The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1895, Image 3

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11L' OLD R0 I' 4 GONE
. ,
' ° OF OHIO.
lro Paeses Away at the Ripe Age of ' 82
car-Lon in Poor II nlth. But. Not
for Some Time , Considered Seriously
Sick-The lfany Ilesponslblo Posltious
to Which lie had Been Called.
Irnlh of Allert G. Thurman.
COLTSBI1s , Ohio , . Dec. lo.-Ex cen-
ator Allen a Thurman aled very
suddenly at 1:15 o'clock this afternoon.
Be had lone been in bad health , but
his illness had not been regarded as
dangerous for some time.
Mr. Thurman was 82 years old
. November 13 , but his health was such
.at that time that for the first time in
years there was no public celebration
here in honor of the "Old ] loman. "
Judge 'Thurman's death is directly
traceable to an accident November 1.
In walking from his room to the
library lie tripped in some unaccountable , -
able manner and fell heavily to the
floor. Ile did improve to some extent -
tent but a week after the accident he
suffered a relais and since then it
had been realized among his family'
that his days were numbered.
Mr. Tlturrnan's Career.
"The Old Boman , " as Mr. Thurman
tvill ever be reverently and affection-
atcly remembered by his political ad-
mtrcrs , came of a proud old Virginia
family. Ho was born November 13 ,
1813 , in Lynchburg , his father being a
minister of the Methodist church.
t but his father became early in life
impressed against slavery and he disposed
posed of his colored help. In 1819 the
father removed with his family + to
Chillicothe , Ohio , where he secured
employment as a school teacher , and
his son became one of his pupils.
Later young A Lien attended the Chil-
licothe high school , and afterward
was a student in the academy of that
town. lie was proficient in all his
studies , but especially advanced in
mathematics , on which account he
was lcfOWtl among his school fellows
as "right angle triangled Thurman. "
Mr. Thuriuau's mother was the half
! sister of IVilliasn Allen , who , tlurin
his life served in the house of Itepre-
scnta ves in Congress , 103' , in the
Senate in Congress 1837-1549 , and as
governo. of Olio , 1z14-1S7G , and in 1S48
refused the Democratie Presidential
nominatkn for the reason that he was
committed to the support of General
Lewis Case , tvlto was subsequently
nominated by the convention and de-
' feared. Mrs.'T'linrman was a woman of
renharkable ability and learning and
d(1 } ) ouch toward the instruction of
her sou and the guidance of his early
At the age of 15 young Thurman attacked -
tacked himself to a land surveying
corps and thoroughly mastered the
mathematical side of that science during -
ing the three years he pursued it. In
1S3 1 , just when he had attained the
t age to qualify , Governor Lucas tendered -
dered hici the office of private secretary -
tary , which he accepted , entering at
- - the san.e time as a student at law in
the office of his uncle , IVilliam Allen ,
completing his studies subsequettly in
the olice of the afterward distinguished -
guished Judge Swayne. After his admission -
mission to the bar young Thurman
returned to Chillicothe and entered
into partnership with his uncle , with
the result that lie soon acquired one of
. , the best practices in Ohio , his uncle
having 1)1 ctieallY abandoned the profession -
fession when he entered politirs
isle. Thurman entered politics in
1544 when be was nominated for Congress -
gress by the Democratic convection of
his hStriCt , and was elected , entering
the ] louse of Representatives 1)ecen-
ber 1 , 1a45 , as its youngest member.
lie declined a renomination and con-
tinucd to practice at the bar until
1551 , when he was elected to the Supreme -
preme court of the State , in which
service lie remained four years. during
the last two years of the time being
chief justice. At the end of this terul
he resumed practice , which he con-
tinuccd until 1507 , when he was unanimously
imously nominated by the Democratic
couventiou for the otlice of governor.
71is opponent in this campaign , one of
the most exeiting in the history of the
State' , was hiutlherford 13. Ilayes. Mr.
Thurman was defeated , but he cut
down the normal Republican majority
in the State from 40.OUO to 3.000.
