The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1896, Image 7
_ _ . _ . . ti i t H - . 1 An , Easter Way. No , said the elder ] y lad "I dot I think that woman is ancing ti h 'right way. She is getting to a p of where she is liable to be imnosi upon. " ' 'Don't you think she ought tovote "of course i she can't do any be ter. But in ms younger cla y s a wo m. ) i made up her mind how she tvantad vote cast , and sent her husband to ti polls to cast it , while she stayed home and busied herself with who i ever she thought proper. ! 'hat's wh I call tivolnan's . " s rights.--Washingtc Star. il. A Canal Clinked up Ts practically useless. The human orgy I' Ism Is provided with a canal which nom 1 timesbecomeschoked u , namely , the hoi F o1H , thirongli which much of the effete a1 waste matter of the system eceape4. WIi they are obstructed-constlpatedIn nth l words-tfostetior's Stomach Bitters will r ] lave ahem elrectually but without pal . and institute a regular habit of body. lh t niedicho also remedies malarial , blltot oyspe'rtic ' , ncctunath. nervous and kidnl f : trouble , and strengthens the entire systet a rotatn PanrakcN. , Boil six medium-sized potatoes salted water until thoroughly Cooke 1 wash them and set aside to cool ; the i add three tvell beatcn eggs , a quart i , milk and flour enough to make a pa. . I cake batter. Bake quickly on a wel ? , ' greased griddle and serve very hot. I There is more Catarrh In this settle I of the country than all other diseasE ( put together , and until the last fee r years was supposed to be incurabl ! Fora great many Years doctors pre ; nounced It a .o al dl ease , and pr1 r scribed local remedies , and by constan ly failing to cure with local treatmen , pronounced it Incurable. Science ha j proven Catarrh to be a constitutions disease , and therefore requires const tutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarr 1 Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney , Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the only constitt tional cure on the market. It is take internally , in doses from ten drops tel l % teaspoonful. It acts directly on tin blood and mucous surfaces or the sys tern. They offer One Hundred Dollar for any case it fails to cure. Send fc I - , ; circulars and testimonials. Address , F. J. CHEN : Y & CO. , Toledo , 0. t 1 Sold by druggists ; ? 5c. c hall's Family Pills , 25c. lc-o can only do our Lest when we ai ' sure we are right. BETTER WALK A MILE than fate to get a 5-cent package of Cut an ; Slash smoking tobacco if you want I enjoy a real good smoke. Cut an Slash cheroets are as good as man 5-cent cigars , and you get three for ' ' r' cents. Sure to please , 1 The farmers' rivals in making hay whi F f the sun shines are plumbers and dentists. I TimE GENUINE BitowN'S BIxoNcuIAL Till d ES" are sold only in boles. They ax 'wonderfully effective for Coughs an Throat Troubles. f Many of the hostsocial Iositionsat a fille t by underbred People. I It the Baby Is Cutting Teetn. I Be sure and usa that oid and well-tiled remedy , Mr < e Ls5iow's Soorui a STroi for Children Teething. I Many a man whose hands are busy has loafers head. ( ' Co&a Cough Balsam I Is the oldest and best. It will break up a Coki qutel ertLanaaSthingelse. Itlaaiwaysrellable. Tryt ' 1 Rain for the complexion is most benof cia ! . 1 COLORADO GOLD JUNES. ! If you are interested in gold minis ; or wish to keep posted regarding th S wonderful strides being made in Colc I' rado , it will pay you to send fifty cent for a years subscription to The Gel I Miner , an illustrated monthly pape , published at Denver. .l .lt t Near y 60 per cent of Premature death c can Lo traced to excess of strong drink. ' 1 Piso's Cnro tor Consumption is the be t of all cough cures.-Georgo W , Lotz , Fabt , cher , La. August 2t , IS i . F I fine slightest material these days make 1 fashionable scandal of longest duration. I ; 'I IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT t DES MOINES , January 23.