The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1896, Image 2

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    4 t > < 7 :
yC. '
' F. M. HIDIMELL , Publisher.
. . .y
TIH : Clifton hotel at Silver Creek
burned last week.
GAGE county will hold its fair September -
tember 13 , 10 , 17 and 18.
TI1L.selieo1S at Farnam have been
dosed on account of sclrletsever.
CITIrtxs of Valparaiso are tallying of
starting a co-operative creamery. I
NERRASKA republicans will hold their
delegate convention at Lincoln April
A NUalmn of farmers got together at
1anson ( last week and organized an in-
e REV. J. MLLARD , of lartington has
quit the pulpit and will hereafter practice -
tice law.
POULTRY thieves have been doing a
thriving business in the vicinity of
CASs county farmers are hopeful and
are losing no time in preparing for the
spring work.
NEAR BcHevuo Thos. Dailey , a section
tion foreman , was struck by a freight
engine and instantly killed. i
AN early morning blaze in Aurora destroyed -
stroyed two business houses. Goods
were saved in a damaged condition.
NE11 AsrcANs who went to Oregon
and Washington as well as the south ,
are coming back to hereafter stand up
for Nebraska.
IT has been determined that te Ne-1
braslya City distillery must get in operation -
ration or sell to some one who will
start it going.
PnOF. JONES' friends in Hastings are
highly pleased over his appointment as
superintendent of the blind asylum at
Nebrashal'Jity. i
THE South Loup Irrigation company l
has been organized by farmers at Triumph -
umph and the survey for a ditch will
bemade : at once.
TIIE bankers of Saline county have
formed an organization which is expected -
pected to aid them in doing a safer and
more profitable business
\Vinru getting out ice near Milford
John Smith drove his team too far from
shore and horses and wagon went
down. One animal was rescued alive.
'TBE Table Rock Clay company has'
been reorganized with a capital stock
of 20,000 and will commence opera
Lions as soon as the weather will per-
EXPERT W. R. Still , who hasbeen examining -
amining the books of ex-officials of
Iloward county , reports that in several
instances all the fees liave not been accounted -
counted for.
GEORGE D.vis of Butler county was
chasing a wolf across the prairie when
tl , horse hg , rode stepped into a badger
Tole ana ietil breaking its neck. The'
bo'y was tinburt. I
f li'tas EMM1e til ft of Omaha last week !
got a judgment of $10,000 against the
street railway company of that city
for injuries received in being run over
some months ago.
TILE barn of Lewis Nelson of Cedar
' county , with several tons of hay and a 1
good deal of farm machinery is inn i
ashes. A seven year old boy had free
access to the match box.
Foun hundred bushels of oats , fifty ;
tons of hay , 500 bushels of corn and a
large number of 'arming implements'
were lost in a fire by a Cass county '
farmer whose barn was destroyed.
GovERNOr. HOLCOMR has received a
letter from Charles S. ham of Atchison -
son , lCan. ; , begging him to interpose
his authority to prevent the execution I
of the sentence of death against Claude
THE Anheuser-Busch Brewing company -
pany has been sued for $5,000 at Platts-
mouth because a branch of its estab-
lisbment sold liquor to Claus Spick ,
who was accidentally killed while
A FORM of Ia grippe is somewhat
prevalent among the north Loup children -
dren and the repoilt that scarlet fever
was also in the neighborhood has had.1
an effect in reducing the attendance at
Hox. JAMES PAUr. has been engaged
to prosecute claims against the Oxnard
company for beets raised by Sherman
county farmers and refused on account
of their not coming up to the required
+ -
TrrE $16,000 stock of general merchandise -
chandise of Fuehner , Duerig .C company
ny one of the leading firms of Wayne ,
was almost totally destroyed by fire ,
caused by a lamp explosion. Loss about
$2,000 ; insurance $10,000.
ONE hundred and fifty-three acres of
nud , situated about half a mile north
of Fremont and belonging to C. W.
Sheldon , was sold at sheriff sale Saturday -
day afternoon forS7,350. It was bid in
by the attorney for the mortgagees
-tins , HILTON , wife of the county surveyor -
veyor of Cass county , was pronounced
insane by the commissioners and will
be taken shortly to Lincoln. The cause
of the misfortune is assigned to her
having become interested in spiritualism -
ism but a few weeks ago.
RECEn EP. 'r. K. Hayden of the defunct - I
funct German National bank of Lincoln
has sent notices to stockholders asking
them to pay a 55 per cent assessment
on the amount of stock held by them.
