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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
" - - - - - - ; - - : r - ' . + I j . . I rw t I ATCOST , , rrrrrrr. , . - , . . . . . .OITIL ENTIRE STOCK OF. . . I. Harness , Collars , Saddles , I i i i I ' ' i 1 I II I STRAPS OF ALL KINDS , . I If f At Your. Own Price ! I C II ' I . . . . . . I j , Come an get our prices II t5 I before buying. . N u. I w F HARDARBI I µ Ii : . . ' . . . a f Prop. i / / ; . . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - . : - - c. eivti ti "a 7 i. I - - _ - - - - B U I3 N l COal . n.ea..o . . ' I : No Soot. . . J No Clinkers. Smoke. V * r . $ , o per ton. ' taememeee ; i. We Bullard ( Jo. r ' r - TI4E N : ' : FIRST WATIOWAL . t _ l $ WO,000 y 6OOOO . OFF ICER. S .AND DIRECTORS. : ; . SEO. HOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , President. Y. President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. . A : CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. y I V ' e w l 4 j . . I f L - I UMS L A h T OR KMA 5 11 P15UAP 15 ED ' ; ft AT > : RIAI T iE IN5T T S - Vt ODELSt 1IGgTS 18Th S P OUNI ) s NTP. RILES , . $ S . TD , 100. . l VERY.P1ApittiE FULLYo6UARAhTEED , 'CATA , 9OOe 9E , 'F0R rt.Jo CENTliSTAt1P. , R O1iACftXYCL lr l1AiN OFflCe AND FACTORY = LAttE.c hALSTi + D 5h RETAIL .7ALEJROOM z80 JAf3A H AV--- . EE,9TtR.NAREfCOE 97-99 READS 5T'PIEJ ORK ' . I \AORTLAN J _ . RAN i l Af l F AI f.1. Co . . . y v r L0.RCSICE lN40 Cal. ' s . 7 Y Obituary Notice , Walter C. , son and only child of M and Mrs. William Epperly , was born Fremont , Mahaska county , Iowa , Jut 23,18i9 , and died near McCook , Nebra ka , February 4th , 1596. His sickne was of but a few clays duration , but h death did not find him unprepared. TI day before he died he said to his mot' er : "This is not uty home , I am goit up higher" ; and then just before he di he said , "I hear music" , and his spit took its departure tojoin that heaven : choir. Walter's parents came to th country and settled in this county who he was but a child , so he had spel most of his life in the west and lit grown in and acquired much of the wes ern energy without developing any t its roughness ; and although but a hoyi years he had cultivated a spiritual an moral growth that had matured into noble character. Being of a kind an genial disposition he was the favorite t a large circle of associates among whoi his presence seemed to be an inspiratio for a higher and better life. He was ret oguized by the young people of his con munity as a leader , and this indeed wa fortunate as his example and influent was an uplift to those of older years , an ohly eternity can unfold the good his Iii has been to others. The funeral wa preached by the writer at Zion Hi church , usitig for his text Isaiah's words t Hezekiah : ' 'Set thine house in order fc thou shalt die" . The church would nc hold the great company of people avh caste to pay respects to one they so muc loved. The church being filled large ] with the young companions of the dt ceased. The discourse partook of the na ture ofan address to the young peoph The body was laid to lest 'fn Zion Hf'1 cemetery , there to sweetly sleep until i shall be called forth , when this corrupt : ble shall have put on incorruption an this mortal shall have put ott manor tality. ' _ 1 x x ' Land to Exchange. I want to exchange a good farm , 16 acres , in Buffalo county ; well-improved oed buildings , all in good shape , fo McCook property in a good location anyone wishing to exchange write t % I. T. , McCook , Neb. Fine Young Steers for Sale. 250 head of fine young steers for sale lddress 1V. E. Echols at Fort Morgan o : Irush , Colorado , for particulars. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscrip ion s delinquent and you have the wcni ) ring us in a load or two. If you take pleasure in good station xy , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona tie in price. We also (10 engraving o ards and embossing ofletter paper. Set aulpies and get prices. Try McConnell's Balsam for that ough. Price 25 cents. 1'lenty of Apples at till . ) l ) le's. WANTED-Regular correspond- mts for THE TRIBUNE at Danburv. Box Elder , Lebanon , Cedar Bluffs , tlld other unrepresented 1ocu1itie Il this vicinity. Write for term : tad full particulars. Tr that 15 cent lox ) ) ea' at THE TRIBUNE Jfice. Worth 25 cts/ 4 : Iso cheaper gitdes Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber , follandMass. , had a very bad cold and cough rhich he had not been able to cure with any ling. