The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1896, Image 4

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: . Ifluok ! 'rihe.
' ' By F. M. KIMMELL.
THIS is Nebraska weather that
the oldtimers tell about. Even so
and more too.
THE convention for the Fifth
congressional district will be held
in Minden on April 8th ,
THE sound money Democrats
will hold their convention in Lincoln -
coln on the 29th of April , with 625
delegates based on the vote for
THERE seems to be no opposition
to the renomination of Congressman -
man Andrews , who will be eminently -
inently satisfactory to the mass of
Republican voters in the district.
A NICE kettle of fish is the Mc-
Kinley-Manderson imbroglio. The
whole game is becoming tiresome.
If the contending would-be leaders -
ers of the party , Motif north and
south of the Platte , both U P. and
I B. & M. , don't soon put brakes on
their damnfoolery they won't have
any votes to place to the credit of
the Republican candidates in the
electorril college , next fall. Give
the rank and file of the Republican
party a show for their white alley ,
I and the Republican majority in
Nebraska will return in strength
and confidence.
A great deal of spring wheat has
been sowed.
Levi Harrison will farm William
Barber's place , this year.
Ducks are numerous-and so are
the hunters-on the creek.
Last week , Messrs. Season aucl
1 Miller put up ice fourteen inches
1I I thick.
Mrs. PinkneY is quite sick. Has
been confined to her bed for past
two weeks.
j Rev. E. J. Vivian closed a series -
ries of successful revival meetings
i in the Red Willow school house ,
last Sunday.
A good many from this neighborhood -
borhood attended the preliminary
niurder trial in McCook , Wednesday -
day of last week.
No land will remaiu idle , this
year , about nil of it being now
rented for one-third the crop.
} There is no truth in 'the report
.that land is renting for one-fourth.
Some people are in the habit of
turning out their stock to destroy
. other people's feed. They do not
have energy enough to provide
feed for their own stock as other
people do. This procedure is becoming -
I coming stale-such people should
be compelled to care for their own
stock. A dose of herd law would
about fill the bill.
This w Bather is hay iug its effect
in encouraging the farmer.
i I notice that the discriminating
readers take THE TRIBUNE. ,
The Mite society met with Mrs.
W. A. Decay , Tuesday evening.
Harrison and Powell shipped
another carload of hogs to Denver ,
Harry Hooper , ex-teacher of the
Lebanon public schools , was in
town , Tuesday.
E.E.Hayes , who has been teaching -
ing in the Lebanon neighborhood ,
has moved here. '
Wm. A. Minniear and Arthur
Allen were visitors of the public
schools , this week.
March is ably sustaining. the
- dignity of winter-in fact is show-
- lng a chilly disposition to work
overtime in that direction so far.
We are just in receipts of a new
I suPP1Y of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
- - A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
-from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
a r
The commissioners will meet on
the 17th.
Miss Jessie Welborn has been
ill , this week.
Ora Bodwell has. been on the
sick list , this week.
Sheriff Nell had official business
in McCook , yesterday.
J. L.Gandy , pension attorney of
Broken Bow was in townWednes-
We understand that G.S.Bishop
contemplates going to Denver to
live ,
G. W. Roper and E. B. Banks
had business , on Saturday , in Mc-
These continued "snow flurries"
have backbone in them foi the
C. W. Beck was at Palisade on
Thursday , having Woodman business -
ness there
Ockey Mosher has come back
front Tudiana in the regular Nebraska -
raska fashion.
Messrs. A. J. Rittenhouse and
C. H. Boyle of McCook were in
town , Tuesday.
C. E. F. Quigley of Medford ,
Oklahoma , formerly resident here ,
is Jookina after business interests
in this town , this week.
Treasurer and Mrs : J. B. Mes-
erve spent Saturday and Sunday
on the Brush creek ranch looking
after affairs thereon , returning on
Sunday night.
