The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 01, 1895, Image 2

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    Z ' C cog TRIBUNE.
F. M. KIMMELL , Yut > fsltor.
Mc000IC , h BIIM KA.
A xiw paper is about to be established -
ed at Pender.
A rive weeks revival season closed
last week at Geneva.
NEST POINT has a new postmaster in
in the person of August Kline.
Tiii farmers of Nuckolls county will
organize an institute at Nelson.
Yoiuc county has put itself on record
as opposed to voting seed grain bonds.
FtnE at Scotia damaged the store of
S. Wilcox , causing a loss of about $500.
TIIIEvis broke into the residence of
J. . M. ITutchinson at Geneva and secured -
cured $65.
NERnASKA's new U. S. senator , John
hi. Thurston , is an ardent sportsman
with gun and rod
TIIIru : is no question but that the
two disastrous fires in Tecumseh were
started by an incendiary.
FUEMONT will construct an electric
light plant and operate it in connection -
tion with city water works.
A Nusnnn of people in Colfax county
are leaving for new locations in southwestern -
western Missouri and Arizona.
TILE second annual convention of the
Nebraska union veterans' league will
be held in Fremont March 1st.
Fivi : thousand four hundred dollars
of llitchcock county's funds were swallowed -
lowed up in the recent Trenton bank
Mrs. VIOLA F. Asin i : , wife of a
farmer of Dodge county , was last week
adjudged insane and taken to the asylum -
lum at Norfolk
Miss 'JA1 NtE Asvlnoa , daughter of
Paul Anderson , olio lives southwest of
Valparaiso , had her hands badly frozen
on her way to school.
Tim Sentinel complains that there is
much destitution in Franklin and that
several families are actually suffering
from hunger and cold.
C. E. SMITH , a leading dry goods
merchant of Beatrice , slipped in getting -
ting off a motor car , and falling violently -
lently to the pavement broke his collar -
lar bone.
THE farmers of Nuckolls county
have arranged to meet at the court
house in Nelson , IVednesday , February -
ary 27 , for the purpose of organizing a
farmers' institute.
THE 2-year-old boy of John Ware
was pulled off his bed last week by an
older child in play , and falling to the
floor , broke one of its legs , at its home
near Crab Orchard.
PEnKINS county now has no county
judge. W. S. IFampton , who was appointed -
pointed to act during the absence of
Judge Littlefield , has removed to Ogal-
alla and left the office vacant.
THE puffing of an engine at Nebraska -
ka City caused the horse of a farmer
named Holliday to run away and drag
the occupant of the buggy for quite a
distance badly injuring him.
AT Norfolk a Young Men's Christian
association has been organized and a
free reading room will be opened if a
sufficient amount of money can be
raised to keep the enterprise going.
Buy home-made goods and build up
home industries , is a good policy : Far-
rell' Fire Extinguisher , made by Farrell -
rell & Co. , Omaha ; Morse-Coe boots and
shoes for men , women and children.
THE Grand Army post and W. 11. C.
of Oxford have secured ex-Governor
John M. Thayer for a lecture engagement -
ment at that place March 5. ills subject -
ject will be ' Reminiscences of the Late
War. "
PETITIONS are in circulation in Pierce
county asking the commissioners to call
a special election to vote on a proposition -
tion to issue bonds to the amount of
$10,000 to purchase seed grain for destitute -
tute farmerss.
THE commissioners of Red Willow
county met to consider the question of
calling an election to vote bonds for
seed and feed. The petition lacked two
votes of the legal requirement and no
election could be called.
JOAN A. WALTERS , registering from
Denver , was found suffering from poison -
son in the Windsor hotel at Omaha one
day last week. lie had taken laudanum -
num or morphine and had made preparations -
rations to shoot himself. He lived but
.a few hours after swallowing the dose.
SEVERAL weeks ago Peter Moodie. who
lives five miles north of West Point ,
bad 100 bushels of wheat stolen from
his granary , and the theft , it is said ,
was definitely traced to Carl Zeng and
Henry Teinken. They left the country ,
but were arrested in St. Louis and
brought back to answer for their
AT aurora two persons in jail for
burglary were given the freedom of the
corridors , and twenty minutes later
had made a hole through the brick
wall , with a common stove poker ,
( nearly large enough to crawl through.
The sheriff discovered the work just in
time and now the worthy pair occupy
steel cages.
THE 1\'ood River Interests says :
Samuel Guy showed us a limb of a tree ,
the side of which had been exposed to
the storm of last week. It was coated
with mud an eighth of an inch thick :
.and appeared as if it was scorched. He
thinks the scorched-like appearance is
due to electricity. Only certain strips
of timber , he informs us , are thus af-
JACOB ROBES , owning a large farm
west of Wilber , was instantly killed by
Burlington train No. 92. lIe was
crossing the track. The engine cut
the horses loose from the buggy' ,
smashed the vehicle and threw Robes
high in the air. When the trainmen
reached him he was dead , though he
was not mangled at all.
THE Salem Interstate Chautauqua
association has secured Talmage for
two days. Other noted speakers will
also be present during the session.
TECUMSEH had two destructive fires
last week , entailing the loss of thousands -
sands of dollars. The conflagrations 1
are believed to be of incendiary origin.
J DL MAOUMULER , a farmer living a
mile west of Norfolk , was assaulted by
footpads last week as he was , on his
way home. One of them caught hold j
of his team while the other sprang into
the wagon and dealt him a stunning
blow on the back of the head : When t
the farmer had gathered up his senses
he found his pocketbook gone. ,
THE Hardware store of Meek , Skinner -
ner & Co. at Pawnee City has been
closed by the sheriff. The liabilities
are estimated at about $18,000.