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamberr gin's Cough Remedy , says Mr. Holden , mer ! rant and postmaster at West Brimfield , and he next time I Saw him he said it worked like charm. This remedy is intended especially ar acute throat and lung diseases such at olds , croup and whooping cough , and it i ; amous for its cures , 1 here is no danger in iving it to children for it contains nothin rjurlous. For sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Our people are growing more and more in lie habit of looking to McConnell & Co. fox he latest and best of everything in the drug ne. 't'hey sell Chamberlain's Cough Reme ies , famous for its cures of bad colds , croup ad whooping cough. When in need of such medicine give this remedy a trial and you nil be more than pleased with the result. a ® e a eae HEADQUARTERS FOR a G Mixed Perpound . . . .40c. VarietiesHalf pound . . . 25C. Varieties ( luarter poun. 15C. THE ONLY a O11" y 3FHDE O , NIAGARA. ( True to Name. ) Price-Packet 25C. Half packet I5C. ) THE \VONDERFUL i CRIMSOJ RAMBLER ROSE , A Only 15 Cents. /D I V16II'S PhOIAIt ? GUIDE , 1896 ) the P'.oaeer Seed Catalogue. i Tried and True Novelties.-Fuchsias , Roses , Blackberry , The Pearl Gooseberry 0 Potatoes , Earliest Tomato Known , etc. t Lithographs of Double Sweet Pea , Roses , I Fuchsias , Blackberries , Raspberries , New ' Leader Tomato Vegetables. Filled with good i things , old and new. Full list of Flowers , ' Vegetables , Small Fruits , etc. , with descrp- , tion and prices. Mailed on receipt of ro cts. , ' whchmaybe , deducted from first order-really I Free-or free with an order for any of the above. above.ROCHESTER , N. Y. JAMES VICK'S SONS -Ii i- . . SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued frog the district court of Rd Willow county , Nt braska , under a decree , in an action wherci the Barnett Lumber Company is plaintiff , an the McCook Driving Association et al. ax defendants , to me directed and delivered , shall expose to public sale , and sell to tl highest bidder for casli , at the south door t the court house in Indianola , Nebraska , o March I6th,1896 , at the hour of one o'cloc p. m. , the following described property : A the interest awl right of possession of the dt fondant , the McCook Driving Association , i the southwest quarter of the southwest qua : ter of section twentyeight , in township thrt north , in range 29 , west of the sixth P. 111 Red \Villow county , Nebraska , together wit all the buildings and appurtenances thereo situated. Dated February ii , I8g6. J. R. NERl. , Sheriff of Red Willow County. \V. S. Morlan , Attorney. 2.14.5ts. SIIERIFF S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued fror the district court of Red Willow county , Nc braska , under a decree , in an action wherei the McCook Co Operative Building and Sat ings Association is plaintiff , and Vary l larger et al. are defendants , to me directc and delivered , l shall expose to public sah and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at tli south door of the court house in lndianok Nebraska , on March i6th , IS96 , at the hour c one o'clock , p. in. , the following describe real estate , to Wit : Lot eleven , block clever McCook , Red \Villow county , Nebraska. Dated February Ilth , ISg6. J. R. NEEi. , Sheriff of Red Willow County \V. S.Morlan Attorney. 2 f 45 ts. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from tlu district court of Red \Villow county , Nebraska under a decree , in an action wherein the Mc Cook Co-Operative Building and Savings As sociation is plaiutiff and John \V. Lewis et al are defendants , to nre directed and delivered I shall expose to public sale , and sell to th highest bidder for cash , at the south door o the'court house in Indianola , Nebraska , w March toth , 1896 , at the hour of out o'clock p m. , the following described real estate , to wit : Lot ten , in bloc four , in North McCook Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated February 11th , ISg6. J. R. HEEL , Sheriff of Red W'illow County W. S. M orlan , Attorney. 