The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1895, Image 3

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    . - . : -
The Foundation Stone of Swcescc.
. The one great ruleof buincss is that
of honeEty. at.so1utc and unqualified
honesty. All thc rules of business are
worthless i they are not fotmdcd on
that one and only foundation stone to
- true commercial success. honesty islet
! lot alone the best policy in business ; it
Is the one and only policy. Upon it ,
and upon it alone , can a good reputa-
twn be built , and a man in business
without a reputation forhonesty might
) ust as vell stop. Any deviation from
the rule of honesty in busin s may
bring temporary gain , but it invariably
means permanent loss. On the other
hand , a strict adherence to an honest
Poiicy may mean a temporary loss , but
sure to result in permanent gain.
p 1
\ _ Almost Cbeaper Than Wa1kIn
are the ow rates offered by tbe Buriingtori
Route ( C. . B. & Q. R. It. ) 'luesday , June
11th , when round trip tickets to points In
Nebraska , Kansas. Colorado , Wyoming ,
South DaIota and Utah 'will be on sae at
I ha ! ! the regular tariff.
I Think of it-Half the regular tariff.
- , . , Travelers towbom economy is an object
-and that means everybody-will take advantage -
. vantage of this money-saving opportunity.
For a time-table of the Burlington
. Route us well as for full Information about
rates and trains , app'y ' to the nearest
'Ucket ' agent or write to
. 3. Fucis ,
Gen'l Pass i , Agent , Omaha , Neb.
The June Atlantic contains installments -
ments of the two leading serials by
Itirs. Ward and Gilbert Parker , also a
. short story of frontier garrison life , by
Ellen Mackubin , entitled Rosita. Another -
other bit of fiction of unusual character -
ter and interest is , Through the Windows -
dews ; Two Glimpses of a Man's Life.
Lafcadio Ilearn contributes a delightful -
ful paper entitled In the Twilight of
the Gods , which , with Mary Stockton
Hunter's poem , A Japanese Sword-
t' Song , gives this issue a distinct flavor
- . of the Orient. Percival Lowell continues -
tinues his readable papers upon Mars ,
discussing in this issue the Water Prob-
1cm. Houghton , Muffin & Cc. , Boston.
The Nickel Plate's ? ew Taln .
The new train service of the Nickel
Plate road , which went Into effect Sun-
I day , May 19th , has met the approval of
! 'the traveling public. On all sides are
heard expressions of universal satisfaction -
tion regarding the efforts which this
popular road Is making in the Inter-
I ests of its patrons. Three fast trains
p are now run In each direction daily.
Superb dining car service ; no change
of cars for any class of passengerS between -
tween Chicago , New York and Boston.
. : . . .City ticket office , illAdams street. Tel.
Main 389. Depot , Twelfth and Clark
. 'streets. Tel. Harrison 200.
) i 'rho Highest Typo of Bunting.
. , . Ininy estimation. the pursuit of the
I mountain sheep is the highest type of
i hunting our continent affords. To
t "collect" an old ram requiresgoodlegs ,
I . good lungs , good j'idgment and good
shooting. In the doingof it you arc
! bound to rise in the world , to expand
mentally , morally and physically , and
: to come under the spell that nature
always lays upon the hunter who once
- sets foot upon her crags and peaks. I
regret the disappearance of the mona-
tam sheep even more than the passing
of the buffalo and elk , for it is an animal -
mal of finer mould and stronger and
. more interesting character every way.
. It is much more alert than the mona-
thin goat , and therefore more difficult
4 to Shoot-so say the men who have
hunted both.-\V. T. Hornaday in St.
Iicholas. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' Are You Going East This Summr ?
1' - Don't forget that the great summer
- tourist route Is the Michigan Central.
'The Niagara Falls Route , " a first-
class line for first-class travel , the 'popu-
lar line to Niagara Falls , Mackinac
Island , the Thousand Islands of the St.
Lawrence , the White Mountains , the
Adirondacks , Portland by the Sea , Boston -
ton , and New England points , ew
York and the seashore.
