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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1896)
4 . ; If Hi t , ( \li/C// : : : : I : . / i Ir . , , . , . /NUMBER FOURTEENTH YEAR. McCOUK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA ; FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 28 1896.NUMBER 4 , I BOUND OVERTO DISTRICT COURT t\ Edward Lorenz Held to Answer for Murder of Michael Travers. 1 The preliminary trial of Edward Lorenz - enz , charged with the ncurderof Michael Travers en the 18th instant , which has been in progress before Squire H. H. t , Berry , since Wednesday morning , con- I eluded last evening , resulting in the accused - cused being bound over to the next term bf district court in and for Red Willow county , without bail , to answer for the Heinous crime of murdering Michael Travers , a full account of whose horrible - death was given in these columns , last 'week. County Attorney Harlow W. Keyes conducted the prosecution , : hile raring- ton Power defended the accused. Matey witnesses were examined on both sides and keen interest was and is being man- ifested. While publicseutiuient may be r' i iii a measure divided as to the guilt or innocence of the young man et the - squire felt that ample testimony , though r circumstantial , had been presented to make it necessary to bind over the ac- t ( used to district court. And the state r 2f ( feel confident indeed that they have the 4 guilt } party now in clutches of the law. . \ The preliminary trial attracted a large i i crowd. The morning session , Wednesday - ( day , was held in the city hall , but the t weight of the crowd that packed the hail caused a number of floor joist to break r and the audience to stampede from the I building. The remaining sessions were held in the Menard opera house , which i better accommodated the throng. The prisoner was taken to Indianola , f by Sheriff Neel , the same evening , to await trial , which will doubtless be held RS soon as possible on account of the r , great.expense to the county. ' An Ugly and Painful Cut. While cutting wood on James Camp- r bell's farm up in Coleman precinct on ( the Willow , Joseph Sanders on Wednesday - ( day afternoon lead the misfortune to in- j flirt an ugly and painful wound upou his right foot with an ax. The wound extends - tends from the big toe up into the center f , of the foot , and Mr. Sanders was in a r fainting condition from heavy loss of blood when he was discovered. The ' wounded roan was brought to the city : and the wound dressed. Unless some unexpected complication arises he will be about in due season without any serious results , although the injury is quite a severe one and in a part of the body where permanent damage may be expected from so extensive a cut. Our Hopes and their Fears. The Indianola Reporter expresses itself in this wise concerning the county seat now pending in the supreme court : E , h "The county seat case was finally sub- ' 4 nutted , ( last Thursday ) yesterday. The c , court will hardly reverse its former dee- t isioni unless it can give a clear and log- 'r ical reason for so doing. Upon the real + Point at issue there is a California decision - ion favorable to McCook and a Connecticut - ' ticut decision favorable to Indianola ; ir k. and the Nebraska court has already de- . : i' cided iii favor of Indianola. But it t should be remembered that McCook has ' the powerful influence of the B. & M. R. is R. R. Thereon hangs McCook's hopes and Indianola's fears. Pleasure , Plenty and Profit. d :1 : A very Profitable and successful under- 1 , . taking was the New England dinner f ' given \Vashingtons birthday b } the id , energetic Ladies Aid society of the \ Methodist church in the Babcock buildS - , . S tub . The ladies were accorded a very 1 . ; a generous patronage. and realized a hand- 4 ' some sum from their excellent culinary 1 t efforts and hard work. ' The society also served a supper and j P conducted a plain and fancy work bazar L on the side , both of which added to the i sum total of profitable success. _ 1 t 'I Death of Mrs. John M. Ford i ( On last Freda } , Mrs. Johm 11I. Ford of I Gerver precinct was called away from F 1 earth in the 64th year of her life by apo- 1 plexy. The deceased was the wife of the i ' well known and aged veteran of the late 1 r war Of that precinct. Rev. Mason conducted the funeral services - N vices over the deceased , Saturday morn- jug , burial following in the Fowler cem- ? 