The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 05, 1895, Image 4

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- TAB G. A. ItL reunion for the
state will be held in Hnstiugs during -
ing the last weak in August.
HEAVY rains visited eastern anti
northern Nebraska , Syturday and
Sunday. Also the adjoining states
on the east ; thus breaking a severe
and unusual drouth of an alnrwing
TDINGS must be at a pretty pass
in the legislative halls when it 1)e-
tomes net essary to enact IiIt ( laW
that no one be permitted to remove
for individual use any of the legislative -
lative supplies belonging to and
paid'foi by the state.-lee.
TJIE failure of Creethl Bros. and
the Buspelision of the Hastings
, Nebraskan will cause much and
genuine sympathy to go out from
the Nebraska press townrd those
distressed brethren , whose misfor-
dune is to be greatly regretted.
THE rich men of Nebraska five
years from today will bh the man
who alt o lcIvantasge of lresent con-
ituqus to increase their real estate
% Holdings.'hen the lide turnsas ,
U will turn wltlilu a few months ,
1 every man who has sold property
in this state at a sacrifice will be
asking friends to punish. him very
.soundly ' for his clisIpinY of the
white feather. The drouth ) is as
long . and as broad as the upper
Mississippi valley. It is not a
Nebraska institution. IVheu it is
broken this state will reaiu itr
+ prosperity almost at a single leap.
OVER in Iowa whcre they have
had no rain for several months ,
the people are clamoring for assist-
- ante from the heavens. A Marsh-
alltown editor r iniads them that
these things can very safely be left
to the care of providetice. "A big
rain now , " he says , "would be valuable -
uable just as suspension of silver
coinage was , for the effect on popular -
ular imagination. In that way it
would do great good 110w. Two
Beaks hence imagination will be
even wore susceptible than at this
time , and the effect on the soil will
be much greater. Bain thou will
be a double blessing. We are entirely -
tirely satisfied to have it hold off
awhile yet , and we are convinced
that General Andrew Jackson was
nearer right than he thought when
he said these things are controlled
by a higher and perhaps a wiser
power. "
Choice Mammouth Pearl Seed
Potatoes for 65c. a bushel at the
McCook Commission Co.'s.
Latter Part of May.
i The Red Willow county seat removal
'case will come up before the supreme
court some time the latter part of May.
It was not heard this week on account of
a misunderstanding as to date.
A meeting of old soldiers was held in
H. H. Berry's of iceThursday afternoon ,
to consider the feasibility of organizing
a soldiers' colony with headquarters at
McCook. H. H. Benson was appointed
chairman and Dr. A. C. Harlan , secre-
tary. After hearing a description of the
project it was voted to undertake it. A
committee was appointed composed of
H H Benson , A. C. Harlan , A.C.Moore ,
J. A. Wilcox and H. H. Berry to prepare
plan of organization and articles ofincor-
poration. The purpose is to locate a
colony in some valley southwest of here
where the soil is good , climate mild , and
there is plenty of water for irrigation
purposes. The next meeting will beheld
l , in the city hall , Thursday , April xxth , at
I 2 p. m. , to which all old soldiers , their
' I sons and friends are cordially invited.
Mrs. Barger has her stock of spring
millinery in and is ready to show
trimmed goods and a great variety of
pattern hats and bonnets. Also school ,
hats from 25 cents up.
McConnell's Balsam for coughs.
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Add Gaud Mad. ) Midwinier Pk ; San Frani&a.
. - - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .i * . . . - . . s +
Report of Ald Received and Distributed -
uted by Mrs. J. E. Hathorn.
Through the influence of the Christian
Herald of New York City naming Mrs. Ha.
thorn as a reliable person who would receive
and distrihutesuppliesto the needy and destitute -
titute people in this vicinity , the following list
of supplies have been received and distributed -
uted :
I box , Mrs. H. N. Hard , WhitfieldN. H.
I bbl. , Mrs. G. Douglass , Sebago , Me.
I sack , V. B. Cummings , Sleepyeye , Minn.
t bbl. and 1 box , King's Daughters , Ham.
mondsport , N. Y.
I box , citizens of Hume , Mo.
I bbl. , citizens of Poynette , Wis.
I bbl , , Mrs. L. A. Leisure , Oakdale , Mass.
I' hl. , people of Canaan , Conn.
