a -c-- " Th flok . By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ONCE-A-WEEK" of New York city appears this week under the title of "Collier's Weekly" . CONGRESSMAN ANDREWS will be heard with no uncertain sound , this fall , in both the Tenth and Fourteenth Judicial districts. Nonnls is a several times winner. That . much appears certain. And there-is that in his make up which promises well for his judicial career , , AT last the supreme court has rendered a decision in the famous Omaha fire and police board case. It declares the new lbw constitutional - tional and upholds the late ap- pointments. SI'EAKrI G of the Republican party Senator Roar , the learned , brave and patriotic son of , Massachusetts - chusetts says , "The emblem of this last child of freedom is the eagle and not the bat. The atmosphere of the Republic is the air of the mountain-top and the sunlight and the open field" . But even this staunch and virtuous descendant of immortal Puritanism may be mistaken. THEY have changed his name to "Lord Dunracin' " at the clubs of Gotham. Probably the Valkyrie - kyrie will be Jolinny Bull's last venture in the way of building yachts to snatch the cup that America has held so many years. At least one is led to believe it on reading the angry comments of the leading papers of Great Brit- ain. They think they have been done by a slick Yankee trick , but they do not exactly specify how the trick was worked.-Journal. RED WILLOW. Bert Helm was visiting in the neighborhood , last week. Mrs. P. J. Taylor spent a portion - tion of fair week on the Willow. Mrs. Hoagland from up north was visitilig'her daughter , one day this week. J. H. Fowler of McCook was a pleasant visitor in school district 72 , this week. This precinct won its share of the premiums. Mr. Longnecker's potatoes won the windmill. Benj. Baker's men folks are expected - pected to return from their trip to the sandhills , next week. PROSPECT PARK. R.M.Wade finished cutting his Kaffir corn , Monday. W. L. Critser and Harry Wade are cutting corn for R.P.Barr , this week. J. E. Logue and W.A. Holbrook went over to Lebanon , first of the week. J.H.Wade and wife spent Sunday - day afternoon with A.C.Marsh and family. . R.P.Barr went in to Omaha on Tuesday to spent a few days at the state fair. Quite a number of our people 1 attended the Christian Endeavor society meeting at the Fitch school I house on Sunday evening. Mrs.Goldie Critser and baby are expected home from their California - nia visit next Sunday , and to say that William is happy is expressing - ing it very mildly. Quite a jolly crowd of young people gathered at the home of Mr. Hammond , last Friday evening. The evening was spent in playing games and . having a good time general. . , i t r : 4 " + bF t r t INDIANOLA. Hrs. ClarenceB Grap is down from McCook. Lawyerand Mrs.W.RStarr were visitors of the metropolisMondeY. Mesdames E.R.Banks and A.W. Hoyt spent Saturday in McCook. Miss Kittie Shackelton will go to Doane college. Crete , this year. W. G. Black was in Dorchester on real estate business , the first of the week. Mrs. Larry McEntee and the children visited McCook friends , Tuesday evening. Indianola got pretty much all soup in last Saturday's convention. Regular bard times diet. Ben. G. Gossard is doing some work in the office of the clerk of the district court , this week. Rob Welborn , after spending a week here , has gone to spend a few days in Omaha before returning to Denver. Work on the new Masonic temple - ple is now rapidly going on , the lumber for it having arrived last week. M. Morris of the State bankeft ] for the state fair at OmahaSunday evening , S. E. Hager and family are also at Omaha. The need of taking an insane person to + he hospital at Lincoln kept Sheriff Banks from the convention - vention , Saturday. Treasurer Meserve was in the metropolis , early in the week looking - ing after the county's interests in the failure there. Mrs. Wm. McCallum was a state visitor at Omaha , this week. Also Mrs. Charles bag , who will visit her son Will there. County Attorney Keyes , R. W. White and W. H. Wadsworth took No. 2 at McCook , Tuesday morning - ing , for the state fair. Frank H , Strout of the Leland conducted morning and evening services in the Episcopal church at Arapahoe on Sunday last. S.R.Smith , I. A. Sheridan , J. A. Hammond , L. W. SmithC.B.Hoag and Dr.A.W.Hovt took in the convention - vention at McCook , Saturday. Last week , Guy Lamborn with his father , saw Guy L. win two purses at the St. Joe races , and came home on Monday morning. On Wednesday , Thursday and Friday of next week there will be a base ball tournament at Indian- ola. A subsciiption paper has been circulated to pay the expenses of the clubs coming to play. Admission - sion to the grounds will be but ten cents , and a good attendance is expected. The new pastor of the Congregational - gational church , Rev. A. S. Houston - ton , arrived here on Saturday evening - ning , and conducted services on Sunday. It is felt that the church will prosper under his ministration -as he seems to be inclined to become - come acquainted with his parishioners - ioners and to make himself helpful to them in a business-like way. The church has been without a permanent - nent pastor for a year. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of lob printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. NOTICE OF SnERIFF'S TAX SALE. By virtue of a Treasurer's Distress Warrant issued - ued by j. B. Meserve , County Treasurer , in and for the county of Red Willow and state of Nebraska , and to me delivered in favor of Red willow county , and against C. M. Noble , I have levied upon the following described goods and chattels as the prop. city of the said C. M. Noble towit : One bay horse , one black horse , one cow , one surrey , one road wagon , one set double harness , one set single harness , one cutter , and the stock of groceries and queensware , and all of the store fur. mtureand fixtures in the store of C. M. Noble in the A. 0. U. W. building in McCook , Nebraska , which I will expose at public sale , to the highest bidder , for ash , at said above'described store , and in front of same , in McCook , Nebraska , on the 1st day of October , 1Sg5 , at one o'clock , p. m. , to satisfy - isfy said warrant an costs. Dated the 40th day of September , 1Sgc. . E. R. BANK , Sheriff. By C. F. B u cocr. , Deputy Sheriff. S / i - - - Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , .DR , . . elite CREAM MKIN6 MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. NORTH STAR GLEAJVINGS. Rose Burns visited with J. R. Neel's , last week. Nellie Kellog visited with the Misses Adamson , north of Indian- ola , last week. Frank Neel of Cedar BluffsKs. , visited with J.R. Heel's , last week , and attended the fair. It continues very dry and dusty. A good shower would be a great comfort and blessing. Several persons from this place attended the Republican convention - tion in McCook , . Saturday. Rev. Crago preached his last sermon at this place before conference - ence , last Sunday at 3 p , m. W.N.Rogers of Shadeland stock farm made the finest display at the fair of any one in this vicinity. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. cMI KIMMELL , McCOK , NEB. ftilltor AND Statioll6r. - PVBLISIiER OF AND DEALER IN LoUdi Blanks Notc books , BOOkS , SGdlo Books. DEALER IN Office Supplies STATiONERY i OF ALL KINDS. TRIBUNE OFFICE , FIRST DOOR NORTH 011 THE POSTOYYICF , M0000K , - NE8RASKA a _ ' ) 1 g Y . k ' 1 ' _ . S r t ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICT' L Y ONE PRICE. - , 1 + i . . - , Z - - f 1 ----r- - Eathtmi . . . . ' .1 : Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rr' t .i. . . An Entire New and Choice Stock of i Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Ohu1di'en'S . ' I 1 1 1 ffr x ka i. . , y. , r'r ; f f Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods. ; ; f I1 Men's and Boys" Flats and. Caps . . - t . .rtEcY\2\2T : : 4II3E.I1NJINiEc- : : : : : : : : : : ! ti We 1)a ; r 1)articular atteiytion to selecting Children's ' ant Boys' Goods . A healthy chll ( 1 is a terror on clothes , ' the y I / must be well made , .yell trimmed as well as stylish. in cut in ' ' order to give service. k OUR SUITS AT $2.00 are as well , 5 otten aP as the Higher Pi ice(1 Ones. W e ltai dle Rio shoddy 1 goods AT ANY PRICE. I f 1 1 S AL L GOODS Eire niarked' iii lc PLt ] c FmuJ Es--tlie 1 u ices they sell at. . ' ( . We call attention to our new line of " "LATEST Th INGs f I IN NECKWEAR tlst received. ' , Ladies who ( lo the bu lilg for the boys are invited to ' l examine our New Goods acid see New Styles and Low Prices. / f I . PI . I 1 . .m 1 1 1i fcC00g . TEB. Se t. 20 95. is MaDagerI 4 SOMETHING VERY FINE. % re have a new line of Heating - ing Stoves taming. They will absolutely be the finest thing in the heater line ever brought to this city-having the latest and best improvements. Do not arrange to buy a heater until you have seen these- the latest and best. COCHRAN & Co. FANNING MILLS. You will certainly need a Fanning Mill-wheat is weedy and dirty. Remember that we are headquarters