The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1896, Image 5
, : : . . - ' s _ . . . LLL LLL l LL L ILLA S S 1 LLLLILLSL LLLLL L. 1 . _ r rt i + 1 h ° wMr\ArRArKrRAtRVVW.ra.Irrrt.tirt .ar.yW.rr.r.r.ra. . yM V.rtNv People . : , . . . . . . 'x \Tho ti. . ry r . i . Might as well get something - thing that's neat and stY1- . ish as to buy something ' p that isn't. What's the use of buying - ing a poor article when you can get The Best for the same money : 1 - - . . 4 , t t , t . . i. The T Tribune : Office. . . . . d - , , , , . . . , . . i tihrMll W + 11AIU111JV1t1,11MhlM1ll..L.1 YRLA(4ftiY L/hPIJ,1rti1NU111JY71J.hAA111PL 1J. I i . r JR F. CANSCHOW , ! THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. o _ wOU0V000 I. , ° o0 v0a pDa , o . . 0 - a _ . . 00 , ' G 1 v o' c o cS S : : : : o -0 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -7c _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 ' 0 , All.CEAD7c rAHI0N I rp } ) , DEGIARE AS ONE VOICE 0' ' ? G T ' HRTI ERRRESISiERS 0'f _ _ . . . r0 1foRFofr . . . . - eAgl O. 0 _ -0 I ISYHEIR FIRST CHOIC6 ' 0 - " r 0 o cT B.LEuris . _ C0 ; .a ' STO N o . 0 0 0 o 1 ! o wdi + tr 0 1 ° o\ / o0 000 _ , oo / oo o oo - oo s , 1S S 1 . Thou Shalt Not Steal i I . . . . .e , . But it is no harm to save from 5 to 20 per cent by buying Shoes from me. Call and let me convinceyou 1 The Best Assortment at a F.CANSCHOW . ' , ) r THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. It si . ; . n. . . . .a RAILROAD NEWS . DEPARTMENT.i i N . . . u w. QJ I TIME TABLE. GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M. No , 4 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo P. M. No. 6 freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :30 : A. M. No , 148 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 A , M. No. 8o , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A. 1f. No. 75 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 : A. M GOING WEST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger..12:40 A. 1sT. No. - , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 : V. 1st. No. 6 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 r. M. No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:20 r. 1u. No. 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 r. 1st. IMPERIAL LINE CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9oo.A.1st. No. 176 , Accommodation , arrives . . . 6:40 r. M. ; 3T1'NoTE : No. 63 carries passengers for Stratton , Benkelman and llaigler All trins run daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which run daily except Sunday. No. stns at Benkelman and \Vra . No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. When 1\o. 8o is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8oo a , m. I'o1m can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada - ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address C. E. MAGNER , Agent. I .1 EATS , LOC McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Try McConnell's , Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. Brakeman W. S. Tomlinson and family - ily spent Sunday with Oxford friends. Mrs. Frank Kendlen was in Hastings , Tuesday , to attend a friend's wedding. A fine to pound son was born to Engineer - neer and 1lrs. E. C. McKay , Wednes- day. Enginemen William Francisco amid Albert - bert Harris have moved their families up front Red Cloud. Are you square with the publisher for your paper ? If not , recollect the fact when the pay car comes. A rousing and enthusiastic charivari was tendered George Rasnutsson and bride , last Saturday night. Agent Kridelbaugh of Holdrege has been appointed agent at Edgemont , S. D , , to succeed J. F. McClung , resigned. The pay car will be here on next Tuesday - day evening at about nine o'clock ; and again on Wedneseay evening at about seven-thirty. Agent C. E. Magner went up to Colo- rado. Wednesday evening , to take a squint at the Victor Hugo mine of great expectations. Engineer J. R , Burton is running Engineer - gineer Sprague's mill down on the St. Francis line while Sprague is at home near Wilsonville on a lay-off. Dispatcher W. B. Mills returned home , Friday night , from his sad trip to Flint , Michigan , whither he was recently summoned by the death of an invalid sister. Frank Huddleston arrived in the city , the latter part of past week. He hails from Minneapolis , and is looking for a job. He has been in the company's employ - ploy at different times. The railroads of the county annually pay $3,000,000 in damages for lives lester or injuries sustained. They carry 6oo millions passengers , with 300 fatalities and 3,000 injuries , 0. S. Burnett returned from Cripple Creek , Colorado , fore part of the week. He was threatened with a severe cold , which cut short his sojourn in the land of gold , hurry and pneumonia , Brakeman H , T. Carey , rear brakeman - man for Conductor M. Jay , while stepping - ping front the top of the way car to another - other car at Lakeside , Sunday night , on 45 , missed his step by the slack running out of the train , fell to the ground , striking - ing on his heels , badly straining the ten- dons. This accident is similar to that which happened to H.L.Higbland about a year ago and took a long time to be able to walk naturally. Brakeman Carey's injury is not so serious , but he will probably walk flat-footed for some time.