f 4 - - nLrncy Dtuldin6 UItiPOi'y i'I _ ,3 - flcgoh . - , tthunc. . , . , . , , . YEAR. McCOUK , RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA . FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 2 : , 1896. NUMBER 40. . 11 ti i ' p NEVER FAILING FEED. i ( Facts About Kaffir Corn , A Half- Brother of King Corn. A recent issue of the Chicago Tribune t was almost entirely devoted to red Kaffir t corn , giving testimony from seven dif- e fereut states including Nebraska , where } ' , i , the crop has been tried in an experimental - mental way , with the most satisfactory I results. If these reports are'to be cred- ; t ited , Indian corn must abdicate in favor I of King Kaffir and that , too , speedily. Kaffir corn will not only equal Indian corn in good corn countries but in arid ,1 and semi-arid regions it will thrive when Indian corn utterly fails. The state of i ! ' Kansas has experimented on a large { , ' j scale with this corn and has demonstra- ti ( I ted that drouth does not stunt or dwarf 1 , its growth and that it will average as a 4 certainty from forty to seventy bushels 1 to the acre. Asa consequence the Kaffir rr - will become the staple corn product of I Kansas , Numerous satisfactory experi- . uieuts have also been made in Nebraska r this year , notably in Kearney comity , where the average yield was forty-five i bushels. In South Dakota it has done well and produced a large crop w here 4 . other crops were almost a total failure account of drouth. A i on Kearney coun- 1 i - ty farmer , whose corn took first premium ' at the county fair , writes thus : ? ' The seed costs five cents per pound , on the average , although the best sells ' for seven cents a pound. In quantities f of lee pounds or over. It only requires I from five to seven pounds to plant an acre , and about half a bushel to sow for hay , better than sorghum , as it is not so sweet and does not sour as much. It j ! is far better for horses than sorghum , ? The joints of the red Kaffir corn are entirely - tirely covered with two thicknesses of 1 , leaves and do not show the joints like ! sorghum. i i , If , then , the faith of those who have j tried this Kaffir corn counts for anything , ! it seems destined to become a valuable ' product in the west , where drouth is the rule and not the exception. The value of alfalfa has been pretty thoroughly ad- ) 11 vertised , and it is to be a very desirable product. Withi it may cone an awakened - ed interest in Kaffir corn , as these two 1 , seem to be the only things that can r withstand the drouths and be made to produce crops in almost any season. A Phonograph Concert. e , 1 0ia Tuesday evening , Febrnary 25th , the famous Laing Bros. will give a Phon- ograplr concert in the A. 0. U. W. hall , under auspices of McCook lodge No. I , Star of Jupiter. The instrument they will use is not the ordinary "talking machine , " but is capable of singing in the human voice . ' \ loud enough to be heard in the largest r halls. The Laing Bros , have given some ISoo concerts in the United States and Cana- ada , and with great success. The concert will commence at eight o'clock. The prices of admission are : 25 and 15 cents. A Painful Accident. t V Monday morning , E. J. Wilcox met 1 with an accident while cleaning a bicycle - cycle , which may yet lose him the first joint of the first finger on his right hand. He and H. P. Sutton were at.work on the wheel , illr. Wilcox was cleaning the t chain while the rear wheel was rapidly revolving. AcMdentally his right hand 1 passed onto the sprocket wheel , and the r , p end of his finger was taken off as with a j. U cleaver. He at once went to Dr. Gage's officeTor treatment ; the end of the finger was replaced and it is hoped that it ; , will reunite with the injured member. It was a painful and unusual accident. ! 