Din. LAMBORN of Red Willow county
introduced a blll in the legislature providing -
viding that all bills introduced must
before being printed be referred to the
proper committee. Only such bills as
are recommended to pass are to be
printed at the expense of the state , except -
cept where house or senate overrules
the committee and places a bill on the
general file.
'T'wo on three cases of scarlet fever
and diphtheria have been reported to
the board of health of York. So far
the disease has been confined to cliil-
dren who are under school age and has
in no way interfered with a full atten-
ance at the public schools. Every pre'
caution is being taken by the authori
ties to keep a quarantine on all case'
as soon as reported.
AT a meeting of the citizens of Butt (
a reorganization of the central relief
committee to conform with the requirements -
quirements of the state commission was
effected. County Commissioners Howard -
ard Ware and Charles Hoffman , and G.
T. Bastedo and C. H. Critchfield were
selected to fill vacancies , and the members -
bers of the old committee were unanimously -
mously re-elected.
AT the election held for the purpose
of voting bonds to aid the Cozad Irrigation -
tion company in the construction of the
ditch north of Cozad the bonds were
defeated by nineteen votes. The
amount asked for was $10,000. As the
result of the election work on the ditch
was not resumed last week , as intended -
ed , and Mr. illclntyre , the manager ,
left for Minneapolis , the eastern headquarters -
quarters of the company.
% VIr.Ia ur GREEN , an ex-commissioner
and prominent citizen of JefFerson
county , is lying at his home near DII-
ler , in a critical condition , as the result
of an injury he received in a runaway.
Two months ago he was seriously injured -
jured in a like manner- , and was just
getting about again. He was out driving -
ing with the same team when it ran
away the second time , throwing him
violently against a tree.
A si iuous stabbing affray took place
at a school house about four miles
northwest of Ashland , between two i
bops , Patrick Dalton and Fred Calvert ,
who are about 14 years of age. Dalton
received a cut about two inches long
and the full depth of the blade in his
left arm. It severed an artery and
came near costing Dalton his life from
loss of blood. The trouble had been of
long standing and was on account of a
A I'norOSITION has been made to the
city of Lincoln , through the council ,
by Green & Van Dynn , to buy the city
water works for $1,169,100. This is the
total amount of the city's bonded in-
debtedness. The annual interest paid
on this debt amounts to $63,640. The
parties agree that water will be furnished -
nished patrons at a price not exceeding
what they are now paying for it. They
also agree to make all extensions of
water mains as required by increasing
TIIE attorney.general served notice
on the Standard Oil company that fees
for inspection of the ten carloads of oil
which ex-Chief Oil Inspector Hilton had
inspected , but not collected for , should
be paid to Chief Oil Inspector Edmis-
ton. This oil was inspected at Kearney -
ney , Grand Island , Lincoln , h astings ,
York and Omaha during the latter part
of January , and for some reason the
fees were not collected by Hilton. By
this move of the attorney-general the
fees , amounting to from $100 to $150 ,
will be saved to the state.
OwiNG to the shortage of relief supplies -
plies and the entire exhaustion of the
coal , coupled with a fear of such
weather as this time of the year frequently -
quently bringsHaydn Strong of North
Loup , left last week for Lincoln armed
with the necessary credentials to interview -
view the management of the state relief -
lief commission , with the design of expediting -
pediting the shipment of further sup-
supplies to that place. The local committee -
mittee has been attempting to fill all
reasonable demands to the best of its
ability , but the stock on hand is getting -
ting quite low.
WIIAT might have been a serious fire
at Ashland was averted by the heroic
action of a child only 13 years old.
During the absence of Mrs. Roy Brusht
her four small children were all alone
when a lamp was knocked off the stand
and broken. Fire was set to the saturated -
urated carpet and in a very few moments -
ments the entire house would have been
ablaze had not the eldest daughter
seized the lamp and threw it out the
door , and then seized a blanket and
threw it over the burning carpet and
smothered the flames. She received a
badly cut hand and a severely burned
arm.THE streets of Shelby , says a dispatch -
patch , were more crowded yesterday
than at any other time this year. The
town people were out enjoying the
warm weather , while those from the
country came in to partake of and witness -
ness the distribution of two large wagon
loads of provision that had been sent
by the State Relief commission. It was
noticeable that very few residing in the
immediate neighborhood applied for
aid , but many a home in the rough
lands of the Platte north of here was
made happy by the sack of flour , the
jug of molasses and the bundles of secondhand -
ond-hand clothing.
A. F. ALLEN , one of Elkhorn's oldest
settlers , ended his life the other day
by shooting himself in the head. Mr.
Allen was in his 72d year , and for several -
eral weeks past he had been bedridden
with an attack of pneumonia. He was
in the last stages of the disease and
his dissolution was a question of but a
week or so , at the furthest.
IT has developed that Carl Roth who
lost his life in the sinking of the steamship -
ship Elbe , was not the Carl Roth who
resided at Holdrege. Mr. Roth of Hol-
drege is still missing , but the man who
went down with the Elbe was a resident -
dent of Hungary , and was bound for
UNLESS the governor intercedes ,
Harry Hill , the Cass county murderer ,
will be executed March 1st. Hill's
counsel and friends are endeavoring to
secure a commutation to life imprisonment -
ment , but advices received from Lincoln -
coln are to the effect that the governor
has made no move in the matter , it
being the usual practice to seek the d
views of the members of the supreme
court and the trial judge , and as the t
governor has made no request of + tlie
udges mentioned , it .is generally pre- t
ruined .that he is disposed to let the
death sentence stand. The commuta-
ion of the prisoner's sentence would
be with considerable
accepted regret 1
by the people of Cass county. m
Some Measures that Have Been Passed
and Others that are ! n a Fair State of
Advancement-Text of the Oleomargarine -
garino Bill Under Consideration-The
Session half Gone , but Measures Still
Being Iutroluced-Miscellaneous Mat-
termn Both houses.
