ii i i { 1t .P flcooh e _ _ _ _ - FOURTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 9 , 1895. NUMBER ! 2. Further Instructions. INDIANOLA , Neb. , August 29 , 1895. 91 Mr. F. M. KIMMELI-Dear Sir : Hay- lug received further instructions in regard - gard to the law in regard to free attendance - ance at public high schools , I wish to have the following published : An examination will be held at Mc- Cook in the high school building , east ward , Saturday , August 17th , for those pupils living in the west part of the county who wish to enter the high school next year and receive the benefits of the free attendance law. WHAT STUDENTS MAY ATTEND UNDER THIS LAW. PROVISION I , Section r , requires a certificate of proficiency from the county superintendent. This certificate will be issued by the county superintendent only under one or the other of the following - lowing conditions : I. The county surperintendent must ' have personal knowledge of the fact , era a certificate from the director and last teacher , that the pupil has completed satisfactorily the work laid out in the state course of study for common schools. 2. Specialexaminations. Students who cannot meet the conditions stated above may receive the necessary certificate only after passing a satisfactory examination. This examination will be held this year on August 17th , at such place as may be arranged by the county superintendent. The questions will be furnished by the state superintendent ; the county superintendent - intendent will inspect the papers and pass upon their merits. The examination - tion will cover the following requirements - ments : READING-Ability to read with correct - rect understanding and good expression various selections furnished by the ex- aminer. ARITHMETIC-Ability to use numbers readily and accurately in the fundamental - tal processes , decimals , fractions , compound - pound numbers and measurements , and the general principles of percentage , interest - terest and proportion , ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR -Especially the relation and dependence - ence of the parts of sentences , writing letters and descriptions in good language and form , correct use of plurals , possessives - sives , capitals , etc. A good general knowledge of geography - phy , United States history and physiology - ogy , orthography and penmanship will be fudged from papers submitted in other subjects. These papers will also be considered in marking the candidate in language. H. R. CORBETT , State Superintendent. Mr. Corbett in a letter further states that "Students now enrolled in high schools who are entitled to full tuition under this law , and all others about whose fitness there is no question , should receive the certificate without examination" . J. H. BAYSTON , County Superintendent. . A Sad Case. Mrs. Bart J. Doyle , who was adjudged insane by the board of insanity , last Friday afternoon , was on Monday eve- ' ping taken to Lincoln for treatment in the state asylum. Her husband , sister Mrs. Fitzgerald , and brother Ed. Farrell , accompanied her on her sad journey. Mrs. Doyle came here from Wymore on a visit to relatives , was taken ill with ( Pneumonia and insanity of a violent form quickly developing. She is the mother of four children , all under six years of age. Mr. Doyle has been working at Sheridan - dan for some time. He and all the relatives - tives of the afflicted woman have the sympathy of all. Eastern Land Agents. On next Tuesday evening , August 13 , a Burlington special , carrying some 85 eastern land agents , will arrive in our city , on a tour of this section of Nebras- ka. They will take supper here , and will then proceed up the Frenchman line as far as Imperial , returning the same night. They will then go on west as far as Haigler and perhaps to Denver. The party is made up of real estate dealers from Ohio , Indiana , Iowa , liii- nois , Missouri and other eastern states. And they are guests of the Burlington , over whose extensive lines they are being - ing carried for the purpose of advertising the country through which the company lines run. Doubtless great and good results may be expected to follow from such a corn- mendable and characteristic enterprise. Southwestern Nebraska promises to be in fine condition to receive this notable , company. A Fable With a Moral. Said the sheriff to the merchant , don't advertise , I will do the rest. Moral : It pays to advertise. . Machine oils at McConnell's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fier , Sun Frmdsea. k . Machine oils at McConnell's. C. M. Noble has decided to remain in the A. O.U. W. temple building. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & CO. There are a lap robe and a pair of boy's shoes at THE TRIBUNE office for the owners. "Vox Populi" still lives. He or she writes theCulbertson , items in the Trenton - ton Republican. Cochran & Co. handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. M. H. Johnston of Driftwood has an ugly , painful hand , caused by a sliver entering the member. George Meyers' foot and a horse's hoof collided , the other day , with painful results - sults to George's foot. We draw the line on sprinkling cabbages - bages with Paris green. It's conspiring with the undertaker : The Methodist Sunday school indulged in a delightful picnic , yesterday , in Go- been's grove , south of the city. The base ball game on Wednesday afternoon - ternoon between the Culbertson and Mc- Cook clubs was a victory far the Culbert- son combination in a decisive score of 13 to 8. There was a little hair pulling escapade - pade at the tent , last Saturday evening , after services , between two women , the result , we hear it stated , of too much talking. Arapahoe is classical : When they have an "evening rag" down there the newspapers announce "a soiree dansante by the elite" . And yet they do "rag scandalously" . E. F. Flitcraft attempted to cut a right handed piece of meat , the other day , with his left hand , and the doctor has been looking after the injured member since the unfortunate day. "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved" , once said a great man. If that is true there are several people in our subscription books that ought to feel highly honored. The prospects for the early establishment - ment of an administration democratic paper in this graveyard do not seem to be as roseate or immediate as they ap peared to be a week or two ago. The Democratic county central committee - mittee met here on Tuesday of this week and prepared a call for a county convention in Indianola on August I9th. The call is published elsewhere in this issue by request. The C. 0. D. grocery store is moving across the Main street today into the Fair store building , J. W. McKenna having - ing purchased the stock from A. M. Drew , who expects , we understand , to go elsewhere and engage in business. The new anti-cigarette law went into effect August 1st. It forbids the manufacture - facture , sale , keeping for sale , or the giving or furnishing to persons under 21 years of age any cigarettes or cigarette paper. The penalty for violation of this law is a fine of ten to fifty dollars. Look at the date ony our paper after your name and see if you are paid up to date. If not , get ready to PAY UP. The crops are coming on in good shape now. We want our pay and shall expect every one to square up before the new year is closed. Look to your mailing tag. The Rocky Mountain News , published at Denver , Colo. , is the only daily Populist - list paper in the nation. Its cartoon , apropos to the times , with every issue , is worth the subscription , and it is full , fair and strong for the cause of reform , . Daily , 65c. per month ; Weekly , $ r in advance. Send 5c. for a sample copy. The Pythian band has been invited to consolidate with the Indianola band and play at St. Joe during the great races September Loth to 15th. The Indianola boys have been invited to come up here , next Tuesday evening , and indulge in a joint practice with the Pythians. If such an arrangement could be perfected , it would give both of the boys a pleasant vacation. Sing a song of penitence , a fellow full of rye , four and twenty serpents dance before his eye. When his eye was opened - ed he shouted for his life , wasn't he a pretty chump to go before his wife ? His hat was in the parlor underneath a chair , his boots were in the hallway ; his coat was on the stair ; hs trousers in the kitchen , his collar on the shelf , but he hadn't any notion where hewas himself. When the morn was breaking , someone heard him call ; his head was in the ice box , and that was best of all.-Ex. Alfalfa Is King. We again want to call the attention of our farmers to alfalfa culture. From a furtherexamination of the reports received - ceived by C. F. Babcock we find that the results published , last week , are if anything below the average. The following list of alfalfa growers report the product and value per acre for 1894 as follows : Perry Stone , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 00 S. E. Solomon ; Culbertson. . . . . . . . 7o oo H. J. Cox , Benkelman. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 oo C. W. McCombs , Wilsonville. . . . . . 6o oo I. S. Meyer , Hendley. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 oo 0. W. Clark , Beaver City. . . . . . . . . 