. Tr ; Mbn. r B F M. KIMMELL Y Y $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. r , THE Lincoln Land Co. an(1 Dr , , : . ; . John McPherson have agreed tea a division of their lands inBepub- lican City. , ' THE suit against the late Sena- a : tor Stanford's estate has been de- f. , . tided against the government- , g which is a happy and fortunate re- cult for the Stanford university. , Pte ' THE United States paid out ' so me $43,000,000 more than it received during the fiscal year just J closed. We know men who would , be glad to be able to spend $13- ' . ' 000,000 a year more than they 1 ! ; ' : ' - take in. Journal claims that "Lin- coin ladies who wear bloomers * . ' have not only mustered up enough , ° courage to appear in public on -F their wheels between the hours of _ , ; ' G a. m. and 7 p ; m. , but have also had pictures taken in costume , and ° on account of general attract- f Zr r . , iveuess the pictures find promi- . ; . rent positions in photographer's ' show windows" . .y ° - THE state board cf trans1porta- tion settled a matter which has ; ; - . long worried them , Monday , evening - ' ing , b3 r selecting the following secretaries for the board : W. A. ' . Dilworth of Hastings , J. B. . Stitli- ° erland of Tekamah , and J. W. Farrell of Orleans. Dilworth is ' one of the present members. The new secretaries take office October 1st. A FIGHT 1S now on among Pennsylvania - sylvania Republicans , having for its purpose the overthrow of Senator - ator Quay , the great reigning boss. It will be a fight of extraordinary 'bitterness , rivaling the famous i quarrel between the stalwarts and half breeds of New York state. Perhaps the best results that may be accomplished will be the change - e in of bosses. LI ccoLN county's assessed valuation - ation for 1895 is $78,904 greater , than for 1894 , a fact which is czec 1 - ited to the increased value of land : which Iles l10112 e under Il'la 'g ftt10n this year for the first time , Score pne for the cause of irrigation. The assessed valuation of most a Nebraska counties-especially of those in the western portion-has materially decreased. DR. TALMAGE tells us that preachers and politics will not mix. He opines that men of the cloth can accomplish nothing by brass band crusades against vice and crime , The result has been , I he says , that eradicating municipal . - pal vices in one locality only makes them break out in another and scatter. His remedy is to christianize the people so that they will rise and wipe out all forms of vice and lawlessness. Two touring cyclists who were deified admission to the dining room of the summer hotel at Spirit - it Lake because they wore knickerbockers - erbockers , will sue the managers for damages. The wheelmen have been obliged to fight their way from the first , but they begin to see the end of their troubles. Even the fastidious hotel men at Spirit Lake will be obliged to surrender - render before the close of the I season. A bit of mechanism that has lead power enough to' revolutionize - i tionize woman's dress in a single Year , after the reformers had been whacking a away at it for ten cen- tulles } is bound to sweep aside the prejudices of the most conserva- tire hotel man on the continent.- : JournaL " COLEMAN : New potatoes and peas. here now. now.Mr. Mr. Prentice has a big patch of a beans. H. B. Wales was working the road , Monday. J , W. Corner had a sick horse. Wednesday , but all right now. Worth Coleman of McCook is pulling weeds for Wm , Sharp. Mauei went to Mr. Rozell's , Wednesday , to see and hear the twins twitter. The men and boys are all busy plowing corn and some women are out and at it. Uncle Billy is getting right down and at it these days. He keeps the hoe sharp while Mrs. Aunt Billy hoes the weeds. We learn that Frank Forbes and Ella Squires were married one day last week. We wish them a long , prosperous and happy life. Mrs. Uncle Billy and the children - dren went after wild currants , last Saturday. They were gone about all day and got nearly a dozen apiece. At the school meeting in district - trict 58 , Wm. Coleman was elected moderator for two years and J. W , Corner , treasurer for three years. A levy of twenty-five mills was male. When Win. Coleman arrived home from McCook , Saturday , lie found Mr , and Mrs. McMurphy there. They were"old friends but had not met for twenty-eight years. They were living neighbors forty years ago , in Iowa. A few years ago a Mr. Smith of Polk Co , , web. , shot and killed his wife. She was Mr. McMurphy's sister. We have neighbored with H. B. Wales and had dealings with him for over two years and always found him "straight as ft string" , and we are at a loss to account for Ills incurring the displeasure of the elements. On last Thursday afternoon , lightning struck the corner post at the southwest corner - ner of his farm , shattering it to shivers. It started for his house on the double-quick , but stopped after tearing the wire off the poste twenty rods , Thusday , Gertie Coleman went to McCook in the cart. She had to cross a canyon where there was a bridge and grade twelve feet high. The pony refused to hold back , and her efforts to make it hold back only ran the cart on its heels. There is a spade of about eight inches between the body of the cart and the trace in the shaft. She quickly slipped down through this space , and bracing her feet on ground , stopped the pony , when its feet were within a foot of the bank , and would have gone over the next step , carrying 'Ger- tie and the cart to the bottom. It was surely a narrow escape. STIMULATED by the $20,000 embezzlement of City Treasurer Bolin , a reform wave is now surging - ing over the city of Omaha , and many are joining the effort for better - ter local government in city and county. THE alleged murderers of Bar- rett Scott go free. Holt county is an unpopular locality for embezzling - ing treasurers. And this failure to convict will not have an encouraging - aging effect. Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE Office , All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable WALL PAPER at lvlcMILLEN'S. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at ! pMILLEN'S. . , Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , 'DR , $ ICEJ CREAM BAKING pomLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. PROSPECT PARK. J. Pickrell has been feeling quite poorly the last few days. Sunday and Monday's heat cooked the small grain in this part of the country. Mrs. Jas. Boatman' has been quite seriously ill , but under Dr. Welles' treatment is improving and able to be about again. A nice shower fell here , Mon- clay of this week , which did a great deal of good. Most of our farmers will celebrate the Fourth in the cornfield. At the annual school district meeting in district yo. 48 , P. M. Wade was elected moderator for the term of three years , and Jas. Boatman director for one year. We see candidates for the county - ty offices bobbing up out of every fence corner , but as usual Driftwood - wood precinct is not in the ring , although we have men that are capable of filling any of the county - ty offices. But we are still in the ranks , as usual , and ready for the fray. INDIANOLA. W. George Shepherd sojourned in the city on the west , Tuesday. Danbury attracted quite a number - ber of our citizens on the Fourth. County Judge Beck was in Mc- Cook Months' , on business of his offiCe. offiCe.Will Will Short was a visitor of the metropolis , Sunday , on a tender mission. W. P. Hall , the Holdrege lawyer - yer , was here on some legal busi- pess , Thursday. The county commissioners have been in session , this week , mak- ina there semi-annual settlements with the county officers. The county fair premium lists will be ready for distribution , nest week. Same may be secured upon - on application to Secretary Beck. Lawyer Starr was up to Mc- Cook , Monday night , looking over his ehai ces for the Judgeship nomination , returning home on Tuesday morning , Miss Lena Coiling , the McCook dressmaker , came clown Wednes- dry night , to celebrate the Fourth with Indianola relatives a n cl friends. - ' WALL PAPER at MCMILLEN'S. Ice Cream Soda at Mo3IILLEi 'S. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county - ty , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty , nudge of the district court of Red Willow county , \ebraska , on the 15th day of January , 1845 , in favor of George Hockneil , as plaintift , and against George M. Chenery et al. , as defendants , for the sum of three hundred thirty-eight dollars and forty cents ( S33S.4o ) , and costs taxed at S4o.oS , and accruing cost.I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants , to satisfy said judgment to- wit : The undiided one-half interest in lot thirteen (1J ( ) , in block twenty-two ( ) , in the original town of McCook , Red Willow count - t Nebraska. .And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand on the 15th day of July , A. D. , IS93 , in front of the south door of the court houseEn Indian- \ebraska that being the building wherein - in the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. DatJune 3d i5 - . E. R. BASKS , Sheriff. 1v. S. MORLAN , attorney. 6-14-its. KIMMELL 1 1 , McCCOK , NEB. Print6r . r AND Statioll6r. PUBLISHER OF AND DEALER IN Legal Blanks Note books , books , SGdIt3 books. DEALER IN I AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. TRIBUNE OFFICE , FIRST DOOR NORTH OT TUE FOSTOFFICE , I NEBRASKA. when Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla , when she was a Child , she cried for Castoria When she became Mies , she clung to Castoria. when she had Children , she gavethem Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ; J. S. MCBRAYFP FRQPRIETOR OF THE c oo Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. 'Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. Chase Cor Land and Live Stock Co , a - s Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. 0. address Imperial. Chase county , and Beatrice - rice , Nebraska. Range , Stinkinir Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county , Nebraska. ( - Brand as cut on side of someanimalson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. , f r S t ± THE FAU } ! CLOTHING . r - ; . ' -.N ' ' . .b . 1 - : Seasonable . . G'd _ _ _ . . . . + ; ' . . Strata Fur and Wool Ilats. . . Thin Coats and Vests , . ii Light IJndei Weala1 IIos1 er , Novelties in Neckwear , . Colored and White Shirts - . t 111 at Po1)ttlar Prices : - ' i ; , 1 1I . . . . I - - ' ' I . { McCook , Nebraska. JO\AS E\GEL , c i . . --1-.MANAGER : ' , , Ii \ \ ; : : ESt ' , . o " ! 17 9 I/'Vt 1 i 1 M5 LEGA n T OR Kr n 5 > iIP nbV PA5' ff - 1 ATERfAI THE FINEST , IVE Ica ODE15 W E I Gq T5 X18 TO 25 PUf pRI ' .SST0100. $ t i s YERYMACHIf1E FuLLY GUARAIITEED CATA GOS 5ENT , oR TJo CENT STAnI ? . ! I 1 ,0 . cro S , I G1 AI Pl 0 F FIL E AMD FACTORY LAKE f1AL5TED + ' 5T5' r RETAtI ' .SAt.EoROC1M 2BO WA6ASfi AVE EA9TLRN WAREHOUSE 97-ggljREADE'Si : , nEW ORK ' RANGHF.S ORTL'AND 'SAN , RAMCI5C0 4 I SALT LAKE CITt' ° . anE5i0E tncn Cni. p F CANSCHOW , P I I THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. t SLIPPERS BUY SHOES i . 1 YOUi 71 at at $1,00 a + SHOES M ' ' - ' $1.00. PAIR. AT. . ' 'I IL o 0 THEOLD _ H 1 L c , 1 ' Z y z D , ' : I1 U t , STE1E C ' , l J EO w Q 0 0 QT SHOES TAN IecCOOK t i at OXFORDS NEBRASKA. (1) 51.25. at $1. J F CANSCHOW , I I 1 THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. ' , _ .t