The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 08, 1895, Image 1

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1444'Ai4tl1 I 1EL . ( . T .
Just a little adlet Is your business rather slow '
Placed with careful hand And y our sales a trifle low ?
' Mak e s n mi g ht y diff e ranee Do you care toswelltheir size ?
In this pleasant land. ' flVJ JYJY ii . 'L lilY UUL.Do TttE'I'RInUNE and advertise.
- riflic 8n8ca8c 8c 8ca8ca1ic 8c c 8cpltcatlcacat3c c cailc
, 'fh Republican Party
' _ Repudiates
i ' = Only Two Men on the
Ticket Escape
The Defeat of the Party the Most
Overwhelming in Its History.
On Tuesday of this week the Republican -
can party of Red Willow county suffered
the most completeoverthrow in its ltis-
tory. The causes are well known. THE
TRIBUNE stated them clearly during the
campaign : Secret society dictation ,
incompetent boss-isni , primary irregularities -
larities , convention mismanagementetc.
The rebuke is a stinging one , changing
an assured victory into an overwhelming
defeat , which , however , was not unexpected -
pected to those familiar with the situation -
tion over the county.
- The lesson should not be lost.
"Too much Kelley" .
They do say that the mayoralty nomination -
ination is already fixed.
Yellow did not have the popular run ,
Tuesday , that it had on last spring.
We 'do regret , that the boys did not
have an opportunity to use that pole and
the etceteras provided for.
The Republican party never achieved
a more honorable and far-reaching victory -
tory than it did , last Tuesday.
The A. P. As , broke their back pitching -
' ing the tune. They will have to sing
low , hereafter , in Red Willow county.
It was an undemonstrative election-
and there was little or no cavorting enl
. l the back seats after the returns began to
come in. '
} Gentlemen of the Big Third commissioner -
sioner district , allow us to do the honors :
Commissioner Belles , gentlemen of the
Big Third.
' To Colonel Bishop , greeting : Allow
us to make you acquainted with Kim-
- meWs poper-in-law , J. B. Meserve , county -
° ty treasurer.
. It was frequently remarked of the
election in this city ; ' It is unusually
quiet" . "There seems to be very little
interest exhibited" . Ah-
Excuse , us ! But the old soldier and
the unfortunate cripple are not ready to
take a back seat. Being of the people ,
they must be respected-a little bit.
The Patriots were solid to a man in
McCook. But there are too many Republicans -
, publicans in the county. It is better to
be a Republican than to be an A. P. A.
To Colonel Smith , greeting : You may
sneak back under the Republican can-
vassif you behave yourself in the future.
- But , be meek , as becometh your age and
The A. P. A. was the Jonah on the-
' grand old Republican ship , and it has
been cast overboard. Now with competent -
tent men at the helm we may in future
expect a successful cruise.
Now that the dignity and honor of the
Republican party have been maintained
and preserved , the party can now go
- forward and do business in its own
right and name , successfully.
No general election returns were received -
ceived , this election , for the reason that
they are usually so fragmentary and unsatisfactory -
satisfactory , Tuesday night , as not to
warrant the considerable outlay required
to secure theni.
Itisasignificant fact that the candidate
who was maligned and misrepresented
the most by the McCook Times-Demo-
crat , the Indianola Reporterand the Danbury -
- bury News received the largest number
of votes at the hands of the people. It
. pays better to tell the truth.
The defeat of President Kelley of
- Council Too for the office of justice of
the peace of this precinct must be a
bitter disappointment to that clever and
. ' genial and ambitious young man , who i
reported as being a candidate for the
, , nomination for Mate auditor , next fall.
It is a nasty dose , to be sure.
The defeat of Prof. L. W. Smith for
county superintendent will be generally
and deeply regretted. Carelessness is
y for the most part resPonsibe for his defeat -
feat which is by the meager majority of
less than a dozen votes , we understand.