-Patent have been allowed to Iowa inventors a follows : To L. J. Stanley , of Harlan for a brake for bicycles adapted to b advantageously operated by the rider' I foot. To Rev. J. D. Moore , of Atlantic for a gravity door lock in which th latch is sliaped and pivoted in such ; manner that it will be retained in it normal position by its own weight ( To L. L. Edwards , of Lortmor , for ai ' armored mitten specially adapted fo handling barbed wire and odic objects that have sharp points Valuable information about obtaining ) i j valuing and selling patents sent Ire rg to any address. Printed copies of tlr drawings and specifications of any on United States patent sent upon receip of 25 cents. THOMAS G. e cn J. BALPIr Onwlo , Solicitors of Patents. Some n 'emcn and their Amerieni wives' money are- soon alienated. 1 ( IIIGII PRICE FOIL POTATOES. The John A. Salzer Seed Co. , L : Crosse , Wis. , pay high prices for no ] things. They recently paid $300 for ) yellow rind watermelon , $1,000 for 31 rx- bu. new oats , $300 for 100 lbs. of pots I toes , etc. , Eitc. ! Well , prices for pota i , ' toes will be high next fall. Plant t plenty , Mr. Wideawake ! You'll mak money Salzer's Earliest are fit to ea 1 in 2S days after planting. His Cham pion of the World is the greatest yielder e' ' on earth and we challenge you to pro duce its equal. t 1 If you will send 14 cents in stampp to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , L Crosse , Wis. , you will get , free , ter packages grains and grasses , includini Teosrnte , SpurrY Giant Incarnat Clover , etc. , and our mammoth cata t' ' Iogue. Catalogue 5e. for mailing. wn Metropolitan rociety 'will Le more misce I aneous this winter than ever. Hosts of people go to work fa the wrong way to care a ' Sprain , . : Soreness , QR ; , rt Stiffness , When ST. JACOBS OIL T woaldcure isheriSintWY , right off. ' ! ii e A AG S I l THEPOWEROF EXAMPLE" LAS SUNDAY'S THEME. Golden Text : "And Abimelech Took a Axe In Ills Nand and Cut Down Bough from the Troae and Laid It c Sit Shotadon"-Jud. lx , t& BIMELECH is c name maladorot J in Bible histor ; and yet full of pro f,41 57fJ 1table \ ) suggestiol Buoys are blae and uncomely , bl they tell where ti rocks are. Tl snake's rattle hideous , but gives timely wart ing. From the piazza of my sun mer home , night by night , I sa a lighthouse fifteen miles awa : not placed there for adornmcn but to tell mariners to stand off frog that dangerous point. So all the trot bound coast of moral danger is marke with Saul , and Herod , and Ilehoboan and Jezebel , and Abimelech. These ba people are mentloned in the Bible nc only as warnings , but because ther were sometimes flashes of good conduc in their lives worthy of imitation. Go sometimes drives a very straight na with a very poor hammer. The city of Shechem had to be taker and Abimelech and his men were to d it. I see the dust rolling up from the ] excited march. I hear the shouting c the captains and the yell of the beseig ers. The swords clack sharply on th parrying shields , and the vociferatto of two armies in death grapple Is hot rible to hear. The battle goes on a' ' day ; and as the sun is setting Abimc Lech and his army cry : "Surrender ! to the beaten foe. And , unable longe to resist , the city of Shechem falls ; an there are pools of blood and dissevere limbs , and glazed eyes looking up be gingly for mercy that war never show : and dying soldiers with their head o ; the lap of mother , or wife , or sister who have come out for the last office of kindness and affection ; and a groa rolls across the city , stopping not , be cause there is no spot for it to rest , s full is the place of other groans. city wounded ! A city dying ! A cit ; dead ! Wail for Shechem , all ye wh know the horrors of a sacked town , As I look over the city , I can find one ; one building standing , and that is th temple of the god BerIth. Some sol diers outside of the city in a towel finding that they can no longer defen Shechem , now begin to look out fo their own personal safety , and they fl ; to this temple of Berith. They go with in the door , shut it , and they say : "Not we arc safe. Abimelech has taken th whole city , but he cannot take this tern pie of Berith. Here we shall be undo the protection of the gods. " 0 Berith the god ! do your best now for these