ii i k .tf 5 f : : t : . li ttF .t-e 3r I f Y F i J . _ r : 1 . FOURTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 2 , 1895. NUMBER i. . t' ' Alfalfa Is King. McCook , the metropolis of the Republican - lican valley , is in Red Willow county , t about midway between Omaha or Kansas City and Denver , and in the country effected fected by the drouth of 1894 The settlement - : tlement of this country commenced h when the land office opened here in 1883. t It is a well known fact that the pioneer settlers of any new country are not "bloated bond holders" or capitalists or even well-to-do farmers , but are men ' with very little means , who generally I ; have little more than a team , wagon and a few farm implements to begin with. A failure of crops to such a people , ' whether by drouth or any other cause , usually finds them { without a surplus to + draw from ; hence the necessity for aid or relief , which was so generously furnished - nished , last winter , by more prosperous and fortunate eastern friends , and which enabled our farmers to remain and put out a crop , this season , which now promises - ises an abundant haavest. ( It is not necessary to call attention to ' the fertility of the soils of the Republican - can valley and Red Willow county , neither is it necessary nor are we disposed to deny that we have had severe drouth in 1890 and 189.4 here , which almost completely destroyed the farm crops. We believe that improved methods of cultivation ( sub-soiling and sub-packing of the soils ) will prevent failures even rt t r in such years as 1894. But even with our drouth record , if our farmers had ' had a year's supply to draw from , we 1 could have saved our reputation. ; But we append below the evidence that lands in the Republican valley and its tributaries are worth more and will yield a greater income per acre for the labor applied than any farm lands in the United States , and the income is not curtailed by dry years. In the following exhibit we have abbreviated - viated the extended statements of the parties. The original statements over the signature of each of the parties herein named can be seen at the office of C. P. Babcock in McCook , together with perhaps fifty more. If there are any doubting Thomases they can call and inspect the original statements , or the postoffice address is given , write them. It should be borne in mind that these results were obtained without irrigation - rigation , and alfalfa grown without it rigation is much better and stronger feed than that which is forced by irriga- tion. Many will probably wonder why every one in the Republican valley don't have alfalfa growing. The reasons are plenty and good : The experiment was commenced - menced in 158.4 with seed worth $12.oo per bushel. It took a few years for the people to discover that the experiments were successful. Some succeeded from the start , others failed because of improper preparation of the ground , or seeding at the wrong time ; and more of them did ' not have money to pay for seed , and in 1894 it was too dry. There have been about 8ooo acres seeded - ed to alfalfa in Red Willow county , this season , and all is looking and growing finely. It is a demonstrated fact that all of the bottom and bench lands in Red Willow county are adapted to alfalfa culture - ture , and three or more crops per season can be harvested ; and while its growth on the uplands is still in its experimental state , it has been demonstrated that with sub-soiling it can be grown successfully - fully on the divides , and in addition to its furnishing at least one good crop of hay or seed it will furnish an abundance of pasture. S. W. STILGEBOUER , Danbury , Neb. Average product per acre for 9 years , 2 tons hay and y bushels seed. Crop of 1894 and value per acre was : 2 tons hay at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8 oo $ I6 oo 1 2 tons straw at . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 12 00 8 bushels seed at. . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 4000 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6800 B. B. DUCKwORTH , Indianola , Neb. Average product per acre for 5 years , 2 tons hay and q bushels seed. Crop of 1S94 and value per acre : 4 tons hay . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 00 $44 oo 10 bushel seed at. . . . . . . . . . 4 00 40 00 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8400 J F HELM , Red Willow , Neb. Average product per acre for 4 years , 2 tons hay and 1o bushels seed. Good acre a ' of alfalfa will pasture 5 head of cattle for 6 months or 30 head of hogs for S months. JOE SCHMITZ McCook , Neb. r Average product per acre for q years , on upland , 75 feet to water , 2 tons hay and 5/ bushels seed. Cut 4 tons per ' 'z acre on June 17 , ' 95 , and could cut as : s much more on July 20 ; am saving second o- crop for seed. HIGH Lebanon Neb. Grown on land so feet to water , Average - : = erage product per acre for 5 years , 2 tons s hay and 5 bushels seed. Crop of 1894 . , and value per acre : { 2 tons hay at . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ to 00 $20 00 ' = 9 bushels seed at. . . . . . . . . . 