The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 05, 1895, Image 1

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    , 1c L Jjflcoob
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Career of a Clever Crook
Cut Short.
A crook operating under the name e
Jacob Leviuson dropped into McCook o
No. 3 , late Sunday night , seeking wltoti
1 I lie might swindle. He was traveling a
I s drummer for a wholesale liquor lious
of St. Louis , Henry J. Gehuer S ; Co.
.and carried samples. During his shor
stay here he endeavored to sell Samue
Strasser some wetgroceries. But swind
ling and forgery seem to have been hi
serious business-his special forte , am
to this lie quickly resorted and confiner
liis genius.
He went up to Culbertson on the earl ;
freight , Monday morning ; whether h
\ , accomplished anything , there with lii
draft or other schemes we know not-
but he soon returned here by wagon
He was short of fnnds and in a Brea
Burry to keep an appointment with i
party east of here. He enquired at the
First National bank if they would cast
r a draft for him. Upon being assures
I r they would if he could secure a responsi
t Me local signer , Jacob induced Erb S
Bush of the Commercial hotel to accom
iodate him , and he got the $55 fo :
which the draft on Henry J. Gehner S
' Co. of St. Louis , called. The draft wa
r , drawn through the Third National bang
- of St. Louis , and was in due form. " As
i suring Messrs. Erb C Bush that her
would be back to celebrate the gloriou
Fourth with them , Levinson drove tc
Indianola where he endeavored to en
rich himself further by working thr
j j draft racket. He was foiled here auc
I also at Bartle y both of which places he
had taken the precaution to send ad
vauce lettters of advice from his firm.
( From Bartley , Levinson continued hi :
journey eastward to Cambridge , where
i he met his \ \ > aterloo , where his career
as an all-around and clever crook in lii :
line was cut short for a space of a fem +
years : On the advice and instruction o
the Pinkerton detective agency of Chi
sago , which has been following the
1 ' ' scamp in his crookedness , he was here
arrested by a deputy sheriff of Furna ;
County , and Messrs. Erb S Bush were
notified that the man for whom they
had signed a draft was under acres'
) there-and this was the first time these
gentlemen had any intimation that any
' with Levinson ,
j thing was wrong
+ Mr. Erb went down to Cambridge
Tuesday morning , and recovered the
I money. The crook had a hearing be
I fore Judge Welty in chambers , pled
( guilty , and was given five years in the
Ir pen with $100 fine as trimmings. And
order to do the job of justice up as ex
peditiously as possible , Levinson was err
I r the same day , Tuesday , taken to Lin
coin , where on Wednesday morning hE
was doubtless duly placed in the statE
penitentiary to commence serving out
' that five years' sentence.
Thus for a brief season the career o :
Jacob Levinson is cut short , his star o ;
! i destiny is obscured.
I ' It is stated that Levinson was $210 a
I head of the game when he left here , bul
i we cannot vouch for the statement ,
I But that lie is a shrewd and dangerous
1 crook seems to be pretty well estab
lished , and the public is to be congratu
lated upon his retirement from activE
I service for at least five years.
A Fine Rain.
A splendid , soaking iain fell in this
neighborhood , Tuesday afternoon , and
was followed by a light shower during
the night. It was at least quite general
over this section of the country , and was
I ofgneat value to growing crops-esPec
' ially to late corn , which was being more
or less effected by the surface dryness ,
i ; 1 The Burlington's water gauge at this de
pot shows the precipitation to have been
,6S of an inch. It came opportunely ,
and for the most wart gently , refreshing
I' ' I and invigorating all nature , and causing
the husbandman to smile voluminously.
Neglected Graves.
A stroll through Longview cemetery ;
McCook's principal city of the dead , re
i weals quite a number of well kept' pretty
appearing burial plats , and yet many arc
sadly neglected and seemingly forgotten ,
The' heavy rains have caused the earth
over some graves to sink down a foot oh
more , in some instances , ' until the rough
boxes are almost , to be seen. Besides
thereare ' other evidences of neglect aP
parent all over the burial ground.
