The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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    , J + . r. . . _ , f - ; . , K'a : . . _ . , : . xait- . , . „ + . . M . . > - , . . . ; . . . x r - - - _ . . - - . -
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Just a little adlet , + . : is yrour basincct rather Blare p
Placed with careful hand _ - tl1buflt elnd Y aursales a trifle law i' l
Slakes a mi ht difference ! Do you care to swell their sixe2
In this pleasant land. a Rcai Timm : Tatauxi : and advertise. i
- Mrs. L. W. Stayner Passes Away ,
After a Brief Illness , With
Mrs , LW. Stayner died at five o'clock ,
last Saturday morning , November 30th ,
after a brief illness , from peritonitis ,
while yet in her 26th year. Funeral services -
vices were conducted at the residence at
two o'clock , Sunday afternoon , of a brief ,
simple , but touching character , liy Rev.
Hart L. Preston of the Congregational
church , after which the remains were
tenderly mingled with mother earth , in
the peaceful quietude of Longview cem-
etery. The deceased leaves behind a
husband and two small children , in addition -
dition to her parents and family.
The serious illness of this estimable
young woman was but little known , and
the announcement of her death , last
Saturday morning , came like a crushing
blow on the entire community , of which
she has been for a number of years a
respected member.
To the young husband and little
ones thus bereaved the deep atid tender
sympathy of this entire community goes
out in spontaneous abundance ; for set-
dour in the history of our city have the
true hearts of our people beaten with
more harmonious sympathy than in the
present instance.
] Ir. Stayner's father and brother ,
, and Mrs. Sepmeyer and two daughters ,
mother and sisters of the deceased , from
Lyons , Neb. , attended the funeral.
It is Mr. Stayner's purpose to keep the
i little household intact , and a near relative -
tive of , the families will have the home
and title ones in charge.
On Their Last Run.
The La Junta Colorado , Tribune of
November 3oth , gives a full and beautiful -
ful description of the funeral of Fred D.
Pitney , an account of whose tragic death
was in our last issue. The services were
elaborate and impressive , being conducted -
ed under the auspices of the Oddfellows
and Woodmen. The services were held
in the opera house , which was thronged
with sympathizing people of that city ,
N who were deeply and unusually stirred
by the tragic event , and who thus bore
a glowing tribute to the memoryof the
Masonic Temple Dedication.
The Masonic temple at Indianola will
be dedicated on the 27th of the present
month. The dedicatory exercises prop.
er will be in the afternoon. A banquet
and grand ball at night. Those who do
not wish to attend the ball will be treated
to a literary entertainment in the lodge
room. Every effort will be made to
make the occasion one long to be remembered -
membered with pleasure by all ,
Another Money Saver.
In this issue the Cash Bargain Store
announces another Great Money Saving
Bargain Sale , which will commence on
Monday. December 9th , and will continue -
tinue six days. Dry Goods , Clothing ,
Blankets , Cloaks , Oil Cloth and Linoleum -
leum , Shoes etc. , are embraced within
this sale. Your pocket book appeals for
genuine bargains , C. L. DeGroff & Co.
meet time appeal. Read the particulars.
It Needs Attention.
It is pathetically regretable that so
fine and handsome a structure as the
Lutheran church of this city should be
allowed to go to rack and ruin for lack
of a few needed repairs. Long unoccupied -
pied the building has been quite serious-
ly-damaged by the elements and more
destructive human kind. Its proper
preservation demands same repairs , and
those interested should give it attention.
He is Deeply Grateful.
We are requested by L.V. . Stayner to
thus publicly express his deep gratitude
to the kind and willing friends for their
- ' assistance and sympathy in the sorrow
, and bereavement which so recentlyover-
whelmed him , robbing a devoted' home
of a young and loving mother and shocking -
ing this entire community inexpressibly
with its pathos and suddenness. ,
How About thatXmas Advertising ?
The planting of Xmas advertisements
now is seasonable. This paper is a rich
and productive soil in which to sow for
the Xmas and New Year harvest. Secure
advantageous positions by calling at
' 1 once and arranging for space. The read-
lug , buying people of Red Willow county
are pretty'much all on our subscription
! Files a Contest. '
Sheriff Banks has filed with County
Judge Beck papers asking for a complete
recanvass of the ballots cast in this
L .
11 county for sheriff. Answer dayhasbeen
fixed for january 6th. J. R. Neel is the
sheriff-elect by six plurality. The contest -
test has quite naturally caused considerable -
; able excitement in political circles.
ah lotQc tic A idccsiEcl Qc
W. R. STARR came up from Indianola ,
Sunday night.
city visitor , last night.