2 bbls. , citizens of Pleasant Mound , Ill.
I bhl. , Clara Benedict , Rutland , Ohio.
I pkg. clothing by mail , Mrs. L. Hoge ,
Lordsville , Ohio.
3 bhls. , Home Missionary Society , Maringo ,
2 bbls. , Ladies' Aid Society , Glenville- .
The instructions were to distribute the
above supplies to the needy and dettitute.
The instructions were to give old soldiers
the preference in the distribution of the fol-
luwingsupplies :
2large boxes , Hme and Employment
Committee , W. R. C. , Lancaster , VVis.
2 bbls. , W. IL C. and others , Brazil , Ind.
3 hhls. , W. R. C. Littleton , N.1-I.
I box , W. K. C. , West Salem , \Vis.
3 hbls. , W. R. C , Afton , N. Y.
2 hbls. , W. R. C. , Waverly , Iowa.
I box , W. R , C. , Greenley , Kan.
I box. W. R. C. and others , Marysville , lan.
The W. R. C. of this place having appointed
a special relief committee to distribute supplies -
plies coming from corps , a part of the contents -
tents of the last two fluxes with some other
clothing on hand was turned over to that
committee. The following supplies were also
turned Ayer to the W. R. C. committee :
2 pkgs. , Mrs. D , N , Ware and Miss II.
Fuller , , utnerville , Ma.
I box , King's Daughters , Sumerville , Mass ,
2 bbls.V. . R. C. , Afton , N. Y ,
2 bbls , W. R. C. , Montpelier , Vt.
The following money was sent to be placed
where it would do the most good.
Home Missionary Society , Maringo , Ill. . $6.00
M. L. Knight , Centerville , . o0
Infant S , S. class , Ilammondsport , N , Y 2.00
Mrs.B. F. IlarringtonAdams CenterN.Y. Ioo
Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
D. R.Sut + lerLovington , Ill , , , , , , , , , , , , , L00
C. E. Society , Penrin , Cal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80
A. It Gottschall , H art isburg , Pa. . . . . . . . 5.00
Of this $7.65 has been used to pay freight ,
and the balance has been used to buy groceries -
ceries , fuelfeed and seed.
The following money was sent for the W ,
1 . + . gqd turned over t9 the committee :
1V. R.C. , Afton , N. Y . : . . . . . : : . . . . .5 2.00
W. R. C , Montpelier , Vt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.96
\V. R. C. , Bloomfield , N. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS.oo
In addition to the above and as the result
of the notice in the Christian Herald , one
barrel of clothing was sent by Ilanna R.
Dixon of Kenneth Square , Pa. , and distributed
by Prof. Smith ; two barrels of clothing by
Mrs. Mabel Rice , Magnolia , Iowa , and distributed -
tributed by S. 1V. Clark ; a quantity of flour
from I fume , Mo. , distributed by Rev. G. B.
The above supplies dishibuted by me were
distributed in accordance with the instructions
of the donors. I have a record of ninety-six
names , and each name in most cases represents -
sents the head of a family that I have furnished -
nished from these supplies. I desire , in behalf -
half of the destitute people of this vicinity
who have been ben fitted , to express deep
and sincere thanks to these generous and
kind-hearted donors.
Wanted-More Light.
In the Inter-Ocean of March 29th , Dr.
and Mrs. J. E Hathorn gave a statement
of what they chain to have received in
the way of relief supplies , but it is not
satisfactory by any means to a large majority -
jority of the Post and W. R. C of Bart-
ley. The facts are , last fall Mrs J. E.
Hathorn , president of the W R C , made
an appeal through the Christian Herald
of New York for supplies for the needy
of this vicinity , especially the old soldiers
and their families. In response to this
appeal a large part of the supplies mentioned -
tioned in her article were sent to her ,
and were sent for old soldiers and their
families. Did .he notify the W. R. C.
or G. A. R. post of the receipt of these
goods , and that they were for distribution -
tion ? No. She toll then : it was none
cf their business ; it was all a personal
matter of hers. On the contrary Dr.
Hathorn , commander of the James Laird
Post , took charge of these goods , taking
them from the depot to his office , where
with locked doors and drawn curtains he
and his wife inspected them. Did the
doctor ever notify the Post that they
were on band and ready for distribution ?
