The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1895, Image 1

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Was the Masquerade Ball by the
Pythian Brigade Band on
' , Tuesday Evening.
The grand masquerade ball given in
the Menard opera house on Tuesday
evening , tinder auspices of the Nebraska
Brigade Band , Uniform Raitk , Knights
of Pytliias , called together a numerous
and brilliant company of people and is
pronounced one of the most successful
and delightful balls ever held in the city ,
Ttlere was a large display of varied cos-
tunics , some of them very pretty ; but
the ludicrous predominated. As usual
there were many spectators who seemed
to enjoy the spectacle scarcely less than
the costumed participants.
The music was provided by the Py-
thian orchestra , and that means was of
a high glade of excellence and an inspiration -
spiration to the dancers.
Prizes were given those esteemed to
have the most unique costumes : ' Mrs.
Tom Wilkinson was awarded the lady's
prize , and Mr. George Mason the gen-
tleman's prize.
The affair throughout was a very creditable -
itable one , reflecting advantageously upon -
on the efforts of the band to do the
proper thing , as well as increasing the
gold reserve in the bank to the band's
The parade by the Pythian band en
costume , Tuesday noon , drew a large
811(1 highly amused following.
THETRiBUNE desires to congratulate
Prof. Sutton and his fellow musicians of
the Nebraska Brigade upon the success
ful issue of their ball from both social
and financial points of view.
Boll Your Drinking Water.
In view of the fact that there are and
have been a number of typhoid fever
cases in the city , the advisability of boiling -
ing the drinking water has been suggested -
gested to us , and we have been urged. to
press the probable importance of such
action upon the people of the city.
While such analyses made of the city
water have not disclosed the existence
pf typhoid fever bacilli or germs in the
e'-r water , yet it is considered advisable under -
der the circumstances and facts to boil
such water as is used for drinking purposes -
poses in the city.
We will add on our own motion that
cleanliness and lime may be good things
to go with boiled water. That is , keep
your premises clean and sprinkle lime
where it will do the most good.
The Maccabees Entertain.
There was a large and delighted gath-
erihg in the Maccabee lodge , last night.
The occasion was the celebration of the
re-election of the present popular Lady
Commander , Mrs. F. S. Wilcox. There
were about one hundred present , including -
ing guests and members. Cards and
games were the instruments of entertain-
.nent. In the progressive high five playing -
, ing the lady's and gentleman's prizes
were won respectively by Mrs. L. B.
Stiles and Mr. C. W. Bronson. Toothsome -
some refreshments were served. It was
a notably pleasing and happy affair.
A "Scale" Recital :
The pupils of Mrs. E. E. Utter indulged -
dulged in a "Scale" recital at her home
and studio , last Monday evening , which
was a very interesting and enjoyable affair -
fair throughout. Over 200 scales , vocal
and instrumental , had been prepared ,
and many of them were given. Besides
the music , games were played , and altogether -
gether a very felicitous evening was
passed by teacher , pupils and guests.
District Court.
Aunt equity term of the district court
will be held in Indianola , Monday next.
We understand that the session will not
exceed one day. There are 162 cases on
the civil list and 43 cases on the motion
docket. So the session will likely be
lively while it lasts.
Mid-Winter Holiday Rates.
December .4th , 25th and 31st , 1S95 ,
and January 1st , TSg6 , we will sell roundtrip -
trip tickets to points within 2qo miles of
McCook for one fare and a third , with
a return limit to January 2d , iSg6.
C. E. MAGNER , Agent.
Beardsley , Optician , at McCook.
Truman C. Beardsley- , optician , of
Omaha will be iii McCook from Decem-
her 20th to 24th , at C. A. Leach's jewelry
' . store. Defective vision corrected by the
use of glasses , a specialty. Tests and consultation -
sultation free ; satisfaction guaranteed.
Removed the Growth.
