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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1895)
_ _ \ MCOOKTRIBUNE. . F. M4KIMMELL , publbihar. McCOOK , - : - NEBTUSEA. . ( OVER'HSTATE. , : Bo Burri . county -is'without' ado1- ; : Iar of indebtedness. AUnoIA bas a democratic club .in ; .active working order. A NtIInm : of . rabid dogs have bcen 1ki11ed. at Ashland and vicinity. Tixi sberiftof Gage pps- EcSsofl of the American bank at Beat- rice. rice.Tiii. Tiii. schools . at Valley have been . . closed during the1 prevalence of.scarlet lever. D.twi * county'will asic for no aid and . does.uot even have to organize a relief . .society. Tiii : M'ethodists of llaskinshavccdm- . xnenced the. erection of a church. It wi11 cdst. about $2SOO. ! SozIE casesof diphtheria have again . developed in Hastings. There.hus been one very suddendcatb. Gs. T1IAYEi is giving here and there - throughout the state his "Recollections of Grant and Lincoln. " Six.Ioaves of bread for 10 cents.dbcs snot ] onger . .prevail in Nebraska City. The war has been declared off. AT Valley Elmer Powers was do- . dared insane by the county board last wecIc and taken to the Norfolk asylum. NINETY cases are before the present . .tcrm . of the . , district court of Sarpy . county' seven of them being criminal. JOHN PEW of ilebron cut from one cottonwood tree on his farm ten cords . of stove wood.and' yet the treewas not .all consumed. Tiii Valetine. district of country reports - ports , a big faJl of snow , eleven or twelve inches , making the ground in .fine shape for.plowing. TilE 10-year-old son of M. Chapman , ; .a. Iarmer. living . south of Nelson , had both hands blown off by a gun.which ' he didn.'t knuwwas loaded. A DISTRICT Young Men's Christian association has been organizedwith a inembership o eighteen. J. D. . Forbes . of l'onca is th president. .REV. P. S.JOBLE3I of Fergus Falls , Miun. , has. located at Wakefield.where ; hewill ba.come. the pa star of theSwed- sh Evangelical Lutheran church. TIJE defalcation of ex-Treasurer Rod- wel1 'of : lJinon township , Butler county , amounting to $350 , has been settled by .his bondsmenand Rodwell to , Ohio. TIlE . interstate encampment of the I Grand Arny. .of ' the Republic will neet at Superior May 15 to determine the iplace of holding the next inteFstate re- A. -SIIOEMAKEn , a veteran of Bro- .kentBowlias received notice that his pension.has been suspended. He will .at oncei.ake . steps to have it it re- stored. w. F. CODI- offers a reward for the .convictioii of or parties who ; poisoned . .a dew grey hounds at his Tanch. The . dogs cost him several thousands dollars. Tiu harness that was stolen from A. : n. Scott of De Witt February , 1S95 , 'was found1in the north part of town , hid in a .manure pile. The thieves arc knQwn.andwjll be arrested. . AT Shelby Mrs. Jane Patterson , fa- iniliarly.known as "Grandma , " died at the age of 80. She has resided in Polk .couuty.a quarter of a century , leaving tfamily.of respected and prosperous children. Pt'i'amsr is being pretty thorough- : i ; discouraged in Burt county. The county commissioners are drawing the lineclose and nearly everyone apply- lug for .county aid must go to the poor house .to.receive it. Riwowrs wererrecejved at Beatrice of the 'wholesalethefts ; of harness of all descriptions from farxners a few miles ca&t.of that city.last.week. The thieves wer.e traced to Beatrice , but have not yet seen : apprehended. Ariur. : i workwill commence on the new opera .house at Pierce. The structure - ture Mill be 44xtJO feet , : and thirty-two feet in height. The .seating capacity will b.c 800. The Call says it is to be the fin.est opera house in northeastern Nebrask2. . Ro MooRi , .aboy .of:15 : years , corn- initted an act.of iburlary in Harvard by entering the house .of Mrs. 1sf. W. . Wilcox by .apening the door with.a . false keg and ransacking the place and carrying off $13 in money he found on the premises. in jail now. MARK , the 1.4-year-old of IT. L. Miller of Hoidrege , was killed while playing around thefBurliugton tracks. lie attempted to cross the track between - tween two cars , .to which an engine was attached. llis head was cut off and the body dragged some distance. REUIIEN Cuuncu of Nebraska City swore ont : arxaut f r..the arrest of his son , Renken B. Church , charging him with insanity. Young Church gained some natoiiety a ago by . commencing suit against the. State university - versity for r.e.fusing , to graiit him a diploma. Mi : . AD WOODS .of iP.apillion were in Fremont .last week. Mrs. Woods is the mother of Charles Cane- ton , who is condemned to hangon the 26th of April , for the murder of . &ugust Gothman , and she is circulating petitions - . tions to be presented tothe gQvernor , ' . nsking that theseiutence1be commuted 6th imprisonment. TILE Callawav Ce.utral RelieL commit- 4e has sent outver , OOOletters tothe , cwspapcrs of the .cauntry.containing - an appeal br funds with whith to pur- - - clie seed. The money contributed is ; . to be deposited with the Omaha Na- tioial link , and will beeceivedcither : XIS a gift or as a loan. In the Jatter -caetlie committee vill , undertake to : : . - ! 2iandle it the.same as any.other Loan. c MAIW Bumcs of Burt county , vas - . ronouKced insine and sent tothc Nor- . 1olk ; asyLum lasi week ¶ hey.oungIadv - - s a mute , about 20 years of age atd ; : .well educated , having attended ax' ' Omaha school for six or eight years. An' inheritaacc is lso due her from . . : relative in Ioya. ; - TUE police of Beatrice made a raid - . oil . gambling dn in The central part of the iity and .scceiled in capturing , ; L iuxnber of wei4novn citizens of : . , - - , : . po.rtiug tendencies. . Th parties were a- . givep ; L mid-nigl hctrhxzg in. , police court. and were heavily fined and ihe 2 den .brper iipand the paaphernalia ! I . , QfiIttQc - I t : A .ortistmr class is being organizea by the management of the Young Men's Christian association at Frernont toonlist the attention of small boys. VJIILE Mr. Miller , an old. bachelor farmer living about one mile cast of Dayldn , was preparing supper , two Unknown - known men caUcd at the door and asked permission to go in Lnd get warm. As soon as they entered they attacked the old man and beat kim uu mercifully , leaving hini unconsciouS. They then ransacked the place and got about $20. CrAJtFNCE H. Gn.uiur , a printer , lost his right foot while atteinptingiocross in front of a train of cars on the Burlington - ington in Lincoln. Being in a hurry he crawled between the cars. While so doing : the engine let up the sladk and Grahazns right foot was caught between the bumpers and so badly crushed that amputation was necessary a the ankle joint TuE effoits of the directors and stockholders of the North Platte a - tional bani , which has been in the hands of a receiver for several months , have proven unsuccessful , so far as concerns - cerns reorganizing ahd reopening the bank. Receiver 1)oolittlc will proceed 'to close up the affairs of the bank as soon as possible. It is thought depositors will be paid in lull. 