ref ogees. If you have eyes , pity them If you have hands , help them. If yol have thunderbolts , strike for them But how shall Abimelech and his arm : take this temple of Berith and the men who are here fortified ? Will they d it with sword ? Nay. Will they do i with spear ? Nay. With battering ram , rolled up by hundred-armel strength crashing against the walls' Nay. Abimelech marches his men ti a wood in Zalmon. With his axe hi hews off a limb of a tree , and puts tha limb upon his own shoulder , and then he says to his men : "You do the same. ' They are obedient to their commander There is a struggle as to who shall have axes. The whole wood is full of bend lug boughs , and the crackling and the hacking , and the cutting , until every one of the host has the limb of a tree cut down , and not only that , but lea : put it on his shoulder just as Abimeleci showed him how. Are these men al armed with the tree branch ? The re ply comes "All armed : And the3 march on. Oh , what a strange army with that strange equipment ! The3 come up to the foot of the temple at Berith , and Abimelech takes his limb o a tree and throws it down ; and the firs ) platoon of soldiers come up and they throw down their branches ; and the second platoon , and the third , until al' tround about the temple of Berith therE Ls a pile of tree branches. The Shech smites look out from the window of the Lemple upon what seems to them childish - ish play on the part of their enemies , But soon the flints .re struck , and the ; parks begin to kindle the brush , and : he flame comes up all through the pile ; rnd the red elements leap to the case- nent , and the woodwork begins tc blaze , and one arm of flame is thrown Ip on the right side of the temple , and mother arm of flame is thrown up on Line left side of the temple , until they : lasp their lurid palms under the wild sight sky , and the cry of "Fire ! " with- n , and "Fire ! " without , announces the : error , and the strangulation , and the loom of the Shechemites , and the corn- lete overthrow of the temple of the ; od BerIth. Then there went up a shout , long and loud , from the stout ungs and swarthy chests of Abimelech tnd his men , as they stood amid the tshes and the dust crying : "Victory ! rictory ! " Now I learn first from this subject , ; he folly of depenFling upon any one 'orm ' of tactics in anything we have , to lo for this world or for God. Look verthe weaponry of olden times jave- ins , battle-axes , habergeons , and show ne a single weapon with which Abim- llech and his men could have gained uch complete triumph. It is. no easy sting to take a temple thus armed. I rave seen a house where ; during revo- utionary times , a man and his wife : ept back tt whole regiment hour after tour , because they were inside the Louse , and the assaulting soldiers were utside the house. Yet hero Abimelech ud his army come up , they xurround - . jjjjjj- I' this temple , and they capture it wit't out the loss of a single man on the pa of Abimelech , although I suppose son of the old Israelittsh heroes told Abir elech : "You are only going up there be cut to pieces. " Yet you are willir to testify to-day that by no other mot -certainly not by ordinary modes could that temple so easilysothorongh have been taken.Fathrs . and ers , brethren and sisters in Jesl Christ , what the Church most wants learn , this day , is that any plan Is righ is lawful , is best , which helps to eve throw the temple of sin , and captiu this world for God. We are very al to stIclt to the old modes of attac. We put on the old-style coat of ma We come up with the sharp , keen , gli tering spear of argument , expecting i that way to take the castle ; but the have a thousand spears where we ha ten. And so the castle of sin staid Oh , my friends , we will never captui this world for God by any keen sabl of sarcasm , by any glittering lances u rhetoric , by any sapping and minin of profound disquisition , by any gun powdery explosions of indignation , 1 sharpshootings of wit , by howitzers I mental strength made to swing she five miles , by cavalry horses gorgeous ] caparisoned pawing the air. In vai all the attempts