l5 Cents. 0 A vi6K' ; ? hORAI1 GUIDI < 1896 , The Pioneer Seed Catalogue. Tried and True Novelties-Fuchsias , Roses , Blackberry , The Pearl Gooseberry , 4 Potatoes , Earliest Tomato Known , etc. 4 Lithographs of Double Sweet Pea , Raves , Fuchsias ; Blackberries , Raspberries , New Leader lomato Vegetables. Filled w' ® things , old and new. Full list of Flowers Vegetables , Small Fruits , etc. , with descrip0 tion and prices. Mailed on receipt of ro cis , , which maybe deducted from first order-really Free-or free with an order for any of the t above. above.ROCHESTER ROCHESTER , N. Y. JAMES VICK'S SONS 4 , + C ; i 1 . NEW . . , , . lit -New Goods are now open , an we invite ) Ott o collie in aiid examine. . . . We have 1e largest an prettiest line of PLAIDS , - JL J t NOVELTY E' ever shown In the city 0 McCook. .000.- t n Wash less Goods we have all le ne l and ) lett T things , taio1110 111 J ) Bees from J r c. a yard 11) o0C. . a yard. Look of out line o lilt Waists. We surely can please you. asl Ogwo.a A.T. TIIE . . . t , S ? 4 % p ca .e.v ® 6 C. L. DEGROFF & CO. aiicj , J ' ' n50ttii' ' C _ 1v N r lV WL r - 'r ' ' ro : f a1s > ° I 115 LE A IT OR AN p lSllR ! ' s IIV " ODELSluGgi5 , 18 10 25 PO11nDSi 'pRICES $5T0l00. ' 1 ILVERY h MACHINE FOLLY GUARARTEED a CATA19bOE , 5 Et'iT FOl tJo CEF 5TAI1I ? s a1 e . d . f1AIN OFFICE ACID FACTOfW LAtt i . 11AL5TED 5T5 RETAIL ,5ALE0ROOM Z80 WABASH AVE'- EA TL RN WA 2EHOU5t : . 9'READE 51"r fEWAY 1i J AORTLAN D - - ; . 5AN - . , F.RANCI CO , ' SAIr'1.AfSE-Ci . r ' s , - ' f LnntSloE rxov col. _ t ( s.7i , , ' / 9 ? ' 'P -Y eaP iYsrar5 r 't R 11 'i' } , rot r ' > > cre r + t > * t r 4t rat r t roc rte : i ' i4t rt F4' Y > 4c f A 1 JiffCat YiCar r ° iti 2 ( * t r-r 1 he most iamouruut ± ors i. . , , i 9 The most interesting . . T11. , greatest OI'115is . Fr. Ca , t Coior- Fork dsustrations Everything the best that money can buy. That s rpt 'The Cosniopoiltail Magaziiie rr,7 ni % jI roc Giving early i34l4 pages with more than 1000 illustra- ' ) tfonC . The equal eL the most expensive magazines. No ' t home is complete without this magazines Women and > 4t men , young and old , VJIL find in it amusement and In- P struction in what can a dollar be better expended ? / ; THE DECEcliWE ° EDTi400,000 ! CCPES. ! ' , The Cosmopolitan for thatmonth received - 4t the greatest recognition from advertisers Send one dollar to rt r el ever given to any magazine. It contaiaa t from $ rooo , to $ & c more advertising than The Cosmopolitan 112 „ anne , t sot was ever published m any mcgazi : c , at any ' place , in any country , at any price. This is Irvington-on-the-Hodson , r why a magazine ranking with the best in Icj literature and art can be sold at lou. a cop } . New York r ' aft rr t set alt sit r.t r t r t rye rpc r , c 4c i roc , c roc r t r4t > c s.t r rt 1 i , C