1\ ° A Growing Star. L\ At the regular meeting of the Star of ; { Jupiter on Monday evening , z4 new applications - plications for membership were received j and approved. There were a number of initiations , and the transaction of regular - lar business. , After the business of the evening was J disposed of those present indulged in a L spread with social trimmings. This social - cial feature is growing in popularity and ' c ability to please an instruct , and is one of the winning cards in the quite unusual growth of the order. t Hickling-Smith. I R Tuesday evening at St. Patrick's 4 church , Rev. J. W. Hickey united in 1 in marriage Mr. Walter J. Hickling and ! Mrs , Sarah Smith. Mr. Hickling is a i i well known young farmer who has lived ! t a few miles north of McCook ever since . the city was started. The bride is a i daughter of John Real , one of Perry r precinct's leading farmers and citizens. THE TRIBUNE adds its best wishes and congratulatigns. F A New Series of Stock. i On the 20th of this month a new series 1 - , . of stock was opened in the McCook Co- II operative Building and Savings associa- ciation. Parties desiring to take stock in the association should see the secretary - tary , F. A. Pennell , in the First National i , bank , for particulars. . ' .1r s , , "I . C.a' ' { F' ' . . Nw } rK "ETty S + .L ayrx lF.l . .G . . + hlwIJ * .I V. J 'dr"1dr'6 > R THE PEOPLE. , irsD. . tlcat3c caffici MIss ED1TII MEYERS is assisting in bowman's. DR. GUNN was called to Arapahoe , last Friday , on professional business , W. S. MORLAN went down to Lincoln , Monday night-on countyseat business. PRESIDENT FRANKLIN of the Citizens bank was in Lincoln , Sunday , on business - ness , MRS. W. S. MORLAN left , Wednesday morning , on a visit to her sister , Mrs. Gage , MRS. LoUIs LOWMAN arrived home , first of the week , from visiting her sister in Lincoln. ' MISS CLARA KKEVEN of Culbertson was the guest of T. M , Mundy , the early part of the week. REEs HEATON is visiting friends over in Curtis , this week. He rode over , Sunday - day , on his bicycle. E. E. LOWUAN drove up into Hitchcock - cock county yesterday , spreading the news of their fire sale. HARRY BARBAZETTE arrived home , Wednesday evening , from his trip to Cripple Creek , Colorado , C , B , GRAY drove down onto the Beaver - er , yesterday , distributing advertising matter for Lowman & Son. JOSEPH SPOTTs was in the eastern part of the county , yesterday , advertising - ing the Lowman fire sale. J. E. KELLEY went down to Lincoln and Beatrice , Friday night last , returning - ing home on Monday evening. DEPUTY DISTRICT COUNTR CLERK BAYSTON participated in the teachers' association meeting , last Saturday. Rev. J. W. KmIMEL of Leavenworth , Kansas , was in the city , yesterday , look- fug afterhis property interests here , and meeting old time friends. J. 14. LUNDY , who has been in Denver doing special work for a number of Chicago-dailies , visited his uncle , W. S. Morlan , this week , briefly , on his way east. \VI'ILIAi1rSUESS , formerly of our city , late of Herndon , Kansas , has moved back to the neighborhood of Cretewhere he made his home before coming to western Nebraska. . MARSHALL. CALDWELL is back shaking - ing hands with old acquaintances. He has rented a large farm near McCook and will try his fortune there for the summer of 1896.-Indian Creek cor. Ben- kelman News. C. L.DEGROFP left for the east on No. 2 , yesterday morning , to make his purchases - chases for the spring and summer trade. Little Anna accompanied him as far as Milo , Iowa , where she will remain until his return from Chicago. PRESIDENT HARWOOD of the First National Bank of Lincoln and Cashier Callihan of the Bank of Benkelman were business visitors rat the city , Tuesday. We understand hat Mr. Harwood is now more closely associated with the Citizen's bank of our city , a fact our people wilt all learn with satisfaction. Too Many Attractions. The soiree bY the Ladies' Guild , Monday - day evening , did not receive all the patronage - ronage hoped for , doubtless on account of the many other attractions of this week. The , affair was held in the Babcock - cock building , as the Meeker building had been rented by Lowman & Son in the mean time. It Was u repetition of the programme of last week , and was intended for Mardi Gras evening-but the date had to be changed by reason of the McIntyre lecture. Culbertson Is Saved. We understand that Mayor Kelley , Prof. Tom Wilkinson and Marshal Jordan - dan organized a lodge of the A. P. A. at Culbertson , Tuesday evening of this week. So that the consecrated cactus clump of chaos at the mouth of the classic Frenchman may now be considered - ered safe from our fire-eating Catholic friends to that burg and vicinity. Let us pray. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. WELLS over Citizens bank. Equity Term , March 10. Ari equity term of district court in and for Red Willow county will be held on Thursday , March Loth. No jury. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. McConnell's Balsam cures'coughs. . Price 25 cents. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 255 cents. MURDER MOST FOUL. Michael Travers Is Found With a Gaping Wound in His Breast and a Crushed Skull. Sometime during Tuesday , Michael Travers , a bachelor about forty years of age who has been living on a farm up in Perry precinct , about eight miles northwest - west of McCook , was brutally murdered , the assassin leaving his remains to the will of beasts on the manure , pile near the stable in the canyon where the foul deed was perpetrated. The last seen of Travers , who lives alone , was on Monday evening. As he was not seen about the farm on Tuesday or Wednesday morning , and as there seemed to besomethrng unusual in the appearance of things , a neighbor , C. W. Lepper , went over to the Travers farm on Wednesday afternoon , finding the body of the murdered man as above des- cribed. Mr. Lepper and son notified other neighbors and word was brought to this city and the coroner notified. At this time it was not dreamed that a frightful - ful murder had been committed. Coroner Brown , Sheriff Neel and County - ty Attorney Keys drove up to the scene of the murder , Thursday afternoon. A jury was empanelled composed of B. F. Olcott , P. 0. Connor , T. F. Ryan , John N.SutithW.A.Stewart , Henry Corcoran , and witnesses were summoned and examined - amined , the inquiry lasting all last night , to the end that the jury came to the unanimous conclusion that Michael Travers was , on the 18th day of this month , foully murdered by Edward Lor enz , a young man of about 20 years of age who lives near the Travers farm and was an intimate associate of the deceas- ed. The dead man was shot through the heart and then his skull was crushed by blows from the stock of the gun used in the murder. Many circumstances were adduced in the coroner's inquiry of a very suspicious and damaging character against young Lorenz. Robbery doubtless attracted the guilty one to Travers' house , and to avoid capture - ture or detection was perhaps the motive for the.horrible deed. , . . , The suspected young maii was brought to this city this morningbYSheriff Neel , in irons. Arrangements have notyet been made for the preliminary trial , which will shortly follow. The remains of the murdered man were horribly mutilated by animals before - fore the body tivas discovered. This is the most frightful deed ever committed in Red Willow county , and has aroused great excitement in that neighborhood. As we go to press we learn that arrangements - rangements have been made for a pre- lumnary hearing of the case to commence - mence this afternoon. County Attorney Keys for the state , and Farington Power of Wells & Power for the prisoner. No arrangements have yet been made for the burial of the victim , awaiting word from relatives. Under the Irrigation Law. In the matter of the claim of R. P. James for water for milling purposes the state board of irrigation has ordered the claimant to give notice within ninety days of his intention to make proof. Mr. James appears for the Champion roller mills and claims water from the Frenchman - man river. The alleged priority of his claim dates from December 31st , 1887 , upon which date the mill was first operated - ated , but now the board requires him to give notice to each legal appropriator of water above the mill whose priority is subsequent to December 31 , 1887. A hearing will then be had and if proof is. not made by Mr. James his claim will be dismissed. The board has dismissed the contest of the Republican River Irrigation company - pany against J. R. Phelan and others , instituted for the purpose of proving rights claimed by the contestant to the water of Rock creek , a tributary of the Arickaree fork of the Republican. Only one witness testified and as his evidence was ofa negative nature the contest was dismissed. In the contest of Andrew Carson against the McCook Irrigating and Water - er Power company , a Culbertson company - pany , other companies and a host of individuals - dividuals , the board has decided that Mr. Carson did construct a ditch and water was applied to a beneficial use during - ing the year 1889 and that the evidence does not support the contention that the ditch has since been abandoned. This being