'Owro to the heaviest pressure of the aid business beig over , the local corn- mittee at North Loup has made public L regulation that heacafter no aid willS be distributed on any days other than .Tuesday and Friday , which indicates that the more serious labors of the cominittee'are over for the season , and unless cold weather intervenes it is hoped that the work may hereafter be only nominal. FLOHA , the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson , was fatally - tally burnedat. Filley during the tern- porary absence of the child's mother. Mrs 1)obson was 'washing clothes and had gone out to hang clothes on the line , when the child's clothing caught .firc from the stove. The chulds screams . .brought the mother to her rescue , but she was burned so badly that she died .of her injuries. 11. E. FJ1ED1IICKSON of Fremont , who won a barrel of prizes in bicycle races .last year , has received a letter from George D. Gideon , chairman of the L. . A. W. racing board. stating that the protest and charges against him in the race at the Chautauqua grounds last June , in which he was accused of receiving - ceiving a cash prize , had been with- drawn.which places him in good stand- lug in the L. A. W. BIxBY's BooK , 200 pages of rhyme by the "Driftwood" man on the Lincoln Journal , is before the public and is I meetingwith encouraging sale. The selections are the poet's choicest gems . and cover a wide range of subjects , rendering the bookof absorbing interest - . est toall classes of readers. One del , lar pays the bill and insures to the person - son ordering a publication faultless in ibinding , paper and contents. Pnouinr.y the oldest woman in Nebraska - braska , certainly the oldest Indian woman died at her . home on the Omaha reservation last week at the age of 115 years. She was quite a relic of ancient times and was the mother of a noted Ponca chief. She claimed to have.know the great explorers. Lewis and Clark , personally. It is positive that.sheliad in her possession pots , urns and . cookingntensils that- were the Indians at least seventy- three years ago. THE Freinont papers publish a long aiticle by Mr. Oxnard of the Norfolk sugar factory , giving full instructions asto the preparation of the ground for theraising of sugar.beets , and the cul- tureof thecrop from the seeding to the .rnaihketing. It will1 doubtless be read with greatinterest inthat vicinity , as the farmers and land owners have already - ready contrtcted to raise several hun- dredacres of.the crqp for the Norfolk factory , and others .are preparing to ioin the procession. rrss MARY BRADLEY , aged 24 years , wa6 found in a. comatose condition by the side of a.hedge fence by Fred Fisher at Verdon asihe was going to church. Shewas taken to hishome and every- thing.done1that could be for her recov- cry , but-she died. The coroner's jury , aftercviewing theplace and examining witnesses , .rendered .a verdict that the deceased came to her -death by despondency - dency , exposure and .cold by lying on The cold , 'wet ground.all night on the night of March 9 , 1895. IF any further.prooLwasneeded that ilenry Hueskeof this county , says a Beatrice dispatch , waS a victim of the Elbe disaster , the receipt of a dupli. . cate draft from Breinen to the widow for money which he .was bringing home with him would.establisli the fact. The Lincoln Journal iearis that Hueske only put a par.t .ofthis money in the form of a draft 'and that quite a large sum was lost with : him. The widow received the draft several days ago. The proceeds of it will aid herself and family greatly in their distress. TIlE largest and most valuable load of cobs ever sold in Syracuse , says the Syracuse Journal , was brought in last week by ilenry McCartney , Iour miles west of Nebraska City. The Joad con- tamed 10,500 cobs by actual count , and was sold to the pipe factory. The standard - dard gauge requires the cobs to meas- iire one and five-eighth inches in diameter and all but iO0 mt this re quirement. Mr. McCartney : realized more for his load of .cobs than three ordinary loads of corn would ; bning in the market even at present prices. TIlE Maccabees of Nebraska met in Limcoln last week and electedofficers as follows : Past commander , R. J. Cole , Yotk ; state commander. W. L. Broui , Lincoln ; lieutenant commander - der , j. F. Fitzgerald. South Omaha ; record keeper , 31. J. Durkin , Grand Island finance keeper. A. N. Steele , Aurorasergeant , J.V. . Lewis , Grab Orchard master-at-arms , J. W. Tan- ncr , Fullerton ; sentineL L C. Reining- ton , AnteLiope ; Picket , Walter Ilainey , rafton. There' are seventy tents in Lhcstate. . REN Bntr.of the Presbyterian eliurehi it urora , srted east last week. He chairman Inc the relief department or the presbytery and his time is very nucb occupied with that work. Hi omnttee has distributed thousands ) f dollgrs , incstly in western ecuntics. ' , No'MOiE applications by the farmers ) f York &hinty for relief in the way of rain for seed and feed will be consid- red , as , the limit has rivcd. 1'he ( s iumber of apDlleationis rcc&'ived , as fig. zred up by Relief Agent Smith. are 37. ) f this 56,256 bushels. were oats and I 0,694 corn. If all apflhicntLons.flOW flu mud are accepted , the v.osI to tiie cpun. y will not be over 7O0c1. z NEBRASKA ASSEMBLY. ARECORD OF PROCEEDINGS IN BOTH HOUSES. Many Bills Now Being Pushed Through -Insurance Matters-Tbe Irrigation 3reasure-nhlIs Itecominended for I'asJage-Afl Appropriation for Unflu- Ishied BuiJdins-Thio Sugar Beet In- dustry-Seed for Nebraska Drouth Stricken-Miscellaneous Matters. The Nebraska AsembhT. SEArr.