The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 25, 1895, Image 4

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. - Jtidga of the Supreme Court ,
l ION. T. L. NORVAL of Seward.
. Regents of the University ,
H. MORRILL of Lancaster.
I-I. L. GOOLD of Keith.
Judge o the 14th District ,
-HON. _ 1v. NoKRIS of Furnas.
THE TRIBUNE may not be en the
"inside" , but Colonels Bishop and
Smith will hardly deny its being
"in it" in a mild way. But we are'
always mild.
THAT was' a nasty swipe Bishop
of the Reporter gave County Judge
Beck , last week. The Colonel deserves -
serves to be doubled into the likeness -
ness of a jack knife for that dig.
IT is a matter of wonderment
with many that the Times-Demo-
crat is so silent on the vital question -
tion of the fall campaign-the A.
P. A. Or is lie like Bishop-
THERE is not a single Republican -
lican principle at stake in Red
Willow county , this fall. Which
affords the party an excellent opportunity -
portunity to rebuke the secret society -
ciety that has assumed the prerogatives -
rogatives and title of the party in
this county. The Republican party -
ty will do well to throw off this
galling yoke of bondage , and be
in line for 1896.
THE A. P. A. leaders are insin-
cere. 1Ye have in mind the language -
uage of one of the most prominent
leaders of Council 100 , in which
he advised a friend not to allow
the association to get a foothold in
the community in which the friend
lived , stating that the association
"is a damned bad thing for a town. "
Within ninety days this same gentleman -
tleman was a bright and shining
light in the lodge here.
THE TRIBUNE can only view the
impending defeat of the A. P. A.
ticket with any degree of complacency
cency at all on the ground that it .
will be the salvation of the Republican -
lican party of this county , and will
put us in line for a glorious and
complete victory in 1896. But the
party must first purge itself-even
if it has to go through the fires of
defeat to do so. This one man
power in the party needs a set-
back. A few mushroom leaders
must be unloaded. Cleaner and
squarer methods adopted. Then
the victory is ever ours.
THE Republican party is the
party of liberty and light not of
proscription and prejudice ; and
when it allows itself to be run or
absorbed , or even to be dictated
to , by a secret organization which
denies the rights of citizenship to
even a small portion of its honorable -
able membership , the party is
clearly and reprehensiby forget-
ful'of the glorious purpose of its
organization , and endangers its
very existence. The Republican
party of Red Willow county is now
in eclipse. Its future tivill depend
upon the heroic action of such Republicans -
publicans as esteem party integrity
above success.
A MISTAKE in judgment is often
just as fatal in politics as in other
matters : Before the Republican
county . convention , the A. P. A.
leaders were almost exclusively
consulted. Others of the party
who did not affiliate with the order
' were ignored completely. This
course was even followed by the
nominees for some time after the
convention. But now as the magnitude -
nitude of the opposition to and indignation -
dignation at the usurpation of the
prerogatives of the Republican
party by the secret order becomes
more and more distinct , as the
dark clouds of impending disaster
gather about the unfortunate men
and ticket , the situation changes ,
and there is a lively effort being
made outside of this city at least
to deny any connection with or
knowledge of the order. Those 36
solid votes so triumphantly and
vain-gloriously cast by the clever
and affable president of Council
100 may yet prove the death of
- .tlie ticket
1 * ; ' ' '
' . ' .
The quite general feeling in this
city that this commissioner district
should be represented by a well
qualified business man , and that
the commissioner's home should
be in the city , where he is mote
accessible to all parties interested
-both in country and town-has
this week found n echo and ox-
Iression in the nomination of , es-
mayor C. T. Brewer ae an independent -
pendent Republican candidate for
c LuntY commissioner for the Third
C. T. Brewer 'is - well qualified
to make this district an active and
efficient commissioner. He is one
of our oldest business men. He
acquainted with the needs of the
district. He ib and has always
been tine of the eounty's public
spirited business men. He has
always heen identified' with the
public affairs of this part of tlit
county. He will be a formidable
candidate at the cowing election.
TOE A. P. A , is proving a Jonah
iuntead of a Moses.
JUST about the time people become -
come so excessively intoxicated
with a little power , they lose their
horse sense and get it in the isth-
H. H. BERRY'S friNiids are determined -
mined to rally around him in fine
shape-although he did not have
36 delegates to nominate him for
justice of the peace. The elder is
a capable and deserving man and
his friends will put up a stiff fight
for him.