- Being the only Democrat on the county
ticLet , his name ivasover1ooked in many
instances. Had his nomination been
certified up as a Populist his majority
I would have been one of the very largest.
He received a magnificent endorsement
at home , carrying Indianola almost to a
man. While his successful opponent
was defeated in his home precinct by
seven votes ,
The old soldiers helped swell Berry's
ample majority : while the unfortunate
cripples said an audible word for Boat-
In the light of the election returns ,
Mayor Kelley must have been mistaken.
At least three Republicans did not vote
the A. P. A , ticket. Possibly' four.
Maybe five. Peradventure six.
We understand that Colonel Easter-
day's books are now open for the reception -
tion of new members into his order , and
that lie tenders a special invitation to
Mayor Kelley to come into the fold.
Colonel Easterday's society grows apace
with each recurring election , and will
soon embrace a large portion of our extinguished -
tinguished citizens.
Every time one looks from the "Prom-
inent Republican" dodger to the returns ,
the dodger becomes more puny , insignificant -
nificant and contemptible. Such stalwart -
wart Republican and sterling citizens as
L. W. McConnell , C. L. DeGroff and
others who signed the petition , will
doubtless feel slighted that they are not
mentioned as "Prominent Republicans" .
Stephen Belles maintains that he and
Charlie Brewer are the only two Republicans -
licans left in Red Willow county. They
are both widowers now and are figuring
on dividing up the children. Brewer
will at once resume practicing on the
harp , and Belles is now at work on some
new jokes with which to entertain his
fellow commissioners after January 1st.
THE TRIBUNE wants to supplement
all its utterances on the political aspect
of the secret society question with an
earnest plea for harmony and unity in
the commercial life of our city , and for
tolerance and justice in matters religious.
The present state of affairs is most unfortunate -
fortunate , distressing and unnecessary.
An era of contentment and harmony and
reasonable prosperity can be most easily ,
quickly and permanently brought about
and maintained by the removal of the
disturbing cause-the A. P. A.-from our
city. The organization cannot be said
to be doing any good. There is no demand -
mand for their presence. Our schools
are in no danger. Our homes are safe.
Our church life is unrestricted. We are
in no need of protection of any kind
from our Catholic neighbors , who are
under the constitution and flag of our
common country entitled to all the
rights and privileges we hold dear in
common. Politics is no cleaner for the
presence of the order. Schools , churches ,
business or society are not improved.
There is no betterment of any phase of
our community life. Absolutely none.
There is no great gain in any direction-
but distinctlossinevery. We hope most
sincerely and deeply that this community -
nity will correct the unfortunate error
into which it has fallen. That the old
and happy relations of our people may
be restored.
Red Willow County Teachers'
The following is the , program of the
Red Willow County Teachers' association -
tion to be held at Bartley , Saturday , November -
vember 16th , 1895.
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .William Grisell
"Relation of District Schools to High
Schools".L. A. Carnahan
"Method and Value of High School Literary -
erary Societies".L. W. Smith
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woods
"Penmanship in Common Schools" . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. S. Hammack
"Methods in Grammar"-.Alice Dye
"Primary Geography" . . . . . . . . . . . . Kate Smith
"Hobbies".William Valentine
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Teachers are invited to come prepared
to present practical thoughts on the various -
ous topics. COMMITTEE.
The school athletic club has adopted
scarlet and old gold for its colors.
Messrs. L. W. Smith and J. H. Bayston
were visitors , last Friday afternoon.
The is something over a thousand
books and magazines in the school library -
The percentage of attendance for the
last few weeks has not been up to the
Rev. J. A. Badcon was at the schools ,
Monday , and made an entertaining and
instructive talk to the Assembly.
There was but a small attendance at
the Wednesday Evening club , this week ,
on account of the play occurring the same
On Thursday afternoon a game of foot
ball came off between the high school
team and a picked-up eleven from among
the railroad men. The game was called
during the last half on account of unfair
play on the part of the railroad men.