No. When the ladies of the 1V. R. C.
asked for a report from Mrs Nthorn in
regard to the relief for the Post and
Corps , she ruled theni out of order and
would not allow them to talk about it ,
informing them that SHE would look
after that. Finally Mrs. Dilworth , department -
partment commander of the W. R. C „
was called upon and she ordered the
election of a special relief committee and
ordered Mrs. I3athorn to turn over to
the relief committee the goods then on
hand , which hits. Hathorn designated
in her report as a part of two boxes which
consisted of four quilts and a lot of rags ,
which in fact. was but a remnant of rags
left from the large amount of supplies
received by Mrs. Hathorn. In the post
nothing could be learned by its members
of the amount of relief received by Dr.
Hathorn or what had become out. The
members asked for a relief committee
to aid the doctor in distributing the
supplies , and were informed that HE
would look after that. The fact is the
doctor had charge of and looked after
the distributing , if any distribution was
made , of all the supplies received by
himself and wife , and that the doctor
. . . . . . . . , . . . .
w..n'slss aarxtr + Q ; < + .ru.e-r.-
has not accounted to the Post for the
large amounts received by them.
On application of members of the Post
the department commander sent a committee -
mittee to investigate the affairs of the
Post , and Commander Hathorn ignored
them and gave them no satisfaction.
Finally the matter got so serious that
not long ago Commander Adams was
called to Bartley to investigate , and he
ordered Department President Mrs , Dil-
worth to meet him here , and the investigation -
tigation sbowed a very unsatisfactory
state of affairs. Some of the very needy
old soldiers have received no part of
these supplies , and others but a meagre
portion , and the burning question is ,
what has become of them ? In Mrs.
Hathorn's statement it appears that she
received $15.65 in cash that she expended
for groceries , fuel , feed and seed. A diligent -
igent inquiry has been made to ascertain
where the money was expended , and
who got the groceries , fuel , feed and
seed , but we have been unable to locate
any part of it. The report says it "was
placed where it would do the most good , "
and we are exceedingly anxious to know
where that place was found to be.
When the adjutant general sent a car
of coal to the Post , Commander Hathorn
took charge of it , placed it at the coal
yard with positive orders to give out
none of it without his written order , and
as he was away many times when people
came for coal or supplies they had to
wait or go home without , as he refused
to appoint a committee to help him.
Finally the Post elected a committee
which took charge of the balance of the
coal and distributed it. A consignment
of provisions from Pawnee City was
served in the same way. Although often
asked by members of the Post to give
a.1 account of the distribution of the
large amount of supplies they have received -
ceived , the doctor has steadily refused
to do so , anti the report in last week's
Inter-Ocean is the first statement they
have condescended to make , and that
teas made to the public , instead of to the
Post as it should have beeti ,
Whilelt may be possible that the doctor
has distributed these supplies to needy
old soldiers and their families , a careful
list of the amount he has given to the
members of the Post has beets made and
it covers but a small portion of . the goods
received , and some of the members who
are in need have received nothing at his
hands :
We helie e that in Justice to themselves -
selves Dr. and Mrs. Hathorn should now
make a detailed statthlluht of the distribution -
bution of these supplies to the Post and
Corps , and thus remove the feeling that
now prevails in those bodies. Certainly
if they have the prosperity of these two
bodies at heart , as they claim to have ,
they will do so. Signed by many
[ The } above communication from members -
bers of James Laird Post , G. A , R. , of
Bartley , is published at their request ,
and for the further reason that the editor
of the Bartley Inter-Ocean refuses to
give them space 1n his paper. We consequently -
sequently give both the report and the
criticism of the same by members of
the post. ] EDITOR.
L. E. Gilcrest went in to McCook on
No. 2 , Wednesday night , to report for
duty , his hand being so nearly healed
that the doctor said die could go to work.
. .G. A. Dunlap , a former B. & M. em-
ploye at this place , but now roadmaster
with headquarters at Edgenlont , South
Dakota , was in town for a short time
last Thursday. Mr. Dunlap is a rustler
and is very enthusiastic over the bright
future prospects of his town and country.
-Akron Republican.
The Burlington Route will , until April
15th [ , haul seed grain Iree of charge from
all points on their lines east of the Missouri -
souri river to points in Gosper. Furnas
Frontier , Red Willow , Hayes , Hitchcock ,
Chase and Dundy counties , in cases only
where the grain is to be given to the
farmers without charge ; in cases where
grain is to be place 1 on shares , or where
it is to he paid for by the farmers in casher
or otherwise , the emergency rates in
effect will be collected.