I. Send ten cents postage for 44A 'Sum-
( mer Note Book. " It will tell you 'all
' . about these places and how to reach
' . them. 0. VT. RUGGLES ,
' Gen'I Pass'r and Tkt. Agt. , Chicago.
The Century Company has issued a
: new poster by Eugene Grasset for the
' r June numberof Theentury Magazine.
It illustrates Prof. Sloanes Life of Napoleon -
t .
' poleon , and is no less striking in its
' " -Sim of
1 way than Grasset's famous
ti Austerlitz , " which has already become
i so well known in this country. The
. subject is Napoleon in Egypt , just pro-
I' ceding the Battle of the Pyramids.
? apoleon is seated upon his vhite
charger , which has rich barbaric trap-
ki plugs of red and gold. The arm of the
I conqueror is extended , pointing to the
Pyramids , as if uttering his ringing
' address , "Soldiers , forty countries look
down upon you from the summitof the
Pyramids. " Past hhn march the troops.
, The yellow glare of the desert , the
' ' dun-colored sky and the brilliant uniform -
' form of Napoleon make an unusual
I harmony of color.
. A Month Among the Mountaing.
Teachers , and their friends , too , for that
.matter , 'who want information about th
'I ' bet'aisoluteIy the hest , wayto reach Denver -
; ? ver at the time of the National Educational
- \ , Asociation meeting next July slioud ! write
/ . to J- . Francis , . Omaha , Neb. , for a copy
' 1 ' .ota little book recently issued by the Pas-
' 1 , seu2er Department of the Burlington
. ) - ' l1outeB.M.R.R. ( )
I it is entited ! "To Ijenvervia the Burlington
- jRout& and contains 32 pages oi interesting
j . ' ' ± itQrrniitiOn about the meeting , the city of
' Deu'iier , the state of Colorado , special
F ' traius , tickets , rates , hotels , side trips ,
) r train service , etc
t ; ' The ooi free. Send for t.
He who reads twice over the same ad is
' - - ' ' ' - ' iot far from being a purchaser.
- '
; ' - . &n Accomplished Fact.
r' ' ; - - ! ay 9th the Nickel Plate road Inaugurated -
augurated a new train service. The new
EuinmerschedUle affords the same number -
ber of trains as before , Including
' rough service between Chicago ,
' Clevelan& Buffalo , New York and Bos-
. also embrace
ton. The improvements
the ortenng ot time of trains between -
tween au of the above cities. City Ticket
office 111 Adams street. Tel. Main 389.
. Depot. TweIttli and Clark streets. TeL
: . - - Uarrkon _ _ _ _ _ _
Low Rate
p . , Harvest Excursions will ' ' from all
I stations on the Wabash railroad on May
21st and Juno 11th , to the south and south-
" ' ' For full pnrticuiars apply to the nearest
I ticket agent of the Wabash or connecting
' lines or to . Cwvow ,
t : - ' N. passenger Agent , l4l5Farnam St. ,
S , OmahaIeb
1 .What used to be theRussian saiad isnow
dubbed "czar alad" on the bill of fare.
( I ' , ,
' Billiard table , seeond.hand , for s&Ie
j ' - - , eDp , . tO or address , ' H. C. AEIN ,
S $ : . ' 511 S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb
, :
* ' ' *
' '
Living Truths That Can Not lie Denied
-Even the ChIldren Are Tired of
CIevelandI8m-Contr.isted Condltlon.5
Few Jobs , Many Applicants.
One evening recently , when out west ,
I stopped at the hous of a friend who
read from a Louisville paper that Governor -
ernor McKinley was going there to
speak , and .then on to Nashville. He
added : "Hurrah for McKinley ! "
His wife'asked : "Why do you think
McKinley will be the next president of
the United States ? "
"Because he Is the foremost. man In
the nation at this time , " was the hus-
band's reply.
"Is he a Democrat , papa ? " asked his
little 10-year-old Effie.
