V. - - , _ . jfltJuk x . By F M. KIMMELL. J $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. RALPH C. SAZTON of Edgar was the successful one in the examination - tion for the Annapolis cadetship. Paul Dungan of Hastings , alter- nate. THE bicycle habit is pulling the profit out of the livery and street car business with a vengeance. In fact the question is assuming quite grave proportions with both of these businesses. And the "bicycle habit" is only in its infancy. TQE department stores of the , great cities are proving disastrous to the small dealers , who are unable - able to compete with the more powerful opposition in , prices. Centralization is the tendency of these times , and more of a flurse than a blessing. I SINCE ReynardVailquist has secured a position at the governmental - mental 'trough 88 stamp ticker in the Hastings P. 0. he refers to "tho silver ngitatiou as "that free silver heresy , " in his Adams County - ty Democrat. Iteynard is too foxey to tell whether he is a free silver heretic or a sound money 1 crank. IN the past it has been THE TRIP - P BUNE'S pleasurable custom to refer to the town of Cambridge in highly - ' ly complimentary terms , regarding its business men as models of enterprise - terprise and progressiveness. But we ask the court please to expunge it all from the record. There isn't a merchant in that town enterprising - ing etiougli to carry an inch advertisement - tisement in the local newspaper. We take at all back. Poor Cam- bridge. ONE has to go quite a distance from home sometimes to get the news-though it be of a very Unreliable - reliable sort. Witnesseth : "They have have had big rains up the Republican valley , lately. But for some reason McCook has escaped a drop. The weather clerk must be playipg in with the water com- pany.-Hastings Democrat. We had a little over an inch of rainfall - fall , last week , according to. the Burlington's gauge at the com- pany's local depot Knipple is headquarters for all kinds of garden seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of Sob printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. . Knipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him 'before buying your spring supply. Buy your writing paper at THE Tnn uirE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Both seed and table potatoes for sale by the McCook Corn- mission Co. Early Ohio , $1.25. Gleeley , $1.00 , and Frenchman Valley , only 85 cents. Early Ohio seed potatoes- Minnesota grown , at the Mc- Cook Commission Co.'s for $1.25 a bushel. If you are needing a Screen Door see the Barnett Lumber Co. They can please you. Frenchman Valley cooking potatoes only 85 ets. a bushel. McCook Commission Co See the Barnett Lumber Co. for latest patterns of Screen Doors. Greeley potatoes for the taI - I . ble at $1.00 a bushel. McCook : V Commission Co. V Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 1 V i - r r RAILROAD .ITEMS. John Weintz is expected down from Sheridan , Wyoming , on a visit in a few days. C. A. Dixon and L. B. Stiles went up to Denver , Wednesday night on 3 on company business. W , W , Archibald left , Tuesday evening - ing , for St. Louis , where his wife has been on a visit for a week or two. D. Hawksworth , chief of motive power - er , Plattsmoutb , was on special car No. 99 , Tuesday , on his way to Denver. Steve Dwyer expects to attend the O. R. T. convention in Galesburg , Ill. , and is figuring on leaving for there on No. 4 , Saturday evening. Frank Harris and daughter Alice left on 4 , Sunday evening , on avisit to Chi- caago and Galva , Illinois , and to St. Louis , Mo. , to be absent a week or ten days. Word from St. Luke's hospital , Denver , brings the sad news that Jacob Klein's malady is cancer of the liver , and fatal. This condition was discovered after an exploratory operation. The patient's death may be expected at any time. Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. COCHRAN & Co. Cochran & Co. handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. Some handsome new bex writing pa- pr just received at our stationery de- partment. Prices very reasonable. INDIANOLA. S. R. Smith , the , abstracter , was in McCook , last Friday morning on business. I. A Sheridan spent a few hours in our sister city on the west , Monday - day evening. Editor Mitchell of the Courier meandered up to the metropolis , Saturday evening , for a brief visit. C. W. Beck , county judge , and son John , drove up to the metrop ohs , Saturday morning on busi- ness. Messrs.C. L. DeGroff and A. A. Weller of the Cash Bargain Store of McCook had business in the county-seat , . Thursday. A delightful dancing party was held in the Beardslee hall , Saturday - day evening. A number of Mc- Cook's young society people were present and participated with their customary enthusiasm. This week's Courier pays considerable - siderable attention to the political and moral corruption of the met- ropolis. There doubtless is some substantial basis for the articles , but