'The Legislature being elected at the
same vote being Democratic , however ,
Mr. Thurman was chosen United
States Senator to take the place of
.llenjaniiit F. 1Vade and he took his
seat March t , ISIi9 , there being at the
time only seven Democrats in the
both' . his abihfy was at once recognized -
nized , his speeches on the Geneva
award bill and on the Pacific railway
funding bill , especiallyy attracting
public notice and applause. Tie served
two terms in the Senate with great
distinction and honor , closing the
twelve years period on March 4 , 1SS' ,
witih a reputation which stood among
the hi 'licst foi judicial fairness , dignity -
nity and strength in debate , especially
' on questions of constitutional law and
I for patriotism and probity.
Tlumrston'a Pacific Bill
' W.1 111SGTON , Dec. 13.-Senator
. Tliutrtou of Nebraska to-dayy introduced -
duced a bill for the settlement of the
PaciSe railroads debts. It provides
i for the sale of the Government interest -
, est in both the Union and Central Pacific -
cific railroads July 1 , iS9o , to the
I' ' highest bidder , and that there Uz 110
' sale unless the bid be at least u0 per
cent ofc the Government's interest.
The bill is very long and devoted
mainly to the details of the transfer
I : and ithanner of sale.
iceports from New York say that the
Heine fountain is still out of site.
L , . S Ac lfitixclsco 13-The attorney -
ney for Theodore Durrant moved for a
writ of probable cause in order to prevent -
vent the prisoners removal from the
county jail to the State prison at San
Quentin. 'The court denied the motion -
tion and subsequently signed Dur-
i rain's death warrant , fixing Friday ,
H February :11 : , as the date of the execu-
ton. }
Mrs. D. B. Culberson mother of the
Governor of Texas , is dead.
L Dr. and Mrs. Levy Kahn were struck
' by a train at Milford , In. , andkilled.
t .
1 _ .
- - - -
- - - - - - - -
Topeka wll(117 Excited Over the Grave
Aobbcrles-M11itia tinder Arms.
TOPrKA , Kan. , Dcc. 13.-Governor
Norrill last night called out Battery
B of the State militia , stationed here ,
to protect the Kansas Medical College ,
which was threatened by a inch. lie
also wired Captain McClure of the
troons at Lawrence to hold his soldiers -
diers in readiness to take the first
train for Topeka. Chief of Police
John Wilkerson stationed a squad of
patrolmen , in charge of Sergeant
Frank Ellison , about the college , and
a sheriff's posse was also placed on
duty. The Governor retired toward
midnight , having notified Captain McClure -
Clure that his services would not be
'The trouble was caused by the discovery -
covery in the dissecting room of the
college of the bodies of three women ,
which had been stolen from cemeteries -
ies in the vicinity of Topeka. One
body was that of 0. C. Van Fleet's
wife , another was that of A. L. Dake's
wife , . and the third was that of Mrs.
Patrick Lillis. The cases of the first
two named have been previously re-
The body of firs. Lillis was identified -
fied by her son , John Lillis , at 0
o'clock last evening. The husband of
the dead woman is foreman of Santa
Fe blaeksmith shop at Argentine. Mrs.
Lillis was buried last Friday. When
her son read about stolen bodies at the
college he feared for the safety of his
mother. In company with Father
Hayden , the well-known Catholic
priest , he to the cemetery to
make arrangements to have the grave
guarded. lie noticed that the mound
had been disturbed. The grave was
opened and the coffin was found to be
empty. Lillis went to the office of
Justice Guy and obtained a warrant to
search the college. The result was
that he found a mutilated body which
he jdentiicd as that of his mother.
The city was alreadygreaty excited
on account of the previous discoveries
and the flews of the Lillis case , which
spread like wildfire , was the signal for
a general outpouring of the iopulace.
The streets were thronged by angry
men , who made threats against the
college and those connected with it.
The authorities were alarmed by the
crowd , and steps were promptly taken
to prevent an outbreak. Deputy Sher.
ill Tom % V'ilkerson , in the absence of
Sheriff Dave Burge , called upon the
Governor for assistance , which was
granted as stated.
Dake and Lillis are members of the
A. 0. U. W. A mass meeting of the
eight lodges of the order bad been
called to consider the Dake case.
Nearly 1,000 members were present.
