The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1895, Image 4

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" By F , M. KIMMELL ,
, .
Mrs. Prentice visited with i rs.
H , B. Wales , Saturday. .
. Herr Y Smith } lab moved onto
the PoterGroves place ,
Nearly all the farmers are P lout.
ing coin , since the rain ,
.Miss So P hie $ anlein of _ McCook
was visiting here , recently.
The recent rains Suers all .that
any sane man could ask fol. .
If any one wants to leave the
, .
county Y > now the Y .can float off. -
John Divine has gone to tvork
t for N , J. Johnson of fhb South
, ' , s fie .
. a Tomato , cabby g a , and other
plants are being planted in abun-
142x. H. B. Wales has three
teams .turning the prairie down
. j side up.
i :
a ° Bert Wales and Will Prentice
were getting ready to pull for Colorado -
orado , tint have changed their
4 minds and g one to work since the
Jane 5th it is sixteen ears toy -
' day since we first drove over this
town. There was not a horse to
be seen , not a lice or furrow broken
r' out and no sirens of a habitation
a b
ill sight. b 1Ve s p ant the summer
alone and only saw five men during -
ing our stay. Ve hauled water
eight miles for self and three
horses. 1Ve the took bows from
the wagon , planted the ends in the
ground , stretched the cover over
them , and that was our kitchen ,
dining room , parlor and best room.
The first breaking that was done
here we held the plow handles.
The farmers faces all wear a
broad smile , now-a-days.
Don Ttom ] P son will PY ball
with the Danbury team , the remainder -
mainder of the season.
L. A , Stephens and Cliff Dun-
ham went over to North Platte ,
last week , in search of work.
Charles Stewar > ; of Easton , Pa. ,
Was 100king Over 1119 ranChd9 On
Dry creek , Saturday of last week ,
The teachers and children of
the Prospect Sunday school are
preparing to celebrate Children's
day nest Sunday at 11 o'clock a , m.
Charlie Boatman and Harry
Wade have given up their trip to
Iowa , and Will finish listing corn
in the drouth stricken Red Pillow
I nipple is headquarters for
all kinds of garden seeds , Call
and see His supply and get his
prices before laying in your stock
ti foe' s ring planting. ,
Don't fol'get to Oome and see us
When you want any kind of lob
printing. We are the people who
'do the nice printing.
gnipple is headquarters for
balk seeds. Don't fail to consult
Him before buying your spring
-u PP 1.
. Bu YY our writin gPP er at
THE TRIBIIPiE office. All kinds 7n
stock and . .P rises vex Y reasonable
Bulk and .g order seeds at I - .ni P -
P 1. .
Try : , .McMillen's , Damask--Rose
Lotion , for . face and Hands :
Bulk and garden seeds atI mp-
p e s. .
Ice Cream Soda 5c. at , ; ,
' C rIhLKN'S.
BALL P9P ER , at
Icl1I > zLEN's.
Ice Cream Soda at
. . . . _ % . . - _ . . .DIC ZILLEIV S. . _
. e
1. _ - # .
Mrs , Larry McEntee went up to
McCook , Monday evening , on a
visit t4 friends ,
Mr , Kessler made his dau g titer ,
Mrs. Charles Lehn , at ) tlcCook , a
short visit , Wednesday. : , ,
Sheriff Banks and Lawyer Starr ,
'sojourned in the metropolis , Sat-
urda Y evening , between trains.
- County Judge Beak J was < up to
blGCook Wednesda YE tostteud , : rk , the
funerals of the late B. V sHr lAy
and C. C. M. Rowell.
Rev. Bernard Sproll of Saint
Virgilius church made a short visit
to our county's metropolisTuesday , .
eyeniu g oin g east - fromthore ° on
No. 2 , '
Sheriff and Mrs. Bunks , District
Clerk and Mrs , Bond Mr , and
-IlTrs. 0. D Moser and Mrs : C. H.
Russell all attended the funerals
at McCook Wednesda Y of this
weelr ,
12rs. C. B. Hoag attended the
funerals at McCook , Wednesday ,
of the late B : V. Haley and C. C. M.
Rowell , victims of the washout disaster -
aster , Sunda Y ni g ht between Edi-
son and Orford.
The board of education have reelected -
elected all the present corps of
teachers for the ensuing school
year , but Principal L , W , Smith
will be succeeded by a gentleman
from Iowa , who comes strongly
recommended as a progressive and
able instructor.
xETxEr yeti fight or work ,
don't make to much fuss about it.
