The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 08, 1895, Image 6

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F. M. KDIMELL , PublLsher.
ICCOOK , - : -
IIUMflOLDT reports a lively busincEs.
, GENOA has a new fire bell that weighs
SOO pounds.
LADIEB of Louisville have organized
or assistance to Nebraska's needy.
THE only drug store at Steinaner ha
V been closed on a chattel mortgage.
A STAET has been made toward es-
4 tablis'hing a public library at Syracuse.
TilE flew Methodist church at Plum
Grove , .Johnson county will be dedicated -
cated April 7.
- Tiir grain and seen bonds voted on
in Joono county were. snowed under
. by : large majority.
MRS. Ai.icE MALLALIEUWifC of the superintendent -
perintendent 'of the industrial school
at ICearney , died iast week after a
brief illness.
SOME .Nebraskans who have been
'looking over Texas have returned perfectly -
fectly satisfied to .remain where they
' AFTERa long wrangle the electric ] PawneeCity .will soon be purchased -
chased by the city from the creditors of
the original company.
Au KEE , a Chinese laundryman at
Fort Niobrara , died last week and was
buried at the postcemetery. He was a
. , naturalizedcjtizen of the United States.
iLtuity HILt. , to be hanged at Platts-
. mouth , does not want his body to go
to the dissecting table , and has asked
the Nebraska humane society to carry
out his wishes.
SLJPERIOR.ovns its own water works
system , and during the past year the
p rentals received have more than paid
all expenses of the plant and given the
eity water free.
BURGLARS entered the tailoring es.
tablishmontof ICrahu & ltimovsky at
orfo11c and carried away cloths and
suits to tho.amount of $350. There is
no clue to.thc robbers.
Tiii project for a July race meeting
at Beatrice is progressing finely. A
number of good bicycle races will also
be insuredby the ffering of prizes ag-
S gregating $100 in value.
'fiii 3-year-old daughter of Oscar
Samson , west of Oakland , died last
week from diphtheria , despite the efforts -
forts of.two physicians to save her.
Anti-toxine was used in the case , but
without avaiL
ON the 25th the electors of Gosper
-eiunty voted on a proposition to bond
the county for $40,000 for the purchase
of-seed and feed. The returns show
that thern bonds were defeated by a
small majority.
THE cnse. of Aaron Ransom against
Kauf & Rinderspacher , [ lasting butchers -
ers , for selling diseased meat , came up
before Justice McKinney and was con-
tinned. The case is provoking considerable -
erable attention.
FIRE broke. otft in C. 1T. Beckman &
Co. s large general store at Pender and
the fire and water together almost
complet.elyrnined a $10,000 stock , which
was insured for $6,000. The origin of
the fire is unknown.
r2in ladies of Lyon Relief corps ,
GraadIsland , Son and Daughters of
Veterans , have pledged themselves to
raisethe debton the Grand Army hail
and also lift.all the floating debtof the
post , and arenow hard at work.
CONAWAY of York .has introduced a
bill which is intended tohoid down the
creameries exactly as the anti-olco bill
holds down the oleo-factories. This
bill provides the same regulations for
'mixed butter" and'"refreshed butter"
tLS are provided in the anti-oleo bill.
r. ' . CONOVER , a Wayne county
ariner , had the little toe removed from
his iight foot last week as the result
of an accident that occurred sixteen
ycarsiigo , cveral times in the intervening -
vening years he has been forced to
have pieces of bone removed from his
WilliE Henry and John Baker werc
.driving across a bridge near Ewing
with a load of brush , the wind took an
under hold on the load and upset it into
the river. .Rack and load struck on the
ice twelve feetdown , but the twp men
escapedwithout injury.
ALL the ice dealers of Beatrice have
incorporatet undcr.the name of the
Jilue River Icecompany. articles being
.uilcd with the county clerk. The capi.
tal stock is 535,000 , in shares of $50
.eacli. The.object is to facilitate the
.deliver.y.of rice to .city.consumers and to
urchti.seand. e11 ice.
C. 5 : PrnLLIPS , .a .dairyman residing
-near Tecuinseh , % was.standing.up in his
wagon.driving home the otherevening
when his.horses became frightened and
gave : a lunge forward. Mr. Phillips
was thrGw.n.Qut.on the hard road bed ,
Jighting .on his head .and : shouidors.
. : No bones were biioken , but he is believed -
lieved to be atafl hurt
HiNiy HURKE , : a
S iiles south.of Scwanton , ¶ '
passengerson .the teamer Elbe , .rc-
cently wrecked rear the Bri ± ish coast.
He was returning from a visit to his
, i parents in Germany. and went.dov.n
with the other m.mfrtunates .on the ill-
' fated steamer. He leaves a wife and
seven children near Swanton.
A IIUTAL assau1t was made at Liii-
coin upon Florence Simons by C. W.
Haskins. He broke a broomstick in
three pieces across the girl's face , break-
irma her nose and otherwise wounding
her , until her features were bathed in
blood. Florence is a barber , who run.s
a shop opposite the l3urlungton depot.
She came to Lincoln from Chicago for
the purpose of gefting rid of Haskins.
but he followed her and has continued
to abuse her at different times for sev-
cml months. The assailant is under
Mns. PETIT , a prominent woman of
Crab Orcharl , who was recently oper-
S ated on in Beatrice by Dr. Callimore for
an abcess in the head , is now said to be
convalescing. Thd trouble originated
in an ear , caused a sudden ] oss of the
sight of one eye and was affecting the
lady's brain.
. INSTBUCTION A. K. Goun has been
looking up the records and believes that
the temporary shOol fund should be
Increased by anewappr isement of the
state school lands which are leased.
Behas emb diedhis reasons.or this in
an open lette' iddres5ed to th Nebras-
ha legislature.
- -
- -
. .
- - - -
IIAII1G8OVE of Clay has introduced a
bill providing a new and novel punish-
iiient for the mar. 'who ' is convicted of
rape. The bill. provides that the physician -
sician at the penitentiary shall officiate - ,
ate at the operation provided for by
this act. Mr. flairgrove says the bill
is introduced in all seriousness and he
will urge its passage with all possible
AT a special meeting of the board of
supervisors of Adams couity. called to
provide ways and means for furnishing
seed and fecdfor needy farmers , a proposition -
position to issue county warrants
against the general fund was tabled.
