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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1896)
- f . . l : r G p G G VO Mr : Erfr Il. y v' s , . 9) ) ) l J i CHAPTER VL-CosTINCrn.l [ The governor's hoyden daughter had a warm heart under all her careless guise , and she soon had Agnes fed , dressed in a stilt of her own clothes ; and snugly tucked up in bed in her own chamber. The weary girl fell asleep , and when she woke she found it was past sunset and IIelen Fulton was sitting by her pillow , r "Papa has come , " she said ; "so get tip and brush your hair , and let me put this cluster of rosebuds in your curls-papa is not so oltl that he ha : lost all taste for beauty. " Agnes submitted quietly , and was led i down to the library by her young host- , ess. ess.The governor was a tall , well-pre- served man of 45 , with a pleasing address - dress , a keen gray eye , and a fac - ' rather handsome than otherwise. Helen i led Agnes up before him. f "Papa , this Is Miss Agnes Trenholmc of Portlea. She has come here with a special errand to you. " The governor greeted her court- eousl3. "I am pleased to see Miss Trenholme , I know ! Ir. Ralph very well. ' 1'o what -am I Indebted for this agreeable sin'- prise Agnes swallowed iiown the sobs that were rising in her throat by a brave effort. She had wondered what she should say to this man when at last she should get an audience , and now that the time had come she had forgotten everything she had intended to urge. Her courage , so brave and strong , had suhsided to positive weakness. She slipped down to her knees on the rug before him , and burst into tears. "My child , " he said , kindly laying Iris hand on her head , "what means this emotion ? Speak out. Surely you are not afraid of me. " ' "No , but I feel so tired , and so nearly hopeless ! And I dread that you will refuse - fuse me. But you must not' Indeed you must not , for I will take no denial ! I twill stay here at your feet until you grant my request ! " "You forget that you have not made , It. ' "I came to ask so much' of you' 1 have traveled nearly 200 miles alone , braying the displeasure of my friends , and the scorn of the world-I have come to ask you to spare his life-the life of Lynde Graham. " The governor's brow grew dark. 'lima Trenholme , he is a murderer ! " " . stef you he is not ! Never call him thus ! You wrong him. He is innocent. I tell you , before God , that if you let iiim go to the gallows , some time you will repent in dust and ashes the murder - der you yourself have committed ! He never did that dreadful deed. He would not have harmed a single feather of the lowest bird 1n the woods. I do not ask you to pardon him-0 no , I am content with asking his life-a little 'respite from death until God sees fit to bring the real assasin to justice ! " "My poor girl , " he said , sorrowfully , "I regret that this has happened. I pity you , for I suppose you love this unfor- tuaate young man ; but I cannot grant yo'3r regnest. From my soul I believe Lynde Graham guilty ! " "Do not say so. You crush out hope in my heart' 0 , I cannot , cannot go back over that weary road without the paper I want ! Look at me , Governor Fulton. A few little weeks ago I was happy and care free. Now see the change this terrible grief has wrought. Your daughter pities me ; her innocent hc&t feels for me ! You do not know to what strait she may yet be reduced. Be merciful to me as you would want mercy shown to her ! " Helen crept into her father's arms , and laid her soft cheek against his. "Papa , it will not hurt you to let this span live , and it will make her so Happy. I'll go without a new bonnet -this winter , if you'll do what she 'wants. " And she pinched his cheek. "Madcap ! Helen , how can you trifle iso ? " asked the governor , trying to frown. "This is too solemn a thing to jokd upon. I believe that death should be the fate of all murderers. " The face of Agnes grew stern as his 'own. Her voice had a steel-like ring. "And so do I , with my whole soul ! If I thought him guilty , I would not .speak a word to save him. I loved the murdered girl as fondly as I could have loved an own sister , and I would give balf my life to have the real murderer suffer for his crime. But in this case tie law has fastened on the wrong person - son , and a curiously strong chain of circumstantial evidence has so closely wound itself about him , that it ( vas impossible - possible for the jury to do otherwise than convict him. But for all that he is guiltless. Oh , sir , give me a reprieve , if .only for one little year' Many things may be revealed f > i a year. " "It is impossible' " "Only for one year ! 