The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1895, Image 6

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F. M. KIMMELL , Publirhor.
Cor. Fnr of York county last week
lost a $2,500 stallion.
FARMERS of Gage county report excellent -
: " ' cellent corn prospects.
( ' ) , ' . PIERCE county teachers will hold an
tea i nstitute August , r , to 10.
. , - SEVEN girls graduated from the
Ainsworth high school.
-'t _ . SALEM mills are running night and
1 ' ' day to keep up with orders.
A STRONG wind at Beatrice did con-
siderallle damage to shade trees.
Wong on the state fair buildings at
Omaha is going rapidly forward ,
. - . So 1E one of late has been passing a
goo d many counterfeit half dollars in
TIDE Burlington tracks. at Beatrice
are threatened with destructien by
high water.
UNIVERSITY cadets will hold their
camp at Lincoln , not Ashland , as has
been announced.
TllE number of children in the state
fs given as 302 , 729 , an increase over
last year of over 10,000.
SUI'PLICATIONS for rain have gone up
at 1earney , but at this writing the
moisture has not come.
Tiii : Mead bicycle club will have a
race meet June 10 , there being $75
worth of prizes offered.
HEREAFTER Catholic services will be
held one Sunday in each month at the
state penitentiary chapel.
JOSEPH FOREMAN , a farmer residing
five miles from St. Paul , lost his house
by fire. He had $500 rnsurance.
'THREE prosperous German farmers
of Washington county have gone on a
three month's visit to Germany.
A GANG has been robbing cars at Valley -
ley and detectives have been endeavoring -
ing to find out the guilty parties.
REv. 1in C1TEIN , who has been pas.
tor in Hastings for the past six years ,
has accepted a call from Lincoln.
IIoN. J. G. KRUSE of Knox county ,
member of the legislature , last week
' disposed of 3,000 bushels of wheat.
; ? Tis Burlington will move back
several miles of track at Brownville to
prevent destruction by high water.
TIIE roller mill at Bloomington was
c burned by ignition from a hot bearing.
Loss about $15,000 ; insurance $1,000.
A CRAZY man confined in the 'ail at
Platt smouth set fire to his bed and
would have burned to death had not
' help arrived.
THERE is a great scramble for offices
in Gage county. r there are from four
to ten candidates for the nomination
for the various offices.
. CIiAnLES McCuNE , an emigrant from
Kansas , was killed by lightning last
week near Ogalalla He was on his
'va' to British Columbia.
i Clr.alu.Es GooDEr.L , an employe of
. the Table Pock Brick and Clay company -
pany , got his foot caught in the
DAVID FEIUIEES , a very tough boy of
Valley , has been ordered p the refc-Lln 1
school for a season to think over the
rascality that landed him there.
. TAE farm residencg of L. Bailey , five
miles rem Elmwood , was set on fire
by some unknown person and destroyed - I
ed , while the family were in town.
a TIIE citizens of Hendley received an
abundant supply of pike from the State
fishery with which to stock the lake
that almost surrounds Lincoln park.
BEAVER CROSSING IS making a great
success of the artesian well industry.
A steady flow of water is struck at a
depth of from 100 to 150 feet deep
every time.
SUNDAY schools of Furnas county
held their annual convention at Rend-
ley last Sunday. Prominent speakers
from abroad were present and took
part in the exercises.
Ay old citizen named Thompson
living on a farm near Nebraska City
was seriously injured while breaking a
colt to drive. Several ribs were broken
and other injuries sustained.
\v. H. CRAIG , a leading merchant of
! Minden. gave a mortgage on his stock
to the first National bank and the bank
took possession. Poor collections and
dull times are the cause of the move.
Buy home-made goods and buildup
home industries , is a good policy : Far-
rell' Fire Extinguisher , made by Farrell -
' rell S Ca , Omaha ; Morse-Coe boots and
shoes for men , women and children.
BUERGLARS broke into the hardware
store ofMoran Bros. at Genoa , drilled
a hole in the safe and put in a fuse , but
'were probably frightened away before
getting time to explode. They took
four revolvers.