"No. Whydo you ask that question ,
Thy daughter ? "
"Because I don't want any more
Democrats in mine. "
'Why , " said the father , "don't you
'get ' az much to eat and wear as you
used to get ? "
"No , " she said , "we don't get as much
to eat. We used to have plenty of beef-
steak. "
Her little 8-year-old brother chipped
in with , "Yes , and we used to have
oysters when we wanted tj'm. and no
we never see any. "
"Yes , " said Effie , "and we used to
have cheese , and I have not seen any
cheese for so long I wouldn't know any
If I met It on the road. We used to have
lots of things when papa was making
plenty of money that we don't have
now. ! '
"Well , ray children , " the father replied -
plied , with moisture in his eyes , "I had
nothing to do with stopping you from
having all the food and things you
wanted nor causing the hard times
that have been upon us , but the good
people of the United 'States will not
stand this sort of thing longer than
they can help. " B. Thifiken.
1ontrasted Conditions.
: i : have not been able to get more than
nine week' work this year , and have a
family of seven to support. This is also
the condition of : thousands of other Ia-
borers. Heretofore there has been a
Iarge demand for labor In this state ,
men .behig brought here during the lat-
tei part of .the summer from other
states in order ; to supply the demand.
'Farm laborers 'used to receive from
.1.50 to $2 per day ; mechanics , $3 to
$4.50per dayminers ; , from $3 to $4 per
day ; sheep herders , from $40 to $45 per
month , including board , which is also
included in wages given for farm la-
borers. This was our condition be-
f ore the Democrats came into power.
Since then all industries have been
paralyzed and wages are from 50 to 60
er cent less , and very little work is to
be had even at this price. There
were thousands of men who were doing -
ing well two years ago , but were not
satisfied with the wages above men-
tioned. They wanted "tariff reform , "
voted the democratic ticket , and wore
the democratic badge , the rooster ,
pinned upon their hats. Today they
wear the democratic badge in the seat
of their pants , and they are going
around looking for a job. The present
administration has been a disgrace to
this nation and a laughing stock to
the civilized world. It has driven
honest mento theft and caused many
'innocent children to lie In their beds
at night without even a crust of bread
to satisfy their hunger. I can assure
, you this is no exaggeration.
James H. Evans.
Malad City , Idaho.
Few Jobs , ! any ApplIcants.
An examination of the advertising
columns of a recent Sunday issue of
one of the 'New York dailies gave a
fair idea of the condition of male and
female labor in this city. There were
tweLve columns of advertisements that
had been inserted by females who
wanted work , but only three columns
of advertisements inserted by people
who wanted female help. There was
an average of thirty-five advertisements -
ments 'to .each column , making 420 female -
male applicants for work with only 105
opportunities for them to secure it. In
other words , there were four females
± 0 every vacant position.
In 'the .case ( of males there was the
same space , three columns , devoted to
advertisers who wanted help , but it
tookight columns to specify the wants
of .those who ivere out of work. There
were 2S0 male applicants for 105 jobs.
Combining the advertisements of the
male 'and female applicants , there were
700 who 'sought work , but they found
only -opportunities for them to secure -
cure positions , or . three and one-half
people waiting for .every job. It must
be remembered , too , that there are not
so many idle people now as there were
'six months ago , also that there are
hundre s of applicants for work who
1cannot affar.d to pay ! or the cost of advertising -
vertising even in those free-trade or-
gaas that helped to bring about the
neople's ruin.
Lesions In Prices.
The total export of breadstuffs from
the United States during the Jst ten
months has been less by $53,700,000
than during the previous ten corresponding -
spending months. The decrease in exports -
ports of provisions during the same
period is $5,700,000. Compared with
the famous years of the McKinley tar-
1ff , 1891-2-3 , the volume of our exports
of farm produce shows a lamentable
'shrinkage , says Chicago Inter Ocean.
All this Is in straight refutation of the
promise of the free traders , who assured -
sured us an Increased exportation of
farm stuffs In exchange for our increased -
creased importatlofls of manufactures.