C. A. Starbird was chosen chairman
and J.V. . Gibbons secretary. The
Lillis case was announced upon the
organization of the meeting. This
added fuel to the flames. Men growled
in their anger and became demonstrative -
strative , but cool heads were in the
audience and good order was main-
tained. Speeches denouncing the outrages -
rages were made. A cotnmitte coln-
po ed of Judge Ensmingcr , S. C.
Miller , A. C. Shier , T. A. Beck , II. T.
Davis , Charles M. Brown , 1 ; . A. Wilson
and i1. I. Fletcher was appointed to
draft resolutions.
Probably x000 men , mostly railroad
employes , stood in the street in front
of the hall while the meeting was in . (
progress. When those tivllo participated -
pated in the meeting came out and
went their raspeetive ways in a quiet
manner , the crowdoutside took up the
cue and dispersed.
Contributors to the Work Will Visit
Stations in the Orient.
Nnw Tool. , Dec. 13.-A unique and
interesting pilgrimage to both home
and foreign missionary workers is soon
to be made by the representatives of a
number of wealthy contributors to
missionary work. It will be under
the auspices and guidance of the Rev.
Dr. Henry M. Field. It is to enable -
able persons interested in missionary
work to know by actual observation
exactly how the missionary conducts
his labors that the trip is to be made.
The party will not exceed twenty ,
all told , and will start for Japan , via
San Francisco , about April 10 , and
ivill be absent seveial months. The
tour will be under the immediate direction -
rection of Messrs. A. D. Thompson
and 11. R. Elliott. The itinerary will
include typical stations in the home
missionary work , giving the members
of the party , as they cross the Conti-
Went object ) sons uh tit , evangelization -
tion of the negr.i , the Spanish-Amen
can , the Mornol and the Chinese.
To 1'unislt Trin Ioiibery.
WAohIINGTODec. . 1 s.-Represent-
ativc Brode iek of Kansas has introduced -
duced several bills which are of great
interest to the Vest. One touehie.
upon the federal punishment of a t
train robbery in all United States territorial -
ritorial reservations. The bill makes '
it a felony to shoot at of into any lo _ I
conotive ; , caboose , coach or car of and
train , or to throw any _ rock or other
missile at a train , or to derail or forci-
biv obstruct a train at : urv place with-
in-the eXclusive jurisdiction of the
united Statesor in the Indian reserva-
tions. This does not save the criminal
from more severe punishment if any I
person is killed or injured evercly by
the train robbery or wrecking.
lteformeri in Couventloa.
1T.ts1iISGTox , Dcc 13.-The National
Civil Servizc Ilefrr m League began its
meetin , " at the Cosmos Club
to-dav with an unusually large attendance -
tendance of delegates. The morning }
sessions are private , but the afternoon I
sessions are open to those who desire
to hear the papers and addresses on i
civil service reform topics. President f
Carl Schurz of the league will deliver ,
the annual address.
Gct an Oklahoma Divorce.
PERny , Ok. , Dec. 13.-Delphin Me- !
Leod Cobb , a wealth , manufacturer of
Brooklyn , N. Y. , was granted a dr- '
vorce here yesterday from his wife , '
Pha be M. Cobb. The plaintiff is a
nephew of Congressman George T. 1
Cobb , of New Jersey. 1
IiHiy itryer Enocked Out. i
JEFFERSONVILLE , Ind. , Dec. 13.-
Billy Myer , known as the Streator
cyclone , and Tommy Stuart of Henry- 4
ville , fought seven rounds near here 1 4
last night for a purse and gate re-
ceipts. M er was knocked out
i I\ \ r' J'j 1 ' M'BYf1ENFfYjvEwDOL.T' i
The colonel drew out a paper and
placed it on the table before him.
t "To save you all trouble , " he said , "I
have myself written out the letter ,
which now only requires your signa-
ture. "
Dick brushed the paper contemptuously -
ously aside , and half wheeled his chair
round away from them.
"I am prepared to give you time , "
continued the colonel , "but only in reason -
son and I would advise you not to run
it too fine , for I do not conceal from you
that by a continued refusal you will
force us to extremes. "
"To put' it short , " said Johnstone ,
"you'll sign that paper in an hour or die
for it. "
At this moment the door was suddenly
opened , Johnstone was pushed aside ,
and a white figure passed swiftly round
the table to Dick's right hand.