In the cases of those departed whc
have relatives and friends still living in
McCook , this failure seems to be wrth
out , excuse.
We Burn Wood
When we can get it. If your subscrip
Lion is delinquent and youhave the wood
bring us in a load or two.
Horse for Sate.
A good family driving horse for sale ,
Inquire of j. H. Burns for particulars.
I Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
ti World's Fair . Highest Award.
Il I l
\ _ -
_ . . . , . . . . . .
_ _ a.- . + . .r -J
Just a Word.
The issuance of their "excess" notice ;
Tuesday morning , by the water worn
company , lies caused a storm of unu
ual indignation and bitterness against th
company. Many useless words are be
ing uttered in righteous indidnatior
But they are useless , and only cause tlm
sunny-dispositioned superintendent t
smile more seraphically as only he ca
smile. That's all.
THE TRIBUNE'S word is , contest th
ordinance in the courts. Don't swear
Make a manly , determined fight for you
rights-if you have any. Don't cuss
Resist oppression. Don't simply wor
your jaws profanely.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs
J. B. Ballard , Sunday.
Some dangerous counterfeit silve
quarters and dollars are in circulation is
our midst.
Just step up to the captain's office an
pay for that little excess. Don't kick
Don't squeal ! Just liquidate , and fox
get not.
Flre publisher this week enjoyed
mess of fine potatoes at the expense any
through the courtesy of john Burtless o
the South Side.
The girl who can cook an l has goo ,
sense and a pure heart , is an "advance ,
woman" whether she belongs to the clu' '
or not.-Dr. Bixby.
We are ready to receive a "nubbii
raiser" anytime the weather clerk has
mind to send it. But "gully washers'
are not barred here.
The Amateur club is preparing to phi
"Charlie's Aunt" on the local board
with all its amusing particulars. Se
small bills-when they come out.
Receiver Patrick Gibbons is about a
much pleased over Jerry Farrell's elec
tion to be one of the secretaries of th
board of transportation as , we imagine
Jerry is himself.
THE MCCOos TRIBUNE last week de
voted seven columns to the commence
ment exexcises at that place , giving the
entire speech of each of twelve gradu
ates.-Oberlin Opinion.
Vice President Harris of the.Q. cam
up to this station , Monday night on 3
but returned east in the morning , on ac
count of the washouts at Haigler. H
was on his way to Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cochran are look
ing after the comfort and. answering th
numerous and imperative demands of
little baby Cochran , whose age will b
reckoned from last Sunday.
If the Lincoln Land Co. has ears , the
must have been at a white heat on Wed
nesday morning , after those "excess'
notices were received by their Ovate :
works patrons in McCook. But maybr
the company is earless as well as-
J. H. Ludhvick states that the heat o
Sunday and Monday of last week des
troy ed his prospects for small grain en
tirely , as well as those of others in hi
neighborhood , which a good rain a weel
or two earlier would have made producr
a small crop.
The semi-monthly social of the Dor
cas society of.the Congregational church
attracted a fair crowd to the church par
lors , Tuesday evening. Quite an inter
esting program was rendered , beside ;
ice cream and cake were served-quite
feast for two nickels.
The maple trees in George Hocknell's
lawn are turning yellow , and he fear :
they may die , but cannot fathom thr
cause. A few of A. Campbell's maple
are being similarly effected. All are
large , fine trees which have receivec
careful attention , and their condition is
a source of regret and mystery.
The new cure for the liquor habit may
not be much mare effective than Dr
Keeley's celebrated remedy , but it a
least has the advantage of cheapness
and safety. The formula is no secret
Neither is it patented. It has been gir
en to the public by the Buffalo philan
tropist whb discovered it. , He says tha
the victim should suck a raw potato tha
has been dipped in ice water , whenever
he wants a drink. It is said to effect c
complete 'cure.