JOB PRINTING-The most artistic -
tic work at the lowest figures.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook. Write
for prices. A trial order will settle -
tle the business.
Misses Clara Bonnet and Lizzie
Egan attended special Catholic
services here , last Friday , and were
the guests of Father Sproll during
their brief stay.
Dean J. L. McBrien of Orleans
college was in town , Saturday last.
He is rejoicing in the prospect of
an excellent Chautauqua at Orleans -
ans , this summer.
Wednesday evening , Mrs. S. M.
Walker , president of the Nebraska
W. C. T. U , spoke in the Methodist -
dist church. She was the guest of
Mrs. Happersett while in the city.
Saturday last , the Wolfe boys
from forth of town were tried before -
fore Justice Beck on the charge of
stealing wood. H. W. Keyes appeared -
peared for the plaintiff and W. R.
Starr for the defendants. They
were judged guilty of the offense
and fined ten dollars.
Tuesday , lawyers and others
gathered here to attend the sitting
of the district court , but Judge
Norris decided that lie could not
legally hold court here since the
decision of the supreme court in
the county seat case. By general
consent a few cases of minor importance -
portance were disposed of.
One of the boys visiting the Mc-
Cook schools , two weeks ago , was
asked whether Indianola had electric -
tric lights.
"No" , said the Indianola boy.
"Have you waterworks ? "
"What have you down there ,
anyway ? "
Oh , we have a couple of your
people in jail" .
.Mrs. Marietta Bishop , mother of
G. S. Bishop , after a short illness ,
departed this life for the other , on
Monday last. Services were held
in the Methodist church in the
evening , Rev. R.L. Knox preaching
the sermon. Members of the various -
ious secret orders to which G. S.
Bishop belongs here attended in a
body. The remains were taken
to Iowa ; for interment on Tuesday
Mrs. : J. F. Helm 'was quite ill ,
Mr. Mott's family are preparing
to go to Kansas.
An Epworth league is to be organized - I
ganized at the Red Willow school
J. F. Black has been confined to
the house for some time with rheumatism -
matism and a bad cold.
An Endeavor social at Mr.Simp-
son's Tuesday night , was poorly
attended , everyone being weary
with continued church going , and
another party coming very soon.
WANTED-Regular correspondents -
ents for THE TRIBUNE at Danbury ,
Box Elder , Lebanon , Cedar Bluffs ,
and other unrepresented localities
in this vicinity. Write for terms
and full particulars. .
> . ' . . } +
J. M. Hamil ' tonand family have
moved to a farm north of'Indianola. '
A. W. Porter left , Monday evening -
ning , to join his family in Denver.
J , W. Torney moved , latter part
of last week to a farm about five
miles south of town.
The public meeting of the G. A.
R. post and W. R. corps , last Saturday -
day , was largely attended.
H. K. Clover of Council Bluffs ,
Iowa , arrived on Tuesday , to make
his parents a brief visit.
Mrs. Kerst moved in from the
farm , last week , and occupies the
. house vacated by J. W. Torney.
Captain J. C. Gammill was in
Hastings ; Tuesday , attending the
congressional central committee
Miss Ella Mitchell and Floyd
Berry of McCook spent Saturday
and Sunday here with relatives ,
the Kikendalls.
A few of Bert Stephens' young
friends called on him ; Tuesday
evening , anll made it one that will
be pleasant to recall.
Miss Katie Allen closed her term
of school in district 14 , last Friday ,
and left for her home in Thomas
county , Kansas , Tuesday ,
Miss Lizzie Williams arrived
home , on Monday evening , from
Champion , Chase county , where
she has been teaching school.
J. L. White of Curtis preached
Seventh Day Adventist doctrine to
J '
large congregations in the Christian -
ian church , Sunday afternoon and
Albert Price left on Wednesday
for the Gammill raucll in Frontier
county , and will endeavor to serve
in a useful as well as ornamental
capacity , this summer.