As the capital stock was $100,000 this
would amount , if paid , to $55,000.
RIIISEHARTFUSSE , a farmer living
about seven miles south of Ord , while
oilingwis windmill caught his hand in
the gearing , and being unable to release -
lease himself , called for help. His
wife , hearing his cries for help , threw
the windmill out of gear , and then
climbed the tower of the mill and released -
leased her husband. His thumb and I
forefinger were amputated.
HA'xLocK is one of the few towns in
Nebraska that are growing at the present -
ent time. . About twenty new residences -
dences have been erected this winter.
Of the four hundred employes in the
Ilurlington shops many are obliged to
live in Lincoln , as it is impossible for
them to rent houses in Haveloek.
AT Oa1aIla , Bert Clark and Warren
Rema were caught in the act of killing
a beef belonging to John Bratt by Slier-
Camp and Ed Richards and were
bound over to district court Clark is
nn old soldier. The county commis ,
rioners'offerS100 reward for the arrest t
and conviction.of any person caught
stealing or killing cattle.
r't ' 'v
Resignation of a Regent.
Lincoln dispatch : The resignation
of henry D. Estabrook as one of the
six regents of the State university was
received at the governors office today.
It is accompanied by the request that
the resignation take effect on its acceptance -
ceptance by the governor. This will
be upon the appointment of Mr. Fsta-
brook's successor. The latter's term
would not have expired until January ,
1900. This morning the board of Regents -
gents held a meeting at the tlnivcristy
building. Except Regent Hadley of
Custer county , who was detained at
home by illness , all were present. Regent -
gent elect C. H. Merrill of Lincoln and
11. L. Gould of Ogalalla were installed
to membership of the board. Regent
Estabrook formally announced his intention -
tention of removing to Chicago and consequent -
sequent resignation from the board.
The board then adopted resolutions
highly commendatory of Regent Esta-
brook and Regent Merrill for their
great zeal and interest manifested in
the work of the university.
In the Hands of Ills Friends.
Washington dispatch : Es-Senator
Manderson of Nebraska , in an interview -
view , admitted that he was in the
hands of his friends as a candidate for
the presidential nomination before the
republican convention at St. Louis
For months Mr. Manderson has been
the recipient of 'letters from all parts
of the country urging him to enter the
contest. The insistence , he said , seemed -
ed to become more persistent with his
expressions of disinclination and before
leaving Nebraska he stated that he
would make no further' opposition , but
would remain passive.
General Manderson said tonight that
the various marks of confidence and
manifestations of endorsement which
would be apparent by the presentation -
tion of his name at St Louis are most
grateful and acceptable. He has been
greatly influenced by the kindly expressions -
pressions of the eastern press , particularly -
larly Pennsylvania , where he was
born , and Ohio , where his early manhood -
hood was spent. Under the eircunt
stances he can only stand and wait.
The New Irrigation Law.
As the time approaches when the
new district irrigation law becomes effective -
fective by the organization of districts
and the voting on this proposition a
number of questions of general interest -
est to people contemplating such action -
tion arc being submitted to the state
officers One of these is in relation to
who are eligible voters One such inquirer -
quirer wants to know if one living on a
homestead which he has filed uponbut
on which lie has not made final proof ,
is a voter. The language of the act
itself on the subject of the eligibility of
voters says : 'No person shall be entitled -
titled to vote at any election held under -
der the provisions of this act unless he
shall be a qualified elector- and the
owner of real estate in such district. "
There seems to have been the question
tion raised of whether the land can be
taxed before the government has parted -
ed with the title and the tax levied
= de a lien on the land , I f the hgider l
of iius hind of an hii npleted right of a
ownership cannot be held fqx hip part
of the expenses the fat'ifl owners who
have deeds to their lands say it would
be an injustice to others to let them
participate in the voting and govern.
ment of the district
Three Irrigation Decisions.
Lincoln dispatch : The State board
of Irrigation filed three opinions today.
It found in favor of Andrew Carson ,
who appealed as contestant against the
McCoolt Irrigating and Water company
of Red Willow county. The latter
company , comprising a large number
of people , intervened in the case before -
fore the board and claimed under
riparian commonlawprocedure , butthe
board decided against it , and dismissed
the intervention as immaterial to the
case. The claim of R P. James of
Chase county was dismissed. Tie had
sought to make appropriation of water
from Frenchman river for mill purposes -
poses , but the board found his application -
tion deficient in detail. The claim of
the Republican River Irrigation company -
pany as against J. 'R. Phelan , E. F.