on the part of the ecclesiastical foot soldiers , light hors ] men and grenadiers. itIy friends. I propose a different sty ] of tactics. Let each one go to thin foi est of God's promise and invitation , an hew down a branch and put it on h' ' shoulder , and let us all come aroun these obstinate iniquities , and the with this pile , kindled by the fires c holy zeal and the flames of a consEcrated crated life , we will burn them on What steel cannot do , fire may. An I announce myself in favor of any pla of religious attack that succeeds-an plan of religious attack , however rad cal , however odd , however unpopular however hostile to all the convention alities of Church and State. If on style of prayer does not do the wort let us try another. .If the. Chart music of to-day does not get the vic tory , then let us make the assault wit a backwoods chorus. If a prayer-meet ing at half past seven in the evenin does not succeed , let us have one a early In the morning as when the angE found wrestling Jacob too much fo him. If a sermon with the three au thorized heads does not do the' worl then let us have a sermon with twent heads , or no beads at all. We wan more heart in our song , more heart 1 : our almsgiving , more heart in ou prayers , more heart in our preaching Still further , I learn from this sub ject the power of example. If Abim elech had sat down on the grass , an told his men to go and get the bough : and go out to the battle , they woul never have gone at all , or if they had it would have been without any spin ) or effective result ; but when Abimelecl goes with his own axe and hews dow ] a branch , and with Abimelecx's arm puts it on Abimelech's shoulder , an marches on , then , my text says , al the people did the same. How natura that was. What made Garibaldi an Stonewall Jackson the most magneti commanders of the century ? They al ways rode ahead. Oh , the overwhelm Lng power of example ! Here is a fathe on the wrong road ; all his boys go m the wrong road. Here is a father wln enlist for Christ ; his children enlist 1 saw in some of the picture gallerie of Europe , that before many of thi great works of the masters-tlne oil masters-there would be sometime : four or five artists taking copies of tits pictures. These copies they are goinf to carry with them , perhaps to distant Lands ; and I have thought that you Life and character are a masterpiece end it is being copied , and , long after you are gone it will bloom or blast 11 he homes of those who knew you , ani ee a Gorgon or a Madonna. Look oil what you say. Look out what yet lo. Eternity will hear the echo. The Best sermon ever preached is a holy ife. The best music ever chanted it t consistent walk. If you want others .o serve God , serve him yourself. h roil want others to shoulder their duty shoulder yours , Where Abimelech ; oes his troops go. Oh , start out fox neaven to-day , and your family will ; ome after you , and your business as- ociates will come after you , and your oocal friends will join you. With one ) ranch of the tree of life for a baton , narshal just as many as you can to- ; ether. Oh , the infinite , the semi-om- lipotent power of a good or bad exam- Ile ! Still further , I learn from this sub- ect the advantage of concerted action. f Abimelech had merely gone out with . tree-branch the work would not have een accomplished , or if ten , twenty , or hirty men had gone ; but when all the xes are lifted and all the sharp edges all , and all these men carry each his ree-branch down and throw it about he temple , the victory is gained-the emple falls. My friends , where there s one man in the Church of God at his day shouldering his whole duty , here are a great many who never lift n axe or swing a bough. It seems to ae as if there were ten drones in every Live to one busy bee ; as though there rere twenty sailors sound asleep in the hip's hammocks to four men on the tormy deck. It seems as if there were fty thousand men belonging to the re- erve corps , and only one thousand ctive combatants. Oh , we all want ur boats to get over to the golden ands ; but the most of us are seated Ither in the prow or in the stern , crapped