Rev. E.W. Brooker of this place
was married to Miss Estella Anderson -
erson of Kearney at that place on
Thursday evening of last week.
We join a host of friends in extending -
tending felicitations.
Mesdames L. Jones and J. C.
Harned returned , last Saturday
evening , from Essex , Iowa , where
they were summoned , a short time
since , by the serious illness of their
mother , Mrs. Anderson , but whom
they left in a fair way to recover.
lv. H. Gartside arrived here on
Thursday of last week , from Bedford -
ford , Iowa , with a carload of stork
and household goods , and Mrs.
Gartside and the children followed
on Sunday morning. Mr. Gartside
will occupy his property here and
farm near town , this summer.
Miss Jennie Doyle , daughter of
James Doyle of Bed willow precinct -
inct , entered school here , Monday.
? Jr. Doyle spent Sunday here with
J. H. Stephens and family , ail on
his return was accompanied by
iris. Stephens , who will visit her
friends on the Willow , briefly.
Our cornet band presented their
drama to a fair house at Cambridge
on Friday evening of last week.
The net receipts , however , amounted -
ted to only about one-sixth of what
they did here. After all , and especially -
pecially does this apply to amateur
theatricals , "there's no place like
home" .
W. F. Esher appears much improved -
proved in health.
Willie Esher is with us again ,
hale and hearty.
The Speer brothers are hauling
corn from the Beaver country.
Mrs. E. S. Dutcher was a sufferer -
ferer from neuralgia , last week.
A trifle windy and an effort to
be moist-but it might be worse.
Master Clarence Moust of Ober-
lin has been visiting in the Speer
James Harris expects soon5 to
view the Driftwood with all its
I classic beauty and grandeur.
Frank Burton of Culbertson
spent a few days , last week , with
relatives in and about Vailton.
Hattie Bunnell closed her school
work , a few days since. Her sister -
ter Belle will finish her term in
the Frederick district at the close
of the month.
Lee Taylor of Illinois was out ,
recently , looking after his 800-
acre ranch on the Driftwcod. Mr.
Taylor has other extensive land
interests in the west.
We notice that Samuel Fleming
is quite popular , this leap year.
However , there are two or three
other lads not very much in the
shade when we speak of popularity.
Pleat of Apples at
March has certainly come in like
a lion ,
William Hyatt has rented the
Ira Miller place at Box Elder.
W. Y. Johnson has completed a
new race track for the training of
his horses.
Jack Calihen was out risking life
and limb in training a new bicycle
on Sunday last.
Jas. Robinson's youngest child
has been quite sick , but 'is better
at the present writing.
The school closed , last Friday ,
with appropriate exercises. The
programme was excellent and well
Clara Hanlein went over to the
Driftwood , the first of the week , to
visit her mother , Mrs. I. P. Moore ,
so Dick is keeping bachelor's hall.
M. E , Piper returned , last week ,
from Omaha , where he has been
to see his wife , who is at the Deaconess -
coness hospital. He reports that
she is doing nicely.
The Box Elder cemetery has
been surveyed and platted and as
there has been raised sufficient
money , it will be fenced and presented -
sented to the church.
George Mohler has once more
severed his connection with the
paternal residence , and will assist
William Randel in tilling the soil ,
the coming summer.
Joseph Sanders , who recently
cut his foot so badly , is. getting
along nicely , and is able to be
around on crutches.
Before starting on a wolf hunt
be sure to hobble your wolf. We
have two instances in proof of the
success of this method , both of
which occurred not a tliousancl
miles distant.
The market gardeners of this
place are bestiring themselves to
get in readiness for onions , and
other vegetables which will stand
early planting. A. W. Campbell
took time by the forelock and
planted his onion seed in Dec.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brewer
returned to Denver on Wednesday
of this week , Mrs. Brewer has
been visiting here since the holidays -
days and will be missed by the
young people of Box Elder , among
whom she has made many friends.