MRS. DAY , mother of Dr. Gage , arrived -
rived home on Saturday night.
A. W KEYS of Bartley breathed this
municipal atmosphere , Wednesday.
MRS. S. E. GRIGGS went to Arapahoe ,
Tuesday night on 4 , to be gone several
MRS. HARVEY and son of Lincolu are
the guests of Mrs. W. S. Morlan , this
J , v. BABCOCK of Cambridge was a
city visitor , last evening , guest of his
DR. W. V , GAGE was summoned up
to Benkeluian , last Friday night , professionally -
fessionally ,
F , M. KIMMELL arrived home , Wednesday -
nesday night , from a two seeks visit to
relatives in Pennsylvania.
MRS. C. W. KNIGHTS and Master
Harry spent Thanksgiving in Cambridge -
bridge , returning home , Sunday morn-
C. H. BOYLE returned home , Monday
night , from Tampa ; Illinois , where he
accompanied his sister , Mrs. F. D. Pit-
A.M.DREw , we hear it stated , expects
to go to Cripple Creek , Colorado , soon ,
to look up a business location in that
famous camp.
leave on Monday for Lincoln to visit
until over the holidays , the guests of her
sister , Mrs. White.
R. 0. PHILLIPS of the Lincoln Land
Co. spent the early part of the week in
this city and part of the state on business -
ness , returning home on 2 , from Oxford ,
Thursday morning.
JACK DULLARD and bride came , from
Chattsworth ; Illinois , where they were
married on Thanksgiving day , as far west
as Omaha , Wednesday , to visit relatives
there briefly before returning to Palisade.
MAYOR KELLEY has had further A. P ,
A , honors thrust upon him , this week.
He has been duly elected State President
of the association. But perhaps John
' association a"damn-
don't regard the as -
ed bad thing for a town , " any more.
DR. L. IV. CRITSER , wife and son , W.
L. Critser , and family , started overland
for the neighborhood of Wichita , Kans. ,
November 27th , expecting to engage in
farming there during the coming season.
The Doctor and family have resided in
Valley Grange precinct for the past nine
years , and they will be greatly missed.
THE TRIBUNE hopes their stay may be
short but prosperous.
Save Your Plants.
Should the coming cold wave prove to
be what ispromised for it , a little protection -
tection may be necessary for the window
gardens. Newspapers between the
plants and the window , with the top of
the paper curving over the top of the
plant rather than held close to the window -
dow , will generally save from Jack Frost
but if the glass is frosted the paper
must not be removed until after the
frost has all melted. A further protection -
tion is in bowls of cold water placed
among the plants. A pail or two of cold
water in theroom will often prove sufficient -
cient , but if the water in either bowls or
pails becomes frozen it must be removed
before it begins to melt and cold water
be substituted. In extreme cold weather
plants may be protected by covering
plant and pot both under and all about
with newspaper.
Use Judgment.
A good many of the farmer&are losing
their cattle by turning them in on stalks.
From what we have been able to gather ,
the farmer himself is to blame for allowing -
ing his stock to remain in the field too
long at the start. They should not be
permitted to strip in the field to exceed
an hour a day for the first week or ten
days. The stock should also have plenty
of water and salt before being turned in
the fieldand free access to the salt after-
wards. Those who have followed this
method have not lost stock , this year. .
The young cattle are the ones most af-
The Chapter Officers-Elect.
At the meeting of Bing Cyrus Chapter
No. 35 , last night , the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year
z. L. Kay , High Priest.
A. Probst King.
W C. LaTourettet Scribe.
J. A. Wilcox , Treasurer.
E. B. Lowman , Secretary.
A son of W. S. Kealiher , is suffering
with inflammatory rheumatism.
FOUND-A watch charm. CaIIatTHB
TRIBUNE office for information.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Suess , Wednesday of this week.
The deatli rate iii Little Russia is said
to be disproportionally large , especially
among the infants.
The children of E. N. Benjamin of
Valley Grange precinct have been ill
the past week with tonsiitis-now somewhat -
what prevalent.
This seciion has been experiencing
some pretty snug winter weather , the
past week or two , with the thermometer
hugging the zero mark upon a number
of days.
We hear it stated that C. T. Brewer is
contemplating the establishment of a
branch meat market at Cripple Cieek ,
Colorado's great gold camp , and expects
soon to go there for the purpose of looking -
ing up a location.
