- Jy f , _ f r J to. By F. M. KIMMELL. X1.60 A YEAS IN ADVANCE. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. Judge of the Supreme Court , li0N. 1. L. NORVAL of Seward. ' t Regents of the University , C. H. MORRILL of Lancaster. H. L. GOOLD of Keith. JUDICIAL. Judge of the 14th District , HON. R . NORRIS of Furnas. THERE are a few unwise Republican - lican politicians in Red Willow county who seem to be more anx- ions to drive people out of the party who do not suit them , than they are for Republican success. Suppose , for argument's sake , that thesd short-sighted leaders who are drifting the party dangerously near the shoals , succeed in driving out of the party all those they are unable to wheedle or bulldoze into their course of action , what will it profit the party , or them either ? IN surrendering itself to the A. P. A. , the Republican party of Red Willow county has undoubtedly placed the success of its candidates in jeopardy. The success of the secret order has temporarily driven enough Republicans from the party - ty to make the success of the ticket a matter of considerable apprehension - sion and reasonable doubt. But it may be the making of the dog. As for this paper it favors now and evermore shall the Republican party's running itself-or b out of business. , . THE impression is Prevailing that the Indianola Reporter - porter has entered the employ of the Populist county central committee - mittee ; andalthough that committee - tee indignantly deny that they have made any overtures to that result , the energetic work the Reporter - porter has been performing for the Populist county ticket during the past week or two , gives strong color to that impression. The methods that the Colonel is now pursuing make him a veritable Jonah for the Republican party in this cam- . paign. And like the farmer's fool calf there is no stopping him. . IN 1893 the Indianola RP order t had this to say about the A. P. A. : "some of the Qauciidates are bay- g an uphill time of it frying to explain away their relations to , or sympathy with , a disreputable organization - ganization known as the A. P. A. The object of the association is to defeat the constitutional guarantee that there shall be religious test for office holding in this country , by politically , socially and in business - ness , ostracizing all members of the Roman Catholic church. It is not Qnl J in-American ft its 4IOC- frines , iMit also tevolutionarY in its tendencies , and should be frowned "down by every patriotic citizen of our country , and no better oppor- tuni to do so is offered than at the ballot box" . This was in 1893 mind you , when it was imagined that one candidate on the Republican - lican ticket was a member or in sympathy with the A. P. A. Now in 1895 , when every man on the ticket was nominated by the order , the Indianola Reporter is in favor I t of quartering every man who does not break into the campaign and support a ticket they had no voice in nominating. Was Geol. Bishop in earnest in 1893 ? Does he mean what lie says in 1895 ? Was he mistaken in 1893 ? Is he right in 1895 ? We leave the case with the reader. There is a common error some where. If the A. P. A. "should be frowned down" in 1893 . for "unconstitutionality , un-Amer- 1Canism , and revolutionary tenden- ties" , why is the Colonel so anxious in 1895 ? After to elevate it on high - ter all , Colonel , would it not be better.for the Republican party to rdsume.business at the old stand , = on jts own hook ? 1 a , T . . . rt. . 7 , , f y t . INDIANOLA. J.W.Dolan drove to Oberlin on Saturday last. J. W. . Dolan is in Iowa on business - ness , this week. J.C. Benedict of Culbertson was in town , Sunday. P. 4. Wells of McCook , was in town , Wednesday. Dennis Fitzgerald spent Sunday here with his family. Mrs. C. H. Oman of Danbury was in town , Saturday. Marion Powell was in McCook , Friday last , on business. H. E. Waugh of Lebanon as a McCook visitor , Saturday. George Burt was in McCook on land business , Tuesday. The Misses Holland shopped in the county metropolis ; Saturday I. N. Smith took a sprint at politics - itics in McCook , Monday evening. Floyd Welborn arrived from Denver , Saturday ' morning , on a visit to relatives. L. A. Carnahan , the Republican nominee for superintendent , was in town , Monday. There will be temperance services - ces at the Congregational church , next Sunday evening. G.C. Boatman , the Populistcan- didate for clerk of district court , was in townTuesday and Wednes- day. Supt. Bayston returned from the west end , Monday evening , from looking after some school work. . Supt. J. H. Bayston took the train for Denver , Tuesday nightto take in the "festival of mountain and plain" . . Publisher Barnes of the McCook Times-Democrat spent Sunday with the wife and baby now visiting - ing his parents here. Heavens to Kate ! But isn't Bishop a red-hot pup after Pops ! Oh , mama ! But the doughty , fire-eating Colonel will be wiser , by and by. a Some of the gold-bearlng sand from near Milford was sent hereto Prof. Bartlett for analysis , and he reports it as containing gold at the rate of X3.92 Per ton , Mrs. Dennis Iitzgerald , Mrs. a James McClung and John Mc- Clung arrived home , last Friday evening , from their trip east. Mrs. John McClung remained. Cal Underwood was over from Danbury , Friday evening. He brought his mother-in-law , Mrs.A. SKinsloe , to take the train f or her home in Sycamore , Illinois , Little Homer Underwood returned with der , . The fact that one of the Republican - lican county newspapers has already - ready added over a hundred dollars - lars -to his bank account , while Bishop has not seen the color of a penny , for all his "work" has quite distracted the fire-eating Colonel. Verily the laborer is worthy of his hire. "Ain't it. " Indianola Republicans do not exactly agree with THE TRIBUNE touching the deputyship supposed - posed to be.promised the editor of the Reporter. It is the current idea that the Colonel is being 'worked" into his "fine frenzies" against the Pops. That he is angling , but has nothing definitely - ly hooked ; and is not likely to succeed. That was an amilsing incident which took place here , a few days since : Hearing a stalwart Republican - publican roast a recent convert to Republicanism for swill , on ac- bunt of the convert's puny efforts of late to read the only Republican - can paper in Red Willow county- T HE MCC00K TRIBUNE-Out of the Republican party. It was amus- ng.for all but the convert. k k 4 r Z ' 4 M Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair , CREAM RAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. INDIANOLA CONTINUED. S. L. Green was down from Mc- Cook , Monday. J. L. Holland and John Mc- Clung went to Denver , Wednesday night. W. H. Wadsworth , .R. W. White and E. R. Banks attended Frontier county fair at Stockvillelast , week. The school boy nine beat the Danbury boys an the home ground last Saturday. They expect to play at Cambridge , Saturday next. Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Smith came 1 Home from a six weeks' visit in MissouriIFednesdaymorning. Mr. Smith declares that the best country - try on earth. Indianola begins to be effected a little by the Schlatter nonsense. R. L. Beckwith went out to Denver - ver on Friday night with the expectation - pectation of seeing the side-show , among the other attractions of the city. The Reporter continues to work harm to the Republican ticket , b Y its wholesale abuse of Meserve. The Populists smile knowingly among themselves , and advise that Bishop be let alone to carry on the good work lie is unconsciously doing. He never dreams that he's a "Pop" , and why should any one tell him ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE Republican party of Red Willow county is in the same attitude - tude with respect to the A. P. A. , as the lady was with the tiger- inside. It seems as though there are only a few Republicans left. And they are riot needed or wanted for the ticket. THE many friends of H.H.Berry will doubtless emphatically resent the extraordinary and irregular methods by which the elder was euchred out of an opportunity to become a nominee for justice of the peace on the Republican ticket. The old soldiers especially properly - ly feel the keenness of the fact that the elder was turned down in such an unprecedented manner. WHEN the Republican party of Red Willow county went bodily into the A. P. A , camp , it gave l official notice to every Roman Catholic within the party to vacate at once. And to all other Republicans - licans not in sympathy and action with the order to take a back seat. When these proscribed elements of the party obey the mandate , this fall , wherein will the Republican - lican party be the gainer ? WE are dust a little sensitive about this rubbing in process. A steady diet of dirt is annoying enough. THE TRIBUNE is not a common vehicle on which all the political renegades of the party may ride at pleasure. THE state board of irrigation is an expensive fake. Practically all the costly work they are doing will have to be overhauled by the courts. OUR next district judge's initials are George W. Norris. He is a thoroughly capable man for the p osition. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. ; k , n S _ T - - ' . - f. . 1 . _ 0. . , ' I - ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTL Y ONE _ ; Ici4 . . . . - ; , < I , . . - - - f-- , . . - - . t----- - - - - - - - - - .M1 Co. : . . { , : ; . . . . . . . . . } - , ) ' - . , t . . i , tl - Our stole is devoted exclusively to the proper fixing up of BoY and Man. No where else 1n Southwestern Neb raska--certainY not in McCook--can comparisons be made . with our . : " , ' Large Variety and UnexceII8d Assortment of ' : : I f 1 C1OtIIjiig'\ I \ . 1. 1.f f 1.f f HATS CAPS AND' URN1SHINO 000DS L . . 1 ! ii . J . . . : - - - rhls fall the stock is more nearly perfect than ever. Oni' 1 ) rites--qllality considered--are always lower than is'I I ' 4 elsewhere. . ' offer TRUSTWORTHY MERCHANDISE e only only' I ' , , . . , 'r av. ISG'RAst A personal inspection vi11 satisfy you. I . . . f.- r. - 6a ; s e f.'f ; -'f . . f .r I S .Y } McC00 K 11lEB. : + sIb Oct.11 95. anager , I . I , I THE RIVERSiDE OAK . v. i. . dtl K , ipGpl ; t E \ - We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhibited - ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. C0CHRAN Co. This isabsolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will b replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. BUGGIES AND CARTS Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies , Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part oft e Republican valley. Cocin AN & Co. _ + , - - - 1.- q Chamberlain's Lye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HoBSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. CARSON & TAYLOR , _ W- M- Proprietors of the . A SUNNY SIDE DAIRY , I. We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. 1 Bonded'Abstracter1 _ B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. JULIUS kUNERT Carpet Laying , are eanin . : -i am still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. .T. S. MCBRAYER PROPRIETOR OF THE c oo Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also. have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. - _ _ _ 55 S , f , Ten ens i ir' r' . . . . . . . . . 1 { Will very easily . : , . t + i ' ftay or 24 sheets oj 1 " , a er and 24 env = elopes. Y5c. gets a I . better. loc. some /r thing good. 2 c. t a s lendid article. . 1 roc. a superb box. 1 J ' and,35c. anele ant t i 4 and stylish a er , 3 . , t , f I at the Stationery . ' ® eftartment o Te . ° , McCook - t 1 1 i Tribune. : . . . t r i [ ° ° , i S. CORDEAL y . 1 . : I TV ' r ; yr 1 r. l . Notary Public , Reliable , Insurance r Collection Agent / . . . + : t IHHIH + j 1 : . . , S 1 Yf 1 i I have removed from m y old stand into the Ganschow ' ' ' building , first door south of lie- - . Groff & Co. , where I am displaying - ' ' playing a larger and finer stock of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and SMOKERS' GOODS than I , have ever carried before. Your patronage is solicited. 1 , ' J. H. BENNETT. J j . tl , t- , TrYthat 15 ce nt box . . . . paper at THE TRLBIINE ! , office. Worth 25 cis. rY I Also cheaper f ' Read the best COUII - .1 tl ' ' newspaper--that's y The McCook Tribune . ever time. n . . . . . " "