in our striped shawl , holding big-handled sunshade , while others re blistered in the heat , and pull until be oar-locks groan , and the blades end till they snap. Oh'you religious eepy-heads , wake up ! You have lain 1 long in one place that the ants and tterpillars have begun to crawl over on ! What do you know ; my brother , bout a living Gospel made to storm the t I1 ) world ? A'ow'my Idea of a Christie is a man on flre with zeal for God ; at if your pulse ordinarily beats six ] times a minute when you * iink of othl themes , and talk about other themes , your pulse does not go up to sevent : five or eighty when you come to tal about Christ and heaven , it is becaw you do not know the one , and have poor chance of getting to the other. In a former chargeone SundayI too into the pulpit the church records , an I laid them on the pulpit and opens them , and said : "Brethren , here al the church records. I find a grel many of you whose names are dow here are off duty. " Some were afrai I would read the names , for at that tire some of them were seep in the won kind of oil stocks , and were Idle as 1 Christian work. But if ministers c Christ to-day should bring the churc records into the pulpit and read , of what a flutter there would be ! Then would not be fans enough in church i keep the cheeks cool. I do not kno but it would be a good tiling if tine mit inter on ; a in a while should bring tb church records in the pulpit and ca the roll , for that is what I considc every church record to be-merely muster-roll of the Lord's army ; and tll reading of it should reveal where ever soldier is and what he is doing. Still further , I learn from tints sul jest the danger of false refuges. A soon as then Shechemites got into th temple , they thought they were safe They said : "Berith will take care c us. Abimelech may batter dojo everything else ; he can not batter dow this temple where we are now hid. But very soon they heard the timber crackling , and they were smothere with smoke , and they miserably die ) I suppose every person in this audienc this moment is stepping , into some kin cf refuge. Here you step in tine tows of goad works. You say : "I slnail b safe in this refuge. " The battlement are adorned ; the steps are varnished on the wall are pictures of all the ant fering you have alleviated , and all th schools you have established , and al the fine things you have done. Up ii that tower you feel you are safe. Bu hear you not the tramp of your unpar doned sins all around the tower ? The ; each have a match. You are kindlin ; the combustible material. You fee the heat and the suffocation. Oh , ma ; you leap in time , the Gospel declaring By the deeds of the law shall no fiesl livingbe justified : "Well , " you say , "I have been drivel out of that tower ; where shall I go ? ' Step into this tower of indifferencE You say : "If this tower is attacked , I will be a great while before it is taken. ' You feel at ease. But there is an Abim elecln , with ruthless assault , coming on Death and his forces are gatherin ; around , and they demand that you sun render everything , and they clamor fo your overthrow , and they throw tlne ] skeleton arms in the window , and wit ] their iron fists they beat against th' ' door , and while you are trying to keel them out you see the torches of judg ment kindling , and every forest is torch , and every mountain a torch , am every sea a torch , and while the Alps and Pyrenees , and Himalayas turn inti a live coal , blown redder and redder b : the whirlwind breath of a God omnipo tent , what will become of your refuge of lies ? "But , " says some one , "you are en gaged in a very mean business , driving us from tower to tower. " Oh , no ! I wane Lo tell you of a Gibraltar that never ha : been and never will be taken ; of r wall that no Satanic assault can scale of a bulwark that the judgment earth , pialces cannot budge. The Bible re ) ers to it when it says : "In God is thy refuge , and underneath thee are the everlasting arms. " Oh ! fling your- ; eif into it. Tread down unceremoniously - iously everything that intercepts you , Wedge your way there. There are enough hounds