4 50 40 50 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 50 : Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Mrs. Underhill was taken quite sick on Sunday evening. Tax sale notices for publication now have the newspapers. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & CO. A renewal and increase of pension has been granted Joseph A. Brinton of this county. Cochran & Co , handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. It is stated that at least 8ooo , acres of Red Willow county soil were this season planted to alfalfa. We sincerely hope that Red Willow county may be creditably represented at the state fair. We have the produce. DlcCook's attorneys have filed their answer in the county seat case and Indi- anola will have until August 12 to reply. In another column of this issue will be found a call for a democratic state convention , which we publish by re- quest. During the absence of the regular eight policeman , Howe Smith , in the mountains , Joe Malcomb , the big miller of the McCook roller mills , is wearing the night man's star. Grasshoppers may be seen flying over the city , with the wind , almost any day. Saturday morning , quite a few might have been seen on the sidewalks down in the business part of the city. Akron isn't doing a thing but attempting - ing to work up another boom-and this time on the strength of an alleged gold find. Those Akron fellows are an energetic - getic gang at any rate ; and suckers there are not a few. The lawn fete at S. G. Goheen's , last evening , by the South Side Endeavorers was well patronized and thoroughly enn joyed by all. The rain caught some of those present. Concerning Thomas & Co. of the Rialto building , Chicago , who are running - ning ads. in the various country weeklies of this section , we wrote one of the great dailies of Chicago and they reply that "they know nothing about them" . This may save publishers a useless waste of space. Richardson & Roberts have moved a large frame building in the rear of their present building and will occupy the same as a blacksmith shop. The building - ing has been used as a stable in the vicinity - ity , and was moved into position yester- day. This will give them very commodious - modious quarters. The Rocky Mountain News , published at Denver , Colo. , is the only daily Populist - list paper in the nation. Its cartoon , apropos to the times , with every issue , is worth the subscription , and it is full , fair and strong for the cause of reform. Daily , 65c. per month ; Weekly , $ I in advance. Send 5c for a sample copy. The postoffice authorities have just announced the perfection of arrangements - ments whereby letters sent to Chicago may be more promptly and more directly delivered to those to whom they are addressed. In order to secure this advantage - age in addition to the name and address of the party to whom you are sending a letter must also the letter , you place on I or parcel the number of the carrier of the district within which the party addressed - dressed resides. By so doing the carrier will receive the same at an office which has been created at the railroad depot , and will deliver thesame from the depot , instead of sending the mail to the post- officelor sorting and final distribution. This of course can only be done in cases where the writer has secured the number of the carrier. Protect the Game and Fish. Shoot or fish only in the proper season and escape the game warden by observing - ing the laws. Many states have new game and fish laws this year , and if you don't know them , send five 2c stamps for a copy of the Game Law issue of THE AMERICAN FIELD , 245 State St. , Chicago. Land for Sale. I have some desirable small farmsalso unimproved lands , situated near DesArc , county seat of Prairie county , Ark.which I will sell on favorable terms to goodin- dustrious people. For further information - tion address B , F. SEINE , DesArc , Arkansas. Binding Twine. 10,000 pounds of binding twine for sale by the McCook Commission Co. at 5 cents a pound. It will work on any binder. A "National" Social. The members of McCook lodge No. I , Star of Jupiter , will entertain their friends on Tuesday evening next in the A , 0. U. W. temple hall. A unique plan has been devised by which each gentleman - man will be provided with a partner for refreshments. A varied and interesting - ing program has been prepared which will be given at 8:30 , following which refreshments will be served in the banquet - quet room. The members of the lodge and their guests are to be photographed if they survive the supper. The following numbers will comprise the program which will be rendered on the occasion : "America" . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . .Full Chorus Solo..A. G. Paul "l'he First Gun is Fired"-Root. Duet. . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Wilson and Mrs. Utter "The Land of Swallows"-F. Masina. Violin Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mabel Wilcox Selections from "Martha"-Flotow. Hattie Varger , Organist. Solo. . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . .F.D.Burgess "The Old Sexton"-Henry Russell. Quartet , "Give Me MyOwnNative Isle ; White Hiss Wilson , Mrs.Utter , Mr.PaulMr.Burgess Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Minnie Harris "Bernardo Delcarpio" . Solo and Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Utter "Song of a Thousand Years"-Work. Solo and Chorus. . . . . . . . . . . . , Miss Wilson "Red , White and Blue"-Coe. Organ-1lrs. Burgess , Miss Troth. ViohusMrand Mrs. Thompson. Some Improvements. The water works company has been throwing up some dykes and embankments - ments , recently , to protect the pumping station against possible overflows of the river ; and incidentally making some noteworthy improvements in the appearance - ance of the grounds about the plant. A portion of the grounds hove been graded and seeded to alfalfa , and walks of cinders - ders made through part of the grounds. The alfalfa is up and doing nicely , presenting - senting quite an attractive appearance. By the way , it is suggested that if the company can secure the cooperation and assistance of the city authorities or of associated individuals , by acquiring a little more land , and the spending of a few hundred dollars , a very attractive resort can be secured for the city and people right at their back door. THE TRIBUNE hopes that sooner or later some effort may made to secure for the people such a retreat. The possibilities are there for acquiring a very pretty and convenient little public park , embracing a small lake if desirable , plenty of shade etc. For the State Fair. The management of the county agricultural - cultural society are very desirous of making a fine and creditable exhibition at the state fair , which follows immediately - ately after the fair at Indianola. To this end they earnestly and urgently - ly request that produce and articles be saved in good condition by the exhibitors for the purpose of taking the same to Omaha for exhibition at the state fair. Parties doing so will please report to President Fitch or to C" F. Babcock in McCook , and parties in the east end of the county to C. N. Beck in Indianola. The county fair association will see to it that the exhibits are taken to Omaha and suitably displayed. We understand that the premiums secured - cured , if any , go to the exhibitor. So all articles should be properly described and the exhibitor's name should be carefully - fully written on the same. Is a Smooth Swindler. Word from the Pinkerton National Detective agency would indicate quite conclusively that the fellow Levinson or Seiffert is a smooth and all-around swindler , and that his operations have covered a number of states. And those who are watching the matter - ter seem to be quite unanimously of the opinion that the slick individual who was up in this section of the state , last week , ostensibly looking after evidence upon which Seiffert might be released from the penitentiary , claiming it was Seiffert's first offense , was really Seiffert's pal and confederate in the swindling schemes. Among other things this slick looking person seemed to be quite anxious indeed - deed to secure certain papers , which Seiffert had signed. One of the Brownie's Cods. There has been a lurking suspicion in our mind that the Times-Democrat's editor's skull has never perfectly united , and the effigy cod that leaked out of his brain-pan , last week , is quite convincing proof not only of our theory but of the fact that the constipated crack in the editor's think tank is even more diminutive - tive than the famous 3-16 of the water service. The joke which came to the editor's mind so like an inspiration was so ancient as to be valuable only as a fertilizer. In the days of old Rameses Are you on , are you on ? In the days of old Rameses That cod had Paresis Are you on , are you on ? Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair , San Francisco. l 4 PEOPLE YOU KNOW. MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL spent Sunday in Hastings. MISS ADDLE DOAN arrived home on 4 , Wednesday night. MRS. L. W. Show is the guest of her sister , Mrs. A. J. Clute. MRS. ROCKWELL , who has been visiting - ing McCook friends , returned home , last week. MISS LIZZIE SPY is clerking at the McCook Mercantile Co.'s store vice Miss Anna Heard. MR. AND MRS. W S , CORNUTT of Culbertson were guests of McCook friends , Monday. SHERIFF SbrALL and Mr. DeGarmo of Hayes Center were visitors of the metropolis - tropolis , Monday. MR. AND MRS. HOWE S.IIITH are spending a couple of weeks in Denver and the mountains. GEORGE HOCKNELL arrived home on last Friday night , from a business visit to Omaha and Lincoln. MRs. S. E. CALLEN'S cousin , Miss Ruth , accompanied her from the east and is making her a visit. MISS SARA LOWMAN went down to Lincoln , last week , on a visit to her cousin Miss Sara Schwab. MRS. E. C. BALLEW was a member of the party that left here for Hot Springs , S. D , Wednesday morning , DR. HALL has hung out his shingle at Red Cloud , where he formerly resided and practiced his profession. MRS. PETER SMITH of Holdrege returned - turned home , Wednesday night on 4 , from a visit to Mrs. Sarah Haley. DIIss ANNA HEARD and brother John departed , last night , for Santa Ana , California , where they expect to live. J. W. Hupp drove