'WHEN we see such towns as
Red Cloud and Oxford organize
councils of the American Protective -
tive Association within their borders -
ders , we wish the business men of
those towns had come to McCook
and observed the way that organization -
zation has blest this city. How
charmingly and effectively all our
liberties and privileges have been
protected and preserved ! If they
had , neither of those places would
have encouraged the association to
come and protect them. Such an
organization is the most disturbing
element that can possibly be ejected -
ed into the commercial , social , or
political life of a community and
all towns' will do well and righteously -
eously to discourage it.
THE Republican party of Bed
Willow county now reposes within
the stomach of the secret organization -
tion known as the A. P. A. The
secret society has gone outside of
its proper sphere in absorbing the
Republican party. And the Republican -
lican party in going inside has
fallen below the dignity and purpose -
pose of its existence in allowing
itself to be swallowed up by anybody -
body or anything. The result of
this fall's campaign will in a large
measure decide whether the Republican -
publican party shall rehabilitate
itself and resume business at the
old stand , or whether the party
shall quietly sleep away its days
of usefulness as a mere plaything
for another political organization ,
which proscribes many honorable
and patriotic members of the party ,
and operates behind locked doors.
OUR old friend and "frosty son
of thunder" from "among the hills
o' Somerset"-Lou A. Smith of
the Meyersdale ( Pa. ) Commerc-
ial-makes a few pertinent observations -
tions apropos and anent the recent
and puny attempts of certain newspaper -
paper men of this county to reader
or write the publisher out of the
Republican party. He says :
"Some of the freak Republican
editors of Red Wilow couutY Neb. ,
are trying to turn down Editor
F. M. Kimmell of the Mc000K
TRIBUNE. At least one of them is
a new convert to Republicanism ,
"not yet dry behind his ears" , and
he is trying to read the veteran ,
who has fought the battles of his
party for many years , out of the
party. It is a pity such fools get
into the party , and worse yet , into
the editorial sanctums. It is a
grim satisfaction , however , to know ,
that like the hornet , they don't last
long. If Kimmell is of the stuff
the Kimmells of this county are
made of be isn't worrying himself
any about the matter" .
, - . .
1. . ' f . .
sa #
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Elmer Rowell was down from
McCook , Tuesday.
Miss Edna Meserve spent Sunday -
day with her parents. .
Judge D. T. Welty is se.eing his
many. friends here today.
S. E. Hager made a flying visit
to the metropolis , last evening.
L. W. Smith was visited by his
brother from Arapahoe , Sunday.
And now poor "Jackax" has run
afoul Colonel Bishop. Ah , me !
R. L. Beckwith returned from
Deaver , Friday morning , via Mc-
T. E. McDonald , cashier of the
Bank of Danbury , was in town on
L. W. Smith and two or three
others visited the commercial center -
ter , Sunday.
J. W. Dolan of the State bank
and son James went up to
Denver , Tuesday night.
Mesdames J. E. Allen and F.M.
Kimmell were the guests of Mrs.
J. B. Meserve , Thursday.
James Robinsonwife , and young
child went up to Denver , Tuesday
night , to consult the healer.
I. 117. Smith has been looking
after his political interests in Mc-
Cook and vicinity , this week.
A. J. Rittenhouse and P. Walsh ,
two of McCook's Democratic war
horses , were in the city , Monday.
William Allen and family were
McCook visitors , Saturday. Mrs.
Allen's brother , W. W. Gerver ,
returned with them.
It is amusing to see the Courier
go after the McCook A. P. A. , and
then observe the "masterly silence"
and "stand in" of the Times. .
J. B. Meserve went to McCook ,
Tuesday evening , returning home
on the following evening , He will
address a mass meeting at Lebanon -
non , tomorrow evening.
Colonels Mitchell and Barnes do
not agree as touching the matter
of reform. But we admire the
courage of the Courier , if we can
not subscribe to his political creed.
This community is no friendly
soil in which to plant a secret society -
ciety such as has split McCook
wide open and is keeping her people -
ple in a feverish turmoil all the
W. R. Starr spent a few hours
in McCook , Monday evening , telling -
ing the boys of the splendid Re-
publican majority Indianola precinct -
cinct would roll up , this fall , for
the A. P. A. ticket.
When Colonel Bishop limbers
up his blunderbus and gives your
meek and lowly correspondent a
broadside he generally goes four
five rows of apple trees wide of
the mark. The Colonel isn't much
of a pot luck hunter any way.
The Populist central committee
in session here , Saturday last , decided -
cided not to fill the place on their
ticket made vacant by S. T. Par-
sons' resignation as their candidate
for for county superintendent. It
is understood that the Populists
will support Prof. L.IV. Smith , the
Democratic nominee , and the able
and popular superintendent 6f the
Indianola public schools , who will
I un like a scared hare. .