-In the senate on the 11th several remoutrances against the passage of the bill to pcr3ntLnently iccate the state fair at Lincoln , anti two or three against the amendment-to the oleomargarine bill were read. cnate file 9. which permits cooperative - rative mutual insurance companies to charge a Jollcy fee on policies issued. was passed. house rolL 5IO , providing that county omeers may invest In seed and feed grain surplus precInct bond funds left on band afttr bonds are naid ott , was passed with the emergency clause. Senator hahn's antI-cIgarette bill , senate fib 135. whIch provides that no one shall manufacture. : ehI. 'keep for sale , or give away cigarettes or the material from wblch they are made. was taken up 'enator Akers brought In a ragged little bootblack. who stood up in the aisle and puffed at. a cigarette. The senator said he Introduced - duced the boy as an object lesson. Chairman - man Caidwehi i.rderenl the sergeant- at-arms 'to "Take tine lIttle fellow outside whore he can have a good smoke. " Without disposing of the bill tim committee arose and asked leave to sit. again. The report - port was adopted by the senate. Senate file &f. Watson'shill to comptolelegrapin compa- riles to charge a uniform rate between all l)0111tS In the state. was taken1ip and then referred to the judkIary committee. Sea- alor Pope moved that it be referred to tile committee on miscellaneous corporations , lUt accepted the amendment of Senator Watson , maIdnr the reference to tine JUlI- ciarycominittee. house roll 162 , Mc\ltt's lull jnovidhiig for n state board'of educa- Iloti , was taken up. lice of Furnas moved t recommend the Indefinite pestponenient or tile bill. McNitt opposed the motion , and it vD ; ( lefeated byonie vote. Then followed a. long discussion of the bill , finally result- lag lii the -adoption of a motion to recommend - mend the bill for indefinite postponement. llouie roll 108 was consIdered. This Is by Johnsonof TougIa' antI .authcrizcs the ap- pointxndnt of sIecial counsel in civil cases in counties having more thatW,000 popula- I ion. The committee agreed to report progress - gress and isk leave to sit again. llous.-The house on the 11th , after re- cess. went unto committee of tine whole with Harrison In the chair , to consider bills on general file. house rolls Nos. 55 , 10 and i08 , stock yads bills , were recommended for Indefinite - definite PostPneliIciit. 'I he committee's substitute for McNltt's bill , house roll No. 1G2 , to esiablish a State Board of Education aflIt tO define its powers and dutle , was theti taken up , It having becin agiced that It should follow consideration of the stock measures. The bill was indefinitely post- poned. hlouseroll No. . regulate all kinds of public printing , and provide for a supervisor of printing at an annual salary of Si,5C0 , was recommended for passace. house Loll No. 8W by Perkins , providing for the destruction of the ilussian thistle. was amended out of existence arid so perforated wIth allusionis to buffalo burs and ox-eyed daisies that it became worthless as an in- lelligent measure. house roll i39. by Allan , was then reached. lUcketts moved that when the committee arose it recommended the bill back for passage. and Howard moved to : Imenl 1)3' indeliniltely postponing the same. Bhodes wanted to know if this bill was notone to remove the appointing power of L'olice and Fire commissioners from the governor. Ricketts repled and 'explained the provisionis of tIne measuse. Howard sail he had lCCfl Informed that the bill had been t1ravn in the direct interest of the Amen- caii Protcgtive association. lie did not know this to be a fact , but had been told so. The vote then recurredon i'oward's amend- nient , which fell by the vayside by a big majority and Rickett's motion to recom- iflCfll its passage prevailed by a corres- i'onding vote. SExATr.-Several matters of more or less moment to the state occupied the attention of the senate on the 12th. After receiving a number of reports from standing committees - tees the senate took upseveral pieces of unfinished - finished business and completed them. The governor's message returning thechiange of venue bill without his approval was read , and McKesson's motion to PUSS the bill , the governor's veto nop'rithstanding. was made a special order for 11 o'clock tomorrow. The senati went. Into committee of the whole to consider the 2OOOJO relief bill. Tine bill as it passed the house appropriated S O.OOO to be ( lisbursed for supplies. especially seed gralil. by the State Relief commission. Akers offered an amendment which he claimed would give the governor the right to appoint a new commission , and in sup- poi.t of his amendment ho related in detail many of the complaints I hat had come to him of the incapacity of the present com- mission. Aker's amendment was shut oIl by Mc Keeby. who offered a substitute - stituto for the entire bill. Thosubstitute appropriates - propriates $200,000 to be divided among the counties of the drouth stricken district , no one county to receive more than $1,000. The amount to be given to each county is to be determined by the State Belief commission and disbursed by the state treasurer to the county boards. This bill was , after some amendments agreed to andordered engrossed - ed for third reading. The railroad committee - tee reported 1)ale's anti-pass bill with the rccommenlation that it be placed on general - eral file. lale moved that the rules be sus- pendeci and the bill ordered engrossea for a third reading. The motion was defeated by a vote of .9 to 9. after which the senate ad- journed. lIousu.-In the house onthe 12th. tliehiour having arrived for the special orderof the day , consideration of the general appropri- atlon bills , the house went into committee of the whole , with Speaker Richards In the 1 chair , as chairman. One of the bills , house roll 631 , the salary list , was then taken up and considered. The salary list of the gv- criiors olilce was recommended without I change. On reaching tile adjutant gener- al's office howard moved to strike thephlico out of existence and voted for it alone. Jen- ness moved to restore the office of deputy labor cornrnissionerwhichi had been dropped by the committee on ways and means , to- getlier with the salaries , $1.5u0 per annum for the deputy and 1OOO for a clerk. The amendment was carried. The appropria- lion of 5OOO for the biennum was made. and the labor bureau restored to ifs position on Ihe salary list. The office of the secretary of state was reached , and a stenographer ' added at a salary ofltO0 for tine biennum. Au