They were nearly all heavy fellows while
a good many of the school team were
but boys. But notwithstanding this fact
slugging was introduced by some of the
little ( ? ) railroad 'boys which caused the
game to be called. The score was 4 to 0
in favor of the railroad eleven.
They Are Satisfied.
A gentleman came into The Journal
office the other day to make an informal
report on the thrashings of the farmers
in a little strip of land two miles long
and a mile and a half wide on the Kan-
sas-Nebraska state line in Red Willow
and Decatur counties. Here are the reports -
ports :
George Ralsten-Wheat 853 bushels ,
rye 199 , millet Ioo ; total , 1,150 bushels.
S. E. Ralsten and N. C. Hunt ( one
quarter section-Wheat rix8 , rye 112 ,
millet 19 , oats I6o , barley 49 ; total 1,458
George Warriner-Wheat 1,534 bush-
Burt Waterman-Wheat 523 , rye 99 ,
millet 53 ; total , 675 bushels.
John Hoobler-Wheat 1,025 , cane 6o ;
total , Io85 bushels.
Ed Redman-Wheat 227 , rye 252 ; total -
tal , 479 bushels.
Clyde Bodwell-Wheat 309 , rye 48 ,
cane 27 : total , 384 bushels.
As these crops were raised on farms of
I6o acres , and represent but a part of
each farmer's crop , it will be seen that
there is plenty in that district , this year.
A Cure for the Headache.
An apostle of physical culture says
that an excellent and never-failing cure
for nervous headache is the simple act
of walking backward. Ten minutes is
as long as is usually necessary to prome-
nade. It sometimes , however , requires
more than ten minutes to walk at all , if
one is very "nervous" . But it is not
understood that it is necessary to walk a
chalkline. Any kind of walking will do ,
provided it is backward. It is well to
get in a long , narrow room , where the
windows are high , and walk -veryslowly ,
placing first the ball of the foot on the
floor , and then the heel. Besides curing -
ing headache , this exercise promotes a
graceful carriage. A half hour's walk
backward every day will do wonders
toward producing a graceful gait.-
Medical Record.
Grand Festival.
On Tuesday evening , November 19th ,
and continuing the following two evenings -
ings , Nov. 20th and 21st , a Grand Festival -
val will be held at the A. 0 , U. W. Temple -
ple under the auspices of the Ladies of
St. Patrick's Church Parish. Supper
will be served each evening from 6 to 12.
Music each evening by the Pythian Or-
Dancing from 8:30 : to 12. A Prize
Table , and various other attractions
each night.
The public is extended a cordial invitation -
tion to participate in the festivities each
evening , and enjoy a pleasant time.
REV. J. W. Hici gv.
Died in Denver.
W. W. Bunnell of Driftwood precinct ,
who has long been a great sufferer from
asthma in its severest form , passed away ,
Friday of last week , in Denver , whither
he went a few weeks since , for his health.
The remains were shipped to this place
for interment , arriving here on No. 2 ,
Sunday morning. Services were conducted -
ducted in the Methodist church on Sunday -
day afternoon , the burial taking place
in Longview demetery from the church.
Five children survive the deceased
man , ' whose wife preceded him to the
spirit land about one year since. They
have the sympathy of all in the sorrow
which makes them fatherless as well as
A Model Farm Sold.
Close of last week , C. E. Anderson of
Christian county , Illinois , purchased the
George Rector farm , about two miles
northwest of the city. The purchase
price is $3,500 cash , and includes the
the stock , machinery etc. on the farm.
Mr. Anderson and family will occupy the
farm and take possession December Toth.
This is one of the best kept farms in Red
Willow county , is a model of order and
neatness , and the purchaser is to be congratulated -
gratulated upon his choice. William
Coleman made the sale.
His Nights Have Been Sleepless.
The nomination of E. C. Ballew as a
Republican , for the office of judge of
election of the first voting district , by
Council No. lee , has caused the deputy
collector no end of annoyance and many
sleepless nights.