Al. Kellog is husking corn for
J. B. Pickering.
Ira Neel started , last week , for
an overland trip to Missouri.
Edna Whitmer was a visitor at
Sunday school , last Sunday.
Mrs.Kilgore of McCook was out
looking after her real estate , last
Mrs. Joseph Dudek returned
from an extended eastern visit , the
latter part of last week.
Ethel Kerns of Indianola was
the guest of the Misses Endeley ,
latter part of last'week.
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MPT It t I
DO not b11 IIiferior or Poorly Made goods , whether i ,
New or Old stock at a1I3 r price. THERE IS No NECESSITY I ,
TO DO THIS wheel you call buy . - ' '
Prices , fJ . .
. 1
Than they have ever been sold at before.
Collie sure investigate. S
1 I
.Prices f i
L ( You Will be satisfied rE ALWAYS HAVE WI-IA T , , (
I $ WE ADVERTISE ! Prices On 1)aPeI' amount 4 . I. ,
i ( to nothing. A personal ins1)eeiollt ( 1 ,
, . . . . .
' t
We lye Yopt yell made l3Ie3challtlise fol. the price
others ask for hiferior goods. Call and see i . '
its before you s1)elicf aa dollr elsewhere. . ' . 1
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THERE is practically one thing
between the Republican party , this
fall , and 2 or 3 Hundred majority ,
and that is the fact that the nominees -
nees were dictated by a secret po.
litical organization which is now in
control of the party in this county.
And the sooner this fact is recognized -
nized by the party and the proper
and effectual remedy applied the
better off will be the party organization -
zation in Red Willow county. The
ballot box is the place to administer -
ter the emetic. Let the party
prepare now to resume business
in 1896 on the square and in
THE Times-Democrat takes up
cudgel dropped by the Reporter ,
and goes after Meserve. They all
seem to be after Meserve , than
whom a more competent man has
never occupied the office of county
treasurer. The questions asked
by the Indianola gentleman via
Box Elder are too silly for earnest
consideration. They are very hard
pushed , evidently , for something
against Meserve , when they trump
up such silly twaddle.
. . , ,
I : Notary Public
Reliable , Insurance ,
Collection Agent.
„ rI have removed from my
Old stand into the Ganschow
building , first door south of De-
Groff & Co. , where I am displaying -
playing a larger and finer stock
have ever carried before.
Your patronage is solicited.
y' s
, .K , I IPa
lXllli i _ . - _
We now have in stock a full
line of the Riverside Oak , the
Gem City Oak , and the Thos.
White Oak Heaters-both soft
and hard coal burners. In
fact we have the finest thing
in heating stoves to be bought
in the market , or ever exhibited -
ited in this city. Don't fail to
see our Ventiduct Heaters.
We also have the popular
Square Oven Cook Stoves in
stock. Everybody ought to
have one of our Square Oven
Cooks-they are the latest and
the very best.
This is absolutely rust proof ,
every piece is guaranteed , and
will be replaced if not , s rep-
Remember , we are showing
the best line of Buggies. Carts
and Wagons to be seen in this
part oft e Republican valley.
CocmN & Co.
Chamberlain's Ego and Skin Ointment i
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- a' ' ,
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped '
Hands , Itching Piles , Bums , Frost Bites ,
ChronicSoreEyes f
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. , ,
TO HORSE OWNERS. , . 1 , l
For putting w horse in a fine healthy condition -
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders ; I .
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cure 't
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving , /
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For sale by druggists. . ' ,
- , - .
' - -
' ' : "
Proprietors :
of the . . . , '
We respectfully solicit your business , ' "
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , s : i
and prompt , courteous service. ' ' , " A
MT. l i
BondedAbstracter. 1
. ,
_ .y
B. G. GOSSARD , As. - ' : _ I
' ti ,
' h .
JULIUS 1CUNE RT , ' . , I ,
Carpet Laying , - .
ar et eanln .
c -I am still doing carpet laying , carpet ,
cleaning , lawn cutting and similar w orlc. See H '
or write me before giving such work. My ' '
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders st
.J. S. MCB PAYER ' .
McCook Transfer i. . , l
'OneY furniture van in the . - :
city. Also have a first class ho use. ' , , ,
moving outfit. Leave or dens for. - : . N '
bus calls at Commercial hotel '
o r
at office opposite the depot. ' ' ' : ,