The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 14, 1895, Image 5

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    _ L p p
: : : : _ _ . S sspsss - '
Millinery Departifielit.
Everything ; Must be Sold Regardless of
: _ ° ' the 'Wholesale Cost.
The Prices are Lover Than we Have Ever
Before Quoted You. . and Learn Hoer Cheap , we Will
! . , Sell Ev = erything in
, - 1.8. . . . I
i ' S :
Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Millinery ,
t You'll be Surprised.
ti ) r011 Y11.Gt1 1 ' Olt ,
if f i Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery.
3 r 'AT ; °
Are ersons H
' brings its full return.
Every purchase made
of him is appreciated.
j He does not assume
T : that you cannot buy
elsewhere , but he does
claim that he has the
The Leading Weekly in Western -
ern Nebraska.
No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. N.
No. 4 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 P. M.
No. 70 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M.
No. 64 , frelgtlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:80A. M.
No. 80 , freigbt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 A. M.
No. 148 , freight , made up bare. . . . 5:00 A. M.
No. 3 , througb passenger.1:35 P. M.
No. 5 , local passsenger ; . . . . . . . . . . 9:15P. M.
No. 03. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 P. M.
No. 77.freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:20 P.M.
No.149 , freight , made up here . . . . . 6:00 A. M.
No. 175 , leaves t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 A. M.
No. 176 , arrives at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. N.
'NoTE : No. 63 carrhs passengers for
Stratton , nenkelman and Haigler.
All trains run daily excepting 148,149 and
176 , which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops at nenkelman and Wray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Ar-
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola ,
Cambridge and Arapahoo.
Nos. 4 , 5.148.149 and 176 carry passengers for
all stations.
You can purchase at this office tickets to alL
principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggagr checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates , etc. call on or
addrees C. E. MA GNER , Agnetl
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon-
C. H. Weible was a Lincoln visitor ,
A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets -
lets at this office.
Oscar Varger has been transferred
from Akron to McCook.
Jacob Burnett went up to the boarding
train , Tuesday night on 5.
Mrs. J. Hegenberger went east on No.
4 , Tuesday night on a visit.
Mrs. Ed. McKay arrived home from
her Iowa visit , Tuesday night.
Mrs. Tom Wilkinson left , this week ,
for Iowa , on a visit to an aunt.
Mr. and Mrs , Steve Dwyer are home
from their visit to Galesburg , Illinois.
Mrs. J. H. Burns expects shortly to go
to New York state on a protracted visit.
Mack Wavson got left in Denver b Y
No. 2 , Monday , coming in on No. 4 , that
Brakeman Nicholson went up to Denver -
ver , Wednesday night on 3 to see the
Mrs. E. B. Odell expects very soon
to leave for California to join her hus-
Mr , and Mrs. Orville Burnett went
down to Hastings , Tuesday morning , on
a visit.
No. 4 was late , Tuesday evening , on
account of the engine breaking down at
Conductor and Mrs. S. L. Moench indulged -
dulged in a flying trip to Denver , Tuesday -
day night.
Cal LeHew went down to Lincoln ,
Tuesday morning , returning home on
No. 5 with his father.
Charlie McCarl has been transferred
to freight , Cal Throne taking the run
with Conductor Burns.
Charlie Blanding went down to Hastings -
ings , on 2 Tuesday morning , to see the
ball game , and on business.
Mrs. G. A. Noren arrived home from
Lincoln , last Friday afternoon. She
spent a few days at Orleans on her way
Mrs. Humphrey and child returned
home on No. 3 Wednesday night , from
a month's visit in Omaha and other
other eastern Nebraska points.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes went to Indianapolis -
dianapolis , Tuesday morning , to attend
the national convention of chief. dispatchers -
patchers being held there this week.
Little Alix and Robert J. , two of the
world's celebrated fast horses , passed
through here , Saturday night , in a special -
ial car attached to No. 3 , for Denver.
Rosenthall's dam across the Arickaree
near Haigler went out , Monday night ,
letting a big rush of water down the Republican -
publican river , which was very noticeable -
able at this point.
No. 3 , Wednesday night , was the
heaviest train that has gone over the
western division for some time past.
There were 209 through passengers besides -
sides the locals.
A. G. Paul , the Imperial express mes
senger , is taking in the Denver races , this
week. Will return home on Monday.
In the meantime an extra man from Oxford -
ford has his run.
Colonel George Reed , the well known
railroad advertising man has written a
polka which he has named the "Bur-
lington Railroad Polka" . General Passenger -
senger Agent Francis of the Burlington
will probably have several thousand
copies of it struck off for free distrbution
for advertising purposes-World Her-
Roadmaster Samuel Rogers has succeeded -
ceeded to the roadmastership of the east
end made vacant by the sad and generally -
ally lamented death of Roadmaster B. V.
Haley. R. A. Hagberg of Holdrege succeeds -
ceeds to the roadmastership of the west
end. Mr. Hagberg is a young man , but
has 11ad a number of pears experience in
road work as section boss , boss of the
steel gang , etc. His father before him
was one of the Burlington's old stand by
i section foremen.