County Attorney McCreary informed
the board that such warrants could not
be issued legally. This leaves the farmers -
ers needing assistance no alternative
but to borrow money upon the best
terms they can make.
STEVE MCCAULEY , a farmer living
ten miles north of Gordon , near the
reservation line. was arrestedon a corn-
plaint filed by his wife , charged with
selling whisky to an Indian. He had a
preliminary examination and was
bound over to the district court in time
sum of $250. John Jones , cashier of
the Rushville Banking company , signed
the bond , and he was released. McCauley -
Cauley had justfinished serving a term
in jail for stealing cattle.
M ; . T131311 ; in house roll No. 630 , has
L measure which provides that the
question of relocating the seat of state
government shall be submitted to a
vote of the people at the general dcc-
tion in November , 1805. The governor
is to be notified by the mayors of cities
and towns competing for the location
of their action , so to do on or before
August , 1895 , and in his proclamation
the govennorshail include such express. .
A ) IFETIXO was called at the town
hail in North Loup for the purpose of
considering a proposition purporting to
come from time Chicago Board of Trade
relative to furnishing the destitute
farmers of the county with seed grain.
So far as learned the proposed terms
are that the farmers are to give their
notes for such grain as is needed , the
validity and paymentof the same being
conditioned upon the production of a
crop the coming season.
Ir is not always that a committee
that waitson the legislature gets exactly -
ly what it comes for , but one Omaha
committee scored this point last week.
C. A. Starr , T. J. Penfoid , F. A. Ober ,
Rev. A. F. Irvine and Rev. A. W. Clark
of Omaha went before the senate corn-
mittee ii opposition to Senator Smith's
pool selling bill. The committee
promptly agreed to everything asked
by time Omaha delegation and the bill
was thus reported to the senate.
Fi.txs and specifications for a new
system of water works and an electric
light plant were submitted to the city
council of Nebraska City last week.
The p1ints are to be owned and operated -
ated by the city. The estimated cost
of the water works is $85,000 , and for
the electric light plant , $18,200. The
plans were accepted and placed on file.
An ordinance submitting the proposition -
tion to vote $90,000 in bonds for the
erection of the water works 'as also
read for the first time , and will doubtless -
less go through.
Trn : sheriff and deputy , of Kearney ,
have returned to Minden with fifteen
prisoners , who were arrested for breaking -
ing into a B. & M. freight car. A number -
ber of people conceived the idea that
they would break into provision cars
and depots and take all they could find
for the poor. Accordingly , some of
them hitched up their teams and went
to Axteli , the next station west of Mm-
den , and obtained a car of provisions
in a similar manner to the one robbed
at Kearney a while ago , and took time
contents to their homes for distribu-
tion. The defendants pleaded not gnu-
ty , and were held on their own recognizance -
nizance in the sum of S200 each.
THERE is trouble in the Methodist
church at Beaver City as the result of
revival meetings that have been in
progress there recently , and as a conse-
( uence the revivalist is now holding
his services in the cour& house instead
of the church. Outside reports are fly-
ung thick and fast to the effect that Rev.
H. r. Manuel , the evangelist , was aiming -
ing his sermons too straight at the
proverbial rich man to suit all around
and that for this the support of the
church as an organization was withdrawn -
drawn , in which event he took the
meetings to the court house , where lie
is being assisted by the regular pastor.
GoVERNoR ITOI.COMB has issued a
proclamation offering a reward of $20 ( )
br time apprehension and conviction of
the murderer or murderers of Frank
Lander. The letters of the sheriff and
county attorney asking that time reward
be offered relate the story. Lauder
was a man 65 years of age who lived
alone in Sherman county. On the morn-
ung of February 15 his dead body was
found within a few feet of the door of
of his house. An examination showed
'that ' he had been shot in the backiof
the head. None of his property ,
either in the house or on his person ,
hadbn disturbed. The county. officials -
cials declare that there is no clue that
would indicate who the guilty parties I
; are , or more about the occurrence thafu
.iF ; related.
HALL county will not vote any bonds ,
.bat influential citizens have been sent i
ast amongthe farmers and will solicit
.aid in the shape of seed , wheat , oats
and.corn. The donors to be paid from
ieceipts of this year's crop. George L.
Vaughan , one of Hall county's most en-
Xerprising citizens , is now in the vicinity
of Batavia , Ill. , his old home , and word
received from him brings the informa-
tic-n that he is meeting with good suei
cess soliciting seed from farmers. He
attended a lamers' meeting and cx- '
plained the situation and pledges were
given that seed should be furnished Ne-
braska's destitute farmers , and they
would wait until crops were disposed
of , and should they then be unable to t
pay , would extend without interest.
GEN. Cimuncu HowE a few days ago
made a. personal appeal to a friend in
New York city for funds for the G. A.
H. b'ys in Nebraska. . The gentleman
presented the matter to the Union
League club and General Howe received - i
ceived a check for $700 as the first contribution - 3
tribution from the Union . Leaue , with
more to follow. r
Tm : members or the Grand Army .
post atOgalalla have decided to send a p
representatives east for the purppse of
soliciting donations of seed grain for
the needy among the old soldiers. . A.
Emit , post commander , has been seLected - - - '
Lected to goand will leave for Chicago I
mnd frornthence to points in Indiana. ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
------r----------- . . - T
N E BR AS 1 < A.
rho Oleomargarine But Goes Through
and Now Only Awaits the Govornor'
Signature-The Measure Making Provision -
vision forthe Purchase of Seed Grain-
Constitutional .4nmtndmentg Soon to lie
Considered in the Two
tigatlon Made Into the Financial Stand-
lug of Bondsmen.
The Nebraska Asscm1y.
SENRTF.-In time senate on tue Zitii the
following new bills were introduced an4
read for the iirsttlrne : To amend tIme statute -
ute relating to the salary and expenses of
chief and deputy oil Inspectors , amid pro.yid-
Ing for monthly accountings by thu chief.
For an act providing that when a widow
shall be entitled to dower out of ally lands
which shall have bceii alienated by the
husband in his life time , such laiuls shall
be estt.4natcd in setting out the widow's
dower according to their value at the time
when they were aliened , and this law shall
apply to all sales under execution or order
of courtlieretoforoor hereafter. L'rovldhig
for time Payment of the muiiey received In
redemption of real estate sold at tax sale to
ilmeownerof time certificate. l'rowlding for
the transferring of iill nmoiieys lald into the
state treasury by tIm geimeral government -
ment for I lie beimefit of the soldIers and sail-
ors' Jionie to the general fund of said home ,
ii ad to repeal mmli laws In conlilct wit ii this act.