assignmentclerk was added to the office A of I he commissioner of public lands and buildings at a alaiy of SiOO. The salary of tine stenoirapher of the supreme court was raised from 0 to $900. The f clerk of the baniking hoard was given an asistant : tt a salaryofi.YJO ( per annum. ? : change was made in the list of the Industrial - dustrial school atKearney untiltiic attend(4 lug physician WaS reached , when his salary was raised from iJti to $ SOO on motion of i Scliickedantz. The salary list of the Justi- tate for the Blind at ebraska tity was increased - creased from 8i-,5 ( ) ) to 516,50) . Chapman c offered an amendment-that the committee's report recommending but one .ecrctary of the Board or Transportation be amended to inclule three secretaries at $2,000 each per annum , or a total appropriation of $ l2)O.for ) f tue biennium. Chapman's amendmentcarr ned. A second assistant physician was added t ' the Lincoln liospitalfortiie Insane aLa salary of 81,20. ' per annum. The appro- pniation for the university at Llncoln recc animended by the commiteto was Si5O ( ) ) . ! lhls was amended toith,2t)5 ) on a showing iy Mtiner that. this was money to be drawn trom the university temporary and not [ ironl the reneral fund of the sttte. Barry tuovod that the stenographer dropped in the governors office by the report of the ommittee. at a salary of S1O ) , be restored , r V1iithmotion Prevailed. Judd moved an imeliunient to the list of the Industrial chool at encva that a family manager o md two teachers be added at a salary of ; cK.per annum. which prevailed. The bill , iouc roll No. 6:11. : was then recommended t or p ssage , : and the committee rose and re- t ) ortod , and 'the report was adopted. d ExATE.-Ifl the senate on the there ras alarge amount of routine busines , no era than forty-one being disposed of. Most t : f these were Indefinitely postponed , while he rest were placed on general file. lIolb rook endeavored to bring the beet si trzar bill to the , front by moving that it be C iade a order ford o'clock tomorrow f ftcrnoon. teveralsenators objected , a - ertiag tliit they weic not yet ready to give tI he bill the careful conMderation its Impor I' aiicc deserves. The motion was voted c OIl by the ipplicatIou of the two-thIrds T ule. 'Due vote stood III to ] 1 , although it p 'as annouud as 19 to Ji by the ecr.etiiry. ' a Under the rule of timsenato itrequires a two-thirds majority to take a bill from Its place on general file and advance it The senate then In a summary manner proceeded - ceeded to dispatch the bill repeahihg the , valued policy Insurance law. The matter came UI ) with a report from the judiciary committee recommending that. senate tile No. 121 , by Crane , be placed on general file. Sloan and Teift pointed out the fact that the bill practically repealed the valued nolicy law and urged its indefinite post- ponemont. A motion to that. elect was car- ned by a viva voc'c vote without a dissentIng - Ing voice. The senate then went into the committee of the whole upon the considera- lion of Vatson's bill to abolish capital pun- Ishmeint in Nebraska. Feuding an agree- menton the bihlthe senate took arecess until 2 o'clock. After recess the sonal o fin- . isited tue debate on the bUt and ordered It engrossed for third reading. The senate then flnisiiedthe daywith along discussion ofthe relief bill appropriating 2OO.UU ) for the relief of the drouth su1Tcrer. Tue son- ale finally agreed to the bill and at 3 : 0 ad- journed. Housn-Consideratlon of the general ap- proprlatlon bill , Providing for expenses of the state departments arid Institutions , occupied - cupied the lrinclpal nortlon of the time in the house on the l3tii. The total amount of Increase in appropriations provided for by the committee of the whole , outside of the Lincoln hospital for the Insane , so far during - ing the day is il5 ) above the approllriatlon for 1S93. l'lio amount given the Lincoln asylum Inn i891 was $12,300. The amount recommendel today up to the hoitrthe corn- mittee arose was $ lUl,500 , a reduction of f2.- bOO.'Tliis would leave the nettotal decrease , so far as the appropriation bill has been considered , $ il , 2. frtm tue appropriations foi' lS9 biennium. Governor liolcoinb sent in a message referring to tue Nehraska- Dakota boundary line. Tue adjuttnt general was their allowed SO0 for office expenses and the National Guard $ ooo0 , an Increase of'O In ollico expenses over 1b93. hlovard tried to reduce the guard Iteni to $10,000 * uid then to $ O.OOO. For the office expenses of tine superintendent - ent of PUblic Instruction tue apnropriatlon of 1M13 was $ U.I123. Tue present bill originally aJpropniatcd9,8O. ¶ 1liis was amended azil so recomnlenIed for passare , by adding $1,000 for an extra clerk. The bill goes to the senate carrying an appropriation for this cHico of1i,3) . an increase over 18113 of 925. The present bill recornrnenled for office - fico expenses of the attorney general $ I,6j0. The aniountaliowed for traveling expenses , 3i0 , was stricken out. leaving a total appro- pniatlon ofi,100. or$2Oahovc the biennium appropriation of 1893. For expenses of the oflice of tIne commitsloiier of Public lands and buIldings the bill as it came from the ways and means committee provided for s2oo. : The sum of 25O of this was for new carpets and furniture. Harrison tried to raise this amount to S 59 , but the committee wouldn't have It that way. 'Phe total up- proprlation for I93 was biitliOO. Time general - oral appropriationi 1)111 has made no provis- loll for time 0111cc OXCflSCS of the labor corn- missioner , asnotiting had been provided for this office mt the salary list considered yesterday - terday , aim umeiidnmeni was moved and car- ned appropriating 2O0. ' for the biennium , an increase of$1,000 over the appropriation of 1893. SENATE-Itt tue senate on time 13th the anti-cigarette bill came up. Tue house measure was su1stituted and recommended for passage. Senate file No. 114 , by Hitchcock - cock , to amend section 235 of the Code of Civil proceedure , was 'recommended for passage. Time senate , while In committee of the whole , took legislative cognizance of tIme dog. Senitte file No. 146 , by Rathbun , provides that the do shall be included in time list of domestleaulmais recognized by the statutes and provides further that if any one shall maliciously kill a dog valued at 33 or more he shall be subject to impnis- onment in time state penitentiary not less than one year nor more than three years. If the dog is worth less than $35 , the person killing it shall be fined not less than Si nor more than 81X ( ) , or Imprisoned In the county jail not more titan three months , or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. 