0 , sir , I will not let you go until you yield ! " She looked up into his face , her eyes streaming with tears. Helen stole an arm around his neck. . , "Papa , if you don't let her have th ( paper she wants , I'll never , no , never kiss you nor pull your whiskers again as long as I live ! I swear it by th ( book ! " Insensibly his stern face softened Agnes was watching him closely. Sh ( saw the change , and her heart leapei into her throat. She caught his hand and pressed it to her lips. "You will make me happy ! " she cried Oh , sir , God in heaven bless you ; ani some time you will thank Him that ht taught you mercy in the cause of jus Lice ! " ' The governor rose , put Helen away from him , and drew toward his writ Ing materials. He wrote rapidly a fell moments , signed his name at the bottom tom of the sheet in bold characters , ani affixed the great seal of the state. He then folded the document and gave it into the waiting hands of Ag nes. "There , " he said , "if I have dons wrong , I hope heaven will pardon me but no man in his senses could resist two such women. I have reprievet Lynne Graham for eighteen months and If in that time nothing turns up it his favor , lie shall be executed ! Tak ( it and lose no time. Remember if yet do not reach Portlea by 10 o'clock or Christmas morning , this paper fet which you have dared so much will be a ( lead letter ! " She stooped over hint and touched her lips to his forehead in utter silence Only God knows how mucli at that time she revered Archibald Fulton. The greom brought her horse , fed and refreshed , to the door , and assisted her to the saddle. Helen went out and took her hand. There was a suspicious moisture in the eyes of this wild girl that the damp fogs of night did not put there. "I love you , Miss Trenholme , " she said gently , "I admire so much your courage , and your faith in the man you love. I do hope you will be in time. And some day I mean to know you better , Good-bye. " The groom loosed the rein and through the gloom rider and horse vanished from the sight of Helen Ful- ton. CHAPTER VII. -z\ ov. FULTON needed - 'j ed not to have urg- - ed Agnes to use ex- peditioli' she required - : - quired no incentive to haste , beyond liar I4 A r ) own terrible anxiety - ( ty . The good old stn gentleman bethought - thought himself of his want of gallantry - ry in permitting her to leave alone on so dangerous a journey , soon after - ter she departed , and he immediately dispatched one of the servants on horseback - back to escort her. The man was well mounted and he overtook her a few miles on her way and they rode together - gether until the evening of the 24th , when she dismissed him. She preferred to go on alone. She halted until after midnight to rest her horse , and then set forth. She had seventy-five miles to ride before ten in the morning. Between the hours of ten and two ! The fearful words of the sentence rang constantly in her ears. What if she were not in time ? 0 , what if she were not ? The thought was agony. She urged on her jaded horse by every means in her power. Ten miles from Portlea , it seemed as If the animal was about spent. He trembled , staggered and was about to fall , but Agnes sprang off and soothed and encouraged him with voice and hand , and then by-and- by mounted again and went on.O , , how heavy her heart was ! Despair had almost - most seized her. If Jove gave out , then all was over. She seemed , even then , to hear the jeers of the cruel crowd , the mocking shouts , the heartless laughter. Still her horse staggered on , but his breath came hot and thick , and the foam stood upon his flanks like newlyy fallen snow. She looked at her watch. Half past 10 ! If she should be too late ! The world whirled round before her. There was a great roar in her ears , like the rush of the sea upon the rocky coast. It grew so dark she could not see. She grasped the neck of her horse for support , her confused head falling on the pad of the saddle. Only for a moment. The anxiety within brought her to herself. She looked around her. She was very near Portlea. There were many people