' T j . : : - , , . . : - - . . - . - : T' . . ' ; y : 1 . k : I Wh tls i r r * LkiiIr ] Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Citidren. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor _ other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute . for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. ; , It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by , : Millions of Mothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays } feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves . ; teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas . ' . feria I9 t.to Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. : Castoria. Castoria Is an excelfcnt mrd8 i for bbil Oren. Mother , have ropeatcaa y laid ue of its good elrect upon their chi tdren. Da. U. C. Osooou , Lowery . . , F II Castoria Is the best Ivmedy for children of trhleh I am acquainted. I hope tiie clay is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead - , stead of thevarousgtmek nostrums which are . destroying their'loved ones , by forcing opimn , , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful _ .agents down their throats , thereby sending Them to premature graves. " - ' Da. J. F. Kn cnci or , Conway , Ark. Castoria , "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoauyprescripUon known to me. " IT. A , Ancastt , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. "Our physieian3 is the children's department - ment have spoken bigbiy of their experience - ence in their outaide practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess tlmt the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " U2ITKD HosiirAL AND 1)19PENSART , Boston , Maa3. Au.EN C. SMITH , Pres. , The Centaur Company , T7 Murray Street , Now York City. F. D. BURGESS , Fitter1 . a MAIN AVENUE , McCUUK , NE13. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim ainga Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. : 'TI4E i. I . FIkST WATIOWAL g PAWK A A uth orized Capital $ WO,000 i OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKN Ll 0. M. FREES ! W , F , LAWS00 1 President. Vice President , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL FdAOK HARRIS. GiLizons tNCU2tl'UIt4t.TED UNIEIL STATL LAWS. i Paid TTh Capital , - - $50,000. Surplus , - - - - 10,000. . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. -r - Cofections Made vn all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all . : , Principal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. T . - OPPICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President , A. C. EBEi.T ; , Cashier. ' f Coltalsrornrcvrs : 1'he First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska : The . ' . Chemical National Bank , dew York City. , a . , . ) ot S . .4 LIME , IIARD CEME AND ' DOOR LLJMPER.Z soar r IAnor s , . ' ° BLINDS. COAL. la ( z POSTS. u. J. WARREN , Manager. I . - + 5- . - - COLEMAN. Mr.Prentics is able to be arouud again. H. B. Wales is 8 ) Wing : )0 acres of wheat. 111r. Carter hits moved to the Ellis farm , Thomas Real and S. D. McOlaln are back from their Illinois trip. 111. H. Cole went to lndlunola , Tuesday , to attend the assessors' meeting. Mr. Nicklas intends to farm the Thraikill farm in counection with his own , this year. Father Sherman reports that the boys will be here itbout April 1st to put out a crop. J. B. Smith , who left here last fall , writes that he will return about the first of May. Mr. Richards visited old friends ill this vicinity ] ast week. He is now living near Northi Platte. M. II. Cole's father and mother and brother , from Dallas county , Iowa , arrived here , Thursday , and will remain sometime. One of the ludicrous happenings last week in this town. was a yquug man looking high and low for a calf skin. He wanted a piece for a "miislltash. " Last Saturdaj' night , as Jim Ryais was returning home from McCook with a part of a load of shelled corn , the wagon u p set and spilled Jim and the corn out. Word from Northwestern Iowa has been received to the effect that , it is so dry there that some farmers - ers have to drive their stock two to three miles to water , and the wiutl blows almost constantly. Last Friday witnessed the concluding - cluding exercises of the most successful - cessful sit months' term of school ever taught in district 58. DBEs Laura Pickering conducted the school , and the rapid advanceineiit of the pupils is evidence that she understands the art of teaching. Book-keeping and some other of the higher branches were taught. Quite a number of the advanced scholars took up