- - - t AMY 1r . . L55i.i SSJS SS55 Ste. ' 1 LOWMAN&SON r lees , Carpets , Millinery. vr.rear.nlrerurrr rw n + .r..rr..r..nr .rrwra r r + rr + r. . . .n.rvawrrvs W , , . : tire Stock at CLEARING - j ING OUT PRICES. All winter r 'i less to make room for New Goods. Come and ' f 1 r + f get our price t a a L SON. .rr.wl wry.rvltnrnrw.rrr.n..nrRr vwvwl.rv.r.rtirfrarw . . LOWMAN r I .I Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. I , F CANSCHOW c , i R'E ' OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SNOE DEALER. _ 8701.pp v 0 o ri p 4D ° o 3k 0 o P : : ° % . , o 0 0 O ' - 0 ' RtL''LEADERS 'rA5HoJ ; J 0 DELLARE AS ONE V'oi G F _ O-r - - D fHRT 1ffpH RES1S7tRS. 0 : r - . " D , i Poc7Jtti5 } - D , - - 0- _ I : YNEIR F8 R51 Ci3OCC- : rp ' D ' ' o B - . _ E tJ h 5 - . ocD : j 60570 N. J , ' : a 9 , O 0 - rp 0 o tpo , 0 00 ° oo o 0000 caoocaooo ° I l Thou Shalt Not Steal I But it is no harm to save from 5 to 20 per cent bY buying Shoes from me. Ca11 and let me convinceY ou. The Best Assortment at i FJu F CANSCHOW , . TAE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. I I t RAILROAD NEWS DEPARTMENT. TIME TgBLE. GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M. No. 4 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9oo P. M. No. 6 4 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3o A. M. No. 248 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 n ht. No. So , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A. M. No. 75 , . freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M. GOING WEST--CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A M. No. 5 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M. No. 63 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6oo i. > tl. No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 P. M. IMPERIAL LINE-CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9.00 A. M. No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6 qo r. M. . rNoTE : No. 63 carries passengers for Stratton , B enkelman and Hai lcr. Ali'trains ' fun daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which rim 'daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations , e When t o. So is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8oo a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada - ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address C. E. MAGNER , Agent. wIr.T 1E F s Arthur Wood is the regular night man now. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents , Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. George Burnett and family arrived home , Sunday night , from their visit. Auditor W. P. Foreman was down from Denver on business of his office , Monday. Sam Wilde leaves for the west , this week , to seek employment , we are in- formed. Conductor and Mrs. V. H. Solliday arrived homeSaturday night , from their visit to Terre Haute , Indiana. Mrs. C. A. Dixon and Miss Edna , who have been visiting in Indiana and Illinois - nois during the holiday vacation , arrived - rived home on Saturday night. Mrs. C. E. Pope and the children arrived - rived home , Saturday night , from Lincoln - coln , where they have been spending the holidays and having a family reun- ion. The water pipesin Traveling Engineer Dixon's residence bursted , daring the absence of the family over the holidays , causing then great annoyance and considerable - siderable damage. Conductor Tim Foley went down to take a special containing General Manager - ager Holdrege , General Superintendent Calvert and Superintendent Campbell over the St. Francis branch , Wednesday. An extra force of men has been em ployed to unload the railroad ties that are being shipped in here by the com- pany. This is the distributing point from which neighboring towns are supplied - plied , and about 2oooo ties will be piled up here. . . .Miss Mamie Tomlinson , accompanied - companied by Miss Mabel Wade , spent a short time at 111cCook , the first of the week , guests of the family of W. S. Tomlinson.