Highland , A. P. Benne and It. Williams
was also dismissed on the ground that
the contestant had not complied with
the law of 1589. This was a case from
Dundy county and involved rights to
water from the Republican river.
How to Get Sugar Factories.
As the beet-raising and sugar-making
has proven a success throughout the
state of Nebraska , writes a correspondent -
ent to the State Journal , and most '
everybody seems to feel that a lasting
success will be made of it , especially
since that new process came in by
which they claim the cost of making u
sugar is greatly reduced , and if the
plan is carried out to build factories in
different parts of the state , allow mete
to propose a plan by which all those
arc made safe who might interest
themselves in this industry , and this is
as follows : Suppose it takes $25,000 to I
erect such a factory as they say , it will
cover the cost ready to make sugar.
Now then , if it take that amount , or
whatever it may take , let twenty-
five men each investing $1,000 , or i
whatever sum it may take , so that no
Luau shall have a greater share than
the other , which will bring everystoek- t
older on an even footing with the
other , and no one has more power than
the other , car in other words , freeze the j
smaller stockholders out , which is generally -
erally the case where one or more have
the controlling power. It will also be
seen by this that in this way , such establishments - t
tablishments can be run and ought to
b e run independently from any monopoly -
ely or trust As there is no danger of
over-stocking the market with this product -
duct , any man who has any money to
; pare is willing to invest in a safe busi-
ness running under such management t
where everyone is equal with the other.
would like to have some opinion on a
: his subject from others
Nebraska Men Pleased.
Washington dispatch : The Nebraska
men feel very well satisfied with the
: ill in relation to suits to vacate patents -
ents upon public lands as it passed the s
house today. Under the provisions of
the bill the bona fide purchasers of
ands from railroads are fully protected , s
and the Lacy amendment , which was
adopted , operates to prevent any
trouble growing out of the exchange A
by the Burlington of lands in the
South Platte region. which it was feared - '
ed might cause disturbance. Under
his amendment all questions of title to b
railroad lands in Nebraska are eftectu-
ally quieted t
Shot Himself Through the Temple , Pen
etruting the Brain-No Cause Ii
Ifnown for the Deed , Further
Than That lie IIad Item
Suffering From Insomnia -
nia Lately.
FOSTORIA , 0. , Feb. _ 4.-Ex-Congress-
man Michael li. IIarter , committed
suicide at the Monte of S. Knapp , in
this city this morning. IVhen found
life was extinct and he had been dead
several hours. The fatal shot was
fired from a revolver , the bullet entering -
tering the right temple , penetrating
the brain. He was lying on the bed
with the revolver clutched in his left
hand. No cause is kncwn for the act ,
further than he has been suffering
with insomnia forsome time past.
On the bureau in his room was a
letter addressed to his wife in Philadelphia -
delphia , and just outside the room
was found a package of letters ad.
dressed to business associates. None
of these have been opened as yet.
brr. Harter is largely interested in a
number of industries and represented
the Fourteenth Ohio district in Congress -
gress , but for the last two years has
been residing in Philadelphia.
Michael D. IIarter was born in Canton -
ton , Ohio , in 1140. lie belonged to a
wealthy and influential family. his
father was a banker and was a man of
very large means. Mr. llarter was
reared a Republican but departed
from the political faith of his father
on the issue of protccion. ; Iris
mother , who died only a few years
ago , was a woman of much intellectual -
lectual force and sympathized with
her distinguished son on the tariff
issue. Although Mr. IIarter was
an extensive manufacturer , lie was an
ardent free trader. lie was also
a sound money man and was a consistent -
sistent opponent of the silver fallacy.
He and ex-Governor McKinley were
closely associated as young men and
were warm friends. Mr. IIarter was
an earnest and active member of the
Lutheran church-the faith of his
parents , Ile lived in Mansfield , Ohio ,
and was an intimate companion of
Senator Sherman. To all outtvarj
seeming no man in the community in
which he dwelt had more to live for
or could look forward to a brighter
future ,
Senator Frye Read It in the Senate
With Fine Effect.
11' ASiL GTON , Feb. 24.-The Senate
stet to-day to listen to the reading of
Washington's faretvelt address liy
Senator Frye , the president pro tern
of the Senate. This was in accordance
with a resolution previously introduced -
duced by Senator Hoar. The vice
president occupied the seat of the presiding -
siding officer and Mr. Frye took his
position behind the secretary's desk ,
thus facing the entire Senate. He
read from an old print volume in large
type and without special effort filled
the large chamber with his resonant
voice so that the patriotic and well
ronnded sentences were heard by all
The reading of the journal and of
the address were preceded by a prayer
by Dr. Wallace Radcliffe , pastor of
the New York Avenue Presbyterian
church , who asked God to "bless
Grover Cleveland , the President of the
United States , " and referring to Washington -
ington with special thanks , "for htiu
whose name is in all hearts today ; for
the inheritance of his memory and for
the inspiration of his life and ex-
ample. "
On motion of Mr. Perkins of Call1
fornia , the prayer was ordered printed
to the Record.