The Nebraska Assembly.
Ilousi.-in the house on time 15th the clerk
read a numerously signed petition from
Omaha against the oleomargarine bill.
There were a number of such petitions
signed by numbers ranging from one to 500.
Boyd and Iioltcounties hadpetitions asking
for the appropriation of money for the prosecution -
ecution of the alleged murderers of Barrett
Scott. Nebraska women were represented
in a petition asking that the word "male"
be stricken from the constitution. Howard
sent u ) a resolution demanding that the
committee on resolutions at once report the
resolutions introduced a few weeks sihce ,
reflecting on the character of Iobe tson of
unit , and insinuating that he was connected
with the Ilolt county vigilantes. The resolution -
lution was tabled. fhe following bills of
third reading were disposed of :
Relating to assessments by boards of
county commissioners. The bill was passed.
House roll No. 210 , the committee's su"sti-
tute for Barry's bill to provide live libraries - !
ries for district schools went over. The
Louse then went into committee of the
whale to cotsider bills on file , with ha' risen
in the chair. The following bills w're disposed -
posed of : house roll No. J7 , by Timme ,
providing for the naming of lure hospital for
the insane at Norfolk , and relating to the
care and protection of lime inmates , practically -
tically taking It outof the hmaudsof time board
of public lands amid buildings , and placin
it fn the hands of trustees , was recomitteC
The committee's substitute for house roll
No. 15 , by Griffith. providing for the attend-
mi nce of school childret at schools nearer
their homes than the houses in their own
districts was reported back with the recommendation -
mendation that it pass with amendments.
( souse roil No. 143 , by Ashby , relating to a
revision of the election law anda simplification -
tion of ballots , cvas indefinitely PCStponed.
) louse roil No. :11 : , by liobitison , providing
for a rate of 7 per cent on county , city , town
or other municipal warrants , was rccom-
metded for passage.
Si NATi : In the senate on the 19th the
forenoon was devoted to routine work. The
judiciary committee presented favorable
reports on the following bills : Senate file
No. 1i9. my llitchcock , for an act providing
that a judge pro team of the county court
may be sciected from the lawyers of said
county wimeim the regular julge shall be
sick , absent , interested in or has been counsel -
sel fu the case , or otherwise disqualified.
Senate file No. 27 , by Watson , making judges -
es of the supreme and district courts inclt-
.ible to other oflices. Senate file No. 205 , by
Hitchcock , prohibiting the undcrvahmtton
of property by assessors and the State
Board of Equalization. Senate flue No. 20.1 ,
by Caldwell , providing for the appointment
of a judge pro tern In judicial ( fistricts of
Nebraska. The committee on finance ,
ways and meats recommended time
time ) aSSagC of senate file No. 2.t ,
amending the law rclat jug to the registration -
tion of precinct bonds in the oihiro of the
auditor of public accounts. Also senate file
No. i36 , atneiding the law relating to the
registration of school district bonds in the
office of the auditor of public accpuUtS. A
number of bills were introduced ant read
the first time. Akers' irrigation bill cvas
them taken up amid read atletmgth for the first
time and passed , after which the senate
took a recess till 2 o'clock. The bill giving
time state university a special levy of mill
on every dollar of real and personal property -
erty in the state was passed. Akers offered
a resolution directing the appointment of a
committee of three to investigate the report -
port that W. II. Webb , one of Oil Inspector -
or Edmiston's bondsmen , had been reeeiv-
ing aid from the State lelief commission.
Campbell offered an amendment providing
that the committee should also inquire into
the sufliciency of the othcial bond given by
the state treasurer. The amendment was
accepted without a dissenting vote.
IlovsE. In the house on the 19th the oleomargarine -
margarine bill came up. Burch moved that
the rules be suspended and the house proceed -
ceed with the order of bills on second read-
ing. Robinson objected to going out of the
regular order. He said that as the friends
of the bill had a majority in its favor they
should not be afraid to take up the re ' ular
order. Senate file 78 had not been read ) the
second time , and as the special order was
consideration of house roll 163 and senate
file 78 , Identical In language , the latter could
not be considered in committee of the whole
until it had been read twice. The reading
continued until senate file 78 had been
reached. Then Harrison moved that the
house go into committee of the whole on
house roll 168 and senate file 78. The motion
prevailed and IlarrIson went into the chair.
A long and animated discussion followed ,
participated in by many members. A pum-
er of amendments were offered , but all
were rejected. To shut oil' the amendments
.Munger appealed from time dec sion of the
chair , who had ruled that all amendments
were in order , and the chair was not slts-
tained by a vote of 43 to 2S. The vote then
recurred on time motion to report the bill for'
passage and it prevailed. The committee
then rose and reported. Benedict moved
that the report of the committee be notcon-
curred in , and that the bill be indefinitely
postponed. He called for the ayes and nays
and Ricketts asked forthe call of the house.