mot'- ing to and fro. A great crowd filled the streets. She took a road to the jail yard. The crowd was terribly dense , but Agnes - nes saw nothing save that horrible frame work of timber , raised high above the stone walls of the jail , and standing on the platform , a very prince among them all , the tall , erect form of Lynde Graham ! She was in time ! Her heart swelled almost to bursting. "Yet a little more , Jove , and it is done ! " she cried ; but the poor beast could do no more-he reeled and sank on his knees , with something that sounded like the sigh of a human being - ing in despair. Agnes sprang from the saddle and dashed through the excited crowd. They parted before her , and she reach- eel at last the foot of the scaffold : The 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rope was already adjusted , the carpen ter stood ready , waiting the sheriff' : word to let the drop fall , and the sig nal would 'have been given In another Instant. The voice of Agnes rang out , over ani above all the confused noises of th ( motley gathering : ' A reprievet A reprieve' " She held aloft the paper-they saw the great seal of the state. "A reprieve from the governor , " sh ( said , and fell senseless , even as Shf spoke , into the arms of old Dr. Hudson who rushed forward to receive her. The sheriff read the reprieve aloud and then removing the rope , he led th ( prisoner down the steps of the scaffold In all his cailtivity no one had ever heard Lynde ask a single favor , but now he said to the official : "Grant me this. Miss Trenholme ha : saved me a little longer to life-allow me to pass near enough to her to touch her clothes. " The sheriff stared , but indulged the wish. Graham went up to where site lay , a gread crowd around her , and Dr Hudson and a brother physician applying - plying restoratives , He .stooped down and looked into her face. Oh , how very white anti deathly she looked ! Grahani lifted the soiled mantle she wore , and touched the hem reverently with lih lips. Thou he turned away , and went back to his dreary prison house. Agnes was taken to the residence of Dr. Hudson , and cared for as well a : could be. But she had endured so much , both mentally and physically , that life hung upon a thread , and for days she lay in a stupor so closely resembling death that at times those who watched her could not tell whether or not the breath still lingered. Mrs. Trenholme braved the dispeas- : nre of her son , and came down at once to nurse her , and when , after ten days of stupor , her disease culminated in brain fever of the most violent type , she wrote thus to her son : "Ralph , Agnes is sick unto death. If you could sit beside her as I do , and listen to her unconscious ravings , and through them learn how terribly she had suffered , you would forgive her. Oh , Ralph , by the memory of your dead father , I Implore you to come to us ! "Your Mother. " But Ralph , still haughty and unrelenting - lenting in his cruel pride , answered : "Mother , it is useless to plead for her. She has brought our honored name to disgrace by the course she has taken. I cannot forgive her ! Ralph. " But that night , when he retired to rest , no sleep came to Ralph Trenholme. He saw the pale face of Agnes as he had last seen it. She laid a little cold hand on his arm and with a sweet , sad voice asked him to pardon and love her. He started up , his brow wet with a chill perspiration , his heart beating loudly. But at last lie slept , and , sleeping , a vision came to him. He stood in the summerr house at the foot of the gar- den. The time was June , for there were roses in bloom at the mouth of the ar- bor. Directly , there floated upon the roseate air the face of Marina. He saw the blue eyes , and felt the thrill of the golden hair as it swept against his cheek. "Ralph , " she said , "dear Ralph , put aside vengeance. It belongs unto God alone , and he will bring it to pass ! Also put aside wrath , and go to your sister. She is calling you , and I , your guardian - ian spirit , bid you obey the summons ! " TO hill CONTINC : n.1 Labouchere's Little Joke. Notice-Several influential dowagers have combined together to charter the steamship Frisco , 6,000 tons , for the purpose of conveying a cargo of disappointed - pointed British girls to America , with a view of disposing of them advantageously - eously in the states. Attention is earnestly - estly requested to the circumstance that presentation at court is desirable , since importance is attached to this social formality across the Atlantic , and ladies who have attended a drawing - ing room may , therefore , be expected to obtain mere satisfactory terms than those who have not. 