EDWIN SANFORD , a former business
man of Tecumseh. took his life while
on a north-bound Burlington train that
eras entering St. Joseph , -Flo. , by cutting -
ting his throat Mr. Sanford was a
butcher by trade , but for several years
has been running a restaurant in Te-
cumseh. He leaves a wife and six
children , two girls.and four boys , the
oldest yet in her teens. He was a man
of much drink , and when under the in-
iiuence of liquor was cruel to his family -
ily , but just the reverse when sober.
The annual convention of the Ne-
braslta State Sunday School Association
will be held at Beatrice , Junell , 12 and
13. 1595. Many of the leading Sunday
School workers of the state are on the
program , and a live convention is prom-
ised. Tickets can be furnished over
all railroads in the state , on the certificate -
cate plan , ata rate of one and one-third
fare for the round trip. Every Sunday
Sclibotl in the state is entitled to one
delegate , besidesitssuperintendentand
pastor. For copy of program address
J. Wightman , Secy. , York , Nebr.
JOHN MULLIN , sheriff of Thurston
county , arrived in Omaha last week
from Pender. He event to Omaha to
consult his attorneys with reference to
the indictment against him in the
United States court for interfering with
the Indian police on the Winnebago
NliiLMCKINNEY was before the com-
tuissioners of insanity of Clay county.
He has been mentally unbalanced for
some time. He arose early the other
i < iorning. before the other members of
rtheifamiip ; and killed all the geese on
thefarm , claiming "the devil was in
: them. " He will be sent to the asylum
.if roam can be found for him.
- L ,
GEOuGH KoocrER , a farmer living
north of O'Dell , died suddenly of heart
Z. T. WHITE , a guard at the Lincoln
penitentiary , is charged with making
a savage attack on one of the inmates.
Land Commisslonef Russell files the
charges , having been a witness to
IVhite's conduct.
TIw farming vicinity about Fairbury
has been imposed upon by a couple of
teams representing the huckster business -
ness , buying up eggs and butter and
leaving counterfeit 25 and 50 cent
money in payment'
WILSoN HALL , aged 22 , was arrested
at Wisner' for the theft of two horses
in the northwest part of Stanton county -
ty , from the farm of Fred Fuhrman.
He was taken to Stanton and confes-
sed. The property has been located.
Two UNKNOWN fishermen visited the
farm of A. Garbe , four miles north of
Grafton , and upon being ordered off ,
attacked and clubbed the hired man ,
throwing him in the river in an effort
to drown him The parties escaped.
TIIE Beatrice Hardware company has
been closed under a chattel mortgage.
The establishment was one of the largest -
gest in the city. , Liabilities , $4,000 ;
assets , $7,000. The failure is accredited -
ed to business depression and slow col-
David Paler , a prominent farmer of
Filley township , Gage . county , has
been taken to Kansas by Deputy
Sheriff Taylor of Thomas county , on a
charge of rape , Falec's own daughter
being said to be the girl who caused
his arrest.
THE store of W. P. Rockwell of
Wymore was robbed of quite an
amount of hardware , razors , knives ,
revolvers , etc. No money was left in
the-store exceptt some small change ,
which the thieves did not neglect to
appropriate. s
TuE report sent out concerning the
removal of Gates college to Norfolk
from Neligh conveys a wrong impression -
sion of the situation. The board of
trustees did not vote to change the location -
cation , nor is there the least probability -
ity of the full board , which meets in
two weeks , endorsing the recommendation -
tion of the Norfolk members and their
As SHOWN by the certificate of the
state treasurer , transmitted to the superintendent -
perintendent of public instruction on
May 20 , there is in the treasury $256-
990.42 to be apportioned among the
several counties for the support of the
schools. This apportionment has been
made by Superintendent Corbett and
each county will receive the amount
set opposit its name.
missioner Russell went out to Kearney
last week to inspect thestate buildings
and determine what improvements are
to be made at the school for juvenile
offenders. They stopped at Grand
Island on their return and secured a
memoranda for the 'work at the
soldiers' home , which will be let to bidders -
ders as soon as the advertisements can
be made.
TIIE Nebraska State Medical Society ,
which recently met in Grand Island ,
before adjourning chose the following
officers : Dr. J. I Somers , jr. , of Omaha -
ha , president ; Dr. R C. DIcloual4 Of I
Fremont , vice-president ; r. A. C. An-
deson of Pawnee City , second vice-
president ; Dr. Geo. Wilkinson of On a-
ha , recording secretary ; Dr. W. M.