Dick sprang to his feet. For a mc-
ment the three men were silent , all staring -
ing expectantly at Camilla , as she stood
holding out both hands to Dick.
Then the colonel was heard to curse
between his set teeth. Dick turned
upon him triumphantly. In each hand
gleamed a pistol , loaded , cocked and
primed ; at his side stood Camilla , with
pale face and flashing eyes.
"Have no mercy ! " she cried , in the
ringing voice of an angel of vengeance ;
"no mercy ! They had none on you ! '
He raised his hands , Johnstone
glared at him like a tiger brought to
bay. ; the colonel shrank back Into time
corner of the room , and the cold sweat
came out in great beads upon his fore-
Camllia would have spoken again , but
her voice broke in an uncontrollable
sound between a sob and a laugh.
Dick turned to her.
"I give them hack to you , " he said.
"One is of your kin , and the other
nothing but a tool. "
She flung out her hand toward them
in their corner.
"Do you hear ? " she said ; "take back
.your shameful lives ! And now , " she
cried , taking a pistol from Dick's hand ,
"now , my soul's captain , come away
with me ! "
She would have raised the pistol , but
he took her by the wrist.
"No , no , dear heart , " he said , gently ,
"surely that , too would be surrenden ;
let's fight the ship until she sinks. "
He laid both pistols upon the table ,
and puslhetl them across to the colonel.
"And now , " he said , "net you ; one.
I wish to speak to this lady undis-
turbed. "
The colonel hesitated , but in a flash
Johnstone , caught him with a grip of
iron , and whirled him , helpless , through
the door.
ICIi and Camill a
were alone together
and face to face at
r ! L a last. There was na
hesitation , no shade -
e oty of reserve between -
tween them. This
one hour was
y \ L' theirs , though the
rest were the very
, darkness of de-
' :7' : spair.
She came toward
him jcyfully , and with a proud smile
threw her arms about his neck : then
drew her head a little back and looked
long into his eyes , where the light of
love shone steadily , undimmed by any
sadness of farewell.
"How could I. " she murmured ; "how
could I think you less than greatest ? "
"Say , " he said , "how could I think
you wished me to be so ? "
And they forgave each other in a long
silence of possession ,
At last Camilla started painfully ; the
colonel's voice was heard outside ; he
passed without entering ; but with the
hateful sound her mood was changed.
Peace fled , and a great terror and perplexity -
plexity took hold upon her. Dick saw
it and took her in his arms again ; she
clung to him desperately.
"What am I to do ? " she cried. "What
can I do ? "
"That which you came to do , " he an
swered , quietly. "But first you must
rest ; the strain of all this has worn you
out. "
"Rest ! " she said. "I can not-un
tit- And her voice failed.
"I know what you would say , " he
replied. You are troubled by uncertainty -
tainty about me , but you must try to
dismiss that from your mind. Whatever -
ever comes to me , you have your work
to do , and you must do it. "
She looked at him reproachfully , but
could not speak.
He understood her again , and answered -
wered her unspoken thought.
"No , " he said , "I am not forgetting ,
but you yourself once made me pronise
that I would put aside love for duty.
I have no need , I know , to make the
same request of you. "
As he spoke the scene of that promise
came back before her eyes. She saw
the ball-room at Glamorang House , his
trembling hope , and her own pride and
But now Dick was speaking again ,
and it seemed as though he had divined
her thought , in part at least.
"That old promise , " he said , "has
bound me twice already. I found it
hard , but obeyed. This third time I
could not do so , but that the promise
is enforced by a yet stronger law. It
Is a bitter , cruel necessity , but I must
fight against you and your cause. I can
but warn you that I shall do my best"
' Her heart teat fast. "And I ? " she
said , faintly.
"I know , " he answered , as if to spare
her the words. "I know you can not
sacrifice your loyalty to the Emperor ,
even for me. "
In utter simplicity } he had misunderstood -
stood her ; her u'ealcness was doubly rebuked -
buked , and she felt him tower above
her higher than ever ,
It Is a strange game , he said , more
lightly , "in which you and I are found
on opposite sides ; but since we're in it ,
let no one say we didn't play it out. '
"But either way you lose ! " she cried ,
with despair in her voice and eyes.