'J'JIO senate Ivent into committee of time
whole to consider the bills on general tile.
Senator Ilahifs bill relating to the incorporation -
ration of cities of the first class having
less thiii 2i,00j irihabitatits , was recommended -
mended for passage. senator 1ope's nure
food bill was also recommended to pass.
The bill wa amended so aS to provide for
one secretary Instead of two mis provided Iii
the oilghiiai 1)111. The committee arose and
Its report was adopted. Tim two bills were
Ordeled engrossed for third reading. A
communication from the governor was received -
ceived transmitting to time senate the report
of Senal or Stewart amid 1cprescimtatIvc Lam-
horn as delegaics to the 1ussiaim thistle
convention. lie recommended that the leg-
i'lnture take such steps as seemed btst to
theni to eradicate the thistles.
I'ousn.-On the 25th senate tile 239 was
1alcn up for third reading. This I Watson's
bill permitting a change of venue to be
tmLkdil by the state in criminal cases. This
bill hind been taken from its plate on genera -
era ! file and ordered to ihird reading without -
out Ueint considered Jim committee of the
Whole. Barry of Grecley nioved that time
bill be recommitted to the committee of the
whole for the purpose of striking out the
enacting clause. lie called for the yeas
and nays on his motion to recommit. Jiur-
ing the progress of the vote hailer called
for the enforcement of the rule requiring
members to vote unless excusid by vote of
the house. Before the result of the roll call
was announced Barry moved a call of the
house. After tIme roll call , and noting
the absentees , Barry moved to suspend
proceedings ummder the call of time house.
Limis being agreed lo , the roll call on the
motion to recommit. was verified , amid the
vote announced as 5 against amid 24 for.
Barry then moved that the bill be recommitted -
mitted to the committee of the whole for
coimsideratlon and discussion. The speaker
ruled this out of order on tIme ground tlmt
the bill could only be reeommittedfora spe-
due amendment. Barry offered a motion
to specifically amend. Milosof Saline moved
time previous question. Ills motion prevailed
and debate was shut off. Harrison offered
an amendment to Barry's motion. providing
lhatthebihl take its niace at thehead of
the general file. The speaker ruied the
amendment out of order. Barry culled for
the yeas and nays on his motion , but the
speaker did nat recognize the seconds to the
motion and declared time motion lost. After
some further discussion wit lmout any direct
resulisthie imouse adjourned.
SENATE.-In the senate on the 26th , the
proposed constitutional anmend meats came
up as aspecial order , cue time senate went
Into committee of the whole , with Stewart
of Dawes In the cimair. 'rime first amendment -
mont taken up was the oneliitroduccd early
in the session by Stewart , providing for the
election of a railroad commission. This
amendment contained some errors In phraseology -
seology , and the senate voted to substitute
for it senate file No. 28 ! , Introduced by the
committee on constitutional amendments.
The amendment provides for the election of
three railroad commissioners , each to servo
three years. The senate voted unanimously -
ly to recommend it for passage. Watson's
amnendmentproviding foran Increase in the
number ofjudges of'the supreme court from
three to five was ifldefinitely postponed.
A proloneed discussion ensued upon the
reading of the amendment relating to the
adoption of future amendments. Iii brief ,
the proposition includesthefollowing : That
either branch of the legislature may pro-
1)SC amendments to the constitution , amid
such amendments can only be submitted to
the people when two-thirds of all the mom-
hers elected to 1)0th houses agree to the
same. A majority of all the votes cast for
the proposition shall be necessary to ratify
time 1)roposed amendment. Time discussion
of tue proposition took a wide range. and
near1y every senator hal something to Say
on the subject. The committee voted to in-
( Ictillitely postnone the bill anti rose. The
amendment preseliting the new test of citi-
zenshmip was agleCl 10. after a. motion by
Akers to strike out tile word 'makc" had
i'eeii voted down. There were ten votes in
favor of the motion and fourteen against.
uouss.-'rlic last day for the introduction
of new bills , Feb. 26 , . closed with a record
breaker , no less than seventy-four measures
being read ly time chief clerk. Time general
appropriation bills came in two sections
from the committee on filiLflCC , ways and
means , sectional embrazing the salary lists
of state officers. aimd No. 2 office expenses
and supplies There is a general reduction
all along the line in the salaries of clerks
and stenograp1iirs , as well as iii the mmumnber
so employed. Ilarrisoim moved that house
roll No. 67 be made a special order for
Thursday at 2'p. nm. This is the measure to
provide for time encouragement of the man-
ufature of beetsugar. and paying a bounty
of 1 cent a pound , provided at least $ a ion :
for beetS shall be paid to the producer. The
motioim to make a special order prevailed.
The general approprlatioim bills were intro-
luced , in whirim were found an average
lecrease in the total amount of ofhico 1
expenses , and quite a reduction in 1
some of the salary lists. The house then I
went into committee of thie whole on bills
Dfl general file , and house roll No. 142 , to
protect time health of ernployes in factories , I
wasconsidered. The bill contains provis- 1
ions mak1ig it a misdemeanor for manufac-
urcrs of clQthing to fail to pravide well i
Lighted and5properly ventilated workshops 1
tor their ernpioyes. The bill was finally re- 1
ommitted to the committee , and house roll I
o. 163. by Jenness. toprotectemploycs from j
eing blacklisted , through time machinations
) f guaranteebond companies , was takenup.
n extended debate occurred ontho mets-
ire. It was opposed by Munger on the I
round that it was demanded by no class of
aboring men save the telegraphers. He t
mlco said that it would drive the guarantee 1
ompanies out of the stale. Barry vigor-
Iiusly defended it. The bill was indefinitely
ostponed. House roll Nb. CO. Jenkins' anti-
Iaratte bill , was recommended for pus-
; ae. Howarthsent up an , amendment stat-
ug that the bill was in line with prohibi-
ion , and hiernoved thatwhonthecommitteo
ise they report time bill back for indefinite i
iostponement , but it failed to prevahl.