'The steamship Frisco , according to present arrangements - ments , will sail from Southampton for New York on October 15 next. All inquiries - quiries as to terms , etc. , should be ad- dressecl to the secretary , 225 Belgrave square , S. W. Office hours , 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. upon week days ; Saturdays , close at 2 p. m.-London Truth. Safe There. When Col. Ingersoll was in England he visited St. Paul's cathedral for the 5rst time. As he was contemplating the tomb of Wellington the guide said : 'That , sir , is the tomb of the greatest - est military. 'ero Europe or the 'ole world ! ever knew-Lord Wellington's. This marble sarchophagus we .ghs 42 tons. Hinsfde that is a steel receptacle weighing 13 tons , and hinside that is a Leaden casket 'ermetically sealed , weighing over two tons. Hinsiae that is a ma'ogany coffin , 'aiding the ashes ) f the great 'ero. " " " colonel after thinking "Well , said the , - ing a while , "I guess you've got him. [ f he ever gets out of that , cable me zt my expense. " The Sultan's Troubles. As if the sultan's cup of bitterness were not full to overflowing , with the spirit of revolt stalking through Armenia - menia and Macedonia , and even in the Shadow of his palace at Constantinople , now comes a petition from Crete requesting - questing the powers to intervene in the affairs of the island and put an end to anarchy , accompanied by murder and rapine , of which the Cretans are the vic- tims. In a little while it may no longer be necessary to partition Turkey - key ; the empire of the Ottomans will [ all asunder Through sheer rottenness. At a Safe Dlstancc. _ Clara-All the girls are taking boxing - ing lessons. Aren't you scared ? Young Bachelor- ; I always keep' away from bargain. csgDters , - - ' 4 N FOREIGN WTOOL FACTS. EFFECT UPON CONDITIONS OF WOOLEN MANUFACTURES. Imports of Forlgn Goods Larger than In Any I're lou' I'erlod-Every Line of American Trtdo Seriously Injured ' -a Fraud. r. Imports of Woolen Goods-Ten Months Ending - ing October 31. Articles. 1S93. 19i. 1593. 1372. . Carpets . $1,55,307 $64,42'1$1,266,327 $1,39.3,718 Clothing . 1,296,210 673,033 913,374 1,503,057 Cloths , , . .21,507,590 4,775S74 10,683,294 11,503,471 Dress Goods . .19,52SO316,566,170 12S31O 0 1i,2.i0,43t Knit g'ds. 1,7SS,319 503,669 1,183,362 1,273,161 Shawls . . 370,261 63,553 227,220 273 2SO Yarns , 1,632,852 236,3SS 536,639 566,933 All other. 1,919,75 ; 512,23 ; 901,710 1,003,583 Total. $49,399,717$13,951,398$2s,580,9s6$32,671,437 Tinie and again , the free trade papers - pers have asserted that our imports of woolen goods were no larger in 1895 than in 1S92 and 1593. It is well to disprove this deliberate and intentional falsehood , so we have given above our imports of all classes of woolen goods ( luring the ten months , ending October 31 , of the last four years. It is easy to see that our total imports - ports of foreign woolens last year were larger than the combined imports of 1892 and 1594 , or of 1893 and 189.1 com- bined. That year we had bought 50 per cent more than in 1892 , nearly 75 per cent more than in 1S93 and 250 per n.tRtY33 . 'a. . . .1 ; . y + . . . . c + * : . . .31 b' . + . 60 per cunt over 1893 and of nearly 300 per cent more than our imports of knit goods in the corresponding months of 1894. 1894.The The imports of yarn were almost three times as much as in 1892 , more than three times as much as in 1593 and seven times as much as in 1394. Even the increased values given do not represent fully the increased quantity - tity of goods imported , because prices of genuine woolens are cheaper noww than a few years ago. We have also bought enormously of shoddy stuffs ranging from 25 cents a yard upwards , and these rag goods have done more to injure the honest woolen trade than anyting else. Imports of Wool. 10 months to Oct. 31 , Pounds. Value. 