The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1896, Image 7

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _
GRASS Is KING : IiufuAmt
f8hout for joy. The crown crass rules.
It's.more valuable than oats , wheat and
It , corn .
together. Luxuriant meadows are
r " the farmer's delight. A positive way to
t get them and a very sure one we know
d is to sow Salzer's Extra Grass Mixtures.
1\o need of waiting a life time either.
Salzer has a mixture sown in April ,
producing hay is June. Many farmers 1
report yields of six tons of magnificent
hay per acre. Over one hundred different -
ferent kinds of grasses , clovers , Too-
: sinte , Sand Vetch , Giant Spurry and
Fodder plants ! 35 packages earliests
t vegetables for $1.00.
1 If you trill rut ihx ( out anQ sand
wit1110c. postage to the John A Salzer
Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , you will ref -
f ceive free ten grass and grain samples
I and their mammoth seed catalogue. ,
Catalogue alone 5c. for ) palling , w.n. I
t f Dratbas head In this Face.
A rather curious discovery has been
made with reference to soldiers killed
I in battle. On the authority of several
English : irmysurgeonsitcanbestated
r that the cause of death iselcariy sliQWr
in the expression of the face of a corpsL
it . on the field of battle. Those tt'lto have
been killed by sword thrusts have a' {
] ooh of repose ; if it was a bullet that
killed , pain , often of the most frightful - '
ful nature , is clearly depicted.-Ncdi
ij I 0 1't cal Review. . - . - . . , - -
first of AU
To cleanse the system In a gentle and 1
truly beneficial nnanner , when the
Springtlme comes , use the true and per-
l feet remedy , Syup d ! Figs. One bottle
! will answei for all the family and costs
r only 50 cents ; the large sire $1. Buy i
the ; genuine. Manufactured by the Cal-1
Ifornla Fig Syrup Company only , and
f foi sale b all drugIsty
Every lie is the assassin of solncbody's ,
I } ia ppinos.
- - - -
r FITS-.Af FItsswppert treeby 1)r.rllne's Great
: ' ; crve Restorer. ho Fltsaner the first uav s uar ,
Lfurvlouscur. . TrratkeanIS2trlalboill'fre. t4 ,
Fltcuts , 5undwllr.lillncildrebat.,114i1uPs. !
4 there is a foolish controversy as to the
; ( imaginary leadership of New York society.
' { _ D fP
ci. I ,
1 ' . 1
! Y I1
t \ yrout d make ' !
no impres- ,
slop on the number of the
( , r of : I
. germs consumption '
f I , that exist in one affected .
lung. All germs are lits
I tie enough , but those s
which cause consump-
y ( ; tn are very minute. .
Cod-liver oil wont kill y
' the m. We don't know a " '
.1 - - k remedy which will. The
y germs float in the air and ' ;
, y , , . w e' can't keep from y
g breathing them into our f' 1
! lungs. Then why don't
all of us have consump-
.r q tion ? Becauseahealthy i
r v , i : throat , sound lungs , and "
\ ! [ a strong constitution ; .
y . won't allow the germs to s
r. ,
t y ' gain a foothold.
: . of Cod-liver Oil , with m I I
4 a H } i pophosphites , restores .
I' and maintains the y
' strength , increases the
y weight , heals inflamed y r :
1 . , . membranes and prevents Jl . i t
serious lung trouble.
This is why it is the foodfi !
medicine in coughs , 9 r ;
t colds ; loss of flesh , and Y .
Q general debility. t
; 14 : S 5oc. and at all druggists.
_ I I
1 i
lOpllalfiS SEttD F , L1iia 1 ( TI > ptCTffSrc : f1 8 t ' 1
; i CIRCULRr : , 'ihr'L'SER ' c E4n.idilTOlt FrL
- - - -
1 ! ' ( 1tlorphine Habit Cured in 10 f
t to2O claws. No pay till red. l J
- 1.r G - DR.J.STIPHENSLebanan I
is re San. . use > ' 'h 91 p.f ; , l 'JE.eWater. ' p
, Tim Difference.