the case the board denies the application - plication of interveners who claimed to be riparian proprietors along the Frenchman - man river , a tributary of the Republican river , and contended that Mr. Carson had no right to divert water from the Republican river for irrigation purposes. The board does not deem it necessary to decide other questions raised. rbSy t3 " # : " ' B c " THE CHURCHES. aIIcatZcaflty8cSs 4c Commencing tonight services will be held in St. Patrick's church , every Friday - day evening , during Lent , commencing at 8 o'clock. CATHOLIC-Mass at 8 o'clock a , m. High mass and sermon at Io:3o , a , m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. m. All are cordially welcome , REV , J.V. . HICKEY , Pastor , METHODIST-Sunday school at to , preaching at It , Junior league at 3 , Bible study at 3:45 , Epworth league at 7. Preaching at 8 ; subject-"Fighting the Devil from a Gospel standpoint. J. A. BADCON , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL-Rev. A. S , Houston - ton of Indianola will preach morning and evening. Sunday school at Io o'clock ; Endeavor at 7 o'clock , Mabel Perry , leader , , A cordial invitation is extended to all , HART L. PRESTON , Pastor. EPISCOPAL-Services will be held at the Episcopal church , January 12tH and every alternate Sunday at it a. m. and 8 p , m. Sunday school at to a. nn. every Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every Wednesday evening after the 7:3o : ser- vice. BAPTIST-Services in McConnell Hall , Bible School at 10 a. m , Usual preach _ ing morning and evening. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. , John Selby , leader , Prayer nieeting.Tbursday evening , at 7:30 : in the roonis fronting the hall. A very cordial invitation is extended all to at- tend. G. P. FUsoN , Pastor. ADDITIONAL R. R. NEWS. r -Any items under this heading will he gladly received from those in the service by the publisher. Sam Wilde has sold one of his houses to W. H. Rankin. Agent Magner's night helper , Mr. Chambers , has gone to Oxford , Agent Koontz of Palisade passed through McCook , Tuesday evening , on his way east on a visit. t Mrs. J. E. Robinson and Mrs. David agner left on Tuesday evening for Hol- , eke , Colorado , on a visit to friends. I Trainmaster Josselyn of Orleans came up to western division headquarters on last Friday night , on business of his official - cial place. Mrs. J. W. Hclliday of Lyons , Colorado - do , was a passenger on No , 4 , Friday evening last , on her way to eastern Nebraska - braska on a visit. Dispatcher R. B , Simmonds and little daughter Florence returned home , last Friday evening , from a flying visit to the city on the lake. Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Waters went in to Omaha , Saturday night. The doctor remained - mained only a few days , but Mrs. Waters will visit a sister a number of weeks. C. W. Britt of the store house was in Denver , Saturday , to consult a doctor in regard to his throat , which has been causing liini some pain and annoyance for some time. The company is putting up an itit- mense amount of fine ice which is being harvested at Arapahoe. It is about 15 inches thick , clear and solid. The company - pany is housing the ice all the way along the line from Oxford to Denver. According to Chicago advices , announcement - nouncement has been made at Pullman Palace Car company headquarters that the company would vigorously fight all attempts at reduction by national legislation - lation of the prices of sleeping car berths. What else could be expected ? Robert Mcintyre's Lecture. The Methodist church was well filled , Tuesday evening , with an eager , expectant - ant audience to hear Rev. Robert Mclii- tyre's lecture on "Buttoned Up People" . It is perhaps unnecessary to state that the'audience was for the most part delighted - lighted with the wit , humor , pathos and fine sentiments uttered by the eloquent gentleman. The points scored by the lecturer were splendid and in a number ofinstances he carried his hearers with him in a perfect avalanche of oratory and word-painting of high order. The morals to be drawn , and the advice - vice given by the speaker were too profitable - able to be lost or missed. As a whole the lecture was a happy hit a the foibles of humanity and an earnest plea for a change-for an unbot- toning of the heart and lips-of the people to each