Time call of the house showed but two members -
bers absent Cramb and Barry. Further
proceeding- under the call were dispensed
with , and at5:45 the decisive vote was taken
On the motion to indefinitely postpone the
bill. It was lost by 15 ayes and 81 nays. Absent -
sent and not voting : Craamb harry and Rob-
inson. The motion to adopt time report of
the committee recommending the bill for
passage was then adopted and the house
SI NATE.-1n the senate on the 20th Noyes
from the committee on education , presented
favorable reports on senate files Nos. 66 and
241 , and they were placed of general file
Senate file No. 76 is the bill repealing time
state acid county depository law , and its
consideration provoked a discussion which
filled the galleries and the lobbies with a
crowd of interested hearers. Pope moved
that when the committe rise it report the
bill back to time senate with the recommendation -
ation that it pass. The senate considered
the fish and 'ante bill , which had been left
from yesterday. The bill is entitled "Aim
Act for the lrotection , Preservation amid
Propagation of Birds , Fishes and Wild Animals -
imals , and to Prevent the Killing of
the Same During Certain Seasons"
The bill was amended in a few minor
particulars and recommended for passage.
enate file No. 67 , by Pope , making a slight
change in the law regulating the fees permitted -
mitted county 'sherifrs was recommended
for passage. One of the most important
bills considered during the afternoon was
recommended for passage with little consid-
eration. It was senate file No. 42 , by Watson -
son , and it provides that hereafter in Nebraska -
braska no person shall be admitted to practice -
tice law unless he has prey ously been admitted -
mitted to the bar by the order of the supreme -
preme court or of two judges , the proposed
law , however , not applying to persons
already admitted under the present law.
Senator Dale's bill , No. 47 , was next recommended -
mended for passage. It authorizes school
districts with less ihan $ ; ,000 assessed valuation -
ation to levy a higher rate for school purposes -
poses , and provides that such s hoof districts -
tricts may at the annual meeting in any
year determine by a majority vote of time
electors present to increase the number of
mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation -
tion , but the total number of mills shall not
exceed thirty-five to any one year.
HousE.-In the house on the'iOth ten minutes -
utes of time was devoted to the petitions
and memorials. A majority of the petitions
were favorable to the oleo and consent bills.
Reports of standing committees were next
fn order. The following mea ures were disposed
posed of : House rolls Nos. 272 , 481 , 6 , 37J ,
154 , 153 , 4.9 , 2S6 and 429 were recommended
for indefinite postponement. House rolls
Nos. 455 , 240 , 39 J , 375 , 391 , 30' , 26S , 3S2 and 203
were resubmitted to the committees. Be-
ports of standing committes were resumed
n the afternoon , and the following disposed
) f : A memorial addressed to congress en-
orsing the civIl service as carried out by a r
succession of presidential administrations
was tabled on motion of Munger. A resolu- \
tioh in the shape of a memorial endorsing
the concurrent resolution pending in cons
tress prohibiting discrimination In regard d
o sex in the matter of time elective franchise -
chise was also tabled by the decisive vote of
t to 34 , the roll call having been called for. f'
House rolls Nos. 433 and 120 were recommended - t
mended for passage and house rolls mos.
47 , 293 and 370 indefinitely postponed. The n
emorial favoring the donation of Fort t
Omaha to Nebraska for the purpose of a
military school was ado tel. Another memorial -
morial endorsing time bill for an amendment
to mime constitution providing for legalizing
the maximum rate law as it now stands was
SENATE.-In the senate on the 21st the
joint resolution for a memorial to congress.
playing for time passage of a bill to pension
cx-soldiers who were confined In rebel prisons -
ons , was recommended to pass. The committee -
mittee took imp and recommended to pass
Graham's bill , providing for the counties
paying for the elothhmg of inmates of the
state institute for time feeble minied by ad-
vumeing 10 per year for each imimate sent
from the county. Senator Cross' bill , relating -
lating to the manner of building and main-
lag county roads In counties not tinder
township organizatlon , was also recommended -
mended to pass. The following bills were
read the first time. Senate file 324 , by Pope
( by request ) , to amend section 5501 , ot chapter -
ter 0 , of the compiled statutes of 1501 , : um(1
repeal the section so aamenlei. The bill
mntkes It unlawful to rent real or personal
property for an Immoral or illegal
purpose , and provides a penalty. To
license street cars propelled by electricity -
tricity or otherwise operated within the
limits of all metropolitan cities in Nebraska -
ka , and to provide a pmmishntent fonts violation -
lation ; for an act to submit to the elector's
of the stage apropositiom to relocate the
seat of government and to locate time same
at the city of Hastings , in Adams county.
Senate file : rii , by Pope-1'o provide for the
incorporation , and to regulate the powers
and duties of trust conmpumies. : mate file
; 126 , by Pope-To authorize executors aril
admhmistrators to bring actions for injury
to real estate oftheirdeceIents. senate file
327. by Ncyes-To anmeui section 2 , of chapter -
ter 50 , of the compiled statutes of lSttf , entitled -
tled , ' Liquos. " For a joint resolution ,
proposing an amendment to time constitution -
tion of the state , adding a new section to
article 12. relative to the charter , of cities ,
and prot iding that all amendments to such
cimartei's shall be ratified by the voters of
the city.
IIOUSE.-In the house on the 21st senate
file No. 78 , the oleomargarine bill , was read
the third time and put upon its passage.
Benedict moved that the bill be recommitted -
ted for the purpose of amending its provi-
sions. ills amendment twos that it be referred -
red brick for chamges ini itsltovisionsto prevent -
vent oleo from beimig sold t utside of the
state. liarrlsoim nmade the point of order
that the amendment was otremed in conmmit-
tee of the whole amid was not now admiS-
sible. Benedict argued that his present
aumendment was entirely nety iii SuiStaice
and iuteiit. The yeas timid hays were called
for of Benedict's motion to recommit The
motion to recommit ) vas lost by CO to :1 : ; . A
call of the house was then ( leniancledby
fohnson of Douglas. 'l'ime : thsentt'es were
( 'raamb , Sutton of Dougla' , lliirgrove , Tint-
tile anl IhedeS. ( 'runmb , Ifairgrove and
Tinrme were excused. On motion of Rick-
etts further proceedings under time call of
time house was dispensed with , amid the call
of time roll followed with passage of the bill
by a vote of 82 yeas to nays , , louse roll No.
