The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 02, 1895, Image 6

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° . _ t a IRGINIA W . JOHNSON.
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" Tlic rain fell in sudden showers on
Y his cap and shoulders , the wind swept
toward him in boistrous gusts from
time to time , and he was wholly indifferent -
different to both. The sea was
roughened b tossing surges , and of a
leaden tint , the shy was gray , while
4 - the countryside had assumed the yellow -
low hues of wet roads and drenched
gardens The scene was ugly , and
= ' even dispiriting , robbed of sunlight
> and a blue heaven , but the heart of
the young officer rejoiced. He stepped
° ' along briskly and hummed the Swallow -
low waltz Had Dolores slept soundly
; 4 : after that dream of dreams , dancing at
' a real ball ? Would she be glad to see
sus him ? How would the old man receive -
' ceive him ? The near future unfolded
before him clearly , as he rashly imag-
fined , composed of stolen in-
5 ' { terviews , engagements for the next
" day on shore , letters , and all the idle
' ' and delicious dalliance of a love affair
with a charming and innocent young
girl , whose dark eyes had opened wide
: with astonishment when he entered
' the garden gate , with her grandfather
J- for the first time. He was prepared to
' , develop a thirst for archaeology , and
_ stock his cabin with headless idols ,
r " and terra-cotta jugs , if necessary , in
order to further propitiate Jacob Deal-
; ; try , and establish a footing of intimacy -
' . macy in the house.
: . These meditations brought the young
i man to the garden door in question.
5 ' . He rapped on the panel. There was
' no sound of movement within the en-
ii _ closure. He repeated the knocking ,
t. for their was no bell on the premises
Florio uttered a shrill bark in the in-
' tenor of the towel. The visitor
waited with a smile on his lip , and
' eager expectation in his eye. Dolores
must have heard the summons , and
- would hasten to open the gate , ac-
" ' cdmpanied by her faithful dog. Lieut.
Curzon felt a sentiment of affection
" - for the little animal awaken in his
: breast for announcing so promptly his
z" No light footstep approached the
a _ boundary and the succeeding stillness -
ness seemed to denote complete deser
. The sanguine countenance of the
young man lengthened. ApprehenSion -
Sion seized him. His sensibilities
being highly wrought by a new and
absorbing life interest , and therefore
prone to swift extremes , a fear of
some accident or misfortune smote
him. lie pushed the sunken door
vigorously , and some slight obstruction -
tion of fastening yielded to the blow.
Then he entered the enclosure and
gazed about him. The aspect of
melancholy desertion of the Watch
Tower struck him forcibly , and recurred -
. curred to his mind on a subsequent oc-
casion. The grey sky lowered above
the structure , forming a fitting back-
grcund for the dilapidated masonry ,
which was furrowed and stained by
the storms of many years The very
garden , borrowing. a sombre shadow
from the temper of the day , appeared
unusually unkempt and dishevelled.
Moisture hung on the tendrills of
vines , and dripped from the twigs of
the trees , like human tears. The
water in the fountain was stagnant ,
. opaque , and of a greenish-yellow
" hole " the
"What a dreary ! thought
intruder , with involuntary repug-
How had Dolores thriven amidst such
surroundings ? Unconsciously he made
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comparison between the maiden and
a cactus flower , blooming in rich ,
I . scarlet tints amidst the gnarled and
I . spiked branches of a plant on the wall
' I. . as he traversed the narrow path to the
door. lie tried to open the portal , and
Florio again barked shrilly in the ha1L
The door was locked. He knocked
- and shook the knob of the handle.
, A window was slowly opened above ,
and the head of Dolores thrust forth ,
Hcr hair was in disorder ? clinging in
I little curls about her forehead and
J temples , and her eyes h eery. She
y with the aspect of rosy con-
. tentmcnt of a baby. She uttered a
- drowsy exclamation. resembingacoo ,
on recognizing the visitor.
. . ' ' Good pnorning , " said , the officer
removing his cap , and stepping back a
; . pace , the better to devour her with his
. a
'Good morning , " replied Dolores
stifling a second yawn.
"Lazy girl ! " he exclaimed , laughing.
"You have been asleep. You are not
yet awake. "
"I was so sleepy after breakfast , "
she admitted , smiling. "What is the
matter with Florio ? Do you not find
grandpapa in the garden ? "
"No. The entire place seems to be
deserted. "
"Perhaps he has gone to the town
while I was asleep. Wait , and I will
come down stairs , "
She passed her hands over her small
head to smooth the tangled hair , and
withdrew from the casement. The
next moment she returned with a little -
tle , mutinous grimace of vexation.