"Not so , " he answered , tenderly. "I
have won already , and received my
prize beforehand. "
He drew her to him as he spoke , and
again for a space the chains of their ,
iron destiny fell away from them , and
they fled together across shoreless seas
under an Infinite radiance of sunlight.
She tore herself away at last , but only
at his urgent entreaty that she would
rest. She promised with a sad smile ,
knowing sleep to be impossible.
Outside stood Johnstone As he was
about to lock the door again the colonel
came up and stopped him.
"Wait a nhoment , " he said. "I want
to speak to Captain Estcourt. "
He turned to Camilla , unci added , before -
fore he went in , "I am sorry to trouble
him again , but I must make it plain to
hi that his fate is none the less inevitable -
able for any help you may have promised -
ised hint. I warn you , you are potweh -
.less in my hands : If ; ou wish to save
him it must be by bringing him over to
our side , and not by deserting to his. "
"You may spare him your hateful
presence , then , " retorted Camilla , "for
I have made no promises ; '
The colonel looked incredulous.
"Oh 1" she cried , "how should you understand -
derstand ? I would have given up all ,
and gladly , too ; but he compels me to
do my duty in spite of myself. "
The colonel looked a little uncomfortable -
fortable , but his face cleared , 'Then I
may count on you to nelp me ? " he
She turned upon him , her eyes blazing -
ing with unspeakable hatred and con-
"Yes , " she cried , "you may count on
me to help you and despise you ; to
curse you in success anu to triumph in
your downfall ! "
The colonel turned away. He felt that
he was not appearing at his best before -
fore Johnstone ; and it was against his
principles to let himself he seen at a
disadvantage by a subordinate.
Camilla went to her own cabin and
threw herself into her berth. She was
worn out , but far too overstrung to
sleep. The wind was rising outside ;
the ship moved violently , with sounds
of straining timbers and of heavy
masses thrown from side to sire.
1-lour after hour passed in this turmoil -
moil , which scemeul to match the helpless -
less tossing of her thoughts. Sometimes
tle shouting of rough voices came to
her ; sometimes the shrieking of the
wind was like the despairing cry of human
man agony. Tier nerves quivered , restless -
less terror overpowered her reason , and
the most horrible fantasies possessed
her. At last she could bear ft no longer.
Hardly knowing what she did , she rose
and rent to the saloon.
Johnstone , wearied out by a long i
watch on deck , was sleeping on the floor
beside the door.
She took the key from his pocket ,
turned it in the lock , and passed softly
in. He woke as she stepped over him ,
but seeing who it was sat still and eyed
her watchfully.
She steadied herself in the doorway
and looked down the room. A hammock
had been slung across it near the mid-
die ; there lay Dick , sleeping quietlyy as
a child ; a single lamp was hanging
rear , and the unsteady light threw
strange distorted shadows across his
face without troubling his rest.
She stood gazing for some minutes ; a
deep sense of peace came over her ; she
sighed and turned awzy , soothed and
Johnstone , without rising , held out
his hand for the key. As she ; vent back
to her cabin , he muttered behind her :
"Ay. ay ! my beauty ; he'll be sleeping
sounder yet tomorrow night ! "
Happily she did not hear him , but
went to her berth comforted , and slept' '
for some hours in spite of the noise of
the hurricane , which raved with im-
c ) easing violence.
During the night the brig , after vainly -
ly attempting to anchor , had been driven -
en past the island to the south , and j
when Camilla came on deck fn the !
morning she thought at first that an
unhoped-for deliverance had thus been i
brought about , for St. Helena was fat'
away on the : horizon , and the wind ,
though it had moderated in force , was
still blowing almost dead against them.
She soon saw , however , that the ships
head was toward the island , and that
by repeated tacking they were already
making some way against the wind.
The colonel himself came up to her !
and pointed out this fact. "By sunset , " i
he sair , . "we shall have comfortably
worked back to the north side of the
island , and our new guest will be on
board the Speedwell soon after mid-
night. "
She looked at him with cold hatred ,
and made no answer.
. . I can not help seeing , " lie remarked , f
"that I have had the misfortune to incur -
cur your displeasure. But I hope the
Emperor , when he comes , will recoil-
cue us all. "
She turned her back upon him and '
i went below. When she reached tile' '
door of the saloon she found Johnstone ,
posted there again. This time he refused -
fused to let her in. j
"No , no , " he said ; "your turn last' '
night ; mine this morning. I've particu- r
far business with. Captain Estcourt today -
day , andtffrom his looks I should say it
would take us some time yet. "
She went to her cabin , and the long !
day began to drag wearily on.