-Oxford Standard. Fireman Peter Biever had his foot burned at Sheridan , last Friday. He dumped the ash pan of engine 252 and when he threw a pail of water on the hot asles , it exploded , with the result stated above. . . .Fireman J. A. Tubbs of Sheridan is laid uc , with a sprained back , received in stepping off of his engine - gine , last Sunday. . . .Mrs. M. Gilchrist , wife of the agent at Pringle , has been visiting at Hot Springs , the past week. -Alliance Grip. A small tea party was given by Mrs. C. J. Roman at her residence , 2336 E steet , Thursday afternoon , in honor of her sister , Mrs. F G. Westland , of Mc- Cook. The ladies present were : Mesdames - dames 0. W. Palm , Ed. Soderberg , Frank Anderson , C. P. Olson , W. Beck- mark , G. A. Alman , A. Anderson , Pearson - son , P. 0. Hedlund , C. J. Olson , P. G. Westland of McCook and Mrs. H. Stret- ton of Clahonia , Miss Hilma Gustefson , Carolina Palm , Bllen Nelson and Edith Youngstet'ofVahoo.Lincoln Journal. Passengers and trainmen on No. 4 , one light about two weeks since , were considerablyexercised over the conduct of a young couple that boarded the train and traveled on to Lincoln. Thatsouhe- thingwas wrong was quite evident to the onlookers , far at the outset the young woman was in tears and the young man persuasive. They finally took a berth and northing further was seen of them that night. However , the same couple came west on No. 3 of the following night , getting off the train at this point. There is nothing remarkable - ble or unusual about this , but the action of the young couple after getting o3 the train here was peculiar to put it mildly , and the signatures on the hotel register did not by four five rows of apple trees harmonize with the names on the transportation - portation carried by them. Prom here they took No. 2 on the following morning - ing , she going to Beaver City , be to Lin- coln. Gay , but not very smooth. W. L. Burge will leave the company's employ and remove from town. D. McRechnie of Holdrege was in the city , Sunday , guest of Conductor A P Bonnot. Mrs. Thomas Stanifortlh and two children - dren are home from a two weeks. visit with friends in McCook.-Lincoln Jour nal. The special carrying a number of the general officers of the road and others arrived in the city , Wednesday night , Conductor Foley in charge and Engineer Lewis at the throttle. At this point the car was attached to No. 5 , and the party went on west. The following New Year greeting to enginemen frouh Superintendent of Motive - tive Power D. Hawksworth , shows that the services of engineers and firemen , from an economical standpoint , is not overlooked : PLATTSMoUTx , NEB. , JAN. 1st 1896. OFFICE SUP'T MOTIVE POWER. To ENGINEMEN : Greeting : Our oil and fuel records , for the past two years show a considerable saving in comparison - ison with the records for previous years , but there is still room for improvement and I hope we will be able to make a much better showing in IS96 , particularly - ly in the consumption of fuel , which is our greatest expense. Commencing with January , our locomotive - motive record will be made on the tonnage - nage basis , and show the names of both engineers and firemen , which I hope will encourage a concerted effort on the part of enginemen that will prove to be a benefit to both employer and employe. A large number of enginemen have labored in the interest of economy , and although a portion of them have failed to manifest due interest in an economical - cal and efficient service , in view of the fact that there has been a decided improvement - provement in the average record , it seems proper that on this New Year day , I should tender you my comple- ments. Signed , D. HAwI swoRTJI , Superintendent Motive Power. Engineers J. D. Brown and H. A. Thompson set n pace for father "Time" to follow before the year 1895 expired. Train 42 of December 29th , left Newcastle - tle three hours and twenty minutes late. J. D. Brown , with engine 241 , brought the train from Newcastle to Alliance , 155 miles , in four hours and two minutes. H. A. Thompson , with engine 205 , pulled the train from Alliance to Ravennamak- ing the run to Seneca , 1o8 miles , in two hours and twenty-seven minutes , which included a delay of ten minutes at Ells- worth , meeting train 41. The run from Seneca to Ravenna , T30 miles , including all regular stops , was made in three hours and four minutes , arriving at Ravenna one hour and six minutes late. The average speed of this train from Newcastle to Ravenna. 