2r ; : , relating to physicians' certificates in
cases of insane persons , was passed.
Ilouse roll No. : ti , by Bobinson , which provides -
vides that all state , county , town or other
nmmiricipal warrants shall draw interest at
the rate of 7 ) cr cent , was passed with the
emergency slause. The commmfttee's sub.ti-
tute for house roll 'o. 15 , by Gritiith , providing -
viding that children living in omie district
may attend school nearer to them in another -
er district , was passed with a lung list of
amendments and the emergency clause.
Time comniitte s substitute for loose roll
: No. 219 , by Barry , was then put upon its pas-
sage. Timis measure provides for free pdhlic
libraries fn scimuol districts. It failed to
pass with time emergency ( 'louse , but passet
finally by the constitutional vote of si : to 42.
House roll No. 2ui , by Burch , pro-idimig for a
readjustment of the salaries ( if coumity attorneys -
torneys , was passed by a vote of 53 to 4.
house roll No. 50 , by haul , providing far
printing 100 ballots for every fifty voters ,
was passed.
Seed Grain Bill.
The louse has passed the bill to provide
for purchasing seed grain emi time umi(1 to
create a lien on the crops grown from the
same. The bill was introduced by llepre-
sentative Judd of Boone county by request.
On its face it is a bill designed entirely for
the benefit of the destitute farmers in the
drouth stricken districts of the state , and it
seems to meet the exigencies of time present
crisis in some of time agricultural counties
of the state. It prescribes the form of a
"special seed grain note , " which gives U e
mart who sells the seed a lien upon the crop
of grain raised therefrom , and it provides
for severe penalties for the violation of any
part of the act. It provides , for instance ,
that when the "special seed grain note" is
filed in the proper county office in the
county in which the "rain is to be sown the
owner of the note shaf thereby be vested
with all the rights of the holder of a chattel
mortgage upon the crops grown from smelt
seed , and the same shall be a first lien upon
such crops , whether they are growing , matured -
tured or gatlmered and stored.
The passage of this bill by tine house calls
outsome interesting information concern-
lug the methods of certain firms and indi-
viuals who are taking advantage of the
presentdistress in Nebraska toe richthem-
selves at the ex ense of the farmers. For
the purpose of illustration the following letter -
ter will serve. It is written upr n a letter
head , upon which is printed the words : "W.
A. Morton .C Co. , Dealers and Loaners of
Pure Northern Seed Wheats. " Time fulltext
of the letter is as follows , the name of the
party to whom it is addressed alone being
su nlressed :
EDGAIr , Neb. , Jan. S.-Gentlemen : I : cord
some of my friends have been engaged in a
little bu ) ness enterprise fn western lian-
sas and Nebraska and Eastern Colorado ,
and not being strotmg enough to carry on
the business on a scale sufficiently large to
make it available as a paying iivestment
and thinking you would be interested in
seeing the country seeded , tlmommght it advisable -
able to lay the plan before you.
I make contracts to furnish seed wheat to
good farmers under contracts ( sample enclosed -
closed ) , and as compensation am to have
one-third of all grain raised therefrom , delivered -
livered at a designated railroad station.
The contracts are made through local banks
and only the reliable , hard-working , honest ,
farmers are taken. I have contracts for
about $0,000 bushels of wheat , and can materially -
rially increase that amount if I can interest '
capital to take hold of the matter.
1 would turn over all contracts I have and
attend to distributing seed and collecting
and shipping our share of grain for an
: tgreed share of the one-third we get. If the
weather should prove unse isonable no seed
to be furnished. Very truly ,
1v. A. MotToN.
Affecting Loan Companies.
The debate on house roll No. 375 , introduced - ,
duced by Hairgrove , developed the factthat i
a number of farmers who had mortgaged
their farms and then paid the money into
the hands of alleged agents had been outrageously -
rageously swindled by time said agenmts and
had lost their money through suspension of
these men. The loan companies east had
refused to acknowledge them as responsible
agents aid liar ! compelled the mortgagors
to pay the amounts of their mortgages
twice. The bill , which was ordered to the
general file , although adversely reported
by the committee , provides that all loan
companies , foreign and domestic , shall ,
upon taking mortgae3 on Nebraska property -
erty , designate in the papers some responsible -
ble agency or depositor where such mosey
may be safely paid without loss to the mort-
gagee. Two measures which were fought
bitterly by banker members of the
Louse were recommended for passage
by good majorities. One of them is
house roll No 265 , which provides that all
state banks shall seep a list of the actual
shareholders of the bank ready at all times
for the inspection of ( Fepositors. it was ar-
ued on the floor that depositors. as a rule ,
depended as much min the reliability of the i
supposed shareholders as upon anything
else. Davies claimed on the floor that hanks
had published statements using time names ,
of presidents , or alleged presidents , who ,
when the bank failed , had been found not ,
to have owned a dollar's worth of stock for
a year previous to the suspension. Anotirer
one was Manger's bill , house roll No. 482 , introduced -
troduced by request. It was recomended m
for passage. It provides : That the stock-
folers in any state hank organized under t
tie provisions of time statutes of Nebraska
shall be deemed and considered as partners
and liable as such for all debts of such
Limiting Legislative Employes.