of death and peril after you to make you hurry. Many a man inas perished just outside tine tower , with his foot on the step , with his band ) n the latch. Oh ! get inside. Not ) ne surplus second have you to spare , Buick ! quick ! quick ! WELL KNOWNS. Dr. Felix Vulpius , who died in We ! . mar the other day , as the nephew of the wife of Goethe , the poet. He was i3 years old. Ex-Speaker Crisp was not born in thi : : ountry , which explains his temerity fn pandering to considerable distances 'rom ' his cyclone cellar , Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and oth- rs are preparing to write a volume of : omments on texts of the Bible usually : onsidered as hostile to woman in her atter day aspirations. John Rogers' statue of Abraham Lin- : oln , which has been set up in the Man- ; hester ( N. H. ) public library , represents - sents the president as studying a war nap. The figure is one-third larger than ife size. Old Jules Simon is quoted as saying hat the young German emperor speaks ? rench like a Parisian , whereas the first \'apoleon spoke it all his days with an : talian accent , and the third Napoleon with a strong German accent. Lady Florence Dixie is the president ) f the British Ladies' Football club , vhich was founded last year by its presort - ort secretary and captain , Miss Nettie Ioneyball. The members wear divided kirts of blue serge resembling knick- rbockers , and the teams are distin- uislred by wearing blouses of pale blue it of cardinal red. Charles G. Delmonico , the present ) roprietor of the famous dining places , vas not born a Delmonico. His mother vas a sister of the famous Lorenzo Del- norico and married a man named Crist , iy whom she had two sons , Charles Ind Louis. So he present representa- fve of the great Delmonicos was ; harles Crist until , for commercial rea ons , he assumed the better known ame. Sixty-seven years ago the first estaurant bearing the name of Del- monico was opened. The defunct Sherz bank at Meta- nora , Ill. , owes wiuxi0J , and the asp es : may realize d0,000. , w- . . . . . . - . _ , l . 1 . . : , + .v . , d" Y Pc' . : + r t x - ' 1. I 'N. ' ' : I : , e" \ . I ' . . - = - / - \ a o , lslu o O ' lilt ] . . qilli f - - u t-- ( C JU5T BEEN TO THE STORE SEE 4VHAi' GOT FOR 10 CENTS I . The Iargest Deccor tobacco eves so or to cents an t The 5 cps piece is n cap as ar a as you e o other J'gtgrades 0r to t _ cents BFI 4 THE ex , This is Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa s , ; ' 1 ' - - - box-be sure that you don't et an -:9 , YL imitation of it. Sold by Grocers Everyv There. WALTER BAKER & CC , Ltd. , Dorchester , Maz. - - aLi ° ° o o e e o o' ° , ; I n . w s II ) , ° o I ' . , , ( t' i5 c } o rv iy 0o nI ' o o . : o l 1 0 4 agog ooo . ° 1 ° ooooooo ° ° ' r0 ar ta youig D In twelve famiiiar " talks " Dr. Parkhurst , the , , great New fork preacher and nfornier , : vt1l ( , ) address himself to young men. A feature 1 r + ill continue through the year of I 4r nr ti c aes' 3ourna , ONE DOLLAR FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR St it . . ' . . ( ) ( , , OVER 140 GIRLS tiVE RE EDUCATD FREE t ! 1t the best colleges and conservatories tinder the Free (1 ( Educational Plan of THE LADIES' 1-IOME JouRNAL. Every girl has the same chance now for any kind of education she , r > . wants. Not a penny need sino expend. Let her simply write to fi ) the Qurtis Ublishin gompaily , Pbtl deipbra f 11 ; tt , \ . . f' COPYRIGHT , me , eY THE V ' CL'STI9 PUCI tH.O CO.'PA IY y fI ) ' "I firm ty belie : a that Piso's Core kept mo from having ' quick Consumptiow"-3Ir. H. D. DlIL1 : G , L'crvcr ! Meadoyr , : : . Y. , Juno 18,180 , . I , Cures Where All Else Fails. ST COUC3 SYRUP. I TAT S GOOD. USE IN TI % tE. SOT.D BY DRUGGITS , 2 : C . I I , ' If ainicted tsith } Thompstlns Eye Water. sore eyes , nss CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS , Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. IIee In time. Sold bydrugglsts J 1tIorphine Habit Cured in lO Yo 20 dave. No pay till cured. ' 1 DR.J.STEHEtt3LebaronOhio. i i r. S. L' . , OMAHA-C-1 .S9G. , When writing to advertisers , kindly mention this paper. i ail r a