The hen cackles after slie has laid
her egg. The noisy fizzle of the
locomotive is not much force. All
force is silent , The hee haw of
the mule may startle you-but is
not nearly so dangerous as its hind
logs. Bear iu mind that it is the
empty wagon that rattles most
when in motion. The noise of the
drum is clue to the fact That there
19 llOthIDg in it. Bear in mind
that Y on can't startle the world b Y
jumpinb up and shouting "Boo" !
Thought is the great.motive power ,
and don't you fall into the mistake
of believing othertivise.
Frank Schmoldt , file twelve-
year-old son of Frank Schmoldt of
11'Iissouri Ridge precinct , about ten
miles south of here , was drowned
in a pond in the vicinity of his
father's farm , Tuesday afternoon
of this week. The lad was engaged
in herding cattle , and it is supposed -
posed he slipped into deep water
while playing with leis dog it is
said that the lad would throw his
whip into the water and send the
dog in after it-and it is thought
probable that while thus engaged
the bank of the pond gave way ,
precipitating him into the water.
Not being an e art swimwer he
teas drowned. His absence was
noted by hisfather , who discovered
the remains of his son in the bottom -
tom of the pond , which was
formed by the recent heavy rains
in a canyon. The boy was not
considered very bright. His moth-
erbeing absent visiting in Iowa ,
makes the burden of the father
the Heavier and harder to bear.
The funeral ser zces were held at
Indianola on Wednesday.
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wellshe sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same. '
Ice cream soda-S cents-at 11icCon-
Send to S. R. Smith for perfect abstracts -
v ,
stracts of title , -
Scfeen doors and wire'cloth , all sizes ,
for sale by Cochran R Co.
Lawn 5prinL-lers and hose and hose
couplings. COCHRAN & Co.
Telegraph numbers of land or lots to
S. R Smith and abstract of title will be
sent same day.
Now is the proper time to begin Lakin g
a spring medicine. IcConnell's Sarsaparilla -
parilla is the best thing to use. .
Iawm SF rinklers and , hose , amd hose
couplings : - " COCaRAN C Co. ;
. . - . . Y
The lantern class entertainment , Last
Friday evening , in honor of the members
of J , K. Barnes post , G. A R , was a
very tnteresting affatr , and attracted
enough people to the east ward assembly
room to fill the room twice over. Little
Frank Colfer welcomedthe veterans very
cleverly. Then followed the exhibition
of war scenes ou the canvas , punctuated
and accentuated by a splendid series of
musical performances by the choir , orchestra -
chestra and individuals , A number of
veterans spoke as scenes were pictured
on the canvas in which they had been
personally engaged , These little talks
were quite absorbing. The occasion was
.one of educatEOnal. and patrrottc advantage -
age , replete with interest and noticeably
stimulating. It was enjoyed by , the
soldiers , civilians and pupils all. .
Superintendent Valentine gave one of
his most enjoyable readings , Tuesday
evening. Hezeadfrom "God's Fool" .
It was a raie treat , as are all the gentle-
man's readings , an invitation to which
is prized by many.
The school board meeting of lionday
evening was postponed untill next Dion-
day evening.
One might think from the accounts in
the Chicago daily press that the breaking -
ing ofthe Curtis lake was a regular little
Conemaugh disaster. But it was not. It
was only a fake so far as those appalling
particulars are concerned. The damage
wtll not exceed a few thousand dollars ,
the large figures and other terrible and
calamitous features fortunately were confined -
fined to the fertile imagination of the
hysterical special correspondents and
telegraph editors.
The pumps at the pumping station of
the crty ater works had to be shut
down , Saturday night , on account of the
high water iu the Republican river invading -
vading the pump room , making their
operation for the time impossible. Fortunately -
tunately there was sufficient water in the
standpipe to fill the domestic demands
of the city until pumping could be re-
sumed. '
William Byfield says that the river
canyon near his place was the highest ,
first of the week , from the recent rains ,
that it has been in nine years. Stephen
Bailey , who has lived here ever since
and before there was a 11IcCook , says
that he never saw the Republican so full
before from rains.
The reports as they slowly get in from
the various sections of the county indicate -
cate that the ] ate heavy rains have caused
considerable damage to. county roads
and budges and culverts , and the cry
goes up for prompt 'reports , whrch the
county authorities will doubtless make
at once.
The rains found all the open places in
the roof of the llenard opera house , and
the plastering of both stories suffered ac-
cordingly-that of the hall particularly
being badly damaged , so much in fact ,
that it is feared much of it will yet drop
Commissioner Ryan states that county
roads , bridges and culverts have suffered
not a little from the recent heavy rains ,
and the .damage and expense will be
considerable on that account.
We learn from a reliable private source
that the irrigating ditches of Dundy
county were badly damaged by the re-
centheavy rains in this part of Iv'e-
braska. .