1 t etery. t ! ' The bereaved ones have much genuine sympathy from many friends and neigh- r , , hors in their sadness. ' 1 Congratulated the Firemen. The work of repairing the Lowman I ) store building is being pushed vigorous- 1Y. The damage was not so heavy as ' \ might have been expected. Mr. Spearman - man , during his short visit here , first of the week , took occasion to congratulate . ) the fire department upon their efficient work in keeping the fire within bounds + : that they did , especially under the Gir- cumstances against which they labored , 1 4 ( . THE PEOPLE. * ate cyPac It S. E. HAGER and wife are up from Indianola , today , P. H. MUNSON is here on a visit to his sister , Mrs. H. P. Sutton. MR. AND MRS. FRANK GOCKLEV Visited - ited his parents at Holbrook , last week. H W. SIPE was up from C&mbridge , Wednesday night , to secure a burial casket. F. H , SPEARMAN came out from Omaha - ha , Sunday night , on some important business matters. T. J. FLOYD of the Trenton Register was drawn hither on a business mission , Saturday evening. P. 4. WELLS is up in Cripple Creek , looking after his mercantile interests in the great gold camp. JACOB STEINUETZ has received word that his application made last January for an original pension has been allowed. MRS. CHARLES L. DEGROFit gave a charming Thimble party , Wednesday afternoon , to a company of lady friends. GEORGE 1IETZGER of Ohio was the guest of Jacob Steinmetz , Tuesday , on his way to Cripple Creek , on mining business. Miss IOTTA ! STOVER of RepublicIias. , will shortly open a millinery store in the room formerly occupied by J. W. Mclienna. J. A. RESH , manager of the Stewart ranch over on Dry creek , is visiting his aged parents in Freeport , Illinois. His mother is in ill and failing health. PATRICK SWEENEY came out from Chicago , Friday night , to attend the funeral of his murdered brother-in-law , Michael Travers. Mr. Sweeney formerly - ly resided here with his family. MR , AND MRS. J. T. BULLARD came down from Palisade , Saturday evening , on their way to Omaha and Lincoln on a visit , Mrs. Bullard remaining , and Mr. Bullard returning home , Sunday night. R. Q. STEWART , of Campbell , chairman - man of Republican congressional committee - mittee of this district , is in the city today. Committee will meet in Hastings , March loth. J. W. HUPP's parents spent the early part of the week in the city. They have been out from Illinois a number of weeks visiting there sons , James and Daniel , and were on their way back to the Illinois - nois home. E. R. STEPHENS of Crete and J. H , Stephens of Bartley were city visitors , Tuesday , and transacted sonic nursery business on the side. E. R. was up helpings to make proof on a timber claim up in Chase county. MR. AND 11IRS. C. W. KNIGHTS and Master Harry passed through our city , Saturday evening , on their way home to Denver from Iowa , where Harry was sick with scarlet fever , from which he had recovered completely , however. REV. A. S. HOUSTON , pastor of the Congregational church , Indianola , occupied - pied the local pulpit of that denomination - tion , last Sunday morning and evening , in an enjoyable and profitable manner } The evening sermon was a missionary talk , which was the more interesting and instructive for the reason that the speaker spent some time in missionary work on Ponape island , one of the Caroline - line islands group in Micronesia. He had a few curiosities from the islands with him. Hard Times and Easy Morals. With the hard times has come a corresponding - spending easing up of moral stamina. In early days thievery was practically unknown in this county-residents leaving - ing their homes open , and doors un- barred. But is different now. Cases of petty robbery are numerous all over the county. This matter of robbery and looting has gone to such an extent in some localities as to demand severe redress - dress and prompt punishment. This is a humiliating state of affairs-especially as viewed from the early days stand- point. Lantern Class Tonight at 7:30 , Saturday at S. The world's great capitals. An especially interesting set of colored views of London - don , Paris , Vienna , Berlin , St. Peters- burgh , New York , Washington and fifty other cities , with good music. Seed Wheat for Sale. We have a few bushels of the "Velvet Chaff" Wheat for sale at our place three- fourths of a mile northeast of cemetery. W. M. IRWIN. Eggs for Hatching. S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs forsale , 35C. for i5 eggs. eggs.M. M. C. MAXWELL , McCook. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents , Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. . z. ' w BARN AND CONTENTS BURNED Two Fine Horses and a Cow Were Also Destroyed. About r r o'clock on Wednesday night , C. B. Rowell's stable and contents were completely destroyed by fire. The family - ily had retired , but Mrs. Rowell was awakened by the last frantic efforts of the horses in the barn to escape from the burning building. The alarm was carried - ried down into the city by Elmer Rowell , and in the meantime a few neighbors arrived - rived on the scene and assisted in preserving - serving the dwelling from destruction. The arrival of the firemen 'and their apparati at once relieved all anxiety about the dwelling and they soon had the barn under control , although there was no hope of saving the structure or any of the contents when the fire was first discovered. Both of Elmer Rowell's fine driving horses were burned , and the cow and many other personal and household goods stored in the barn were entirely destroyed , the total loss being between $6oo and $7oo , upon which there is an insurance of $375 , divided as follows : Barn $2oo , horses $1oo , buggy and harness - ness $75 , so that the loss in a financial way is considerable , besides the death of highly prized animals and loss of articles which cannot be easily r piaced , if at all. The family have no idea