these , branches. The pupils took an unusual interest - est in their studies , and by attentive - tive application to study displayed a commendable thirst for knowl- edge. This earnestness in seeking after knowledge was the direct result - sult of the faithful promptness of the patient teacher. The scholars who attended this term will long hold in pleasant memory Laura Pickering , their teacher. Friday evening there was an exhibition. The programme contained fifty- seven numbers , consisting of a speech of welcome , songs , declamations - mations , dialogues , etc. , and they were all delivered in a very creditable - itable manner , occupying three and one-half hours time. Each one willingly and heartily enact d the part or parts assigned to them. Over one hundred and thirty people - ple were present , and many pronounced - nounced it the best school exhibition - tion they had ever witnessed. WHILE the supreme court is pondering over its income tax law decision the income tax returns are coming right along. Should the law be declared uucunstitutifnia ) the income tax collectors will have to be utilized in undoing the work already accomplished. Westward the prairie schooner is taking its flight. With a favorable - able crop season , this year , it is safe to predict a strong immigration - tion , this fall. White Pine CoughrSprup , by McMiiien , druggist. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Children CrYfar Pitcher's Castoria , "WHEN SPRING COMES I RECOMMEND Pl : 1tU-NA TO ALL SUFFERERS" SAYS EDITOR 1M. T. PowELL , OF CLAnINGTON , 0. 1 r. ' 1' Powell , editor of the Independent - dependent of Claritgtou , Ohio , writes that lie was taken sick with bronchitis and catarrhal fever , bead was in a terrible eonditiou , lungs were badly affected , being so tight and sore lie could hardly breathe , and coughed almost in- cessantly. For two months tried local physicians , took cough lned- icines itud other medicines. Took three bottles of Pe-ru-tia and was entirely cured. It is needless to attempt to give only the vaguest outline of tbo wonderful success which Pe-ru-nit has met with in the form of catarrh. This success is entiiely due to the fact that Pa-ru-na eradicates - icates the disease from the system - tem , instead of temporarily relieving - ing some disagreeabhi symptom. Not only is catarrh in all stages autl varieties cured promptly , belt also colds , coughs , bronchitis , la grippe , catarrliitl clvspepsia , all yield , surely and permaueutly , to the curative virtues of Pe-i'u-nil. As a spring medicine Pc ru na is a never failing remedy. It cleanses the blood through digestion - tion , and gives tone to the whole system by increasing the nutritive value of the food. Spring fever , as it is sometimes called , which i produces a tired-out , sleepy feeling - ing , and inability to do lnueh mental or physical work , is the iesult of a sluggish digestion , and no blood medicine will be of any use whatever unless it is able to rectify the impaired digestion. The great popularity that Pe-rn-na has is doe to the fact that in all such cases it at once corrects digestive - gestive derangements and enriches the blood by purifying this very important source of that vital fluid. Send for book on spring medicines and spring diseases. Also a valuable - uable treatise on catarrh , la grippe , consumption , coughs and colds , by Dr. H 'u' tmau , sent free. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company , Columbus , Ohio. For free book on cancer address Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. A HAPPY MOTHER-$72.50 IN A WEEK , 1YIR..UDITOIt : I feel so happy that I must tell , through your val- uable' paper , what I did , so others can be happy and make money too. Things looked blue ; these hard times had thrown my husband out of work ; the interest on the mortgage was coming due and no money. I saw an advertisement of the Rapid Dish Washer and thought I could sell them. I sent $5.00 , got one , and my husband washed the dishes because he did not have to put his hand in the water , and did not have to rub them nor dry them ; they came out all nice and clean and ready for the shelf. He also took care of the house and baby. I got the agency and sold ten the first day , and have cleared this week $72.50 and will by next week have enough to pay the-interest , and am sure we will have money all winter. Anyone out of work should send to W. P. Harrison & Co. , Columbus , Ohio , and get a circular , have a happy home , and make money too. Times are going to be hard this winter , and much suffering can be saved if