393 miles , including - cluding stops , was forty-six miles per hour. Two hours and fourteen minutes was made up on the running time of this train.-Alliance Grip. W. C. Brown , general manager on the Burlington lines in ; 1lhssOuri , coin- prising the Hannibal & St. Joseph , St. Louis , Keokuk & Northwestern , 1ansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs and Chicago , Burlington and Kansas City roads , has been appointed general manager - ager ( , , the Chicago , Burlington it Quincy - cy , with headquarters at Chicago , to sue Geed \ ' ' . F. Merrill , who has taken appointed - pointed seconl vice president of the Erie railroad. ] n the latter position Mr. Merrill will have charge of the maintenance - tenance and operation of the Erne - Railway 11litster Mechanic. Engineer Sprague took the old 71 to McCook , the first of the week , and brought back the 209 , fresh from the i shop. It glistens like a new dollar of of our dads. The 109 was Jack Cook's old scrapper before the recent renova- tion. . .Mrs. Thomas MacManigal of McCook is spe(1i . the holidays with the fa nily of her daughter , Iirs. Jack Cook.-Repubiican City Deuocrat Chamberlain ° n a ? : a and Slav O atment , Is unequalled fur &zema , 'l'etter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Bands , Itching PilcS , Eurns , Fro t Mites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Crim.iated Eve Lids. For c lc by druggists at ' rents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fire healthy tlition try Dr. Cady's inrdition Powders Thhey tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation. P rrcct kidney disonlers and destroy worhrs. giving new life to an old or over-w irked horse. 25 cents per package. For sole by druggists Scierriifio Americtln I Agency for J _ _ _ _ : p , CAVEATS , . TRA6E MARKG , OESICII PATENTS , COSYrCHTS , etc. Fbrlnforinatton and free Handbook wiito to MUNN A : 00.:61 BROADWAY , fl flV YORE. Oldest bureau for aeciiringpatcntainAaierica- } very patent taken out by us Is brought before 2l e p ibllc byanotice given free ofcllargo in the acizuite Lrgc tdreu1attonofanyecleDtlficpaperInthe won Splendidly illustrated. Iio intetngent man should be without it. Weekly $3U0 a 'ear ; $1.50sixmontba Addres'MUNN & CO. , ri'rsntats , 36i iJruauway , New Yort City. ' ' ,7t rw I die l 1 ® .A T fl.1 lilvolce aie. .f. January tot our annual invoice takes ace. Until a time you may look .for goods cheaper than you ever bought em. Overcoats aiid Heavy Winter Suits at ou One-Half rice. Wool Blankets a Cost. What we have e in Ladies' and Children's Cloaks at One-Third Off. .ett . We ea with Lover Aces than ever on Groceries. Exclusive sale 0 Chase , . .an orn s Fine Teas and. Coffee. ATTILE . . . r B1'Ut.M 61 ' , . . . f .1'2 r ' . 1 : 1 _ ' ' i''ti1' . ' 'G - : - ' - : . Y-- l * I % J ; ? ; Y i tt G 5 - . flATRIALTfl V ' ' ODE15 . . WctaT5 1I3O 2 - pour1Ds' . p1IlcLs $ s.TO - io ' . _ I , . . VERY.IIAcRrnE FULLY GUARANTEED CATAt96UG SENT FOR 1Jo cErrr TAn ? 4 . , ! Aifj OFFk. Atli c Y' AK Al.57 D 575 RETAIL . .ALL. ROOI1 23d ? JAESASH sAVEC- EA 7LRNWIaREH0U5 ! 97-99 READS ST. ; . Y L/ . , _ ThPORTLAPlD n7w + - N RA i Tt4E FIisT WATIOWAL T K . w. Capita r Capita' ' CFFIC . ' .S A VTD DIRECTCRS. GEO. HOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAiJSON , F. A. PENNELL , President. } ' . President. Cashier. Ass'f Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. F. D , BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter IIIAIlY AVENUE , I1IcC00B , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode Pumps and Boiler Trl t minS. Agent for Ballid ay , Ec1i p se and Wanpun Skmd11Si11. t . - wq4. +