2.14.5ts. SIrnRIFF's SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from tit district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska under a decree , nr an action wherein The Mc Cook Loan and 'T'rust Company et al. art plaintiffs and John It. I'IJelan et al. are de fendants , to me directed and delivered , I shal expose to public sale , and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the south door of the court house in Indianola , Nebraska , on ! larch r6th 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. ni. , the fol lowing described real estate , to-wit : Lot : four , live and six , in block seventeen , Firs Addition to McCook , icd Willow county. Nebraska. Dated February Ilth , 1896. \V. S. Modau , Attorney. J. R. NEE1. , 2.14-5ts. Sheriff of Red Willow County NOTica FOR PUBLICATION. Land 0fficc at McCook , Nebraska , Fcbru ary ltth , 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be niade before Register or Receiver at McCook , Ne- braskaom April 7th , ISg6viz : WILLIAM II. : U1"l'AR , I l. E. No. 9,759 , for the northwest luarter , section 9 , township 5 north , range 30 vest , sixth principal meridian. Ile names he following witnesses to prove his continu- mus residence upon and cultivation of said and , viz : Phillip Roemersheuser of Osborn , Nebraska , Peter Remheimer , Anton Braun , folio Braun , of Zimmer , Nebraska. 2-I4.61S. A. S. CAMPJIEI.L , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is heieby given that the followin- iamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- ster or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on I'xiesday , March Loth , 1896 , viz. : DANIEL II. IIUNTGUMERV , lj. E. No. 9.716 , for the south half southwest quarter southwest quarter outheast quarter section 20 , township 5 , north ) f range 30 , west of 6th P.M. lie names the ollosing witnesses to prove his continuous esidence upon and cultivation of , said land and , viz. : Elijah Beebe and Joseph Allen of ) sborn , Nebraska , George Brown of Culbert- on , Nebraska , John l less of Zimmer. I-31-6t. A. S. C.uu'uELL , Register. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , January 1896. Notice is hereby given that the fol- owing-named settler has tiled notice of his ntention to make final proof in support of us claim and that said proof will be made ) efore register or receiver at McCook , Ne- iraska , \Vednesday , March 4th , 1S96 , viz : john Garlick , who made homestead entry comber 10,198 , for the west half of the south- vest quarter , section 2 , township 5 north , ange 29 west , 6th principal meridian. lie tames the following witnesses to prove his : ontinuous residence upon and cultivation of , aid land , viz : Santford Goddard of Mc- : ook , Nebraska , John 11. Iarrison , James cider , John F. Garlick , of Quick , Nebraska. I-Io 6ts. A. S. CAJIPBELL , Register. 1'1:1111ER CULTURE , FINAL PRooF-NOTICE FOR PJIxLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , January , 1596. Notice is hereby given that John Jancck , has filed notice of intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his ifice in McCook , Nebraska , \Vednesday , he 4thr day of March , 1896 , on timber culture , pphcation No. 5,499 , forthe east half of the outhwest quarter of section number 2 , in ownship number 5 north , range number :9 : west. lie names the as witnesses : iantford Goddard of McCook , Nebraska , olin B. LIarrison , James Zider , Johm F. Gar- ick , of Quick , Nebraska. r-IO.6ts. A. S. C t x1'DEIa. , Register. [ IMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb- aska , January qth , ISg6. Notice is hereby riven that JAMES KELLY has filed notice if intention to make final proof before Regis- er or Receiver at his office in McCook , Neb- aska , on Thursday , the 2d day of April , 1896 , in limber culture application No. 5471 , for the iorthwest quarter of section No. 23 , in town- hip No. 4 , N. , range No.30west. 1lenames as titnesses : John L'.Snuith , Henry Summerman , 'illiani I-I. Epperly , Thomas Ryanall of Mc- : ook , Nebraska. l-17-6t. A. S , CAMPBELL , Register. ) ON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE POUR LIFE AWAV ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book bout No-1'o-Bac the harmless , guaranteed obacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- ted nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes teak men regain strength , vigor and man. Lood. You run no physical or financial risk , s No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere nder a guarantee to cure or money refunded. look free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , rew V ork or Chicago. a-19.9Jay'r. f Sold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. ; hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , THREW AWAY HIS CANES. Mr. D. Wiley , ex-postmaster , Black Creek , . V. , was so badly afflicted with rheumatism hat he was only able to hobble around with anes , and even hen it caused him great pain. lfter using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was o much improved that he threw away his anes. He says this liniment did him more pod than all other medicines and treatment ut togther. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by 1cConnell&Co.LJ Z L i j k. 1 - 4 Ii { . - S I : r r 1 4 i . , Sf for Infants and Children. r "Castoria lsso wef adapted to chfdren that 1 recommend it as superior toany pres riptlon known to me. " H. A. Anensa , DI. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. "The use of ' Castorla' Is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work oe supererogation to endorse ft. Few arotho intelligent families who do not keep CaStorla within easy reach. " CAar os MAItTYN , D. D. , p. New York City , i TIIE CExmua CoMPA\'Y , 7 MunndY STREET , NEw YenS CITY. i _ \ ; % , ; : : : : : : : ; , a t i LS : ) , P' ' , r ' a ti A _ t . , . . u..t t I : . . . . x L.t : . a. 1 , . r Up Galtr i - - - . . 10 000. J LZrp ua1 - - - - - . r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. D.tai ! . _ Ili ERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ; ellectlono Marla cn all ACCessflIcy Poai : . Drafts Iha'teu on all L r illei jal Cities or i:11rope. 't'axes [ 'aid f 1'or Nou-I.sitteuts. j T. JL'kMJ h r .Ja11e i - - OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBEi'I' , Cashier. x CItrE i 4) iENTs-The : First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. This 'hetnical National Bank , New York City. F. D. BURGESS , Pkmiber MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim. sings. Agent for Lialliday , Eclipile and Waupun Wind ! ! fill. , T9ttFannugleeaeaycures quicieiypermnneneiyutl T C t nervous dteases , Weak Nuuory. Luss of Br.An Purser , headache , Wukefuhess , Lust Vitality , Nlghtly Erma. atom , evil dreams , Impotency and wasting diseases caused by . . , - J outhJulerrors or ertossea. 'oaln snoophates. Is a aonte k Cyr s ' ? ; andbioodbalider. Makestlopaleandpunystron , andplu ; p. EasllycarrledinvestpockeLS1perbosl1forSu. , rn f paid , withawrittentruaranteeormortrprefaniIed. i nte + llcat boot : , sealed plain wrapper , with testtmontals ucd . I ' -.Wnnancialstanding.Norharge oremtsultaUone..nwareoD4mur.- ' I..Afl. 7,1Lar , ihsma : , ( ions. Sold bruuraccntsornddrcsyaELi SEED CO.'IumleXewplecSleasa ForsalelnMcCooCNeb.byL. W. McDONNELL & CO. . Druggists. . 1 l oudedAbstract8r1 _ B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. 1 . . + t-MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . . . b1UStCAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. Studio-Corner of Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Collections , Insurance MCCooK. NEBRASKA. Notary Public. East Dennison street. AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY A T LAW M0000R , NEBRASKA. . ih 'Office-Over the Famous clothing store. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW lJICCooK , NEBRASKA. 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. W. V. GAGE , PIIVSICIAN AN t ) SURGEON IICCOoK , NEBRASKA. 'Office hours-9 to I I a. in. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mc000K , NEBRASKA. 7 Office-Over C. A.Leach's jewelry store. Residence-lot Main street. Prompt attention - tion given to all calls. J. B. BALLARD , p DENTIST. p All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinof Crown , Bridge and Plate Work Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. " ' I . Castorla cures Colic. Consti1atfon , y" , r f I Sour Stomach , Dlarrhaea , Eructation , Kills Worms , gives sleeP , and promotes dl. Jt' ' gestion , Without injurious medication. "For several years I lwvo recommended 'Castoria , ' and shall always continuo to dose so , as it has invariably produced beneficial results. " . Enwix F. PARDEE , M. D. , l2th Street and 7th Ave. , Now York City. Plenty of Apples at Kili ple's. i' 1' , I R I P A N'S a L. - ' w - The modern stand- w and Family Medi- : Cures the to - 1 w ' common every-Gay " ' ills of humanity. w rnaac , z eAy 0 ' 9B 0 Maaat tJ t C iase Cot Land a Jve Stock Co , . ; , S " 1 / r , . , -.r , X , ' ' _ r Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. o. address Imperial Chase county , and Beat t - . rice. Nebraska. itange. . i1 r . y j Stiakinir Water and the k 'FA'1 Frenchman creeks , in . ; ' . - Chnse county. Nebraska. t Brand as cut on side of some arimalson hip and skies of some , Or anywhere - where on thN animal. _ _ _ _ _ _ R. A COLE t LEADING 1EROHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , Has just received a new stock of CLOTHE nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting ting suit made at the verylowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door 'west F. of street Barnette Lumber Office , on Denalio * . ! lr