'iJie bill also urowides severe penaitiesfor the crime of poisoning dogs with Intent to kill them. Tue senate , after some debate , agreed to the bill and it was ordered engrossed for third reading. It was amended for passate. Stewart declared the bill one ofthe most iniquitous pieces of leg- isiation attempted at the present session. Time senate , he said. had frequently made itself ridiculous , but never more so than In attempting to pass this measure. lie iuti had four valuable horses killed in ten years by do"s which were not worth a square meal. lie declared that 999 dogs out of every 1.010 ought to be killed anyway. Among the bills also considered In comm1ttem of the whole during the afternoon and recom- mnentled for passage were the ones prohibit- lug the display of brass knuckles , slung shots , billies and loaded canes In shop windows - dews , time one prohibiting bucket shops and gambling in graiim , and tue house bill en- abliimg cities of the first and second class to issue bonds for time purpose of purchasing or erecting electric light plants or water Wirks syitcms. hIOus-In the house on the 14th the gen- cml appropriation bill was completed in committee of the whole and , with time salary bill , which has already been engrossed for a third reading is ready for action by the senate. Time total net increase in the bill over time appropriations of 1693 is $11,890. This includes the penitentiary appropriation - tion , which is this seshion smaller by $26,23 than in the 1893 biennium appropriation. Vlthiout counting the penitentiary matter , which two years ago contained quite an amount for repars : of buildings , the net In- rease is $44 , 13i over the 181)3 ) appropriation. The greater portion of this Increase is for new additions to and repairs of state insti- tutions. 'J lie Industriat home at Milford was first in line among unconsidered items. rime 1893 appropriation for this Institution wasSI9,750. The newbill provides for$20- Oo , and the items were unchanged by imenurnent. There was appropriated for time Home for the Friendless at Lincoln for the n lennum of 1893. $28OCO. The new bill oesto the senate carrying only 827.000. The legislature of 189m appropriated S1J3,600 to he Asylum for Incurables at Hastings. I'be present ways and means committee re- ommended $14i.00 , , for the biennium. The l'Iospital for the Insane at Norfolk was ; ivon $75t.OO in i83. . The committee's bill provided this session for $76,050. The Insti- lute for the Deaf at Omaha asked for $50- rcG. The appropriation of 1893 gave it but 29,74' . but the bulk of the increase was for pending deficiencies , some of which were ) venlooked two years ago. The penitentiary iskel for $ wi.roo. : The J8l13 appropriation vas Sl19tJ3. . Time bill goes to the senate.for 1O2,7O0 , adecrease 0fr26,235. Time following nisccllaneous appropriations were also re- ommended by the committee : Support of state Poultry association , $2,000 ; expenses ) f state historical society , $2,000 ; expenses ) f state presidential electors in l8tki , S 00 ; or state sinking tumid for reimbursing the und for same amount tied up 1mm time Cap- tal National hank , $180,101.75 : resetting and epaIning capitol boilers , $ iCO , expenses of xamining county treasurer's offices , $3000 ; or printing reports of time State Boar. ! of .grictmlture , $1,500 ; printing reports of State horticultural society , $ I,00J. SENATE-In time senate on time 15th the 1 inal vote on Watson's bill to abolish the leath penalty iii Nebraskacame during time orenoon aiil the measure was given the re- uired constitutional sanction of seventeen rotes and miomore. Time bill not only abol- . shes capital punishment , but adds to the reseiit ia two provisions which recite hat "if any person shall aid. abet or PlO- nrc army other person tocomnmitanyfelony , very person so ofreimding shall. upon con- iction thereof , be iniprisoned in tlm state eniteritiary for any time between time re- cectivo periods for which thme'priiicipal of- enders could be imprisoned for time pninci- ) mtl offense : or. if such principal offender I irould on conviction be impris' ned for life. hen sucim alder , abettor or procurer shalt i me imprisoned for life. the same us the prihm ipal offender would be. " 'Tue followin" i rovlsIoii is also added : If any person shall , turposely ani of deliberate anl premedi- ated malice , or in the perpetration or at- ] empt to perpetrate any rape. arson , robI tory or burglary , or by admuiisterliir pai- on. or causing the same to be done , kill anther - ther ; or if any person , by wilful and cor- Upt perjury , or .subornaton ! of the 1 ame , shall purposely procure time con- iction of rLurlor in the first degree f aiiv innocent person , every person so t ffendln ° shalt be deemed guilty of mflUrier U the lIrst degree and upon conviction hereof shah be imprisoned in time peniten- iary duHmmg life. Tim first timing the senate e id after time noon recess was to pass the 1 icKceby substitute for the house re.lef liii , appropriating $200,000 out of time state I rensury with which to purchase grain for e cod and feed for destitute farmers in the t routh stricken district of the state. The I Hi passed byavoteof S9to 1. with two e enators absent. On the original roll call c ross , lfltclicock , Lindsay. Sloaim and - teut in voted no. liut after the roll call had f een completed all these senators changed c heir votes to the affitmative 'except ( .ross. I obilithathas passed the senate hmasocI asionedrnore feciin than this measure. a he bill a.q itwas passed by the house , apt ropriated ScXCOO to be expended by the c iaie Relief commission Thmo commission v ) , I - - - - - - f : ' - r"t - - : r I iva authorized to reserve $4,000 of that sum for expenses. This bill passed the house , but the opposition was strong to prevent the addition of the emergency clause. Time substitute provides that $ uOOO shall be taken from the state treasury and tiistrib uted among time several counties in the droutim district. o county is to receive more than 4OOO. Time State Relief comniis- I slon has no part Iii the distribution of the funds , but Itis authorized to desigimato tim t amouimt. that each county shall receive. IIOUSE.