Dick , in the meantime , was racking
! his head to find some sure way of upi - '
i setting the colonel's plans even at the
! last moment , and at any cost to aim- I
self , It was horrible to think that if he
succeeded he would involve Cwmllla in t
tI I
the ruin of the conspiracy. But he put
the recollection of this sternly from his
mind , or clenched his teeth still more
doggedly when the thought forced itself -
self upon him. He saw clearly enough
that the colonel would go on hoping forr
his surrender until the last possible
moment-that would be until the time
came when they must either fret ] eagle
to take the Si.eedwel ] ino the rands eft
Jamestown for the eight or be boarded
by the search party frnm one of the
cruisers. If he could manage to be an
deck at the deeihive moment when the
guard-boat came alongside , he night
give them some kind of warning befog : '
his enemies could silence hhn.
The colonel had come in twice durin ; ;
the morning to see if lie had signed the
letter yet ! on the second occasion Dick
had snatched the paper from his hands
and torn it lute fragments. 1-le now
appeared for the third time , bringing
a freshly-written copy with him , ut'hkh
he ] landed to Johnstone ,
"This is my last visit , " ] he said. "I
! shall leave Captain Estcourt to YOU
henceforward. It seems that my presence -
ence uhakes hits unreasonable. "
"It is you , " said Dick , with an attempt -
tempt at diplomacy , "who are unre't- '
sonable , to keep me shut up below here.
Are you afraid that 1 shall swim
ashore ? '
"I inn afraid that you might try , " replied -
plied time colonel. "But I'll let you go
on deck after dinner if you will excuse
my taking nhy OWn precautions. "
" - , "
"SVhat precautions-
"Putting some little constraint upon
your power of movement. "
"Call It irons at oltee' " interjected
Dick flushed indignantly , but a glance
at the colonel's face told him that the
interpretation was correct. Insulting
as time suggestion was , he could' not afford -
ford to refuse , for it was his one chance.
" 1 accept , " he said , shortly , and the
.colonel went out.
After dinner Dick was taken on clerk ,
and the irons n'cre brought. lie sat
down while they were locked upon him.
The colonel stood a short distance off ,
watching.Vhen he saw that Dick was
helpless he came up.
"Now , " Ise said to Johnstone , "take
lhhn down again , if you please. "
Dick turned white with anger anti
( lespair.
"I'ou don't mean that ! " he cried.
"You can riot !
"I promised you should conic on
deck , " replied the colonel "bttt I think
I I am right in saying that no time was
mentioned. In my judgment you have
been long enough here already , and-
you will pardon me for speaking plain-
ly-the sooner you learn submission to
my judgment the more trouble you will
spare us all. "
TO nit COXTINCnn. )
College I'rofeasor Coutplahty of the
"Sporty" Style of Netvspsper.
"Why is it , " asked a mild-mannercil
college professor of a friend by whose
side he sat waiting for his turn in a
barber-shop--"why is it that
cality , always provide for the delectation -
tion of their patrons the most lurid of
'sporty. ' publications ? I don't look
like a sport , do I ? " And the friel'i
looked him over , and withi a droop of
the corners of his mouth and all elevation -
tion of his eyebrcvrs agreed that lie
didn't. "Yet , " continued the professor ,
"whenever I sit down in a barber's
chair the barber immediately thrusts
into my hands a sheet of pink prii-
rience , or some less highly colored but
more openly indecent illustrated alom
iration. Sonic few hotel barber-shops
have a stray copy of a daily newspaper
lying around , but I have yet to find a
barber-shop where Sporty' pape1'a" am
not the chief literary entertainment
provided for patrons with which to beguile -
guile the tedious waits for a chance at
the chair. Is there any reason for fi ,
or is it just a trade custom for barbers
to subscribe for such publications
when they open their business , just as
they order soap and shaving papers ?