There was a liberal attendance of
senators and the only vacant seats in
the galleries were in the diplomatic
tad senate sections. The former was
entirely vacant , but almost all the
seats in the gallery for the fami'.ies of
senators were taken. The vice presi-
dent's was entirely filled and the pres-
dent's was also occupied. Many pre-
seued themselves for admissin to
the popular galleries long before the
opening of the doors. Close attention
was given to the reading by senators
and others , rendering the ceremony 1
thoroughly impressive and none the
ess so on account of the simplicity
and the absence of ostentation by
witch it was marked.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the address Mr. Gray of Delaware
novel that the thanks of the Senate
be tendered to Mr. Frye for the adi i
nimble manner in which he had read t
he address. The motion carried
unanimously and then , at 12:57 p. m. ,
on motion of Mr. hoar , the Senate ad-
ourned till Monday. s
Mr. Carter gave notice of the postponement -
ponement of his address heretofore
announced for Monday on his notice
o recommit the tariff bill until
W ednesday of next week.
RC1uSet to Pray for the Statc.
RICIIMOND , Va. , Feb. 24.-It is the
custom of the clerk of the Virginia
house of delegates to invite a minister i
0 open the proceedings each day with
) rayer. The Rev. C. J. Oeischlaeger ,
German Lutheran minister , was invited -
vited to serve the house as chaplain
nest week. He responded thus : "I
Lo not believe in opening a promiscu-
ons political body with prayer. Its
character makes it an abuse of prayer.
and an unnatural union of church and
Late. I , as a Christian , and any member -
ber of the body as a Christian , can
privately pray for the session , but. the
tate which that body represents has 1
nothing to do with prayer. "
Parlou If lie Would unit Drinking.C
ToPEIA , Kan. , Feb. -Governor
'liorrill has granted a pardon to Louis s
fetcalf , a convict in the penitentiary , p
pop condition that he abstain from
he use of intoxicating livuor.
- ' , -
_ ,
The Notcd Humorist Expired at IIhi South
Carolina Home.
ASIIF rLLF , N. C. , Feb. 24.-"Bill"
Nye , the noted humorist , died this
He suffered a stroke of apoplexy
two weeks ago and since then his condition -
dition has gradually grown worse.
All hope was given up by the physicians -
cians Thursday night. lie was ma-
conscious hours before he died. IIis
family was with him.
Mhaister lc Lome 'Wires Madrid That
Uncle Sans. " 'ill Not Iteeogulre Cuba.
MADItID , Feb. 24. - The Spanish
consul at Washington , Senor Du Puy
de Lome , replying to an inquiry on
the subject , has telegraphed that he
regards it as impossible that the
United Slates should recognize the
Cuban insurgents as belligerents.
airs. Waite , Widow of the Chief Justice -
tice , Passes Away In w'ashhagton.
WASIIINGTON , . Feb. 24.-Following
close upon the death of Christopher
Champlain Waite at Columbus yesterday -
day , is the announcement of the demise -
mise here at 11:30 o'clock of his aged
mother , the widow of the late Chief
.Justice Waite.
College Press , tssottatiou Olticers.
ToI'Elc t , Kan. , Feb. 24.--'rule Kan sat
College Press association has elected
new officers , as follows : President ,
W. G. Anderson , Baker Orange , Baker -
ker university ; vice president , C. R.
Troxel , University Review , Lawrence ;
secretary-treasurer , 11. G. Crocker ,
Washburn Mid-Continent ; State Mid-
Continent. The "College Life. " reporter - !
porter , P. A. Lovewcll of the WashI I
burn college of Emporia , teas made !
theoflicial paper.
Millions for Fortifications.
11'Asnrxoi'ox , Feb. 24. - Senator
Squire next week will report from the '
committee on coast defenses his bill
for fortifications. II appropriates $ S7 , .
000,000. he whole or any part to be 1 i
immedia .ely available on the order of
the president. This is an emergency
clause to authorize the speedy completion -
pletion of fortifications in case of war.