On last Sunday , William Nixon was
operated upon for the removal of a
small cancerous growth from the side of
his head. Dr. W. V. Gage was the oper-
ator. The growth was about the size of
a half dollar. He is getting along nicely.
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll.
American Crepe Tissue loc. a roll , at
y6c 1 a > L Ca2lciGC1c s
R. M. OsnoaN 11x(1 business at Edison ,
C. V. KNIGHTS went down to Lincoln ,
Monday night.
C. H. BovLE has heeu in St. Louis on
business , this week.
MAY WIIITTAKER is now ill with an
attack of typhoid fever.
down from Culbertson , Monday.
PERRY L. Hor.E the ahoe banker -
er , was one of the city'sguests , Monday
MISS EDITH MEYERS is clerking for
Dr. S. 1 , . Green ( luring the holiday
MRS. M. STERN of Holdreve was the
guest of her sister , Mrs. S. Stasser , early
part of the week.
A. M. DREW , who is now prospecting
there , seems to be quite carried away
with Cripple Creek.
MESDAMES J. S. LEHEw and C. 0.
LeHew were Hastings shoppers , Mon.
( lay , returning home on 5.
MAYOR KELLEY was a Lincoln visitor ,
first of the week , going down to the capital -
ital city on Sunday night.
G. W. NORRIS was a city guest , Monday -
day night , going up to Imperial on Tuesday -
day morning , on business.
G. W. EISENHART , the Culbertson
banker , was at these commercial headquarters -
quarters , Monday evening.
MR. MANLY , who has been associated
with Wilcox and Son for a number of
weeks past , departed on Sunday.
0. FROST of the Bank of Bartley was
a brief sojourner in themetropolis , Monday -
day evening , returning home on No. 4.
MRS. LILLIAN PITNEY arrived in the
city , last week , and will make her home
with her parents , Dr. and Mrs. P. Boyle ,
for the present.
ADOLPH METZNER is clerking for J.
W. McKenna. Mr. and Mrs. Metzner
are occupying one of the Wells dwellings -
ings on north Madison street.
MR. AND MRS. J. T. BULLARD of Palisade -
isade , who have been visiting relatives
in Omaha and Lincoln , came in'ou No.
3 , Saturday evening , homeward bound.
MISS NELL FISHER came down from
Wauneta , Tuesday evening , taking No.
3 for Denver , where she will visit her
cousin , Miss Carrie Ashmore , until early
in February.
WILLIAM FOSTER has returned to his
first love , Nebraska , and to McCook.
That is a habit of the pilgrims from this
state and section. Like the cat , they
come back again.
C. T. BREWER and William Doyle
went up to Cripple Creek , Colorado ,
Sunday night , to investigate that fapious
and all-attracting gold camp's inducements -
ments for a meat market , which they
propose to establish there if the prospects -
pects warrant.
W. T. BRICEEY of the Palisade Times
spent Tuesday here on some land business -
ness , and was not forgetful to make a
fraternal call at these headquarters. He
reports encouraging results from planting -
ing Jerusalem and Kaffir corn by farmers -
ers in his sectionand thinks such plants
should be given more attention by the
agriculturists of Southwestern Nebraska.
Both are well known for their capacity
to withstand dry weather and hot winds.
We hope to see the farmers of Red Willow -
low county plant an increasing acreage
to both of these species of corn.
DR. Z. L. KAY arrived home on 3 ,
Sunday night , from a business trip to
central South Dakota. Among other
points he visited in Plankintou , briefly ,
where he had , or thought he had , some
property interests. Upon his arrival
there , however , he found that an enterprising -
prising firm , of abstracters in that town
had sold a five-room dwelling on his city
property to a party three or four miles
out in the country , where the building
had been moved three or four months
since. All for the munificent sum of
about $60. . This same enterprising firm
of scamps had been pocketing the rental
and failed to pay the taxes. But when
the doctor's labors with them were completed -
pleted , the other fellows wished a thousand -
and times , more or less , that they had
quit their meanness before they became
the doctor's agent for that Plankinton
prcperty. The doctor's idea is that
South Dakota as a state has at least temporarily -
porarily gone to the demuition bowwows -
wows , and is for a large part in the undisputed -
disputed possession of the Russian thistle -
tle , which all over the state seem to
abound. The doctor left on Wednesday
for Kansas City , where he has business
that will detain him there until Christmas -
mas ,
Cash cheerfully received on subscrip-
Judge Welty was a Commercial guest ,
Sunday last.
