f . . for Infants and Children. Cae toria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as supcrlortoany prescription known to inc. " D : A , ditcnza , M. D. , 111 So , Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y , "The use of 'Castomfia' Is so unlversal and l'ta merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorsoIt. Few are the ti M1 , intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach. " . Cenws Meaux , D. D. , I New York City. Castorla cures Coil ; Constipation , Sour Stomach , Dlarrha a , Eructation , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promnotes dl. gestion , , Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended ' Castorla , ' and shall always continue to dose so , as it has invariably produced beneficial results , " , EDWIN F , PAanae , M. D , , (25th Street and 7th Ave. , New York City , TitE Csr'rwa Coura.'iv , 77 Mun aex Sruesr , New Yoaa Crr > L , TI4E . . , . . FfkT WATIOWAL i AuthordCaptaOOOOO r s .S Capt .a S ® FFICDRS AND DIRECTORS. = GEO. HOCKNELL B. M. FREES W. F LAWSON F. A. PENNELL , .President. V President. Cashier. Ass'f Cashier. A. CAIAPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. 1 1fl6 61t1z611s LAMB.M6Gooh ? SNCOai OltitTEl ) UNIER STrlTL LAMB. Paid U Capital---- 50 OOU Surplus , - - - - 10 , 000. { BUSINESS. ' - i , ; - CollectionS ] lade on all Accessible ts. Draft , Drawn on a U Principal Cities of Europe. faxes Paid for Non-Residents. I . : Tice r a e ® a r ® lEUroe . ' ' V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. COERE8PONDENTB-The First National Banlc , Lincoln , Nebraska The Chemical National Bank , New York City. 9tj,3aar AF55owl . . ' 4 ; b tl > 1 - a' ) l a'i' i' r . . r t ; 1 i _ _ / l , _ r. T ESi 1 5 E 1 T 0RK SNIP n u BAs fD . , , , : x ATERI THE FINEST f E ODEL .W i6gi , 18TO 25 P Oll11D5 P RILESL135TO 1110 . - fLVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED . CATAf9UUe SENT FOR No ccNT STAntI ; , tIA1N OFFi.E 11D FACTORY LAKE I1AL TED TS RETAIL ALE ROQM ! r + 28O dAbASH + 'AVE'V - EA JTERtAtJARENG05L- REAO $ l : , nE1J Yo K ' PORTLAN D a ° c4 r ; rLHi s ms 'fy-tRalycisco - ; 7 i SALi't LAPSE Urr x- , F. D , BURGESS' ' Fitters MAIN A TEN1JE , McUOOK , NEB. . Stock of Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode , Pumpe and Boiler Trim' clings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mi1L i - r - : . ihscriM for Tile cCoot Trhuue ! I t has no equal in this local field. T Notices to Redeem. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of December , 1893 , the following described real estate situated in Red Willow count i Nebraska , were purchased by the undersigned at a tax sle hel ( by the trasurer of id count for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1S92 : Theyear quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest - west quarter of section Ig , township 4 , range 26 said land was taxed in the name of II. M. Gardner in 1892 and x894. The northwest quarter of section 28 , township - ship 4 , range 26 ; said land was taxed in the name of William Fisher in 1892 and 1894. The northeast' quarter of section 35 , township - ship 2 , range 27 ; said land was taxed in the name of ' 1' . M. Marquett in 1892 and x894. The northeast quarter of section 21 , town. ship 2 , range 27 ; said land was taxed in the name of J. K. 1' . Thompson in x892 , and in the name of 1V. H. Carnahan in x894. The south half of the southeast quarter of section 13 , township 2 , range 27 , and the north half of the northeast quarter of section 24 , township 2 , range 27 ; said land was taxed in the name of Henry Simper in 1892 and 1894. All that part of the northwest quarter o the southwest quarter [ except 33 acres of section t6 , township 3 , range 28 ; said land was taxed in the name of W. H. Moore in iSgi and x894. The east half of the northeast quarter of section 4 , township q , range 28 ; said land was taxed in the name.of Eliza McCool in IS92 and 1594.The The southwest quarterof the southeast quarter - ter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 23 , township I , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the name of W. E. Glynn in 1892 and x894. 't'he northwest quarter of section 22 , township - ship 1 range 29 ; said land was taxed in the nae of F. J . , Bushonh in 1892 , and in the name of the Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. in I8 4. 