Mr. Judd has a bill , advanced to second
' j
eadin „ which is in time lines of economy ,
and similar in certain respects to house roll f
\o.229 , by Jones , which limits time number
senate emploves to fifty and house to
ixty-one. Judd's measure Is still more I >
rastic in its limitations. It is house roll
; o.559 , and limits time number ii ! senate ems
ployes to forty and those in the house to e
tfty. Judd says that the 'ilinnesota legisla-
ure , which is larger than that of Nebraska „ a
has less than half as many employes as are t
ow drawing pay on the rolls of the legisla.i i
ure of this state. n
r '
All Bills Must Soon he In.
The legislature , says an Omaha Bee dispatch -
patch , has already rat through two-thir8s
of the number of days allotted to it by law.
If it meets next Monday with the firm ( IC-
termination to sit six days In each weel : ,
It will complete time legal sixtieth day emi ;
liarch23. Misty of the newer tnemlcr are ,
of the opinion that time work of the seslon
can be completed witohn time legal limit , limit'
there are a few doubting ones.
First in importarco smut come the appropriation -
priation bills. These must originate in anti
pass through time ] mouse before tltusenate
may take ohiclal eofinizau'e of them. 't'hese
bill ; , which must pass if the leglslattmte
postpones every other 1,111 , have not yet
been reported from the committee on way's
and means. 1epresentative Crow of Omalmn ,
chnirmami of that committee , says that the
bills will be ready for introduction Monday
or Tuesday. if tlmey are net introduced by
Tuesday they can only ho sent to the house
by the governor in a special message , as the
chief executive alome is enmpou ered U )
introduce bills after the fortieth day hats
There are two large appropriation bills to
be introduced by the ways 811(1 nmemms conm-
mlttee. These bills will call for a total cx-
penditureof about 52.00A' ( . If umythhmg ,
the total antolmt will exceed 52,000C4yJ. it. is ,
fu the judgment of many of the older nnenm-
bers , practically impossible to pass these
bills inside ( if twenty days. In the first
lace , both hills will have to be consile e(1
line by lice in the house. 7 hey will be considered -
sidered iii time same tedious manner in time
senate. Every' item of time several htntdred
proposed expenditures will he fought over
inch by inch. The friends of each state otli-
cer almf of each state inslituttom will light
vigorous y to either increase the amirount
givemm them by the ways and mean. eomimnit-
tee. The same tight will he made In the
senate , but trot to so great rut extent , as
there are ninny good reasons for the belief
that tie unwieldy republican mujorityif
the upper' house will arrive at its concim-
cluslous much more readily. 'T'wenty days
will lmardly suiiice for the two house. to get
together elm the two appropriation bills.
Relief Supplles About Gone.
Timers was a meeting of the state relict
commission Ott the 222d , for the purpose of
corside ing the future coninct of business
and to receive reports as to what imas already -
ready been d inc. All the menibersof fhe
( onunission except ir. Ihmyet and fleClay
wet e prest'nt. Time reportssnou ! ed that , ex-
cclit a fctw barrels of tnolases and small ,
quantites of other supplies , there is not lung
to distlibate 'Pimerenine requests for sup-
plies. though , and to meet 1 hest' ( lenands
the comnisson ! duided to Puri iiase with
such money as isrvailable free mime legislative -
tive appeopriat'omi ' out send out to the
counties ' 1 % here mieedeu. It twos ordered by
1 be board of conunisioners t hat : ill pmr-
chases should be nale , after proposals
htve been asked for , arut only sealed
bids are to be considered. 'l'ime preference
in nmaking purchases will he given to Nebraska -
braska umamiufacnm ers , price and ( luallty
being equal. All purchases are to be raic
uht bids receivedl by a ) nrchasimig cnounit-
tee. which was uanel for that purpose.
't'his committee is coo , osed of W. \ . Mason ,
S. If. Thonpsom : uld.l. \ hlartley. Several
bids to furnish , hoininv , oat nmetl : ninth rice
kayo been received , limit these were not
opened , as other bids arc expected.
'T'he 2uQiting com nnittee reported that
biflS and vouchers covering 52i.t l J4 have
bent audited and allowed. Of this amimonut
52,4(39.70 was for supplies purchased. 517,701.64
for transportatioit , i0).m5 for sending sup-
lilies into counties , $ f9 t10 for salaries and
„ S7.9tiforoflice expenm'.es. 'l'ime commission
ordered a requtsitiolt nmdefor$20,0mof ) the
fnndl lp ) ropriated by the legislat tire.
There had lmce'i previously withi aWam 510-
000. This Icn : es 20 000 of tit' apliroprja-
tioit still rensainimig with w1mieh to nmake Ilie
purchases and pay transportation chuges.
Investigating Stan lin of ltondsnmvi.
Oil Inspeetom Ednmiston has addressed tit
following to the senate committee appoinmteO
to investigate his' bondsmen , accused of
having drawn relief :
To tnme Ilomorable ( 'ommittee of time Senate -
ate of time State of Nebraska , Appointel for
the Purpose of Iimvestlgatiimg the Ollicial
( fends of J. Ii. Gdmistom and .1. 8. ] tartley ,
Present State Oil inspectorand State 'I'reas-
urer , Respeetively : -
the honorable senate has taken cognizance
of the alledged insulileiency of the bonds of
the parties named , anti Las appointed your
honorable committee , without any allicial
notice to either principal or bondsmetm ;
therefore , tmi order to protectthe tax payers
of the state from time costof a proposed junketing -
keting tour , to carry out the polttttal ambi-
tiois of a removed oflicial , I heneby ofr'erarm
additional bond to be filed with time secretary -
tary of state , making my bond geol in a
total sum of $10,000 , while the law provides
only $20,000. I would further suggest that
should my bonds , after the aceeptance of
the one now presented , be deemed at army
timeinsuflicieimt , I stand ready to ftu n sit
additional security for army amount. While
I cannot approve of the nmeasures inspired
by partisan ranmcor or to vent personal
spleen , I ant sure the people of the state trill
thoroughly appreciate any effort of the
senatetoproteettheir interestsby requiring -
oflicials to furnish bonds of undoubted -
doubted worth. I desire to meet the committee -
mittee fu any denmands it mitay make : rid
will gladly furnish bonIS in army amottntit
may indicate. P.espectfully ,
Co-operative Insurance.