105 Marshal street ? Why , that's Bul-
lard's coal offi ; e.
C.G.Coglizer succeeds Howe Smith as
night policeman. Oh !
Tiie supreme court has taken an al-
jourument until after the holidays ,
An Elegant Display of Articles
suitable for holiday gifts at Leach's jewelry -
elry store.
For sale-One 6 hole , Gold Coin cooking -
ing range , second hand , cheap. At W.
C Bullard & Co.'s office.
Free Engraving. Goods Bought of
Leach , the Jeweler , engraved in the most
artistic manner , free of charge.
TIrE TRIBUNE will be deeply disappointed -
pointed if President Kelley does not rush
in to assistance of President Cleveland.
We understand that C. W. Knights is
thinking of going west and growing up
with the country in the Cripple Creek
This has been an unusual year for typhoid -
phoid fever. The number of cases ,
though not large in total , has been Uncommon -
common for this locality.
McCook is furnishing her share of
wealth hunters in Cripple Creek. And
others are thinking hard about going
into the mad rush for fortunes.
Remember that Sutton has the most
extensive and elegant stock of Sterling
Silverware to be seen in the Republican
valley. Call and see and get his prices.
Nobody attempts to equal Sutton in
the display of Diamonds , It can't be
done in this part of Nebraska. A Diamond -
mend Ring would make a superb Xmas
A Cincinnati daily states that our
"Snapper" Kennedy is likely to play in
the outfield for the Cincinnati reds , next
season. "Snapper is a fine batter and
base runner.
There seems to be a little petty thieving -
ing going on in the city ; and the hands
of the police are itching to get a 101(1 of
the perpetrators. There is grief ahead
for the culprits.
Sutton perhaps cannot tell you who
will be the next president of the United
States , but he can tell you what will ,
make her an acceptable present. Call
early while his assortment is full.
Truman C. Beardsley , optician , of
Omaha will be in McCook from Dec. 20
to 24 , at C. A. Leach's Jewelery store.
Defective vision corrected by the use of
glasses a specialty. Tests and consulta
tion free ; satiisfaction guaranteed.
You might as well get something substantial -
stantial and pretty while you are buying
Christmaspresents. At Sutton's jewelry
store you will have no difficulty in satisfying -
fying yonr taste as well as your pocket
book. He has many charming novelties
for the holiday season , especially
It is rumored that L. H. Rooney , who
has been in Cripple Creek for the past
few weeks , has struck it quite rich in a
mine there in which he has an interest.
We understand that he thinks the boom
has reached the top there , though fortune -
tune seekers are still rushing in by the
thousands weekly.
This gold mining fake business is cropping -
ping out all along the Republican river
valley. Observe , we state that the "fake
business" is coming to the surface , not
the much coveted "yellow stufF' . But
these little side shows are sadly silly emulations -
ulations of the great Cripple Creek craze ,
which bids fair to be a world beater.
I i
12 for I . at the B. & M. meat market.
105 Marshal Street. Office of W. C.
Bnllard & Co.
A nice pair of shoes fora Xmas present
wouldn't be bad. See Ganschow.
Reliable G o o d s at Reasonable
prices. Pine assortment at Leach's jewelry -
elry store.
You can buy , the most valuable present
at Ganschow's for your husbands , wives
and children , very cheap.
International Stock Food makes poor
stock fat. 3 feeds t cent. Sold by
Fifteen ( I5) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , con-
taming 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes -
opes ,
-The Engraving that Leach , the
Jeweler , has executed free , on articles
bought of him , is seldom equalled in
artistic merit.
