1 ! 1 fltu k ! 'rUne. By F. M. KIMMELL , $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. SAN FBANCISCO enjoyed the tin- usual pleasure of a slight snowfall , this week. THE free silver Democrats will meet in Lincoln on April 22d in - state convention. JOLLY JACK MACCOLL evidently believes in trying again , if at first you don't succeed. ' He is in the race for the gubernatorial nomination - tion with both feet. THE Republican state convention will meet in Omaha , April 15th , for the purpose of selecting four delegates to the national conven- tion. Red Willow county is entitled - titled to eleven delegates. SPAIN , that toothless old wolf of Europe , will have to content herself - self with showing her ugly old fangs in impotent rage , or Uncle Sam will be under the disagreeable necessity of shaking them out of her stupid old head. BARTLEY. Misses Nellie Stephens andlrene Flint entered school hers , first of the week. Garry Dole entertained a party of young friends at cards , Friday evening of last week. Rev. S. Grisell of Freedom , Frontier county , attended quarter- 1Y meeting services here , Tuesday. A. B Wilson ha : ; been appointed village marshal to fill vacancy caused by resignation of A. W. Porter. William Duncan left , Thursday evening of last week , for Peru , Nebraska , after a brief visit here with his parents. A large gang of men have beau working , this week , putting up ice , which , while only about four inches thick , is of good quality. Presiding Elder Hale delivered an interesting sermon here , Tuesday - day evening , it being the occasion of the second quarterly meeting of the Methodist church. The band will go to Cambridge , tonight , to present the drama , "Tony , the Convict" , recently given - en here. We trust the aggregation - tion and receipts will be as large as they were favored with at this place. Miss Irene Flint's school in district - trict 20 closed , Monday , with a choice program of literary exercises - cises , and despite the inclemency of the weather , a number of the patrons'were present. Miss Flint - has given excellent satisfaction and is very popular in that district. At their regular meeting , first , < of the week , the village board de- Glared againstfurther boxing bouts , horse racing and cock fighting , within the village limits , and proposes - poses to make it interesting for those who fracture the ordinances in future. Very commendable in the board. , TYRONE. George Shafer lead his grain threshed , last week. Ora Richmond will teach the spring term in the Tyrone school. C. S. Blair has in 40 acres of spring wheat , and expects to put in more. Rev. Chrysler was unable to fill his appointment here , last Sunday , owing to sickness. . Frank Moore and family attended - ed the Dean McBrien lecture in Wilsonville , Friday evening. Our weather prophet has some way figured it out that we will not have a leap year again for 8 years. Plenty of Apples at IfniPl pie's . Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , 'Df' g. . 'I BAKING - ± POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free : from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. , , a. 0 _ - - - " : INDIANOLA. .Rev. Kuox was a visitor here on Thursday. S. R. Smith left for Lincoln on Thursday night. A.J.Rittenhouse was down from McCook , Thursday. , The county assessors will meet on Tuesday , March 17th. Sheriff J.R. Neel was a McCook visitor , Saturday last , on official business. Charlie Akers entertained a party of his friends , Wednesday evening. C. S. Quick and faniilydrove up to McCook , Saturday , to do some shopping. County Attorney Keyes went up to McCook , Sunday night , on some business of his office. Miss Ellen Byrne is well again and expects to take up her work in the school , next week. Bert Toogood is no huger clerk at the Leland , G. A. Hobson's son- in-law , Mr. Burns taking his place. The school children who visited with their neighbors at McCook , Friday last , report a very pleasant Li m0. I. DI. Smith has moved his stock of general merchandise into the old postoflice building , south of Gillett's. Mrs. F M. Kimmell of McCook spent Thursday in the county seat visiting her parents and Illinois friends. David Kelliher , who farmed in the neighborhood south of Mc- Cook , last summer , has moved here with his family. Impound the wetness , dam the canyons and draws , do anything and everything possible to conserve and retain the surface moisture. The Reporter is smaller , but it makes up in brightness. Colonel Phillips is taking a distinct and avowed tack in the direction of real estate booming. . JOB PRINTING-The most artistic - tic work at the lowest figures. THE TRIBUNE , McCook. Write for prices. A trial order will settle - tle the business. The Sargent house is being refitted - fitted , and will be opened up in the near future by James Cosgro , who has been running the Metropolitan - politan hotel at Cambridge. The new orchestra is preparing a concert to be given at an early date. Indianola is certainly musical - ical , and three orchestras is a pretty - ty good showing for a town of its size. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Hartshorn of Onarga , Illinois , have been the guests of County Treasure Meserve and wife , part of the week. They arrived from California on Tuesday - day evening , and continued on their eastern way , Friday morn- ing. The Hartsliorns are oldtime b Illinois friends of the Meserves. DANBURY. C. A , Gentry is building a new residence. Chicken thieves seem to be quite numerous in this vicinity. Harrison and Powell shipped another carload of hogs to Denver , Wednesday. There was a basket supper at Shiloh on Tuesday evening. The proceeds are to be used in purchasing - asing an organ for the school. Harry Hooper of the Lebanon schools has resigned his position as teacher at that place. He will move to Missouri , where he will engage in the mercantile business with his father. Dame rumor has it that we are to have a new store building in Danbury in the near future. W. V. Lord will soon begin the erection - tion of a building which he will occupy with his stock of harness and saddles. At this writing we are having quite a change in the condition of the weather. Sleigh riding is the pleasure of the hour. Farmers have temporarily suspended operations - ations on the farm. Everyone feels greatly encouraged and determined - termined to try another crop. Plenty of Apples at KnihAle's. WANTED-Regular correspondents - ents for THE TRIBUNE at Danbury , Box Elder , Lebanon , Cedar Bluffs , and other unrepresented localities in this vicinity. Write for terms and full particulars. Plenty of Apples at KnipPle's. _ COLEMAN. William Nicklasand family left on Wednesday for Iowa. Bert Wales and Frank Coleman had business seven miles south of McCook , Monday. W H. Epperly took some shoats to town that averaged 460 pounds at 14 months old. Mr. and Mrs. Traphagan are rejoicing over the arrival of a brand splinter new boy at their home. School in district 65 closed , Friday , with a brand exhibition at night. The house would not hold nearly all that were present. A grand , good time is reported. i Church influence has its effect , as was fully demonstrated , last Tuesday , when Miss Eunice Brown came boldly out , and took a firm stand for , and with heart and hand joined the church. Arthur Clnirclr and Eunice Brown were married , last Tuesday - day week , at the home of the bride's parents. A long and happy - py life to you here , and an eternal home on the "ever-green shore" . The Rev. H. L. Preston of Mc- Cook preached five nights last week at the Coleman school house. Two carne out boldly and took a stand for Jesus , and quite a num- . her are thinking seriously of taking - ing the same step. Henry Mitchell and Minnie Simmerman were united in marriage - riage on Thursday of last week. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents in this town. We wish these young people - ple a long , prosperous and happy life here and a grand future be- yond. On last Sunday week , Miss Viola - la COrn6r got a clove down her wind pipe anti it is now in her right lung and is causing considerable - able pain at times. She had to give up her school on account of it. Ne sincerely trust that no very serious results may come from it. Over sixty were present at the meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. at the Coleman school house , last Sabbath night. Its inembershi P numbers thirty-sir now. The following - lowing members were elected to attend the county meeting at Mc- Cook , March 14 and 15. Messrs. H K. Bixler and Wm. Prentice , and Misses Viola Corner and Edith Coleman. There will be preaching at the Coleman school house every two weeks , regularly , at 11 a. m. sharp , fast time. Sabbath , March 8th , is the regular day. These services are becoming so very interesting that flue house is well filled at every appointment. Young peo- ples' meeting every Sabbath evening - ing at 7:30 fast time. The house is full every Sabbath evening. On Monday morning Miss Lydia Brenton was returning home from Wm. Nicklas' and at the canyon , near the home of H B.Wales , her pony got away from her and started - ed homeward on the run. Miss Lydia returned to Mr. Wales' and Bert took his pony and started after - ter the truant and soon returned with pony and cart all right. It seems that Miss Brinton was so frightened , that , to quiet her nerves , she rode home in the seat with Bert Wales , while Frank Coleman drove her pony and cart home. RED WILLOW. Lilly Miller has gone to Mc- Cook to work. Spring work in this vicinity has now begun in earnest. A week ago Mr. Cincintaffer's horse ran away demolishing his buggy. Nathan Tubbs and his sister's family are now nicely settled on the Holland farm. Did some one ask what was the matter with the most prominent feature of Harvey Woodworth's face. Harvey is a boxer but Frank Rinek fixed that nose. The revival meetings closed , Sunday evening. Many were baptized - tized and taken into the church. There will be S. S. at Red Willow - . low every Sunday morning at ten o'clock and preaching every alternate - nate Sabbath. An organ has been rented for the Sunday school and there is talk of a social in the near future to raise funds to buy the in- strument. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. The Board of Directors Organize. The newly elected board of directors of the McCook Co-operative Building and Savings association met in special session on Thursday evening of this week , and organized for the corporate year with the re-election of the following - ing officers : T , B Campbell , president ; J. F. Ganschow , vice president ; F. A. Pennell , secretary ; w. F. Lawson , treas- urer. The finance committee is committee - mittee is composed of H G. Borneman , E E Lowman and J , A. Wilcox. The evamining committee is as follows : J F. Ganschow , F M. Kimuiell and Frank Harris. An Assistant for Mrs. Cordeal. The board of education at their regular - lar mouthy meeting , Monday evening , decided to relieve the over-crowded condition - dition of the work in the first primary room by electing Miss Clara Purvis , a graduate of the high school , class of 1595 , to assist Mrs. Cordeal A colicky horse smashed a pair of thilis for S. P. Hart , this morning , in front of this office , by throning itself to the earth. Fifteen (15) ( ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Nottce for Sealed Bids. The building committee of district 91 , Frontier county , will receive sealed bids for the erection of a school house in said district. Open till 12 o'clock , noon , March 7th , 1896 Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. C. DUELAND , Chairman , 41-2ts. Quick , Nebraska. NOTICE OF AMENDED ARTICLES of INCORl'- ORATION OE CITIZENS BANK OF MCCooK. 