Congressman Bynum , It may be re-
xnarked , Dromised the farmers "dollar
- - - - - - -
, - . ' /
' ' : ' ' - " , : ; , , '
' ' , . ' , : :
wheat" as a result of "tariff reform. "
We are In the fool's.paradlse , to which
a majority of the voters drove us , lured
by the false promises of the free tracl-
ers. By all laws of nature wheat
should be dearer in 1895 than in 1892 ,
when the crop reachedtheunprecedent-
ed magnitude of 611,780,000 bushels ,
but by reason of the operation of the
unnatural law that has removed alarge
measure of protection from home manufactures -
ufactures the price Is lower for a small
output of grain than for a large one.
The purchasing power of the home
market Is curtailed , and , therefore , the
nrlce has . fallen . The farmers of
- ' - - - - - -
America , who were deluded in ' 90 and
' 92 by the free trader's cry , "Liverpool
fixes the price of wheat , " now have
painful leisure in which to discern that
Liverpool fixes the price in accord with
the American demand. When our factories -
tories are running full time , and when
wages are high , the price of wheat is
high in Chicago , and consequently in
Liverpool. When our factories are not
busy , and when wages are low , the
price of wheat Is low in Chicago , and
consequently in Liverpool. "The buyer -
er fixes the price , " is the rule of trade.
No one can sell at a higher price than
another is able to give. Chicago is the
greatest wheat buyer. It buys for 65-
000,000 AmerIcan people. Liverpool is
a lesser luyer ; it buys for 35,000,000
of Englishmen. Therefore Liverpool
does not fix the price. The price is
determined in the greater market. Protection -
tection makes the greater market
brisk ; low tariff makes it dull.
Don Quixote Dickinson.
The only Don Dickinson has come
to the front again. It seems that his
recent tail-twisting speech at Detroit
was delivered immediately after another -
other of his confidential talks with
President Cleveland. Is it possible
that the phlegmatic patriotism of the
chief executive of the United States has
been aroused to a vigorous asertion
of American rights as against British
encroachments ? Certain it is that the
Don of Michigan shows much the same
zeal for compelling the British lion to
stop the roaring and lashing of his tail
on the Venezuelan border that the Don
of la Nancha did In redressing the
wrongs that appealed to his chivalric
sympathy. What coming event casts
its shadow before in that fierce onslaught -
slaught ? Some surmise that it par-
tends a change in the Secretaryship of
State ; but this seems hardly probable ,
for it will be rememberedthat not
long ago , while the president was gunning -
ning for ducks in the Carolinas , See-
retary Gresham gave that same tail a
most vigorous twist , followed , almost
as soon as our Nimrod returned , by a
reversal of policy. Secretary Greshain
has the spirit of that old campaign
cry " 54.40 or fight , " which , by the way ,
culminated in 49 and no fight. But let
us hope that the United States will , if
necessary , insist that the question of
boundary between Venezuela and British -
ish Guiana will be submitted to the
umpirage of fair and impartial arbi-
tration. If there is one thing in the
record of the Democratic party of
which it may be proud it is the stalwart -
wart Americanism of Andrew J'acks.ri-
and later of William L. Marcy.-Inter
The Great Conspiraey.
It is about as necessary for Assistant
Secretary Curtis and Logan Carlisle to
go to London to deliver United States
bonds taken by the foreign syndicate
as it is for a Chicago millionaire to go
to Washington to pay his income tax.
The bond syndicate had its agents so
near to the President and Secretary 'of
the Treasury that they were suspected
of more influence than the cabinet. The
same agents who held Uncle Sam up by
the throat until he issued the bonds
I can certainly be intrusted to take .crc
1 of these and lock them up in their Eng-
I lish vaults. The contemplated trip oZ
I Messrs. Curtis and Carlisle is simply a
' junket at the expense of the govern-
ment. But it is rather rough on the
people to be compelled to stand and
deliver and then pay for a picnic party
for the formal surrender of the plun-
der.-Inter Ocean.
Carter Has had Enough.
