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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
I . - 2' ; i : : - ! ' ) 'c ' I' ' y : . . , . 'THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOUK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL. 12 i89 a. NUMBER 47 THE ASSOCIATION MEETING. .It Was Unusually Well Attended and of Splendid Interest. The fifteenth semi aunual meeting of the Republican valley association of Congregational - gregational churches which held its sessions in the Congregational church of our city , Tuesday and Wednesday of this week , is said be those who have attended many sessions of the association , to have been one of the most largely attended meetings If the history of the association - -tion , and the interest and instructiveness was up to the high water mark. Rev. G. W. Mitchell was moderator , and Rev. A. E. Ricker , scribe. The sessions were attended by many of our townspeople , the evening audiences filling the church. It was altogether very satisfactory in every respect to the members of the association and the Congregational people - ple of our city. About forty delegates were entertained by the local churchmen. The community received a noticeable religious stimulus from the session. Rev. Samuel Williams of Riverton spoke , Tuesday morning , on "The Riches of Christ. " Franklin academy was quite generously - ly and deservedly advertised during the association. Rev. A. E. Ricker's sermon , Tuesday evening , was one of the able and brilliant - liant efforts of the session. The open parliament , Wednesday forenoon - noon , was an attractive feature , and was engaged in by a number of delegates. The reports trom the several churches of the association show theni to be in goetl financial condition considering the times. Rev. 0. A. Palmer , E. A. VanVranken , C. R. Powers and 0. E. Hurst , all of Trenton , were delegates to the association - tion meeting. Supt. J. D. Stewart of Aurora gave a very earnest address on "Personal Oh- servations of the Benefits of Sunday School Work on the Frontier. " Rev. lliacAyeals Moral Qualifications for the Ministry" was a splendid paper of his usual high merit. He is one of the brainy progressives of the association. Miss Sadie M. Campbell , preceptress of Franklin academy , gave an instructive - ive paper on "The Young People and the Cliurch-Reciprocal Relations. " She also sang an appreciated solo. Supt. Herman Bross of Lincoln has been generally complimented for his excellent and prophetic address , Wednes- ( lay afternoon , on ' 'Honie Missions and the Future of Nebraska. " It was ordered ! to be published in full. The missionary talks by Rev. F. W. Bates of Gazalaud , South Africa , were of exceeding interest. He carries a large , colored map of Africa. He is an earnest man in that great field of the Dark Continent - tinent , and his several addresses received deep attention. Husband Your Supplies. i Lincoln , Nebraska , March 29th. 1895. -G. W. Roper , Indianola , Nebraska.- Dear Sir : The commission desires to i call your attention to the fact that in the delay of the legislature in determining - ing in what form House Roll 525 should finally be passed , in order to secure and save to the state nearly one hundred cars of grain , we advanced the freight charges that should have been paid out of House Roll 525 , cutting our food fund a little overtoooo short. Truewe saved this grain to the state but it is at the expense of the food supplying depart- ment. House Roll 525 finally passed and the money becomes available to the counties and we cannot replace the food fund. We desire to call your attention to this and state that very little if any is left in the food purchasing fund and ask you to husband your supplies , making them go as far as possible and insist upon supplying only those whom you have absolutely to help. Every individual - vidual that can secure supplies for himself - self in any way must therefore be dropped - ed from your list. It is only a few small d" shipments at most that we can make to I your county. Respectfully , LUTHER P. LUDDEN , Secy. For Sale or Lease. The butcher shop and tools on West Dennison street. Inquire Sf S. M. Cochran - ran & Co. , or of PERRY STONE. L , W. McConnell & Co. have had their store room handsomely papered , this J week. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose . COCHRAN & Co. Ft couplings. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriai t The Country Editor's Plaint. The lives of great men oft remind us Honest men won't stand a chance , The more we work there grows behind us Bigger patches on our pants. On our pants once new and glossy , . Now are stripes of different line ; All because subscribers linger. And won't pay us what is due. Then let us all he up and doing- Send your mites however small , Or when the snow of winu r strikes us , Ve shall have uo pants at all. -Exchange. A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets - lets at this office. ' Victor and Crescent bicyces. C. A. Leach , exclusive agent. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. The Quick Meal gasoline stove is sold by Cochran & Co. They are the best on earth. Cochran & Co , handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now oti hand. Now is the proper time to begin taking a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla - parilla is the best thing to use. Sonic handsome new bcx writing paper - per just received at our stationery de- partment. Prices very reasonable. Cochran & Co. carry is stock the Olds , Charter Oak and Bain farm wagons. There are none better in the market. Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. COCHRAN & Co. Nebraska state warrants drw only 5 per cent interest under the new law , being - ing a saving of two per cent to the taxpayers - payers of the state. Give the legislature credit for this good act. By a peculiar and amusing coincidence you will observetliat''they say" it rained more just east or west of us. It is a supreme - preme test of western veracity to tell the exact truth concerning the amount of precipitation. Many fail. It was merely a coincidence , but on Wednesday morning , just as three east bound prairie schooners touched the eastern city limits , three west bound schooners entered the municipality over the same street. Thus equation is main- tained. position.Penna.A The Children's Cheerful Literary Society - ciety of West McCook will bold a literary 111 the Dwire residence , this evening , at which an interesting program is prom- ised. The public is cordially invited to attend and enjoy the occasion with the children. The Kearney council has reduced the salaries of the city officials to the following - ing notch : Mayor , $150 per year ; Clerk , $200 per year ; Treasurer , $ roe per year ; City Attorney , $350 per year ; Councilmen - men , $ roe per year ; Policemen , $45 per month. The chief of police was cut off on the first of April. The very high wind close of last week bothered the electric company severely. Broken and crossed wires were quite numerous , causing customers cousidera ble annoyance and the company much work. A break occurred in one of the smokestacks , Saturday night , which was promptly repaired. THE TRIBUNE most heartily and emphatically - phatically endorses the movement by the city authorities against gambling with cards. But the matter in simple justice should not rest there. Raffling and gambling of that kind should come under the ban of the authorities with impartial severity and promptness. If the people would purchase green coffee and brown it in their own houses , there would be fewer cases of ( liplitileria , scarlet and typhoid fevers. The aroma arising from the browning berry is one of the best agents in disinfecting dwellings - ings of impure air. It is easier to buy coffee already browned than to prepare it , but in the preparation once a week saves health and doctor bills. The doors should be left open , and let the aroma pervade every room. Last week Dr. E. M. Kimmell received a very flattering offer from the Samaritan - tan Hospital of Philadelphia to become one of the resident physicians of that institution. It is one of the leading hospitals - pitals of the state and only the best medical - ical attendants are engaged , which makes the offer all the more flattering to Dr , Kimmell. The rapidly increasing practice of Dr. Kimmell demands his attention here and he deemed it his duty to decline the position.-Penna. A Charming Affair. Last Saturday evening Mesdanes A. Campball and S. Strasser gave one of the most charming high five parties of the season at the home of the former. There was a long list of guests and a delightful time enjoyed by all. It was a very fetching - ing affair throughout , the style of entertainment - tainment being clever and easy without heaviness or formality. As the guests arrived at the diferent stated hours they were at once ushered into the dining room for refreshments , which were served with all the tastefulness - ness and attractiveness that chaste silver , pretty china and glassware , elegant napery - ery and choice cut flowers and ferns in profusion could give. The refreshments embraced a number of the season's very choicest delicacies LaFrance roses , Jonquils , carnations , smilax and ferns were used in profusion in the decoration of the table and on the subdued lights of the chandeliers , producing - ducing a beautiful effect. Mesdames A. S. Campbell and H. P. Sutton ably assisted the hostesses. Belore settling down to the all-absorb- ing game of high five , conundrums anti other games entertained the company. There were eight successful aspirants for the principal prize of the eveBing- a hand painted glass and gilt basket with hand painted Easter eggs in it- but Mrs. B. F Troxel secured time pretty prize in the drawing. Tile booby prize-a Brownie in the shape of an Easter egg filled with candy -was carried off lpv Miss Evans. Mrs. Stern came up from Iloldrege to participate du time occasion. Mrs. Lena Gans of Holdrege visited Mrs. Strasser to assist in preparations for the