The house insurance committee is comsid-
ering house roll 2 . , providing for cooperative -
tive life insurance companies. There is
some objection male to section 7 of the bill
anti it is prOposei to strike out this section
anti insert the following ;
"No corporation nor assessment organization -
tion operaturg under this actshsll i-sue any
certificate of inentbersitip or policy to any
person under the age of 15 or over tme ) age of
a ; , nor unless the iieneliciary mmmidC such
certificate shall be of the estate of time per-
on insured in sonic one who has an in-ura-
ble interest fn his or her life , nor shall : may
certificate or policy be assigned without the
cemmsent of the beneficiary named in time nol-
try or certificate , nor shall any such corporation -
ration or association issue any' endowment
or other form of certificate or policy' piom-
ising army' definite sun ) at any stated time
prior to ( feath , but nothing herein shrill be
construed So as to prevent such corporation -
tion or association from paying equitable
surrender values o payment in certain
contingencies of di ahiity. "
It is proposed to amend by inserting fu
the fifty line , after the words "paid agents
in soliciting husinesc , " time following.
"And it shall : e tits duty of the auditor to
examine the plans and modus operandi of
all the assessment associations seeking admission -
mission or authority to transact bu = iness in
this statr and lie , the auditor , shall be the
judge as to whether such association is ase-
cret fraternal organization in fact , or
whether it shall be governed by this act. "
The bill is being vigorously opposed by
the old line companies , who fear its results
to their business.
To Release time State Treasury.
Senator Pope introduced a bill yesterday ,
says the Lincoln Journal , to release the
state treasury from loss caused by sus-
pomded state depositories. It recites the
loss of 5241:6 : .53 , but the plan of relief seem.
to simpl be the transfer of that sum to
the funs that sustained ho-s. Where the
money is to come from is not stated. The , )
state trea-urer and auditor may settle the
transfer tosuitthemselves by taking whatever - t
ever funds are available and crediting it to , B
the four impaired funds. January 21 , T03 ,
the Captal ! National bank coliap'ed with
c23 ,361.$3 of state funds on deposit. The i
Ituffalo County' National bank of Kearney
failed October II , 1591. with $ , ,0 0 on deposit. i
rime funds on deposit were : General fund , ,
Si416.69 ; sinking fund , 550,101.75 temporary
school fund , 5,00 ; live stock indemnity '
fun , , i 4S4 i .9 ; total , : ' . ' 4 ( ,361.03.
As no part of these amounts have been recovered -
covered to the state , notwithstanding t e .
fact that proof of theclaims were duly filed ,
the bill provides that time state treasurer is 1
empowered to credit i241J6Ls3 to the above
funds in the amounts lost , and if any of said i
funds are recovered by receiver-dividends m
or otherwise. they shall he credited proporS '
fonately. Th" auditor is autho ized to cooperate -
operate with the state treasurer lii carging
and crediting as specified.
- - 1
will Tackle Silver. C
In the senate the standing committee to
which it had been referred , reported the '
oint resolution. senate file 211 , with the recommendation -
ommendation that it be placed on general
ihe. This Is the resolution protesting
against time demonetization of silver and
makimg gold time exclusive money of final
ayment and legalizing gold contracts.
'he resolution also protests against the is-
uance of more bonds by the general g o -
This action by the committee and the
doption of time report will brie , time resolu- '
ion up for discussion in its regular order .
n the committee of the whole during the C
ext two or three wxeks. /
. . u
- - -
Fs-Convict Banker , Merchant , Govern
mcnt Contractor , Absconder.
O3IAHA , Nob. , Feb. 21.-Ncbraslca. , I ;
developments - i
startled by
And 'Iowa people are
velopments which Indicate that
Albert Whipple , the absconding , ,
banker , merchant and army contrac t ; ;
tor of Crawford and Hyannis. nosy a t
fugitive from justice , with reditora ,
left in the lurch for $15,000 to $20,000 ,
and Albert Ii. Whipple , who was sent
to the Fort Madicnn prison in Iowa in mr
December , 1SSG , use one and the same r
man. Whipple was agent of the "Q" j
at Coin , Iowa , at that time , and
tltorglt a young man. soon attracted ; '
attention q by t he rapidity with which i
he grasped business propositions , and
was slated for t i n executive position
with the company , when a gigantic Z
scheme , involving the forgery of a
vast number of the company's tickets
was traced to him. Ho had succeeded
in disposing of a large quantity when
arrested and sent to the Iowa peni-
. )
A young woman of Coin. who was
in love with him , enlisted
the s3'mP atities of Congressman Ilep-
burn amid others so that they interceded - I
ceded with Governor Larr abee for j
Lis pardon. lie went West when released -
leased and vowed never to return.
Wlulo in prison Whipple mastered
shorthand , and upon his release secured -
cured a place with an army otlicer
and later became a cleric to a quarter -
master. Ile was stationed as transfer
agent of time government at Bordeau ,
Wyoming , aul finally got army contracts - I
tracts at Fort Robinson. lie opened 1 i r
a store tit Crawford anti one at llyan.
nis , and later a bank.