We were unable to forward Peter -
ter Brower's obituary notice , last
week , but , though tardy , will do so
this week :
PETER A. Bitowrn was born near
Paterson , New Jersey , December
25th , 1836. His early life was
spent in that place , where he
learned his trade-the hatter's.
He moved' to Illinois in 1800 ,
and in 1805 he was married to
Miss Martha iltay. In 1869 lie
moved to Iowa , and 1n 1885 came
to Nebraska , settling in Box Elder
in 1886. Here lie opened a store ,
carrying a stock of general merchandise -
andise , which he continued to operate -
rate until his cleathwhich , occurred
on February 27th , 1800 , resulting
from hemorrhage of the lungs.
The funeral sermon was preached -
ed by Rev. E. J. Vivian. The deceased -
ceased was buried in the Box Elder
cemetery. Mr. Brower's death was
a surprise to all and his death
leaves a place in our locality which
it will be hard to fill. He was an
upright man and an earnest Chris-
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt-
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore f ipples , Chapped
hands , Itching Piles , Burrs , Frost Bites ,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eve Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition -
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders
Tl > ey tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For sale by druggists
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children , she gavethem Castoria.
Tr that 15 cent box
paper at THE TRIBtr iE
office. Worth. 5 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Read the best count -
t r newspaper--that's
The iIcCook Tribune
every time.
. , : _ S
: FaMous e Clolhiug v Company r
Men's ' and Boys' Overcoats ,
Ulsters , Suits and other Winter
than were ever quoted before. (
Look to your wants of THESE
_ _ c7 , . _ l " " 1
' JL
I ! kr
_ _ _ . . _
. ( , ' , h r ! oft1 _ I
Scientific American
1 Agency far
For information and free Handbook writoto ,
MUNN & : CO. . 361 BROADWAY , New Yomc.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Every patent taken out by us Is brought beroro
the public by a notice gtven free of charge in the
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. S lendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly 53.00 a
year ; $1Asixmontlw. AddrescMU\N Fc CO. ,
tTB rsneas , : r6 t Broadway , New York City.
Tr n n liiili ; + u a H
EfftE !
II ti"
4 ' I "
x .
' S R Ml
We now have in stock a full
line of the Riverside Oak , the
Gem City Oak , and the Thos.
White Oak Heaters-both soft
and hard coal burners. In
fact we have the finest thing
in heating stoves to be bought
in the market , or ever exhibited -
ited in this city. Don't fail to
see Our Ventidlict Heaters.
We also have the popular
Square Oven Cook Stoves in
stock. Everybody ought to
have one of our Square Oven
Cooks-they are the latest and
the very best.
This isabsolutely rust proof ,
every piece is guaranteed , and
will be replaced if not as rep-
Remember , we are showing
the best line of Buggies , Carts
and Wagons to be seen in this
part of the Republican valley.
Don't forget to come and see us
when you want any kind of lob- is
printing. We are the people who
do the nice printing.
/ 1
, f ;
BondedAbstracter1 , .
B. G. GOSSARD , Asst.
1. S. MGB.RAYER1 )
McCook Transfer Line. .
Ouly futnitnre van in the
city. Also have a first class house .i-1 1
moving outfit. Leave orders for 4 f n
bus calls at Commercial hotel or
at office opposite the depot.
, _
. )
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning. t
; r-I am still doing carpet laying , carpet
cleaning , lawn cutting and slinilarwork. See
or write me before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
Notary Public ,
I : Reliable , insurance ,
Collection Agent.
' '
_ . . . _
r t -
; ;
' 'n
We respectfully solicit your business
and guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , courteous service.
. r
$ ( vPt 1
These shoes fit to perfection and wear
as only the best of leather can. They're
shapely , pliant-the most comfortable of 4
footwear. They always manage to bet in . . '
sir and keep out water.
Sold by J. F. GANSCHOW.
< i
r )
' 1yn ' \
4 °