"My door is fastened , " she cx-
"Fastened ? " he repeated , in surprise.
"Do you mean to say you are a prisoner -
oner in your chamber"
Dolores nodded.
"Grandpapa is often like that. I can
never find the key , and yet he locks
my door on the other side at night. If
I ask the reason , he is very angry. "
"Perhaps he fears you may fly
away , " Arthur Curzon suggested.
"Oh , no ! I have no place to fly to , "
she answered , with unconscious
pathos ,
"Then he suspects that some lover
will carry you off , true Corsair
fashion. "
Dolores dimpled into smiles , and
rested her arms on the ledge of the
"There's no danger of grandpapa's
losing me like that , " she said demurely -
ly : "The Corsairs do not want me ,
either. "
"Oh. Dolores ! if I were a Corsair , I
would carry you off in my arms to my
ship , and we would sail away to the
Happy Islands. "
"The Happy Islands , " she echoed ,
half-dreamily. "Our Knight would
not permit it , for he guards the
Tower. " .
"Your Knight ? lily dear girl , who
on earth are you talking about now ? "
She raised her finger with a warning
gesture. '
"Our Knight of Malta. Have you
not seen his portrait on the wall ? "
"Oh ! " said the young man , relieved.
"And , you know , the grand duke
spoke to me in Spanish , and I could
understand him very well , although I
seemed to have forgotten all , " she
continued in a tone of confidence.
"What did he talk about ? " interposed -
posed the lieutenant , with a slight
"About Spain , the churches , the
pictures , and the ladies"
"Ah' the ladies , " with a sarcastic
"Then I knew that the knight spoke
to me in Spanish in my dream , " said
the girl. "You see , he must have
been one of the Spanish knights"
The sailor sighed.
"Am I not even to shake hands with
you this morning , dear Dolores ? " he
demanded , tenderly. "I could climb
up to you with the aid of a rope or a
bench. "
"Or I could jump to the ground , "
supplemented Dolores , merrily.
'lire might have made a turn of the
Swallow waltz together around the
garden , ' he said , regretfully.
"Yes. "
How pretty she was up there in the
window , just beyond reach , and how
tantilizing !
"I have brought you some sweets.
Can you catch the package ? Well
done , little girl ! That is not all. How
would you like to go to the opera on
Thursday night , when. a new singer is
to make her debut ? "
"Oh ! " exclaimed Dolores , while the
color in her cheek ebbed and flowed
She had caught the- package
of sweets , but paused before
unfolding the paper. The good
age of the fairy tales had surely returned -
turned to the earth. Supreme delight
of her imagination ! To be present at
the debut of the Signorina Giulia
Melita seemed the very summit of
happiness to the girl at the moment.
"Grandpa will not ' like it , " she
added , with a sigh.
"He shall like it , " said Lieut. Cur-
zen , resolutely. "I will order the
idols of the twelve children of the sun
of him , with or without heads. "
"How good you are ! "
Dolores sighed again , and opened
the paper ; which contained an almond
confection , more or less tough of texture -
ture , and insipid in flavor , and closely
related to the Mediaeval honey paste ,
the torone of Cremona , and the turon ,
fabricated in the half-Moorish town
of Alicante from Saracenic recipes. to
be eaten with the Christmas turkey at
"It muss be nice to be a singer ,
and wear lovely dresses , and have
Mr. Brown's pockets full of fresh
gloves , " mused Dolores , nibbling
the delicacy with sharp ; white
teeth. "She was very kind to
me in the dressing-room at
the ball. Oh' how I should like to
hear her sing ! "
"Beware of the glamour of the stage ,
' 11'ill you have a piece of the paste ?
It is so delicious , " proffering a morsel
of the delicacy , coaxingly.
"No , thanks I am not fond of
sugar , " said the masculine votary of
She gl inced over her shoulder into
the chamber , darted back , and reappeared -
peared with a small , golden orange in
her fingers.
"I have nothing else , " she said ,
with graceful depreciation. "If you
would be so good as to accept it. I
gathered it this morning. "
He received the gift in his outstretched -
stretched hands.
"Perhaps grandpapa was vexed because -
cause I climbed on the chair , and told
the knight about the ball , and the
prince who spoke Spanish. " continued
Dolores. "Can he have locked the
door for that reason ? ' '
"I do not understand his motive for
locking the door. Dolores , I have so
many things to toll you , and now I
must run away to the ship. "
She gave him a roguish glance beneath -
neath her long eyelashes.