Harry Ketfus Given Twenty-One rears
IIArEs CITY , Kan. , Feb. 24.-harry '
Kerfns , who was convicted in the district -
trict court last week for assault with
intent to kill upon Arthur Williams '
on New Year's night , was sentenced
this afternoon to 21 years in the peni-
tentiary. Motion for a new trial teas
'ttvo 1)cnoeratk CoiiLCitions In Iowa.
DEs Moixr s , Iowa , Feb. 24.The
Democratic State Central committee
will call two State conventions , the
first for selecting delegates to the
national convention , May 20 at Dubuque - I
buque , the second a regular convention -
tion for nominating a State ticket ,
August 14 , at Ottumwa.
Harris IleidFor , Bank Robbery- .
S A' ANN.trr , Mo. , Feb. 24.-Frank
Harris , the St. Joseph Salton-keeper !
charged with robliing the State bank
here on the night of February 7 , was
given a preliminary hearing before
Justice Mercer yesterday and held to
the grand jury in $2,000 bonds. liar-
115 expects to furnish bail and be re-
Curtail the Fee System.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 24.-The house
committtee on judiciary has agreed to
report favorably a bill to abolish the
fee system' as applicable to United
states district attorneys , United
states marshals and their assistants
an(1 deputies , and to substitute sala-
Noted Desperado Shot.
GIERLEY , Ala. , Feb. 24.-Dick CliilI
dress , a noted desperado , was shot and 1
gilled by Policeman Dick Erwin here
last night. While in a drunken condition - 1
dition he w'ns brandishing his pistol ,
frightening people. The officer was l
called. Childress started to shoot , but
Erwin was too quick for him. I
- I
Carnival Floats and 100 Cars IlurneA 1
ST. PAer. , Minn. , Feb. 24. - Last
night fire destroyer ! the old frame 1
street barns on University avenue between -
tween Mackuby and Kent streets. 1
There were nearly 10J cars in the I
building , together with a large quantity -
tity of supplies. It is believed the i
oss will reach $ ; 5.000 , partly insured.
England's Evidence Almost Ready. l
Loxnox , Feb. 24.-Attorney General
Sir Richard Webster has revised the
statement of the British case on the e
Venezuela dispute prepared by Sir '
Frederick Pollock of Oxford ti nivers- I
ty , and it will be issued early next ( :
seek with maps and documents. I
The German Tailors' Strike. a
BERLIN , Feb. 24.-The tailors and t
eamstresses are still out on a strike.
Fifteen thousand attended
stormy i '
meetings in different parts of the city I
esterdav. They repudiated the agreement -
ment made Thursday ia' their behalf.t '
Train Robber3 Are Convicted.
Sr. Louis , No. , Feb. 24F. . M. '
Fierece and William Cattrell were j .
onvicted at Belleville , Ill. , of hold-
rig up and attempting to rob a Mobile
C Ohio passenger train near Fort
Lawn in March , 1894. C
Earl Grey Succeeds to Jameson's Job
Loxnox , Feb. 24. - Earl Grey has
been appointed co-administrator with
Cecil Rhodes of the territory of the
British South Africa company in sued
ession to Dr..Jameson.
Sir John Millias Chosen. Y
LONDON , Feb. ? -Sir John E. Mu- r
uas , baronet , was elected president of
lie Royal academy yesterday. in sue-
ession to the late Loral Leighton.
Richmond , Va. . has one of the '
mallest areas of any city of its urnh
ortance in this country , having only i s
five and a half square miles of area on t
which live 100,000 people. a
Jackson Wrote that lie Disposed of Pearl
CINCD1 ATI , Feb. 20.-Two movning
papers publish a statement made to
them by Miss May Smith of Louisville
who is acquainted with the accused
murderers , Walling and Jackson. She
says she was in Cincinnati January 14
and took supper witlf Jackson at Hei-
tier's restaurant. Jackson told her
that Will Wood at Greencastle , Ind. ,
had got a girl in trouble , and that
\rrood was going to send the girl here
and lie ( Jackson ) would put her out of
the way. Miss Smith says she can-
tioned Jackson of the clanger of dis-
corery in such an enterprise. Ire said
he was too smart to be discovered.
After the murder February 1 , Jackson
wrote her saying that he had disposed
of the , girl-meaning Pearl Bryan
, 'a
Jackson , she says , intended that she
should fill in the dash from her memory -
ory of the conversation at the res-
taurant. Miss Smithr says she left the
letter in Louisville securely hidden.
She told the officer its hiding place.