-In time house on the 15th Imouse roll No. (131 ( , tIme salary division of the gon- I era ! appropriation bill , was put upon its ; passage time first timing , and passed. Soder- man , lii explaining his negative vote , said I that the amount of $2.00) per annum voted to the goverimur's private secretary was plainly unconstitutional. For this reason I tiC declined to support time measure , amid a ; miurnberofpopullsts were with irini. Time vote on final passa"e of time bill wasl4 to 15. Other bills wore passed Its follows. House roil 1\o.z83 , by McNitt , to provide for free attendance at public 111gb schools. house roll i'o. 491 , by Cole. to authorize time corn- inissioners of hitchcock county to apply tooo of time fuimd known as the U'ulbortson Irrigating amid water power bond funds to the paymezmton the bommdsniaturimig .lanu- ary 1. 1i9a house roil No. 8 , by Jones , 10 authorize time organization of mutualpiato glass lu-uraimce companies. Ilouse roil No. 214 , by Robinson , to provide for the relief of Maurice 1)ee , authorizing the Board of l'imb- lie Lands and Buildings to Issue to him a contract for land. house roil No. ass , by Jenkins , to regulate stock yards and pro- ride punishnment for violations of the provisions thereof , S to I ) . house roll No. 139 , by Alien , to provide for time appointment of fire amid police commnis- sioners in Omaha , was , after a call of the Jious and continued disorder. put upon its passage. and failed to pass with the omer- gommcy clause , by a vote of 28' to only 16 , two less than tIme required number. 'l'iie bill was timemi put upon its passage without time clause and PtSsCd. house roil 264 , by liar- risorm , providing that claims against cities of time first class having less than , COO and more than 8,000 inhabitants shah be presented lii writing with a full account of the Items verified was then passed. Tue governor nmmnounced that ito had sI'ned house roll ? o. 27 , uroviding for fine aiullm- prisotiment of persomms unlawfully wearing time fireman's national Dutton : No. 5i0 , aim- titorizimig county commissioners to use the surplus of lrecinct bond funds for tire pimr- 1)pse of prourin ( seed grain , and senate flue i'o , 15 , niakiimg it the ( lUty of district courts to appoint a conmpetenmt numberof bailiffs to wait on tue grand jury , with an allowance of 2 per day. Concerning Our State IzistItution. Senator Teirt for tire senate connmnitt cc on IflbllC lands and buildings niade a report of time result of the trip of Investigation to tire state institutions. The report generally commends tire management of tire institti- lions and. after specially rioting tire conoli- lion of erich iii detail , concludes as follows : 'Iii our Inspection of time public buildings we were impressed with tire Idea that It would be for time best imiterests of tire state that a "ermerul superintendemmt of repairs. charged with tliodutics of making and sin- penlntendimirr mind making repairs and erection - tion of buildings , be appointed. With time superintendent of repairs and erection recommended , the carpenters attime various institutions could ho dispensed with. except where necessary in teaclmlmmg the Inmates the trade. Your committee Is notin favor generally of increasing tire oflicers f time state , especially at this juncture , but the officer would cost. little money , ana Intehli- gentsupervision is arm item of first import - t an cc. 'Witimout Indulging in criticisms of past methods , yourcOmmitteo recomnmonds that iii contracts made In the future time idea should be iromlmiemrt that the supplies contracted - tracted for should be obtained at time very lowest obtainable price. Tire state is a lare consumer and wholesale prices slrould be obtained wimeirever Possible. "Time burden of supporting ourvarlous in- stltutions Is large enough upon tile taxpayers - ers at time best , and simould be lightened in every conceivable way consistent with good Stlp1)lieS and "ood service. in tire item for instance , in tlese Institutionstime state con- mimes 2,34t : tons. amid lurcilasing thins largely time state should have the same beim- cut as other purchasers of like amounts. Vour comnmittee WOU1i strongly recommend - mend a uniform system of bookkeeping as far as possible ! insisting that all hook- keepers keep their hooks brought down practically to date amid hot he allowed to let them run several months behind. "Pay rolls should be often scrutiirized amid made as near uniform , taking into consideration - oration the charcter of service , and re- trencirment insisted on wherever possible. In a few words , business should emily be considered - sidered In the manmagemeirt of time institu- tions. "in regard to the cash funds of the var- ous lxmstitutions of tire state yotmrcommittee reconinmends that tire board of public lands aiil buildings should coxm.sider these fund $ as beimig applicaole for tire legitimate uses' ofthe various Institutions more especiaiiy In the way of extraordinary repairs amid supplying extraordinary demands of tire in- stitutrons , and recommends that they formulate - ulate some system of rules by which the vouchers will show time purpose for which these funds were expended , which vouchers sirail be carefully scrutinized and approved by tire board. "Your committee has considered the question of abolishing the name of tire asy- lam forthe incurable insane at ljastimrgs and placing time three institutions for tire I caie of tire insane on the same basis arid recommend that the same be done. " The lusiunr Timistlo Bill. Time senate has recommended passage of the above bill as drawn by the Interstate conference at St. l'aul , Mum. , on February i4. This conference was held between ( ide- ; mttes from time legislatures of Minnesota , % Visconin , Iowa , Nebraska , North Dakota rind South Dakota , time delegates from this itate being Senator Stewart and Representative - tative Lamborn. Several bills had been introduced - troduced covering the subject , but time con- terence bill was sub-titimted for tireni all. Time bill makes it time duty of every person ' or corporation who shall no time occupant t Df ally real estate In Nebraska to cut down and destroy all Russian thistles growing thereon or in the highways adjoining tire iame so often as to prevent their going to seed. It is made time duty of time county rierk of