"You cruel girl ! You are laughing
at me , " he exclaimed , ruefully. "I
believe you are glad to be a prisoner
so that I cannot reach you. "
' 'Perhaps , " she said , with bewitching -
ing gravity.
"Ah , I should know how to punish
you for your naughtiness if I could
gain your side. I fear I might kiss
you. "
"Would yon ? " with dimpling smiles.
"Dolores , do you love me ? "
"I think so. How am I to help loving -
ing you-a little ? " The moisture of
unshed tears softened the luster of the
dark eyes.
Then there was silence between
them , a mute gaze eloquent of all unspoken -
spoken possibilities , that rendered the
brain of each a trifle giddy , and
caused tumultuous heart throbbings.
Space no longer divided them , and
they circled softly together amid the
roseate clouds of a boundless imagination -
agination to the measure nt divine
Jacob Dealtry entered the gate.
Lieut. Curzon turned to him , and insisted -
sisted on shaking hands , a ceremony to
which the old man submitted with a
singular limpness. Then the visitor
repeated his invitation to the opera on
Thursday evening. Jacob Dealtry
listened without consent or refusal , his
features remained vacant and abstracted -
stracted , and lie rubbed his fingers
slowly together.
"Would you like a stone slab , with
a tolerably clear Pheenician'inscription
carved on it ? " he inquired abruptly.
"Oh ! Grandpapa ! What can an
officer do with a tombstone on board
ship ? " cried Dolores , reproachfully ,
from the window.
"I should like the carved stone very
much , " said Arthur Curzon , seriously.
"I could make a giftof it to the British
museum when I return home. "
"Eli ! To be sure ! " assented Jacob
Dealtry , with animation.
When the sailor walked back to the
town he reflected , with a certain element -
ment of satisfaction , on the circumstance -
stance of the grandfather's locking up
Dolores in the Watch Tower on the
occasion of his absence from home.
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The place was suited to such Oriental -
ental espionage of the female
members of a family. Possibly the
precaution was an evidence of his affection -
fection and care for his grandchild.
Was he not wise to thus protect her
from the intrusion of ruthless mankind -
kind ?
He opened the orange and ate it with
rare enjoyment. The spicy fragrance
of the golden rind , the luscious sweetness -
ness and richness of flavor of the ripe
pulp , seemed to him refreshing , in-
comparable. He had partaken of
strange and tropical fruits in all portions -
tions of the world , yet none like this
tiny ball , which had garnered and
transmuted sunshine to its own uses
in the neglected garden of Jacob Deal-
try. In the aromatic scentof the outer
peel he inhaled the perfume of Dolo-
res' beauty , and in the musky fruit he
already tasted her caresses
He flung away the rind. The next
time they met he would surely win
from the pouting , red lips a kiss. He
looked no further in advance on the
path of life than that.
An Odd rricit.
"Women play odd tricks on one
another sometimes , " said a lady of
fashion , ' 'but the queerest I ever heard
of was perpetrated by one social leader -
er in a western city upon another.
They were rivals and hated each other
accordingly , though outwardly they
preserved the semblance of pleasant -
ant relations Every chance that
either got to give a dig at
the other was eagerly seized. But the
final and most effective stroke , after
which no calls were exchanged , was
delivered by Mrs. L. She sent out
cards for a grand entertainment and
then took pains to find out what
llrs. F. , her competitor , was going to
wear. A gorgeous pink brocaded
satin was the material of Mrs.
F.'s gown , it was ascertained.
Accordingly , Mrs. L. , whose
husband was in the dry goods business -
ness , obtained several hundred yards
of the same identical stuff and draped
the walls of all the rooms on the
lower floor of her house with it. Yon
may imagine the feelings of Mrs. F.
on arriving in her superb new frock ,
which she expected to make a sensa-
tion. Naturally she ordered a carriage
and drove away in tears. "
how Mexican Cattle Are Brought Across
the Border Under tire Wilson Bill-
Secretary Morton ' 'Called Down"- ,
Crime of Democracy.