how the fire originated. A Costly Crack. On Monday morning the large plate glass in the front of the north half of the Phillips Meeker building cracked with a loud report like that from the discharge of a revolver , and without any apparent cause. There has been a small check in the glass , for some time , at the lower edge in the middle , and efforts had been put forth to save the costly plate from further damage by relieving all apparent strain ; so that the serious and extensive break , extending on up and forking , was in the nature of a surprise , besides being a very considerable loss. Precautions against accident and possible extension of the break were takect at once. Buds Not Swelling Much. Considerable alarm has been felt by those having fruit trees that the continued - tinued warm weather might cause the fruit tree buds to swell , and be injured by cold weather later. While in the city , Tuesday , E. R , Stephens informs us that he took pains to examine a number of fruit trees. The only buds that seem to be swelling are the apricots. It is evident that some concern is felt everywhere on this same account ; and the danger is quite real. A Murdered Man's Burial. On Saturday morning last , the mutilated - ted remains of Michael Travers were buried in St. Patrick's cemetery of this city , services being conducted by Rev. J. W. Hickey at ten o'clock , in the Catholic - olic church. The funeral was quite largely attended by people from country and city , and was in some respects an unusually solemn - emn affair. A numperof relatives of the deceased attended from other states. The Phonograph Concert. The Menard opera house was well filled , Tuesday evening , to hear the phonograph concert by Laing Bros. , an- der auspices of the Star of Jupiter. The various selections of the phonograph - ograph , vocal and instrumental , were warmly applauded , and as a whole the concert was well received and enjoyed by the large audience. Doing Penance in Hock. "Goldie" Harlan , a somewhat notorious - ous member of the local half-world , was taken down to Indianola , Saturday , by Sheriff Neel , and will do penance in the county jail for fifteen days-all on account - count of her superabundant meanness and robust thirst for the cup that intox- icates. Are we Patriotic Enough ? The banks , post office , land office and the railroad offices and shops had pretty much a corner on the local celebration or observance of Washington's birthday , last Saturday. A few business houses displayed. small national flags. But for the most part everybody followed his usual and ordinary avocation. About March 3d , Maybe. The supreme court has adjourned till March 3d , about which time some action may be expected in the county seat case. Maybe. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. . Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. AELLs over Citizens bank. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. _ i Mr. nt. - THE CHURCHES. 'icaBrfSrtiFr ' f'R.r ir s fx CATHOLIC-Mass at S o'clock a , m. Highs mass and sermon at ro:3o : , a , ni. , with , choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. 1V. HICKEY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL-Services will be held at the Episcopal church , January 12th and every alternate Sunday at II a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at io a. m. every Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser- vice. BAPTIST-Services in McConnell Hall , Bible school at to , preaching at ii , followed - lowed by the Communion service. B , V. P. U. at 7 o'clock , Will Purvis , leader. Preaching again at S p. in. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at the Hall. You will be very cordially wet- corned to these meetings. G. P. FUses , Pastor. METHODIST-Sunday school at to Preaching at rr a , m. Class meeting at 12 Iii. Junior league at 3 p. m. Bible class at 3:45 p. m. Epworth league at 7 p. iii. , subject , "Christ's Way of Soul Winning by His Death" . Luke 2333.49 Sermon at S p. in. ; subject , "Second Coming of Christ" . All are welcome tote to these services. J. A. BADCON , Pastor , CONGREGATIONAL-Services at r i a. in. and S p. m. Morning theme , "The Pathway to Communion" . The Lord's Supper will follow this service , with admission - mission of nieinbers. Evening subject , "The Power of Prejudice" . Sunday school at 1o o'clock. Endeavor society at 7 o'clock ; topic , "Loyalty to Christ" ; leader , Minnie Rowell. Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday evening at 7:30. A cordial invitation-is extended to all services. HART L. PRESTON , Pastor. www A NOVEL SOCIAL , TUESDAY. The Dorcas society of the Congregational - tional church will give a Palette social in Vie church on next Tuesday evening. Tl3e r ladies of the society are especially desirous of havingalarge attendance of the gentlemen at this entertainment , which will be replete with amusement for all. The following refreshments will be served : Creature cheer , country cousin's comfort , and compound mixture - ture ; and the whole combination for one dime. All will be welcome. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church are preparing to hold a grand art exhibition at their chapel after Easter. Rev. G. P. Fuson was called to Wau- netaWednesday morniuk , to preach the funeral sermon of the father of John Selby of our city. The musical announced by the Dorcas society of the Congregational church has been declared off , and the social on next Tuesday evening will take its place. Rev. A. W. Clark of Omaha was in the city , Tuesday , in conference with the pastor and members of the Baptist church , with reference to a church build- ing. The outlook seems quite favorable. A Rousing Meeting. The meeting of McCook lodge No. i , Star of Jupiter , Monday evening , was a lively one in point of interest and at- tendance. The high water mark of applications for membership was reached at this session - sion , 44 applications being read and passed upon. A fact which aroused much enthusiasm among the membership - ship of the growing order. There were also eleven initiations of new members. This , with the other business of the session , took up the en- tiie time of the meeting , and the excellent - lent program prepared for the occasion had to be dispensed with. The order is growing at such a rate as tor greatly encourage and inspire the supreme officers , and in fact all connected - ed with the success of the order. Ben Hur by Lantern. On March 17th , Rev. J. M. Cromer , pastor of the First Evangelical Lutheran church of Kansas City , Mo. , and western - ern agent of a leading slide importing concern in the east , will favor this corn- munity with his lecture and lantern exhibition - hibition of Ben Hur , General Lew Wal- lace's famous novel. Rev. Cromer brings his own double lantern and light , and the entertainment will be highly absorbing and instructive. It will be given in and under auspices of the Congregational church , and fuller particulars of this interesting event will be given in due time through the press. Remember the date and place , however. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. _ . s ; I - y- A FARMER INSTANTLY KILLED Solomon Shott Meets Death in a Runaway , Wednesday. A German farmer by the name of Solomon Shott , living about six miles southeast of here in the Ash creek region of Bondville precinct , was instantly killed on Wednesday afternoon on his farm in that precinct , accidentally , in a runaway. He was seen about noon by a neighbor - bor , William Knape , driving down a hill on his farm , but at the time noticed nothing unusual. After dinner in walking - ing down the direction Shott had driven , Knape observed signs of a smash-up down the hill , and hurrying to the scene he found Shott under the wagon box dead , with his neck broken. The horses had run up a steep embankment , the wagon overturning. Shott's right foot was fast in a hole in the bottom of the box. The side of the box had caught the uran across the neck , dislocating - cating and crushing the same and causing - ing instant deatli. The running gearing - ing of the farm wagon stayed with the box , niaking the weight very heavy on ' top of the imprisoned driver. The horses tore themselves loose from the overturned wagon and were caught some distance away by another neighbor - bor by the name of Bauuiback. They were uninjured. County Coroner Brown , who was in this city in attendance upon the prehi n- inary examination of Edward Lorenz , was at once summoned to the scene of the fatality , and he rendered a decision of accidental deathi iii accordance with the above stated facts. The deceased was about 30 years of age and unmarried. though expecting soon to be married. He was working a rented farni , having sonic entailed personal - sonal property. His brother was summoned - moned by telegraph from Hitchcock county , arriving here on Thursday even- ing. The funeral was held at Ash creek , Friday afternoon , by Rev. August Gue- bert of this city , burial taking place at that cemetery. Death in Search for Health. B. F. Bowen , senior , died at the residence - dence of his son B. F. Bowen , junior , about midnight last Thursday. The deceased was about 67 years of age , and has been in ill health for sonic time. He came out from his home in Io % a , a few months since , for the betterment - terment of his health ; but it was not to be so. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Hickey of St. Patrick's Catholic church at Io o'clock on Sunday morning , interment following in the parish cemetery , by his request. The deceased leaves an aged and invalid - valid wife in Iowa , who on account of her infirmities and age was unable to attend - tend the funeral of her life companion. Besides there are two children living in our city , Mrs. Steve Dwyer and B. F. Bowen , junior. They have much sympathy - pathy in their bereavement. Irrigation Matters. The state board of irrigation yesterday passed on the claim of Wilt & Pony , owners of the Naponee mills on Turkey creek , Franklin county , and fixed the date of priority of appropriation at December - cember 31 , 1874 , when the mill was first operated by water power. The amount of the appropriation is to be determined later. The claim of William J. McGillen on behalf of the Harlem ditch , Chase county , was allowed conditionally. The claim of W. A. Brown and others of Dundy county for water front Chief creek was dismissed because the claimant did not comply with the law of 1889. The claim of the Bartley Canal company , Red Willow county , was dismissed for the same reason.