Eugene D. Carter , of North Carolina ,
is another prominent Southern Democrat -
crat who has grown tired of the old
slave method of using the bogy man to
keep white men in the Democratic
party. "We have at lastreached , that
point in the south , " says he , "where
honest , thinking men can no longer be
dragooned into silly inconsistencies in
national politics by any fear of that
worn-out bugbear of negro domina-
tion. " Mr. Carter is not an exception
in the South. He is representative of
many thousands of intelligent white
men who have become disgusted with
the use of this once great bogy of the
South to prevent them from breaking
away from the Democratic machines
that enable little rings of corrupt pal-
iticians to rule several Southern states ,
flow to Be a Good Mugwump.
To bo'w before a foreign throne
And toady to a queen or king ;
For every country but your own
To lift your voice and praises sing.
To take all insUlts to our land
With humble heart and manner meek
And when slapped by a foreign hand
To offer It your other cheek !
To humbly kiss t7ie rod that licks you ,
And pocket every vicious whack ;
And If the British lIofl kicks 'you ' ,
By no means think of kicking back !
-C. F. in New York Sun.
England Is Benefited.
The imports of woolen dress goods at
New York were 750,000 square yards
larger during the first half year's operation -
ation of the new tariff , than during the
corresponding months a' year earlier.
Of woolen cloths the increase was 6,200.-
. . - . -
000 pounds. - -
. ' - . : - .
- - - - - - - - -
- ;
I ,
' , I I
.1 .
' - I. ,
' I
. ( All other powders
, , 'fj/ ' are cheaper made
1 r and inferior , 'and
Leaps of a Mountain Sheep.
No ; the mointain sheep does not leap
from great heights. and land either
upon his horns or his feet. He knows
the strength of his materials too well
to try it His horns and skull might
successfully withstand the shock , but
the weight of his body would break his
spinal column in two or three places , to
say the least of it. It is true that when
hard pressed a herd of them will sometimes -
times plunge down a terribly steep in-
dine , sliding and bounding from point
to , point , until they plow into the "slide
rock" below ; but as to leaping over a
sheer precipice , I never saw any one
who even claimed to have witnessed
such a thing. The old rams often fight
by butting each other terrifically. and
often splinter , or sometimes break off ,
the ends of their horns in that way.
We will give 'lC0 reward for any case of
catarrh that can not be cured with flaWs
Catarrh Cure. Taken Internally.
i ; J. CHENEY & t.O. , Proprs. . Toledo , 0.
The woman who never takes any interest -
est in the ads needs medicine.
12 the Baby is Cutting 'leeth.
Be sure and tire that old and wcIi.tried remedy , Mas.
WL'SLOW'S SooTItno SYBUI' for Children Teething.
A Standish , Maine , man has nearly finished -
ished a rote made wholly'of cats' skins.
"Hanson's Magic Corn Salve. "
Warranted to cure or nioney refunded. Ask 'oar
druggibt for ft. i'rice 15 ceiti.
The Order of the Templurs was founded
in lilt ) .
Pisos Cure cured me of a Throat and
Lung trouble of three years' standing-
E. CADY , Huntington , md. , Nov. 12 , 18U4.
Silkis so cheap in Madagasar that the
po3rest peope wear clothing made of it.
floineseekers Excursions.
On May 21st and June 11th , 1S91 , the
Union Pacific System will sell tickets from
Missouri River points and stations in Kan-
SOS and NeIraska , to points south and
west in Nebraska and Kansas , also to Colorado -
orado , Wyomin , Utah and Idaho , east uf
\Viser and south of Beaver Canon , at rate
of one first class standard fare br the
round trip. Minimum rate & .O0.
Facilities for Travelers.
The Nickel Plate road now offers
greater facilities to the traveling pub-
lie than ever , the improved service haying -
ing been inaugurated May 19th. No
change of cars between Chicago , New
York and Boston in either direction.
Superb dining cars between Chicago
and Buffalo in both directions. Trains
leave Chicago 8:05 : a. m. daily , except
Sunday ; 1:30 and 9:20 : p. in. daily for
Fort 1\Tayfle , Fostoria , C1eeland. Erie ,
Buffalo , New York and Boston ; 1:30 : p.
m. train arrives New York 6:30 : and
Boston 9 o'clock the following evening.