SENATE.-The senate on time 27th having 1
eceived a sealed commnuimication from the 1
overnor went Into executive session for
ts consideration. After the doors were opi
med the senate took up bills on third read- (
ng and passed time following : enato file I
42. providing forthe admission to prac-
ice of attorneysand counsellors-at-law by I
ho supreme court Instead of by district C
ourts. as under the present law. senate t
lb No 67 , 1P ( Pope , amendingthme law relat-
ng to fees allowed to county sherilrs. Sear
Lte tile No. 40 , by Smith. prescribing the "
ame permutes for daylight burglary that 1
lie present law prescrities for burglary a
ommitted. Senate file No. 47. by Jimmie. to a .
Luthorize school districts with less thaim U
io0Q assessed valuation to levy a higher a ,
ats of tax for school purposes. The total f
evy. however , shall not In any case exceed n
5 mills Oil the dollar in any one year. cnn
to file No. J63 , by Graham , .amezmdlng t e r
aw governing the admission ' of In- n
nates to time State Institution for ti
he Feeble Minded Youth at BctrIce. t :
eilate file No.48 , by Tefft.of Cass , forthe c
rotection. preservation and propagation of a
irds , fishes andwlld animalsin thostateof mm
ebraska , and to prevent the killing of the I
ame during ccrtamn seasons and by certain p
i'ans. Senate file No. 108. by Smith , to pro-
lie ftr the governing of master plumbers II
i.d the sunervision of the business 'of d
lunibing and house drainage. Senate file tJ
; o. ii-i , by hahn , amendingthe charterof a
cities of the second class having less than
23,0 0 and more than 5,0 0. The senate thou
took up and passed time twelve constitutional -
al amendments agrecU to in the committee
of time whole. The amendment providing
that citizens of the metropolitan class may
frame their own charters. which was appu-
rentiy killed In committee of the whole , was
recusitated by ? ulcKeeby , wlmo moved that
the vote by which it was Jndehinlteiy postponed -
poned be reconsidered the ameumdment
.phaced back with time judiciary eommlttee.
1'lie motion was agreed to and the amend-
meat. will have aumothier chuaimce for life.
Houss , - Four bills vere read in the house
on thue27th for time first time , having beeti
Introduced a few nmlumute lefore adjournment -
mont the Irevious day. House roll No. tLiS ,
by Ely , pi'ovldes for time relief of .loseplius
v. Ihusim ; No. 630. by Cain , provides for a
state board ofimmigratlon ; I\o.619 , by Rick-
ets. proposes aim aniciudnient , to lime cousti-
tUtiolu relative to charters ofcitles , anI ? o.
611 , by Ba ry. Is one of the numerous bills to
repeal the act extending tue contract for
the leasing of the nenmtcimt lary labor to C.
w. Mosluer. Time house weult into Cofli-
mittee of time whoic. 'l'lme following were
recommended for.passage : house toll No.
117 , providIng timatall warrants , state , couri-
ty and city. shall be 'paid on pre.ontation.
and providing also tAint. treasurers shah
keep warrant registers. house roll ro. 1 1 ,
by Crumb , providing that adopt Ion proceedings -
ings may be Instituted by conamy corn-
nulssioumers for destitute orphan ctmlldreii.
house roil No. I1U , by Lamborn , providimig
for.time service of summons On corporations.
house roll No. ibm. by Conway. Originally
it provided thatcitles having over 1,000 arid
less than : .i,000 InimalItaum s , shall be provided -
ed with books of registry in tiucimandsot time
mayor auid council. wimlch shall be kept opexm
for three ( lays prior to au election for the
purpo'e of registry. It was anmeuide l to in-
elude all cities of tifti first nimd inttropolItan
class. house roll No. 214 , by Harrison , re-
] atiiig to claims against cities ofless than
:5,00' ) auml more than ,000. house roll No.
14 , by Allen. reguiatingprimnarv elections iii
cities of the metropohitaum elass. house
rolls Nos. 2 , 109. .57 , 73 , 113 and 20(1 were recommended -
commended for imulelhmuite post pouiemt'lit.
Robinson reported that lie had invest igateel
the matter of tim purchase of copies of lime
'lItJC 1)00k' ' for time use of uum.ixi1a'rs. and
said that. lie could jnocure them for $1.4)
apiece. On motIon of hailer the resolu ion
prvidlng for time imtlrehtae of time " 1)1110
book" was laid on the table.
SUN.tvr.-lui the Senate ( ill tlie2Sth Senator
Sloan OhieFh a resolution extending time re-
grels amid condolence of time senate 10 .Iohmut
T. Mallalien on time ( lentil of Mrs. Mallal ion.
The resolut ion was alopt 0(1. Standlllgcoln-
mittees rejorted several lulls with time recommendation -
commendation tilattlmey jmass. Amoimgtiiese
was senate file No. \\'ilson bill relating to
cities of time first class. Time amendment
permitting the city to take time census was
uttacluel by the committee ulll nma(1e a part
of time liii . Tue irrigation bill caine up for
discussion. A Conmrnitiee anmendmeumtstrik-
ing omit time clause pernmittln corporations
organized under time laws of Nebraska to acquire -
quire water rigimts was imot agreed to. and the
rigiutas given to corportiouls wasreiniuied In
the bill. The committee of time whole recommended -
commended that the bill be ozmgrossed for
timmrd reading , amid wimeum the committee
arose the senate adopted time report. In time
committee of the whole senate file ISI , time
Dressier canal and water Iouver bill , was
taken up amid the committee amendments
read. limo committee recornmoumded the bill
as amended to be engrossed for third reading -
ing , and time senate adopted the report when
the committee arose. towart attempted to
lmavc'the senate strike out of time irrigation
bill the sections providing for the under
secretaries , but time senate would not have
this done. After another batcim of bills had
been introduced and read the senate adjourned -
journed until tomorrow morumiuig at 10
o'clock. A message from the governor was
read , humuuounclng that. hue had received from
United States Senator W. V. Alien a notice
that there Is in time natiommuil treasury $19-
:112.'wlmich : was collected from citizens of
Nebraska by the federal government in direct -
rect taxes under the act of congress passed
in 1861 , and that as this money has been by
aim act of congress passed in Thtml ordered repaid -
paid to the states from wimicim collected , time
governor recommended that a joint resolution -
tion be passed by the two imouses of time legislature -
islature authorizing him to receive suclm
money. Time communication was referred
to the finance committee.