Christmas exercises at the Congrega-
tioilal church on Tuesday evening.
A committee will be at the Methodist
church to receive the presents for Santa
Claus from 2 to 6 p.m.
Do not fail to hear Isham's great lecture -
ture at the M. E. church , Christmas
night , December 25th , on India.
Sunday school Christmas entertain-
ment. Come Christmas eve and see
the greatest novelty of the age ,
METIIODiST-Sunda ) ' school at Io a.
in. ; preachiugat it a. n1. ; Bible study
at 2:45'p. In ; Epworth leage at 7 p. ni. ,
Mrs. Ed. Bevrer , leader ; Jubilee services
at S p , m. All are welcome.
The "Zone" social by the ladies
of the Baptist church in the Meeker
building , Tuesday evening , was unique
and successful in a very gratifying de-
gree. The ladies were accorded a large
patronage , and the same was richly nier-
mted. The proceeds were quite satisfac-
CONGREGATIONAL-Morning topic ,
"The Coming of Christ" . Evening
topic , "Acquainted with God's Law" .
Sunday school at to o'clock. Endeavor
society at 7 o'clock ; leader , Edith Oys-
ter. You are cordially invited to attend
these serverces.
BAPTIST-Owing to an unfortunate ,
but unavoidable , delay in getting the
programs , the Christmas exercises which
were to have been on Sunday evening -
ing , will not he held. At the session of
time Bible school , Sunday morning , however -
ever , the Christmas gifts will he distributed -
uted to all the scholars enrolled. The
usual preachilig at it a. nm. and S p. m.
B Y. P. U at 7 p. m. , led by Mrs. F. D.
Burgess ; subject , "Svsteniatic Giving" .
All services in McConnell hall. You
will be welcome.
G. P. FUSoN , Pastor.
Temple Dedication.
Program of Dedicatory Ceremonies to
be hell in the Masonic Temple at India
nola , Friday , December 27 , at 2 o'clock
p. nm.
Music by the Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Formation of Grand Parade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song , "flail Universal Lord".Quartette
Dedicalion Ceremonies , conducted by 'N.M.
henry W. Wilson , Grand Master of Masons -
ons in Nebraska , assisted by other Grand
Anthem , "When Solomon with Wondrous
Skill" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quartette
Oration , W. Bro. S. R. Smith , Master of
Indianola Lodge 123.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . time Orchestra
"Temple Building".Bro. J. S. Phillips
Announcements by Master of Ceremonies ,
Bro. J. J. Lamborn , and general collection.
Song , "America".Congregation
Dismissal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Banquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Orchestra
Address of welcome..Bro. J. J. Lamborn
Response to address of Welcome. . . . . . . . . .
'L. L. Kay , McCook
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Orchestra
Toasts and responses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"How Mary Lease Became a Mason" , . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .C. M. Brown , Cambridge
The relation of secret orders to society. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .George S. Bishop.
The Republican Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .F. C. Condon , Arapahoe
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Orchestra
"Who vouched for Dupee" , Recitation. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .S. R. Smith
"Our Women".Cal. Underwood , Danbury
"Our Men".Mrs. Dr. I-dathorn , Bartley
The Pioneers..Judge E. S. [ fill , Indianola
The Tenderfoot..Ed. Smith , Indianola
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Orchestra
"The Law Makers" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. [ lon. J. W. Cole , Culbertson
The G. A. R. Fraternity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .Capt. J. M. Lee , Oxford
The Newspaper Fraternity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .M. J. Abbott , Hayes Center
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bythe Orchestra
The Legal Fraternity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. J. Rittenhouse , McCook
Public Officers , the Peoples' Servants. . . . . .
H. W. Keyes , Indianola
Our State..L. H. Cheney , Stockvihle
The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. C. Johnson
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oration..Henry H. Wilson , Grand Master
Music . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dismissal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WILT. FISHER of Wauneta took in
the Brigade band bail , Tuesday night.