Is it that all the thousands of mild-
mannered , every.-day citizens who are
not sports' shave themselves ant
there is therefore no need of catering to
the literary taste of the casual customer -
tomer of that kind ? But if , as 1 imagine -
ine is the case , the barber's customers
are men of all classes and calibers ,
why don't the barbers provide something -
thing to balance the spectacular effect ,
at least , of the sporty' papers that
stare at one from every chair ? A copy
of some good monthly- magazine would
not cost as much as a sporting weekly ,
for instance , and would be really a
treat for dozens of customers , where
the superfluity of pictorial abominations -
tions are really offensive. But I ( hidn't
intend to suggest how a barber shoul'l
run his business. I only started to
voice my wonder as to just why barber
shops and lurid sporty' papers should
always have to be associated together
in one's impressions. Can you think
of one without thinking of the other ? "
T'.te Cloclc Trade Iv Rushing.
The manufacturers of clocks have not
ben so iusy at any time during several
years as they are at present. The factories -
tories devoted to the production oi silver -
ver plated ware are running full time ,
with large cotrnlerments of operatives ;
the watch manufacturers have this year
given their hands shorter vacations
than usual , and are increasing their already -
ready large forces ; the jeteiry manit-
facturers of Providence , New York ,
Newark and other centres are running
their factories to theit utmost capacity ;
the importers of art goods , potter ; and
bric-a-brac are receiving extensive
shipments of goods ; makers of cut glass
are producing many new patterns and
are working every frame in their t
plants. Thus the anticipation of a E
golden shower during the fail season
is evident throughout the manufacturing -
ing branches of our industry , and that
the manufacturers will not be disappointed - I
pointed all signs indicate.
Oh ! many a shaft at random sent
Finds mark the archer little meant ,
and many a word at. random spoken
May soothe or wound a heart that's
r-'c' - -
A Touching Epitaph.
A Topelcarcportcr was nosing around'
a second-hand store the other day when i
ho came across a tombstone which had
in some manner drifted into the deal-
er's hands , and tt'ihich was for sale at
less than half first cost. Upon it was
engaved the following touching inscription -
scription : " , fiznmy thou art gone ; but
'tis sweet to know that thou wilt. meet
us on Jordan's banks with thy stvicet
hello , "
Bisast robs folio re.
We can mention no failure more dlsaa
trous tlutn that of physical esorgr. It
involves the parthtl susprnvlott of the dl-
hestive and mtssluiihtIvu processes , turd cu- ,
tails the rotirotnmit train bushiness of thin
liver and kltlneys , Only through iltegood
alilcesof liostetucr's Stontuchltitters can
the restoration of lts former vigorous status -
us lie hoped for.lion this nid has been se-
cured. a reumption of activity in Ihestom-
: v'h , liver : tnd Lowels nuty I'e relied a1ton. .
Tin Bitters conquers malaria and kidney
troubles. '
I would have a mnu great in ercat things
and o.eaant in little things.-Johnson.
Time rarefied atmosphcro of time city of
Leadviile , Col. , is fatal to cats , rats , micro ,
That good health , strong nerves , physical
vigor , happiness and usefuhness depend 1
upon pure , rich , healthy blood. Remember -
ber that the blood can be made pure by
Sarsaparilla .
The One True Blood Purifier. ; 1 ; 6 for 5.
Good's Pith cure bhllousne53 headache. 25c
tiny ) n . . . + > ro. nn + t .r.y aaa + v t + .
world's Fair ! iIIOflliST A\VAID.
Many competing FOODS
aye come aiiorie
cell fiSSe by few or
none the ouiai iofis
6 sea"
a- y
Said uv , GISTS Cvii2YNtlEtIil ,7
, folio Carle fc Snns , New York.
f. + / + ! V 4. V V V + . SaN V . ( afa. V V V V + Q/ +
When to sad "No. "
Nhen the clerk tries to get rid o
some other binding by calling it
lust as good as the
. ( ' ; ir gf 'r , . °
Gs Q , i t
6 l ls w
Bias Velveteen
Skirt Biindhig.
Simply refuse to take it. No binding -
ing wears or looks as well as the
"S. I-I. &M. "
If your dealer will not supply you , vrr :
Send for sampies , showing labels and materials -
rials , to tht : S. i' . & ld. Co. , i. 0. Eoz 699 , tlcw
York City.