-Alliance Grip. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion Is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. Read the best coin- tY newspaper--that's The McCook Tribune every time. ° Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All hinds in stock and prices very reasonable Plenty of Apples at Icui le s. , . SUNFLOWER SILHOUETTES. Conductor Lyman is also courting at Norton. Operator Hughes went to Cambridge on Wednesday. The wife of the section foreman at Kanona is very sick , Auditor Thompson was checking the boys up , this week , Fireman Stokes is "stoker" on the switch engine at Red Cloud. Engineer Anson moved his family and goods to Hastings on Wednesday. There is a good prospect for several stock extras on time Oberlin line soon. Fireman Bob Ryan moved his family and household goods to Hastings on Tuesday. Agent Carter has returned to his post of duty at Inavale and ' 'Pete" Weibel is once more thrown upon the cold charity - ity of the world. Brakeman Washburn went to Republican - can , Tuesday , to report to trainmaster for work. He takes the place of Cox , courting at Norton. tirakeuman Wright is organizing his base ball team for next season. They will he known as Wright's colts. If they make hiui as much trouble as Anson's colts made hiui , lie will want a bank ac- cotmt as long as the moral law in order to come out without making an assign- ment. However , here's luck to you , L.W. Hayden Bros. Froni Feb. 11th to 14th while the railroads - roads are giving a 'Z rate to Omaha on account of Grand Army reunion and many other attractions we offer surpassing - ing values in our departments. Lam'rence LL sheeting 371 c , Arrow fine sheeting 5c , Pepperall 5/c , Fruit of time Loom bleached muslin 6''c. Lonsdale 64c , Peabody H soft finish 5c , wide sheeting 9-4 15C , Lonsdale cambric 7'4c. Spring silks are all in and never was such a gathering of the choicest weaves and styles brought together. Be sure to see this assortment. Prices are the lowest - est amid range from 19C to $4,00 per yard. We will have special bargain sales every hour in silks and dress goods. Clothing prices will be cut squarely in two. The lateness of the season requires quick sales to clear up stock. We take this opportunity of disposing of every suit and overcoat. The best fabrics amid styles go in this sale. The special prices on cloaks , suits , jackets , etc. , would sell the garments in July. All this season's styles at half price. Big bargains in all departments. HAYDEN BROS. M i6th amid Dodge , Omaha. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omalia every Thurs- clay and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , y mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J , Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Prohibition County Convention. The prohibitionists of Red Willow county , Nebraska , are hereby called to meet in mass convention in city hall , Saturday , February 8th , 1896 , at 2 P. M. , for the purpose of selecting delegates to the state convention which convenes in 4 Lincoln , February i3th , 1896. v. 0. NORVAL , Chairman. GEO. J. FREDERICK , Secretary. Grand Army Encampment and Women's Relief Corps At Omaha , Nebraska , February 12-13 , 1896. Agents in Nebraska will sell tickets - ets , February 12.13 , to Omaha at rate of one fare for the round trip , limited for return to February 17. C. E. MAGNER , Agent d Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. Plenty of Apples at K nili ) le's . Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eves and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per bor. TO HOBSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists First Arrival i - = : : - OF 4 oods ! V - N C W OPEN s I New Embroideries New Lawns beautiful assortment ofpatterns. ' . New Dress Goods : Serges , Henri- ettas , Novelty 200 yards of Silk for Waists , and only 30c. a yard. L ooo 300 Summer Corsets to sell at 43c. a piece , this lot. Children's and Boys' Suits , something - thing new to show. Thc. to 12 a suit. ooo Shoes , a good stock , prices right. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Grocery Stock complete. Exclusive Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. Prompt delivery of all purchases. . oestlaQgeo3 AT TIIE . . . , k 1araiu V $ tOre. - _ . . . , , r . L. DEGROFF & C ® t h t _ J , + J lnsno tr nt i h a . , V Mcook h a Mercantile jI : . r . GO ' a a i , ' F , . n + uiR'p It I t . ' 1 1 * J