LOLISvlyd.E , Ky. , Feb. 20. - bray
Smith came here early in January and
was employed by Lister and wife ,
who opened a dress cutting establishment -
ment here on January 4. Mr. Lister
said this morning that on reading the
first account of the affair the girl appeared -
peared horrified , as she had been in
correspondence with both Jackson
and Walling , and had told Mrs. Lister
that she was engaged to Walling.
When the account came out
in the newspapers that May Smith
also had been operated on by '
Walling and Jackson , the girl'stoutly
denied it. Mr. Lister said , however ,
that about a week before Christmas ,
while in the employment of Mrs. I
Fuson , the girl was absent from the
office a week , and if the operation was
performed it was performed at that
time. Mr. Laster also declared that
when the girl came back to work she
appeared altogethe changed and appeared -
peared thinner and looked sickly.
May Smith is between 18 and . .0
years of age and has dark eyes and i
black hoar and is quite pretty. Mr. ,
Lister says he is positive that she
knew of the operation performed on
Pearl Bryan byV2lling. , .
The Combination Agalust McKinley.
WASRINGTON , Feb. 20.-1 have ,
thought , and have said so maul Doty ,
that McKinley would be nominated , "
ex-Congressman Forman of East St. '
Louis said last night , "but I am of the
opinion from what I have learned
since I came here that he will be beaten -
en at St. Louis. The combination
against him is very strong. The leaders -
ers of the party in the East do not
mean to permit McKinley's nomina-
tion. They ara organizing very thor-
oroughly. That is what the bringing
out of new candidates means. " ! i
DES MorNEs , February 10.-Seven
Lnited States patents were issued to
Iowa inventors last week , as follows :
:1o : : E. F. Greene , of Fort Dodge , for a
musiccase or portfolio ; to G. D. Henry ,
of West Grove , for a screen ; to B. H.
Long , of Palo , for a shock-compressor ,
to William Peterson , of Clinton , for a
clothes-lifter ; to G. C. Poling , of 1
Harlan , for a fastener for overshoes ;
to A. F. Reiste , of Panther , for a
fence-stay ; to Rachel W. Spring-
mire , of Tiflin , for a dish-cleaner.
Valuable information about obtaining ,
valuing and selling patents sent free i
to any address. Printed copies of the
drawings and specifications of any one
United States patent sent upon receipt
of 25 cents.
THoyrAs a AND J. R.U.Pn On FIG ,
Solicitors of patents.
Campbell Renews Ills War on Joints.
WICIIITA , Kan. , Feb. 20.-"Tiger
Bill" Campell today renewed his
fight on the joints. lie captured 1
lialran brother's beer wagon and raided -
ed several joints , but got nothing.
LIYIs STOCr :1ND PItO1)U..1 ) FAltI 1 ; 'S
.notations From New York. Chicago , . St.
1.oniY , Omaha and lac vIzcre.
0HAA. {
3ulter-Crcameryseparator . . 1 ? © lSl ,
Cutter-Fair to good country. 1 : ; ( _ n it
' gs-Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I02Gr. 11
Chickens-hressed , per lb. . . . . . S ( , ! I
) uclcs-Per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO 'i 11
Purkeys-Per It' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 e:9 1:1 :
Geese 1'er lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Gr 7
.emons-Choice essinas. . . . . 3 00 n' 4 2.i
tlrues-I'r rbeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 50 ( .3:0
coney-Fancy wlihe , per lb. . . 11 i' . L ;
lpptes-Per bhl . . . 2 7. ; c2 3 0)
tvect cotatoesGood , per bill 2 f,0 . .
'otatoes-Per 1)u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I.-
leans-Nivy , hand-pica edbn 1 40 ca I : r0
Cranberries-i ape Cod , prbbl S : ) ti S 7.i
lay-Cpiand per too. . . . . . . . . . G : di 7 .0
Unons-Perbu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ; r 40
iroorn Cnrn-Breen , per lb. . . . . . . 2 1 31 !