C. E. MAGNER , Agent.
A Few Indianola Items.
E. FLOYD JONES had business in our
sister city on the west , Monday.
MR. AND MRS. HAGER are in McCook
today visiting their daughter , Mrs , E. C.
CHARLES O'BRIEN was down from
the metropolis. Sunday , on some matters -
ters of private moment.
trict Court Clerk and Mrs. Bond took in
the valley's finest , Saturday evening ,
between trains.
They Are a Necessity.
You can't do any lawn sprinkling business -
ness without one. We mean those patent -
ent lever hose couplers. The simple
movement of a little lever connects or
disconnects your hose to or from the hy-
drant. The women will appreciate this
little patent. It will save them lots of
time and effort. Cochran & Co. sell
A Card to the Publc. ;
I have for the present rented the north
half of the Mrs. Smith Gordon residence
on Madison street , where I may be found
when not engaged professionally or absent -
sent from my office over McConnell's
drug store , Z. L. KAY , MD.
_ 1 ? _
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
'DR a
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powde"r. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
Knippl ( ) is headquarters for
all kinds of garden seeds. Call
aucl see his supply and get his
prices before laying in your stoek
for spring planting.
Quipple is headquarters. for
hulk seeds. Don't fail to consult
hills before buying your spring
'Buy y our writing paper at
TIE TIt1BUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Bulk and garden seeds at Knip-
William II , Boyddefendantwilltake notice
that on the 19th day of February , 1895 , S. M.
Cochran & Company , plaintiffs , filed their
petition in the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , against said William ti.
Boyd , defendant , the object and prayer of
which are to secure the payment of a certain
promissory note in writing , for the sum of
of 44.S0 , dated May 17 , 1894 , due July
17 , 4 , wt'h ' interest at Io per cent per annum -
num from date , made and delivered to said
S. , u. Cochran & Company by said lVilliann
14. Boyn ; that there is now due on sank
from said defendant to plaintiffs the sum of
$44.50 and interest as aforesaid from date ,
for , hich sum the plaintiffs pr.yfnrjudgment
against said Williain II. bold : these phon-
tids on said :9111 da of February , :895 , caused
a writ of attachment to issue
against the property of said defendant in said
county and by virtue of said order on same
clay these plaintiffs duly attached the follow-
ingdescrihed real estate : Southeast quarter of
section II and thesouthwestquarterof section
12 , all in township 3 , north of r nge 30 , we t
6th p. m. , Red Willow county , i ehraska , and
due appraisal and return of said order has
been mailed and filed in the office of the clerk
of the district court of said county , the purpose -
pose of said attachment being to subject said
land to sale , for the payment of the amount
due plaintiffs from defendant , as hereinbefore
set forth. You are required to answer said
petition in said court on orbefore the 29th ( lay
of April , 1895. S. Ytl. COCi1RAN & Co.
ByJ.A.CoRDEALiheirattorney. Mch22-4t.
Punt.tcArloa NOTICE.
Mary E. Johnston and George E. Johnston
defendants , vill take notice that : tattie A.
Conklin , plaintiff herein , has flied her petition -
tion in the district court of Red Willow coon
ty , Nebraska , against the above named defendants -
fendants , the object and prayer of which is to
foreclose the certain mortgage executed and
delivered by the defendants Mary E. Johnston
and George E. Johnston to the Nebraska
Loan and Banking Company , on the 13th day
of 11ay , A. D. 1559 , and afterwards assigned
to this plaintiff. Said mortgage was upon the
southwest quarter of section t5 and the northwest -
west quarter of section 22 , in township I , north
of range 30 , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska , to secure the payment -
ment of their eleven certain promissory notes ,
one for51,5oo due on the first day of Slay ,
1895 , and ten notes for $ ,52.50 each , one due on
the first day of November , 1889 , and one maturing -
turing every six months thereafter until the
maturity of the last of said notes which matured -
tured May 1st , 1894. There is now due on
said notes and mortgage the sum of $1.730
with interest at ten per cent from March 1st ,
1895 , and the plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may he sold to satisfy said
amount with interest and costs of suit. You
are required to answer said petition on or before -
fore Monday , April 29th , iSg5.