your correspondent knows full well that the Courier could find a plenty of opportunity for thorough work along that same line right here at home. PROSPECT PARK , The rain on Saturday last did not reach this part. Herbert Shaw expects to go to Colorado , soon , to herd cattle. Mrs. E. F. Duffey visited with Mrs. Barnes , Wednesday of last week. Quite a number went to Mc- Cook , Wednesday , to attend the big trial. C. T. Eller was in this part of the precinct , Tuesday of last week , assessing our property. A card from E. F. Duffey informs - forms us that he reached Galesburg - burg , Illinois , on the 2d of May. L. A. Stephens , Charles Boatman - man and Harry Wade are showing their confidence in Red Willow county by listing in corn , this week. Clifford Dunham is listing corn on Clark Boatman's place. He will also work the old E. F. Duffey farm which now belongs to Mr. Hammond. Some of our local base ball players - ers went over to Cedar Bluffs , Kansas - sas , Saturday , to assist the Banks- yule team in doing up the Cedar Bluffs team , but as the Banksville team failed to put in an appearance the game was postponed. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. ' Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will.be 'yen the same. Ten Years Ago. From a reliable private source we gather - er the following items concerning the season of 1885 , when good crops were raised : After a dry season extending from the September before , it commenced raining on April 23d , repeating the operation on the 24th. May 7th it snowed. No rain again until the 24th , when it hailed with the rain. It rained nearly all day and night of the 26th. Was windy and damp on the 28th. June 3d was warm and wet. 14th , rainy , 15th rained all day. Rained on the 22d and 28th. Commenced raining night of the 29th and rained all day on the 30th. July 1st and 15 , rainy. Commenced raining on the night of the 20th and rained and hailed on the 24th. Also on the 26th , with hail. August 5th and 14th , rained. Also on the 22d , 23d , 24th , 28th and 31st. The tenth hail of the season coming on the 28th. September 7th , night of 27th , and 28th , rains. On the night of October 3d it rained and frost came oii the 8th. From same source we learn that in June , 1859 , in eastern Iowa , crops were frosted to thegrouiid , and that on August 29th of the same year crops were destroyer - troyer ) by frost. And Now We Are- Clothing the multitude-that is what we are doing with those elegant spring suits , prices low-look at samples. You want a hat-we are selling at cost for two weeks-styles are correct. Hebron flour-best in town-price on White Bread reduced to 75C. per sack. Try it and become a regular customer. another 100 lbs. of that choice Boneless - less Ham to arrive this week. We can scarcely supply the demand on this. A trial will prove its superiority and cheap- ness. ness.Fruits Fruits ( Best California canned goods ) at 6 cans for one dollar. Call and interview us. MCCOoK 111ERCANTII.R Co. DANBURY. Weeds are doing nicely. Supt. Bayston was in towuMou- day. day.F. F. W. Collins of Lincoln will lecture here on the 10th. Some more aid corn was given out to the people over north of here 011 Tuesday. Dr. Minniear had a runaway on } Monday , in which one-of his best horses was killed. Frank Everist and family and Simon Dow drove over to the valleys - leys finest , Saturday. Our school marms visited over at McCook , Saturday and Sunday , with Fiank Everist and family. They still have "bran" new babies in this section , according to the News man. What are they made of AI ? The alfalfa men are delighted since the heavy rains , which have insured a good stand of that great hay product. Mesdames G. B. Morgan and w. F. Everist drove over to the county metropolis , Wednesday , on a shopping tour. George Wood stood the examination - nation at Hastings , last week , for the appointment to'the naval academy - emy at Annapolis , Maryland. W. F. Everist expects shortly to move up to his farm on the Driftwood - wood , tenant Rogers having signified - fied his intention to vacate the property. The Danbury Ne' s of last week skinned the odoriferous thing of the McCook Enterprise with neatness - ness and dispatch ; and the dishonored - honored carcass is now undergoing disinfection on Smith's back yard fence. A fire occurred in the hurman building , on Monday evening , do- iug about $00 'worth of damage. The entire building had a narrow escape from destruction. The News office is in the building , besides a barber shop and some living rooms. Our stock of Wall Paper and Paints for sA ring trade is now complete and we in- vile inspection. Our Prices Guaranteed. McCoN1V LL & Co. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair , DR site CREAM BAJIJNI pia MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. The Star Spangled Banner's Author Many interesting things about Francis Scott Key-the author of the Star Span. gled Banner-are contained in a pamphlet - let , which may be obtained free froni the Key Monument Association of Frederick - erick City , Maryland , by sending one 2 cent stamp fur postage. phis association - tion is raising funds for a suitable monument - ument to the poet , and they suggest , that in the schools and everywhere , upon or before Flag day , ( June 14th ) , this subject - ject being suitably recognized. Contributions - tributions , however small , are asked for. Everyone who loves the Flag , ought to have some small share iiE building this monument. The governor of Maryland has strongly indorsed the nionuuient. The names of all contributors will be preserved in the crypt of the monument , and published ( without amount ) in the history of the monument. Another Old Vet Gone. Peter Groves of Coleman precinct , who has been ill for some time with typhoid fever , was mustered out of this life's service - vice at an early hour Monday evening Funeral services were conducted at the house on Wednesday afternoon by Elder H. H. Berry , interment being made in Longview cemetery of our city. The deceased was a member of the local G. A. R. post , and quite a number of members of the post attended the services - vices at the house and cemetery. lie also belonged to the Woodmen , in which order he carried $ iooo , of life insurance. He leaves a wife and adopted child , who have the sympathy of many in this be- reavement. Peace to his ashes. Homeseekers' Excursions. On May 21st and June iith , 1895 , the Burlington Route will sell round-trip tickets at one lowest standard first- class fare , except that the minimum round-trip rate shall be $7 , to all points in the states of Arkansas , Colorado , Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming , Indian Territory , Oklahoma Territory , Texas and points in South Dakota on the line of the B. & M. R. R. , all points in Missouri - souri south of Kansas City , and all points in Utah except points on line of Southern - ern Pacific R. R. Limited to continuous - ous passage in each direction , final limit twenty days. C. E. MAGNER , Agent. A Card to the Public. I have for the present rented the north half of the Mrs. Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent from my office over McConnell's drug store. L. L. KAY , M. D. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. Ed. Ballew of McCook , one of the jolliest - liest fellows that lives , was shaking hands with old friends in the city , Sat- urday. Ed. , in his usual way , ( and by the way he is revenue collector ) handed the Big Injun an income tax blank and requested us to fill it , which we were about to do with the names of delinquent subscribers , when Ed. offered to set 'em up if we'd quit , and of course we did. The horse was on Ed. because we did not have money enough to sign the tax blank or set 'em up either , and Ed , had to.-Red Cloud Chief. Chief of Police Jordan leas been appointed - pointed a deputy sheriff. We understand that Charlie Babccck retains his appointment - ment , which gives McCook two deputies , McConnell's Sarsaparilla. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon- nell's. White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Dissolution Notice. To whom it may concern.-The firm of Flitcraft & Hennings is this day dissolved - solved by mutual consent , George Hen- rings retiring from said firm. The business - ness will be continued at the old stand by Flitcraft & Kroening , who will pay all bills of the late firm and to whom all accounts due said firm of Flitcraft & Hennings are payable. McCook , Neb. , April 8th , 1895. ED. FLITCRAFT. GZORGE HENNINGS. - t h ' V . ! : v V ; . : . i r 1 . y Sao. w , ' y Z ' - , . V FAMOUS CLO FHINO CMPA4 Y .i. . . . , 'I .i- V . , t Seasonable - ' . _ _ , V VV V V Straw Fur and Wool Hats ' V Thin Coats and Ves V . - Light Underwear and Hosiery , ' < is r lT ovelties in Neckwear ? V T. r. . . Colored and white Shirts { All. at Popular Prices : . V : VV. y ; # ' V ! F fiicCook Nebraska. ,1 AAS LNUIL , . . -s.MANAGER. ' . - - _ _ V _ _ _ . i _ t' 1 - - - _ _ Q6501 1 , , . -rNe Esr it . , ' a ! ° f Sl Ufl5 A y 0 A 511P 1 5U12P 5 ED AT1RAL : ! THE fIti 5i 11VG ODELS 1 1E14gT5 I8T0 25 P OU11D5 PRlcES$5.To 100. ' 1 LVERY 1 ACHt1E ! Futt.Y GUARANTEED CATAL'b6Ut : 9t NT FOR TJo cuir STAt1A ! , .P1Alh OFFICE MID FACTORY LAKE (1AL5TED ( 5T5 ' ' \W ' 'RETAIL , SAtEbR00M 280)WA6ASH'mAVE' - EASTLRN WAREt10U5 > - 97-Dg READE ST f IEJ ORK- - - t PORTLAN D MI. , ' RAN , " tSAN FRAMCISCO , u , , _ _ SALT 1AttE CI7r , , o r _ . - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - / J % % ii 1 I FIAIt'E CHANGED MY ti/ND AND WILL STAY ! 1 ! i p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - V [ TAN Bu SHOES ' XOUR . O , ORDS 4 ' at $1.00 a l t 1 SHOES , at $1.00. V ' PAIR. . rT. . . ' , H. - _ I , Z I v1i ci OLD , i h r RELIABLE . A C .t . Qi SHOE STORE h { iIi iI AT t , . SHOES SLIPPERS MCCOOK 1 at s at NEBRA KA. Y $1.25. ' 4. ' . . V . o V . . : VVV.V ; JV. F. V t - i THE OLD RELIABLE GOOF AXD SHOE DEALER. E , t 4 Lr i