' -f.
A rather remarkable literary combination -
nation has been brought to the attention
of the reading public by a great New
York Publishing house. It consists in
this : Such standard works as Balzac's
"Human Comedy" , in three superb volumes -
umes and bound in best English Cloth ,
are delivered at subscriber's residence
on payment of $ t.oo. ,
Besides this , that brightest and pleas-
antest of all the illustrated journals ,
ONCE \VEEK , is regularly mailed to
subscriber's address. Every month , fifty -
ty cents is collected at the subscriber's
residence or place of business , until the
total amount , $5.00 , is paid in full.
The three volumes mentioned are easily -
ily worth $5.00 , and are far superior to
the average three volumes sold for $5.oo
cash. But the subscriber may choose
from a list of more than twenty standard
works , all cloth bound and fit for any
The list includes the works of Scott ,
Milton , Dante , Byron , Moore , Gerald ,
Griffin , Dean Swift , Carleton , Baum ,
Oliver Goldsmith , Cervantes , "Don
Quixote" , Lever's "Handy Andy" , and
a number of other choice volumes , all in
best English Cloth.
In the case of Milton , Dante and a few
others the publisher has turned out some
striking and highly ornamental centre
table volumes.
How the publisher makes such
terms , especially in view of the high
quality of ONCE A WEEK , that is among
our most excellent exchanges-this is
something to be explained only on the
theory of a very large subscription list.
A full explanation of this $5.00 annual
subscription-payable on your own
terms , practically-will be sent if you
address "ONCE A WEEK" , 523 W. Thirteenth -
teenth Street , New York.
To California in a Tourist Sleeper.
The Burlington Route personally conducted -
ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado -
rado , T4tah and California are just the
things for people of moderate means.
Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe-
ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday -
day and go through , without change , to
San Francisco and Los Angeles. The
tourist sleepers in which excursionists
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan
and have spring seats , spring backs ,
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows ,
etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide
enough and bigenough fortwo. The route
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs ,
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento.
For rates and also for illustrated folder
giving full information , call on the nearest -
est agent of the Burlington Route or
write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Reduced Rates to Hot SpringsS.D. ,
Are offered by the Burlington Route ,
May 24th , June 7th and 19th , July 3d
and 19th , August 2d and 23d. One fare
for the round trip. Tickets good for 30
days. In addition , low round trip rates
to Hot Springs ate in effect the year
'round. For information about rates
and trains via the Burlington Route , to
Hot Springs , apply to local agent. For
illustrated folder , descriptive of this
famous resort , write to J. Francis , G. P.
& T. A. , Omaha Neb.
Horse Taken Up.
At my farm in 3o2-3o , June 2 , a bay
work horse , with white hind feet , white
strip in face , is 8 or 9 years old , will
weigh about I,2oo pounds , in medium
condition. Owner can have animal by
paying charges. J B. BALDWIN.
Alfalfa Seed for Sale.
Now is the time to plant your alfalfa
seed. I have a number of hundred
bushels for sale. Call on or write
3-2ts. Red Willow , Nebraska.
Wanted-A Broom Maker.
About July 1st , I shall want a broom
maker. Call upon or write me for particulars -
ticulars at an early date.
J. S. MAHANNA. McCook , Neb.
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon-
Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon-
Send to S. R. Smith for perfect abstracts -
stracts of title.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Buy a patent lever hose coupler from
Cochran & Co.
Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
rilla for a spring medicine.
Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes ,
for sale by Cochran & Co.
Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose
couplings. COCHRAN & Co.
Now is the proper time to begin taking
a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
parilla is the best thing to use.
Some handsome new box writing paper -
per just received at our stationery de-
partment. Prices very reasonable.
Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen
doors and wire cloth.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
. . , , A NICE ASSORTMENT OF. . . .
H Scotch Lawns
,1 Challies
LAWNS. . . . .
Nice Figured Victoria Lawns at. . . . . . . . . 8c. a yard.
JACONETS. . . , i
Special line of Figured Jaconets at. . . . . 10c. a yard.
We are overstocked on Wash Dress Goods and will " .v
make you prices to suit you.
1 TJSLINS . . . . .
Muslins have all advanced ; but we are still selling at
the old prices. ,
FOR CASH . . . .
WE Bu AND SELL FOR CASH and will save } 'oil
money on all goods in our lice.
PATTERNS . . . . . 4
We are Agents for Eutterick's Patterns.
We have at all times a complete stock of Groceries ,
and deliver goods promptly to any part of the city.
. f
. . . 5
_ _
_ t
IA 'ZasIt ' ' : ,
. 4 : JJ1JiJ11I
v- . + . .
C. I . DEGROFF & C ® .
op\ \ /t / o : H 1' a
JjJ't\\ ' \ \
. Is the Ian
Who Sells Fresh
AAA i f
And He Sells
Them Right , Too.
When you want to buy anything in the Grocery line ,
Noble is the man you want to see. He keeps the
very best goods and sells them at remarkably low
prices. He also carries a magnificent line of Lamps ,
Queensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of
Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest
in Southwestern Nebraska.
Go and See ,
Noble He Will '
_ _