The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1895, Image 8
A . _ rf , . : . What is i y d = 1' * , Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ' , 'y - and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other narcotic salsta nee. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers , Castoria destroys Worms 'and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castorsa assimilates the food regulates the stomach , and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas tors is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent mmdtinn for chil dren. Mothers liavo repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children. ' D : . G. C. O'aoon , Lowell , Mass , II ( astorla Is the best remedy fur children of which I nm acquainted. I Lope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Dn. J. F. EINCUELOE , Conway , Ark. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me. " 11. A , AncuEn , 31. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y , "Our physicians in the children's department - ment have spoken highly of their experience - ence In their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED Hos'rrAL ND DIsrsNs2aT , Boston , Mass. ALLEY C. Sarrn , Pres. , The Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , New York City. F. D. BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter1 MAIN AVENUE , Mc000H , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim , wings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun WindMill. -THE- . Fffi5T r4ATIOWAL PM4K 8 l $100,000 CapitaandSurplus 60000 1 1I I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. I GEO. IIOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , President. V. President. Cashier , Ass't Cashier. , A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. ' I I 6itiz6ll i INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAMB , wwwww Paid Up Capital , - - - $50,000. I Surplus - - - - : . 10,000 , . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1 I I i Collections Made on all Accessible Pouits. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. rases Paid for Non-Residents. , ' Tickets ® r 5a e o ai ro Et roe1 f . OFFICERS. - - - V. FRANKLIN , President A. C. EBERT , Cashier. ConRESPOSDENTs-The Ffrst National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The ChemicalNational Bank , New York City. : - C.BULLPRD P LIME , RIRD1 ' E , LJJMPEkZ SOFT L iPI11DOiyS , BLINDS. ° COAL ) o ( POSTS. U. J. WARREN , Manager. . WOMEN TREATED FREE. FEMALE TROUBLES TREATED FREE BY CORRESPONDENCE BY THE RENOWNED DR. HARTMAN. Dr. Hartman , the renowned gyn- aecologist , has announced his will- inguess to direct the treatment of as many cases of female trouble as make application to him during the summer months , w i t h o u t charge. The treatment will be conducted by correspondence. The doctor will prescribe all medicines - cines , applications , hygienic and dietary regulations necessary to complete a cure. Tllea medicines prescribed can be obtained at all drug-stores. . This offer will hold good only during the summer months. Any woman can become a regular - lar patient by sending a written statement of her age , history and symptoms of lien derangement and condition of life. All cases of female diseases , including menstrual - strual irregularities , d i s p 1 a c e- ments , ulcerations , inflammations , discharges , irritation of the ovaries - ries , tumors and dropsy of the abdomen - domen , should apply at once and become registered as regular pa- tieuts. All correspondence will be held strictly confidential. No testimoiials of cures will be given to the public except by the express wishi of the patient. Book on female diseases sent free by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing facturing Company , of Columbus , Ohio , For free book on cancer address Dr , Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. rnipple is headquarters for . all kinds of garden seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of jol printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. rnipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable WALL PAPER at MCMILLEN'S. Ice Cream Soda at MCMILLEN'S. No'rrCE OF CifATTEr. MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 27th day of March , iS94 , executed by E. W. Harris to the CitizensBankof McCook to secure the payment ofthesuntof S43.oo , and upon which there is now due the sum of $43.00 , with interest at the rate of to per cent. per annum from June 27th , 1894 , default having been made in the payment of said sum , and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereoftherefore we will sell the property therein described , viz : One black stallion , weighing about 1,700 pounds , at } public auction at the livery barn of Clark & Bowen , in the city of McCook , Nebraska , on the 22d day of June , z895 , at ne o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated , May 28th , IS95. THE CITIZENS BANK OF MCCooK , 4-31-4ts. Mortgagee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , June 8 , IS95. Notice is hereby given that the following. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead proof in support of his claim , and that + said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Wednesday , July 24th , 1895 , viz : Anfin 0. Houge , who made homestead entry number 9655 + for the west half of the southwest - west quarter and the south-east quarter of the south-west section - quarterof twenty-seven (27) ( ) , and the north-east quarter of the northwest - west quarter of section thirty-four (34) ( ) , in township five ( - ) , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal merid- ian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation - tivation of , said land , viz : Andrew P. Larson - son of Quick , Nebraska , Porter Maddox , Hubert Beach , Irving W. Spaulding , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. A. S. CAMPBELL , 6r4fits. . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , June 7 , 1895. . Notice is hereby given that the following. n hed settler has filed notice of his intention make final roof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , July 20th , 1595 , viz : Joseph I. Grundy , homestead entry Iooo7 , for the south half of the south-east quarter , section three (3) ( ) , and north half of the north-east quarter , section - tion ten ( to ) township two (2) ) , north of range thirty (30) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : William S. Fitch , Joseph Schmitz , Stella Fitch , Nora Schmitz , all of McCook , Nebraska. 6-14.6ts. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , May 28 , IS95 Notice is hereby g iven , that the fllowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Saturday , July 6th , 1895 , viz : Thomas Pinkerton , who made Homestead Entry Number - ber 9158 , for the east half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast carter of section ten ( to ) , in township four 4) ) , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous - ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Ira Harrison , Alexander W. CampbellStephen BollesH. B. Anderson , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. 4.31.6tS. A. S. CAirr'BELL , Register. Red Wltlow. Hessie Meyers returned from her visit to Mrs. Taylor at Sunnyside on Tuesday. There was a welcome party at Mrs. Canaga's , Saturday evening , to welcome time Misses Canaga home , Miss Mary has been away teaching for many months and Ida has been attending the Christian Academy at Fairfield , from which , we believe , she graduated this mouth. It is needless to say the party was an entire success. TYRONE NEWS. Sam Kiukead is visiting his father's folks this week. Rev. R. H. Chrysler of Bartley is to preach here next Sunday. F Some from this place and Wilsonville will attend the Chautauqua at Orleans. Rev. E , B , Crippen , of Beaver City , stopped with friends here over'niglit on his way from Chase county. One of our old settlers is perfecting a plan to hold all the rainfall during a heavy rain by perforating the soil to a depth of six feet. Holes three inches in diameter and four feet apart each way are to be bored by horse power by means of a movable machine that will go over about five acres per day. On cultivated lands this will need to be done every season and on time sod every four or five years. Indianola Items. Mrs. Larry McEntee and children were McCook visitors , Tuesday , Miss Meserve is spending her vacation with her parents. Treasurer and Mrs. J. B Meserve. Dr. Hoyt drove up to the city of JIc- Cook on a business amid pleasure trip , Tuesday. Mrs. C. W. Barnes of McCook was the guest of Mr. Barnes' parents here the first of the week. County Judge Beck went down to Orleans - leans , Tuesday , to be absent two or three days at the Chautauqua. The court martial trial of Commander Hathorn of Bartley has been postponed until the 16th of June , on account of the inability of Judge Advocate LeHew to Le present at the trial. County Supt. Bayston delivered a short address at the McCook High school commencement exercises , . last Saturday evening. He is quite proud of the schools of our sister city on the west. Every Indianola merchant should at least have a small advertisement in the county fair premium list , which will be ready for distribution in about two weeks. See Secretary Beck at once. JH. Goodrich went up to McCook , Wednesday , in search of some stray horses. Quite a few of the animals he wintered on his Stinking Water ranch , strayed away , causing him considerable trouble and expense. Misses Lou Beaidslee and Clara Hap- persett and Messrs. James McCallum and Fred Beardslee took in tle commencement - ment exercises of the McCook High school , Saturday evening last. The boys returned home Sunday , but the girls remained - mained a few days visiting McCook friends , COLEMAN. H. B. Wales has about two hundred acres of corn in. Wm. Coleman sowed five acres of alfalfa - falfa , this week. Gertie and Roy Coleman were in Cul- bertson , Thursday. Mrs. Lawrence of McCook was in this town , , Monday and Tuesday. Maude Coleman has two bantam hens that have laid 97 eggs this spring. \V. Nicklas took his little girl to Mc- Cook , Saturday , to have a tooth extract- ed. One of the eccentricities of a young man up here , is spraying his chin with a whiskyfertilizer. . There were nine farmers from this town in McCook last Saturday , and six of them were back home again by noon. In the orchard of Wm. Coleman is a crab apple tree eight feet through the top that is now full of blooms. It has apples on nearly half grown. Wesley Rozell's actions in rushing in at three o'clock in the morning and trying - ing to harness the old cow , are pardona- ble-twins , both girls. Misses Grace and Alice Cole , Gertie and Maude Coleman , Bert Wales and Frank Coleman attended the graduating exer- ctses in McCook , Saturday evening. Cheap LandWanted. William Coleman is in receipt of letters - ters already from those who want to invest - vest in cheap lands. Those who have a bargain to land should see him at once. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us to a load or two. rnipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. rnipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring 1 supply , WALL PAPER at MCMILLEN'S. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at MCMILLEN'S. . . - : s - Our stock of Nall Paper and Paints for spring trade is now complete and we invite - vite inspection. Our Prices CxuaraIlteed. MCCONNELL & Co. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran d ; Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same , rnipple is headquarters for garden seeds of all kinds , Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to roc from the district court of Red \Villow county - ty , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. D.1'.1Velty , judge of the district court of Red 11 allow county , Nebraska , on the 15th day of January. 1895 , in favor of George I locknell as plaintiff , and against George .I. Clhenery et al. , as defendants , for the sum of three hundred thirty-eight dollars and forty cents ( S3,8.4o ) , and costs taxed at $4o.oS , and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as time property of said defendants , to satisfy said judgment , to- wit , The undivided one-half interest in lot thirteen ( IJ ) , m block twenty-two (22) ( ) , in time original town of McCook : Red tiVillow county - ty , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to time highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the I5tlm clay of July , A. D. , 1895 , in front of the southh door of the court house , in Indian- ola , Nebraska , that being time building wherein - in the last term of court was held , at time hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by time undersigned. Dated , Juue 3d , 1S95.E. E. R , BANKS , Slmeriff. , l' . S. MORLAN , Attorney. 6.14-5ts. ORDER OF hIEARING ON APPOINTMENT OF ADMINiSTRATRIX. In the County Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Charles C. M. Rowell , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Imo- gene Roweli , filed this 13th day of mime , 1S95 , praying that Letters of Administration be granted her upon the goods , chattels , rights and credits of Charles C. M. Rowell , deceased - ed , who died intestate on or about the 2d day June , IS95. It is ordered , that Tuesday , July 2d , 1895 , at one o'clock , p. Iii. be assigned for a hearing in said matter , when all persons interested may appear and show cause , if such exist , why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and time hearing thereof Ie given by publishing a copy of this order in THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper published - lished in said county , for three wees prior to said day of hearing. CIIARLES 1V. BECK , 6.14-its. County Judge. 0 When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for ( 'astoria. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castorka. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ; I S. CORDEAL v. ' I : Notary Public Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. J. S. MCBRAYER PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. : Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. Chase Col Land and Live Stack Col Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder , P. 0. address Imperial. Chase county , and Beatrice - rice , Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county , Nebraska. Brand as cut on sideof some anlmalson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. --T A-t4 + 'i 74it . . , I 1 rS' I I , ' : : : t Chi ldren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i. W FORA LIMITED T1ME " 1 1 :1 : A HANDSOME Il t katherI t i. . Docket I , l r Case In FREE . trt EXCHANGE FOR tO tEti-CT t' t " 1 4AE.RTAGS , CAKEti FROM 1. . I PER. ll' ' . lt , EIPS'JL2 E t "m , r tiE 1' ! r TOBACCO FLAVOR , 1 e American Tobacco Co. i t , , I 1 NEW YORK. , i iI. I /I. i R. A. COLD 1 ' i , I/ 1I { LEADING t MERCIIANT TAILOR ' McCJOK , i , l i , , Qas just received a now stock of OLOTUR If and TRIMMINGS. It you want a good fitting - ' ting suit made at the very lowest prices for l good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Dennison ' troet. L McMILLEN .BROS. ' ll i DEALERS IN Harness & Saddlery I. ! 1 Repairing 1'1011ltl Y i 1 I Attended to. i . t fEast Dennison St , McCook , Neb. JULIUS KUNEPT r Carpet Laying , , ' Carpet Cleaning. I I : rI ani still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and sinular work. See or write me before giving such work. My ' t charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNER'1' ' , I W , V. GAGE , i ! PIIYSICIAN ANI ) SURGEON ' MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' "Office hours-9 to .I1 a. in. , 2 to 5 and I 7 to 9 p. ni. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A GUNN , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mc000K , NEBRASKA. : 'Office-Over C. A.Leacii'sjewelry store. y Residence-lot Main street. Pronipt attention - tion given to all calk. AUSTIN J. RiTTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LAV r / MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. rOfiice-Over the Famous clothing store. CHARLES H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW MCCo0K , NEIm AaKA. / 'Office-In Phillips-Meeker building. J. E. KELLEY , TTORNEY AT LAW MCCo0K , NEBRASKA. 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , i O DENTIST. p All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of / Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith I r & Bellamy , assistants. . . .LMRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano Organ Guitar and. Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALY. ' "Studio-Cornerof Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , , Real Estate , Collection , , Insurance ' ' McCooK , NEBRASKA. Xotary Public. East Dennison street. CARSON & TAYLOR , . s Proprietors : . . . SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. - - - - V We respectfully solicit your business and guarantee pure milk , full measure , an prompt , courteous service. , ,