Rev. James'Duncan , D. D. , while vis
iting in the city , this week , consented tc
deliver a lecture on "Bunyan's Pilgrim' :
Progress" before the members a n c
friends of the. Saturday Afternoon Read
ing Club. The lecture was delivered it
the Methodist church , Tuesday evening
but was not greeted by such an audience
as it merited , on account of the weather ,
other attractions of the evening , and
limited notification. The doctor has at
enviable record as a speaker , and it is tc
be regretted that his interesting lecture
on so familiar and absorbing a topic wa
not heard by a full house.
- - -
Extensive Washouts.
Monday afternoon something of th
nature of a water-spout or a cloud-burs
took place in western Dundy county , ii
the numerous and extensive canyon
north of Haigler and Ives , and the re
suiting tremendous rush of waters causer
no less than five washouts in the Bur
lington railroad's tracks in the neigh
borhood of those two stations , one o
the washouts being almost two hundred
feet long and from ten to fifteen fee
deep. A small bridge near Haigler wa
also washed away. The damage to tin
company's roadbed was very extensive
and about twenty hours elapsed beforr
traffic could be resumed over the dis
trict embraced within the several wash
outs , notwithstanding the work of re
pairing the damage was commenced a
once and prosecuted with all possibly
vigor by a large force. It was one of the
most extensive washouts the officials o
this division have ever had to contenc
with , and could have been caused by
nothing less than an unusually heavy
rush of water. Monday's passenger
train No. 4 , due here at about nine o'
clock in the evening , did not reach here
until about four o'clock Tuesday after
noon , and was followed shortly after
wards by Tuesday morning's No. 2. Al
ter which , however , regular service and
traffic was maintained.
The flood was confined to a compara
tirely small space of territory , and the
rain was quite light in other sections.
The washouts were temporarily cribbed
up with ties , and on Wednesday morn
ing the work train and crew left this
station , in charge of Assist. Supt. High.
land of Denver , and the work of renew
ing the grade will be pushed to comple
tion with all the speed that machinery
and a large force of men can produce.
Haven't Missed in Ten Years.
The regular semi-annual meeting of
the stockholders of the First National
bank was held on last Saturday during
the visit of Vice-President Frees of Chicago
cage in the city. The affairs of the es
tablishmeut were found to be in excel.
lent shape and the usual five per cent.
semi-annual dividend was declared. Tc
the credit of the First National bank it
may be stated that notwithstanding the
occasional depressions and the vicissi
tides through which our community ha :
passed in the past ten years , they have
regularly and without one failure de.
dared a ten per cent annual dividend
with each recurring year. This speak :
well for the solidity of the bank and fox
the business ability and tact of its man-
agement. The board of directors and
the officers of the bank remain un-
County Institute.
The Red Willow County Teachers' Institute -
stitute will be held at Indianola , beginning -
ning August 12th , and closing August
Wm. Valentine , Mrs. M. J. Cordeal
and Seth T. Parsons will be the instruc-
August 17th an examination will be
held at Indianola for all pupils of the
district schools of the county who wish
to enter a high school next September.
The pupils will be examined in eighth
grade work and those who pass a satisfactory -
tory examination will be granted a certificate -
tificate showing they have completed
the common school course and are entitled -
tled to enter a high school of the county -
ty , the county paying their tuition.
County Supt.
The District Leage Convention.
Those who have been canvassing to
secure board and lodging for the delegates -
gates expected to attend the convention
of the Holdrege District of the Epworth
League which opens in our city on the
evening of July 16th , and concludes on
the ISth , report very encouraging re-
suits ; so far about one hundred delegates -
gates have been provided for , and it is
thought that this entertainment can
easily be enlarged to accommodate all the
delegates that may come on that occa-
The arrangements making guarantee
the interest and success of the convexi-
tion , in which the entire community
naturally has an interest.
Send to Lewis W. Smith , Indianola ,
for abstracts.
Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose
couplings. COCHRAN & Co.