any county wherein is growing any Russian thistles to amrrmually publish in a newspaper of general circulation , I cominencimig 'tire first week in June of eacim year. notifyIng all occupants and owners of land iii such county I to destroy such tiristle forthwith. if the ' parties so notified neglect or refuse to destroy - stroy time thisties , it is made the duty of tire road oversetr of each road district in time county to destroy timem at the expense of tire party. persons or corporations so mmeg- lecting. Time road overseer is required to tnnually present to tire county board a statement givimrg tire description of eacim tract or parcel of iand upon or adjoining ivimich he sirall irave destroyed Russiini tins- Lies and the amouni of charge to each tract , and said amounts sirail be placed on time tax list amid become a ilCfl on such iarrd , to be ollected as other taxes on time same. If airy person shall knowingly dispose of army grass ) r other seed in whicir there is mixed time reed of tire htusian thistle ire shall be fined 23 for each and every offense , and shall ale - ° ; o be iiable for all damages resulting from tire sowing of such seed , time danmages to be ecovcred in arm action at law. Iteport on the Penitentiary. Time chairman of time special penitentiary I nvestig ting committee , Wait , reported as o1lows : S Your"cornmittee appointed to Investigate ewspaper rmports as to cruelty almi iniru- nan treatment of inmates at the state peni- entiary finds tlrat such reports originated rom statenremits made by three ox-convicts mmcd Frank Jones. whose real name is A. : . Hawley , Frank Kenmmey amid l'eter Beg- ey. That the aflidavitsinade by said e - : ommvicts to Governor Silas A. hlolcorni ) . :1 : : rging cruel mind inhuman treatment arid C ene al misnuixmagement , a copy of which is Ii merowith submitted , have since been sub. tI titirted by a counter affidavit , herewith h ubmitted , setting forth that time statements n here made were false in every particular , Ii md tiat they iwere induced to make these a tatements by an aspirant for tire office of a varden and imis friends for a money considt ration. Your committee is not enmpowered t ) the terms of the resolution to send for fI ersons and papers and incur expense in tire tI nrestigationm , arid therefore submit wimethF Ir in the opinion of the house tire Investi"ai ion should be furtirer prosecuted. A caresj ul readinig of time charges made by these x-prisoners will reveal the fact that the d ontract system of prison labor in vogue at d he state penitentiary is largely responsible p or time continual charzes and counter- hargesof hiltreatment to inmates , and not ti ecaue of the inhumanity of W'ardcn leemer and his officers. Your committee is ti f the opinion that the managememmtsmou1d g' le eliminated as far as possible from politi- al influence , whlchcannotbe accomplished ti nub managed under the contract system. v . . . - . : \ ' - ' - - - ' ' . ' - . I' - . ' - ; - -o . . V - - - - - - Valued Policy Law Still Safe. ' k 12th the ) - The house made good progresS On bills. The with tire general appropridtlofl ( had made a report - and means committee ways and In. salaries , considerably reducing ' port I and department sonic cases cutting out clonlosirips altogether. When the committee of the whole got fairly to work It proceeded , .e cas&S , back to time to restore these , in most original figures of 1893. nsiaugiitS were ' made on the bills in time way of reductionS' . but iii most every case they wore repulsed. I Mllford wma 'When the industrial home at the reached a motion was made to increase thesuperintondofltfrOm8L2CQ. itS \L recommended salaryot by time committee , to $ t.500. to call a hratilt On. haup said It was time raising salaries. This brought COUiLWUV tO . lie- hisfeot. hiesalol that. ha hault.WaS - . mandod It should have been called lonug0. Kairir thought so too. but. evidently thought I it was botterlato than never. Time totul nOb increase over tire cotnmnittoc'S bill In tire' matterofsalaries is t26,215 Ion thu bion- j imium. ' I Time changes made iii time generaL appro priation bills were nearly alt in tine line ot increasing tire amounts recommendt b3t the committee on finance , WaYS and means. I Time first move made was to yestoro pecuni- . any life to tire Bureau of lnduststal Stittis tics , the deputy labor conmmissionOr anti his. assistant. Six thousand dollars WaS.apprO ' , J printed fortlrispurpose ' $ l,500forthodePtmt'Y' I labor commissioner , 1'.00O for aclcrkantL $ , Oo ( or expenses per annum. Au assign- . mono clerk was therm added to time list no- ported for the commIssioner of public lands- ' airti buildings at a salary of 1OO0 per an- . num. Then the salary of tire stonograpbe of tire supreme court was raised from $ &itl to sL'oo and time two bailiffs from $800 to $ LI00 each. An assistant clerk was given .to tIre' , ' 1 clerkoftirobanking board , hick Townicy. ' at a salary of $ lOCOper annum. 'a The henry majority against Mr. Pair'a grove's bill , house roll No : 417. to repeal thor ) valued policy law , 83 to 6. proves how irope , less are any furtimer attomptstirlswinteitO' assault so popular a measure as time present law has heconme. Tire bill had been kept back as long as possible , in time hope that I soinotiiiimg nright eventuate In the way ot overturmilug aresent opinions. It Is quite- evident now that tire vQlco of imoe constit- iieircies has been ireard with effect. Even ' llalrgrove , the introducer , by request. of I tire bill , found himself at time narting of till ) ' waws , and 'voted for lndeflnito postoIre- ) , nmemmi of tire apparentlY very 0ttmOXiOttS immoasuro. in explaining Iris vote imo snioi : I cliti not believe that tire house would consent to a full arid fair discussion of a. bill winch certainly iras some merits. 'Piroso immerits could be preserved and time tIefett a urodifieci , or comnpletoiy done away whir In. ) a committee of the whole by amendment. lint ' I observe a disposition in tire house to give tins-bill ire slrow for life. Consequeiitiy I. I shall vote for Its itidofinito postponement. 