The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1896, Image 8
s N T f e vvvv.vvvv . .UII1t ENTxuE STOCK OF. . . 0 liaPness Collars Saddles ' , , , ; flridles Halters Pads 4 , , , , ' = STRAPS OF ALL KINDS , + Your Own Price ! t. 0.0 .10 Come an e our prices before buying. II 1i i Poll er - t1 , , a Prop. t . 1-IE . 5 i , I. PAIJK K Ji i h Authorized Capital $100,000 4 . Capitalandsurplus 60000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. . CEO. HOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , President. V. President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. / _ IN OF AL ' , fl " L ' ' 1 . 'T'HE E57 J r ) ° 1 - e D Y - I f J r' STUNS LE f T 0 R tP1A 5hfp h Sf RPAS ED ATERl ! Tf E FINEST ; 1iY E , ODELS t ti dEIGkITS IS TO 25 pOU11D , s pa1CE5a5. , TO 100 : ' 1 VERY 1ACN1tiEFuLLY GUARANTEED CATAt9OUE SENTFOR P.lO CENfjITArif ? : 7t1APth , tLAt1O C ! l FIA1N OFFICE A11 D FACT4RY'LA1tE f1A 5TED aT5 RETAIL .SALEbROQM 280 # IAI aSH # i AVE . FA9TLRNW.4REHOUSe 97-gD-READS 5f. , NE1J'YoRK . . _ PORTLAND .N - oAfa rn riU W 5 a L r Lahr a 1'Y . . , ; C F. D. BURGESS Fitter. : MAIN AVENUE , Mc000K , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim ains. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. T1 Famou' 1 e tieay cures gmcsiy , permanentiy ur i t i - , nervous diseases , Weak Memory , Less of Brain Yower , j t Headache , Wakefulness , Lost vtauty. Nightly Emisi I ' - et0ns , evil dreams , Impotency and wasting diseases caused by . gouthfuierrors or excesses. Contalns no opiates. Is a nerve tonic T andb1oodbutlder. illakesthepaloand tree rand Ium . , Ea ll cnrrfedlnvestpocket.f5iperbox , arye 6. Bpm ntl .pr tMYw t paid , wUhawrUtcnpunranteeormoneyrefnrded. Wrlteusfree t medteal book , sealed plain wrapper , with testimonials and . . . . . , roeharge orennstiltationa. . , Beware of , imita . ° ansr. iwust.a Ult. ) oust. Uons.Saldbyoaraeataaradd ssEW'ESFEDCO.DtasoakTempleChIu o. ForsaleinMcCookNeb.byL. W. 3ICDONNELL & CO. . Druggists. kEPtD a f. n t o . . The Leading Weekly .n f West1 . . 1 r em n Nebraska s 0 0r 0f : $15O A YEAR IN ' .ADvANcE1 t + . ' . - Death of an Old Settler. Mrs. C. A. Wallin , wbo resided on a farm four miles east of McCook for several - , eral years , and the mother of William A I and G. E.Vallin , died at her home in Paxton , Ford county , Illinois , at five o'clock on the morning of February Ist , x8g6 , of la grippe. She was 75 years , 3 moths and 25 days old , and being naturally - urally feeble at her age and with la grippe it was impossible for her to rally. In later years she had more than her share of trouble , but she is at rest now. The funeral was held at the Swedish Lutheran church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock , Rev. Olson officiating , and the remains were interred in Glen cem- etery. Yours truly , G. E. WALLIN. Paxton , Ill. , Feb. 5 , 1896. Successful Soiree. The "Grand Soiree" held in the Meeker - er building on Wednesday evening , was a great success in points of attendance , pleasure and profit , and the Ladies' Guild may congratulate themselves upon the same. The sum of 25 cents entitled one to participate in the light fantastic , drive away dull care with cards , enjoy the exhlerating extravaganza , partake of the excellent refreshments at hand , and have an enjoyable time generally. And many were on hand to enjoy every opportunity offered. A Brigade Band Concert. The Nebraska Brigade hand gave another - other of their peerless concerts , Wednesday - day evening , in the castle hall of Willow Grove lodge , before the knights , their families and friends. It was greatly enjoyed - joyed and thoroughly appreciated by all. Below we give the PROGRAMME. March-Chicago Evening Post..Fassett Overture-Bronze 1-Iorse . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Auber Clarionet Solo-Sonambula. . . E. S. Thornton Mr. G. R. Snyder. Waltz-On the Beautiful Rhine . . .Keler-Bela Characteristic Piece-Goblins'Frol icF.O'Neil l Hungarian National Dances. . . . . . . . Meyrelles Resolution of Thanks. . At a meeting of the Official board of the Methodist church of McCook , Nebraska - braska , held on Wednesday evening , Iebruary 5th , 1896 , the following resolution - tion was offered : REsoLvEd , That we publicly tender our sincere thanks to J. A. Wilcox & Son for the $50 in gold received from them through their premium contest. Signed : OFFICIAI. BOARD. E. L. ROHLF , Secretary. Special Programme. The Star of Jupiter lodge announces a special and interesting programme for the meeting on next Monday evening , and the entertainment committee urges a full attendance upon the members. Married. At the home of the bride's parents , 602 Manchester avenue , McCook , on February 1st , 1896 , Mr. George Rasnrus- son and Miss Elnora Dinnil , H. H. 13er- ry officiating. Wantto Exchange 170 acres good , clear land for So acres good , clear land near McCook , well im- proved. Also good bicycle or horses for good buggy or cattle. Call at this of- fice. Fine Young Steers for Sale. 250 head of fine young steers for sale. Address W. E. Echols at Fort Morgan or Brush , Colorado , for particulars. If hisground hogship failed to see his own shadow , Sunday , it was his own fault , and we wash our hands of all further responsibility in the matter. . If you take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. The adjuster for the Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool , England , put in an appearance - pearance , last night-the first of the scene. They have the policy on building damaged , Tuesday night. a The Pioneer Hardware is going to do business in the harness line if prices count for anything. See announcement - nouncement in another column , and call and get their cut prices before buying nything