4.f lie southwest quarter of section 21 , township - ship t , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the tame of \ mctoria L. Hartford in 1892 , and in the name of Mary Leavitte in 1894. The northwest quarter of section 25 , township - ship 1 , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the name of 11 infield Glynn in 1892 and 1894. The northwest quarter of section 12 , township - ship 2 , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the name of A. W. Corey in 1892 , and in the name of IIattie McCool in 1894. "I'lie east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter [ except 3 acres , as follows : commencing 36 rods north of the southeast corner of the east half of the southeast quarter , thence west z4 rods , north 20 rods , south 20 rods to beginning ] of section 28 , township 2 , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the name of Jean F. Riley in 1892 and 1894. The northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section z , the east half of the southeast - east quarter of section 3 , and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section to , township 4 , range 29 ; said land was taxed in the name of J. B. Piper in 1892 , and in the name of Emma E. Atwater in 1894. The southwest quarter of section 4 , township I , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of 1lalla Dlatson in 1892 , and in the name of the Farmers Loan and Trust Co. in 1894. The southwest quarter of section 19 , township - ship 1 , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of John A. Lutz in 1892 and 1894. The north half of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25 , township I , range 3o ; said land was taxed in the name of Sarah Snavely in 1892 and 1894. The southeast quarter of section 22 , town ship I , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of Ed Ackermanin 1892 and 1894. The north half of the southwest quarter of section 26 , township x , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of A. Williams in 1892 and 1894. 1'he southeast quarter of section 27 , township - ship t , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of 1. J. Starbuck in 1892 and 1894 The southeast quarter of section 34 , township - ship i , range 30 ; said land was taxed in the name of James 1V. McCarthie in 1892 and 1894. What is known as the creamery tract" , cour- mencing at a point on the east line of section z9 , township 3 , range 29 , 33 feet north of the southeast corner of said tract , thence north on east litre 300 feet , west paralll to line 20ofeet , south 300 feet to a point 53 feet north of south line , thence east parallel with south line 200 feet to place of beginning ; said land was taxed - ed in the name of R. B. Taylor in 1892 , and in the name of I. B. Dudney in 1894. Lots 6 and 7 , section 19 , lot 3 , section 30 , and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 30 , all in township 3 , range 3o ; said land was taxed in the name of the Missouri Valley Land Co. in 1892 and in the name of Samuel V. Arnold in 1894. The'time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 28th day of December , 1895. McCook , Neb. , August 30th , 1895. J. W. IiUPP. PUBLICATION NOTICE. Anton Probst , Sarah Probst , Frank H. Spearman , Louis Probst and the McCook CoOperative - Operative Building and Savings Association , defendants , will take notice that Mary A. Lonergan as executrix of the last will and tes- tamentof Thomas Lonergan , deceased , plain- tiffhas filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose acertain mortgage - gage deed executed Feb. 2d , 1889 by the defendants - fendants , Anton Probst and Sarah Probst , to the said Thomas Lonergan , now deceased , of whose last will and testament the plaintiff is the duly appointed , qualified and acting executrix - ecutrix , upon the following described real estate , situated in Red Willow county , Nebraska - raska , towit : Beginning at a stake eighty-six feet , eight and one-half inches east from a stake at the northwest corner of lot numbered fifteen , in block numbered twenty-nine , in time original town of McCook , in said county , according - cording to the recorded fpint thereof , running thence east thirty-six thence south one hundred and thirtfeet , thence west thirty-six feet' and thence north ne hundred and thin feet to the lace of beginning , - to secure the payment o their one certain principal promissory - issory note for the sum of $950 , dated February - ry 2 , iSSg , due February 1 , 1894 , together with ten coupon interest notes thereto attached , each for the sum of $47.50 , all dated February 2 , ISSg , and due respective ( } the first day of August , 1859 , the first days of February and August , 189o , 1891 , 1892 and 1893 , and the first day of February , 1894 , all drawing interest at the rate of temi per centt per annum after ma- turity. There is now due on said notes and mortgage the sumo of $1,282.5o , with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annum on $47.50 thereof from February t , 1891 , on 547.50 thereof from August b 1r 19 t , on $47.50 thereof from February I,1892 , on $47.50 thereof - of from August 1 , 1892 , on $47.50 thereof from February 1 , 1893 , on $47.50 thereof from August - ust t , 1S93 , and on $997.5 o thereof from Feb- ruary 1,1894 ; and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises be sold to satisfy said amount. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 14th day of October , 1895. Dated September 2,1895 9.6.4ts. MARY A. LONERGAN , as Executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Lonergan , deceased , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan , her attorney. STOCK TAKEN UP. At my farm 7 southwest of McCook , Saturday - urday , August 31st , 1895 , the following described - bed stock towit : I iron gray team , horse and mare , about five years old. I span of ponies , gray horse , sorrel mare- star in forehead and wite hind feet. I bay mare and sucking brown .olt. Owner can have same by proving property , and paying charges. C. T. h.LLER. SENT IT TO His MOTHER IN GERMANY. Mr. Jacob Esbensen , who is in the employ of the Chicago Lumber Co. at Des Moines , Iowa , says : "I have just sent some medicine back to my mother in the old country , that I know from personal use to be the best medicine - cine in the world for rheumatism , having used it in my family for several years. It is called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always does the work" . 50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell & Co. , druggists. - - . - . - . . To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week Colorado - - excursions to - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pilows ! , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and bigenough fortwo. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A , , Omaha , Neb. Less Than Half Rates to Louisville , Ky. , Are offered by the Burlington route , Sept. 8th , 9th and Loth , on account of the National Encampment of the G. A. R. R.Time Time Nebraska G. A. R. official train , will leave Lincoln at 1:20 : p. m. , Monday - day , Sept. 9th. Members of the \V , R. C. and the G. A. R. as well as the general - al public , will find this train by far the most desirable means of reaching the Encampment , as it goes through to Louisville without change of cars. Tickets , sleeping car reservations and full information on application to any agent of the B. & M. R. R. or to J. Fran- cis'G. P &T. A , , Onnaha , Neb. 2ts. National Encampment , G. A. R. Louisville , Ky. For the above occasion - sion the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets , Sept. 8th to xotln inclusive , good to return until Oct. 6th , for $24.15. C. E. MAGNER , Agt. Charlie Chambers is home from Kansas - sas City. Round trip tickets to time East , September - tember 8 , 9 amid to. If you want to go to Iowa , Missouri or Illinois call at ticket office for rates , etc. C. E. MAGNER , Agent. Time govermmnment is making an experiment - ment near Holyoke , Colo. , on the line of the Burlington , to find water for irri- gation. A large artesian well is now being - ing drilled as an experimerit and if this proves successful the work will be carried - ried further. The San Diego , Pacific & Eastern Ry. is a new corporation on the CoOperative - tive Share plan , under the auspices of the various brotherhoods. Work will begin when xooooo , shares are sold ; 35- 000 are now disposed of at $ to per share , besides offers from towns along the right of ova } ' . W. H , Davis has full particulars - ticulars of this project. Surprise and consternation were caused - ed in local railroad circles , this week , by the discharge of Engineers Arthur Snyder - der , Thomas Combs , Robert McElhen- nev and J. A. Harris- The ground for the discharge of these men is said to be the alleged fact that they are members of the Brotherhood of Railway Engin- eers. It is further rumored that there are quite a number more on the list for similar action for the same cause ; and the company's recognized hostility to organized labor makes their final discharge - charge quite probable. It is rumored that the brotherhoods have quietly secured - cured quite a strong footing all over the great system , I Land ! Land ! Land ! I have the largest list of lands on my books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and at prices that will make the purchaser money. But in addition to my regular list I have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for the next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There are some very fine alfalfa lands among them , C. F. BABCOCK. Office on Main st. , opposite hotel. House For Rent. A new five-room dwelling on north Madison street , corner of Dudley. Inv quire of P. A. WELLS. Try McMillen's NEW perfumes. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at MOMILLEN's. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , In a recent letter to the manufacturers Mr. 1V. F. Benjamin , editor of the Spectator , Rushford , N. Y. , says : "It may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem in which Chamberlain's medicines are held by the people of your own state , where they must be best known. An aunt of mine who resides at Dexter , Iowa , was about to visit me , a few years since , and before leaving home wrote me , asking if they were sold here , stating if they were not she would bring a quantity with her , as she did not want to be without tem" . The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , famous for its cures of colds and croup ; Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism , lame back , pains in the side and chest , and Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhma Remedy for bowel complaints. These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit , and unequalled b } an other. They are for sale by McConnell , Co druggists. b Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-To-Bac the harmess guaranteed' tobacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money relunded. Book fre. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. 4-19.95-ly r. T Sold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. l Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ms a Godsend to the afflicted. There is no advertisement about this ; we feel just likesaying it.-TIIE DEMOCRAT , Carrollton , Ky. For sale by McConnell & Co. , druggists. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a child , she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria When she had Children , she gave them Castora , . ----j. - - - - - . - r.-- . . . . , . , . : . . - . - . . . --a- + - - . - . - -r - , - ' , M Ii , ' ti i f . . : 5 , , I i . . . 0 j ¶ ct : : : : 0 ; . _ -1 , ' I 11 , r s k , . { 'I I , 1I 1 I r 1 .k 1t 1 Whdt ? Y m t rep pieces of - 1:1:1 e Ax - PIugTobcco f ' - - - - Th H' IF--- Some handsome new box writing paper - per just received at our stationery de- partment. Prices very reasonable. Princes Violet Perfume at McMillen's , R I P A N'S Ll. . - W The modern stand- LL and Family Medi- tine : Cures the N W common every-day " ills of humanity. fib TRADE z rdfSRK Chamberlain's Eye and Skn Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , 'fetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. R. A. COLE , LEADING 1ERCHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , line just received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting - ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Donnlson = treot. JULIUS IUNE1 T , Carpet Laying , ai et eanln . : -I ant still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write before giving such work. M charges are very reasonabl. Leave orders TRIBUNE office JULIUS KUNERT. .J. S. MCBRAYER , PROPRIETOR OF TifE McCook Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. "Onlc furniture van in the tits. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. W. V. GAGE , I , PHYSICIAN ANI ) SURGEON ' I r McCook , NEBRASKA. , r 1 ? -Office Hours-9 to it a. m. , . to 5 and { 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National i bank. Night calls answered at the office. r J. A. GUNN , ' PIIYSIC'IAN AND SURGEON I , 1 McCook NEBRASKA. ' c t t Office-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence-7o1 Main street. Prompt attention - tion given to all calls , - i I AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ' ATTOBNEY AT - LAW t' ' MCCooK , NEBRASKA. ; 'Office-Over the Famous clothing store. , ' J. E. KELLEY , s ATTOICNEY AT LAW ° I MCCo0K , NEBRASKA. : /'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Once- ' Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , ® DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is gnar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of t Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smiflr ' i & Bellamy , assistants. . . .MRS. E. E. UTTER.Z MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and B and u. VOICE TRAINING A SI'ECIALY. ' ° Studio-Corner of Dodge and Madison sts. t ELMER ROWELL , i , Real Estate Collections I nsurance McCooK , NEBRASKA. -Notary Public. East Dennison Street. CARSON & TAYLOR r r I'r"prietur3 of the. . , , A SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. _ _ _ - - _ _ _ 1 j t - 1 ' We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk- , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. Chase Co , Land and Live Stock Ca. , y - 1 , r/ , i / I I Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. U. address Imperial Chase County , and Beat rice , Nebraska , Range , Stinking Water and the y Frenchman creeks , ! a 1 Chase county , Nebraska. Brand as cut on stdeof some animals , on hip and of some , or . any- where on the ( ,