Knapp of Lincoln , treasurer. Fremont
was selected as the place for holding
the nett meeting.
I'tiE body of Robert F. Fawcus , who
was so brutally murdered by F. 1Y.
Bozarth , at Camp Clarke , was taken to
Sidney for burial. The victims back
was almost ripped open by the buckshot -
shot which had been fired from the gun
only twenty-five yards away. The
coroner s jury returned a verdict that
the deed had been done with premeditation -
tation and felonious intent and held
Bozarth for murder to the first degree.
TllE arrangement for holding Cltho-
lie services at the penitentiary every
fourth Sunday has long been in contemplation -
templation , says the Lincoln Journal.
Elder Howe aid 1Yarden Bemer cordially -
ally assented to such a plan a long time
ago , and it would have been put into
effect then had the bishop been prepared -
pared to send a priest regularly. Elder
Howe is credited with great liberality i
in his conduct of the otlice of chaplain.
He sends for clergymen of all denorni-
nations as they are asked for by the
R. W. FAWCUS was shot at his ranch
near Camp Clark by F. W. Bozarth ,
another ranchman , who lay concealed
behind some brush and as laweus
came by on horseback shot him in the
back , killing him instantly. Bozarth
had previously threatened to kill anyone -
one who would close the headgate of a
ditch owned by the Chimney Rock
Canal company , in which they were
both interested. Someone had closed
the headgate and Bozarth supposed it
to have been done by Faweus , which
was not the case.
A WASHINGTON dispatch says : Surgeon -
geon Julian .1. Cabell , U. S. A. . recently
stationed ar Fort\iobrara , Neb. , while
jumping from a moving railroad train
fell under the wheels and received serious -
rious injuries. One of his legs was
amputated below the knee and portions
of his right foot which was badly
crushed , were also taken off. Dr. Ca-
bell is one of the brightest surgeons in
the army and made a host of friends
in Nebraska while he was stationed in
the department of the Platte.
TuE report published some time since
that Judge Walceiy would try the case
of the state against ex-State Treasurer
Hill alone , is denied by those who are
in a position to know the facts. G. M.
Lambertson will continue in the case
as one of the states counsel. Judge
Wakeley has a contract , made with
Governor Craunse to try the case for a
fee of 3.000 and $2,000 additional if he
secures a judgment for $1,000. And
Mr. Lambertson has a contract for a
fee of $1,500 and a total of $2,500 if he
secures a judgment for $1,000.
KIMEL BARNS , a hardware dealer at
Broken Bow , wheeled into South
Omaha the other night and Omaha the
next day , after riding a distance that
his cyclometer recorded at 300 ; miles ,
from the capital of Custer county to
the metropolis via Lincoln. Mr. Burns
averaged' seventy-five miles a day and
covered the road from Lincoln to South
Omaha in five hours
HENRY KLELV of Gage county committed -
mitted suicide by hanging in a barn on
the premises of J. L. Weideman ;
twelve miles southwest of Beatrice.
Ile was about 35 years of age and
single. The cause is attributed 'to disappointment -
appointment in love.
. . .
- - - -
Presence of the United States Man-of
War Insures a .Jufet Election for
Peru-Big Petroleum Blaze Subdued
Lima , Peru , June 3.-Owing to the
presence of the United States man-of-
war Monterey , which has been lying off
the coast for several days , the elections
will pass off quietly. The election 1s to
choose a constitutional government in
place of the provincial government recently -
cently selected through the Intervention -
tion of the papal nuncio after the success -
cess of the revolutionists. Indications
already point to a return of stable government -
ernment , with a revival of American
financial Interests. The citizens of Lima
are of the opinion that if the Monterey
had been in Peru during the revolution -
tion , when the Insurgents captured the
city , plundered dwellings and left the
dead unburied In the streets for two
days , its presence would have averted
these scenes of slaughter and the attendant -
tendant paralysis of commercial inter-
ests. The arrival of the Monterey was
greeted with wild enthusiasm.
Moraes' Government Assert that the Marines -
rines Invaded Neutral Territory.