Cochran S Co. . handle the best Refrigerators -
frigerators in the market. A large stock
now on hand.
Lewis \V. Smith , having purchased
J. B. blather's abstract books , is prepared -
ed to make correct abstracts.
Mrs. Thomas Crabtree went down to
Arapahoe , Wednesday night , to spend
the Fourth there , guest of Mrs. R. L.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fur , San Francisco.
F. I. Foss of Crete was a city visitor
first of the week.
E. F. HAR3roN assumed a clerkshil
in Knipple's on the first.
Miss GRACE WALDO left for Sheridan
Wyoming , Thursday on No. 2.
PROS. J. A. SPAAN started on Monday
morning for Denver on his bicycle.
MRS. C. F. BABCOCK went down tc
Cambridge , Wednesday , to celebrate the
J. H. STEPHENS , the tree man , wasul
from Bartley , Wednesday , on nursery
MR. AND MRS. E. C. BALLEW went it
to Omaha , Wednesday morning , on a
short visit.
MRS. ELDER ROWELL went up tc
Dandy county , Saturday morning , on a
month's visit to her parents.
MRs. HALL , wife ofthe photographer ,
arrived home on Tuesday night , from
quite a prolonged visit over in Iowa.
MRS. H.V , COLE and family left for
Geneseo , Illinois , on a visit at their old
Illinois home , of considerable length.
HARRY STERN came up from Hol-
drege , Wednesday night , after his children -
dren , who have been visiting the Strass-
drove up to the farm near Trenton , Sun-
Slay morning , returning home on Tues-
Miss RUTH BAB000S was up from
Cambridge , part of the week , guest of
her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
down to Davenport , Nebraska , to make a
short visit with his parents , Saturday
Miss ONA SIMoNs of the class of ' 95 ,
McCook high school , will teach in the
Fliteraft district just west of town , coming -
ing term of school.
MISS LIzzIE SPRY of the postoffice
force , and mother , went down to Lincoln -
coln , this week , to be absent about a
month , on a visit.
Miss MARY SAWHILL and Master
Howard Oyster departed , Wednesday
morning , for Kansas , on a visit to her
brother and family.
S. R. SEAMANDS of Gerver precinct
expects to leave in a short while for
Iowa , to occupy the land for which he
recently traded with S. C. King.
B , BI. FREES has been out from Chicago -
cage fore part of the week , looking after
his lumber and banking interests here.
He left for the east , Tuesday morning :
Miss LENA BENEDICT of Fairbury ,
Nebraska , sister of C. E. Benedict , is
here on a visit to relatives and friends
and will remain until the middle of the
J. A. LYNCH came over from Stock-
rule , Monday , and on Tuesday morning
left for Lincoln with Dr. D. W. Trinque ,
whom he is escorting to the state insane
Miss ONA SnIoNs left for her home
in Anderson , Iowa , Tuesday morning ,
to remain until her term of school com-
mencesi n the Fliteraft district. Dave
Kenyon accompanied her.
DR. J. A. GUNK left on delayed No. 2 ,
Tuesday afternoon , for Red Oak , Iowa ,
where he is booked to assist in a surgical
operation. His son , Robert and Judd
Kay will return home with him.
REC. J , i1I. ELDER and W. W. Wilson
arrived in the city a week or so since
from Pennsylvania , for their health , and
have become so enamored with our climate -
mate that they have decided to send for
their families and remain here.
MRS. JACOB H. EVANS and the remainder -
mainder of the family expect to leave for
Parachute , Colorado , first of next week ,
to join those of the family that have located -
cated and purchased land in that part of
Colorado-in the Grand Junction coun-
J. T. BULLARD came down from Palisade -
sade , Saturday evening , to meet his
daughter , Mrs. E. M , Jones of Omaha ,
who arrived in the city on Sunday night ,
and accompanied her father up to Palisade -
sade , Monday morning , to visit a number -
ber of weeks.