Miss Maude Soverns over to Lebanon , Tuesday , Miss Soy- erns has been the guest of Mrs. Hupp for the past two or three weeks. DR , WALTER ROWLAND returned home , last Friday night , from Missouri , where , it is stated , he contemplates locating - cating in the practice of his profession , W. T. LINDSAY and wife left for In- dianola , Iowa , Sunday morning , being called home by the death of his aged father. They have the sympathy of all their friends. MISS MAGGIE GIBBONS left on Friday night last for a six weeks outing in northern Wyoming , with a party of Orleans friends headed by J. W. Farrell and family. F. M. RICHEV was up from PIatts mouth , early in the week , looking after the cultivation of the 100 acres of broom corn he has planted on his farm southwest - west of the city. REV. J. W. HICKEY went down to York , Monday morning , to attend a "retreat" there this week , in company with a score or more priests. He will be home on Saturday night. Miss EMMA and Master Martin Thor- grimson departed on Wednesday morning - ing for Sweetwater , Buffalo county , Nebraska - braska , where they expect to visit at their old home for a few weeks. J. T. BULLARD came down from Palisade - isade , Saturday evening , going on to Omaha on No. 4. He returned on his homeward way , Tuesday night , going up the branch , Wednesday morning. L. H. RooNEY arrived home from Los Angeles , California , Sunday night. He reports having seen many McCook people - ple in the "City of the Angels" , and that they all seemed to be doing well. MESDAMES J. F. KENVON and Frank Kendlen departed on Wednesday morn ing for Hot Springs , S. D. , where they expect to remain a few weeks. They will be joined by parties of friends at both Hastings and Lincoln. DIIss ADDLE DOAN of McCook is wising - ing her relatives Mr , and Mrs. J , K. Balderston and family of this city. She stopped off No. 4 , Thursday evening , while enroute home from Denver , where she attended the educational meeting and. where she has since been visiting friends and relatives. She will return to Mc- Cook about the middle of next week.- Benkelman News. MRS. J. F. GANScHOW and Mrs. J. H. Ludwick departed on No. 5 , last night , for the Pacific coast country on a visit of considerable length , Mrs. Gan- schow will visit Mrs. Calvin Zeigler , and Mrs. Ludwick her sister , Mrs , C , A. Clark , both of whom were former residents - dents of our city and now reside in Ore- gon. Master Earl Ludwick will accompany - pany his mother. It will be a delightful and extended trip and visit. Earl expects - pects to be absent about a year or longer , THE CHURCHES. [ Under this head we invite the ministry of the city to contribute freely of any and all church news of interest to theirvarlous organizations. ] The Congregational Sunday school will hold a lawn social on the evening of the 13th , Tuesday" The Dorcas society will meet at the home of Mrs. F M. Kimmell , next Thursday at 2:30 p , m The Baptist tent meetings continue with encouraging success. There have been six conversions and immersions , and the good work is just started. METHODIST-Usual services in the Methodist church on next Sunday. Sunday - day school and Epworth League meetings - ings at the usual hours. REV. A. G , FORMAN , Pastor , CONGREGATIONAL-Morning sermon by Rev. David Donaldson of Montreal. Sunday school at ten o'clock. Evening service by the Christian Endeavor soci- ety. Topic , "Our Promised Land and How to Reach It" . Russell McMillen , leader. Public cordially invited to all services. JACK R0ONEY arrived in the city , Tuesday night. J. A. KELLEY of Beaver City was a Commercial guest , Tuesday. MR. HOCKNELL went down to Hastings - ings , Tuesday night , on No. 4. Miss GERTIE COLEMAN left on last night's passenger for California. PAT. SULLIVAN was a visitor from Hastings , early part of the week. GEORGE COLVIN was up from Arapahoe - hoe , Monday , looking after his interests in this vicinity. MISS JULIA RYAN arrived home , Wednesday night , from an extended visit to Grafton relatives and friends. S. M. AND C. G. SCRANTON , who have been the guests of Mrs.Griggs for a week' , left for Lawrence , Kansas , Thursday. C. H. SLOAN of Geneva , state senator , and quite a clever fellow , was a city visitor - itor , yesterday" He was out in this part of the state looking after some real estate - tate interests. Binding Twine. 10,000 pounds of binding twine for sale by the McCook Commission Co. at 5 cents a pound. It will work on any binder. Farm Land For Sale. Cheapest farm on earth. 400 acres uu- encumbered fine land on Driftwood creek. Plenty of timber and water. All fenced. Long time and low rate of in- terest. Inquire at TRIBUNE office. A Sad Doom. The country village is doomed , and with its decline will go its larger merchants - chants and tradespeople. This is to be regretted on some accounts , but the bicycle , the constantly cheapening rate of the round trip by rail and the concentration - centration of trade in department stores in cities are doing it. Railroads are scheduling trains for local travel in the interest of cities , thus dividing with the city merchant the profits of his trade. The adoption of the cashi system is an aid to this condition of affairs.