Rio Janeiro , June 3.--The Official
Gazette asserts that a fight took place
between French marines and Brazilians
on May 15. Lieutenant Lumier ordered
the imprisonment of Cabral , but the
latter resisted and shot Lumier. The
French force advanced and burned the
village of Cabralo , but the Brazilians
returned and compelled the French to
retire. Two Brazilians and one Portuguese -
guese were taken prisoners by the retreating -
treating troops.
The Brazilian government declares
that the French had no right to invade
neutral territory. The episode , taken
together with the many other foreign
complications , may cause the resignation -
tion of the minister of foreign affairs ,
General Carvalho. The French minister -
ter has been ordered to make an energetic -
ergetic protest.
Harburg Fire Is Subdued.
Harburg , June 3.-The great petroleum -
troleum fire which broke out at Har-
burg , six miles from here , at the works
of the Bremen Trading company , destroyed -
stroyed five tanks of oil and a great
deal of other property , has been mastered -
tered , although the inner tanks are still
blazing. The damage done is estimated
to amount to $500,000. During the fire
huge mounds of earth were thrown up
around the burning tanks , thus preventing -
venting the flames from spreading to
the adjoining factories and houses.
The Guiser factory and the American
company's petroleum depot were saved ,
as the wind drove the flames in the direction -
rection of the Elbe.
Nine Are Already Dead.
Edinburgh. June -A shaft in the
Fifeshire colliery caught fire this morn-
ing. Nine persons have died from injuries -
juries received in trying to escape.
Earthquakes in Austria.
Vienna , June 3.-Two sharp earthquakes -
quakes were felt at Laibach , capital of
the Duchy of Carniola , yesterday.
1Ier Captain Makes a Statement as to
the Collision with the Norman.
Alpena , Mich.June 3.-The Canadian -
dian steamer Jack , which collided with
and sank the steel steamer Norman
yesterday morning , is now sunk at
False Presque Isle. Her stern is in
twenty-four feet of water and her bow
in nineteen feet. The forward end of
the boat is badly stoC in , the decks
split and the timbers parted from the
stem by at least eight inches. She may
le , raised. There . is no insurance on
+ roa -
boat or cargo. - - - - - .
The stateil ents of the captains of the
Norman , Jack and Sicken all agree that
there were many boats in the vicinity
of the wreck , and that all were blowing -
ing their whistles. This may account
for the difference in regard to the whistle -
tle signals said to have been given and
received by the Norman. The latter
was without cargo , and her bridge was
high in the air , enabling her captain
to see the Jack's light over the fog.
The Jack was low down , which probably -
ably accounts for her not seeing the
Norman until close to her. The Norman - '
man sank in about 1S0 feet of water.
Nothing has been seen of the bodies of
those drowned.
Mrs. Martha 3r. Elms of Minneapolis
Kills lrcr Daughter and herself.
Minneapolis , Minn. , JuneA
strange case of murder and suicide occurred -
curred at an early hour this morning.
Mrs. Martha M. Elias and her daughter
Annie were found weltering in their own
blood in their rooms on Nicolett ave-
nue. The old lady had evidently shot
the girl as she slept , and then turned
the revolver on herself , blowing the
whole top of her head off. They were
well-to-do , and the only apparent
cause for the tragedy lies in the supposition -
position that Mrs. Elias' mind. had been
affected by the violent death of her husband -
band seven years ago.
. Mrs. Gresham to Live In Chicago.
Washington , June 3.-It is announced
that Mrs. Gresham will not return to
Washington , but will make her residence -
dence in Chicago hereafter with her
children. All the effects of the late
secretary at the Arlington have been
packed up and will be shipped to Chi-
cago. As Secretary Gresham has no
real property here , it is believed his
will will not be submitted for probate
in Washington.
Monthly Coinage Statement.
Washington , June 3.-The monthly
coinage statement of the director of the
mint shows the coinage of gold during
the month of May to have been $4,163-
937 , and of silver , $440,503. The minor
coinage amounted to $57,510. Of the silver -
ver coinage $150,150 was in standard
. , _ ,
Three Clever I'ostolRce Thieves Captured
in New York City ,
New York , June 3.-The biggest and
most daring series of postofce robberies -
beries that has ever been perpetrated
since the department was organized has
just come to light. Three men have
been arrested in this city. They are
Joseph Killoran , Charles Allen and
Harry Russell. They are held in $5-
000 bail each for examination on Mon-
The Scranton postoffice was robbed
last August , during the absence of
Postmaster Vanding and his assistant
at the noon hour. The thieves entered
the vault by the inner steel door and
took away over $8,300 worth of postage
stamps in their original packages. On
Dec. 3 the postofflce in Hoboken was
entered during the absence of Postmaster -
master Curran and $6,561 North of postage -
age stamps were taken. On April 3
last the postoffice in Springfield , Ill. ,
was robbed and upward of $6,000 worth
of postage stamps taken. In this case
also there was no forcing of doors. It
was sneak thieving , pure and sitnple.
