The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 05, 1895, Image 5
\ , dk1 , , art' ' 3" , : : , w = : - . , : \ r t ' Great Reductions ! ON ALL 'c t ' SUMMER DRESS GOODS ! We Must'Close Them All but and Will t ; Make Prices Lower Than Ever Known. a White Goods , Dimities , , 1 lawns , Percales , Swisses j and Fancy Effects , t 1Ve Have Remnants That You ' Can Buy for Almost Nothing. Closing Out Millillei'y. We are Still Closing Out Our Mil- ! 's ' linery. Prices Way Below Cost. i IiDVma011. , ! Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. People Who Eat S-ro'et'ies ' ! Might as well get something - , thing appetizing as to eat something that isn't. What's the use of buying - : ing a poor article when you can get The Best for the same money 3 AT Anderson's ' GHOGEI3Y. 4 % % DO YOUR RE.D McCOOK TRIBUNE ? The Leading Weekly inWest - ; em Nebraska $1.5O A YEAR IN ADVANCE. , TiMF T r"3T , c . GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LSAVP.P. No , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. N. ' No. 4 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:60 P. N. No. 76 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. N. No. 64 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 A. M. No. 80. freight . 10:00 A. N. No. 148 , freight , made up bore. . . . . . 5:00 A. N. GOING WEST-MOUNTAIN TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger 11:35 P. M. No. 5 , local passscnger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. N. No. 63. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6U P. N. No. 77 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3Q P. N. No.149 , freight , tnade up bere . . . . . 6:00 A. N , IMPERIAL LINE.-MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 175. leaves at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00 A. N. No. 176 , arrives at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. N. NOTE-No. 63 carrt' s passengers for Stratton , Benkelman and Hnigler. All trains run daily excepting 148,149 and 176. which run daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. : slops atlndianola , Cambridge and Az apahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nag. 4 , 5.148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this office tickets to al. principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggagt checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. call on or address C. E. MAGNEB , Agnetl McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon- nell's. A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets - lets at this office. George Hargreaves , general purchasing - ing agent of the Burlington , and party , went through to Denver , Tuesday night , on special car No. 51 , attached to No. -3. Burlington train No. 3 last Thursday evening , had twolextra sleepers , one of which contained a party from St. Louis , going to Yellowstone park by way of Denver. Lou 1Vilburn , after a number of years of faithful service with the B. & M. railroad - road , has resigned his position as section foreman and has gone to McCook to ask for something better.-Wilsonville Re- view. It may be difficult for those who know liiut to believe the statements , but Con- cluctor A. P. Bonnet was distinctly redheaded - headed , 1Vednesday morning , and a trifle warlike for so peacable and peace. loving a citizen. He was a trifle excess- ive. Jack Cook is mashing the pretty waiter - er girls at the Dodge house , while Mrs. Cook and the little Cookies are visiting in McCook. . . .D. A. Bash , who has been helping at the B. & 31. depot , returned to Oberlin , Wednesday. He has been succeeded here by D. Hulse.-Republi- can City Democrat. The activity around nearly all of the railroad shops in the west is a good indication - cation that an enormous crop is now considered certain by the far-seeing railroad officials. Cars and engines that have been allowed to go without much attention for months , are now being placed in condition to carry an immense traffic during the coming fall and win- ter. General Manager G. 1V. Holdrege , with a party of friends , is sojourning at Doan Lake , distant about 35 miles from Sheridan. It is said that Mr. Holdrege contemplates making Doan Lake a summer - mer resort , and a fine hotel is now being - ing erected. Doan Lake in itself being only a small body of water , will be enlarged - larged by the construction of a wall.- Alliance Grip. The railway motor is going beyond the experimental stage on a branch of the New York , New Haven and Hartford railway , in Massachusetts , where the new electric plant has just been tested with most gratifying results. A speed of eighty-five miles an hour was reached by one of the electric locomotives , and it would have been increased to nearly 100 miles had.not a hot box made it necessary to turn off the current. The run was so successful in every way that the Boston newspapers are now talking about the "revolution" in railroading that is to follow this experiment. Burlington trains Nos. 4 and 2 did not get into Lincoln until late ( Tuesday ) yesterday afternoon , on account of three serious washouts near Haigler , the previous - vious evening. Special trains were made up at Lincoln and sent out on time. One washout was a half mile east of Haigler , another four miles east took out sixty feet of dump and another five miles east washed out 190 feet of dump ten feet high. In all about 370 feet of embankment went out and it was after g o'clock ( Tuesday ) yesterday morning , when trains could pass. The very heavy rain extended from I uma , Colo. , to Benkelman.