HOUSF.--Ilm the house on the 23th qtmite a
number of petitloims for the passage of Ben-
edict's age of consent bill were read and referred -
ferred , and time next order of business was
reports of standing committees. During
the progress of the reading about thirty
minutes were coimsumed in adjusting a par-
lianientary tangle. Time following bills
were recommended for passage. AuthorIzing -
Izing the employment of bahiffs In district
courts ; providin" for the prevention of
blindness ; 'providing for sworn statements
to be furnished assessors by bank officials ;
relating to the regulation of cases of hog
cholera ; providing for spring elections in
cities and villages ; relating to the appointment -
ment of supreme court conirnissioumers , and
house roll No. 363 , by Hobinson. : Lpproprlat-
ing the matriculation fees of time Nebraska
State Normal school , were ordered engrossed -
grossed for a third reading. C'ramb
secured unanimous consent to resurrect
hOUSe roll No. l0 , which had beezi
indefinitely postponed , amid place it os.gen-
era ! file. It autlmorizes coumity boards to
bind out or apprentice mimmer eiildreim miii-
( ICr the ago of fourteen years who may have
become 1)t1Ii10 cluartres. Time bouimty stugar
1)111 was discussed at coiusiderable lenm.thi
and finally recommended for lacsago. Tue
bill. as recornmeumded br passage , provites ,
mainly , that there shall be paid oul of time
state treasury to time manufacturer of beet
sugar live-ciglitims of4 ceimt per 1)01111(1 for
each pound of sugar maimufactured umuider
time provisions of the act. Every hum orror-
poratioli wiuiclm shah build additiommal or
hOW factories in time state three-eighths of 1
cent. per iOtmrmd shall be added. making the
lotal bounty 1 cent a pound. This was "nor-
mat scimool dumy" in time house. Bills were
ordered to time geimeral file , on favorable reports -
ports from time committees , appropriating
money for imormal schools at II arLington ,
Wayne , Aurora and hoarney.
Sltx.-tTn.-ln the senate on time 1st Crane
renewed his motion to not concur in time rePort -
Port of time committco indefinitely postpoxm-
lug senate files 17 and 18 , regarding bonds of
register of deeds aimd county attorneys. Time
motion was 1)Ut On general file , arid it ie- I
mailed. Time report of the standing cornI I
rnittee , ifliefiflitehV postponing Crawford's
bill to reduce time legal rates fi.r priumtimmg
: ouimty delinquent tax lists , was taken up.
Dale's niotiorm not to concur was carried ,
md time bill was ordered placed on time gen-
ral file. ilouse roll 89 , povlding for aim
mendrnent to time constitution , to tue effect
that if , upon a submission of aim amendment
to the vtters , a majority of those voting on
Iho proposition favored it , then time niend-
ruent was to be declared adopted. was in-
lefinitely postponed. Senate fi1e277 , topro-
Ltbit minors from running passenger eheva-
ors ; recommended to pass. House roll 196 ,
vhich provides for the investmentoftime
permanent school fund , was recommended
o be placed' on general file. A'numberof
ills were read a second time aimd referred
o a committee , whereupon the senate ad-
Jiousn.-The House on time 1st went into i
ommitlee of the whole , with harrison in
: ime chair. to consider house roll No. 525 , the
lew relief bill , appropriating $ iOO,01D in aid
) f droutim sufferers. 2he bill. as reported
) y time coummittee , provides for fuel , food
md clothing , In addition to money for feed
mud seed. Speaker Riclmards moved an
mmendment to strike out time woods "fuel ,
rOOl and clothing. " Carried. 29 to 23 Ben-
dict'sf5O,000 amendment was lost by a heavy
rote against it. Time vote then recurred on
hme amendment of the committee to increauie
lie amount to $ l.0,000. It was carried.
LUchiards moved an amendment looking to
he equable distributIon of the relief amen- a
ime dilrercrmt counties , and providing that
it least 81,5 0 shall go to such counties us
mare orgaimized relief conirnitteus , should q
hey want it. Time amezmdnment was lost.
.flmapman moved that the commltee report
mouse roll No. 2i , the relief bill , for indefi-
mite postponement. Time amendment was
ost. Bee timen moved an amendment
hividing time relief pro rata amon'
lie farmers needing relief , time prod
isbn applying to counties having a
oiuiation ; of 2,00J or more , and d
rimich have a recognized auxiliary re-
ief commission. Time amendment carried
nd section 3 was next in line for consider-
tion. Sections were adopted in succession ri
Lntil section 7 m as reached , wimlch provides
commission of five per cent for expenses
or the relief commission. llairgrovc gave
oticethuat be should move to amend by t (
initinc time title of the bill read "For time. ii
elief dl Mr. Ludden. " and did at that time
move to amend by cutting time commission
D2percent , which prevailed. When see- d
ion 14 was reached. which provides that a a
ommisslon handling over 00,000 shall give ti
bond in thesum of but 0,0jo ; Hairgrave ti
moyed thatthe bondsbe fixed at$4o000. tl
he amendment was lost , as was one also , s
roviding that the bonds shall be placed at em
10,000. Amen'Iments were carried making
. , unlawful to discriminate against soldiers SI
rawing pensions and religious organiz - p
Ions. Some orher amendments were adopted si
ud time bill was recommended for passage. ma
- - - -
- -
- -
- - . : .
-r , . .
- -
rime Appropriation lulls.
The appropriation bilis were reported to
the imouso on the 213th from time committee
on ways and means. The bills could not
have been lucid mmmcii longer , for If they had
not been introhuced before niidnighmt the
governor alone could have brought them
before thmo legislature.
Time two bills appropriate a grand total of
$2,041) ) 732 , as compared witim 2,0G,940 by the
legislature two years ago. Of the total sum
appropriated this year $7Xi.SS0 is set aside
for the paynment. of the salaries of state ofil-
cots. JUiges of the sumpreme and district
courts. and othicers of state Institutions ,
while is for the payment of time ox-
hmenses of niaiimtairming the state goverunment
and state Institutions.