1st. The name of this bank is The Citizens Bank of McCook. 2d. The principal lace of transacting its business is McCook , l ebraska. 3d. The general nature of the business is a general bankingbusiness at place aforesaid. 4th. The capital stock of the bank shall be $50,000 , which is paid in. Said capital stock is divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. 5th. This corporation commenced business on the second day of January , ISS6 , and shall continue twenty years from that ( late , unless dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the capital stock. 6th. The indebtedness of this bank shall not exceed at any one time two-thirds of the amount of the capital stock , except for monies deposited in the bank. 7th. 'flee affairs of said bank shall be under the control and management of a board of six directors , which may be increased to eight by the stockholders at any annual or special meeting called on four weeks notice. 'l'lre foregoing is ordered to be published according to law by the directors of said bank. Feb 21-4ts. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , 'l'etter , Salt- Rheum , Scald head , Sore Nipples , Chapped IIands , Itching Piles , Ilmns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Ewes and Granulated Eve Lids. For sale by druggiSts at 26 cents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Lady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists when Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , Try that 1.5 cent box paper at THE TRIBUidi office. % TT01.fl 5 cts. Also cheaper gra(1 es. ° Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable React the best coiin- ty newspaper--that's The McCook Tribune every time. HEADQUARTERS FOR Ia a : , Mixed Perpound . .40c. i Half pound . . 25C. Varieties Quarter pound 15c. THE ONLY : BRIDE OF NIAGARA , ' a ( True to Maine. ) ® Price-Packet 25C. Half packet 15c. THE a WONDERF ur. CRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE , . , Only 15 Cents. VIGILS FhORAh 6UIDU 1896 , O The Pioneer Seed Catalogue. Tried and True Novelties.-Fucluias , S Roses , Blackberry , The Pearl Gooseberry , Potatoes , Earliest Tomato Known , etc. Lithographs of Double Sweet Pea , Roses , Fuchsias , Blackberries , Raspberries , Nc Leader Tomato , Vegetables. Filled with good things , old and new. Full list of flowers t Vegetables , Small Fruits , etc. , with descripm , tion and prices. Mailed on receipt of xo cts. , # which maybe deducted from first order-really Free-or free with an order for any of the above. above.ROCHESTER , N. Y. JAMES VICK'S SONS Tic s FaMous o CIo1 n o CoMpaily Sri Men's and Boys' ' Overcoats , 1 : Ulsters , Suits and other Winter Goods at LOWER PRICES than were ever quoted before. Look to your wants at THESE PRICES. nicCo < , = , Neb. JONAS ENGELI Mgr. 4 Notice to Teachers. I hill hold special examinations in McCook , Danbury and Bartley , at stated times , which will be published m the different papers of the county. No exauriuations will be given , during the institute , this year. Teachers , tvrshing to secure a certificate - cate , must take the exannnation as stated above. A fee of one dollar will be charged for the examination. Teachers , passing the required examination - ination , will be grated a certificate , without further charges , during the institute - stitute , which will be held in McCook. L. A. CARNAIIAN , County Superintendent. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is ( lehnquent ail d you have the voor1 bring us in a load or two. a If you take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price.Ve also do engraving of cards and embossing ofletter paper. See samples anl get prices. To RENT : 13 rooni residence , central - tral , fine repair. $ ro a month. Enquire of A. C. Ehert. THE RIVERSIDE OAK I111 -s _ i i i - - - ; a o I I' ' lug , III h - g I , , I . , ii t "Iii , - J + j , if11N1 11ultuR &I 1. - - - . - , t t\ i 1 ; r r 1 1 f We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and' hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhib ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular S qoare Oven Cook Stoves in Sstock. stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. COCHRAN & CO. _ -i iI I l i This is absolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. 3EJGGIES AND CARTS Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies.4jaf and Wagons to r aeeii in this part of the i ePublican valley. I COcHRA1V' & CO. , r , x - - r Don't forget to cotne and see us t when you w wt any kind of job ' printing.ire are the eoCle who tlo the nice printing. ' / /i. / 1 1 - t tf , r BondedAbstracter1 , 1' _ l B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. J. S. MCPRAY.LR I , l ROIKIF'rOK OF THE C McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. ! t i ' Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house 4i 1 t moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or r i at office opposite the depot. J ULIUS JiUNElf' . Carpet Laying , . Carpet Cleaning. , am still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and simdarwork. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. ' r S. CORDPAL . . I : Notary Public : . : Reliable , insurance , Collection Agent. I I I I I I I I } . .3 ANDREW CARSON , Yroprector : c of the . . . . j SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. t y / to We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , ' and prompt , courteous service. . rOD t d f r t OD ' Q r roll , These hoes r erfection and wear t' as and .he , . _ leathei can. They're aha ! ' plfaut-the most comfortable of * ' . to let in footy The y always manage r and keep out water. Sold by J. F. GANSCHOW. , , j -