City ticket office , 111 AdamS street.
Tel. Main 3S9. Depot , Twelfth and Clark
Etreets. Tel. Harrison 200.
Fashionalile Stationery.
The paper most used in social correspondence -
pondence is white parchment finish ,
and tite preferred sizes are the well-
known octavo and billet ; the envelopes -
opes are square with pointed flaps
Square note sheets with oblong envelopes -
opes in tints or co1ors are simply fads
for the moment. Good taste dictates
plain white paper and envelopes for
feminine notes.
Ih.gman''nmpJorIcewitii G1yc.rin' .
'rho orighial and only genuine. Cures Chapted Hands
WILt Face. Cold Sor.s , .tc. C. G. Clark Co.j1 avcn.C ?
A man was photojraphed in Georgia
hie danching at the end ot a rope.
, ' '
, lJ
I ,
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live better -
ter than others and enjoy life more , with
less expenditure , by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in' the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant'to the taste , the refreshingand truly
beneficial properties of a perfect laxative -
ative ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has gi'ven satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kidneys -
neys , Liver and Bowels without weakening -
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dru-
gists in 50c and $1 bottles , butit is manufactured -
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is printed on every I
package , also the name , Syrup of , Figs ,
and being well informed , you will not
acceptany 8ubatitutc if offered. . .
Menu for Country Luncheon.
Veal loaf , pressed chicken or salad ,
sandwiches and cake , make delicious I
luncheon dishes , and a substitute for
ices can be made by preparing thick ,
sweet cream in this way : One pint of
cream , one-half cup of white sugar ,
one teaspoonful of vanilla , one tablespoonful -
spoonful of gelatine dissolved in a little
milk ; whip vith Doveregg-beater until
it can be cut with a knife. The gelatine -
tine prevents it from falling , so the
hostess can prepare it some hours before -
fore her guests arrive. ( lenuine clover
honey is always a treat , especially to
townspeople , and may be substituted I
for the cream. It is more easily served
if placed on a fiat dish or platter and
passed with a knife and spoon so that
each guest may help himself. This arrangement -
rangement obviates the necessity for
small dishes.
He Lacked the Nerve.
Upon receipt of youraddress we will mall free
a pachca&c Of beautifulv illustrated transparent
cards. picturing and explaining just bow and
why men frequently sutier from nervous troUbles -
bles that prevent their doing the lilalir TIlING
at the ILIGHT VMS Edition limited. Address ,
mentioning this paper. Sterling Hemedy Co. ,
New York City or Chicago.
The Mountain Goat a Stupid Animal.
Although the mountain goat is a very
sure-footed and level-headed animal ,
he is said by those who have hunted
him ( of whom I confess I am not one )
to be a very stupid animal , and easily
killed when once the hunter reaches
his haunts. In actual weight he is
about the size of the Virginia deer , but
in bulk he seems to be larger because
of his shaggy fleece of wool and hair.
The horns are small , smooth and jet
black , and the hoof is a strange corn-
bination of rubber pad on the inside
and knife.edge on the outside , to hold
the owner on snow , ice , or bare rock
without slipping.-W. T. Hornady in
St. Nicholas.
Exierience leads niany nither" to say
"Use Parsers Gin. er 'l'orih , . " Lecause It 1st ,1ecb1Iy
good fur coids. pan' and auiost ! every wejkness.
'l'he weight of the earth is calculated by
Prof. Boys at 5,32u4OO,0OOOU0OU0OO0 ( )
Tho'.e dlstres'.liig Corns !
Bail as they are , liiflI.rCOr1S LI r.niove them and
tiieii YOU can wd.c and run and jump as you like.
The secret of success used to be industry ,
now it's Fiinters' ink.
and those SOOn to
become mothers ,
, ShoUld know that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre-
.A - I / scription robs child-
. ; ' ' 1)11th of its tortures
p. anl terrors , as vell as
\ . . of its ( laligers to both
mnotlier aIll child , by
\ aidilig nature in pre-
\ ' parnlg the system for
parturitmn. There-
6' - by ' ' labor ' ' and the
- period of confine-
mileilt arc greatly
shortened. It also proiimotes the secretion -
tion of an abundance of nourishment for
the child.