in the harness line. "At yours wn price" is the motto given. The following officers of the McCook Irrigation and Water Power Co. were t t chosen , WednesdaY , atthe annual meete ng held in this city : C. A. Hanna , pres- dent ; A. Campbell , vice president ; Geo. Hocknell , treasurer ; C. H. Meeker , secretary - retary and manager ; W. S. Morlan , at- orney. S. A. Osborn , a stockholder , of Deliver , was present at the meeting. i Plenty of App h-ltll)1)le's . Try that 15 cent box paper at THE T1tiIEUniE office. Worth 5 cis. , Also cheaper grades.b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that the following- amed settler has filed notice of his intention make final proof in support of his claim , - nd that said proof will be made before Reg- ter or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on uesday , March 10th , iS96 , viz. : DANIEL H. ti [ ONTGOMERY , H. E. No. 9,716 , for the oath half southwest quarter southwest quarter outheast quarter section 20 , township 5 , north f range 30 , west of 6th P. M. He names the ollowmg witnesses to prove his continuous esidence upon and cultivation of , said land and , viz. : Elijah Beebe and Joseph Allen of Osborn. Nebraska , George Brown of Culbert- on , Nebraska , John Hess of. Zimmer. C 131.6t. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. S . - ' , I- l ( STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION . . .OF TIE. . . . McCook Co-Operative Building and Savings Association , OF Mc000K. NEIIRASKA , On the 31st day of December , 1895. ASSETS. First Mortgage Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3S46 85 Loans secured by Mock of this Association - sociation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 00 Real Estate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,259 53 Sale Certificates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 74 Cash with Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,469 53 Delinquent Assessments. . . . . . . . . . . . S Delinquent Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13S 40 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,318 93 LIABILITIS. Capital Stock , paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , o8 Premiums Unearned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,3-1102 Prepaid Assessments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ; 00 Prepaid Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 50 Contingent Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34153 Interest , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9t 90 Unpaid 1Vithdrawals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,4g5 90 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,31893 STATE OF NEBRASKA , . COUNTY OF REnViu.Ow , 55. I , F. A. Pennell , Secretary of the above- named Association , do solemnly swear that the foregoing Statement of the condition of said Association , is true and correct , to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. A. PENNELL , Seretary. Subscribed and sworn tie before methis 17th day of January , :896. C. F. BAnCOCK , Notary Public. Commission expires January 31st , 1900. Approved : 1' . B. CAMPBELL , , FRANK tARRIS ! , Directors. J. F. GANscuow , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office al McCook , Nebraska , January q , :896. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing-named settler has tiled notice f his intention to make final roof in support of his claim and that said roof will be made before register or receiver at McCook , Nebraska - braska , on 1VednesdayMarch 4th , IS9 , viz : John Garlick , who made homestead entry number 1o:9S , for the west half of the southwest - west quarter , section 2 , township 5 north , range 29 west , 6th principal meridian. Ile names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Santford Goddard of Mc- Cook , Nebraska , John B. llarrison , James Zider , John F. Garlick , of Quick , Nebraska. I-o-6ts. A. S. CAMI'li1.L , Register. TIMBER CULTURE , FINAL. PROOF-NOTICE FOR l'UlILICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , January 7 , :896. Notice is hereby given that John ( Jarlick has filed notice of intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office ut McCook , Nebraska , on 1ednesday , the 4th day of N arch , 1S96 , on timber culture application No. 5,499 , forthe east half of the southwest quarter of section number 2 , in township number 5 north , range number 29 west. I-Ie names the as witnesses : Santford Goddard of McCook , Nebrr aka , John B , llarrison , James Zider , John F. Gar- lick , of Quick , Aebraska. I-IO.6tS. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. TIitBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF-NOTICE FOR Pw:1.LCATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska - raska , January 9th , 1896. Notice is hereby given that JAMES KELLY has filed notice of intcution to make final proof before Register - ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Thursday , the 2d day of April , I&,6 , on timber culture application o. 5471 , for the northwest quarter of section No. 23 , In township - ship No. 4 , N. , range No. 30 , west. I Ic names as witnesses : John B. Smith , Henry Siinmennan , William H. Epperly , Thomas Ryan , nil of Mc- Look , Nebraska. I-17-6t. A. S , CAJiPBEI.t. , Register. I DON'T TODACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling tide of a book about No-To-Bac , the harmless , guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- Ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by drnggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York . . . or Chicago. a-19.95-Iyr. 7Sold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their best friends and take pleasure iii supplying them ss ith the best goods obtainable. As an instance we i' ention Perry : Cameron , prominent druggists of Flushing , 3lichigan. ' ; hey say : "We have no hesitation - tion in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to our customers , as it is the best cough medicine we have ever sold , and always gives satisfaction" . For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by L. W. McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. For a pain in the chest a piece of flannel lampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound ou over the seat of the pain , and mother on the back between the shoulders , viii afford prompt relief. This is especially vnluable in cases where the pain is caused by cold and there is a tendency toward pneu- monia. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. Chi ldren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Not a few who read what Mr. Robert Rowls of llollands , Va. has to say below , will remember - member their own experience under like cir- CnnlStaiICeS : "Last winter I had la grippe thick left Ire in a low state of health. I tried numerous remedies , none of which did me any rood , until I was induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The first bot- le of it so far relieved me that I was enabled o attend to my work , and the second bottle ffected a cure" . For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by L. 1Y. McConnell & Co. WANTED-Regular corresponcl- ents for THE TIlIBuNE at Daliburv , Bw : Elder , Lebanon , Cedar Bluffs , and other unrepresented localities n this vicinity. Write for terms and full particulars. W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON M000OK , NEBRASKA. 'Office hours-q to ii a. m. , 2 to 5 and to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National ank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNK , PHSrSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCooi , NEBRASKA. 'Office-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence-701 Main street. Prompt attent t on given to all calls. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. 0 All dental work done at our office is gu ar- nteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith Bellamy , assistants. R _ - - - - - - - - - f- . , - T--------- - ' - d - - 9l e ' 1 i I e t t Whatis i , Castoria is Dr. Samuel' Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor , other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allay feverishness. Castorla presents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic , Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipatic'n and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tllo food , regulates the stomach . ; and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torit is the Children's Panacea-rho Mother's Friend. ! Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent rnelicino for chil iron. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its ; oed eflect upon their children. " D : : . G. C. Osooon , Lowell , Mass. 'C storia Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not fair distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria in- .read of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Dn. J. F. Kn cnw , Conway , Ark. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperlortoany preserlption known to me. " . H. A. ARCn n , 31. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N , Y. "Our physicians In the children's department - ment have spoken highly of their experience enco ht their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with ' favor upon It" UNTED HOSPITAL : . , - bISi'ENSIRY , Boston , Mass. ALLEY C. Smrn , Pres. , The Centaur Company , T7 Murray Strout , Now York City. - l + l - - - - - - - y " g , , j S , i i , of M6GooRt i : \ . ' ' ' ' . . . t \iUa Ui.l'i'Etl U\I1LIt 5'.LT.i LAtiYd. + 1 Paid Up Capital , - - - - $50,000. Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000. I 1 Z 1 7 I T , I Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all . Principal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. ' T1l eke or ab eosit tie E trope i OF : F1ICERS. 1 V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EPERT Cashier. Con1tE PoxnixTs--'lie ! First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The 'hernical National Bank , New York City. ci ! . 0 . LIME , HARD OIMEN'il' : i ' AND NI1D0 DOORS , LUMPEkM SOFT ! BLINDS. COAL. t e . ) o ( POSTS. .t r.t U. J. WARREN , Manager. l l . oiidedAbstracter1 _ B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. . .MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . . . . . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIAL ] ' . ° Studio-Corner of Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate Collections Insurance' MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. Notary Public. East Dennison street. AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LAW MCCOOE , NEBRASKA. 'Office-Over the Famous clothing store. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-1 ear of First National bank. , Caase t Co. land and Live Stock Co , I' r 1 ll l 1 1L Rll horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. O. ddress Imperial I Chase county , and Beat rice , Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and the r Frenchman creeks , In ilfr Chase county , Nebraska. Brand as cut on sldeof someanimalsouhlpand sides of some. or anywhere - where on the animal. - , II ' I R A. COLE : sl iti LEADING MERCHAN.T TAILOR ' % II , OF MCCOOK ( V Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS tad TRIMMINGS. If you want a good ntr ting suit made at the very lowest priced for l f good work , call on him. Shop first door west { et Barnett' . Lumber Office , on Donnlaos i r street ' yr - Z t A'