mothers and daughters would do as I have. . Ii II I I When Baby was sick , we gave her Castarla. When she was a child , sbo tried for Castoria. When she became , she clung to Castoria. Wben she had Children , sire gavetbem Castors. .4 - KuiPPle is headquarters for hulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Cameron's HOme- - 1Groivn Seeds. Send foi' I11r1Str. ated Catalogue - logue to James Cameron - eron , at Be LyeI . S.CORDEAL , 7 v I : Notary Public Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. b II j. S. MCBRAY H , PROPRIETOR OF 'FILE McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. R. M. OSBO iyNr PROPRIETOR OF TILE TRANSFER. : I am well equipped to do anything and everything in the line of draying business. I will move pianos or household goods promptly and safely. Your patronage - ronage is solicited. Barn opposite the Central hotel. Chase Co. Land al"Ilf , iuw Stock Col / Horses branded on left hip or lert Rhouldor Y. U. address Itnpf riul , f'hast ' caunl ) , aud ltcat- rii e. Nebraska. Itittire. Stinking water and the Frenchman crrekR. In Chasecounty. Nehraska. Brand KR cut on Ridenr Romeaniniala.oa hipiuid Sides of some , or anywhere - where on thr animal. ELMFit rtOWEL ! . , NOT 1tY rUitrJc , , R R. Estate , ,3 I ! AND INSU1tNttJE. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY - ATLAW , AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. McCOK. - - NEIRASIA- Ot5kn in ige71r l'i-.I National Bank. CHARLES 11 , BOFL1 , ATTORNEY - ATLAW hieCOOK , NEBRASKA. fbPERIIEIDSIEC ( i PLUS TOBACCO. PLUS.e .e ° 1t r 11T Consumers o ewin tobacco are ill o paj a Iillleinorelhai e rice cage or inn trade oA cCOS , ! l find brand superior o a a em BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. _ w. LII DO Q IS THE BEST. FIT FOR AILING. CORDOVAN . f. FRENCH &ENAMELLED CALF. ,4$350 FINE Cw&KANGAiloa 3. _ POLICE,3SOLES. $2 , WORKINGhf ' 50 . 2 . , EXTRA FtNE EN's. ' $2.I.Z YSSCH OtSHOESt N LADIES , g3 ' ONGO i 8E5'f . SEND FOR CATALUGUE , , , , WL DOUGLJ HROCKTOHMA95. Over Ono Million People weartho w. Lo Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All ourshoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shaca In style and fit. Thar wearing qualities arc unsurpassed. The prices arc uniform---stamped on sole. From $ t to $3 saved over other makes. if y'ourdualcrctnnot supplyyouc ectn. Soldby DEALR whose natne tivttl shortly appear - pear lure Agents ; vauted. lpply tit ot2Cc. i ca E A 1tRlts t COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT Fora prompt answer and un honest opinion , wrilo to InUNN&CO.whohavebadnearly fifty rcars' experience in the patent buslness. Communlea- tions strictly confidential. A handbook of Information - formation concerning i'ntents and how to obtain - tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of merhaa. ical and ae1entl9o books sent free. I Patents taken through Munn dr Co. receive special notice In the scientific Aincriranand thus are brouutltt widely beforothe publiewith- out coat to the inventor. This splendid parer tasuedweekly. ele untiyIllustrated , hasb Iartho largest circulation of any scientlfic worm in the i world. 53 ayear. Sample co teasentfree. Building Edition ' monthly. F'a year. Single eopies , l5 centa. 'Every number contains beao- tiful plates. In colors , and photogmapha of now houses , with plans , enablin bulldcrs to chow the I latest desirna and secure contracta. Address MUNN & CO „ NEW YOlcu , 361 BuoADwAT. I ti u ! ' . ' i.tA t.lN ( : I Ir MERCIIANT TAILOR r 1 OF McCCOK , I nas Just received a new stock of OLOTHs and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good ttr tiug suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop tlrst door west I I of iiarnett'a Lumber Office , on Dennlsoa 1 street ; McM1LLEH .BROS. OCALERS iN Hartiess & Saddlery i Repairing Promptly 1 Attended to. East Dennison St. ItlcCook , Neb. w. V. A t rililsiGidil diii SllGOll , . NEBICASKA. E OmcE tfOUR3-9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 anti i to k p , m. Rooms over First National bank. M htrallsaniwrrAd at ofcP , J. A. OUNN , SllUGOll , srceoOI : , NEKILASBA. i C Orricii-Front rooms over Lowman & - son's store. Rxsrnncn-4cY2 McFarland two blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt cttention to all calls. A USTIN J. RITTENIIOUSE , ' A.TTORNEY- - / t ' f UCC00H , NEBRASKA , 13 Office over the Famous Clothing Stor. . 4 Mns. : i3. B. UTFgR , ' -MUSICAL , INS'TRUCTUE , _ Piano ' n , Guitar and BanJ'e , - voICe TRAINING A SPECIALTY. 8UDIO ROOM J , ouit QANscno1F8 , 1doCook , - - - Nebraeka. j I