MISS KAVANAUGH of Denver , formerly -
ly of Indianola , and Fred VanNorman
of Denver , were city visitors , close of
last week.
PROF. HOSIC of Arapahoe created
quite a favorable impression in McCook
during his recent brief visit in our city ,
both on account of his excellent lecture
and reading and his pleasing person-
A Fortunate Escape.
Indianola came near losing her new
Masonic Temple , Sunday afternoon ,
by fire. A stove , which was being
fired to dry the plastering , fell over-be-
ing unsteady on its legs-and the interior -
terior was damaged about $300 before
the fire was discovered and extinguished.
Quite a hole was burned in the floor
where the store stood , besides the building -
ing was damaged by smoke and water.
Though this misfortune will temporarily -
rily discommode and embarrass the Temple -
ple builders , yet they are heroically at
work repairing the loss , and announce
that they will dedicate the building on
the date already advertised-the 27th
day of December.
A complete program of the exercises
of the day appear elsewhere in this
issue. Time event will be a nmeutorable
one in the history of Southwestern Nebraska -
braska Masonry.
Why Die of Disappointment ?
When you can buy Diamonds , Watches ,
Clocks , Solid Silver and Plated Ware ,
Jewelry of every description , Novelties
etc. , etc. , at Sutton's at and below cost
for time next week. All goods you buy
from hini will be artistically engraved-
while you wait. Remember for one
week only this special sale forcash holds
Diseases of the Ear , Eye , Nose and
Dr. S. E. Cook of Lincoln
Will beinn McCook on January 9th ,
Ioth and Iitli , and will office with Dr.
\v. V. Gage. All defects of the Eye , Ear ,
Nose , and Throat treated. Glasses furnished -
nished and fitted. This will be an excellent -
cellent opportunity to consult a good
oculist at home.
Not Half Told.
The half has never been told of the attractiveness -
tractiveness and elegance of Sutton's
stock ofjewelry and silverware. It can't
be done in cold type. You must see the
goods. He will do the rest. In watches ,
jewelry of all kinds , silverware , etc. , his
stock has no equal in southwestern Ne-
All for One Dollar.
Wishing to reduce their large supply
of lard , the B. & M. meat market is selling -
ing 12 pounds of fine lard for one dc1-
lar. This is air unusual opportunity to
secure a bargain in lard at a remarkably
low price.
Of Course You Are.
You are lying awake nights trying to
decide what you will give your wife , sister -
ter , or sweetheart for Xmas. Don't lose
any more sleep , but visit Sutton's jewelry -
ry and music store. He can solve the
problem for you easily.
12 Pounds for $ i .00.
To reduce their large stock , the
B & 6I. meat market is selling 12 pounds
of good lard for $ r.oo. Anybody can
afford good lard at this low price. Remember -
member the place-The B. & M. meat
market , Flitcraft and Kroening.
$ age r cs cgr
Rev. Fuson talked to the assembly on
Wednesday morning.
Prof. Valentine is 110W reading the
story of an Italian boy's school days.
The young foot ballists are preparing
for a game between themselves during
The Athletic club have their eyes fixed
on the unoccupied Lutheran church as a
possible place for a gymnasium.
The attendance at the lantern class ,
Friday last , was very large , and a pleasant -
ant time was enjoyed by all. Prof. Ho-
sic's subject , which was "Longfellow and
his poems" , was an interesting one , and
was appreciated by his audience.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's.
12 for 1 at Fhitcraft & Kroening'smar-
Stolen Sweets Perfume for Christmas
at McMillen's.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roil.
American Crepe Tissue 20c. a roll , at
If you can't think what to buy for a
Xmas present , look at those nice slippers
at Gansehow's.
- -
To be Seen and Heard.