TlIr r . : rtiisTar. Co. (1cra talf tbo werld's
vindailil iU 11tiet , b 'ca r e it ha. : rrenvvd Jie cult rt
send pctort'i ) 7 ; 7 uiL it It has lone" branch
ltouas , ami ! : ; anti ratais
i + ; , . ayutsdeu. : It ( ! tandtlrux tuadaha
L + r Ibrtt' rarticle lnrlerinonrllion :
h + Y , p , 'rthrrs. It riakr l'enac ; a 't
* . .
rMrtty Geard , ; set i , ( i ; vatnzeG a.teT
CntnpGnnn lilrtin.Tntlh
and Flztal s : : r i ' 1'erat.Srci PMzZSari
Irames , , te , t i'errr t'ucr i and P'c _ .t
; i-tiGrinders. On appih ° ttir'm it w'Il rains ore
tia ; of tbro artlrb' : tha. it atll furei + h untU
J ovary 1st at it. ; inn uai-1 price. it vise tnai ei
'r is rWd PnL.pscI ati k'ne' . r'nJ fer caabgno ,
Fectory : lit. , 3ockc'c' : : Filly Sheets , C ika..t.
- - -
ifi - 11J
The Last 5303 L od to 6.Itai is the "Cora L'et" !
at Low rrlrc. .
Per iNi'0niiATiOS rerardn ; land In Barr ; Co. ,
fl. : t'ufSSOCIK3 , write t „ r. t.rn. A. -
Pcnrv,1'ierce city , Ito. ; .r c. ' 11.foTr , Purdy , 3to. ;
T. 5. Fr-osr , ( 'as.vitlc , Mo. . or . . 1 ; . 5zew.ty&t ,
802 3lonadnorL Chtcao , Ili ,
c harF .
ddI31. .YZnlt it '
Illustrated catJo nie shoring WELL ,
SENT Fnzg. have been teEted an'l ;
all warranted.
Sioux City Engine and Iron works , . / "
SnctessorstoYedtiift ; C" . ; t
' 4loi : ( 'ity.Iowa. " 1
Tuc ROSS ELL $ ru.tse 3i.rtaclrv Co ,
llii tvP > t Sieve it's i trr e : , lansav City S.e
tptraduJ ; jBIC fA.RP
I ' 0alir' ' RAIBfA6IBRY } taorual
A . TO OORA [ InTY 0. 6C.OR. aGtL. . rt S
t 1dr.1s1EttlCr
STitF ,4C.r1 8f i1 ; TY21h _ & , , , , rtattT
t'IK1AH5HIP"fE.TF ? lta:9 ; ; rcuc " rrar"t'
Sr , t HAU ? BALSAFr
r y ° Cessee and ce the hslt.
p 'YromOei a - grorrL4.
s _ sever Faile to Reetcre bray
rf i r r , to its Youthful Color.
i/ -r Ctuee : cap : diryase3 k hair taiisg.
= .k , : Jk.andE1.1,7at DaT iaU
1)nonrr'tr sell yon ; prolcctsaodWrite to 113 for
Informati.n how to make bf money on the pr. .
reeds in the pnrei1. P of r orrt en car. infcrmt-
tinn and bookoa al + tina C. F. V.Li itl5kL5
d Co. , al L.5atte 5t. , ( 'Lhta o.
- +
6YaaQllRwl'Ltu'srs'a itnrLoa.C.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lae Prrinctpt 1 'amtner Ii ch. Pet tcn ( : urea : .
Jyrx alut r,1 .djt.dreatm'eizh. . , , atty aace.
Iiialia i. EPA 1R Works
Stove Bepars frr 90OOe different stove
ardrai s. l203Dou lasJt.O naltaNeb
3Iorphine Habit Curr'd fn 10
to 20 days. No pa ; till cured.
iii z 65 ? DR.J.STEPH"ENSLebanonOhto.
S3 to in .I ntr'ro roa , . Scad :
gay F"
6 work TrlteiliLL,55rtthAv.Chta . ) .
w. N. U.r . OM AIA , 51,1805.-- .
When writing to advertisers , mention
' this
paper _ -
' CU' SIffN iISE FAlS.
Best Cough $7rnp. Tastes Gcod. 17 a
in time. $ uld bT dra2RL-ts.
7 Y ' fly