loss-Mixed packing. . . . . . . . 3 7 ; et 3 0
, ors-Ileavvtt'eicliis. . . . 3b ( ) + r ! l ;
leere-Mockers and feeders. 2 7.5 R : ) 70
'eef-Steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 ( 4 07'2 '
lull , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 ' c
hikers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( ' :100 :
. 60 @ 3 20
'alves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Li , P 5 ' Li
) : eri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i0 u 2 5' )
'ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I S. ; Gy : i : i0
leifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 45 r. , : i : : ;
Yesteras. . 2 01 6r& : i .i ;
beep-Lainbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SO + r 4 00
1'Jieat-No.2 , spring. . . . . . . . . . . . s ° ! < _ Cj 3
orn-Per lu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0- 3778
uis-I'cr be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 @ 19 %
'uric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 S7 01
.ard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . G , ; 46
. , ttlc-Satire Beeves.:1 : I. ; ( rr 4 3.i
I ; , Averaes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G ) , 4 3i
prep-i ambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 'i , 4 fit
beep-1Ccstcrns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 l0 4 , 3 G1
1 ] eat-No. ' , red : Tinter. . . . . . . 72 3 72lr
orn No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : f
Ua s-No.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 , 2ilf
'ork- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 73 x.10 ,
srt- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
; 'heat-No. 2 red , cash. . . . . . . . . 71 2 i 7242
'orn-PCr bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' ' ; G :6 4
Uats-I'erba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lS Gg 1S I i
log , MISCI packing. . . . . . . . . 3 5.i ( . 3 O ;
'acte-Xativel.e. ! ves. . . . . . . . . . 3 : : i Gt 4 .0
bee-Natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 , J : i ! ' 0
.anflis- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3 : t , 4 s.5 t
Chcat No. 2 hard . : . . . . . . . . . . . Gf (6.i
orn-No. w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 Gr 22
Dats-\a 3 . . . . . . . . 2'cc ! ; _ t
attl'-Stocker and feeders. . 2 l0 .Ci ; 7u
log-Jlixe(1 1'acker. = . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ! , 4 10
beep-Lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 ( + 4 . . (
Groom G3 ; Bride , 1 7.
JOLIET , Ill. , Feb. ; 0.-Harrison Bur-
ick , aged GS years , and Miss Hanna
Himtz , aged 17 years , were married
esterdav. The groom is a wealthy
estdent of Plainfield and the bride is
Iso of that town.
Tarsney's Case In the House. i
WASHINGTON , Feb. " 0.-When the t
tan Horn-Tarsney case is called for
earing in the House next Tuesday , it a
the purpose of the Democrats to ask 1
h at two days be given to its considerf
tioL. e
sr - . a . . . , . - .
: : : ,
- - - - -
/ A , ;
Cd 1
l . . r' '
TRUf j.
A Reporter's Interesting Intorvrnw With
a Lady of Seventy-tWO YCarer '
I 'Who Tells a Marvelous
I from the union Port Jervis , N :
f But a short time ago , In a distant
part of the country , we heard of n
cure by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink l
Pills , which seemed almost inarvelouv , ;
and more recently another substantial { ' . i
evidence of their value reached our , -
ears. Being of an inquiring turn of
jttst how a i { !
mind , and tvlshln „ to know t
much there was In the story , a repor ter t
I was sent to interview the person paid
to be thus benefited. If the narrattVC
it had reached our cars was true , ;
it was only simple justice to I't it be
I known-If it proved untrue , it : would be
l well to know it. ' r t
The nerson alluded to above as having
been thus greatly- benefited by the use c ' -
of Pink Pills is Mrs. Jane } Iotalen , of
1Iainesvllle , N. J. , a pleasant hamlet in -
Sussex County , about fifteen miles from ) j (
t had no (11111-
this ofllce. The reporter d
softy in finding Dirs. Hotalen. after a F
few preliminary remarks in explatuttoo : ! e
i of the call , she was asked if she had 1
any objection to giving Us the details
of the cage atnd } tow she catn : to tr ,
this now famous retiredY. -
I "Not at all. said she. "If my exile-
, rience can be of any good to others , I
am sure they are welcome to it-it can
! do me no harm. " 1
"When were you taken sick anti what. .
I was the nature of the malady ? " was ,
asked. ,
"lt ryas about two years ago. The
trouble was rheumatc ( in character-
sciatica , they called it-and it was very .
n ainful Indeed. The difficultY began in
nmy hip and extended the whole length
of the lhnb , crippling me completely. , d ;
I suffered IntenselY from ft , and tte or-
Binary treatment gave me not the
slightest alleviation. I was under treatment - -
ment about a month as stated , but grew- ,
worse instead of better , and was fast becoming -
coming discouraged. "
"what brought Pink Pills to your
notice ? "
"My son called my attention to an t
article in a paper , in which It was stated F
that a Dir. Struble , of Branchville , a
village in this county , had been greatly .
benefited by their use , and suggested
that it would be a good plan to tr } ' '
them. But I was skeptleal 1P regard
to their value-in fact , I had ao fop =
fdence in their eilcacy , and rather
laughed at the suggestion. But the
trouble increased and I was badly crip-
pled. A few days later my sun way r
about to visit a neighboring tovn and
suggested again that it might be rveli rte r
to try this much-talked-of remety , and 1.