other in life-not to wait for a post mortem inspiration to say the kindly - ly word and do the helpful deed. Cobb Bros. Concert. The six Cobb Bros. will hold a concert in the opera house on Monday evening next , February 24th. They promise a musical treat. Tickets 25c. and 35C. For sale at McConnell's. . E xk , r : , 'a THE CITIZENS BANK OF MCCOOK Reorganizes and Relncorporates With a Strong Directorate and List of Stock- holders. It is with pleasure and gratification that we announce the-reorganization and reincorporation of the Citizens bank of our city , the pioneer banking establishment - ment of McCook , which has safely weathered - ered all the storms and vicissitudes of the past four or five troulllesome years in the financial world and of local crop failures in the bargain. This week this staunch bank has been greatly strengthened by the addition to its directorate and list of stockholders of such well known and substantial men as N. S. Harwood , president of the First National bank of Lincoln ; Oscar Calli- han , cashier of the Bank of Benkelman ; and Henry T. Church , the Red Willow cattleman. It is especially encouraging to observe such a man as President Har- wood exercising his confidence in our city by becoming a director and stockholder - holder in one of our banking houses , thus adding strength and maturity in financial matters to a never-failing confidence - fidence in western Nebraska. The officers of the bank will remain as before the reorganization : President Franklin and Cashier Ebert , who have so long and successfully managed the bank , will still be at the helm , a guarantee - tee of its conservative and safe conduct. It is a matter of gratification and encouragement - couragement , and of congratulation as well , to the city and the bank in common - mon , and it is with pleasure that we mention this stimulating occurrence in our local banking circles. No Word From the Case. No word has been received front ( lie county seat case which was to have come up in the supreme court on the 19th. This is the winter of the plumbers' discontent. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. They are arranging to build a school house in district No. 9t , up in Frontier county. - - Au original widow's pension has been granted to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wilson of Bartley. Work is progressing on the new court house for Gosper county in the county seat at Elwood. Do you want some building association stock ? A new series is now open. See Secretary Pennell. Red Willow announces tile opening of her poor house to those needing public care and maintenance. All doubt of the country being safe is now removed. Assurance has been made doubly sure. Let us be thankful-its no worse. Buy one of those Self-cleaning Diamond - mend Rrater Filters at F. D. Burgess' plumbing establishment. They are sun- pie , cheap and fill the bill completely. The New England dinner and supper by the ladies of the Methodist church , February 22d , will be held in the flab- cock building. Remember the change of location. The Six Cobh Bros. promise an enjoyable - able vocal and instrumental concert in the opera house on the evening of Monday - day , February 24th. Tickets on sale at McConnell's. Popular prices , 25 and 35 cents. The professional card of Messrs. Wells & Power , attorneys , appears in this issue. They are well equipped ; will do a general - eral practice in the state and federal courts. Have in office a stenographer and notary. Office , over the Citizens bank. Their Loss Adjusted. The work of adjusting the loss on the stock of L. Lowman & Son by their recent fire was satisfactorily finished on last Saturday and the adjusters left for the easton the evening train. Lowman & Son took the salvage on the stockand the remainder in cash. Messrs. Lowman & Son have rented the store rooms in the Meeker-Phillips building , where they are now engaged in closing out the stock saved out of the fire. Theirold quarters will be repaired at once , which will take up three or four weeks time. Fifteen ( r5) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , con- taming 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes - opes , McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. , 1 BY THE WAY. "Trifles light as air are to the jealous proof as strong as Holy Writ" . V v V A "pull" is more to be desired