At the lecture to be given in the Methodist - , ,
odist church on Wednesday evening , by
Rev. G. W. Isltanm , the following spectacular -
tacular display will be given :
Eight persons will nppear in the cos-
tUmiies of India , representing the dress of , ,
Hindoo and Dlohamutedau men , women .
and children. .
A shrine is set up and the forms of
worship of both [ Iiudoo and Moltamtue-
( tans will be performed.
A Ilimidoo wedding Ceremony will be
perforated and time service enacted as in
real life in India.
The following is a partial list of the
curiosities on exhibition : Ebony ele-
plmanls from Ceylon ; full set of native
jewelry ; samples of cotton ; , silk and }
camel's hair haul-made fabrics ; rude ,
hand-made coins of umany people ; strands
of holy beads of the Braimnims ; samples
of hamntered brass ware ; fancy hand-
carved and painted wood work ; iuiitution
native fruits ; numerous household idols ;
native shoes , coutmnon and sacred ; a
skin of time deadly cobra 1mllotobraPhs
of natives and many outer curios from
India , Burmaim and Ceylomm. ,
Admnissiott to cents.
Damaged by Fire.
The iie v Masonic temple at Indiauoht
was damaged by fire Sunday , December -
ber I5tlm.
The real damage to time Masonic tent-
pie will approximate 3oo.
There was 2,000 insurance on time
building in time Northm British & Mercantile -
cantile , but fears are entertained that
the company will refuse to pay time loss ,
for the reason time special permit of 30
days to complete the building has ex-
This will be very unfortunate , as the
association was already in debt in excess -
cess of the amount ( Inc ou.stock subscriptions -
scriptions and the real estate loan.
However , the damage will be repaired
as far as possible and time temple dedicated -
cated on the 27th ! , as advertised. We
trust that every Mason within a radius
of 5o uiiles will attend , also all friends
who are disposed to help us out at this
very trying time.
Railroad fare from all oiuts Is for
the round trip. J. S. Prrrr.LiPS ,
Secretary Temple Association.
Time expense in mai11taining the poor of
Red Willow county under the present
system has become a burden upon the
taxpayers. Therefore , time board of
county commissioners have decided to
buy and operate a poor farm , of not to
exceed I6o acres , and request that any
person or corporation interested in the
location of this poor farm submit to the ,
board of county commissioners , at their
next meeting , January 6th , 1896 , any
propositions ism the way of donations of
money , lands or other valuable considerations -
erations for the privilege of designating
the location of said poor farm.
GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , Dec. 17,1895
Holiday Rates
Via the Burlington Route , December
24 , 25 , 31 and January 1 , between stations -
tions not more than 200 miles apart.
Return limit , January 2 , I8g6. Take
advantage of this low rate opportunity
and spend Christmas with the old folks.
They are counting on you. Time Christmas -
mas turkey and the Christmas pudding
are all ready. Eat them where they
should be eaten-at home with your own
people-among your own friends.
Tickets and full information at time B. &
M. depot.
Will be Cosy and Comfortable.
Charles Lehn has purchased the \V. J.
Palmer residence on Marshall street ,
and will soon have one of the cosiest
little homes in the city. He has a force
of carpenters , painters etc. engaged at
work , and the dwelling is rapidly undergoing -
going systematic repairs and improvements -
ments which will give that young couple
an attractive and comfortable home.
Knights of Pythias.
Grand Chancellor Ford of Kearney
and Will Love of Lincoln , grand keeper
of records and seals , have prepared a
schedule of district meetings , a new yen-
ture in this jurisdiction , January , 29th is
the date set for the meeting at McCook.
Farm for Sale.
A well improved farm for sale. For
particulars address ,
4tS. MRS. R. J. SMITH.
Centerville , Colorado.
A Christmas Shoot.
Secretary LaTourette wishes us to state
that the McCook Gun club will indulge
in a shoot on Christmas afternoon at the
usual grounds.
To Exchange.
Denver lots , clear , for Red Willow
county farm. Address X D , care
Ta1Bu iE.
' , <
- - - _