The " " him-
deputy promptly "squared" -
himself with his chief at Omaha. But
it made him wear a worried look.
For Men and Angels.
Sons of men and angels , say ! What a
a sight it is to be-sure , to see the Times-
Democrat standing as a Moses between
the extremist A. P. A. and the extremist
anti-A. P. A. ! Hail puissant preserver ,
we greet thee ! Now , please excuse us ,
while we retire for a season of immoderate -
ate , and irrepressible laughter.
We have a good stock of the Maitland
coal , almost as good as the Canon , at
$6 per ton. BARNETT LUBBER Co.
_ -
k > > -
Miss ANNA MCCoY-of Arapahoe is
visiting her uncle , Frank Kendlen.
L. A. HURLBURT came up from Fair-
bury. Saturday evening , to vote.
GEo. HOCSNELL went up to Denver ,
Tuesday night , on business.
MRS. C. T. BREWER is absent on a visit
in Boone , Iowa , to remain until the first
of December.
MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL went down to
Lincoln on No. 2 , Monday morning , to
visit friends.
H. W. COLE is summoned to appear on
the Federal grand jury at Omaha on
next Tuesday.
GEORGE Hoci NELL came up from
Lincoln , Saturday night , to exercise his
right of franchise.
REV. KNOwLES , the aged and esteemed -
ed Culbertson divine , attended church ,
Sunday , in our city.
over between trains on their way to
Denver , the other day.
J. T. BULLARD came in from Omaha ,
Monday night , going on up to Palisade ,
the following morning.
W. T. HENTON and J. W. Leisure
came over from Danbury on Wednesday
morning to hear the verdict.
W. C. BULLARD telegraphs from Omaha -
ha that lie was "licked good and plenty" .
And we are sorry for you Billie.
Cloud , who has been visiting in the city ,
returned home on No. 2 , Monday.
MRS. G. A. NOREN was summoned to
Lincoln , last Thursday evening , by a
telegram announcing the illness of Miss
J. W. PALMER , who formerly lived
over on the Driftwood , is here from Illinois -
nois on business connected with his interests -
terests in McCook city property.
F. S. WiLCoa and H. T. Church went
up to Denver , Tuesday night , to receive
a large shipment of cattle recently purchased -
chased by them , embracing two or three
train loads , which will be shipped to this
place for feeders.
CHARLES HICKMAN , wife and son , of
Claytonville , Illinois , who have been
visiting his brother , A. J. Hickman ,
near Bartley , came up to the city , Monday -
day evening , in order to take No. 2 ,
Tuesday morning , for Illinois ,
REv. D. L. MCBRIDE came down from
Frontier county , yesterday , on a little
business , and tosee his numerous friends
in McCook. He reports that Frontier
county elected the Populist county
officers by an average majority of about
200 votes. He states that Welty's
majority in that county is about 300
Everybody Delighted.
A crowded and delighted audience
heard local talent play "Caste" on
Wednesday evening. It was one of the
most satisfactory plays ever given in
McCook by local talent. Among those
in the caste were such old favorites as
J. F. Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wil-
kinson. While Mrs. H. H. Troth , Mrs.
M. A. Spalding , Messrs. W. V. Gage and
E. L. Laycoek divided with them the
honors of a very successfully played
comedy. The company and the ladies
of the Maccabee lodge that had the matter -
ter in hand are to be warmly congratu-
The Pythian band and orchestra provided -
vided excellent music for the occasion ,
which was throughout most felicitous.
A Week of Bargains.
Your attention is directed to the
announcement of the Cash Bargain Store
in this issue. Messrs C. L. DeGroff &
Co. have provided for their patrons a
week of unusual bargains in all departments -
ments of their large and varied stock of
general merchandise. See their adver-
tisement. Don't fail to take advantage
of some of the bargains they are offering.
Especially and particullary remember
the cloak sale on Monday.