-Lincoln Journal. Mrs. W. P , Kenacly arrived home Saturday - urday , from a visit with her son Cal , at McCook . . . .Henry Holtzman desiring to go west and grow up with the country recently rigged up an attachment to his. bicycle calculated to keep his wheel on one of the rails of a railroad track. He attached a flanged wheel to the front and rear of his wheel , and a third to the side , so that it would travel on the opposite - site track. The plan worked all right and he went sailing from here to Akron , Colorado , where his tires gave out and he sent his wheel back here. He writes to his friend Henry Diedrich that he had a great ride and that the people of the towns along the route , turned out in force to view the new machine. He has probably arrived in Cripple Creek , to- day.-Red Cloud Belt. AIUITIONAL ) R. R. NEWS. 1'Any items under this heading will be gladly received from those in the service by the publisher. Mrs. C. H. Harman left for Holyoke , Colo. , Tuesday evening. No. 2 was a number of hours late on Sunday moruing , caused by the delay of the Rio Grande train with which connections - nections are made in Denver. Miss Nary Stevens of Hastings visited in the city briefly , fore part of the week , hest of her sister , Mrs. Frank Kendlen. She returned home Tuesday afternoon , on delayed No. 2. Station Agent J. E. Morrissey has secured - cured a two weeks' lay off and is visiting with relatives in Deadwood , South Da- kota. Mr. Morrissey is taking a much needed rest , having missed three days out of the last four years in the employ of the B. & M.-Holbrook Herald. Mrs. 1V. S. Tomlinson and children of McCook are visiting relatives in this city. . . .The Misses Caffrey of Stamford were in Oxford over Sunday , the guests of Misses Maggie McGrath and Mary Burns. The young ladies were returning - ing from a visit to McCook.-Oxford Standard. Frank O'Neil , the express messenger who has had Messenger Lawrence's place for the past week , received word , Sunday - day , that his wife was not expected to live. Mrs. O'Neil went to Denver two weeks ago for her health. Frank left for Denver , Sunday afternoon via Mc- Cook. We sincerely hope Mrs. O'Neil will be better by the time he reaches her.-Oberlin Opinion. The supreme court has handed down its decision in the C. , B. & Q. R. R. vs. Howard , holding that a brakeman is a fellow servant to another brakeman when both are employed upon the same train , and any accident which happens to one solely by reason of negligence of the other does not render liable for consequent - sequent damages the common employer of both. A notion for a rehearing will probably be asked for. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Ltah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers m which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only 5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Detiver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Cheap Excursion Rates via the Burlington Route , Here are the Burlington Route's best offerings in the way of reduced rates. Do they interest you ? To Boston , Mass. , July 5th to 5th ; one fare for the round trip , good to return until August 6th. To Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou and Pueblo , July 4th to Sth ; one fair plus $2 , for the round trip , good to return - turn until September 1st. The local agents of the B. & M. R. R. R. , will gladly give you full information about the cost , return limits , train service , etc. J. FRANCIS , G : P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Reduced Rates to Hot Springs , S. D. , Are offered by the Burlington Route , May 24th , June 7th and 19th , July 3d and 19th , August 2d and 23d. One fare for the round trip. Tickets good for 30 days. In addition , low round trip rates to Hot Springs are in effect the year 'round. For information about rates and trains via the Burlington Route , to Hot Springs , apply to local agent. For illustrated folder , descriptive o this famous resort , write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha Neb. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & Co. Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. COCHRAN & Co. S. CORDFAL V V : Notary Public , Reliable , insurance , Collection Agent. 4 t s Serni-Allilual - a - , Sale. : II . .l l. [ 1 zDtiring the month of July we wish to close out all of our Summer Dress Goods Remnants etc , an(1 we will make the rites to snit you if Ton can use the goods. We will liee(1 every inch of space iii our I ' store b r August 1st when we shall begin to receive our fall slit1)1lle11tS notice of which will be given later. To start this sale MONDAY JULY 8th from 10 to 1 2 o'clock : we wrill sell 10 , rarls of Scotch Lawn , or Summer Cliallies for 25c. 7 only one 1patterin to a customer , 811(1 . ladies must come to get them . . . . . . . . I . AT THE . . . I , % j. r _ _ . Jtrjal1I N s . stOre. : . . , , 'C. L. DEGRO F1' & CO. 4 , ' ° . . i G / ° \ Is the Man Who Sells Fresh e A A i i GROCERIES. ' i y y I And IIe Sells . Them Right , Too. When you want to buy anything in the Grocery line , Noble is the man you ti , ant to see. He keeps the very best goods and sells them at remarkably low prices. He also carries a magnificent line of Lamps , Queensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest in Southwestern Nebraska. . .a.0 . . . Glo an(1 See Noble , He Will , TREAT YOU RIGHTS , t s'