Tue salary appropriations are divided
amnoi time several departments as per the
following tabulated statement :
Governor's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 13,003
AdJutatmt general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.tXX )
Secretary of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400
Auditor of pubhiti tCCOL1fltS. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400
'I'reisurcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,400
Simperintcndermt. pulhic inisi ructioti. . . u,600
A1.ioi mmey general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,40)
t'ommnisslouier Public lands aimd build-
limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
District courts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224,000
uIreme court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2t1)
state library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.t00
Soldiers' nuiti Sailors' hmonme. . . . . . . . . . . . 9SSO
itate banklimgdepartment. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,40)
lmetrnoy limdustriaL chool. . . . . . . . . . . . .
home for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Institute for time leaf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fish comniissloim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400
institute for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , (
State board of Transportation. . . . . . . ( 2,003
Peru Normalschool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,8 0
hospital for time [ mmsaume at Limicolim . . . i,000
Asylum for time Insane nut. hastings 0,0 ( ) )
Asylunm for the I iisinam at Norfo1i. . . . , IJ0)
limdustrial school at tieiicva. . . . . . . . . . .
Institute for Feeble-Ililmded..ii , .00
Industrial lionme at Mliford. . . . . . . . . . . . ( .900
State university. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lhi0,00J
' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Time general appropriatl.ui bill foots tip
$ L2thi,82 , and is ( hiYiiofl among tile .everal
state ( lepartmellts US follows :
Governor's OfliCe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,100
AijUtaumt general's ohlie , ilmeltuiilmg .
support for imutinimal gumlirIs. . . . . . . . . . .
iecretary ofstLte. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1tA )
, i uditor of ; .uumlie aecouults . . . . . . . . . . 3,490
State treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Superiultemldeuut of pu bIle I iistructlon 9,50
Attorney general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ICXJ
omrnlssnner of public lands and
buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . 00
Board of IUbiic ilIll5 aill btmiidiimgs 20 , )
Board of Ed ucatiomia I La mmds alid
F'tuumlS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000
Board of Purchase amid uIiihics 590
Stiimreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Buuikimm' ( lepartrneult. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State hilrary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
: tate Board of 10mm. . . . .
l'ertm Norn.a.i school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,100
Liilcoiim liospitnul for time iuisamme. 94,500
Milford Industrial Ilonme. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.500
home of the Fiieumdless. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.,000
JIatizigs Asyluni for mime lilsarle. . . . :
Norfolk Asylum for time hiiaime. . . . .
Gemuevit Girls' Illdlmstliai School . . . . 20.000
Omaha Institute for I lie 1)eaf
Ken' imey Boys' Industrial Scimool.1,750
' moldiers' and Sailors' lionie. . . . . . . . . . 5 ,930
Institute for time Blind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Institute for Feeble Minded. . . . . . . . . 57,0X )
Stale fish commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00
State penitentiary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10(1,820
Mlscehiazmeous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404,901
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Irrigation Bill.
FollowIng are some of time details of A kers
new irrigatioim bill , favorably considered in
committee of the whole in the senate , and
Wilich is likely to become a ebraska law :
Water divIsion No. I shall coimsist of all
the irrigable lands of time state drained by
time I'latte river , and timeir tributaries lying
west of the mouth of the Loup river. and
also all other latmds lying south of the Platte
and South Platte rivers timat may be watered
from other superficial or subterranean
streams not tributary to time P1 ii to.
Water division No. 2 is to consist of all irrigable -
rigable lands that may be watered front mime
Loup. Wlmite. Niobrara and Elkimorn rivers
and their tributaries and all other irrigable
knds of time state not inclued in any other
water division.
The bill creates a State Board of Irrigu-
tion , to be composed of time governor , utter-
umey general and commissioner of public
lands and buildings , of wimi Ii time governor
Is to be.ex-officio time president. Time board
shall elect a secretary , who shall be a Imy-
draulical engineer of theoretical knosviedg
and practical skiii and experience , ani wimo
shall receive a salary of2,00 per annum.
The board may also employ an uscistunt
secretary at a salary ofl,300 per year.
There snaIl also be an under secretary for
each of the two water divisiomms , who shall
be paid $5 per day for the tIme they actually
The principal duty of the state board of
irrigation is to makc proper arranmgennenmts
for the determination of time priorities of I
time right to use time ptmllic waters of the
A cubic foot of water per seroni of time
slmahl be time legal .standuri of umeasurenment.
both for the purpose of ( letormimmlum time how
of water iii time miatu' : ul streams : iiid fmx the
1)1lIPOSe ot distribiztimi tilerefromn. provided -
ed , however , tlmnut watr imeictofore sold lmy
time mit-er's Inch hmtlI continue to be tiehiv-
ered in timat way.
Time person eumtitled to I be muse of time water ,
from any ( litcil or canal rimust not tinder : uIiy
circumstances use irmore wat'r ilimui good
iiusianlry rei , uires for time ( rp 1 hat hue
cultivates. unIt any per-omi mIsiim aim excs '
of water is ! ialle I I ) time orn'r of such tlitehm ' I
or canal for time m'uimic of slm(1m exets. ; uimd in
aldhtiorm thereto is liale foi' 'tihm ( Iaflitge ,
sustaimlel by any other p'rsomm w ian tvommll I
have heeum entitled to smim exeess f watm.
Notimixmg in I lie act shall Inc so rnmlstruel
as to interfere vithm or immmpair Ibe riimts of '
water appropriatcI anmd required prior to
time passage of timis act. I
As to 011 lnspectiiim. I
Senator Dale imas offered a bill jim the semi-
zte , having for its Olject the correction of
maimy abuses that have grown up mmnider time
inspection of oils. The law is '
iii that It gives time chief oil ilmspector aim- I
Limority to 1)01(1 off his final settlenmenmt with
time state until time rnwmtli of .Januury each
'emI. 'emmmtor : .lalcs bill lroviles aS folLows -
Lows : I
Time state inspector of oiissimall receive arm ; C
Itmmmitial salary of 2t00 , iiiYLbie from time U
rees of imis office. lie simul. also be allowed ' I
; tmc'm furtimer sum as lie may actually Ilnid
iecessariiy expezmU , whether for travehium
xpeimses incurred in lime discimarge of his ,
: iuties. or for the proper prosecution of any
ase of offense arising under time irovisionis 0
) f this act. Eacim deputy inspector shall be ri
ntitIed to a salary , payable nmontimiy , of . P
riot to exceed $100 per montlm , payable fronm t
the fees of said office , as herein provided.