MESSRS , W. V. GAGE , F. A. Pennell
and E. J. Wilcox left for Kearney , Wednesday -
nesday morning , on 2 , to participate in
the bicycle races on July 4th. Theyhad
purposed to go all the way on their
wheels , but the rain on Tuesday afternoon -
noon made wheeling impossible , so they
had to take the cars part of the way at
least , expecting toresume the journey on
their bicycles at Holdrege.
( Under this head 'e invite the ministry of lli
city to contribute freely of any and all church new
of interest to tlreirvarious organizations , j
Usual services in the Methodist clturcl
on next Sunday. Sunday school am
Epworth League meetings at customar ;
hours. REC. A. G. FORMAN , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL--Morning subject
-"God's Message to the World"-ser
mon followed by reception of member
and the Lord's Supper. The Endeavo
soeiety will take charge of the eveninl
services at S o'clock. The topic is-
' 'The ten commandments in our lives"
Miss Maud McMillen will lead.
ir. A. SPALDING played with the
Arapahoe band on the Fourth.
F. M. RITCHIE was up from Platts
mouth , part of the week , on business.
MRS. AGNES WICKWIRE , an old set
tier , left for Kansas City , this morning ,
to make her home there.
rived from Davenport , Iowa , and are the
guests of their son R. L. Hileman , whose
health is still very poorly , and not improving -
proving much.
\V. J. KELLER and family of ten arrived -
rived in the city , Wednesday night , from
White Haven , Luzerne county , Penna. ,
and are now settled in a residence in
South McCook.
MR. WESTWORTH of Hastings was a
city visitor and guest of Register Campbell -
bell , for part of the week. He is employed -
ployed in the Hastings asylum for in-
curables. He went from here to India-
nola on a short visit.
has been the guest of C. L. DeGroff , this
week. The doctor is one of the well
known ministers of eastern Nebraska ,
and a speaker of recognized ability and
eloquence. He is eastbound from a visit -
it to Benkelmau.
\V. P. HALL of the law firm of Hall ,
St. Clair S Roberts of Holdrege , came
up to the city , Wednesday night , to pay
the insurance of $2Ooo which the late
B. V. Haley held in the Phelps County
Lodge , A. 0. U. W. He went from here
to Indianola where lie also had some
business to transact of a legal nature.
Hats left at reduced prices , also some
Fine Suits at low prices ; buy now.
Ladies-look at our Tan Slippers ,
good value at $2.00 per parr.
We can furnish you a good Shirt for 25
We still sell Dinner Pail Lard-io lbs.
lard and dinner pail for $ r.25.
Swift's Boneless Ham and Breakfast
Bacon , very fine , try them.
Cotosuet in 3 , 5 and io lb. pails-su-
perior to lard , give it a trial.
Flour is advancing ; buy now if you
wish to save money : White Bread 90
cents a sack during May.
Horse Taken Up.
At my farm in 30.2-30 , June 2 , a bay
work horse , with white hind feet , white
strip in face , is S or 9 years old , will
weigh about I,2oo pounds , in medium
condition. Owner can have animal by
paying charges. J. M. BALDWIN.
Try McMillen's NEW perfumes.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Princes Violet Perfume at McMillen's.
Try Stolen Sweets Perfume at McMil-
( en's.
Syringa Blossoms Perfume at McMil-
Buy a patent lever hose coupler from
Cochran S Co.
Take a bottle of McConneil's Sarsapa
rilla for a spring medicine.
Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes ,
for sale by Cochran S Co.
The new board of education will go into -
to office on next Tuesday evening.
Duluth is the latest city to pass the
curfew ordinance. It's quite a fad and
a winner.
Plumber Burgess has more business on
his hands , just now than a cranberry
There is talk of a public indignation
meeting tonight , but we have no author.
sty to announce it. -
Miss Josie Mullen departed , this morn-
Lug , for Sheridan , Wyoming , on a visit
to her sister , Mrs. Kennedy.