The Lady Maccabees entertained their
husbands and families , last evening , in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Noblewho
will on next Thursday depart for Bethany -
any , Mo. , to reside. Cards were played ,
refreshments served and a joyous time
had generally.
That elongated pol.ceman and his club
cut a ludicrous figure. Policemen are
unnecessary at the polls-and clubs
more so.
The Pythian band will hold a masquerade -
querade ball about December 12th.
Fuller details in due time.
The ways of adversity are hard-but
rocky ways are necessary sometimes.
The Results of the Election.
The election of the Republican state
ticket is conceded-although the pluralities -
ities will be small.
In the Judicial district , the election of
George W. Norris is certain ; but the majority -
jority will be between 50 and 75.
The county ticket is defeated , with the
exception of Carnahan for superintendent -
ent , who won by It votes , The election
of Stephen Belles for commissioner was
a foregone conclusion.
The canvass of the result in the county
was not completed until last night , se we
are unable to give the official vote this
week. The unofficial pluralities for the
Populist ticket are :
Meserve , treasurer , 174
Green , county clerk , 84.
Boatman , district clerk , 62.
Neel , sheriff , 6.
All the other Populist nominees were
successful : Smith for judge , Barber for
surveyor , Brown for coroner.
These are coal times , buy it of the
Barnett Lumber Co.
Grover has proclaimed Thursday ,
November 28th , as our national Thanksgiving -
giving day.
"The Lord loves a cheerful giver" .
So does the editor. Please rush around
with that delinquent subscription.
A cash paper is a better paper ; a cheerier -
ier paper ; more satisfactory than one
whose label stares you in the face with its
imprint of indebtedness. You feel better.
The publisher isn't drumming and dunning -
ning you for money. You pay him and
he pays his people and the paper mill.
Besides it teaches fifty-two times in the
year the blessings and benefits of the
cash system.
Latter part of last week. Herman
Hegenberger sold his barber shop in the
Citizens bank building to Rees Heaton
of Curtis , of whom the Curtis Courier
says :
"Rees Heaton has located at McCook.
He bought out Hegenberger's shop and
will do business at the old stand. Mc-
Cook is in luck , for Rees is a good bar-
ber" .
Mr. Hegenberger expects to locate in
Horton , Kansas. -
I received a letter from a lad , asking
me to find him an easy berth. To this I
replied : "You can not be an editor ; do
not try the law ; do not think of the
ministry ; let alone all ships , shops , and
merchandise ; abhor politics , don't practice -
tice medicine ; be not a farmer nor a mechanic -
chanic ; neither a soldier nor a sailor.
Don't work. Don't study. Don't think.
None of these are easy. 0 my son !
You have come into a hard world. L
know of only one easy place in it , and
that is the grave.-Henry Ward
s3r Sca c c k csd' catacc
' 'S1' ' '
The Nebraska Baptist state convention i
concluded its session at York , Sunday
Mrs. T. B. Campbell will entertain the
Christian Endeavor at her home next
Tuesday evening.
A fair patronage was accorded the Pop
Corn social in the Congregational church ,
Monday evening.
Rev. G. P. Fuson , wife and daughters
arrived from Crawfordsville , Indiana ,
Tuesday night. They will occupy the
Spearman dwelling.
Mrs. W. F. Lawson entertained the
numerous members of her class in the
Congregational Sunday school , Tuesday
evening of this week , in a felicitous
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell hall.
Preaching at II a , m. Bible school at
10 a. m. Young Peoples' meeting at 7
p. m. ; subject , "Hope" ; Will J. Purvis ,
leader. All are cordially invited to these
services. G. P. FUSON , Pastor.
by Rev. E. C. Condit , superintendent of
the American Bible society. Endeavor
meeting at 7 o'clock ; subject , "Favorite
Promises" ; leader , Stella Norval. Evening -
ning Union services at the M. E. church.
UNION SERVICES-Of all the Protes-
taut churches in the city at the Method-
istehurch. The superintendent of the
American Bible society will make the
address. All interested in the Bible society -
ciety are cordially invited to attend.