HATTIE A. CONxLiN , plaintiff.
By P. A. WELLS , her attorney. 3-:2.4t.
By virtue of an execution issued by E. Baker -
er clerk of the district court of Lancaster
county , Nebraska , upon judgments rendered
in said court in favor of Chaves White against
Tillie May and David May , I have levied upon
the following real estate ahe property of said
1'illie May and David Mo to itTe north
half N. 34 of the northeast uarter N.E.
section twenty-nine (29) ( ) in township oneI )
north of range thirty (3o ( ) west of the sixth
meridian in Red Willow county , Ne-
brask and I will , on the 12th day of April ,
1895 , at one o'clock , P. m. of said aY , at
door of the court house of said county , in
Indianola , sell said real estate at public auction -
tion to the highest bidder for cash , to satisfy
said execution , the amount due thereon , in the
aggregate being the sum of 56,272.15 and
543.62 costs , and accruing costs , Indianola ,
Neb. , March 12th , 1895. E. R. BANKS ,
MarJ5-5t5. Sheriff of said county.
After years of study and labor there has at
last been discovered a sure and never-failing
remedy. It has been tested on patients who
have despaired of ever being cured , and the
results have been in every case wnderful.
Goff's rheumatic cure is unequaled as a positive -
tive remedy in all cases of chronic and aute
inflammatory rheumatism , out lumbago , sciatica -
atica and nural ia ; especially ovarian
d smenorrrh ra ad all kindred affec-
tions. It is also a valuable blood purifier being -
ing especially useful in eczema , psoriasis ,
, all gandular enlargements nd diseases
of the liver and kidneys. It is absolutely -
lutely free from all narcotics Severe attacks
are rlieved in from one to three days and a
positive cure effected in from five t eighteen
aYs. For sale by McConnell & Co. 3-9.3m _
The best salve , in the world for cuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles erne ay
required. It is guaranteed to give erect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price z 5 cts.
per box. F0r'sale by McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
- , .
- - -
- - - - -
: .1
. , tI
The Latest . .
. . . { .
. . . Spring Styles. ti ltI
Men and Boys' ,
Soft and Stiff . . . Y . }
' . : a
. . . Shirts Underwear f ' l
t' And Other Goods.
: , ;
. . . t4
.e. - - 4 . 1
' '
- - wvv's' y.
McCook , fiebraska. ' JONAS El. ( ; + 'L ,
Take Notice.
DoYou . I
. Want The . , . J'
' . Very Best ? r
Davin contracted a ] G choice era o
ii grade Hereford lei ers o r. Evans , o
e ale ranch. Also' will receive monthly l
shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from '
Colorado. We are in a position to offer the
finest meats ever offered in ecity.
_ _ o ®
. . All Kinds of . . . .
Top Prices paid for . . .
. Beef Hides Furs
Tallow Lard , Etc. !
D 1 ,
s rac o Votes as a e i ec i on
APRIL 2d , 1895. - r
V 1 n ( A
CANDIDATES. i'c We tt < < K
> e y . y
C tl zC
r .
K i.3 i. i
J. E. Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 55 65 282
Jacob Burnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 54 47 217 65
E. J. Wilcox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 85 66 68 I18
C. F. Babcock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 46 43 45 304 186
E. L. Laycock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So 80 66 6g
C. L. DeGron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 49 45 45 295 tot 94
C. N. Whittaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 90 77 1
C. H. Meeker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 33 33 72 5 336 1 43 1 93
FoR COUNCILMAN-ISt ward. . 75 I6I
H. H. Easterday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 51 to7 t.
R. M. Osborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 68
R. L. Tinker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 g Ito 17 ,
4S I03
R. B. Archibald , 3 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 4'
W. T. Coleman , 3 Y ears , . . . . , . . , . . , 7 r 3 g 65 36 5 374
E. H. Doan , 3 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 92 73 210
Z. L. Kay , unexpired 2 years. . . . . . . 88 38 57 3 50 1 339 21 4 I2
John Wentz , unexpired 2 years. . . . . 9 78 6 3 53 286
J. M. Henderson , unexpired t year. . 107 So 77 1g 72 ;
.2 . 54 3
. . . . . . S9
J. F. Kenyon , unexpired I year. 59 33 45 2 z 159 ,
. . f
- , - . .e J