"We know from our previous experl-
ence , " said Inspector Holden , "when we
began to investigate these cases , that
there were only twelve men in the United -
ed States who could do this kind of
work. They are scientific bank sneak
thieves. We have been scouring the
country for evidence and have spent
five months in following various clues.
The roundup became closer and closer
until me finally identified Killoran , Allen -
len and Russel as three of the postof-
flee thieves. "
Mexico's Executive Is Affected with Inflammation -
flammation of the Eyes.
City of Mexico , June 3.-President
Diaz is confined to his bed with a very
serious inflammation of the eyes. Dr.
Lopez , director of the medical college ,
I Il
has made an exhaustive examination
of the case and reports the condition
of the president as threatening serious
consequences. He has been confined to
his bed for four. days and his sight' is
greatlyP interferred with. No ministers
or other visitors have been received in
three days , and there is much apprehension -
hension among those fully acquainted
with the gravity of the president's
physical condition.
Report of the American Society Pro-
. . _ _ _
.v. seated at the Saratoga Meeting.
Saratoga , N. Y : , June 3.-After the address -
dress of the president , the seventy-first
annual report of the board of managers -
ers of the American Baptist Publication
society was presented this morning.
The sales for 1S94 were $497S07 ; those
for 1595 , $532,763. All other receipts
amounted to $19,949. Six thousand seven -
en hundred and sixty dollars have been
transferred from the profits of the publication -
lication department to the missionary
department. In the missionary work
of the society a deficit of $3S6S is report-
ed. This , added to the deficit last year ,
gives a total deficit in the missionary
department of $1S,401.S8. The entire
amount received the past year for Bible
work was $15,242 , and for missionary
work $112,605.78.
The annual amount received during
the year for Bible work was $1,242.54.
To meet the needs of Bible work until
Bible day , in November nett , $10,850 remains -
mains ,
Fred Douglass Monument.
Rochester , N. Y. , June 3.-The committee -
mittee having charge of the construction -
tion of the monument which is to be
erected in this city in honor of the
memory of the late Frederick Douglass
is examining the bids submitted by the
contractors. The design specifies that
there sharl be a statue of Douglass
eight feet in height , of the best bronze ,
to stand upon a pedestal of granite.
This is the first instance irr , which there
has been a general public movement
for the erection of a monument to a
colored man , and liberal contributions
have already been made for the pur-
pose. Douglass made his home at
Rochester in ante-bellum days , and has
always been regarded by the people of
this city as a fellow townsman.
Killed by ills Stepson.
Clarksville , Tenn. , June 3.-Luke
Alle , aged 63 , was shot and killed last
evening by William Mallory , his step-
son. Mallory first caused his mother
to break one of her thighs by pushing
her out of a door. He then seized a
pistol and shot his stepfather from behind -
hind , killing him instantly. After firing -
ing four more shots into the head of the
already dead man the- young fiend
escaped. He is thought to have gone
to Kentucky , where he has a brother.
Good Signs of the Times ,
New York , June 3.-Reports to Brad-
street's from manufacturing industries
at seventy-five cities east of the Rocky
mountains show that more than 227 important -
portant manufacturing concerns started -
ed up between April 1 and a week ago ,
by reason of which 53,000 employes have
secured work.
Barrett Will Recover.
New York , June 3.-Justice Barrett ,
who was overcome by the heat and fell
fainting from the chair while presiding
at the trial of Police Inspector William
McLaughlin in the court of oyer and
terminer , will recover. The fainting
was due to the stifling atmosphere of
the court room.
Erie Foreclosure.