Meeting at 8 o'clock.
METHODIST-Sunday school at Io ,
preaching at II , class meeting at 12 ,
Junior league at 3 , Epworth league at
6:30. Prayer meeting at 7:30 oa Wed-
nesday. If you do not attend service
elsewhere you are invited to worship
with us. Jas. A. BADCON , Pastor.
S. E. Callen is on his run
Engineer Timlin is laying off-on the
sick list.
Mrs. Henry Culbertson is visiting tier
parents in Madrid. j ,
Sunday 76 was three hours late oil account -
count of hot boxes
Supt Campbell went up to Denver ,
Tuesday night on 3.
Charlie Coleman made a trip on 149 ,
Saturday , on engine 234.
Fireman Charlie Benedict is firing on
x60 during Brown's absence.
Mrs. J. H. Moore returned home from
her trip up west on last Saturday.
Engineer F. G. Westland went up to
Denver on No. 2 , last Friday night.
Engineer John Burton's little boy was
taken down with the diphtheria , last Fri- i
Operator Will Brown of Orleans was ,
up over Sunday , visiting the family and
Bohnstedt and Dye brought the 237 in
from Denver , Saturday , for an over-
Brakeman William Shinsel went to
Sutton on No. 4 , Saturday evening , on a
visit to relatives.
Mrs. 0. P. Yarger went through on
No. 3 , last Thursday evening , to join her
husband at Akron.
Fireman Walter Stokes was called up
to Akron , Tuesday night , by the illness
of his mother.
Miss Jeannette Dilley of Red Cloud
has been visiting in the city , guest of
Mrs. Frank Quigley.
Engineer and Mrs. Barney Lewis and
Mrs. John Stevens were Denver visitors ,
last Thursday evening.
Mesdames Sarah Haley and Dennis
Cullen arrived home on 5 , Sunday night ,
from a short visit down the road.
A stock extra of 25 cars of sheep from
the Southern Pacific road passed through
llcCook , for Chicago , via Omaha , Sun-
Mrs. Max Anton and the children will
leave for Detroit , Michigan , first of next
week , to be absent about a month on a
visit to relatives. ±
Engineer Gates and Fireman Hender-
son took engine 222 to Denver to run on
passenger and brought back I6r for an
overhauling on Saturday.
Miss Clara Kieven was down from Cul-
bertson , Wednesday evening , to see the
play by local talent at the opera house.
She was the guest of Mrs. T. M. Mundy.
Miss Clare Bonnet returned , close of
ast week , from a prolonged visit to relatives -
atives and friends in Alliance , Nebraska ,
Sheridan , Wyoming , and other points
n the northwest.
The Rock Island locomotive works are
building two engines for the Gclt-Inter-
state railroad of Texas. This is the Populist -
ulist road to cross the country from the
Gulf of Mexico to Manitoba.
= 1
School supplies at McMillen's.
McMillen has a full line of Lamps.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Wall paper 4 cents a roll at McCon-
Wall paper 4 cents a roll at McCon-
McMillen has a very fine assortment of
Writing Tablets.
For a fall medicine-try a bettIe Mc-
Connell's Sarsaparilla and Burdick.
t lb. Bird Seed and a piece of Cuttle
Bone 10 cents. No dirt-no millet.
Land ! Land ! Lands
I have the largest list of lands on my
booksof any agency in southwestern
Nebraska , and all of these lands can be
bought right and at prices that will make
the purchaser money. But in addition
to my regular list I have a few tracts
upon which I took options , last spring ,
and for the next 6o days I can sell these
lands at dry weather prices. There are
some very fine alfalfa lands among them.
Office on brain St. , opposite hotel.
Dwelling for Rent.
A well located , new five-room dwelling -
ing to rent , reasonable. Call on
To Exchange.
Denver lots , clear , for Red Willow
county farm. Address X D , care
TRIBUNE. . . .