Monday night of this week Frank
Swank , a well known South Side farmer ,
skipped the country. His creditors had
commenced to close in upon him , and
lie couldn't face the rirusic. He has
been farming the old Lindner & Erman
farm over in Driftwood precinct.
\tie regret very much to hear that Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Allen are going to leave
us , the first of the year. Mr. Allen will
take a new territory , with head quarters
at Denver. On Monday morning , they
leave for St. Joe for a three weeks visit.
Mr. Allen has made McCook his headquarters -
quarters for a number of years , and THE
TRIBUNE wishes them continued prosperity -
ity in their new home. A Mr. Rogers
will take Mr. Allen's old territory.
Dedication Will be Public.
Let it be known , the dedication of the
Masonic temple at Indianola on the 27th ,
will be public , as will be also the banquet -
quet and ball.
The banquet will be spread in the
large room on the first floor , where three
hundred people can be seated at one
The ball will be held in time opera
house , and time literary entertainment at
night will be given' in the commodious
lodge rooms.
Land ! Land ! Land !
I have the largest list of lands on my
books of any agency in southwestern
Nebraska , and all of these lauds can be
bought right and at prices that will make
the purchaser money. But in addition
to my regular list I have a few tracts
upon which I took options , last spring , I
and for the next 6o days I can sell these
lands at dry weather prices. There are
some very fine alfalfa lands among them.
Office on brain st. , opposite hotel.
Indianola's Greatest Event.
The greatest event in the history of
Indianola will be the dedication of the
Masonic temple on the 27th instant.
Delegations from McCook , Culbertson ,
Bartley , Cambridge , Danbury , Arapahoe
and Stockvile } will be present. Go and
see for yourselves what the Masons of
Indianola , with the friendly aid of "out-
siders" , have done. Then come home
and do likewise.
Mid-Winter Holiday Rates.
December 24th , 25th and 31st , X895 ,
and January 1st , 1S96 , we will sell roundtrip -
trip tickets to points within 200 miles of
McCook for one fare and a third , with
a return limit to January 2d,189fi ,
C. E. MACNER , Agent.
We Burn Wood
When we can get it. If your subscription -
tion is delinquent and you have the wood
bring us in a load or two.
Fine Box Paper at McMillen's.
Go to McMillen for Lamp supplies.
'Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll.
American Crepe Tissue zoc. a roll , at
Some handsome new box writing paper -
per just received at our stationery de-
partment. Prices very reasonable.
International Stock Food makes poor
stock fat. 3 feeds x cent. Sold by
. MCCoxNELL & Co.
Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes -
opes , '
&xRS 1l * scacsflc it
The McCook Bible society's Bibles are
now on sale at McMillen's drug store.
The Episcopal friends will hold a reception -
ception in the church , tonight , in honor
of Rev , and Mrs , R. L. Knox.
Time ladies of the Baptist society will
hold a 'Lone social on Tuesday evening ,
December 17th. Oysters will be served.
Particulars next week.
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell Hall.
Bible school at Io a. m. ; preaching at
II a , m , and S o'clock p. m. B. Y. P. U.
at 7 p , m. You are cordially invited to
attend these services.
G. P FusoN , Pastor .
CONGREGATIONAL-Preaching morning -
ing and evening. Sunday school at ten
o'clock. Endeavor society at 7 o'clock ;
subject , "God's Triumph's in Missions" .
Laura McMillen , leader. A cordial invitation -
tation and welcome to all of our services ,
METHODIST-Tile Holy Communion
will be observed at the close of the
morning service. Sermon at 1t a. m.
Junior league at 3 p. m. ; Mrs. Will
Mitchell , superintendent. Epworth
league at 7 p. m. ; Miss Blanch Starr ,
leader. Revival services to commence
at S p. iii. All are most cordially in-
vited. Let all members of time church
be present at the Communion services.
There will be revival meetings in the
church every evening during the week.
Rev. H. L. Powers , the revivalist , will
be hereon Thursday , the 12th. Let our
motto be , "Look Up , Lift Up" . A welcome -
come to all , . J. A. BADCON , Pastor ,
, &
The foot ball team will play no more ,
this year.
The tenth grade will have charge of
the lantern class , tonight.
Miss Edna T. ? deserve spent Sunday
with her parents at Indianola.
Guy Tomblinson spent Saturday and
Sunday with his grandpa at Oxford.
The assembly have been putting in a
great amount of work , this week , in grammar -
mar exercises.
The entire school has adopted the vertical -
tical system of writing , and very gratifying -
fying results have followed.
The eighth grade has the distinction
of having time largest per cent of good
writers. The ninth grade ranks next.