They had a small cloud burst at the
head of Brush creek , last Thursday , and
fencing in that neighborhood suffered ,
The creek was unprecedentedly high.
F. S. Wilcox has s5o acres of alfalfa
and 30o acres of corn that are doing
splendidly since the rain , and Fowler is
feeling gayer.than a peacock.
We ] earn from a private source of the
advemt imto the home of Dr. and 14irs ,
T. B. Stutzman of Davenport , Nebraska ,
of an infant son , last Week ,
Plumber Burgess and 111arshal Jordan
are around , this week , testing the lawn
sprinklers for this season.
J.111. Huet's flood water ditch was a
roaring success in more than one sense.
We Burn Wood
When we can get it , If your subscription -
tion isdelinquent and you have the wood
bring us in a load or two' .
11icConnell's Sarsaparilla.
ItiicConnell's Sarsaparilla.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Ice cream soda-S cents-at DlcCon-
Ice cream sodacentsat hicCon-
White Pine Cough Syrup , by llcliillen ,
. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from
Cochran & Co.
S. R. Smith , Indianola , bonded abstracter -
stracter , furnishes abstracts same clay or-
Cochran & Co. handle the best Refrigerators -
frigerators in the market. A large stock
now on hand.
Some handsome new ties writing paper -
per just. received at our stationery department -
partment , Pnces very reasonable. ;
Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen
doors and wire cloth. ,
. . . . - u. . Y e C
. . . . .a7. - . r.r- - -
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
Spectacles , Eye , Senses Specialist
Of Lincoln , Pleb , will be in our city ,
Wednesday , June firth , to remain three
or four days. Dr , 1liagee is a graduate
of the Chicago Ophthalmic college and
makes a specialty of the correction of
errors of refraction. 3lany people suffer
from uncorrected errors of refraction and
do not suspect the cause of pain in the
eyes : headache , dry , smarting lids , red
and inflames eyeballs , a feeling of sand
ih the eyes , are all evidences of error
of retraction. Dr. 111agee will be at Dr.
Boyle's office , 11leeker building , where
he tivill be pleased to meet all citizens of
11TcCook who may need spectacles. Consultation -
sultation free. Don't forget the date of
Dr. illagee's vESrt to our city to test eyes
and fit glasses. The Dr. comes well
recommended. Our townsmanllr , J. F
Robinson , dispatcher in t } e railroad
office , rs tivearing glasses fitted by him.
All persons suffering from weak eyes or
defective vision , from any cause , should
call on Dr..1lagee at Dr. Boyle's office.
He wrll be here June tz , r3 , and r. } .
Homeseekers' Excursions.
On flay zrst and Juue ttth , iS95 , the
Burlington Route will sell round-trip
tickets at one lo eest standard first-
class fare , except that the minimum
round-trip rate shall be 7 , to all points
in the states of Arkansas , Colorado ,
Kansas , PTebraska , tV } oming , Indian
Territory , Oklahoma Territory , Texas
and points in South Dakota oEZ the line
of the B. lI R R. , all points in llis-
sourisouth of Kansas City , and all points
in Utah except points on line of Southern -
ern Pacific R. R Limited to continu-
ouspassage in each direction , final limit
twenty days. C. Ta. llaGSmx , Agent.
II1cConuell's Sarsaparilla.
Ice cream soda-5 cents-at 1IcCon-
A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets -
lets at this office.
Take a bottle of 1IcConnell's Sarsaparilla -
rilla for a spring medicine ,
SUI3IElt 1110\TBS.
"Female diseases" is a term
which has come , by constant use ,
to be applied to all that distressing
class of affections which are peculiar -
culiar to the female organism.
The cause which is perhaps most
frequent is displacement bf the
womb. The second caus ® is congestion -
gestion of one or more of the pelvic -
vic passages. The third cause is
known as inflammation or ulcera-
tion. Pe-ru-na shoudl be taken in
tablespoonful doses before each
meal in all varieties and stages of
the disease. This dose should be
gradually increased after severat
tireeks' use of it to two Eablespoon- ;
fuls. Vaginal injections should
be taken three times each clay , tire
or three quarts at each infection ,
Any woman wishing to become
a regular patient of Dr. Hartman
should send name , address , duration -
tion of disease and symptoms at
onceand specific directions for
every detail of Her treatment will
be promptly sent. The Dl . will
direct ever Y item of the . treatment
free of charge. The patient can
obtain the necessary medicines at
the nearest drtig store , and every
patient will be expected to report
at least once a mouth. This gives
every woman in the United States
a chance to receive the benefit of
the extensive experience of this renowned -
nowned physician in all forms of
female diseases.
Book on female diseases sent
free by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing -
facturing Company , of Columbus ,
For free book on canter address
Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio
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