I then consented. He bought m ' a box
of them , and 1 began taking them at
once. At the end of a week i noted a
marked Improvement , and by the tiiue
I had taken the first bas I was able to
walk without a cane. I continued their .
use , taking several boxes , and am. as
you see , in a very comfortable state of
health : ' r
"Have you had any return of tla.
tr nble ? " "
( ,
: of as yet , thought at my time of , !
life , seventy-two , it would not be star-
prising if 1 should havt . If it sung. s I
should at once begin the use of the pills.
I suppose I inherit a tendency to
troubles of this kind-my moth"r r11"d
from them.
"Did you ever note any-111 cffe : ts from t I'
the use of Pink Pills ? " I /
"None whatever. They never dls- t
turbed my stomach in any way ur
caused me any annoyance. I an abb , "I
as you see , to attend to my owa yvork. r
The rePooter thanked Mrs. ilotalen
for her courtesy and bade her hood t 4 '
day. It is noL often that one can witness - ,
ness such a complete recovery from
such a pertinacious trouble at sta Ii a n ;
advanced age , and such instances cannot -
not fail to lroluce a profound hnpirN-
sion. Readers of the T nion may rely
on the absolute accuracyof a1 ! the ' 1'
statements here given - nothina has
been exaggerated , nothing vvithhc Id.
Dt11'tlliams' 1'ink Fills ' : nntnili all '
the elements necessary to 1ifu I
and richness to the blood ani r. stnrr
shattered nerves. They are for s .t by
by all druggists , or may be had by mail -
from Dr. Wiliarns' ! Medicine Company , t
Schenectady , N. Y. , for SOc per box , or.
six boxes for $2.50.
Her COnclusiun.
"Mamma. " said Edith in a whisper ,
as the bald-headed man with the full
beard entered theroom. "there's a man
whose hair is all gr owed down through
his face.-Judge.
The lest census shows That tlere are in.
the United Stdes 1.3 : ; wonien prParhers.
Des Morxis. 1'ebrarv 18.-.1 copc-
: ight has been granted to.1. E. l"agait , .
of Des Moines. for a pubiiration
entitled " .1. B. Fagan s Famiiv 11i.-
torical leeord. , ' ' A Canada pats nt h : : .
been granted 'IV.V. . Fovler , of ( a-ka-
loosa , for a device adapted to lrid tht
cover of a eigai box open and at ; : ii
angle desired. Lnited States patent. :
have been allowed but not yet h-siiec ! .
follows 'To 1 ; . N. , .
as : Bromley , rf ! ) ( .s
Moines. for a jeweler's tool adapted
for holding small articles advarr- ,
tageously. ' 1'o D. L. li. McMaeIa ii. of r
Springfield. Ill. . ( late of Des Moires , ,
f'r a portable device adapted for hold- " - '
tag a car ' wheel tea rail airdsu p [ p ) rtt 'r , ,
a lifting J 'ack when aIi l ) lied for r nr o r-
ing the axle bearing blocks. To Wna. 1' "
Gathany , of Churdan , for anautourrti ,
treathcr strip for doors to prevent air
md rain from passing in under the ) in
loor. To A.W. McFarland , of WCs : ,
End , for an egg and pacldngseparator.
adapted for emptying a ba. ket of
packed eggs therein without breakin" '
and allowing the oats , chaff , or other
packing to fall into a receptacle as the
eggs are removed and counted. tf
Fonr United States patents were r
ssued to Iowa inventors last wee' . .
Valuable information about obtainin .
valuing and selling patents sent free
o any address. Printed copies of the I
drawings and specifications of any one
Cnited States patent scat upon receipt !
of 25 cents. ,
THOMAS G. AND J. R.u pir OrwrG. 1
Solicitbrs of Patents. 1
A woman Iately returned from Lra- f
zit tells of a curious custom in i'ara.
She went with her uncle , who was in , ,
business. to dine at the house of a '
wealthy merchant
Everything was
very gorgeous and lavish , in South
lmerican style , but , on leaving , she
vas amazed to hear her hospitable host
ay to her : "If you hareany washing. . , ' 1 $
end it here. ' ' It is th e custom there. P ' R
t seems. for wealthy householders to
ake in laundry work a s an employment -
ment for their large retinue of serv-
nts. ' It did , however- , " said the re- f' -
ator , "give me a turn at the end cf a . '
ormal dinner party to be asked for my-
oiled linen.-L'altimore Review.
. . .
. I i'