"Can you tell me , colonel , what is
the difference between capital and
labor ? " was asked of a retired officer
of the engineer cores , United States
army. ' ' 1 flatter myself that I can ,
sir , " said the colonel. "One day before
William H. Vanderbilt died he was run
down by an unruly team at Fleetwood
park. his injuries did not amount tea
a scratch , sir , but they caused a panic
in Nall street and the newspapers published -
lished four columns aboutit. , At the
same instant a brick mason felL from
the top of a wall he was building and
broke his neck. One-twentieth of a
column answered for him. That , sir ,
is the difference between capital and
labor. "
: in , u'as 3fade to Mourn.
Perhaps , but rlteumatiam neeO not add to
I1w calamities to which we are more or let's
subject , when there is such : ut efliclent
means of couateracillg the (1110 conipluint
as 1 ostetter's Stomach Bitters.4hen the
liver , bowels and stomach are out of order ,
ortbe kidneys or nerves troublesome , tie
Hitters 1 : also art e1Teetnal remedy. It prevents -
vents and remedies all malarial disorder's.
College AthIeties.
"Any emphasis given to academic
gymnastics that goes beyond the point
of developing a man's animalism for
any other purpose than togive the best
possible support to the enlargement as
a rational and moral possibility is a
perversion of the purpose of human
discipline , and to that degree blocks
true wheels of all proper college intention -
tion , " writes Dr. I'arkburst in the
March Ladies' home Tom nal. 'Nev-
ertheless , the teal animous of the athletic -
letic tendency is a wholesome augury
of a better breed of men. ' ' 't"
Coe'a Cough Balsam
Is the ohlet Iutd btst. It will break up a ( 'old quick.
.rta.4.4uythingelse. Itisaiways reliable. 'lryIt.
llo v Cheese Straws .1rc 3fade.
'lb make cheese straws , put half a
pound of sifted flour in a mixing bow ) .
Mahe a hollow in the center anti in it
put four ounces of butter , twp ounces
of cheese , an erg , a pinch of red pep-
perand one gill of milk , added slowly.
'ilix all well together. Roll out the
paste till it is about one-eighth of an
inch thick : cut into strips one-quarter
of an inch Wide and six inches long.
and place in a moderate oven until
colored a light brown. Serve very hot.
H the Iaby is Cutting Teem.
Zc tire mil gee that old and ucll trled remedy , ins.
tt r stow sSooriuxGSrnrrfor Children Teething.
'flit secretary of the New York tone-
nrent house commission , Mr. Edward
Marshall , contributes to the March
numher of the Century a paper entitled
"Stamping Out the London Slums"
) 'his is the first account that has been
written of the enterprise which , at the
cost of two and a half million dollars ,
London has undertaken in the cleansing -
ing and rebuilding of one of the worst
of her slums. Mr. Marshall sets forth
the character of the people and of the
neighbgrtood ) , and then describes the
unproved manner in which the poor
twill be housed. The article has a direct -
rect bearing on similarprobleins in the
large cities of the United States. +
-tall .tbout lVestern Farnt Liuuls.
't'he 'Corn Belt" is the name of an
Ii ustrated monthly newspaper pub ,
ished by the Chicago , Burlington &
) uincy 11. ] 1. It aims to give information -
tion in an interesting way about the
farm lands of the west. Send 25 cents
n postage stamps to the "Corn Belt , "
109 Adams St ; , Chicago , and the paper
trill be sent to your address for one
In Iiarpers Bazar for February 29th
viii be published several beautiful de-
sigus for elaborate tea gowns , from
Paris. and a wedding toilette , the first
of the season. A variety of costumes
iol children , and some pretty spring
dresses , t'ifl make the number a significant -
cant and striking issue in tLe ) world of
Iowa farms forsaleor crop payments. 10
per cent cash , t alance } crop yearly , until
paid tor. J. MULH ALL , Waul.egan , Ill.
A photograph that is not letter looking
han the subject is a poor' photograph.
E > uerIrnce ltdr many mother , . to ay
use 1'er.ersGtu er'r'.atcecanscltiti.speci. + lly
oue fur cods. ham an I almost every we..kness.
No amount of cultivation can make a
bad tree Lear rood fruit
Those dlntre.alng Curtis !
hart ast1i ? arelrlndreorns I 1 muve them and
h u you can oar ; and run and jump as you like.
The cultivation of tobacco is prohibited
e yee most effectual remedy for Coughs.
Hoarseness and Bronchial Troubles. Avoid
Every lnsiuess place is annoyed by some
articuar : loafer.
I iso's Cure for Consumption has Feed a
smhy medicine with us sinto it-.i. ; R.
adisou , "dG11,2d Ave. , Chicago , IDs.