1895 . . . . . . . . . . .211,057,035 $29,035,341 1894 83,223,70 9,649,645 1893 . . . . . . . . . . .106 234 209 13,320,290 1892 . . . . . . . . . . .1.16,110,114 18,135,153 American sheep raisers can see that we paid to foreign countries , for free wool , nearly $20,000,000 more than In 1894 , nearly $16,000,000 more than in 1893 and almost $11,600,000 more than in 1592. Talti1tg the average of the three years , 1S92-94 , at $15,000,000 , the ft cc trade in wool policy has sent out of the country , to foreign sheep farmers - ers , $14,000,000 more than under protection - tion to American wool. Adding this to the extra $2,000,000 paid for additional shoddy , and we have a total of $16,000- 000 that would have been saved to American wool growers , in ten months of last year , had the McKinley tariff for protection been undisturbed. rte editor ( who Str dcllod. The proprietor of one of the leading trade papers that , is interested in cotton and wool has for a long time past been straldling. He finds , however , that his position across the top rail of the fence is , at least , uncomfortable. It happens that he owns , or is interested in , a con- Capturing the Markets of the World. .r : : . . : : . Scale ( ) &ed Yc.1Sen the United s Qr e e { 11 Sln11011 Blllion ? Q all o' r TI S ' dtll'l11 the two I COIt CO ' ' ends Jl ! 3 109q and I$9s hlilllon , ' 5)ilillion _ CI r ' ' Doll ; Oollar'S' , Qn er e2 u Innn .j J _ 1,1 gllillion n O r 1 . I 2s49,145 2TIIon , : i to'Ver 2mflliion ; dollars' _ a d : OollarS c e 1 I OEher { n t f Seeds Fx oft . . I Q1 ! . : f { i895- , arlnan , - ' Tar' ( cent more than last year. In ten months of 1895 , under free wool , our imports of foreign manufactured goods have been larger than in any full year since 1873 , excepting only 1889 and 1890 , when extraordinary quantites were shipped here in anticipation of the enactment of the McKinley tariff. We have imported more foreign carpets - pets than in 1592 or 1893 and more than twice as much as in 1594. The same is true of ready made clothing , excepting that this year's product had not up to October 31 quite doubled those of a year ago. Of woolen cloths our imports , under the boon of free wool granted to our manufacturers , were almost double the value of the 1892 imports , more than double the value of the 1893 imports , and more than four times as much as in 1894. The imports of woolen cloths very nearly equaled the total imports of 1892 and 1893 combined. Manufacturers can readily see that a policy of protection for wool growers is infinitely preferable to a free wool policy for manufacturers. The largest previous value of woolen cloths ever imported into the United States in a single year was $15,567,244 in 1890 before - fore the McKinley tariff became operative - tive , so that a free wool policy has enabled - abled foreigners to secure , in tent months only , $6,250,000 worth more of the American market for woolen cloths than they ever formerly possessed in a full year. Of the American market for dress goods , the foreign manufacturers were enabled to obtain last year , under our free wool policy- , over 25 per cent more than in 1892 , 50 per cent more than in 1893 and 200 per cent more than last dear. Excepting 1890 , before the McKinley - Kinley tariff became law , we have to go back to 1883 , before the Merrill tariff was enacted , to find any record of such large imports of foreign dress goods , in a full year , as has been shown in ten months of 1895 Our imports of knit goods for the ten months of free wcoI' were larger than in anyy full year since 1885. They show an increase of 50 per cent over 1892 , of pie of sheep farms In New England , where he is raising blooded stock for breeding purposes. Possibly the value of his stock is depreciating. It has just dawned upon him that if farmers are compelled to sell their sheep because - cause they cannot sell wool at a paying price in competition with free wool , then there will be no sale whatever and no use for the wavering editor's blooded stock. with Itradford's PCSt % Vishec. May your Christmas be unmentionably - ably happy , and SODDYMADE your New Year one of uncheckered prosperity. - : : : : ; ; Breeches of Dee - o l light and - ' 1 Love , ( i 2 Thro' Life may j j you e'er see , But , where you go , i P may Fortune strew - Unmentiona b I e t " glee. I r j - - - May Joy and Peace that never i - cease , _ On you be always , t I i "spoons , ' tir i And Careand Doubt be both WELL SHRUNK played out , PRICEIAO Like cast-off Pantaloons. What a shame and insult to Am rican - can labor , when the exports of shodd ; made goods from England alone , during - ing the last eleven months of this year , reached the following gigantic figures : 1894. 