There has been no more timely and
pertinent contribution to current discussion -
cussion of passing events than an open
letter from ex-Congressman Abner
Taylor to J. Sterling Morton , Secretary
of Agriculture. It was called out by
the recent orders and regulations made
by that official to encourage the Mexicans -
cans to bring their cattle across the
border into this country- . . Colonel Taylor -
lor is now living in Velasco , Texas , at
the mouth of the lordly Brazes River ,
and he is in a position to know what is
going. The importation of these cat-
tie is very heavy , and it has only be-
gin. The ex-Congressman is mistaken
on one point , however. The responsibility -
bility for this importation does not all
rest on Secretary Morton and his rules
and regulations. On the contrary , the
chief responsibility is on the late Democratic -
cratic Congress , which substituted for
a specific tariff , practically prohibitory ,
an ad valorem tariff , practically flee
trade. The Secretary merely carried
out the spirit of the Wilson lawin , the
regulations made in furthering its pur-
pose. Colonel Taylor's explanation of
the practical effect of bringing in Mexican -
ican cattle is none the less timely , and
his suggestion as to this administration -
tion is pertinent to the last Cofleress
The explanation given by Secretary
Morton of the attempt to Mexicanize
our cattle F trade was that it would
cheapen beef and hold in check the
beef combine , or big packers. As a
matter of fact , it does not have any
bearing on the price of beef , and , as for
the packers , the effect is to make their
grip on the cattle raisers all the tight-
er. The ony real benefit is to them and
to foreign consumers of canned meats.
"This administration , " he says , "will
go down in history as the administration -
tion that was conducted for the benefit
of foreign countries , to the detriment of
our own , " which is true also of the late
Congress. He also , with a felicity
which suggests the query , Is Abner also
among the humorists ? observes :
"All persons agree that the provision
in the constitution preventing any person -
son who was not born in this country
from holding the office of President a
very wise provision ; but it is unfortunate -
nate that the framers of the constitution -
tion were unable to put in a provision
preventing any man who had no
Americanism or love of his country
from holding the office of President era
a Cabinet position. "
But this letter is not content to deal
in generalities. The point made is explicitly -
plicitly justified by the following explanation -
planation , which is of very great significance -
nificance , especially to cattle growers
on the ranges :
"It was supposed that you were selected -
ed for the head of the Department of
Agriculture for the reason that you
had great knowledge of all branches of
agricultural industries ; and , if you
have , you must know that not one
pound of beef from these Mexican cattle -
tle will ever be consumed in this coun-
try. You must know that the Mexican
cattle are all small cattle , not weighing -
ing above 700 or 800 pounds , and never
get fat. Feeders will not buy them.
The only use that can be made of them
in this country is for canning ; therefore -
fore , they only come in competition
with the range cattle in Texas , New
Mexico , and other Western States. And
as the canned beef finds its market in
foreign countries the only people benefited -
fited by this order of yours are the foreigners -
eigners , and the 'beef combine , ' as you
call them , and whom you claim to be
fighting ; first , Mexicans , who have
a market opened to them ; second , the
foreigner who buys the canned meat ;
and , third , the great canning establishments -
ments , as these cattle will help to keep
down the price of cattle for canning
purposes ; and the sufferers will be the
great mass of people growing cattle on
the range , who have nothing but grass
upon which to fatten their cattle for
market , and who have made no money
for years , and now , when they hoped
for a better market , you help to keep it
down to benefit the foreigner and the
beef combine. "
Under the McKinley tariff the dutyy
on cattle over 1 year old was $10 a
head. That did not keep out beeves ,
but it did keep out these runty- little
Mexican steers. The Wilson tariff
changed it to 20 cents ad valorem. The
Mexican cattle raisers can put the valuation -
uation down , for the purpose of import -
port taxation , to a figure so low as to
make the duty insignificant , while for
the fat stock of Canada the valuation
is still fairlyhigh. . The policy of the
McKinley tariff was to encourage the
importation of the stock which would
tend to cheapen beef to domestic con
sumers , rather than canned goods to
foreign buyers. The Democrats need
not flatter themselves they will be able
to slip through the next Presidential
campaign without tariff discussion. In
due time the dragon's teeth of their
sowing will yield a plentiful crop of
enemies in arms and armor.-Inter
Southern Cotton -hill ProRts.
( Boston Commercial Bulletin. )
There is reason to believe that the
present are the halcyon days for the
Southern cotton manufacturing indus-
try. The majority of the mills at the
South are weak , small and ill-equipped ,
and in the struggle which is impending -
ing from the movement of our large
spinners down that way , they will
mostly be driven to the wall during the
next few years. The larger , well-
equipped mills , can continue the con
test on even terms. The tendency in
the South , as here , is in the direction
of large plants , where staple goods are
the product. If a man has a , taking
specialty , he can do a small paying
business. But the Southern industry
is all staple , and will long remain so ,
for this is and will be their strong-
Now , as for profits. Some of the big
mills are making 20 per cent , and there
is good reason to count on our corporations -
ations which go South doing as well.