Each deputy Inspector simail be entitled to
tad allowed all actual andsteamboat fares. C
Iogetherwith hotel , fills riot excelingS2
er day , incurred in the discharge of his
luties as such deputy Inspector. and for 11
; uch other sums of money as by time autimortI
myofthestate inspector Imernmyexpendin i a
: hme.prosecutions for offenses arising under P
hc provisions of the. J ti
All salaries and expenses proviled for in
his actshahi he paid by the state inspector P
) ut of time money received for time inspecfl :
lion cf oils as provided imerehm ; ti
Provided , That in case the amount of P.
noney received forsuchinspectiwmsaccord-
ag to the provisions of tiuis act shall riot be I
ufhicienit to pay time salaries axnl expenses
If the state Inspector and his deputies. as
) rovided herein , time amount of , ueh delic :
lencies shail be deducted from said sala- p
ies pro rata to each ; I
furtimer That iii mime 01
Provided , , case I
Lmouumt of money received for time inspec-
ion of oils acroriing to time provisions of "
his act shall be iii excess of time sum re-
uired to pay time saiaries and expenses of '
lie stale inspctor and his deputies as pro-
'ided hereinbefore , time anmourmi. of sucim ox- ! shah be paid into time state treasury
or the benefit of time general fund. Time
tate inspector shall render 10 time auditor tt
f ptillIC accounts a ( letalied report aimd ac- ,
ount , fully Itemized , of all time receipts and '
isbursements of his oflict , showingiiie bat- L.
nces. if ally , on hand , on or before time 10th
ay of each mouth. for time last caienIar 3
month. and he siuail also Incorporate copies -
fsuch accounts aimd reports in his annual '
iport to the goverimor.
Wilt Regulate time 'tnck Yards. 3
It seems certain that time senate proposes \j
) vote to pass a bill to "regulate" timeorna-
a Uniomm Stock yards. Time particular bill
'Imich Jmas icon singled out is time one intro- r
uced bySeimator prcchmeron January 7
nd reported for indefinite ( i
me commtttee on misceliunmeoums corporaCC
onsyesterduy. it Is time least radical of di
e three stockyards bills offered 1mm the
mate. and possessessome features imot zen-
rally conmtained in bills of thls cimaracter. 01
It makes the governor of time state a live rt
lock inspector and empowers him to up- .
aint asufficientnumber of competent as-
.stant.s , wimose duty it shah ! be to deterhu
Inc what h1'e stock Is unfit for the market ai
If :
_ :
andimavetlmesame romovcd. No oneI tu'
bepormnitted to actaslivostOCk
time governor.
un'ess SI ) appointed by prIc -
The bill times fixes the maximum anfcL t
which siml1 be charged for yarding atmd. $
follows : For vartling
weigiming sicck as
weighing cattlc,20 cents per heat ! ; II0eSti I
head sheen 4 centS per imead
colmts per :
unlawful for the oWnOr
It is made
stock yards to charge a greater Tirico
thman doubio the
hay and grain
nrfceof time same on time day furnished.
Is unlawful to soil less timan 100 nOUni of ,
hay for a hundredweIght or less timami tlft'Y
six pounds of shelled corn or seventY 1)0Ufll
of ear corn for a bushol.
lloferrlxmg to commissions , time bill prohmib- '
'its timan the ZolioWlflm For ,
I creator charges
I selltmmg cattle' , 50 cents per head , nOV tO 0X' ii
coed ii0 per car ; for soIling hogs , $5 per slim- i
gb ( Ieckel car , and$7 perdoublo dekt (
car ; for selling sheep , 4 per sinclo -
cur , and $7 per double deckd car.
Aimy person vIolatimm the provlsiona
law prescrIbed by the nill shall be guilty Of
a nmlsdeneanor , ammd upon coaVlCtiOii SImflll
1)0 hued for time first offense not more timuulL
$100. for time second oeiiso notl ss thatlUO 1
nor more titan $500 , and foreacli subsequent ' I
offense not ; less titan $50) , nor more timtii
$1,000. I I
Referring to this bill SonatormMCltIS0hm of
Lancaster said today that a careful poll of I j
time seimate showed timat time bill would pass.
with three votes to spare.
Changing time Banking law.
Time constitutionality of house roll No. 4S2
is being discussed by nmcmbers quite earn-
estiy. This Is a bill Introduced by Mtmmmger
by request. it proviles 1mm time hlrst and only
section that the stockholders in any state
bank orgalmize(1 mmmmder time provisions of timt
statutes of Nebraska simahl be deemed and
eolmsiierel u.s partners , tumid liable as siiiii
for all debls of such lnuimk. 'Pius theaSmflm
wits reconmnmeimded for indefinite poStpOflC
ziieimt by time commitice of time whole delia-
tetl it ttIIi flimaily orcterel it to time genmerii
file. Parties mzrguiimg 1mm favor of Its tmnenim-
stitmmtlommailty point to sectioim 4 , rrtiehti xii.
Miscehimumeous t'orporatlons of the conmstitu-
lion , whIch proviies as fohlows
I ii all eases of claims against corporations
mind joiiit , Slitk : isociatloims , time exact
8lflOtlIit justly iiie 511811 ho first. ascertahimeti
aIii , after time coriorato irouorty shmuhl hmttv
Oceni eximausteil , time orighimal simbscrhlmers
timeVeOf shall b individually hiabie to I lie I
extent. of timeir mmlmiaid subscription , nlmi thin
iiaijiiitv for time tmnipaid suisrriptloim simall
follow time stock.
'i'imls siction is sumppiernenteI il3r a note :
Liability of stockimolders himumited to a colim-
1)iialmco with time lawsgovernliig such corpo-
ratloims. Smith : ugalimst Cede ,
'rimoe vimo claim that- time hill k onstit mm-
I ional Poilit to the rimiiimg of time sliprenmum
comm it.
Comuparisorm of Nim timber of En plt.s.
There are two lulls ieumdinglum time imoti.i : t (
reduce time : mumnber oflmouso anmd seumate cia-
elmi)10YCs. Comparlsoim of time subjoitmed .
figuresshmows timat oimly Wlscoimiii excels
Nebraska in time umuniher of cnmployes iii pro- j
I ) ortion to time umembers of hotimum amid sexmut e.
rime bills pendhimg in till. botzc now provihi )
for a redi.ction ( if cnmployes train sixty-six
and fifty to fifty and forty in time house mm mmii. 9
senate. 'l'imo foliowiimg talfle siiowstime Imlilli-
her of members aumi employcs in ditIerent ' 1
states : tJ
lnc : i
. ' -
STATE -.Eg rr5
o.- - : . *
_ .