New York , June 3.-Receiver McCul-
lough , of the Erie Railway , stated today -
day that foreclosure- proceedings would
be instituted probably within two
. , . ,
Cannon Used in tim War Spiked-Monn-
ment to Jerry Rusk Unveiled at Viro-
qua , Wis.-Tho Day Celebrated Elae-
Chicago , May 31.-The dedication of
the monument to southern soldiers
buried in Oakwoods cemetery was the
principal event of the daytin Chicago ,
owing to the prominence of the men
taking part. The attending generals ,
other officers and distinguished visitors
under escort of the Chicago City Troop ,
Capt. M. L. C. Funkhauser commanding -
ing , were driven to the 12th street station -
tion Illinois Central railroad , where
they boarded the train for 60th street.
As the procession passed along Michigan -
gan avenue en route to the depot battery -
tery D , I. N. G , , Capt. Alfred Russell
commanding , fired a national salute of
46 guns. On the arrivall of the train at
60th street the distinguished party
alighted and , again taking carriages ,
were joined by detachments from the
National guard , grand army posts and
confederate veterans and the combined
bodies , preceded by a military band , all
under escort of the black Hussars ,
Capt. T. S. Quincy commanding ,
marched in funeral parade to the graves
and motiitment site in Oakwoods. A
most interesting program of music and
addresses was given , followed by the
ceremony of consecrating the guns , as
follows : At first cannon-Col. Stewart :
"This gun , having fired its last shot enfield
field of battle , will now be sounded and
then silenced forever. Spike the gun ! "
Whereupon the spiking party spiked the
cannon , Lieut. Col. France placing the
spike and Comrade Noel driving it
home. After the gun was spiked Col.
Stewart assisted Miss Lucy Lee Hill on
a pedestal and the lady said : "This
cannon , with its glorious record on field
of battle , having teen silenced forever
I do consecrate to the memory of the
valorous soldiery we now monument ,
as a military decoration for their
bravery and honor unto death. " The
same ceremony was repeated with three
other guns. '
Decoration Day Fittinly Observed at
the Illinois Capital.
Springfield , Ill. , May 31.-Special features -
tures of Decoration day observance at
the capital were the pilgrimage of Ransom -
som post , G. A. R. , of St. Louis , to the
tomb of Lincoln ; the dedication of the
Grand Army monument at Oak Ridge
cemetery and the ceremony of transferring -
ring the custody of Lincoln monument
from the monumental association to the
state , which will hereafter have charge
of it and make it free to all visitors.
The visitors were received by local
Grand Army posts , Sons of Veterans
and Company C , I. N. G. , and marched
to the cemetery , where interesting exercises -
ercises were held at the tomb of Lin-
coln. Senator Cullom delivered a brief
address of welcome ; which was responded -
ed to by Mayor Walbridge , of St. Louis ,
Rev. i r. Burnham , of St. Louis , delivered -
ered an oration , and this was followed
by singing the Grand Army ritual ,
strewing flowers , etc.
Miners Will Not Strike.
CoIumbus , 0. , May 30.-There will be
no national strike of the mine worhars
declared. This conclusion was reached
yesterday by the sixty-five delegates to
the interstate convention of United
mine workers now in session In this
city. At the meeting 4o-day an attempt
will be made to recommend a scale to
be adopted.
Adjournec ! Till Tuesday.
Springfield , Ill. , May 31.-The senate
repented of its decision to hold a session
on Decoration day , and after convening
this morning adjourned without transacting -
acting any impcrtant business. A few
committee reports were presented , and
the senators then signed an agreement
to do no business until next Tuesday.
The house will meet to-morrow.
Question of Life Insurance.
Jacksonville , Fla. , May 31.-Judge
gram from Key \'Test , Fla. , says : "The
steamship Mascotte , from Havana ,
brings the news that Marti's death is
authoritatively denied in that city. It
is reported that Marti's life was insured
for $50,000 , which his wife attempted to
collect. The insurance company demanded -
manded proof of his death from Martinez -
tinez Campos , which was refused. "
Ohio Republicans Adjourn.
Zanesville , Ohio , May 31.-The convention -
tion reassembled at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning , completed the State ticket , as
given below , an'J at 2 p. m. adjourned.