-Nebraska Farmer. We Have Another Carload of that famous White Bread flour-we make right prices on this. Fresh vegetables , every day , kept attractive - tractive under our water spray. We have a large sale on our Breakfast bacon and Picnic hams. Give them a trial. Pure kettle-rendered Lard and Coto- suet always on hand" We have something important for you in future. DIcCOOK MERCANTILE CO. Try McMillen's NEW perfumes. Princes Violet Perfume at McMillen's. Try Stolen Sweets Perfume at McMil- len's. Syringa Blossoms Perfume at McMi1- len's. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Hail insurance in a good company written by C. J , RYAN. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. CacHRAN & Co. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlehut Medai and Diploma. ' II A REGULAR DELUGE. With Thunder , Lightning and Fire Attachments Galore. ; For a space of about two hours , last night , a tremendous min storm prevailed - ed in this city and vicinity. From to to , 12 o'clock 2.62 inches of rain fell. It , was the heaviest rainfall experienced in , this place in a number of years. ( From the Burlington office we learn that the rain was general from Akron to d Oxford on the main line , front H0I' ' to Holdrega on the Cheyenne branch , and throughout both the Kansas branch lines. Being heaviest in this vicinity and tapering off to a slight rain at Hot- drege. There was a terrific demonstration of thunder and lightning during the continuance - I tinuance of the storm , one of the worst witnessed here for a ttuniber of years. The sky was perfectly luminous most of the time with occasional bolts of electricity - tricity and thunder claps of the hair- raising sort. , STRIKES TILE MCCOOK ROLLER MILL , One bolt of unusual strength , which was felt and noticed all over the city , struck the McCook roller mill , damaging the mill , machinery and stock to the amount of in the neighborhoodof $3.ooo. Only the persistent work ofthe fire department - } partment , the fact that the mill is coy- ered with tin and the deluge of water falling all the while saved the property from complete destruction. The bolt entered the cupalo over one of the bins in the elevator portion of the mill , and from there communicated to the interior of the upper story of the mill proper , where for the most part the flames were confined. Much of the flour and feed was carried out , only to be ruined by the rain. Besides some fine wheat in the bin was damaged by fire. There is $2,500 of insurance on the building , which will likely cover the damage thereto. Half the residence electric lights in the city were put out by the lightning. The area wall on the south side of J.F- Ganschow's building was forced in by a the overflow of water from the Main St. gutter , the Dennison st. culvert being , clogged by an accumulation of small stones recently placed in the gutter up the street to fill up holes made by former rains. Pave the gutters. An amusing incident was that which victimized Dr. J. A. Gunn. The doctor w as rudely aroused from a happy sopor- ous state by the deep and mellow tones ofthe fire whistle Betaking himself out onto the front porch the doctor hastily - tily scanned the horizon , or words to that effect , to locate the fire if maybe. In his drowsy haste the doctor was likewise - , wise forgetful. He ivas not arrayed like Solomon ; and yet in all his glorious absence - sence and independence of raiment was the doctor. And again the doctor was unmindful of the night spring lock and at the time was oblivious of the absence of his family. The doors were all locked and the windows down and screened. The doctor yearned for the seclusion of his boudoir. He finally managed to elevate - vate a rear window , tearing away the screening , crawling through the opening and hiding himself from sight , blushes , dimples and all. Land. Land ! Land. I have the largest list of lands on my books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and at prices that will make the purchaser money. But in addition to my regular list I have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for the next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There are some very fine alfalfa lands among them. C. F. BABCOCK. Office on Main st. , opposite hotel. A Fine Prospect. It is conceded by those who have seen it that the corn prospect on the Stewart ranch over on Dry creek is as fine and promising as any in the county. Manager - ger Resh states that he has 75 acres of corn in magnificent condition. He thinks that his oats will average 15 bushels to the acre , and that the wheat will go at least 6 bushels to the acre , House For Rent. A new five-room dwelling on uohh Dladison street , corner of Dudley. In- mire of P. A. WELLS. Binding Twine. 10,000 pounds of binding twine for sale by the McCook Commission Co. at 5 cents a pound. It will work on any binder. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Mrs. B. J. Doyle of South McCook has become violently insane , and the county board is investigating her sad case today , with a view of sending the unfortunate ' woman to the asylum for treatment. r a a