party. The guests were : MESDAMES H. G. Borneman , J. W. Hupp , F. M. Kimtnell , Louis Lowman , J. B. Meserve , II. H. Troth , L. B. Stiles , C. F. Babcock , L. Day , J. F. Kenyon , Frank Kendlen , C. L. DeGroff , 0. M. Knipple , Z. L. Kay , G. W. Conner , C. W. Knights , Frank Harris , Jacob Bur- nett , Orville Burnett , L. W. McConnell , H. W. Cole , W. C. LaTourette , Sylvester Conical , C. E. Magner , Cora Kelley , S. L. Green , Albert McMillen , Vina Wood , H.P. Sutton , A.S. Campbell , B.F. Troxel. M. A. Spaulding , T. B. Campbell , J. A. Gunn , C. W. Bronson , Harry Stern , J. F. Ganschow , J. F. Forbes , C. T. Brewer and Miss Margaret Evans and Miss Celia A. Furnas. Tragic and Sad. Tlie death of Charlie Weick , junior , last week , was one of the saddest and most tragic in the history of this com- munity. It will never be known just how or just when he took the fatal plunge over the high bank of the Republican river , immediately south of the city , as he had not been home since the morning before his body was found m the river Friday morning. The lad was evidently stunned by the fall , as he made little erne no outcry at or after the fall. One arm and one leg were in the water , and his head was lower in position than the rest of his body , and it is quite probable that he lay in that position nearly twenty- four hours before iliScovered by Philip Weick , about ten o'clock Friday morn- ing. Though life was not extinct at the time the boy was found , his fall , long exposure , internal injuries and position formed a fatal combination and death resulted about noon on Friday. The boy was between seven and eight years of age. The funeral occurred on Sunday morning , services being conducted - ducted at the South McCook school house by Elder Berry. The remains were buried in Longview cemetery , There is some mystery connected with the matter , so relatives of the dead boy think , at least , which time will likely bring to the surface. They cannot accept any theory concerning the affair other than that the boy's fall was either accidentally - dentally or purposely caused in whole erin in part by others , as the dead boy had passed along that dangerous neighborhood - hood hundreds of times while alive , and knew its dangers too well to fall over the bank in broad day light , as between three and four o'clock of Thursday afternoon - ternoon they think is the time of the tragedy. The parents have the deepest sympathy - thy of this entire community in the tragic and sad death of their son , for the liar- rowing circumstances of this sorrowful event have deeply touched all hearts. . Wanted ! Wanted ! . To tradeland for good driving horses , or will ship a few on commission. Enquire - quire of B. F. Troxel in the C.F.Babcock building. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wodd'i Fair rligkest Award. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. MRS. GEORGE BURNETT visited Cambridge - bridge friends , last week. JOHN MAJORS was tine guest of S. P. Hart , early portion of the week. R. C. ORR of Hayes Center had business - ness in the metropolis , Monday. V. FRANKLIN of the Citizens bank had business in Lincoln , Tuesday. A. L. KING , the Culbertson banker , gazed upon us admiringly , Wednesday. N. J. LUDI of tine Republican City Democrat was in evidence here , Monday. G.V. . NoRRIs and Ed. Jones were over from Beaver City , Tuesday , on sonic business. I. I' . Mooing departed , Monday night , for Denver and time mountains to be gone a month or so. T. H. BESTON and John McManigal were up from Lincoln , Wednesday , on a visit to relatives. P. E. SULLIVAN was up from Ilast- ings , Monday , on business before the local land officers. PERRY L. HOLEthe Arapahoe banker , made one of his visits up to the valley's finest , last Friday. MR. AND MRS.V. . E. BABCOCK of Cambridge participated in the association - tion meeting this week. A. MCCONNELL of Trenton was the guest of his daughter , Mrs. A. McMillen , early part of the week. DR. E. A. IL > aLL , we understand , is preparing to move to York , this state , in the practice of his profession. BANKER FROST of Bartley had occa- sioll to look in upon the metropolis , Wednesday morning , on business. JOHN CARMICHAEL of Lexington , Va. , an inspector of the general land office , is in the city on business of his office. JAMES HATFIELD came out from Decatur - catur , Illinois , Wednesday night , to look after his large interests in tilis vicinity. J. W. BABCocK of Cambridge and his daughter , Mrs. W. W. Duncan of Beatrice - rice , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , Monday. CAPTAIN LEE of Oxford was in the City , Monday and Thursday of this week , on business of the soldiers' colony now I being worked up here. REV. A. G. FORMAN of the Methodist church will go to Iowa , next week some time on a visit to his aged mother , and to be absent about two weeks. E. E. COLEMAN and family are here from Norfolk , Nebraska , on a visit to relatives. Emerson is doing special work for the Buckeye nlachinery people. MR. AND MRS. C. A. LEWIS