-Lincoln Journal , Feb. 21. An Old Lesson Retaught. The Rowell barn fire distinctly re- taught a few old lessons on Wednesday night : Firstly , that one of the hose carts ought to be stationed up the bill. Secondly , that a few more alarm boxes ought to be established on the hill. The Rowell residence was saved by the garden - den hose. It is is impossible to pull the carts up the hill and be prompt enough to be of much service at a fire , especially if one has to run clear down town to give an alarm. Thirdly , a little better discipline and organization , so that such unfortunate circumstances as the lack of hydrant wrenches , as Wednesday night , may be avoided. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. You can't keep house without one of those Diamond Water Filters. See Bur- gess. They are a household necessity. It is marvelous in its operation purifying - ing drinking water. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. - - - - - ( - 3 s FOR A CENT , No council , Monday evening , on account - count of lack of quorum. An 1i34 pound daughter was born to Paul Miller and wife , Sunday. The Holmes Bros. are doing the carpenter - penter work on the bowman store room. The grim reaper has been unusually busy in this vicinity , ( luring past week. The article in this issue under title of "The Good of the Farm" will repay your reading. Last week , hank and Lou Kyle brought a pool and a billiard table down front Stratton. If you are indebted to the publisheron subscription , niany are , bring hint in a jag of corn or oats. Extra papers of oc tr last week 'sedition , were in demand , and the suPP1 } was quickly exhausted. There was a slight fire in a dug-out in "Little Russia" , Wednesday evening , about supper time. Quite a number of farmers are inquiring i about Kaffir corn. We hope a considerable - able quantity ofseed may be sown , this year. year.We We are better pleased each week with the amount and quality of our corres- pondence. It is uccequalle(1 ill the county. iast Sunday a week Miss Annie Schmidt was married to John Miller of Culbertson. They will snake their home at Trenton. Sylvester Cordeal has arranged for a comet to pass this way about March 14th. It may not be amiss to take to your cave about that ( late. No question is of greater importance to the people of this county than that of impounding flood } vater , and it must not be forgotten or overlooked. The Culbertson Era announces that the A. P. A. lodge instituted in that burg , last week , by Messrs. Kelley , Wilkinson , Jordan and Horner of our city , contains 15 or 20 charter members , nearly all of whom are farmers. The townsmen are working the countrymen up there to the queen's taste. Important , If True. We learn ivitli sorrow of the aPProaching - ing demise of three newspapers , which , according to the pronunciatuento of certain - tain and sundry McCook patriots , will turn up their beautiful pink toes to the daisies before the snows of another winter - ter fall. To-wit : TILE MCCooK TRilc- UNE , The Omaha Bee , and The Rocky Mountain News. As Colonel Walt Mason would say , this is important , if true. ' 0 Sang to a Small Audience. The Six Cobb Brothers of Ifoldrege sang and played to a small audience iS the Menard ball , Monday evening. The performance can hardly be called-an artistic success ; in fact there is room for some doubt whether or not the gentlemen - men composing the concert company have not mistaken their calling , to 'con elude front the statements of sonic of those present at the concert here. To Preserve the Building. While here , last week , Rev. J. W. Kimmel arranged to have the broken windows of the Lutheran church of our city boarded up. This has been thor- ouglily done , and it is hoped will keep the building front further destruction or damage until the return of prosperous times , when it is expected to repair and rehabilitate the entire structure and denomination - nomination if possible. Carson's Claim Allowed. The state board of irrigation has allowed - lowed the claim of Andrew Carson on behalf of Carson ditch No. r , Red Willow - low county , for water from the Republi- cin river , the water to be applied by September 1st , 1897.-Lincoln Journal. Camp Fire and Bean Supper. J. K. Barnes post 67 , G. A. R. of our city , are arranging for a Camp Fire and Bean Supper to be given on Friday evening - ing , March 13th. Full particulars will , be given in due season. That Irrigation Meeting. If McCook is to have that irrigation meeting , next month , arrangements should be commenced to that end and the matter properly advertised. Who will make the move in this matter ? Questions of the Hour. For mayor , who ? For councilmen , who ? For members of school board , who ? Don't all answer these absorbing questions - tions to oncet. Passes Suddenly Away. r P. A. Brewer , the well known Box Elder - I der merchant , passed away suddenly , last evening , about five o'clock , with an attack of heart disease. ' 1 , , A n . t 1 . - , + , . ; 7- q. . . . - - . .