7500 The average amount of seed sown per acre , twenty pounds. A majority of growers say the best time for seeding is n March , April and May. 0. W. Clark of Beaver City says "No fear of frosts" , and Mr. Clark has been growing alfalfa for thirteen years. C. E. Adams of Superior seeds in April , May and September , Mr. Adams reports having sown 20 pounds per acre on 100 acres on the 20 , 22 , 23 , 24 of May , this year , on sod that was broken in April and May , 1895 , and on July 28 , 1896 , cut I'z tons peracre. But the majority of the growers say to thoroughly eradicate the wild nature of the soil , especially the low bottom lands that have more or less clay Nearly all recommend broadcast : seeding , and say drill seeding compacts the roots. In view of the results herein shown , in the dryest year in Nebraska history , with a soil particularly well adapted to alfalfa , with no hardpan underneath to check the growth of the roots or hold the water too near the surface , and with the showing made by such men as J. S. Schmitz and R. P. High on land So and 75 feet above water , it appears to us the day of redemption for southwestern Nebraska - braska is at hand , and it rests enrirely with our farmers. It is thoroughly demonstrated - strated that the bottom and bench lands are all capable of producing the same results - sults as shown above. Now let every farmer on the uplands prepare at least 5 acres of his farm. by deep plowing and sub-soiling and in the spring seed his al- falfa. You farmers who want to sell try this and in a year you will have a field of alfalfa that will cause you to raise the price or withdraw your land from market - ket and conclude that this countryis good enough for you. Lack of Courtesy. We are enabled , this week , by copying the same from the McCook Times-Dem- crat , to present our readers with the text of the call for the Republican Judicial convention. But for lack of common courtesy-not to speak of political pro- priety-either on the part of Chairman J. E. Kelley of this city , or Secretary 0. E. Butterfield of Haigler , we , would have published the call last week. Or , perhaps it was an oversight. We would rather be charitable , if the facts would warrant it. Eh ? Land ! Land ! Land ! I have the largest list of lands on my books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and at prices that will make the purchaser money. But in addition to my regular list I have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for the next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There are some very fine alfalfa lands among them. C. F. BABCocK. Office on } lain St. , opposite hotel. Notice. TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS : Having purchased the Fair store I have decided to sell for cash only and will make prices accordingly. Thanking - ing you for past favors I am , Respectfully yours , J. W. MCKENNA. Binding Twine. 10,000 Pounds of binding twine for sale by the McCook Commission Co. at 5 cents a pound. It will work on any binder. Machine oils at McConnell's. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. A. M. Drew is moving his goods into Rooney & McAdams' feed store. Rev. Armstrong spoke on the subject of "Patriotism" at the A. P. A. hall , last evening , to a large audience. We understand that Knipple expects to open a branch store in the old Stein- metz store roomsoonwith Grant Thompson - son in charge. Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. . PEOPLE YOU KNOW. WILL S. JAY represented the State Journal here , last Friday. H. P. WAITR made a trip down to Cambridge , Tuesday morning on 8o. MESDAMES CORNUTT and Brown of Culbertson were city visitorsWednesday. JOSEPH OSBORN went down to Edison , Wednesday , to spend a week on busi- ness. I. N. CLOVER and son were up from Bartley , Tuesday , on some private busi- ness. GLEN CARRUTH was able to return to his position in Denver , last Thursday night. LAWYER RITTENHOUSE made a visit to Stratton , Wednesday , on business of the law. J. F. MAJORS was up from York , close of last week , on a brief visit to relatives and friends here. Mrs. A. J. CLUTE is entertaining' her mother and sister , Mrs , and. Miss Vineyard - yard of Hastings. MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL returned home , Sunday evening , from a visit to her parents - ents in Hastings. MRS. NELLIE HODGKIN came up from Bartley , close of last week , on a visit of a month or longer. MRS. F. D. BURGESS returned home , early in the week , after an absence of about two weeks. CAPTAIN J. M. LEE of Oxford was in town , Monday , distributing state fair advertising matter. F. B. LEWIS was in Lincoln over Sunday - day , guest of his sister , Mrs. Hattie F. Lewis of the capital city. MRS. J. E. ALLEN returned , Tuesday morning , from a delightful visit to her family at Salt Lake City , Utah. W.T. LINDSAY arrived home , last night , from his sad visit to Indianola , Iowa , to attend the funeral of his father. D. L. MCBRIDE is announced by his Populist admirers of Frontier county as a candidate for the county- treasurer nomination. MISS MARY WATSON arrived in the city , Sunday night , from Grand Island , and has resumed her position as stenographer - rapher for P. A. Wells. BANKER FROST was up from Bartley , Saturday evening , exploiting the qualifications - fications and claims of his favorite candidate - didate for county clerk. MRS. J. W. HART and daughter departed - parted far Auburn , Illinois , Tuesday morning , after a visit of a week or two to Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hart. JOHN HATFIELD arrived from Decatur , Illinois , Wednesday night , to take a peep at his alfalfa and corn. He may buy some young steers to feed , during his stay. MRS. E. A. HALL and young daughter' departed for Red Cloud , Monday evening - ing , to make their home there , where the doctor has resumed practice of his profession. C. E. ANDERSON and family left for Cowles Tuesday morning. He will work the monument business between Hastings and Lincoln , making Cowles his headquarters. C. A. YONT spent two or three days in the city , fore part of the week. He states that crops are looking magnificent all over this section-finer than in any. other portion of the state. W. W. BARNGROVeR and wife were over from Stockville , Monday , returning home on the afternoon of that day. We hear it stated that he is Looking up a 10. cation in which to practice his profes- sion-law. His newspaper ambition being - ing but a side issue. MR. AND MRS. W. S. MORLAN and Mr. and Mrs. H. P Sutton arrived home , last Sunday evening , from their outing in Yellowstone Park. They have "cached" all the big game , but the fish-they may be seen in Babcock's real estate window. C. D. FULLER , state committeeman , came down from Imperial , Tuesday- evening - ning , on his way to Lincoln to attend a meeting of the Republican state central committee , which convened in the capital - tal city on Wednesday. He indicated that the convention would likely be a late one. I.V. . HENSLEY of Lincoln , who is traveling representative of Raymond Bros. , the wholesale grocers of Lincoln , has made McCook his headquarters , and he and wife have taken rooms at Mrs. Vina Wood's. Mr. H. was formerly in the employ of J. C. Ailen here. He has been with the company in Lincoln , and now takes the road for the company in this territory. THE CHURCHES. ( Under this head we invite the ministry of the city to contribute freely of any and alt church news of interest to their arious organizations. J PRESIDING ELDER MASTIN held regular - ular quarterly meeting of the Methodist church here , Monday evening. METHODIST-Sunday school at ten o'clock and Epworth League at seven o'clock. No preaching services morning or evening. EPISCOPAL-Services morning and evening at the usual hours. Sunday sbhool at ten o'clock- . REV. R. L. KNox , Rector. The Methodist. brethren granted Rev. A. G. Forman a vacation of thirty days and will take a vacation of a similar length of time themselves , holding nothing - ing but Sunday school and League services - vices for the next few weeks. CONGREGATIONAL-Sunday school at 10 a , m. Preaching at II a , m. by Rev. George E. Taylor. Endeavor society at 8 p. m. ; leader , Norma Noble. Prayer meeting , Wednesday evening , at S p , m. Sunday school lawn social , Tuesday evening - ning , August 13th , at residence of Mr. G. A. Noren. The Baptist tent meetings will , likely continue another week. There were four more immersions , Wednesday , making eight in all since the meetings opened. The services are well attended notwithstanding - standing the warm weather , and a lively interest has been aroused in spiritual things. BAPTIST-The services will continue in the tent , next week , conducted by Rev. T. K. Tyson of Lincoln. The services - vices on Sunday will be held in the tent as usual , conducted by the pastor , G. L. Allen. As this will be Pastor Allen's last Sunday with the church here before he leaves for Rochester , New York , it is desired that all the members of the church be present. REV. AND MRS. A. G. FORMAN departed - parted , last night , for Denver and the mountains , to enjoy an outing of a few weeks ; he having recently- been granted a vacation of a mouth by the official board of the church. They may spend some of the time in camp either at Colorado - rado Springs or Manitou , although they have not made any final arrangements for the pleasant outing they anticipate. Binding Twine. 10,000 pounds of binding twine for sale by the McCook Commission Co , at 5 cents a pound. It will work on any binder. Reduced Ticket Rate. August Ilth and 12th the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Denver - ver for one fare. For information regarding - garding limit of tickets , trains etc. , call on or address C. E. MAGNER , Agent. Free Silver for McCook. We have received the first lot ( $200 worth ) of triple and quadruple plate silverware which we will give away to our customers. These are fine goods. Make your purchases and select what you need at once. MCCooK MERCANTILE Co. We Have Another Carload of that famous White Bread flour-we make right prices on this. Fresh vegetables , every day , kept attractive - tractive under our water spray. We have a large sale on our Breakfast bacon and Picnic hams. Give them a trial. Pure kettle-rendered Lard and Coto- suet always on hand. We have something important for you in future. MCCooK MERCANTILE CO. Machine oils at McConnell's. Try McMillen's NEW perfumes. Machine oils at McConnell's. Princes Violet Perfume at McMillen's. Try Stolen Sweets Perfume at McMil- len's. Syringa Blossoms Perfume at McMil- len's. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Hail insurance in a good company written by C. J. RYAN. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & Co. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medil aad Diplom.s. ' - . . , . T- - r rp.- na.n-arsltaar w - . . iiI Have Paid in Fuli. Dr. E. E. Faulkner , vice president of the Woodmen accident association of Lincoln , is in the city. He comes to , . pay to Mrs. Sarah A. Haley the sum of I. $2,000 on her husband , the late B. V. Haley , who was recently killed in a railroad - , / . F road wreck , and who carried a policy in this company. S , The promptness of this company in paying their claim will make it many friends and every Modern Woodman of America should carry a policy in the association and give it their ' hearty sup- . , port. r , This company is a Nebraska enterprise and the first six mouths of this year Paid in death losses and indemnities about ii $2ooob. Mrs. Haley wishes to add the following : MCCooK , Neb. , August 5 . 1895. Woodman Accident Association , Lincoln - coln , NeI . , Gentlemen : In acknowlcd b ing the ; receipt of $2,000 paid me this day by your agent , in full for policy carried by my husband in the Woodmeti Accident - dent Association , I feel it my duty to express . to you my sincerest tliankQ for the promptness and fairness displayed " by you in the settlement of this claim. I Were it not for the insurance money received - ceived , myself and little ones would be , in a very helpless condition , and if the good wives and mothers would give the matter of accident insurance more ' Y thought and urge their husbands to become members , there would be fewer dependent widows and orphans. Withi wishes for your success , Very truly , MRS. SARAH A. HALEY. t A Successful Social. There was a large and delighted audience - ence present at the "National" social or reception given by the members of Mc- Cook lodge No. I , Star of Jupiter , Tues day evening of this week , in the A. 0. U. W. temple. The large hall was comfortably - fortably filled by members and friends , and the evening was very- comfortably and enjoyably passed. The program as arranged and prepared by Mrs. Utter was excellent and pleasing - ing , consisting of both vocal and instrumental - mental numbers , all of which were rendered - dered in good form and well received by the audience. Brief remarks by J. A. Wilcox and i A. G. Forman preceded the regular pro- pram of the evening. At the conclusion of this feature of the evening's entertainment , refreshments were announced , partners for the same being selected by numbers , which added - ded to the social success of the reception. ; Ice cream and cake were served in the I banquet room of the temple , and this part of the affair was as thoroughly en- joyed. as the other items which made up an occasion upon which the lodge is to be congratulated. ; I Coming Events. State fair , Omaha , September 13 to 20. i , Peoples' Independent state convention , Lincoln , August 2S. Free silver democratic state convention - tion , Omaha , August 22. Straight democratic state convention , Lincoln , September 5. Peoples' Independent judicial convention - tion , 14th Nebraska district. McCook , Sepetember 7. Seventeenth annual Nebraska G. A. R. reunion , Hastings , August 26 to 3r. Republican judicial convention , 14th Nebraska districtMcCoolcSeptember i8. Red Willow county fair , Indianola ; September 9 , 10 II , 12. in a Substantial Condition. The quarterly report of the Citizens Bank of McCook appears in this issue , showing that old and conservative banking - ing institution to he in substantial condition - dition ; and especially is this fact note worthy when we consider the perilous times through which the banks of the country have been compelled to go by reason of the continued hard times which have followed the panic of 1894. McCook and Red Willow county are to be congratulated upon the fact that all her banks stood the crucial test iii good shape , and are now in substantial , encouraging condition. Camp Meeting. There will be a camp meeting held in the park at Cambridge , commencing August 16th , and will continue ten days. It will be under the auspices of the Evangelical - gelical church ; Rev.S.B.QillowP.E.will have charge , and a number of able ministers - isters will be there. We expect to be able to furnish tents to those who will tent on the grounds , free of charge. Transportation will also be at the usual reduction for such occasions on the B. & M. railroad. E. W. ZROOKER , Pastor Cambridge Mission. House For Rent. A new five-room dwelling on north Madison street , corner of Dudley. Inquire - quire of P. A. WELLS. , - i i t