Following is the complete ticket : Asa
S. Bushnell , Governor ; A. W. Jones ,
Lieutenant-Governor ; W. D. Guilbert ,
Auditor ; Thad. A. Minshall , Supreme
Judge ; Josiah B. Allen , Supreme Court
Clerk ; Frank S.Monnett , Attorney-Gen-
eral ; mucl B. Campbell , Tre : surer ;
E. L. Lybarger , Board of Public Works.
Prominent Men Banquet.
Chicago , May 31.-The banquet given
by the citizens of Chicago last night in
honor of the distinguished ex-Confeder-
ate officers who have met in Chicago to
dedicate the Oakwoodg monument was
an enthusiastic and conspicuous suc-
cess. Among those present and responding -
spending to toasts wee the following :
Gen. Butler , Gen. Longstreet , Gen. John
C. Black , Gen. Fitzhugh Lee , Gen. Wade
Occupation of Chitral.
Calcutta , May 31.-It is announced in
a dispatch from Simla that it is understood -
stood the government of India advises
the permanent occupation of Chitral by
British troops and the building of a
road there to connect with other British -
ish military routes' from the south.
The Seventeen-Year Pest Is Beginning
Its Ravages.
Des Moines , Iowa , May 31.-From a
number of places In this county come
reports that the seventeen-year locusts ,
the scourge that impoverished the
Northwest a number of years ago , are
here again. The last time they visited
this section was in 1878. Thus far the
locusts have not done much damage to
crops , but seem to prefer the trees. But
in some places they have destroyed all
green vegetation over a large area.
They are daily multplying in numbers
and the most serious results are ex-
iv 1T
- KI
Edmunda Opens the Campaign In the-
t , East.
Philadelphia , Pa. , May 30. The opening -
ing gun of the "sound" money campaign -
paign was fired last night at an enthu-
slastic public meeting in the Academy ' '
of Music. The principal speakers of the
evening were : Ex-United States Senator -
ator George F. Edrr unds , ex-Comp-
traller of the Currency William L.
Trenholm , Congressman Michael D.
Harter , of Ohio , ex-Minister to Russia.
Charles Emory Smith , and Joseph
Rrharton. i
Mr. Edmunds said the sound money j
question must be decided by political'
action , not party action. The speaker-
discussed the variation in value of the- )
two metals. "If any faith can be put in. Lt
human experlence , " he said , "It ought
to teach us that we cannot make a.
given amount of silver worth any more
It Is printed at the mint with the , ,
stamp of the United States than it wad r
before. If the last congress had passed " : i
on March 3 , the last day of its session , ' ' '
what is no w vociferously demanded by
the free coinage people , every owner
and. producer of silver bullion would'
take his ounces of silver to the mint-
worth 63.43 cents-and get $1.29. And ,
having got more than two silver dol- I
Jars for his ounces of silver , he would' ;
come to the workingman to whom he I
owes for labor and say : 'If I had bought
it in metal it would have taken ten , , ' '
pounds ; but I have taken it to a benfi- I
cent United States office and had it ' . I
stamped and you must take five pounds ! ' I
of '
, . r.
Ex-Comptroller 1
Trenholm said : .By 1. i
general admission the gold idea and the '
silver idea are irreconcilable. A decisIon -
Ion as , to which Is the right one can .
only be reached by reasoning predicated' I
upon the facts and guided by logic. The- , i
principle of a definite and unchangeable -
able monetary unit guided ' us to'i '
resumption in 1879 , and since then it has / °
secured for us ultimate safety in all the- } f
viclssitudest of business and all the
commercial and financial panics that ! =
have swept over our country. " f
Congressman Harter argued that am
abundance of money did not always m
prevent commercial and business de-
pression. On the contrary , he urged ,
some of our financial panics had come
at a time when money was redundant.
Charles Emory Smth spoke on "The
Workingman's Interests. "
Mrs. Notson'6 Leave of Absence. i
OMAHA , May 30.-I desire to state
that Mrs. Notson secured leave of absence -
sence from her school in August before
she had ever seen Mr. Corbett or corn- I
municated with him at all. After his
election she asked me to write him a
letter in her behalf. At that time she
distinctly told me that he had never
promised to appoint her as his deputy ,
but that she most earnestly desired the
position , and I inferred from what she
said that she thought she had earned it
from the party. I have it from the
gentlemen themselves that she told
two others precisely what she told me
-that Mr. Corbett had never promised.
her the deputyship. From all her conversation -
versation with me , it appeared that she
simply'hoped to induce him to appoint t
her , although he had made no promise
Mr. Corbett was the choice of the
people of this state , is filling an important -
portant office with credit to himself I
and to the advantage of the schools of , ,
the state. There is certainly nothing }
in thismatter which should call for his " j
condemnation or for the withdrawal
from him of public confidence.