1895. Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fiio,5s ? 452,576 Wcolen and worsted yarns . . . . . . . . 9.773 142,7S7 Woolen tissues. . . . . . 267,179 1,386,607 Worsted tissues..1,021,481 4,433,055 1,448,990 G,415,325 Increase . . . . . . . . . . 4,966,335 YANKEE. Bradford , Eng. , Dec. 21 , 1895. - - . I t , Merii. . . Ilood'sSarsaparillaitsgreat pop. Is what gives 1 ularity , hicreasInri sales anti wonderful cures. The combination , proportion anti process ht preparing' IIood'S Sarsaparilla are unknown to other niediclltes , anti make It peculiar to itself. It acts directly and positively upon time blood , and as time blood reaches every nook and corner of the human system , an the nerves , muscles , bones and tissues come under - der the benelicent indueuce of Hood's are a The One True Blood Purifier. Al ! druggists. $ ! . , cure I.iver Ills ; easy to Hood s Pills takccasytooperstc.ESc. Expert : Opinion K The Canadian Government recently - cently sent an appraiser to the , principal bicycle factories in this country , to determine the exact 1 , , value of various makes for import - port into Canada. After an ex Iij j haustive investigation his re- I ort to his Government rated , u 1 , 1 Lolurnofa , Bicycles t i per cent. higher - w b2 ' v 1 er than an other and the . 1 a duff accoi d- ' , lIl g Y . This bt ± t 1 ' ' ' + nurnxr . , . , , , . [ t confirms mile 0 i / ular verdict. Col- 6 l a umbias are $ y STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Unequalled , Unapproached. lleautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford - ford Bicycles is free if you call upon any Columbia - bia agent ; by mail from us for two 2-cent stamps. % 1 POPE MANUFACTURING CO. FactoisanclGencralOlfices1Hartford , Corm. I Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbias arc not properly l represented in your vicinity let us know. f The Greatest fledical Discovery' of the Abe. \1 E > S MEDICAL DISCOVEY , I DONALD KEHfEOY , Of ROXUIJ Y , MASS. , Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor , front the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred rases , and never failed except in two rases ( both thunder humor ) . He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value , all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. S A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle , and a perfect cure is warranted - ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains , like needles passing through them , the , . game with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped : and always disappears in a ' week after taking it. Read the label. 1 If the stomach is foul or bilious it will muse squeamish feelings at first. j 1 No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ra.l get , and enough of it Dose , one tablespoonful in water at bed- time. Sdd ! by all Druggists. fl7 7 . ! lr -4t r t 1.b IN THE d iS ° R p _ 1'l DO YOU KNOW . . . ' That the finest vegetables in the world are grown from aalzer's seeds ? P/by ? Because - r Northern-'rown , bred to i cause they are + earlinessand sprout quicktygrow rapidly l II and produce enormously ! 35 Packages EarliestvegetableSeedsl. POTATOES ! N 28 DAYS ! ' Just think of that ! You can ave them by planting - ing Salzer'sseed. Tryitthis ear ! LOOK AT THESE YIELDS IN fO RYA. Silver Mine Oats. . . . . . 17 bu. per ace. Silver lingBarley. . . . . . 95bu.pper acre. Prolific Spring Rye. . . . . . 60 bu. per acre. Marvel Spring Wheat , . . 40 bu. per acre. 1 Giant Spurry , . 3tonsperacre. ' I Giant Incarnat Clover , . . 4 tons hay per acre. I' Potatoes. . . . . . r1J0 to 1,160 bu. per acre. ' Nowaboveyields ! owafarmershave had. Afull list of farmers from your and adjoining states , doing equally well , is published in ourcatalogue. Enormous stocks of clover , timothy and grass seeds , grown especially for seed. Abit's fine ! Highest quality , lowest prices ! IF YOU WILL CUT THIS OUT AND SD IT With1Ec.instampsyouwillgctourbigcatalogue and a sample of Pumpkin Yellow Watermelon sensation. Catalogue alone , sc. , tails how to get that potato. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. , ; I LA CROSSE , WIS. tV N 0 } to berone Lawful Phystclan ; couae by mall. , Write in. Ucntth 1r ntveraltyChlca.o. Ir ' i ( , t I