The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1896, Image 5

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No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A , bt.
No. q , local passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qao : r. u.
No. 6 4. frci ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 o A. tt.
No. t48 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : oc A. t.
No. So , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yoo : A. u.
No. 75 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. nt.
No. 3 , through passcnger..IZ:4o A. t.
No. 5 , local passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9aj r. rt.
No. 6 , fret f ; ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:0o r. t.
No. q7 , frei8ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5zo : r. rt.
No. t49 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ao r. nt.
i\'o. IqS , accommodation , leaves. . . . qoo : A. at.
11'0. If6 , accommodation , arrives . . . figo r. t.
" 1 'OTF.-1\0. 63 carries passengers for
Stratton lienkelman and Hai Ter.
All trains run dail exce tin t 8 , I 44 and
IG which run dail exce tSunda4
No. sto at Benkelm tn and 11'rav.
No. 2 sto P s at Indianola , , tttbriil g a and
No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianola ,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4 , 5 , tq8 , t49 and ty6 carry passengers
for all stations.
1Vhen Ao. 8o is annulled i1'o. tq8 will leave
at 8:0o : a. m.
Pen can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Can-
adaand baggage checked through to destination -
tion without extra charge of transfer. l or
information regardin rates , etc. , call on or
address . L.1LtGNER , Agent.
Auditor Foreman checked up the boys
here , 1ednesday.
L. W. Stayner went clown to Edgar ,
Nebraska , today , on a visit.
The U. P. is cutting its telegraph service -
vice , temporarily , but deeply.
Engineer Chambers is resting ten
days. Fireman Francisco six days.
DIrs. A. J. Chambers entertained a
numerous company of lady friends , yes-
Engineer Douglass had leis personal
effects shipped to Denver , yesterday
Roadmaster D. F. DlcFarand ] was up
front Red Cloud , Sunda } , on business at
Engineer Sprague brought up I4q ,
Wednesday , from the branch , to have
light repairs made.
Engineer Noren took switch engine
2L } up to Denver , "Thursday. It has
been in the shops here for repairs.
DIrs. S. A. Shaffer arrived from Haile } ' ,
Wyoming , last week , and is visiting her
daughter , llrs. Charles Coleman.
We understand that the order will go
into effect , tomorrow , cutting down the
number of working days to five.
Trainuiaster Josselyti was up from Orleans -
leans , Dlonday night , having business
at western division headquarters.
Engineer Dlottks and Conductor Wasti-
bunt have been dotvu ou the Oberlin
branch running stock to Hastings , this
Engineer 1V. H , Bohnstedt is running
the zS4 , He comes from the tivest end ,
where Douglass has the z3q from Akron
to Denver.
Thane ntterested in the Wyominggold
mines are delighted iu the reported
stnkmg of ore in an ad oinwg mine
that goes X865,06 to the ton.
Engineer B. H. Douglass has moved to
Denver , where he , is employed rn tte
cotttpany's service. Arthur expects to
follow in the near future.
DIrs. E. E. Coleman arrived from Norfolk -
folk , Nebraska , last week , and is the
guest of her sister DIrs. Charles Cole-
man. Her three tittle children accom-
Fred 'tr. Bosworth was down from
Denver , Dlonday , to attend the annual
meeting of the ti'ational Park gold mining -
ing , inilltng and development companv
of Fremont county , Wyoming , of which
he is secretary.
A dispatch from Deaver on the 4th
announces that the Burlington & llis-
sonn rs to be extended from Longmont ,
Colorado , via Ft , Collins , to Steamboat
Springs , running through the Hahn's
peak mining district. The name of the
new road will be the Ft. Collins , North
Park & Western. The capital stock is
The Burlington has sent out circulars
to be pasted up to the effect that if an em-
pIoye is garnished for the payment of
a bill , that employe will be discharged
front the service of the company. This
rule has been adopted with.a view of do-
ingaway with the garnishee system now
in general vogue , not only with big railroads -
roads , but with corporations. It is predicted -
dicted that the enforcement of this will
have a tendency not only to compel em-
plo } es to pay their j ust bills , but also to
avoid disputes over accounts.ournal. .
Everybody buy
Church Parlor matches of Wilcox &
Son , Kuipple , Rooney a Dic3dams , H.
Thole and J. J. Garrard , thus hel P inR b to
pay for a Dlission church.
A Good McCook Home
To trade for good eastern propert } ' .
W. 0. RUSSELL , DlcCook , Nebraska.
Tr Y DlcConnell's Balsam for that
cough. Price z5 cents.
° . , . , . .