& _ CD . .0 ' 1' ' ) !
. nn . 0
Coimnecticumt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5l ; , )
Colorado.5 titI 25 51.
Kentucky . . . . . . 100 14
Marylanil. . . . . . : : : : : : : : : . .91 :6 20 iS
New Jersey : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2S i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. 3 19
. ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I 2 iii ;
Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inl : : ; ; t.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 44 ; : i 24 '
Mmssaehtmsctts..140 24 -u jp m
Mk'hmiganm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 ( LI 4Th
Mirmne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 54 : k
New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1' 21 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 : j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii : I ; I it
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1s ; i i ' si 9
l'ennsylraumia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mfl 59 I .
Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10)i 70mJ I
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 45
Indiana. _ _ _ . . - . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . 49J _ _ . .I I _ 5H _
Protection from Prairie Fires.
Senmator Stewart has offered a unique bill ,
ammd it will be recognized as peculiarly in-
Jortant to time citizens oftime frontier COhium- l f
ties of time state. Its somewhat lengthy I
title recites that it is tIme purpose of time act
'to P1OVile protectinim from prairie fires , to
conmpel couimt.v comnmissiotmers , county smi-
pervisors. road overseer- . railroad cwimpaii- '
los. property owners arid occizpant.s to hro-
Viie fire guards for time protection. of time'I
pea Ic alli time county against dmnmui , by , 'I
; ) rairit hires. to provide for time extiugimisim-
uneimi m1f prairie fires znmd to m'mmmpower coil may
EornmlsmohIers or county supervisors to ad-
uertise for anal : icc'pt. Imids for time plowing'
'uimd bunting of fire guards.
Neiraka Znmnmigratinn.
'l'imestmbjcct of imm'nigrationm to time hmoiuitm-
mb CuilifleS of Nebraska is irougitt up by
Iwo new hills , Oman ohiered ly Eeimator nmitiL
mud t imtt ot immr by emiitor I'ope. 'L'hit bills
ire itit rmtiral : tnmd arovide that. time sertary
) f 1 ( mc stnte. : Liihilor of ; mizbilr : Lceoiiiits ; ttmd.
( ) ImltimiSiiIlLm of 1)ti iiiC lmzmis .mnnl lti ii'h-
jigs . hail ioui'.t it uite vhut , is knowum as a j
-tate iotrd : of I rr.mnigrttion. 'I h' : metmmmmt
york tjf timi' imit : ru is to hc ienfornz5Lti bc I ime
: Ilevituiie seem-erary at arm mum mu iiml saJaIy of
2,0 ' . Timi' bills aplroprIale $250 i fem I liii
mimrnose of ( ii.'tnmiimatiig alluring ; uivertis-
imr mimatter tiiroiigliuimt tue east. Eadu of
lie six rmmgres.ionmai ( iistricts is to have a
epresemltalive to advise time homril if time
iCIS of eacim ( listriet , lii time state. mit these
( iimICS1'IutLtlVs are to receive no coiiuermsu-
.A Itili to helm. , Trusts.
Scuutor Ilitcimeok imas olTcred a bill to de-
jim trusts and conspiracies against ratle _
t dehines a trust as a combination ofctpi tai ,
kiii orLcts , by two or more persins. firms ,
orporatioims . or association of lersons. or of
t.o or mnori of timemn for either , any or all j
if time following purposes : First , Ii ) create
r carry out rest rid ions mu trade ; sccnuuii , to
unit or reduce I lie Jroduction , or increa.e ir
eiIile time rice of mercimanmdise or coum- '
modities ; timiri , to prevent eonimpetItiom , .
a manufacture , rntkmng. transportation ,
ale or purchase of mnercimandise , produce
reommodities : fourth. to fix any staniti-
rd or hi'mmre wimereby its price to time I
ublic saIi 1)0 In any manner con-
rolled or established uponm army : trti-
Ic inteimded for sale , use or consunipticum
rm timls state : fifth to make or cmrry out univ
oimtract , obiigatioim or : mgrcemeimt by which
hey shall blnmd timemselves not to sell any
rticle below a commozm standurti figure or
st price , or by which timey shah tnt any
mannmer establL-ttm or settle time price of any
rticle or conmmodity or trummspmmrtitiozm to.
rechmide a free and unrestricted conmputi-
toni in the sale or tranmsportationi ot any
ucim article , or by wimicim timeysimail aaree to
col , combine or unite any inmtercst they
may have iii conmimection with time sale or-
anmsportatlomm of any such article that its-
rice may In : mny manner be alTected. I
A New State Official. if
Fonator ' 1 cOlt hmns Introduced a nmmeasurb
ilculated to relieve time Sate Roard of
WhiC ends arid Buildings of agreat.manmy '
r Its onerous burdens x
y providing or a.
w state official , to be desIgnatc ( as time
ulerVisoI ( if public bulidings. 'rids ollicial
to be paid an annual calary of $ , lo0 , arid
made hmi.m duty is visit nil state Ins itt-
oils , oversee all needeo repairs anl exer
se a genmerul supervisiomi Over time ' '
pimysi- i' ,
tl conditloim of all buildings belonging to- (
IC State. lie is m etmuired to report '
rlv , giving in detail time nature of all qimar-
milis , the cost of rmaterIal arid laimor arid I
it'lm other facts as the Board of iimIjlc i
uzitis and Buiidiimgs may require. '
_ .
orrlbie Accllont 0 InterOceanic. .
hallway in Mexico.
larch 2.-An excursion train
ito the city on time Inter-Oceanic.
tilroad met with
an accident
ay afternoon. While rounding a -
.mrve on time sile of a , mountain five
) aches jumped tire track and went
) % vn time canyon. Forty-two people.
ore killed and
thirty I
or more sen-
isly injured. The accident occur.-
d about forty kilometers from thhi
' t
ty. 'Wires have been ; down audit -
is been impossible so far to obtaj.
: my details of the awful disaster , , , . '
i Ii
. 0)
. , . - .
- ' -