Iu trying to 1 e indefendent" many peo-
.e are l osrtiyoiy inlpoate.
- - - - - - -
RvOrt3 Q1 0 'N bi
-4 1 : d r ; . 4h PRIZE 1. .
i4 ism Prize. Kimball Piano , "Style 3..S 600 00
i ' 2d Prize. Bicycle , for man or woman . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00
t ' 3d Prize. Cash , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00
' , 10 Cash Prizes , each $25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
t ) 10 Cash Prizes , each $10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00
I I , : 60 Cash Prizes , each $2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 00
5 ti 83 Prizes $1,19500 ti
The first prize will be gicon to the person who eonstructs the longest
sentence in goad English couahting uo letter of the alphabetmore than three
1 times It is not necestq rytouseeveryletterofthealphabet , 1'heotlrerprizeswilt
t go ht regular order to those competitors whose sentences are next in length ,
r Every competitor whose sentence reaches twenty-two letters will receive a piper :
covered volume coutainingtwelve ofWilhteCollins' novels whether he'wins a prize
t or not. Thiscontest closes April 16.1S'ar. The prize tvimters will be auuounaed one
1 week lateruund the winning sentences published. in case two or more prize-win-
( ning sentences are of tee same length preference will he given to the best one ,
r Each coutpeUtor must construct his own sentence , and no' person will be allowed
to enter this contest more than once. Sent ences4.auuotbecorrected orsubstituted
after they : tre received. Residents of Omaha arz not permitted to compete ,
I d1reetyorindlreetly.
RULES FOR THE SENTENCE-No ( Others Furnished. )
' The length of a sentence is to be measured by the number of letters it contains ,
, but no icttercan be used or counted more than three tunes.vo word except a"
' or ' 1" can be used more than once. The sentence must consist of complete wonls.
'c > FIRns , Sgures , abbrerlittons orcontractions , etc. , must not be used. The pronoun
I " 1" and the article "a trill be accepted as.eomplete words. Proper nouns cannot
r used. Each contestant must indlcate by figures at the end of his sentence how
, - iuv letters it contains.
. , , , This remarkably Ilblral oiler Is made by the WEEKLY WORLDH ERALD , of which
' m , { 's'ae dIstinguishcd ex-congressman ,
WILLIAM J. BRYAN , is Editor ,
I . ' 1 it Is required that each competing sentence be enclosed with one dollar for a
I ar's subscrlption. The 1VEEKLY 1VORLD-l1ERALD is issued in semi-weekly see-
' 4a , 'ins , and hence is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western champion of free
r ; : r veruinage and the leading family uewspaperof Nebraska.
Address ,
.a x WeeKlU rid era dr Oma n at Neb.
4 ,
FIEST contest closed February YE. ] 80i.
, SECOND contest closed : lay o , 1595.
' lId " - TH18D contest closed February 15 , 1896.
Winner Qfhiiabe Piano in third contest was D. D. Light , Trent n , 31o.
. ; 1Vlnnerofc.IOUeach prize lnsame cmltest twsMrs.Mary L.Dunbar.GarrisonNeb.
. ; Wqinqne ro f ctslr prize was Mrs. Florence Thornton , Washington. D . C .
IS , ,
1 Generals Invoked the Divine
Blessing Upon Their FlTorts.
( From New York IIerald. )
Tile menace of war , just now so vfo
Sent , brings to mind the devotionait
side of .some historical belligerents.