1 t Rejection of tire hteliaf Bill. Tlro senate by rejecting the relief bill last j passed by time house and &ubstitutlng ( or it _ I :1mm entirely now bill , has surroummded tire sit- nation with complications which threaten , f to defeat the object in passing the bill. The house billprovldcd for time appropriatlomm of' I $200,000. to lie used for the purchase ofieed f grain and for the payment of freight import j such seed as might lie donated by other states. Time senate irasrojected the bill and passed a bill appropriating time sumac sunm of money , but providing tirat it shall be dl- J vided among tire counties that need 1t After it Is divided tire money is to be used ' I by time counties in the purchase of seed . grain winch is in turn to be SOli to tire farm- j ers upon army terms that the counties may I decide to oiler. When time money is paid back by tire farmers It Is to be turned Into , time state treasury again. Time debate in time senate assumed an : imm- U grv phase. SenatorMcKeeby , authorof tim bill , charged that a combination had been a formed between senators on the floor anl members or tire State Relief comnrisslon to defeattire bill. liesald tirattho bihipassed liv tire irouse was a measure drawn up by time Ludden commission for tire purpose of securing to itself $4,000 iii time way of sala- rles. It irad been lobbied througim the irouse ti by time Luddezm commission. Tire Ludden commission has undertaken to pass thmo original bill through tire senate , arnoi now ' . that a substitute had been presented that proposed to taice away from time state coin- mission tlme$4O'JO , the Luddenr comurisslon , ' I antler the leadership of Ludderi irirmiselt , t , Iral undertaken to defeat the measure. Senator MclCeeby grew vigorously eloquent ' I lii denouncing what lie termed time Ludden commission. Secretary Lirollen stood near tire gate leading from tire lobby to tire senate ciranr- her. amid McKeeby faced iminm arid . : iid that ire did not iresitate to cimarge Ludden to Iris face with a ( leslie to thwart tim passage of tIre nmeasure ratiror tiran to forego the $4,010 given tire State leiIef commission by the U original bill. lie said ire had a stack of letters - ters arid conrplalnts against Ludden a foot high. and ire would have these conmpiaiimhm rcador , printed If necessary to prove the incapacity - capacity of tire state commission. Senator MclCessomi of Lancaster county ied the figlrt against time senate substitute. He said that the senate stood ready to up- rlnte time money asked by time drouth tnichen farmers of tire state , but ire char- I icterlzed time substitute as a piece of patch- work. lhmring iris aoldress Secretary Lmmdden atbeside his desk , amid when MclCessomm asked some one to noint out time good fea- I tunes of tire bill winch ho had denounced as worthless , Senator lilacic interjected tire , irggestion tlrat he rnigimt.ask Ludden. " Mc- Iessoim replied timat Luddenm was not an is- . itme Iii tire serrate.Veli , I notice you keel ) 1dm pretty close to you , " retorted Black. 1cEes.somi moved that when the conmmitteu II ise it report tire bill back to a special corn- U 'nittee of five , with instructions to prepare floW bill. U Airneti at tire Grain Gambler It required 1)imt a few minutes for tire sen. J ito to agree to recommneimd for imassage Semi- itor Caldwell's bill to suppress bucket I , lmops and gambling in stocks , bonds , petro- eum , cotton. grain , provisions or other I ) roduce. Tire bill is somewhat stringent in U ts provisions , and will very seriously In- erfere witim the commission bnisiness in ) maima , Lincoln and other Nebrask cities. I emrator Caldwell includes in the bill itself .imepurpose oftime act by declaringin time 'oliowing language : Itis time Imrtemmtionr of this act to prevent , I ' unisia and proiribit , within tins state , tire I' ) uslness now engaged In and conolueted 1mm ) Iaces commonly kmrownr as bucket shops , 111(1 also to lucia e tire practice Commonly nown as bucket shopping , by per.on5. con- moratiorrs , a'sociationis or copartnerships vim ostensibly carry on tire business or oc- upation of comnumission nierchammts or lire- cI-s in grain , nrovisions , petroleum , stocks Lrid bonds ; and It. sirail be time duty under iris act for all the judges of tire district : ourt iii this state , at every reuIar term. U hereof , to clrarge nih regularly Impaneled rumit1 juries to nirake due Investigation arid 1 -eport uliori all violations of the arovisions I if this act. 4 Tue flrt section of tire bill provides that t sirall be unlawful for any person , corpor- itiorm . , ; tsociation or copartn.ersirip , to keep ii IL. cause to be kept within tirisstate a buck- it shop , ollice Or store or other place where- I n is conducted or permitted time pretended mying or sellirrg of tire shares of stocks or ommds of any corporation , or of pet roleirm , 1. lotion , gramir , provisions or other products , itimer on margins or otherwise , witIio , army . ntemmtion of receiving and paying forthme 'I iroperty so boirgimt , or of delivering time iroperty so sold , or wherein is conducted or permitted time buying or selling of such I iroperty on margin , or when tire party buy- rig any such property or offering tobuy to I ame , does not actually iimtend to receive ire same if purchased , or to deliver the rime If sold , and time keeping of all such laces is hereby prolmibitea. Vetoed by the Governor. J Governor hlolcomb declined to attach lila - flicial signature to the chane of venue- 'ill so anxiously desired to fit the exigen- i I ies of the Holt county case against time al- ged murderers of Barrett Scott , and sent { J [ 1 the senate a message in which he gives at ngth his reasons for vetoing tire bill. The leasure. which was crowded through both h ouses under expediency , Is known as son- to file No. 2,59. It provides that when In fly criminal trial inanycountyor thestate Y 2 he attorney general shall file an aihidayit a the effect that time state cannot have a. air and impartial trial In the county whore he offense is alleged to have been commit- d , becauseofthe bias andprejudice ofthe iimabitants of the county , the trial judge- Frail proceed no further , but shall forth- ' rithi enter an order in the case nanring and esignatirrg another county' within the ' ju- icial district. wherein sucl - j case shall be . rosecuted and tire accused tried in I all & re- ' pects as if Indicted or informed against in J me county so designated. Governor ilolcomb bases his objections to. me law solely Upon legal and constjtutIon ( : l rounds. 'I Itisclaimed by irienasor the measure. I Imatit vlli be passed over the ' governQ- , . ii. uito butthjs'is yet to be dcterminecL 1 ' ( "In " Ii . . - ' - - . - , . d _ . ' - - - ' - - - -