Rev. Fuson , the Baptist minister , was
a visitor , Tuesday morning , and talked
to the assemby in a pleasing and instructive -
structive manner.
Wednesday afternoon someone carelessly -
ly left a piece of phosphorous out of the
bottle in which it is kept , and left it on
a shelf in the laboratory. It was discovered -
covered , luckily , a while after and replaced -
placed in the bottle. A fire would have
probably resulted if it had not been found
when it was.
The lecture by Prof. Valentine at the
school house in District No. 5 , last Friday -
day evening was well attended. The
speaker lead prepared a , manuscript
address suitable to an adult audience ,
but being confronted by an assembly
composed mostly of young people , he
delivered an extemporaneous address.
Those who attended were well repaid for
their trouble.-Danbury News.
Herd Your Temper and Put Up.
No sensible man gets mad because a
newspaper asks him for money. It is
not an impeachment of a subscriber's
integrity , but is simply an out creeping
of the publisher's necessities. For instance -
stance , 500 men owe a man from one to
four dollars each. He has to ask them
all in order to pay expenses. Instead of
getting angry and stopping his paper for
what is honestly due , time subscriber
should thank the editor for waiting upon
him so patiently and pay up like a man.
The District Judgeship.
At this time it is claimed that Norris
has a plurality of two votes over Welty ,
and that Norris will receive the certificate -
cate of election. In this event the contest -
test , if any , will fall upon the part of
Welty. But-
Dwelling for Rent.
A well located , new five-room dwelling -
ing to rent , reasonable. Call on
To Exchange.
Denver lots , clear , for Red Willow
county farm. Address X D , care
Ta rNia.
. . . . . . . . . .
+ m. + .e.rnv + nnri..r . .75'f. I
The revival season is at hand. Now
is the time to repent.
Mrs.l'i. G. Wilson and Mrs. W. H.
Davis are among the ailing ,
Harry Hale is suffering from a painful
attack of inflammation of the stomach.
LOST-A'Masonic and Eastern star pin
combined. Call at THETRIBUNE office.
A child of J. M , Huet is sick with ton-
silitis , that common children's ailment
of this season.
The county commissioners will be in
session again December 16th , next Monday -
day aweek , '
They have a contest for the office of
Fheriff up in Hayes county , Same old
cry of fraud.
The next term of district court will be
held in Indianola commencing on Monday -
day , December 23d.
A. T. Johnson of our city has traded
for Charles Winters' livery barn at
Headley , and lie is now in charge of
the business.
Time Akron Pioneer Press will not likely -
ly appear , this week. Au attachment
suit for about $2ooo has been coru-
menced by an employe , for wages.
L. Lowman & Son announce a Closing
Out Sale with 20 per cent discount trim-
mings. They want cash and announce
unheard of bargains , which will merit
Messrs. Erb & Bush of the Commercial -
cial house have dissolved partnership ,
Erb assuming charge of the business.
Bush will go down to New Mexico ,
where he has sonic mining interests.
The so-called refined entertainment
given by Kurtz & York in the opera
house , last Friday evening , has been
quite generally described as having been
"rocky" . The attendance was small.
Clarence Gray's little child is suffering
from erysipelas in the face. The little
one recently fell down , striking its cheek
against a cuspidor , receiving quite a
painful injury , from which erysipelas
has set in.
It is quite generally proclaimed that
the soil is in unusually fine condition in
Red Willow county for this season of the
year , and already expectations for 1896
are mounting upward. May they be fully -
ly realized is our earnest wish.
John Smith the World Over.
The well-known name , John Smith , a
good strong , and honest English name ,
is sometimes transformed into John
Smyth , Smythe and even Smijthe , but
transformed into other languages it
seems to climb the ladder of respectability -
ity , thus : In Latin it is Johannes
Smithus ; the Italians smooth it off into
Giovanni Smithi ; the Spaniards render
it Juan Smithus ; the Dutchman adopts
it as Hans Schmidt ; the French flatter
it into Jean Smee.z , amid time Russian
sneezes and barks Jouloff Smittowski.
When John Smith gets into the tea trade
at Canton he becomes Jalion Shimmit.
If he clambers about Mt. Hekla , the Icelanders -
landers say he is Jahne Smithsen. If he
trades among the Tuscaroras he becomes
Tom Qa Smitha , In Poland he is known
as Ivan Schmittiweiski. Should he
wander among the Welshi mountains
they talk of Jihom Schmidd. When he
goes to Mexico lie is booked as Jouth
F'Smitr. If , of classic turn , he lingers
among Greek ruins , he turns to 'Ion
Smikton , and in Turkey he is utterly
disguised as Yoe Seef.