The pagans were wont always to make
sacrifices to their gods before entering
on the battle , and Christians have imitated -
tated thenr in appealing to the Divine
support. One of the earliest records
in history of a prayer before battle is
that of Childeric , King of : Gaul , a pagan ,
who before going' into battle at Zuel-
pich , some 400 years after Christ ,
prayed to the God of the Christians
to help him to victory. His foe was
Attila , Ring of the Huns , and Childeric
vowed if God would give him the victory -
tory lie would embrace the Christian
faith ,
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
in the thirty years' war knelt on the
battlefield of Luetzen (1632) ( ) before the
beginning of the conflict. The prayer
of a Hungarian officer , before one of
the battles fought for the independence
of Hungary in 1549 was as follows : "I
will not ask thee , Lord , to help us , and
1 know thou wilt not help the Austrians -
trians ; but if thou wilt sit on yonder
hill thou shalt not be ashamed of thy
children. " This was the prayer of the
"Fighting Bishop" Leslie before one of
the battles fought in Ireland : " 0 God ,
for , our unworthiness we are not fit
to claim thy help ; but if we are bad ,
our enemies are worse , and if thou seest
not meet to help us , we pray thee help
them not , but stand thou neuter on this
day , and leave it to the arm of the
flesh. "
The one offered before the battle of
Edge Hill by Sir Jacob Astley was :
"Thou knowest , 0 Lord , that I shall
be very busy this day , and if I forget
the4 forget thee not me , " and then
the command followed , "March on ,
boys ! " As Icing Edward advanced with I
his columns to Bannockburn he remarked -
marked to his aids , seeing the Scotch
on their knees : "See , they kneel. The
rebels are asking pardon : ' D'Umphra-
ville was beard to remark , "Yes , but I
it is to the King of Kings. These men I
conquer or die on this field. "
Oliver Cromwell had public prayers
before going to battle on several occasions -
casions , as , for instance , previous to
the battle of Dunbar , It is a curious
fact that the English prayer book contains -
tains prayers , or at least one prayer , I
to be said before going into action at
sea , while nothing ) s provided for use
before engagement on land ,
A Itacholor ZVho Ilad an Ittea There
lVas Sonic ( 'otuprnsttion.
A Washington Star reporter was talk-
lug the other evening to an Ohio man
who owns a peach ranch down in
Georgia. He had been down there looking -
ing over it for a month or six w eels.
and had learned several things about
the crackers which he had not hitherto
"They're a queer lot , " he went on ,
"and I had a most interesting time
among them. You see , 1 stayed on my
place right with them , and was thus
enabled to see them and learn their peculiarities -
culiarities as I could not possibly have
done in any other way. One of the oddest -
est specimens was a bachelor farmer ,
who lived down the road from my place
about half a mile. He was an old chap
and about as shiftless as any in the entire -
tire county , and the way he lived was a
sight to behold. One morning as I
passed his farm I saw him fixing a
tumbledown fence and I stopped. All
around were apples and pumpkins and
other farm products going to waste , and
off at a little distance were beech and
chestnut trees with nuts in abundance
and nobody paying any attention to
" 'Good morning , ' says I.
" 'How d'y ; says lie.
" 'You've got a good deal of stufl
around here , ' says I.
" 'Yes , ' says he , yanking out a fence
" 'And it's all going to waste , ' says f.
" 'I reckon it is , ' says he , carelessly.
" 'You ought to have a wife and children -
dren to use it up , ' says I.
" 'I don't have to , ' says he , solemnly.
'I've got hogs. '
"And that was all the satisfaction I
got out of him , " concluded the Buckeye ,
with a laugh.
Gold was discovered there in 1886.
Finished or in progress are 3,700
miles of telegraph.
Country has been enjoying its independence -
pendence since 1852.
In 1884 a convention at London recognized -
nized the re tithe ,
Two-thi u.dt The Christians belong
to the Dutch reformed church.
"Transvaal" means "across the Vaal
or the country north of the Vaal river.
The largest town is Johannesburg ,
with a population of 15,000. Pretoria
has 5,000.
There are about twenty thousand
farms , wheat and tobacco being the
chief crops.
It is there that the famed tsetse fly ,
whose bite is death to oxen and horses ,
is most prevalent.
Population is 679,200 ; the white n'am-
ber 119,128 , and about half of these are
of Dutch descent.
The area of Transvaal is 121,854
square miles , or about that of Illinois ,
Iowa and Massachusetts combined.
In parts of the country the climate
resembles that of Colorado , and is regarded -
garded as healthful for consumptives.
The legislature consists of two bodies
of twenty-four members each , one-half
retiring every two years. The presi-
dent's term is five years.
There are living at the present time
over thirty men who have tried to sty im' i
ifigara Falls.
. . .
Spring Gowns and iress Stnl7 + .