of Phil- lipsburg , Kansas , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eldred over Sunday. Mr. Lewis is a lawyer and Mrs. Lewis is a sister of Mr. Eldred. WILLIAM FISCHER , wife and sister-in- law , Miss Esther E. Lamb , all of Chicago - go , were in the city over night , Monday , on their way up to his ranch in Chase county near Wauneta. SHERIDAN CLYDE , wife and babies were down from Stratton , first of the week. He has closed out his saloon business - iness there and will eugage in the same business back in Indiana. REv. DELETZKE , who has been for a number of years a German Lutheran minister in this city and vicinity , departed - parted on Tuesday for his new field of labor at Spencer , Iowa. He has the good wishes of many friends among his parishioners here. BIsiiop GRAVES occupied the Episcopal - pal pulpit , Sunday. He was also here Monday fn the interest of the proposed neW church building the Episcopalians will shortly commence building in our city , for which preparations have been making for sonic time. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Cochran & Go. handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. The Stern children of Iloldrege spent their vacation in the city , last w'eekwith Gracie Strasser. . Lincoln proposes to make a ten per cent reduction in the salaries of some of the teachers of that city. Now is the proper time so begin taking a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla - parilla is the best thing to use. If you want to buy a first-class , high- grade new bicycle at way Below the wholesale price , call at this office at , once. There is a great bargain for a man with the ready money-almost half price. He Wanted to go Home. A Young tenderfoot named A. A.Walsh from York state took No. 4 , at this station - tion , Tuesday night of this week , under rather stirring circumstances. It seems that Walsli has been making it rather unpleasant for a parson named Nue of Trenton , where Walsh lids been living for a year or two. There is a woman in the case. Well , it is stated that his reverence - erence quietly arranged with three vigorous - orous yotmg men of Trenton to give the unspeakable tenderfoot a thorough licking - ing , but before the job was performed , on the advice of friends , VV'alsli skipped the town driving to McCook in his own cart. He was followed here by the trio , who seemed to be determined to give Walsh a drubbing before he could get out of this country. Arriving here he sold his entire outfit , horse , curt and set of new harness for $13 , determining to continue his flight east by rail. His pursuers - suers evidently thought he intended to continue his flight overlaud , as they iii- lowed hint to board the train without molestation. But a more thoroughly 1 frightened tenderfoot never turned his face toward the rising sun with more eagerness than did A. A. Walsli. House for rent , cheapV. . H. Davis. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Buy a patent lever hose coupler front Cochran & Co. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. The banks at Bladen and Axtesl were closed on Tuesday morning. For Insurance on Farms and City property call on C. J. RYAN. Councilman Sutton's two children are having a mild run of the scarlet fever. The Quick Meal Gasoline Stove is sold by Cochran & Co. They are the best on earth. i The regular lawn sprinkling season will commence on next Monday , the 15th of April. Fifteen ( I5) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. The celebrated Charter Oak cooking stove with gauze oven door is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. It is the best in the market. We can use some wood-split or in chunks-on subscription any time. If you have the wood pay your subscription that way. Cochran & Co are receiving their stock of implements for the spring trade. Call 1 and inspect their line , which is the most complete in the city. F. M. Kimmell has a prime new bicycle - cycle for sale at almost half price. See him without delay. The first responsible - ble man with the cash gets the bargain. It is getting to be a serious question with the publisher of the Cambridge Kaleidoscope whether they are trying to freeze him out or not-his patronage has become so paltry. The late municipal election has doubtless - less left some very sore spots which refuse - fuse to heal or be comforted. It was in some respects a needlessly bitter fight , and of dubious utility withal. Messrs. Flitcraft & Hennings of the B. & ill. meat market have dissolved partnership , Hennings retiring. Emil Kroening has gone into the firm and the business will be conducted at the old stand by Flitcraft & Kroening , in the future. The Southl McCook school entertainment - ment , last Thursday evening , was largely attended by an appreciative and delighted - lighted people. The programme was replete with interesting numbers , which were rendered with altogether gratifying success. The author of "Trilby" thus describes her foot : "A true inspiration of shape and color , all made up of