Frank Hawksworth was called down
to Plattsmouth , Saturday evening , on
account of sickness of his father , the
chief of motive power.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
Where We Celebrated.
While there was no regular coucetred
celebration of the day by the people of
McCook vet it would not be correct to
conclude that our people are or were tut- t
niiudful of time privileges turd oppor- t
tuuities of time Fourth of July , for our
citizens big and little helped rhmaterially t'
to increase the attendance upon the cel- t ;
ebrations in neighboring towns and
country. tl
Three extra cars were attached to the
Iumperial train and a large imumber went
up teL r auneta to celebrate ; while many ; 1
others went down to Arapahoe amid Cambridge -
bridge , to pluck a few feathers out of the .i
gay old bird. j
And yet others divided up into small
private parties and sought the cool and
quiet of the groves along the Driftwood
and Red Willow creeks , where happy ,
contented times were enjoyed.
A farmers' celebration was held in
Fitch's grove , and quite a number of
McCook people participated in and enjoyed -
joyed this occasion.
So that altogether the people of Mc-
Cook were in no sense remiss.
In the evening private fireworks were
sent up from many a home in usual
abundance. And happily , the day was
devoid of time incidental injuries amid
Another year McCook may feet better
-tlmen she may celebrate "proper" .
The Garden Spot of the State. Fine
Fruit and Cereal Farms.
In the land of perennial sunshine-
warm winters-delightful sumnmers-the
Italy of American climates-Iucompar-
able soil and products-The great fruit
belt-A ready market at high prices-
No droughts , no blights , no blizzards.
Situated in Montrose and San Miguel
counties of Colorado ; abundance of
wster for irrigation purposes ; canals
made and now in use ; ample timber for
fuel , building and fencing. For further
information enquire of C. F. Babcock , ' .
McCook , Nebraska , or L. J. Hilton ,
General Land Agent , rooni 826 , Cooper :
building , Denver , Colorado.
Free pamphlet on application.
'T'hinks There is an Error.
Apropos of time statement recently
published as to the reduction of $ zoo in
the salary of the postmaster at McCook ,
Postmaster Meeker says that the postal
law covering the question of re-rating R
salaries of postmasters seems to be capable -
ble of two constructions , but that the
salary of the McCook postoffice will not
be reduced under either construction.
If the receipts from box rents are not
counted in the total , thexi the salary will jr j
be reduced , but in that event a commis-
lion is allowed the postmaster on the
sum derived from box rentals , and this +
commission , if this construction prevails ,
will raise the salaryy to perhaps $1,750.
In any event Postmaster Meeker feels
certain that the salary of his office will
not be reduced to $1,6oo , as appeared
Lately iii the dailyy and weekly press.
First week in April , from my farm to
3.w. of McCook , a sorrel stud colt , 2 years
) ld. Has white strip in face , long hair
an feet. Is heavyy set-weight about
See pounds. Suitable reward paid for
McCook , Nebraska.
Destroy the Thisties.
Property owners and renters of land in
road district No. S are hereby notified to
forthwith destroy all Russian thistles on
their respective premises as required by
law. J. C. BALL ,
Overseer of Road District No. S.
Wanted , to Rent.
A good house , for one or two years , at
right price. Write or call on
Register U. S. Land Office.
Fine Pasturage
Can be secured on the Stewart ranch
on Dry creek , five miles south of Mc-
Cook , at reasonable rate.
House For Rent.
A new five-room dwelling on north
yIadison street , corner of Dudley. In-
lcire of
While the Republican river was at its
height during the recent freshet , a professor -
fessor from the state universityy who was
Oxford took the r
risiting at , necessary
measurements to ascertain the volume
of water flowing down the stream. The
result of his computation showed that
t he flow was equal to i6ooo cubic feet
per second. Flowing at that rate it
would have covered 32,000 acres of land
to a depth of one foot in twenty-four i
hours , or it would fill a reservoir containing -
taining 2,000 acres to a depth of sixteen
feet in twenty-four hours.