One day his bank at Crawford was )
entered and robbed , he claimed , of
$3,000. His stenographer had been
erramid rind teas I
sent on an Wlmipple
alone at the time of the alleged rob- It
ber3' . Some one p asiIig q heard half-
sniotliered cries and found Whipple
locked in the vault , from which his
, stenographer soon released ) mint. It
was thought impossible for him to j ,
have locked himself in until Charles
Grable , the bamilter , investigated and
found a fine wire leading inside by
whichm 1Vliipple had been enabled to P
throw the bolts. One stock-holder
learned lie. was about to leave Crawford -
ford and vent to the bank with a nun
and compelled Whipple to buy his
stock , paying cash timercfor.
Iildnapping of Georgo'a Boys Feared-
Anna Gould Yodding Arraugunmeiits.
NEW Yoiti , Feb. 21.-Time World says
that George Guild's two little sons , "
Kingdon and Jay , are not allowed
out of time house without a body
guard. Mr. Gould has reason to believe -
lieve that a plot has been laid to kit-
nap his eldest son , Kingdon. 'T'Iio n'
object of the proposed kidnapping is
not indicated by the facts in Dlr.
Gould's possession , but it is believed t d
that if time plot were successful the
boy would be held for ransom. A
description of the would-be kidnappers -
pers is in Mr. Gould's possession , and. ;
there is a young woman in Lakewood
who is sure she could recognize one
of them if she should see hint again. 1 ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould have
come here from Lakewood and started -
ed preparations for the wedding of
Miss Anna Gould to Count tie Castel-
lane. It is announced that the wedding -
ding has been set for Marcit 6. The u
ceremony will be performed b ' Archbishop -
bishop Corrigan and by Dr. John H.
Paxton. Time double ceremony will
be out of deference to the count , who
is a member of the Catholic church.
Miss Kitiie Cameron , Miss Montom-
cry and Miss Richardson are said to
be the choice of Miss Gould to act as
her bridesmait
Consumptives Ordered to time Pest douse.
CINCINNATI , Ohio , Feb. 18.-Dr. W. g
It Amick , the eminent consumption
specialist of this city , has created .I national -
tional sensation by his decided opposition -
tion to the order of the hospital authorities -
ities to send 100 consumptives to the f
smallpox pest house. Ills experience
in the institution convinces mini that it
is unjustifiable and brutal. fie has ,
through his attorneys , entered protest , j
and in the Cincinnati Tribune presents
a formidable array of scientific facts
against the contagion theory of consumption -
sumption which covers that theory
tvfth ridicule. A hot newspaper controversy -
troversy is the result. The Amick 1
Chemical company , compounders of '
Dr. Amich's remedies , is mailing free
to physicians , consumptives and all applicants -
plicants , extra copies of the Tribune
containing explanatory charts of his
theory. (
Quotatlons from New York , Chicago , St.
Louis , Oniaha and Eiscnhoro. ! j
Flutter-Creamery separator. . 19 21
Mutter-lair to good country. 12 G4
Eggs-Fresh 20
Honey-i er lb 16 , 17
Chickens-Dressed , per Ib. . . . . . 5yL 6
Lemons-'hoice Messinas. . . . . 3 50 if. 4 ( % j
) ranges-Floridas , per box. . . . 3 2. ( , 4 2.
1'otatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ai , r 75
Beans-Navy' , hand-picked , be 1 90 ( , 2 0J
flay-Cpland , per ton. . . . . . . . . . 9 00 li10 50
Unions-Per bbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 73 @ 3 tie
Carrots-Per bbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 ; 2 00
Parsnips-Per bbl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 2IX )
.eets-Per bbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 44 1 7. ; t
Cranberrries-Jerseys . . . . . . . . .1100 11 50
logs-Mixed packing. . . . . . . . 3 70 ti55 1J S ; i
logs-Heavy weigl.ts. : t fry of 4 00
Beeves-Stockers and feeders 2 07 Et 3 40
feet Steers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 a ; ! t ; . tf0
ulLs. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Strgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Vi : ' . J )
Cah es 123 ; 4 75
Steers-Fair t0 good. . . . . . . . . . , , . 3 30 + m , 4 50
ieifers. . . . . . . . - 3 40
vesterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -3 mu _ , ; 0i k
Sbeep-Choice natives. . . . . . . . . 2'5 ! 300
M'heat-No.2 , spring. . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Siff 4'
Corn-Per bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 42'd
Oats-m er bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28c t81's ,
'ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 09 ( .f0 15
Lard. fi i 0 ( ; 652 ' 3
logs-Packers andmtxed.i . . . S3 4 l a / '
Cattle-Com. steers to extra . . , 60 c. , , 60
heep-Lamhs. . . . . . . . . , , . . . .t so r. 5 5 t
beep-Inferior to choice. . . . . . 2 7a G 4 6)
vheat , No. 2 , red winter. . . . . . . 56 C 6'L
orn-No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 G3 4S a
Omits-No.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uf' ' t
'ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 w " 112 l0 a l t" "
bard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , d OJ C . ) i' 50
wheat-No 2red , cash. . . . . . . . . Qf 51
Corn-Per bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 CA 4p. .
Oats-Per bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "J Cr 29,3
logs-Mixed packing. . I. . . . . . . 3 9. ; 4 Os '
Cattle-Native steers. . . . . . . . . . . 3 s0 fly 500
heep-Mixed natives. . . . . . . 3 75 c 4 1
wheat No. 2 hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515.3 52
Corn-No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 C 401 : :
Oats-No.2. . . . . .
28 > ( i t :91 it
attle-Stockers and feeders . 254 3 50
Hoes-Mixed packers. . . . . . . . . . 4 00 4D 4 20 , f