delicate lengths ant subtly modulated curves and noble straightness , and happy little dimpled arrangements in innocent young pink and white. " The loss of cattle and stock generally in Colorado , during the severe snow storm , close of last week , was simply enormous , while the suffering among the dumb brutes was something terrible. The Denver Republican says the loss is incomputable. Stock drifted many miles into the towns for shelter from the fierce wind that prevailed for three or four days and nights , many dying the streets and behind buildings. Dr. Price's Cream Biking Powder word' . Far HIgb..t M.d.l..d O1 1.ns. 1 - Welcome Wetness. E , / The Omaha Bee of Sunday gives the following account of the rain and scow storm oflast Friday and Saturday : "Nebraska lids received a soaking. On all her broad prairies there is not a t i foot of ground that has not received and absorbed moisture enough to put the land in excellent coulitiOu. The rains of the last two days have completed the work commenced a week ago , amid every section that was skipped in the first downpour was given the benefit of the latter rain. Front all parts of the state 1 uiessages have been received telling of ! t the delights of rain and the consequent happitless of not alone the farmers , but of all the business men. Songs of praise are especially going up fromn the heart of tine droath-stricken region of last year. There the rain has been the most abuts- ( Front Nucholls county west , tak- tug the vast area covered by the counties of Adamus , Webster Franklin Kearney IIarlan , Buffalo , Dawson , l'helps , Furnas , 1 Frontier , Red ; Vlllow. Lincoln , Hayes , Ilitchcuck , Chase , Dundy , Perkins and f Keith , and , iii fact , across the state to the northern boundary , time precipitation bas been sufficient to satisfy the must carping critic. Where discouragenieut sat enthroned a week ago , hope has re- , sunned her sway and driven out evil forebodings - bodings , replacing theta with confidence and trust. But not only has Nebraska t been blessed by the coIpious showers mr m but time dried up counties along time Kansas , Colorado and South Dakota borders - ders have been wet to an extent in excess - cess of any experienced iii two years. " Judging from special telegrams amid other sources of information , the rainfall in this immediate vicinity was rather less than both east and west of here. The gauge at the Burlington depot indicated - cated a rainfall of 3 of an tnclm , while reports from all around us show a muchi heavier precipitation. Nevertheless the result has been very encouraging amid stinmulating to farmer amid business . The three closing days of the week were marked by severe high winds. A Slight Correction. THE TRIBUNE-was slightly in error , last week , in its reference to the arrest of certain demi mondaine. These wonen of the half world were arrested for not putting up the customary sum for the donation fund. We learn , however , that a petition is to be circulated among our people asking time authorities that inmates - mates of disorderly houses be arrested and fined according to law , so that such finesshall , go where time law only contemplates - templates they shall go , namely , into the school fund. It is foreshadowed that this petition will ask for an enforcement of the orE- ( lances of the city touching other evils , and it is claimed that time mayor lmas ' signified his intention of carrying out the will of the people if they so desire. Look These Over. Special this week-Kohu Bros. Cloth- dug at low prices. Ladies Spring Suitings , some very neat patterns. Shoes , for heavy railroad work , just the thing for trackmen and firemen , at reasonable prices. Swift'sWinchesterand Boneless Hams , very choice , fresh and cheap. Also nice Breakfast Bacon and Bologua Sausage. Helm's Creamery Butter , 20 cents per pound , engage it now for the season. Alfalfa Seed-We have the best and cleanest , at $1.5o per bushel. Give us a call. MCCooK MERCANT1LE Co. The Marshalship. Marshal Bump expects to depart for Los Angeles , California , April 19th , to re-enter the railroad service , and consequently - quently at the last meeting of the city council he handed in his resignation of the marshalshio to take effect on the 19th , which was accepted. The mayor has not made an appointment - ment to fill the vacancy created as yet. ' There are two prominent candidates for the office , Ed Jordan and Mel. Holmes , and knowing ones claim that Jordan has the inside track. Extraordinary Low Rates. Low rates to Denver , McCook , Sheridan - dan , Broken Bow , SterlingColorado , and a number of other points are offered by the Burlington Route , Monday , April 15th. Ask the local agent about them. You will be surprised and pleased to learn what he will tell you. For Exchange. For improved property in McCook , a well located property in Kearney City , 4 Nebraska. W. W. BARNGROVER , Stockville , Neb. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. CocHRAIc & Co. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this once. r