Surprised the Doctor.
A number of Dr.V. . V. Gage's friends
surprised him , last Saturday evening , in
a very felicitous manner. At an appointed -
pointed hour time party installed themselves -
selves in the Doctor's apartments over
the First National hank , where refreshments -
ments were spread and a very pleasurable -
able evening was passed in social diver-
School supplies at McMilleu's.
McMillen has a full line of Lamps.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnel's.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's
McMillen has a very fine assortment of
Writing Tablets.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll.
American Crepe Tissue roc. a roll , at
ova . . ews.
Mrs. Morris has a sister visiting tier.
Mrs. F. J , Quigley is visiting friends at
Red Cloud ,
L. W , Stayner is now ill and confined
to the house.
Supt. Campbell went up to Denver on
Wednesday night.
Miss Clara Kleven spent Sunday in 1
time city , the guest of Mrs , Toni Mundy.
Roadmaster McFarland teas up at
headquarters from Red Cloud , lust Fri-
Engineer Sharkey and family have
timoved into the Webster residence on
Monroe street. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Burnett spent
mostof last week in Hastings , returning
home Sunday night on 4.
The material fur a nice bitt of scandal
boarded No. between '
5 , Wednesday night , -
tween Holdrege and Oxford.
Mr , and Mrs , J. J. Curran and wife of
Republican City 'came up , Saturday
night , to attend the funeral of Mrs.
"Good bye , papa" , sine cried , as I'oPe
warmly assisted the old maim off the car
steps with his vigorous pedal extremities ,
„ good bye" .
Mrs. J. W. Holliday of Lyons , Colorado -
rado , who has been visiting friends in
Lincoln for several weeks , arrived in the
city , Sunday night , to visit her sister ,
Mrs. Merrill.
Machinist Henry Weintz of Sheridan
cut his left hand quite severely , last Friday - .
day , while fitting in a knuckle joint pin.
. .Assistant M. M. Jas. RitchieofSher-
idan is rapidly recovering from his siege
of typhoid fever and is able to set up-
Alliance Grip.
Gillette had a very disastrous fire a
week ago Monday , in which five buildings -
ings went up in smoke. Dailey Bros. '
general store was completely destroyed ,
as was also John Nealson's saloon. Engineer -
gineer L. I. Meserve lived in one of the j I
burned buildings and a good portion of
his household goods were destroyed , . , .
The social event of the season occurred
at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hillier on last night. The occasion was
iii honor of Mr , A. P. Bonnet of McCook ,
who departed for that city , last night.
An artistically arranged table extended
the length amid width of the rooms , at
which were seated forty Ia.lies and gen-
tlemen. The happy faces , cut flowers
and snowy damask made a truly pleasurable -
urable sight. Oysters in every way
known to an epicure were served with
various accessories. The tables were
then cleared and dancing finished the
evening's enjoyment.-Alliance Grip.
"Pappy" Willets , foreman of round
house at Red Cloud , is on his feet again.
Mrs. Frank Quigley is spending a few '
days with her Red Cloud and Hastings
i Irs. E. P. Sweeney returned home on
last Saturday from visiting her parents
at Ayr.
Mrs. W. W. Green and daughter Minnie -
nie are spending a week or two at Table
Rock with relatives. .
f , I
No , 141 of Monday , the 2nd , arrived I ,
at Oberlin at 3 a. m. on the 3d. This-is
something like old times.
Mrs. Herman Brown is visiting her
parents at Republican City , and will
afterwards visit friends at Red Cloud.
A M. Benjamin and family of Lupton , .
Colorado , spent Sunday and Monday
with his brotlmerConductor Benjamin , in
John Davis , agent at Bloomington , is
taking a ten days lay-oft for a pleasure
trip. Extra Agent Weible s officiating
in his absence.
Mrs. M. M. Cooley , wife of the agent
at Woodruff , returned home , Saturday ,
from Red Cloud , where she has been
visiting relatives.
Supt.Campbell inspected the branches
on last Friday and Saturday. Every farmer -
mer along the line will now be inquiring
when the branch will be completed.
An order was issued , recently , for
crews on the St. Francis line to turn in
their way cars. The boys are now looking -
ing for an order for trainmen to ride on
the hurricane deck.
Conductor Cropp is now wielding the
punch on Conductor Cucran's ran while
Jack is laying off. Walter Cos is the
man who rides on top in his place with
Conductor Green.
+ i
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