for these and all other kinds of machinery. And we are selling at modest and reasonable prices. We have some mills in stock and more a-coming. COCHRAN & CO. BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. Our line is the oriy complete one in the Upper Republican valley. For the better display and protection of such goods we have opened up the brick store adjoining our hardware store , which gives us elegant and commodious quarters. We invite your inspection. COCHRAY & CO. THEY ARE DELIGHTED. All who have purchased a Dutton Sickle Grinder are de lighted. It takes little work , is quick and preserves the or- ginal bevel and does not destroy - stroy the temper of the sicide. See Vance McManigal , Joseph Menard , Pat. Walsh , J. S. Mc- Brayer. It is a time saver and money maker. You need one. COCHRAN & Co. Cochran & Co.'s new. Buckeye - eye Mower with bearded ledger - ger plate and foot liftfoot is a world beater. See them. See Cochran & Co. about the Dowden Potato Digger. It's "live wire" at digging taters. + r.- . m - - ' rlggs rig. The following is a true copy of an indictment - dictment found a few years since by the grand jury of Lawrence county , . "Lawrence criminal court. Commonwealth - wealth of Kentucky against - - , de fendant. Indictment. The grand jury of Lawrence county , in the name and by the authority of the commonwealth of Kentucky , accuse - of the offense of malicious mischief , committed as follows - lows : The said - , on the - day of A. D. 18in thocounty and circuit - cuit aforesaid , did unlawfully , willfully and maliciously kill and destroy one pig , the personal property of George Pigg , without the consent of said Pigg , the said pig being of value to the aforesaid George Pigg. The pig thus killed weighed about 25 pounds and was a mate to some other pigs that were owned by said George Pigg , which left George Pigg a pig less than he ( said George Pigg ) had of pigs , and thus ruthlessly tore said pig from the society of George Pigg's other pigs against the peace and dignity of the commonwealth of Ken- tacky.Green Bag. Didn't Want to Bo Shielded. He took her hand gently in his. They were affianced , and there was no kick coming an the score of conven- tionality. "I will always , " he murmured , "be at hand to shield thee in the great struggle of life. " She gazed earnestly into his loving eyes. eyes."No" "No"-- She seemed not to be aware that he started violently upon the word. -"I must insist upon going to bargain - gain sales alone. You would only be in the way. " - Even as she spoke her face kindled with the excitement of the fray.-De- troit Tribune. The Retort Clerical. "Since you take me to task so roundly - ly for my failings , " said the physician , somewhat nettled , "let me askwhyyou don't restrain your own son. He gambles - bles , drinks and plays the" "Ah , yes , " said the clergyman , with a sigh. "We don't seem to exert much influence over our own families , do we ? By the way , doctor , please convey my warmest sympathies to your wife and say to her I am sorry she is still unable to find any relief from her rheuma- tism.Chicago Tribune. A Time Saver. It is the fashion now for ladies' maids to keep diaries two or three weeks ahead of their mistresses' probable engagements - ments , putting the name of the dress against the day. The lady looks at the list at the beginning of each week , and if she does not approve of the gowns to be worn she alters it. It saves a great deal of flurry at the time of dressing. Perhaps a Slip of the Pen. The Rev. S. J. Gibson lectured on "Fools" at the Wesleyan church here on Sunday. There were a large number present. - Carterton ( New Zealand ) Ten Cents ! il l i- Will very easil y ' day for . .i1 sheets of . fta er and 24 env = I ' elopes. 25c. gets a better. 20C. some > i I thing g ood. 25G. Cf splencUd artacle. ' \ roc. a swj5erb box , znd 5c. anelegant and stylish a er , 1 at the Stationery De j5artntent of T e t. . .McCook I II I Tribune. ' 'HHHH , S. CORDEAL Notary Public , Reliable , insurance Collection Agent. I I _ - 1 r I have removed from my . old stand into the Ganschow building , first door south of Lie- Groff & Co , where I am displaying - , playing a larger and finer stock ' of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and ! SMOKERS' GOODS than I . have ever carried before. ' / Your is . patronage solicited. /i J. II. BENNETT. - ; li . 1 a Tr that 15 cent box ' ! t paper at THE TRu UDTE office. Worth 2 5 cts. I , Also cheaper grades. 4 Read the best co un ' newspaper--that's f The 1VIcCooh Tribune eves time. - . T 4 $ r I i