One of the first subjects broached in
the early spring are the new colors that
are sent , us front Paris. Nothing is
lost in hri : htness , for vivid tints pre-
; % af ) anti brilliancy abohnds. Combina
' tiots will thrive. and the most prouni
flout colors are orange-rcd , or nastur
' tinm , golden-brown , green and cherry-
pink. Stich fabrics as plain white ,
pink , yellotr and blue pique , and the
saute Navin" an occasional rib of white
I and even a ¶ lack hairline , twill be worn
I more than ewer. 't'here will be blazer.
moat and waist shits , and all will have
a skirt with gathers at the back , five
I yards Wide and well gored , the front
narrow , as they : u e all cut nowadays
11'lalrt and elaborate gowns are fashioned -
ed out of the neat plaid , striped and
eheeked Clitheroe zephyrs that are
if rlitel iii weight than the heavy goods
sold iuidcr diet name of gingham.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo , Lucas
Frank J. Cheney makes oatli that lie
is the senior partner of the 11m of F.
i J. Cheney & Co. , doioa business in time
City of Toledo. County and State afore-
I said , and that said firm will pay the
i sum of One hundred Dollars for each
I and every case of Cat.rrh that cannot
be cured by the use of IlalFs Catarrh
Sworn to before me and su tscribed in
my presence this 6th day of December ,
A. D. 1886. A.V. . GLEASON ,
( Seal. ) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intFfnal-
1 ; and acts directly on time blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials , free.
F. J. CIIENEV & CO. , Toledo , 0.
Sold by druggists ; 75c.
HaWs Family' Pills , 25c.
Perils of I'hrenology.
'flit woman plicenologist who was in
Atchison seine time ago did an Atchison -
son cairn great damage. She told him
that he was cut out for a great orator
and statesman , and that he had only to
engage in politics to become famous.
The result was that lie quit his fob and
is now a peanut politician , and owes
money all over town. Ills family is
poorly clad , and his children look as if
thew did not have enough to eat. Before -
fore his head was turned he worked
regularl ; , supported his family and
owed no one. 't'here is no possibility
of him ever amuuntintr to anything in
politics and the nhrenologist knew it ,
but he had paid her a dollar to exani-
iue his head. and she knew that he gx-
pected something for his money.A tell
ison Clobc
ii IC it rit'i : I'ol : POTATOI S.
The .John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La
Crosse , \Vis. , pay high prices for new
things. They recently Paull $300 for a
yellow rind watermelon , $1,000 for 30
ru. new oats , $300 for 100 lbs. of potatoes -
toes , etc. , etc. ! Well , prices for potatoes -
toes will be high next fall. Plant a
plenty , Mr. Wideawake ! You'll make
money. Salzer's Earliest are fit to eat
in 28 days after planting. His Cham-
pfor of the world is the greatest yielder
on earth and we challenge you to produce -
duce its equal.
If you wilt scud 11 ccns in stamps
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La
Crosse , Wis. , you will get , free , ten
packages grains and grasses , including i
Teosinte , Spurry , Giant Incarnate
Clover , etc. , and our mammoth cata-
logue. Catalogue 5c. for mailing. w.n. ,
A 't'ypical Faster Gown.
Isabel A. Mallon in telling of ' 'New
( IOWUS of Eastertide" in March Ladies'
home .lournal , describes a typical costume -
tume showing the most fashionable
combination , that of black and stem-
green. With a black satin skirt fitted
closely over the hips , but flaring so
muchi from the knee known that its
fullness almost suggests a flounce. ' ) 'Ire
jacket bodice is of stern-green velvet
fitted very smoothly to time firu ) a until
the waist is reached , and then there is
a short rinnle skirt so full that the
black satin lining is visible. The rolling -
ing collar and revers are faced frith
black satin.
'The March number of Ilarper's Magazine -
azine opens with a new installment of
Caspar \ \Chitey's "On Snow-Shoes
to time Barren Grounds , " the most
striking and novel narrative of travel
given to American readers in recent
years. 'fhe article is profusely illustrated -
trated from sketches and photographs
taken on the spot , some of which have
served as motives for charistie drawings -
ings by Frederic Ptetnington.'ood
row \\il on continues his papers on
George \Vashington with a sketch entitled -
titled "ColonelCashington , " showing
him in his boyhood and early manhood
-us surveyor , and as soldier in the
memorable and disastrous campaign of
Braddock against the French.
l ) s MOINES , February 1S.-A Copyright -
right has been granted to .J. E. Fagan ,
of Des lloines. for a publication
emitted " , I. E. Pagan's Family Ilis-l
torical Recnrd. ' ' A Canada patent has
been granted % V. IV. Fowler , of Oska-
loosa. for a device adaptcct to hold the
cover of a cigar , box open and at any
angle desired. United States patents
have been allowed but not vet issued.
as follows : To R , N. Bromley , of 1)es
Moines. for a jeweler's tool adapted
for holding small articles advan-
tageously. TO D. L. l. McMicken. of
Springfield. Ill. . ( late of Des lloirres ) ,
for a portable device adapted fOr holding -
ing a car wheel ton rail andsupportiug
a lifting jack when applied for renrov-
iug the axle bearing blocks. To'm. .