This period of , richness will last , say ,
for ten years , and then either the margin -
gin of profit becomes as close as it is
now in the North , or else sonic mills
will turn to other classes of work , finer
goods. Here , however , they will be little -
tle better off , for they will then lose
substantially the advantages of position -
tion which they now enjoy on coarse
The idea that the Southern operative
or the Southern climate will not permit
the making of fine cloth may as well be
abandoned. Climatic conditions are
just as much of a factor in this case as
they have been in preventing the transferring -
ferring of any British industr'y to
American soil , tin-plate being the last
illustration. As to the operatives , recent -
cent articles in these columns based on
the expert observations of Northern
spinners , are conclusive of the capacity
of the former to develop the requisite
ability by the time it is required.
At the present time the Southern
mill making coarse goads can in its
immediate vicinity procure the cotton
it uses , and this saving of freight on
the raw material enables it to lay
down its goods in New York at half a
cent per pound less 'than the mill on
the Merrimack. As a cent per pound
profit on the cotton used is considered
a very fair return , it will be seen that
the lead of the Southern mill is Con-
siderable. But when it comes to fine
goods , conditions are more uniform.
As before stated , the site of Southern
cotton spinning must and will be essentially -
sentially confined to the foothills of the
Appalachian system in the Carolinas ,
Georgia and Eastern Alabama.
This places the mills at a considerable -
ble distance from Arkansas and other
producers of the long staple cottons ,
which it is necessary to use in the spinning -
ning of fine yarns. The freights to the
Piedmont region will not be so veryy
much less than on the through routes
to Northern manufacturing and exporting -
ing points , so that the Southern mills
cannot deliver their product in New
York with any advantage in the matter
of transportation cost. Of course , the
Southern spinner will still have whatever -
ever remains to him in the way of cost
of coal and wages , but the many advantages -
vantages which the Northern mill-own-
er possesses will partially neutralize
that until more equality in labor is es-
tablished. We think that our spinners
regard the question of cotton freights as
the most important of those bearing on
the matter of relative advantage as liable -
ble to be the more permanent. For
these reasons we think there will always -
ways be business enough to employ
the spindles of Massachusetts , provided
the industry is not discouraged by em
barrassing legislation.
Tariff and Low 1'rlccs.
Washington County has been the
chief area of the wool-growing industry -
try in Pennsylvania , and among the
chief areas of the United States. On
Saturday , June 15 , 2,000 head of sheep
were shipped from Washington County
to Pittsburg. They averaged 50 cents
per head in open market. One lot of
ninety-five Merinos was offered at $30.
Three years ago such sheep were worth
$2 or $2.50 per head.
This represents a shrinkage of seven-
eighths in the value of the sheep , which
is the "raw material" of wool. But
there has been no such decrease in the
price of the manufactured article , as a
visit to any clothing store will testify.
-Inter Ocean.
Desperate Struggle in Lake Ontario Bc-
twcen a Man and a
Harvey M. Selleck , a barber in Ontario -
tario , came near losing his life while
fishing in Irordequot ! bay- , near Glen
Edith , last Thursday , say's Rochester
Herald. Selleck , in company with
Joseph Randolph of Union Hill , left the
docks at Glen Edith and , rowing a few
rods out into the bay , cast anther preparatory -
paratory to fishing. He had no sooner
cast his line than his pole was unexpectedly -
pectedly jerked from his grasp and fell
into the bay. He recovered the pole
before it was out of reach and then
the struggle for supremacy began between -
tween man and fish. Selleck hung to
the line and the fish towed the boat
around in a circle as far as the anchor
line would permit. He soon became exhausted -
hausted and was relieved by Randolph ,
who , after several vain efforts to secure
the fish , proceeded on a new line f
Having drawn the fish , a pickerel ,
near to the boat , lie told Selleck to
catch him by the gills. Selleck was
very successful in getting a good grasp
on the fish , but when he had a good
hold he was drawn into the water to 1
his waist , head downward with his feet
in the air. He was in this dangerous
position when Randolph took hold of
him and helped him to regain his
equilibrium. His grasp on the fish by
this time had become so firm that he
was unable to release it , as the large I
prongs in the mouth and throat of the '
fish penetrated the flesh and held him
firmly. 'Selleck's hand is at present ,
verybadly - cut and he will carry the
marks of the adventure for some time
to come. The fish was finally landed
and proved to be the finest catch of
the season. Randolph and Schlock ,
from Thursday morning until Friday
noon , caught nineteen pickerel weighing - i
ing 127 pounds , and , used only thirty !
minnows for bait.
. .
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Its equip rent. Catalogues sent 1ree n apt llratl n to
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The test nerve regulator known. It I '
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It would tape & pages to give details about these '
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iflaU'id Free. CAGE TS wasrzn. " °
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