than gold , yea than much fine gold. v v v Reverend Robert McIntyre thinks that the meanest , mangiest "buttoned up" devil in the world is the religious bigot. Do I heara second ? v v . I am not specially fond of blood letting or strangulation , but the , chronic Monroe - roe doctrinefiend needs oie ; or both des- perately. The bellicose crank needs a new subject. avv The average American's cup of joy is in no wise full or running over now unless - less lie or she is in enough secret organizations - izations to make an engagement out for ; every night in the week and two on Sun- day. We Americans are woefully prodigal - igal of our time and opportunities. 'VT Too many parsons follow the proposition - tion that "fear of the Lord is the beginning - ning of wisdom" , hence the numerous nauseating and heart-rending death-bed scenes etc. winch punctuate the average sermon , and make the hearers fiercely desire to commit homocide. Mistaken and gloom-deepening and -dispensing parson , God is love , too. -V V V This west land is now facing an anon- i ely : In an age of widest freedom and liberty of thought and action-political , civil , religious anl social-it is subject to an influenza of race prejudice and religious - ligious proscription which would have peculiarly graced and adorned the dark ages , but is sadly out of consonance with the enlightenment of the 19th century- the noonday light tineof the ages-and ; makes of patriotism a tinkling cymbal. 0 , tempera ! 0 , stores ! V v V Since Robert McIntyre has "unbutton- ed" himself we may confidently expect ruore demonstrative exhibitions of love among our citizenship , in life-and the people no longer "buttoning up" their expressions and sentiments of affection and sympathy for exclusive postniortein use. And do we look for the devil of selfishness to flee away ? It is one thing to be delighted with the clever utterance ofa noble and lofty sentiment-quite another - other to make a profitable application and practical use of the same. The rich reward is in the application and eexcise. . s v I am strongly impressed with the wisdom - dom and economy of a certain zealous propaganda , in that it is "after a certain historic hierarchy and not after the laity or their faith" . You will note how much easier and less expensive it is to wage an exterminating warfare at bong range against those terrible fellows , Leo and Satolli ; than it is to annihilate your Catholic neighbors , whose hopes and fears , joys and sorrows are iii common with your own. Then again , it is much easier to arouse prejudice 811(1 bigotry against the intangible "hierarchy" than against home people whose patriotism and loyalty and virtue equals your own. avv "A live dog is better than a dead lion" , is somewhat oriental iii inportuid practice - tice ; and yet this occidental land is not exempt from a sentiment akin. Perhaps , "Time king is dead' „ "Long live the king" , is more apropos. How soon , for instance , is the displaced office-holder bereft of his halo of power and prestige - tige ! And with what equal celerity is the common and obscure citizen enthroned - throned when he is summoned from the honorable walks of life to a humble official - cial position. We stand in awe of the "Lord's anointed" , but pounce upon the master man by tine grace of God in civil life with impunity and ghoulish gleam and both pedal extremities. VT' The thought has often occurred to me that if Christian people would desist from fighting each other ; the devil would have to shut up shop and go out of busi- ness-go into the hands of a receiver , as it were , indefinitely-and ; the millen- fum would dawn presently. This idea of harmony and unity might be carried out and on into everything effecting man for good or ill. Discord and division are the right bowers of the devil and the demagogue the world over , and have been since the dawn of history. Through them the purposes of men are ever defeated and their strength-unity-dis- sipated. Thus are the forces of progress separated and whipped in detail. When will common humanity learn the lesson of union and harmony ? It means success in nation , state , and commnnity. FRANCIS MARION. You can't keep house without one of those Diamond Water Filters. See Bur- gess. They are a household necessity. It is marvelous in its operation purifyi i ing drinking water , i II ' - I , _ , f , , - , - r' 1