Gathany , of Churdan. for an automatic
weather strip for doors to prevent air
and rain from passing in under the
door. To A. W. 'icFarland , ofVest
Pul , for an egg and packingseparator ,
adapted for emptying a basket of
packed eggs therein trithout breaking '
and allowing the oats. chaff. or other
packing to fall into a receptacle as the
eggs are removed and counted.
Four United States patents were
issued to Iowa inventors last week.
Valuable information about obtaining.
valuing and selling patents sent free
10 any address. Printed copies of the
drawings and specifications of any one
United States patent sent upon receipt
of 25 cents.
T1Io ! As G. AN ! ) J. R..r.rll Onwm.
Solicitors of Patents.
A cut glcs , inkstand with silver mount ,
nuch favored this season , is square inform.
liUiard' tab'e , second-hand , for sale
cheap. Apply to or address. H. C. Air c ,
i1 S. 1'.th ' St. . Omaha , Ne' .
The days of raFidly accnmuatinry : , for-'I
unes on speculation are gliding by.
The man who is true to hip own highest
nterests cannot Le lase to those of an-
1.Udy ese ,
The first acute twinge of
fi t
is the
training JMuas
, 1e 1190 B
+ r ,
1I 1
I c. Delay , and these
i twinges way
twist your leg
' out of sbape.
+ .
. ; tr . f . .r. .
+ ! . . r
- Ii _
i Ii i
( ) .
? i'
- . 'R
'S'UE AETtMOTOIC CO. deem halt the world's
wiadmlll buslnrs4s , bucacso It liac reduced tbucurt of
wlnd powcr to I t [ wbat 1Caa'.e It has many branch
hotter ti Lbd ruppllae Ito coals and repairs f
at yuur dyer. It can and does turnlth a
othr. . It makes I uiupta aid
( lunred. Steel , GshanInxl after
axeduDIeiIoi % wlndmllls. Tililn
and axed Steel Towt n.Steotnuustw
) ) rimes , Stec ) Veed Cutters and Ferd
Urtndurs. Ile application It wall name ono
1 of tbert articles Umst It will furnish mesh
I January 1st nt Its the usual prlce. 1t also makes
I rcnks and Yuml\of art kluttc. Send fur caulogta
# Lector ) : lath , Ro k : . c1l dad FUmore Sb-ecr ! , Cbicya
meloir , sad bteutifc , tha hair.
I : : I'ronute a iuauriant gru it.
i' - Piever Futlo to ncntore Orny
Muir to its Youtaful Color.
Glur..ealp rll et.ra 8 hair ttlhng.
f + k nntlatloat D"Rr1ta
. . , , , kt
1l a 4t a
1\ ,
6 1 t
4 r
: I.
- . . ,
r LW e :
Q Knocks Out t ers +
P ; .
i c PLUG '
I e arse Piece an i
( a e o aft e x has in a ure
, e sale o other brands o higher
prices an smaller . on t
A allow the a er to impose on you
V by saying they are "just as o0 11 '
c as "Battle AX , " for he is anxious
to work off his unsalable stock ,
C 2
The New York Journal
recently offered ten b' cY- ,
dies to the t e winners 1n
a guessing con testr leaving N '
ing the choke of machine , '
to each.
Columbia II ,
, , r
iyi b
_ _
JNine hmmediatej-r and ,
one after he had looked at -
others. _ And the Journal
bought Ten ! COflum L7IaSo
Braid. 1 Oa each for them.
On even terns a Columbia will be chosen
times out o
1596 Art Catalogue free from the Columbia
far .
agent ; by mail two 2-cent stamps.'z
If u La Belle Chocolatiere 44 isn't on II , ,
the can , it isn't Walter Baker & Co.'s ! I '
Breakfast Cocoa. .l
i {
VIALTER BAKER & CO. Lwmi : "i " !
_ - hI '
r : 1 ,
, J .
- - - - - - - .3
; TI ? ; = : - _ t "t