The clerical force in the o ice rf blaster -
ter Dtechanic Greusel have just finished
compiling the total cost of the four ew
class k engines , the Nos. 4 , 6 , 8 acrd g ,
the construction of wiich } was commenced -
menced at the local Burlington shops ,
last September , and finished the first of
the year. It is shown that the total
everage costof each engine was wy,3t8.g. } ,
the , cost for material tieing . } , I7LZZ ,
and that for labor $3 , I.p.yz. Orders for
alike number of engines were given the
locomotive shops at Aurora , Ill. , and
Burliigtoa , Iowa , at tits same time , and
the figures just completed show that
Havelock is $3z8.yz higher on each en-
gins than Burlington , and $ z85.o5 lower
than Aurora. Burlington and , Aurora ,
however , built class ki engines , and the
difference iu ttie'cost of construction
from the class K style is sitfiicient to
carpe out the apparent balance in favor
of Burlington and place 'Havelock at
the bottom as to the matter of cost of
construction and at the top as to tie efficiency -
ciency in the management of tts shops.
blaster DTechanic Greusel is somewhat
eluted over the shotviug which the Have-
lock shops have made and is receiving
the congratulations of Burlington off-
cialsover his ability to worst competitive -
tive shops in a contest at engine build-
ing.-Lincoln Journal.
DIrs. Ii. C. Brown and her sister-inaaw
returned from their tnp to Repubhcau
City , Satttrda } .
Night Operator Best from Benkelmau
is visiting his parents and friends at
Ccwles , for a few da } s.
Conductor Washburn and Engineer
1lonks took a stocl : train from Oberlin
to Red C1oudtiVednesday.
Another round trip extra between
Hastings and Red Cloud , last Friday ,
which the IIastiugs and Oberlin crew
got nit.
DIrs. W. W. Green was a passenger
on No. I t , DIouday for Oberlin , to spend
several week with her daughter , ,11rs.
T. 1V. Benjamin.
Engineer Anson tool : engine 3z from
Hastings to Rec ? Clottd. She cants from
tie } shops as goad as a new coat of paint
could make her.
Disease Located by Photography.
Chicago , Feb , zI.-Cathode rays w1 }
dtscoverihe hidden ravages of disease.
Tlie dread affection of tuberculosis was
located in the wrist of a'patient by Dr.
James Burry and Electrician Charles E.
Scribner , today. Tlie full extent of tits
malady was measured. This is the first
tithe in this county } , ifnot in the world ,
that the value of Roeatbeu's discovery
in the exposing of internal ravages of
disease has been illustrated. The experiment -
periment was made upon one of Dr.
Burry's patients. A clear nenative was
developed in half au hour. It showed
the copal bones were matted together in
the tubercular growth so as to stop the
Wednesday eveumg , at the residence
of the bride's parents in this city , Rev.
J , A , Badcoti officiating , Robert Johnston -
ton and Dora $ . Lourence were made
husband and wife , in the presence of
quite a company of relatives and friends
of the contracting parties.
The grootu is a } oung farmer of Valley -
ley Grange precinct , and the bride is one
of the well known teachers of the
The young people received a number
of handsome P resents.
Txi : Txtsulrir joins in best wishes and
Their Annual Meeting.
The stockholders of the National Park
gold mining , milling and development
company of Fremont county , Wyoming ,
whose principal office is iu our city ,
.held their atmual meeting in J. E. Kel-
ley'soffice on Dlonday afternoon.
Besides the election of a new board of
directors , reports were had from the operators -
erators at the mines of the compan } ,
showing how much had been expended
in development work , etc. rind in what
Plenty of Farms for Rent.
A number of good farms for rent ,
Call early and get } our choice. ripply
to P. A. WELLS , over Citizens bank.
To California in a Tourist Sleeper.
The Burlington Route personalic conducted -
ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado -
rado , Utah and California are just the
things for people of moderate means.
Chen P , yes P ectable comfortable , e. P e-
ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs-
dayand go through , without change , to
Sau Francisco and Las Angeles. The
tourist sleepers in which excursionists
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan
and have spring seats , spring backs ,
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pilows ,
etc. Only 5 for a double berth , trade
enough and bigenough fortwo. Tlieroute
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs ,
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento.
For rates and also for illustrated folder
giving full infozmation , call on the nearest -
est agent of the Burlington Rcute or
write to. J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
"Rr : 'L
l l 1 VY
Ol1T t Te v Goods are no v open , and
tive invite ou to come in and examine.
. . . . . . .
We ha Te the largest and prettiest
line of PLAIDS , SIRGLS : , II NKI "Cl'AS " ,
NOV LT ' DRLSS GOODS eiTer shonJn in -
the city of D IcCook.
. . . .o. . :
In tiVash Dress Goods re ha e all
i' '
the ne v and prettST things , ranking in 7
prices from sc. a ard up to } ac. a yard.
. .ome. .
Loolc for our lisle of Shirt Naists.
We surel } can please } rou.
a = a oevoa
AT TEI . . .
7I M L
. ° .in
c. rte. Gr or : co.
I egarclless of Cost ,
Tl e l Cool l el 1 a tlle Co.
is closiu out thei , - -
- 1 entire stock ; ; of. . . . . . . . = - - -
: LO ° II I G
Hats and. Caps ,
Uinter Tnder Te , r
All of these goods at
allliost our otivn price.
Bar . s : ;
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