Mrs. DORA A. CTYTIIRIr. . ofOakley , Ove'to' : Co. ,
Teui. , writes : ' Wiiezi I began taking ioctor
Pierce's Varoritc i'rcscriptioii. I was ilot able to
stamll on feet without sifleriiig almost tlcith.
Now I do all iiiy housework. washing , cookin" .
sewing atiti everything for my family ofeiglit. I
am stouter miow' thalm I have been mu six years.
Your Favorite Prescription ' is the best to take
before confijienient , or at least it proved so with
sic. I miever suffered so little with any of my
children as I did with iiiy last. ' '
"E I t JfN VJ1OInis ,
' VmLMlIlHgtonfl
Syrs .ulaut war , budjudcatimigctim. attybiuc.
Thomas P. Simpson , WasbIngion ,
P .TETS D $ . o att's re. , until Patent o -
. LI tamed. Write forlnrefltor'sJujde.
iv. i. ii. , (1z21aE2t--8 , I1)5.
When answering advert iscmnents kindly
meritioli this paper
Us5s of the Lichen.
The lichen's most important fnnction
seems to be to beautify the landscape ,
though some tiny ones are used by
mother hummingbird to cover the outside -
side of her nest , in order to conceal it.
as much as possible. In Iceland the
lichen called Iceland moss is gathered
every year by ths boys and girls. It Ia.
boiled in milk and eaten. Fanny 11cr--
gen , in her little book "Plant Life. "
tells us that the Indians guided themselves -
selves through the trackless forest by
observing on which sides of the trees
the lichens grew thickest , those being
the northern sides.
Make Your Own Bitters ! p
On receipt of 30 cents in U. S. stamps , I
will send to any address one package Sto-
k'ete&s Dry Bitters. One package rnake
one gallon be tonic known. Cures stomach -
ach , kidney diseases , and Is a great appetizer -
tizer and blood purifier. Just the medicine
needed for spring and summer. 5e. at
your drug store. Address Gao. 0. 5T3-
KTEE , Grand Rapids. Mich.
Most of the black pearls In existence
come from the dark.tipped oysters of lower
Excursion to Colorado.
The Great Rock Island floute will sell
tickets cheap for this excursIon to Denver
in July , and you should post yourself a $
once as to rates and routes.
Send by postal card orlettortoJno.obas-
tian , G. I' . A. . Chicago , for a beautiful BOU-
venir Issued by the Great Hock Island & I'a-
cific Wv , called the "TourIst Teacher , " that.
tells all aboutthe trip. It will be sent free.
It Is a gem , anI you should not delay In .ck-
lug for It. JN0. SEBASTIAN , G. l'.A. , Chicago.
It is claimed that there are fifty.fivo dogs.
in the United Kingdom to every 1,000 iu-
. -4-
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Illustrated cata1ogze showing WEILflIIU
SE2T Fnza. Have been tested and II I flU
all warranted.
SlouxCity Engine&Iron Works , _ _ _ _
Successors to Pech Mfg. Co. ,
Iou City. Iowa. _ _ _ _
Tan flOwEtr. .S Cu.&sn M.wiixxr.ay Co. .
i4I4WetEIeveathSOvet , KanasCity,31o.
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Clene. and beatifles the hafr.
Promote , a laxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Restore Gray
Eair to Its Youthful Color.
k3P Cures ealp diipses & hair falling.
tOcandLtiat Drnrgi.ta
in everytown to seliour Safety Medicine ; u'ed ten. .
years In phyieians' private paetke. Address , stat.
fag experience , Jlox 134 , A. SPINDEL & CO. ,
Topeka , Jiansas.
&Al& A1 .dI. . - . - . T A A. .
Very LatesL Styles Man1On
35 Cent Patterns for 10 Centq , When the Conpon Below Ii sent. Also One
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sLi as 25 cent , making each pattern cost only 10 cents.
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