A. I' 1LAurr.E ,
Superintendent of Omaha Public
LINCOLN , Stay 30.-I entirely concur
in Superintendent Marble's conclu-
sions. From all the information obtainable -
tainable , there certainly seems a strong I
injustice in attempting to make Superintendent -
intendent Corbett at all accountable
for Mrs. Nottson's death '
Chancellor University of Nebraska.
Crisp Favors Free Coinage.
Atlanta , Ga. , May 30.-Speaker Crisp ,
puts a quietus on the discussion of his '
views on the financial question in the
following card given out for publication -
tion : "Ever since I gave consideration
to the question I have been a believer
in and an advocate of the free and unlimited -
limited coinage of silver. " ' m
Municipal League Convention.
Cleveland , May 30.-The Municipal
League convention was called to order
this afternoon. There are a large number -
ber of delegates in town and more are
arriving on every train. Prior to the '
opening of the convention the board of
delegates held a business session. The
feature of the proceedings was a paper
by Clinton Rodgers Woodruff , secretary
of the National Reform league.
Oootatlons from New York , Chicago , St.
Louis , Omaha and Elsewhere.
] linter-Creamery separator16 U 17
{ mutter-I-airtogood country , l'i 9 14
Eggs-Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10V.
Honey'-t er b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 : r I6 r
Hens-Live. her ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6'/'r4 - 7
Lemons-Choice Messinas. . . . . 5J w 4 ( Y )
Uranges-Fioridas , per hot. . . . 3 50 Q 3 75
Potatoes. 1i9 I 75
] leans-Navy , hand-picked. bu 1I0 'd'210 +
hay-Upland , per ton.- 50 ( iii 9 of
Unions-Per ini. 1 00 ' . 1 9)
carrots-1 er bbl. 1 Jl cr. I ,5
CranherrrlesJerseys11 5) U712 0)
Bogs-Mixed packing.- 4 (1J 4.4 2 ;
flogs-heavy weights. . . . . . . . . . 4 20 1G 4 U
beeves-stockers and feeder. 2 50 c6 ; :149
Ileef i teers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 09 cb 5
bulls.- - - rn 3 Z5
275 (350 ' '
: tags. .
carves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 ( ; 4f
cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 't.40 ( ) ,
heifers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 a' J 50
1Ytsterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to & t ( A t '
: tieeu--Lambs. ' 7. ; u. 5 ' 0 ,
: Leep-Choice natives.- 3 25 it 4 25
Wheat-No.2spring. . . . . . . . . . . . T'4 60a-
Corn-l'er bu. "s ' S1z I ,
Uatser bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 u 2s i.
Pori : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12fJJ 4iLr2 , .
Lard : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 E : ii W
Hogs-acers nd ixed. 4 4) t 4 43
l.attle-Steerscommon to ext. 4 t0 L 6 0 ,
sheep-Lambs 4 00 i4 50 .
heep-Good to fancy. . . . . . . . . . 3 00 ? 4 75 .
MW YORE. - _ 1
Wheat , No. 2 , red winter. . . . . . . 80 Q k)14 ,
torn-NO. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . tf m
Uats-'C.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 41 : I33 (
Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 00 19 W
Late. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 4L G 5I ,
Wheat-No 2 red , cash. . . . . . . . . 83 . 8341
corn-Perbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51j ! : 5114 '
( tats-I'er be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t1 t. 29y .
Hogs-Mixed packing. . . . . . . . . . 4-25 ' % s 4 43
tattle-Hutchersteers. . . . . . . . . 4 0 ; rG 4 33
} rcen-ldixeo natives. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 = 4 50 '
Lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 4 tO
Wheat-No. 2hard..I 81 'it 8145.
Corn-No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 t . 494.
Oats-\o. " . . . 29 'm 29.
tattle-stockers and feeders. 2 40 c. 4 35
begs-Mixed packer. . . . . . . . . . 3 J0 ti. 4.